Starcraft 2 Without Building ANYTHING?! (Wings of Liberty)

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hello ladies and gentlemen this is giant grant games and today i'm here to ask the question is it possible to beat starcraft 2 without building anything my friend davey gunface attempted this run on casual for wings of liberty and challenged me to complete all the campaigns myself the run has a single rule don't spend resources to create new things units and buildings i start with can rescue on the map or can be upgraded from what i already have are fair game but creating new units or structures is off limits in order to spice up the run a little bit i also increased the difficulty from casual to normal and i'm trying to complete as many of the missions as possible instead of b-lining it to the end of the campaign the beginning of the run is very simple liberation day is a no-build mission making it a de facto win the outlaws isn't significantly more difficult i grab all of my units and suvs rescue the rubble outpost and push the enemy base the bunker of death can be a bit tricky in order to limit my damage taken i lift off my buildings float them over to the bunker to soak shots and move in to take them down on harder difficulties there is a siege tank in the top right of the main base which may have been able to end the run single-handedly but its absence on the normal difficulty means that this base's cleanup is a cinch zero hour isn't particularly difficult as long as i come prepared the zerg attack waves can be fairly large but the main threat are zerglings as long as they can't easily wrap around my pre-placed bunkers i'm not in danger i lift my barracks off and position them near the bunker so that only a few zerglings can attack greatly minimizing damage there are three groups of rebels that can be rescued during the mission effectively doubling the size of my combat force as time goes on i'm careful to avoid the attack waves going in and out of my base to grab them once everybody is safe at home the only remaining task is to keep my bunkers repaired after finishing the tutorial planets i'm given the choice of going to the evacuation or smash and grab traditionally the evacuation is one of the easiest missions in any run so i head there first two firebats and two medics is not ideal as a combat force to escort five caravans across the map while the majority of the enemies are zergling it takes over 30 seconds for a firebat to kill a roach and none of my forces can hit air at all but i do have a little bit of help the caravans bring a couple of marines to help out and the apc has a gun on top of it whose damage is horrible but it's something the first escort goes smoothly the second and third escorts are where things start to get difficult suvs can repair the apc but my kill speed is low meaning the apc runs right past me both times it dies but the majority of the colonists do still reach the ship the fourth escort is overwhelmingly impossible there are too many zerg for my two firebats to roast i cannot do this mission yet so i pack it up and head to smash and grab instead fortunately the smash and grab speedrun only builds four units so i can rip the basic ideas from there i use flying buildings to pull enemies and provide high ground vision as i clear towards the protoss base meanwhile i grab all but one of the protoss bonus objectives with my command center and a loaded scv after using the horrible firebat having access to the equally bulky but infinitely more viable marauder feels great they can contest the early protoss without issue inside of the protoss base can be scary but both of their production structures are powered by a single pylon the stone zealots at the end of the mission are more than enough to break my army alone but landing buildings next to two of them allows me to take them on one at a time while the others are distracted and then i realized i forgot to grab the fourth protoss research so i had to reload and do this again after the mission i grabbed the stabilizer medpack upgrade from my medics upgrades are weird in this run as most of the time after i unlock a unit i will never see it again medics and marines are almost always present at the beginning of a mission so i make sure to focus on them first being terrified of the evacuation i head to redstone for the devil's playground this is another of the few missions where i can take a modified speedrun route my initial marines head north to rescue the reapers who act as my primary combat unit and they find tosh's lost base after the first lava wave i send my reapers around a predetermined path where i can grab additional reapers and pick up minerals clearing out the southern zerg base provides a ton of cash and gets me halfway to finishing the mission unlike the speed run i do need to kill the brutalist for zerg research after that's done i can head to the southeastern base clear it out and grab enough money to be on my way in a cool five minutes the zerg research from the brutalist in addition to the three that i start with gets me to the bunker's extremely important shrike turret upgrade the research is terrible and i would not recommend it to anyone it gives the bunker the dps of a single marine without upgrades or stimpak bunker hp is a vastly superior choice in every situation that isn't this one i have no choice but to grab this awful upgrade if i want to beat the evacuation the mission provides two empty bunkers on the escort path now instead of being dead weight they're able to provide support fire for my caravan as well as soak damage so i can conserve my medic's energy for two of the three attack paths this made things considerably easier but the middle path has no pre-placed bunker which causes major issues i was still overwhelmed multiple times and beaten my only tactic here was memorizing each attack wave and pre-positioning