Can I beat TWO YouTubers in a Map Randomizer Race?

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hi how's it going hello chat uh we're doing some fun stuff uh i'm excited to show you guys what we got in store for today uh in case you haven't read the title yet um but yeah um we're we're streaming with a couple other people like yesterday we did a breath of the wild randomizer race um and today we're doing another randomizer race um but it's in pokemon and it's a map randomizer uh so it's going to be a pokemon emerald map randomizer where you know all the warps were random uh you walking through a pokemon center you exit out going somewhere else uh which is exciting but it's a little bit different the music is a little bit loud right here um it's a little bit different there's a tad bit different in the case where it's not going to be me versus somebody else who can do the map randomizer faster it's me versus some people else 2v1 it's going to be a 2v1 uh so it's going to be me versus stanz and lincus uh in the pokemon emerald map randomizers so i'm gonna have to like you know brush off everything kind of you know get a little sweaty here see if we can pull it out right um so kind of excited um i know kind of i'm i'm excited for it though uh uh that's the pokemon map randomized we're doing that today um so how does 2v1 work the two like they can share information basically and information is like really key here um of the map randomizers of like oh hey here's where gym one is they can work together um so yeah i'm kind of excited drew thanks for the gifted sub frank soupy with the three months logan thinks for the three months uh luda um lot of i never know how to see your name it's been seven months still have no idea podmaster thanks for the three months dan um with the two sarah thanks for the five months ray thanks for the seven months nikki um eric thorpen passpet um thank you so much for the primes there thanks a lot thanks for the eleven months shaw fools thanks for the prime uh and valid profit with the five gifted subs thank you um if you're the one in this 2v1 i feel bad for you yeah but would you feel bad for me if i won i think like regardless if we win or not it's going to be close i think um i think it's going to be close uh stan's if i recall stanz and lincus um haven't actually done the map randomizer yet so i think that's like a suitable um like handicap to say the least oh my god yo the jesus cardinal b thanks for the 15 gifted subs thank you [Music] thank you so much you're crazy space buzzy uh spazzy bunny thanks for the uh two months yeah 15 from cardinal b thank you so much for that gift subs um but yeah uh that's what i'm kind of uh thinking of uh uh hopefully you guys aren't tired of uh the pokemon map randomizers it's been a hot second um but yeah um i'm kind of ready we'll start uh in about like five minutes i want to say uh so i got like five minutes to kind of chill i do have my um like i like it's a little handicap in like they've never done the map randomizer neither of uh stans like stanz or lincus have never done the map randomizer so that's already a handicap i'm also sure that i'm pretty sure they don't have notes um i i'm like i this is this is these are my notes i'm pretty sure they don't have the spreadsheet uh if they do hell yeah if they don't you know i think it only you know perpetuates it spicy presents for like four months uh sorry the gifted sub charm org thanks for the four months uh and chisholm thanks for the six um yeah so get ready it's a 2v2 point crow it's so it's a 2v2 linkus and stands versus point chrome and spreadsheet oh we can we can we can decide chat do i give them the spreadsheet [Music] that's the question i mean there's like a publicly available one but ask them if they want it i could ask i could ask probably yeah [Music] we'll see we'll see how confident they are if they're not confident then i then then i i will give it to them oh stance has a website that tracks it oh then that all right no i don't know i'm not giving it to them then all right we're good now if he if he has a a full-on oh we're good oh no they don't need it they got the advantage already the website's arguably better than the spreadsheet anyways so uh amanda thanks for the two months uh drew thanks for getting sub i am el tigre thanks for the prime gaming uh thank you um but yeah also uh we have sub goal if you want to watch me watch ice melt for 10 hours we have it here we're going to be on emo only because it's a map randomizer so this is my one chance to talk to you oh so uh that's that's kind of uh how it's going to go i have to go email only um otherwise um i'll get advantages from like you guys or some people you know telling me and stuff you know i know it's a mods day off oh yeah they have to just monitor cheers that's really it i mean he had termucci thanks for the five months um they're also gonna be emo only but um i implore you guys too if in case uh they go off of it or whatever uh lincus is doing a subathon uh go