Beating Legends Arceus Only using Shiny Pokemon

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pokemon legends artsy this is finally here a brand new pokemon experience where you can walk around the pokemon world and even fight pokemon with your bare hands no one's safe in the field era of japan with a brand new pokemon game begs the question how long and just how hard would beating pokemon legends arceus take while only using shiny pokemon and what's that yes that's true that's why i've returned to youtubes to show you the struggle even the shines but most of all a damn good time i've completed countless mainline pokemon games while only using shiny pokemon some spanning hundreds of hours but this video i regret to inform you baby my last shiny only video ever so to celebrate the end of an era i'm giving away all the shiny pokemon that you see in this video to six lucky subscribers who like and comment on this video but stop right there thank you very much that comment that you're gonna have to leave he's gonna have to contain a few words that uh later reveal and later in the video for a chance to be entered slap a like and subscribe and let's aim for 20 000 likes to end this era with a bang and with that all out of the way let's just jump right into it [Music] this game really doesn't mess around it starts off just like how real life starts off you know meeting the maker of life himself choosing your name what you look like being born a full 15 year old boy oh you can't forget about the unlimited cell phone plane oh no what's your service provider again oh it's just god himself you know really brings me back 800 years ago when this exact same thing happened to me with our appearance name and our new iphone in hand we are dropped into the pokemon world where we wake up to none other than the three starter pokemon wow everything's just going by so fast you know one second i was deciding my name even my gender meeting the creator of life himself and now you're telling me i gotta decide which one of these creatures i'll pick i mean i'm gonna be honest with you i'm gonna throw it in the storage the second i had a shiny pokemon still kind of a hard decision can you uh give me a second to process this oh also what's that is that we're in the past i mean are we talking like before indoor plumbing or you're after just venture into the world and do whatever you want but is it is it really worth it if you if you have to wipe with leaves at the end of the day is that really a fair trade to you guys well after getting up we learned that we fell out of the giant crack in the sky whoa you mean that thing oh god you guys gotta seal that thing up you guys wouldn't have to do over invented flex tape by now by any chance have you because if you had that thing you would just slap that up there with the might of arceus himself problem solved no more missing children or boys needed i mean gain i guess i guess you guys aren't losing any kids you're getting them we immediately get the catching tutorial out of the way that i may add it doesn't decide your starter so don't don't bother catching them the way you want them is that learn your lessons from me kids we are then brought into jubilee village where the villagers quickly realized my fashion sense is hmm i don't know uh a thousand years too advanced for their p brains i mean you don't know about that new supreme collabs like you're a hypebeast old man this game doesn't really waste any time to let you know you're not welcome here either you're v you're very much so an outsider it's actually pretty harsh for a pokemon game if you ask me we then meet the new slew of cast members of the game who all are uh ancient relatives of other pokemon characters that already exist that's that's gotta be it it's not because they wanted to make any new characters for this game i mean that's gotta gotta raise a few questions like how your family dna has has stayed this unchanged after thousands of years you gotta just gotta raise a few red flags does it but at last we finally see our hellos mash our rays through those text bubbles even get our own house and before going to sleep we witnessed that the hole in the sky doesn't just spit out children oh no it also shoots out giant thunderbolts of raki oh man poor um whatever that thing is and yes you guessed it some kid that literally fell from the sky yesterday with no parachute is up to deal with it so we pack our bags pick cyndaquil and head off into the pokemon world well sort of this is a kind of tutorial nightmare especially for someone like me who's just trying to get past these sort of things so i'm into the main course meal of hiding in bushes and waiting to tell pokemon go bling bling but after finishing this tutorial we were welcomed by some villagers as uh you're now a grunt worker for the local mafia as we joined team galactic i mean something like that but i'll be honest with you i can't even read and just when i thought we were hurting those with respect we meet the head boss of the village and he just throws us across the room like one of his back room girls child perfective services are you there oh wait what that's that's right you weren't even invented for another like 800 years i better keep my cool around the samurai guys second i'm not useful anymore i'm slashed in half just like that but now that that's all settled we head into the field literally and figuratively and work towards completing the pokedex which yeah it is just a school binder jammed with papers you know the ones you throw in your backpack for like a whole semester just pretending to write notes on it when the teacher's looking and you never read them ever again this is all regardless of us having sophisticated technology in the palm of our hands you know the one that jesus himself gave me i mean what do i know i wasn't born a