myself to deal with them this worked until the final escort in the end i had to bring all of my buildings to support and distract they do a great job at delaying hydrolisks and mutilisks while i fight the anti-ground but i do get broken after a suspiciously long time i pan over to figure out what the last apc is doing and it turns out the driver was not interested in dropping off the last wave of colonists and instead decided to try to be a hero after he dies his cargo is significantly more sensible books it to the final shuttle and makes it out while i have three supply remaining next up is the great train robbery i felt pretty confident in this mission because there are six diamondbacks around the map that can be rescued they're highly microable and pack a punch allowing me to quickly eliminate the train's defenders without any issue in order to further dilute the incoming pressure i use my barracks and factory as distractions for the train's escorts this causes them to briefly attack the buildings until they're too far away from the train and then get ordered to return to escort duty giving me an easy line of enemies to railgun utilizing these buildings i was even able to take down the dominion kill teams forcing the marauders into a choke point where they couldn't fire efficiently for the final train i had an idea i created a wall on each side of the tracks and put suvs on hold position across it the train can phase through any unit allowing my units to pass through easily while the enemy forces desperately tried to reach my diamondbacks many of them got stuck in traffic and had to waddle around helplessly as i completed the mission the zerg research from the great train robbery allows me to grab the planetary fortress upgrade from my command center the only thing that i can spend money on in this run outside of repairing i head to cutthroat to execute one of my favorite new strategies the planetary fortress rush well that's what i thought i was going to be doing i forgot that i don't start with an engineering base so i can't morph a planetary fortress whoops one nice thing about not being allowed to build anything is that missions like cutthroat where i have to click six thousand minerals are really fast my vultures speed around the map clearing enemies and collecting minerals until i have enough to hire mirrors mercenaries as i reach the mineral goal i remember something i might not have an engineering bag but mira sure does i pay her off lift my command center towards orland's base unload my suvs to repair and morph a planetary fortress unfortunately because gathering all the money took so long combined with being unable to build more suvs to repair orlan's defenses are stronger than when i've done this before i have to send my army to support giving orlan a few taps before the end of the fight generally the money i get in between missions has been going towards infrastructure upgrades improving the bunker and missile turret for example and sometimes there are really weird upgrades that i have to get for a specific mission on outbreak i'm grabbing both firebat upgrades the juggernaut plating specifically is a lifesaver here this mission is absurd i start with 14 combat units and get up to 18 after being given some hellions and i have to kill thousands of enemy units during the night the first knight is already a problem weirdly for a defensive mission i'm not given any bunkers meaning my army has to hold off against the infested waves with medic healing and good simcity despite the fact that night 1 is supposed to be a free win things are a mess there aren't enough buildings to plug the gaps leaving my forces to scramble around fighting infested in my mineral line there is no way that i can survive the onslaught of later nights like this and the days aren't looking good either killing 144 infested buildings requires a ton of damage and i'm lacking i can only manage to clear out about 30 structures before night falls again while i was clearing i had an idea resources are not a hot commodity in this run i only need enough to repair so if this base is a pain to defend why bother i send my buildings to the north of the map and create a fort for night number two this works fairly well the melee infested are crushed without resistance but the ranged infested marines are another story ignoring my fire bats they take down one of my six marines marking a significant loss in damage output i survive but each night hosts stronger enemies i need to find somewhere better during day number two i grab all of my scvs to help kill buildings faster that's how desperate for damage i am and as the third knight comes i nestle up in my new base the top of this ramp my plan is simple units don't get vision of the high ground until they're halfway up a ramp i place my fire bats directly above that line instead of firing back infested marines walk straight to their deaths the third knight marks the arrival of the aberration the only unit bulky enough to fight back fortunately this mission has a special version of the aberration who is much weaker than later versions the remaining mission is more of the same as houses are cleared the pressure during the nights is relieved but the quality of enemies rise and after 42 grueling minutes i finally managed to clear all the infested structures welcome to the jungle is a blitz the enemy protoss cascade out of control quickly and as soon as they start fielding void rays i will die i need to collect seven terazine canisters before they can notice i'm here my army is pretty terrible three goliaths support high damage but have low durability and two marines also have high damage and low durability at least i have damage for the first four terazine canisters i use a trick for whatever reason only on the first four canisters if you cancel gathering twice the enemy defenders won't show up i then b-line it