say hi to him uh he's really cool he's awesome uh you should uh essentially just say um hi uh drop your prime over at lincus uh in stance uh i'll probably be streaming before this and after this um so go say hi to stans he's really cool too um and so i just asked for um in case he they win in case i win no toxicity like there's there's there's a fine line between like aha my streamer one and like actually being a dick uh it's all for fun it's just for content it's to make you guys have no it should put smiles on your faces right that's essentially what it boils down to for you to like you know make a little fun thing in your life right uh so no need to you know ruin anyone else's fun just because uh you're having more fun than them you know like our goal is to have more fun than they are but i still want them to have fun and don't put people down for having fun you know uh regardless that's no fun um yeah we'll do like uh we'll have like a little like thing of like what's what's happening what's going on ninja jack thanks for the prime gaming thank you um yeah the hard part about tv one is that i know where to place all three streams maybe okay maybe we'll do a 3v1 eventually and then we'll have like you can have like two and then you have like a four kind of thing you know oh my god uh thunder hyper thanks for the nine months welcome back um squad stream i in my experience squad streams just like don't help out smaller streamers so i'm just kind of like not doing squad streams i know it's like kind of good for the viewer but uh for the streamer if you have a smaller view account than the other person it like ruins your it like you up so yeah unfortunately i'm sorry it's not it's uh it happens um blitz thanks for the three months oh my oh no lincus is asking how to download it this oh all right i think we're fine i hope i hope they're uh i hope they have fun that's what i'm really nervous about whenever i do something like this i always just like hope that the other streamer has fun so it's like oh god like thanks for sharing with me i i hope so is this going to be on youtube welcome to the stream for the first time by the way uh i hope you're enjoying uh it goes on the vod channel um if it doesn't go on the main channel hopefully that doesn't dash your enjoyment of uh this stream just enjoy the stream i hope you enjoy [Music] all right uh let me get up a call with them real quick if they want to hello hello hello hi hi how's it going how are you doing how's your subathon [Music] good 75 hours left now jesus wait what's your what's your time like how like how much time do you get per sub one minute and 45 seconds i i think i found your stance howdy how is lincus's thing going to go forever is that what we're talking about dude dude timer it's one minute 45 seconds per sub uh-huh yeah right i'm day three right now and 75 hours left so what is that going on is that 23 subs an hour or something what is the math how am i stupid it's like around there it's around 30. it's a hundred subs is exactly three hours pretty much got it yeah yeah it's about right thirty three yeah it's gonna be a lot that's a good rate i mean you're gonna be going forever though yeah definitely um anyways before we get further in today i just wanted to check a few things with you eric because i know me and stance are brand new to this yes so since you have used virtual boy advanced a lot before uh first things first any settings you think that we should change before we get into it no i think you're good okay second of all where do you map like can you map to a button easily to speed up the emulator yeah and which buttons does the save states i think space is default right yeah i use a controller um but i think if you go to like um i think it's just like if you go to configure on like your joypad or whatever it says speed and you just change the speed key oh really because oh yeah it says there's speed okay so speed is just you have to hold it in how is there how's their uh thing oh you hold it i think you i think it's hold yeah okay like how's the audio i guess i'll set it to perfect oh you know what it's perfect just like you chat okay all right sick yeah yeah okay so this is like the pokemon map randomizer um i kind of briefed uh stands a little bit on it lingus i thought you had like a little bit of some knowledge about this so it's um but basically it's it's a full like a warp randomizer so like let's say you step into a poke center well okay i i know how the i know how the loadings are randomized works i gotta make that clear when i was talking on stream about the fact that i feel very scared it's because it's been very long times to play gen 3. um i'm more play gen one two and four i almost always skip over gen three when i play through them that's insane gen three is so good jump four is my favorite i don't forget i don't know gen three is just it's okay wait stands what what generation did you stop uh i stopped after three uh i came back to them more recently and i played them but one