thousand years ago or at 15 years of age the gameplay though is literally a breath of fresh air you know it's sort of wild it's almost like this game is the exact link to the past or maybe the crack in the sky is a link between worlds so to speak you know just just something to think about well since we don't have any shiny pokemon as of yet i'm forced to hide in bushes and throw pokeballs at pokemon in order to progress our way in the story and i i really got lost in the sauce of legends arceus to be honest sneaking up on pokemon crafting items and even getting a samurai haircut that makes me look more like a girl than a boy until i remembered oh yeah i gotta beat edward cleaverheads up there kinda kinda forgot about that he did get strucked by lightning and i did what any good trainer would do confronted him asked him why you be so mad and that didn't work so we're gonna have to have a dark souls fight with him and of course with no shiny pokemon we're gonna have to fight him blaze the hand but since he only has blades for hands he's not gonna be able to catch these hands although it seemed like a big point in the game i quickly realized it was much larger than i expected this was almost like a badge or gym leader accomplishment so to speak but when you go to save you realize quickly that this is one of five of the major fights in the game so i add that quick and start catching as many shiny pokemon as i can because as this video suggests i could only use shiny pokemon in any major battle and the time will come quickly for us to have to happen after telling the boss you did the thing you beat the guy babas it's time for me to go get the shinies right before the next big thing happens in town so upon beating cleaver anyone playing the game can pick up the shiny ponytail optional quest in the professor's lab that guarantees you a shiny ponyta as long as you save right before it right before it shows up just in case just in case you don't catch it this also felt really cheap it's not earned so i later caught seven shiny pokemon because i didn't want to use this pokemon as it didn't seem fair but it is super cool and fluffy at least now we can actually battle pokemon to catch them and i don't have to always hide in bushes see when i say i got lost in the world of the hisouyu region or whatever the uh yeah i forgot to mention that's what this place is called i mean i really got lost like six hours we're spending games so far i mean it isn't too bad we already have a shiny pokemon that already is is a good accomplishment and honestly everything we've been doing so far has helped completing the pokedex research which in this game helps you rank up to go to new parts of the region with cleaver defeated we can access the outbreak pokemon that occur in the wild that have a whopping 1 in 153 odds chance of containing a shiny pokemon and did i mention that you could just save in front of said shiny pokemon and attempt it as many times as your shiny heart desires trust me i had quite a few get away on me but thanks to this and the resetting spawns by leaving the wild area to the village and going back to the outbreak i was able to get a shiny in no time was it the cricket top breakthrough that i uh traveled to 30 times oh oh no no nope our first shiny pokemon was pichu while resetting the outbreak sometimes the pokemon that is having an outbreak will change or sometimes you'll just be none at all you just reset though and luckily i got pichu and after only three soft resets we got our first non-sidequest shiny and our second pokemon i ever used in a challenge video over two years ago funny thing is i only heard the shine and i never i had my back turned to it when it spawned so i didn't actually see the star effect happen and it makes things much worse i couldn't even tell what shiny difference was because of the lighting in the game i think i said so to say i freaked out is a little bit of an understatement but after checking all the pichu's that i panic caught in the situation there she was good old-fashioned shiny pichu also known as japan mickey mouse boy or japan mickey for short alongside our shiny ponyta one last ride till i see you again but since we caught both of these pokemon's so late in the game it was time for our long needed training session impeach you here is even going to need some friendship in order to evolve so i went into the next area of the game and worked on the pokedex while i trained our new shiny pals which included beating some merchant guy who looks exactly like cynthia and defeating some bandits who stole an unknown tablet no like seriously like it's unknown like they're like the pokemon that makes the letters i can't read and finally the time for peach should evolve one thing that i never let my pichu named comet ever do many years ago but japan mickey is finally ready to evolve so long pal it's now your time to shine and become one of the mascot pokemon that you were destined to be oh what was that you you can't you can't evolve and i swear they did everything you needed oh my bad it's just because uh you can't evolve when you're out in the outside world wow it's pikachu wait even though it's the olden days uh the pikachus here still ain't fat well at least it looks much more noticeably shiny now while training and actually renaming my shiny pokemon because oops my bad i noticed another outbreak was happening and on our very first attempt at this outbreak we got a shiny abra my first ever challenge pokemon video and the reason i reached my first thousand subscribers this was a little nerve-wracking as abra is one of the hardest pokemon in the game to capture as you can't even battle it as it will just teleport away and that if it sees you will also teleport away so i had to take to the hills and snipe that floating cat with a feather ball and first throw we got it