to the right-hand side gathering two more terrazine altars meanwhile i'm floating my command center to the left with an scv drop it off and have him collect the protoss relic my repairing scvs managed to outdo the defenders for alters 5 and 6 but i'm losing my base to a counter-attack leaving the final altar to do solo makes it more manageable but their defenders tear into me i'm left with three combat suvs and two goliaths once all the terrazine has been harvested my valiant defenders charge headlong into the protoss to grab the final relic they will die but i escaped belshire with three supply and all of the bonus objectives i went into engine of destruction pretty concerned the wraith is by far the worst unit in wings of liberty and escorting the odin through a well-defended base without any firepower would suck in order to maximize my ai allies potential with the odin i had a plan instead of generically weakening the enemy's bases i would focus solely on taking down their air units the odin's anti-ground power is incredible but it will often get stuck firing its lackluster anti-air missiles against battle cruisers or medevacs i figure if only ground remains things will go well and they do i've barely ever played this mission on a difficulty lower than brutal and it's shocking how easily the odin cleans up every base with minimal support once flyers aren't an issue the wraiths shift priority to the star ports their horrible anti-ground attack means this is basically pointless but it's something for them to do as i wait for tykus to rip and tear his way through the enemy bases normally media blitz can be a bit rough with three bases that attack early and often the sneak attack is designed to allow the player to take out one of the three bases but i can do a little bit more than that a while ago i was routing out this mission for a different run and i found a kill order that allows me to kill all the production in both the factory and starport base so i do just that after the sneak attack the enemy only has one base that can make units i quickly repair the odin and crush it as well now i can take my time the defense waves at each of the broadcast towers are moderately strong but the odin is more than enough to take them down with a good repair crew honestly i was surprised at how simple these last two missions were given how much of a nightmare they can be on brutal before getting to the hard stuff there's a couple no build missions to do for free wins the first is the secret mission that's unlocked during media blitz the mission involves zero production of any sort and gives a nice 4 protoss and three zerg research as well as a bunch of credits after that is breakout another no build mission that should be a free win and somehow i messed it up by nuking myself traditionally the dig is done about one third of the way through wings of liberty in this run i've pushed it back past the halfway mark but it wasn't because of fear for the mission mostly in order to mute the protoss aggression i was waiting for a very specific upgrade the beginning of the mission goes fairly normally the no build segment provides me with two tanks and seven infantry that i'll be working with for the entire mission once the drill segment begins the mission is supposed to be a holdout defense using masses of siege tanks to melt through waves of highly upgraded protoss units this is impossible there's no way that i can survive long enough to drop the door to zero hp with my meeker forces there is another option the game doesn't outright state it but destroying all protoss buildings on the map ends the game prematurely this means that all i have to do is take down two of the most heavily defended protoss fortresses and wings of liberty easy this is obviously impossible without control of the laser drill which doesn't happen until the objective is reduced to 75 percent until then i get proactive instead of waiting for enemies to attack me i siege up their rally points taking them out before they can group up making the fights safer once i gain control of the drill it's time to act my barracks and factory creep up on the protoss in the right base and then i start blasting between missions i've grabbed the fire suppression upgrade from my buildings instead of burning down my buildings will now be automatically repaired to 50 health when under that mark this is the crux of my plan using flying buildings to spot the laser drill will eliminate all of the enemies in the base once the anti-air is down i can focus on the pylons stopping all production while i do this defenders will constantly come out to contest me but because the fire suppressors keep everything at 50 as long as they can't kill my buildings they make zero progress this idea works because of a weird work of the mission the two protoss bases aren't actually the same player instead they're two separate players with the same name and the right base doesn't have a nexus this means that the northern ai who has probes and could potentially rebuild pylons forever instead sits around and watches his ally die it's important that i'm constantly using the drill to attack protoss forces during this the way that the attack difficulty is determined on the dig is based on the door's hp easy attacks come when it's over two-thirds between that and one-third the scary waves start and if it drops to the final third i'm dead i never led the drill past the first phase of attackers the second base is a bit more technical but it's mostly the same idea the difference being that they have two nexuses and a good number of probes to rebuild as well as infinite money i send my factory on a sneak attack behind enemy lines slipping towards their minerals once i find them i target down every probe and the nexus after repeating this at the second nexus and getting uncomfortably close to losing my factory all i have to do is pick off the pylons and depower the protoss and the mission is mine completing the dig unlocks me the protoss mission chain these missions provide about one third of the game's research in four missions making it an alluring place to go next to make things even sweeter whispers a doom is a no build mission so i win after that comes a sinister turn i have six probes and i have to defeat a hybrid who has hundreds of hp and shields does area damage two shots probes and respawns whenever killed there is very little that i can do here i grab minerals with each my probes and head out onto the map i use the return cargo trick from heart of the swarm deathless to make my probes only take shield damage and clear a path to the bridge the bridge won't extend until i mine a certain number of minerals once extended mar comes to attack i have to slip my probes through the enemy base to the objective i found that i can reliably get three probes into the final section and then a zealot and stalker show up at my main nexus all of the buildings around this nexus aren't actually mine until i complete a tutorial on how to build a pylon to power them which i can't do the zealot stalker and mar kill me i did the math and if i could teleport my probes onto the objective the moment the bridge extends and they were invulnerable there still wouldn't be enough damage to win before my nexus dies it's mathematically impossible if i could stop the attack somehow maybe i can make it work but the enemy constantly rebuilds anything that dies and once they remake three units the bridge will open and mar will head my way to end my day often when things get tough i enlist the help of the community to look through the editor so we can figure out the details of what exactly is happening the mission has three distinct phases the beginning where the enemy ai does nothing this phase ends after about a minute phase two where a stalker attacks in a scripted sequence and the ai starts being able to rebuild lost units but not buildings and doesn't send attack waves and phase 3 where the bridge to the final objective is open the ai is fully active and marvel starts attacking figuring out anything past this was hard i believe that this was the first mission designed in starcraft 2 and as a result it's difficult to exactly parse what's going on in the trigger editor many of the triggers are poorly explained and even weirder some of the mission was written in galaxy script the proprietary programming language that starcraft 2 was built on nothing else in the campaigns co-op or arcade is written in galaxy script instead using the modules built to streamline things this leads me to believe that the game's basic systems such as the trigger and unit editors weren't finished when this mission was made in order to trigger phase 3 and extend the bridge one of three things must happen either the player mines a certain number of minerals the player creates seven units or the ai creates three units at least that's what it says in the editor this is where i was confused it turns out that the enemy creating three units doesn't exactly work how it was intended to if a unit is killed and rebuilt in phase two it counts as one rebuild if a different unit is killed and rebuilt that would bring up the count to two but if the replacement units are killed and replaced again that doesn't move the counter and the ai will stop replacing units after the second time this means that if i kill these two stalkers repeatedly until they stop spawning distract the zealot and sentry as i unpower the two gateways and then murder everything in this base the zealot stalker attack wave can't be built after that i eliminate the bridge guards activate phase 3 cross the bridge and slip four probes to the end unfortunately there is no reliable trick to get four probes passed i restarted at least 30 times hoping the ai would spread their damage evenly enough that i could accomplish this now comes the magic whenever one of the preservers is freed mar is teleported back home to defend if i hide my probes mar will start the long trek across the map again each time he gets close to my nexus an objective dies teleporting him back home and preserving my nexus as the third preserver is freed the story concludes on the six probes who killed 13 stalkers two sentries two zealots and the progenitor of the hybrid and here comes the bad news i only learned how this worked after i had finished the run during the run i had moved on because i believed it was impossible after i was finished i came back and confirmed that not only was this mission possible but the mission after is a free win and in utter darkness is surprisingly easy as well this cost me a ton of research points that i really could have used during the run after giving up on a sinister turn is the mobius factor one of the easiest missions in starcraft 2. i have to kill three data cores using medevacs to run around the map in the skies they're a mercenary to rescue on the rooftops to aid me these mercenaries are more than enough to crush the mission on their own the first data core is designed to die to your initial forces the second core is incredibly well defended but has a random weak point behind it where it can be shot without retaliation and the final core can be rushed down with mercenaries while i say the mission is easy that's not entirely true the pressure the enemy puts on gets pretty bad pretty fast i end up ignoring the brutalist bonus objective in the middle of the map to guarantee a safe and smooth victory supernova is the final time that i get to steal speedrun strategies for this run there's a specific route that's pretty simple to take where four cloaked banshees can easily go across the map spending only a couple seconds inside of enemy detection range after sniping this cannon they have an angle to fire at the objective without the enemy being able