subscribe the abra the mightiest pokemon ever finally lives another day in fact if you haven't been paying attention drop a comment in any shape or form containing the subscribe the abra and you will be entered in a chance to win all six shiny pokemon that we late that we later catch in this video make sure to have switch online so i can trade you these beautiful creatures and the comment selector will literally be choosing subscribe the abra so just make sure that hasn't in your comment okay i don't want anything bad to happen but now with the three shiny pokemon we're already halfway through and this has been the least stressful shiny only video of today while training our new subscribe the avaro we came across another outbreak of cricket and my pal christian pokemon champion has been hunting this shiny and brilliant diamond for months and had no luck i had to be that guy and we got our shiny crickets out just like that of course i had to make sure to tell him it'd only take us a few minutes this is by far the easiest shiny only challenge so far but that's also because we haven't had any major battles so far so we're going to make sure to train for those while evolving cpc to cricket into an enemy airstrike alarm in the swamps we hit gold yet again but this time is our first full odd shiny only a few hours later one i actually ended up battling to see if it was shiny to see if the animation played again and it did because i couldn't even tell that this was a shiny hippopotamus of course i had to capture it and name it the sophisticated name of yo mama meaning we already have a whopping five shinies in and we haven't even completed two trials yet just look at them wait a second other than one last ride they're all yellow is it is this team golden shower oh yeah i forgot to mention we can now ride a deer and a large depressed sea bear from spongebob to help move around the world faster and even dig up items i guess i'm not sure i'm not gonna lie with you i never use this never use this in the whole game the new stantler evolution on the other hand is one of the most useful items in the game though i found it very strange to summon these mounts you have to set you to play the same uh opponent song of the of the wind tube and they all come to the same song i'm not not too sure how they know when to come why do i know why i have multiple options that would just be silly but now that we're ready for the next secure oh boss fight against the new hawaiian liligant because are we human or are we dancers and then that's the questions we need to ask or is it even denser than that see that's the real question i don't know i've seen his ever asked in today's youtube videos lilligant is very much of a dancer and not human luckily being human we have the invincible dark souls dodge and no body slamming dancing flower can touch us mid-roll no matter what we have actual shiny pokemon to use so we use our p we use our pokemon to battle a little again when it gets staggered giving us a large opening for attack defeating it in battle so that we can hit it with one final beanbag hacky sack don't come back which i which of which i guess is filled with his favorite food to help soothe its rage i don't know i just do the rolls throw the balls and defeat the liligan setting it into his non-super saiyan form this is where i realize you can teach pokemon new moves simply by clicking on them and choosing the moves that they've learned from leveling up like a true dummy i am only took two badges to find that out dairy report back to the boss i have our end of the mission potato dinner made by none other than the racist chef himself but at last we eat it with our rival who we never got to name by the way giving legends arceus a whopping one out of ten when we unlock one of my favorite areas in the game and then have us double battle with this sabrina-looking chick who gets to use two pokemon and we only get to use one luckily one last ride ain't have it ain't going down that easy so we defeat her but i really didn't expect to be jumped like that i know i fell from the sky but damn i'm just trying to become a real boy we travel around the new location and oh my god that's him that's my boy growlithe even got the school noble wig i think it i can get down with that he looks like the guys from the 1800s so how's it gonna go you gonna give me one layer well you wouldn't happen to actually have a shiny one would you sadly she doesn't that's fine because this area's story unlocks us the ability to swim on fish back that's right even a ghost fish rather we just simply have to get its favorite food catch a dust glops and use dark pulse on its favorite food and play the song of storms for it hey see you mom see you dad i'm going fishing oh wait my mom and dad were never born it has 15 year old kids like me life so not fair oh also this game has an item called a link cable that evolves trade evolution pokemon without ever having to trade them so we got ourselves their shiny alakazam and look at him just floating there with finally a shiny that's different what's that you you don't see it oh he's he's clearly got the pink shoulder pads of course i even got to use him in the next major battle against the thieves that stole one of the growly boys hoping to evolve it into an arcanine at the volcano at this point i remembered oh yeah you can uh you can move up you're battling still getting used to this game still but since there's still a crack in the sky this growlithe evolved into arkanine and is struck by lightning right there and then thank god for us new rock typing is very came in handy because now it's not deaded it's just super sad almost the shiny color but it's not quite so we're gonna have to beat it up it's nothing personal at least i'll be beating you with your favorite food does that make you feel a little better the