to attack back at all at this point i don't have any more use for protoss research but it does take about a minute to blow up the final objective so i grab them while i wait this mission is such a free win that i accidentally moved my banshees into detection range of a cannon almost lose them all and still come out of it fine maw of the void is the final tulderim mission and as is tradition i cannot play the long game with them i'm given three battle cruisers to work with and a handful of suvs once i obtain my base i send everything to the bottom of the map including my command center filled with those suvs the rip field generators do not do a ton of damage but will grind me down over time i eliminate all the enemy flyers and creep through the bottom of the map but hurry as best as i can to the south of the main objective is a root field generator when destroyed a very small area opens up where no rip field exists i drop my suvs here and get repairing and then the enemy mothership finds me i try to contest it and get destroyed after a couple more attempts it's pretty obvious that i cannot fight anything in this mission after reloading i bait the mother ship with my command center and swoop in from the left with my cattle bruisers because of the cellular reactor upgrade they each have enough energy to fire off two yamato cannons and kill the objective before the mother ship can contest before heading to char there are two more missions the split choice at the end of the colonist quest line i'm going to do both siding with the doctor brings me to safe haven a joke of a mission i'm given three vikings and some infantry to kill three nexuses and an elite mothership with 6000 hp the mission is designed around the vikings ability to land the first two nexus have cliffs overlooking them the landed vikings can easily land there and clear everything out the bottom base is a bit more tricky but saving this for last gave me the tools that i need i approach with the vikings from behind and drop mules from the orbital command center to repair them they kill the fraction of defenders who actually notice that they're being flanked and then the mothership is exposed which brings me to the reason that i hate this mission this is the worst boss fight ever vikings have more range than the mothership it's so stupid this big bad boss sits around charging its laser beam while i spend three minutes shooting it with missiles until i win most of wing's liberty is incredibly polished but man this mission is a letdown every challenge run has a surprise mission a mission that's normally a joke being turned into a monster today haven's fall is our monster i actually attempted this mission early on the run normally i'd knock it out as soon as i had access to it for some research and money instead i was forced to delay it until i had everything possible unlocked and that was barely enough the mission objective is incredibly unique there are four infested colonies around the map that must be destroyed each is guarded by a progressively stronger force of enemies the problem is the twist the enemy ai continuously infests and reinfests the colonies if an infestation completes it continuously spawns infested taren to attack my base in addition to adding another objective that needs to be eliminated to ward this off i have four marines two fire bats and three vikings no healing whatsoever for my biological units my initial goal is to blitz down half of the objectives i pull everything and rush the first virophage this base takes a few minutes before it spawns infested terrans so it's an easy clear the most important thing is that i guarantee my vikings are next to buildings as they die every building on the map spawns broodlings when killed who can easily nibble my vulnerable infantry to death after one virophage is down i head north to one of the three fortified bases in order to limit damage i nestle myself in between the buildings though fire bats are already looking pretty bruised my goal here is to clear the infested colonist buildings and the hive the colonist buildings automatically spawn infested taran forever so they're a threat if left alone once the production is gone i don't care about the tech structures as this base is cleared out infestations start and the trouble begins the way infestations work is that a few overlords mutilas and brood lords head towards the point once they arrive an overlord drops a drone who morphs into a virophage once a virophage is complete they spawn infested terran continuously until the objective is cleared as soon as the infestation starts i need to start clearing defenders each time an infestation happens my vikings need to kill seven mutualists and a few brood lords then they have to land kill the virophage and its ground defenders it's a lot of stuff and there is not time to waste the first infestation took a couple tries to figure out but it goes down without much issue once i'm used to it then i strike the southern base the defenses here are tough and leads to the unfortunate death of my fire bats and a marine bringing my combat unit count down to six after clearing the defenders i target fire the hive and hatchery this base is crippled just in time to stop another infestation by this time the enemy is sending attack waves in addition to clearing the virophages i now have to deal with random excursion of infested terran which slap incredibly hard for whatever reason i'm 15 minutes in and there's only one operational zerg base remaining maybe this won't be so bad after all the difference between this space and the previous ones is that the infested colonist compounds are now online spawning infested terran the way that they work is that they have a set quota of infested units if the base has less than the infested quota they instantly spawn more until they reach it yes instantly and i have three vikings enemies spawn and approach me at about the same speed that i can kill them and the infested buildings are tucked safely in the back of the base so i can't cheese them oh and a giant wave of infested that i can't beat is killing my main base after a couple minutes of fighting my forces manage to get into the zerg base and a colony starts to be infested so i have to retreat i clean up the colony head back to the zerg base and everything has been rebuilt i clear through get to the main base and another colony starts to be infested i'm stuck in a simple math problem i need to do a large amount of damage every few minutes and the excess damage above that would go to clearing the final base but three vikings don't have that damage i need to approach this from a different angle if i want to win my first thought is to snipe the hive i manage it but it ends up taking so long that a second infestation starts i don't have the firepower to clear both and have to reset my next idea is to snipe the overlords before they can drop a drone to begin the infestation i scout out which overlord drops a drone assassinate it and the colony is infested anyway it turns out that instead of loading drones into the overlord there's a trigger in the area that will cause a drone to spawn under any overlord in the region and if the overlords are killed the hive will continuously remake them as well as pull overlords from around the map to that point while this is happening i'm running out of money to repair the infested legion that cleared my base is stopping any mining that i could do after around two hours of attempts i find a strategy i need to find and eliminate every overlord on the map this takes a long time there are an absurd number of overlords around and the longer that it takes the more money to repair that i need so i have to address that issue first the solution i landed on abuses the fact that the enemy has full map vision i send my command center to the top base and my factory to the south i then land the factory and wait this draws the infested attack wave towards it once i spot the infested the factory lifts and the command center all the way across the map lands i drop four mules and mine as much as i can until the infested arrive i rinse and repeat this infested ping-pong for the remainder of the mission the overlord hunt is a pain the hive continuously produces overlords and sends them around the map as they're destroyed meaning that i'm playing ping-pong and whack-a-mole at the same time of course the overlords occasionally make it to a new infestation site which takes a large amount of time to clear allowing the hive to rebuild stuff but finally after 35 minutes in game and hours of time out of game i get to a point where i'm certain there are no overlords scattered around the map i approach the hive clear the infested defenders lift off to kill some newly spawned overlords poke the hive for a bit kill some more infested lift off to kill some overlords land kill some infested micro my buildings up and down to continue mining while very very slowly putting damage onto the hive as the hive falls a huge sense of relief falls over me i've reached the end game i clear through the remaining structures and end the mission where my three valiant vikings have 137 144 and 147 kills what a grind after the absurdity that was haven's fall the first few char missions look easy in comparison gates of hell is first all i have to do is gather 100 supply of forces and then push towards the end i was a bit worried for a moment that getting to 100 supply might be impossible without building anything but it turns out the final wave of drop pods gets me past that point the final push isn't that bad at the beginning there's a high spine crawler count that could be an issue but pulling the zerg defenders out before engaging the spines minimizes damage the rest of the path is basically an a move clearing up to the ninus worms and then engaging them one at a time so i don't get overwhelmed by their spawns the penultimate macro mission is shatter the sky i have to destroy four coolant towers around the map to blow up platforms the first platform is a joke my initial army can walk up to the tower and take it down in a minute the left stabilizer is a bit more tricky two cloak banshees can get over there mostly safely and as long as i babysit them i can alternate between killing defending hydraulists and the objective though it is pretty easy to lose them if i don't pay attention so i reload and send my battle cruiser to help after the second tower pops leviathan spawns and if you think i'm gonna fight the leviathan with eight marines and battlecruiser i'm thankful that you have so much faith in me but there's no way that it's happening the southeast platform is an anti-air base the marine force does a good job at clearing to the high ground perch and then supporting my battle cruiser while it whittles down the objective the platform goes down but i do lose both my banshees and about one third of my damage output the final platform is the same as the third i can't venture on to the low ground instead gaining a defensive position on this perch covering my battle cruiser as it perfectly safely takes down the final objective with this mission complete it's enough to head to all in and it's the easier version of all in at that but something felt off is it a true no production run if i take the easier version of the final mission and never kill the leviathan yes it absolutely is but this isn't gonna stop me from making my life hard on myself i reload the save before shatter the sky and head to belly of the beast instead it's a no-build mission so there isn't much to talk about but upon its completion i unlock the true finale this is the moment i've been dreading the hold out of all in is legendary in its difficulty there are no challenge runs that make this mission easy i get 33 