battle wasn't as easy as the first two i actually dieded twice and it's also good to see if you're not a pro gamer like myself you could actually restart the battle from where you died instead of uh all the way from the beginning like i kept doing it also wouldn't have felt right just because of making a video on this thing i'm not sure if this makes any difference story wise but i honestly wouldn't be surprised if it doesn't but after finally laying a bean bag beat down on this massive golden dog he finally comes to his senses which is really relieving because you know when the modernized buddy if you but you wait one person you put down no second chances you gotta be grateful for this one after defeating such a noble pokemon it was only right to change our clothes and look more traditional maybe then the locals will accept us as their own appropriating their culture and all but after the usual mache through text conversation we're jumped by the leader of basically pokemon diamond in the in the diamond clan and we easily deal with his leafeon and evie with one last ride in cpc see this time we haven't done enough exploring and catching to move on to the story so i had to go back we had to go back to the last region meaning we'll have to do more work for the overlord and the black trench coat kimono so it's time to say goodbye to pikachu and say hello to big fat rat i knew we're only 13 hours into the game right now we already have five shiny pokemon and even three out of the five main bosses defeated this is insane even faster than my shiny gen 2 speed run that no one watched me and that game gave you basically two guaranteed shiny pokemon while researching i also was resetting to see if i can get outbreaks and albeit not a not a growlithe who got volt picks and since it was so cool i had to go get it and i just realized at that moment that i have almost a full gen 1 team if it wasn't for uh cpc and hungry hungry hippos over here but with mr beast bomb here the nine-tailed fox we have our full shiny team well at least for now as well as doing the pokedex to proceeding the story i heard a shiny spawn somewhere and i quickly turned around and see the shiny splash himself had spawned before me and after a quick battle we got our full team of two full odd shiny pokemon i was pretty happy i didn't even have to hunt for the replacement for ponyta just spawn in the overworld on top of the outbreaks this easily makes it one of the easiest shiny only challenges ever without the stress of making this video finished as fast as possible i was really able to enjoy the game to its fullest potential but honestly it does make chinese feel a lot more like a cancellation prize but as of today people don't really have time in attention spans for multiple day shiny hunts so i understand i understand the shift we finished the pokedex research rank up and move on in the next region we meet ingo a man who was spun in the same region like us with no memories of his past and was also not 15 for some reason he also just showed up one day in a village with no memories it didn't fall from the sky he says he might get some of his his memories back by battling us oh that's nice so i'm happy to beat him up with our shiny team cpc takes out his macho our new mother that i forgot to name this whole challenge takes out his tangler and japan mickey finishes off his glass car that would be a really cool pokemon to catch shiny maybe after this video is done and i've traded all my shiny to you guys i'll go hunt myself a glide guy normally that would take a lot of time but in this game no that would be easy but with him defeated we can now play the same song on the flute but this time we'll summon whatever the this abomination is and i know you fan art pokemon fans are gonna have a field day with this one this is the new sneasel evolution who carries us in a basket and can climb mountains kind of like usher i mean it's a little bit too human-like for me i don't really like how he walks when you when you aren't climbing and the basket we're in doesn't seem nearly big enough as a child that fell from the sky yet another clan member jumps us this time with a good old-fashioned three-on-one but no fear they didn't make japan mickey the mascot of the series for nothing i gotta say as subtle and pretty much expected in games nowadays i was still impressed by the fact of seeing snow effect on the pokemon and characters not too bad for 2022 nintendo it's time for dank souls boss numero 4 hugh swin houston heusman whatever new voltorb who has some very good attacks but after first try zero deaths that wooden boss never even stood a chance no literally it had no feet to stand on you know ingo then shows up and says he's from another world and he basically explains the whole mainline series games confirming that they're parallel worlds or this is the future i guess or the this is the past of the future who knows he's also from the subway in pokemon black and white too for i guess but i've never played those the only mainline pokemon games i've never played so you we then meet with boss man and eat the patats with the gang just so that we can be summoned the next day to finally come the last dark souls boss avalon as per usual i don't have enough ranking for that security clearance yet so we're gonna have to go and finish the pokedex back to the snowy mountains to catch all the pokemon we skipped over grind our way to play the main storyline again and i'm a huge fan of collecting things in video games don't get me wrong i finished a pokedex in pokemon games where you literally got a pat on the back in a and you got a yay good job receipt paper that basically says go outside touch grass hell my favorite game of all time is banjo and kazooie where you literally collect things for no reason so i appreciate that this there is a reason for collecting things in this game but i'm just trying to do the fastest yeah ever do it you know and bling bling and all that playing the game i never noticed how many of these trials so to speak characters jump you for their with their pokemon i was honestly at the point where i was wondering if there was a mechanic that i was missing out on like is it possible to throw more pokemon like is am i missing something here i'm baffled that the shirtless man challenged me to a battle and bam two on one i'm 15 you show some restraints can't even offer a fair battle have i not already won if you're using two pokemon against one that's why i give legends arceus a one out of ten i'm sorry this game's just super bad but after being the shirtless guy and chasing a child who can fly on a bravery that looks a lot less uh american freedom we can now finally fly or more like or fall gracefully kind of like a glider i mean that that can flap its wings it just doesn't for some reason see that i never want to hear you say that fortnite didn't change the gaming industry look at that right there that's a glider now that we can gracefully fall on top of this piece of ice to acquire a piece of ice hey i don't write the game i just play okay avalon's favorite food after a quick puzzle with the reggie statues that i just youtubed the answers to because i just play avalog is an absolute beast of a pocket monster i mean this thing somehow shrinks into a pokeball i don't even get it don't even get me started on waylord this neon genesis whatever the super saiyan power ranger final form mighty morphin sucks you have to play slow and patiently wait to attack it i mean i don't i don't like that i want to be as i dodged not wait how dare you demand patience from me in this dark souls fight and the battle oh the battle when you stagger this big lugger abba he just like zodia obliterates anything you send out to battle it thankfully i had yo mama blizzard would take it out if i didn't one shot at the first try but finally after many attempts and patience i played the game just like how they wanted it and sent this avalog back to the ice age which i guess wasn't that long ago all things considering so with all the bosses defeated we could finally enjoy mochi with our friends and their professor the end it's not guys looking like a 90s snowboard jacket right off of oliver trees back and the only people that haven't turned on us because we've been doing all the hard work you know defeating monsters charged with power of zeus they decide you know what this guy send them back to the wild we ain't having it i told you guys never trust the sky children we were all born little babies and then there's this full-grown kid a god like savant demon and i should not they even have a whole scene escorting you out of the village as if we were some sort of criminal the entire village just watches in disbelief and discuss this game really took a turn we were literally what we were literally all family one scene before this everything the light touches was our kingdom now i'm the bad guy after being thrown to the wolves you know literally we are basically told to go ask the other clans to adopt us and they both turn us down so that we don't cause conflict hmm that's nice i guess i'll just switch the game to survival mode and carve out a snorlax's carcass and dive inside because huh me at least the merchant comes in to save us by introducing us to the most evil looking cynthia character i've ever seen and it wasn't for the phone confirming i was doing the right thing you know the phone programmed by jesus i would have been like hell no this lady you see the wolves i trust them more than you you're like the reaper of death exile to the wild i fell from the sky lady i did nothing wrong anyways we gotta go get the red chain which also makes it seem like we're doing some bad guy vibes but as i was saying the phone is like nope here's the door walk right in making us find the like trio after being introduced to some new kisuan pokemon that haven't got the spotlight yet like you remember snail dragon pointy fish bloodthirsty demon these final pokemon are some high levels they're really no joke it wasn't for us having six pokemon to their one and uh the friendship the new battle mechanics we said this would this would have definitely caused problems and uh don't forget we're also the main character trial was also very obvious he was asking the number of eyes of kombi zubat unknown magneton and dust clops kinda has a lock combination come on it's clearly 21. also i chose the diamond clan leader to join me in these missions as you're giving the choice of one or the other i didn't choose pearl because one ain't no sim and two i've never gone pearl why would i start now i'm only mentioning this because this actually matters later on after receiving the three lake trio's blessings via postcard we can now make the chain and head over to defeat dracula or whatever awaits us at the end of the game whatever it be on our way to battle god knows what we encounter the racist potato chef who turned us down day one and find out he's secretly a ninja and the second strongest team galaxy member and he's going to kill us because the boss was way too light-hearted and just let us leave to the wild yeah you're right pretty light-hearted just leaving me to die in the wild this team is pretty crazy i'll give you that but come on have you ever watched naruto the main character always wins and clinton changes your close-minded way of thinking to be way more accepted sometimes it's even on a bridge named after the main character we then head to the stone pillar that is fully attacked and definitely not destroyed we run into the boss man the child throwing sumo was that a night now i guess we'll just add that on the list too and he wants to battle us i mean this guy's name