combat units and have to kill over 2 thousand enemies including kerrigan 5 times and the leviathan the beginning of my attempts were all about positioning i need to make maximum use of the bunkers i'm given however they're positioned pretty poorly in particular the left entrance's bunker is incredibly easy to surround i end up landing on a different layout for each of the base entrances on the left i use a barracks and a factory to cover the bunker's flanks with suvs behind to repair and a tank for covering fire i found that zerglings that came from the south would wrap around this bunker to combat it i positioned my bulky marauders in a line with a firing squad of marines behind with medics behind to patch everything up the north side was mostly the same idea however because i only have three buildings to work with and two of them had to go left i used the marauder wall idea in place of a building this was a robust situation to the primary attack waves in the mission where each piece of my forces was supported by another the next issue are the air attacks because this is the air version of all in i start with three battle cruisers the majority of the airstrikes are actually pretty mediocre i grabbed the defensive matrix upgrade from my battle cruisers before heading here whenever an air unit came i would send a full energy battle cruiser to the front use defensive matrix and eliminate the attack wave taking minimal damage an scv or two can patch it up the first real threat comes from kerrigan i started this mission with a bold plan don't let kerrigan fight at all when i was doing a wings of liberty pacifist run that i'll probably make a video on later i had to find a solution to dealing with kerrigan i found in testing that kerrigan is vulnerable to the marauder's concussive shell ability and she has less range than a marauder going into this mission i was planning on kiting kerrigan forever with a single marauder i quickly found the flaw to this plan kerrigan one shots the marauder and i'm not a robot so i was not able to perfectly kite for 20 minutes i need a different solution the most important thing to remember for each kerrigan wave is to use the artifact nova this clears out her escort prevents random enemies from attacking during the fight and damages kerrigan the first two times she appears are not that bad she doesn't have razor swarm unlocked yet so the massive area damage is yet to come all i have to do is evacuate any number of mechanical units to avoid implosion get her attacking a bunker and mass repair it after she goes down i scramble to get my units back into position before the attack waves return around this time i've collected an absurd amount of cash i can now lift off my command center and bring it to the west to make a planetary fortress greatly increasing that side's resilience until the 19 minute mark it was a simple game of defense using the energy nova on a few big waves to keep the pressure off then comes the third kerrigan she has razor swarm now meaning that small missteps against her are reset to bait out the first razor swarm i opt to stack my barracks factory and starport on top of each other and then get her to attack a planetary and blitz her down with infantry i actually had to reset this fight multiple times so that i could random her into attacking the south side without a planetary there's no way to take this fight safely the next threat comes at the 21 minute mark and it's way worse than i thought it would be the leviathan shows up i know i brought it upon myself for deciding to do the air version instead of ground but wow was this thing strong as soon as it reaches its position i have to engage else it will rapidly spawn flyers forever and i will get overwhelmed the leviathan has four important things to know about it bioplasmid discharge is a single target attack that deals 500 damage taking a battle cruiser down to under 10 in one shot its anti-air attack bile swarm does enough damage to kill a battle cruiser hit by the plasmid in a single shot biostasis stuns my units in an area but it will only be cast if there are three units nearby so i have to keep my forces split and the incredible 2000 hp and two armor is not something that a few yamatos can tear through this fight took over 30 tries it was incredibly difficult the plan i landed on is to send in the battlecruisers firing a volley of yamato cannons and then whoever gets targeted by the discharge is instantly a defensive matrix the projectile is ridiculously fast making this a difficult trick to land after firing the yamato volley i disengage and lead him into the missile turrets i then burn all of my remaining energy onto yamato barrage and hope that it works in the victory attempt the entire reason that i won is that he fired a plasmid blast and then left the battle cruiser at single digit hp and didn't attack it some things just take miracles i guess the remainder of the mission is mostly the same kerrigan appears my buildings get inhumanely razored and then the infantry burned through her brood lords are now attacking each side which gives the battle cruisers another job making them very busy and at the end i get a bit sloppy the final kerrigan gets off a juicy razor swarm taking down a bunch of my forces and forcing me to engage with my battlecruisers who she implodes as well after she goes down i pull all of my remaining troops to the hill and defend the artifact for the few final seconds and i finally know that despite its ups and downs twists and turns that it is in fact possible to beat starcraft 2 wings of liberty without producing anything
Channel: GiantGrantGames
Views: 968,661
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 461ojXJ0RHo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 5sec (2165 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 27 2021
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