is literally commando and you know what i just hope he's not actually commando underneath that armor we are extremely under-leveled compared to his pokemon but we take out his bravery with it with an agile style quick attack and a strong thunderbolt allowing us to go twice i tried to take out snorlax hoping for a crit x scissor but instead this happens so yo mama takes out snorlax and golem with with high horsepower before going down to clefable who i have to defeat with shiny splash motham defeating the star wars name knight of the old way of thinking commando this man has the audacity to fall to his knees after would he feed him yeah it's all cool what you did before until i beat your ass huh we didn't go into the stone pit we then head on to the stone pillar and this place looked amazing even got your boy over here looking clean the almighty sinnoh as god is called in this game then speaks to the diamond clan leader telling him to ready thy red chain and poke balls and you will capture me if you can i guess it's meaning me i guess cause he's talking through the other guy if i would have chosen mrs pearl over here she would have she would have got the vision and maybe i would have got my boating license as well commando being the kind-hearted man he is hands us ten ultra balls and then we and we are faced with battling god his is there is that just is this is that just dialga i mean i mean really that's all it's just not you know it's it's just that i don't see a diagonal phone in my pocket that's all no offense you you're cool too we paralyzed dialgo with a max spark follow up with a quick attack time wizard dragon himself just crumbles the earth underneath our shiny mouse diagonal with a strong high horsepower and iowa can't move and we capture it with one singular ultra ball see i expected this to be much more of a fight speaking of more of a fight pinkeye's white shining dragon himself arrives much after even powers up like frieza and blows everyone back a few feet even making commando commando we all retreat and basically live to fight another day meaning we have to get the red chain fixed after dialga broken and after young mama defeats all of the fake bandits the team rocket pokemon we go get some ore and even head back to jubilate village to make an event pokeball okay no it's an origin ball but come on he looks the same come on can you blame me we head back to the battle of palkia and this dragon ain't messing around he's going up for a power-up right away and if it wasn't for dialga i'm not even sure he would have been alive i mean he literally blew the roof off the whole place making it look a lot much more like the stone pillar that we're accustomed to would have been game over no more defeating ganondorf kids you're dead jesus better spawn another 15 year old sky kid real quick diogo goes for a full power attack and even that barely opens a hole in the pokemon's power as i can only assume it's it's evolved we were wet is that a penis horse i don't even know if i can show you this now i want to get banned for this since dialect couldn't do anything against this thing might as well fight it hand to hand you know pantyhound combat right there because you know you know i got i got such moves as roll throw a hacky sack not die three special moves oh wait what do you got penis horse okay maybe you maybe you got something maybe something's too i guess not too bad but i wasn't born yesterday i was born six days ago put some respect on your elders this battle is really something between spawning literal meteors pink flames that never go out and everyone's favorite waves of energy that you have to jump like a skipping rope this horse god's got it all right dragon horse i don't know i'm just rolling with it they're finally defeating it's time we throw our origin ball and it broke out and we have to do it all again yay okay no it didn't it was captured and now the day is saved god himself even adds a little chef's kiss to the pokeball for good luck i mean but is the world actually saved i mean an innocent child that turned out to be some sort of sky-falling demon banished never to see his little friends ever again no evidence actually being held against him is now in the possession of not one but two almighty gods i don't know commando you better go come and go get the outta here cause you mess with the wrong sky kid but everyone puts their differences aside for one large party because the world was saved only thanks to me really i guess everyone lived happily ever after the end or was it cause palkia broke out of the ball again oh no okay no he didn't thank you guys so much for sticking around for the final installment of our shiny only series all good things must come to an end but make sure to comment like and subscribe use the word subscribe the abra anywhere in your comment and you can own one of these sick shiny pokemon cotton used in this video and who knows maybe it'll even be your mama make sure to check out my video on clock tower or the entire shiny only catalog playlist as i've been r9 and i hope you had yourselves a damn good time
Channel: R9beats
Views: 315,192
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: r9beats, comedy, gaming, Pokemon Legends Arceus, Legends Arceus Shiny only, shiny only legends arceus, adrive, pokemon, shiny only, pokemon challenge, can you beat pokemon, can you beat, pokemon with only shinies, shiny arcanine, pokemon nintendo switch, shiny pokemon challenge, can we beat pokemon, only shiny, smallant, zwiggo, challenges pokemon, pokemon switch, nintendo pokemon switch, smallant1, shiny alpha pokemon, shiny pikachu, shiny arceus, shiny only arceus
Id: Kn-WK3scE7k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 26sec (1826 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 05 2022
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