two and three i played like as a kid fully enraptured with pokemon can i make like a request or like or just like like a please just don't play gen eight it's just is that hawaii uh no that's gen seven oh seven i i kind of like seven i think seven's cool i really liked sword and shield i hated the 3ds gen i stopped at black and white that's what i thought the series went bad i hate gen 5 and that came back to sword and shield and loved it all right it seems like i have a very bad take compared to the rest of you right here 50 50. i'm the king of bad takes so no issues okay well i mean you are the upcoming streamer so i feel you your takes are pretty mr rising star here exactly oh thank you thank you i'm taking a bow but you can't i'm actually holding up the trophy i've been doing it the entire time hey you know i uh i did win something at the streamer awards as well i don't know if you guys knew that what did you win uh best ass oh i saw your tweet actually yeah yeah i had a i had an which you want yeah thank you thank you i had an ass off with uh with ludwig apparently i have a better one than him so mm-hmm and i'm going to judge that chassis you know it's real wait did you really no no it was amazing though i feel like that's a good valid one because i feel like slime is more biased to word sludwig so yeah that's when you know it's a really good ass cause like i go up to him and i was like hey you know i think i have like a fatter ass than ludwig and which is a great start to a conversation um and uh he's he doubted me and then and then we had the ass off and he's like wow damn so yeah yeah true so true it's what he said i can't believe it yeah oh yeah lincus what'd you win uh best viewer of the year oh this is the best viewer i remember when he was in my chat i thought that guy's got potential damn yeah best twitch viewer of the year it was it was a great time i was so excited to be nominated for that out of all of uh i mean that's just a flame towards chat you're a better viewer than them you better link us up make sure you have your funny jokes ready tons of gifted subs uh i mean lincus is here yeah i mean you gotta he's like the the pinnacle of a chatter oh oh my god but yeah okay so this is the map randomizer um essentially uh for those who don't know what it is you step through like a pokemon center uh and you exit out through like a random house or like a gym leader or a legendary encounter and so the goal of it is to beat to find and beat all eight gyms in all four elite four members than the champion uh in order so if you find like gym number three you can't beat gym number three until you beat gym number one and two got it okay good to know yeah um so it's like kind of like locked behind that um for like rules and stuff essentially um you got to be an emo only unfortunately no no that's fair that's that makes it funnier yeah i because i'm doing a subathon i will just tap out so i will keep chat on but i'll be tabbed out so yeah email only if that's okay with you guys yeah absolutely as long as you can't read chat you're good um um you mentioned copious amounts of note taking chat linked me this and i don't know if it's like omega cringe makes it easy mode i love it i checked it out stance it looks so good yeah like an excel sheet i i have not been able to link one building successfully so i think it's going to slow us down but i've just oh i haven't actually tried using it i just looked at it went that looks good yeah you can like mark down like what's what and all this stuff yeah oh yeah what goes where it was really cool uh uh kind of like uh that some some people who were fans of the warp randomizer uh made it i was like i was like that's so sick uh but yeah you can use it you can use it okay sick sexy sake yeah i have a i have a full spreadsheet myself so uh i love that yeah never mind it's not too bad actually okay uh stance if you just have a location open right so you see a loading zone just right click and then do start link and then you just end the link somewhere else and when you yeah then you just click on somewhere else in his right click and then obviously one way is if it's a one way and if you get super luck i guess two way man there's gonna be some areas my uh experience with randomizers comes from i'm a huge d-gen of watching linked to the past randomizers and so like areas with lots of doors like i'm looking at seafloor cavern and it terrifies me with the amount of like links that can come there yeah this gets confusing too though so get excited yeah um yeah granite cave oh my god um but yeah uh speed up is like encouraged you just won't win if you don't use speed up um right and then uh save states are allowed if you want to catch a pokemon uh you can like save before and like keep trying to catch them with like one ball like that's like that's encouraged you should do that um but like let's say you go into moss deep city and you're like ah dang i want to go back to lily cove my last name was in lilly go let me reload that like that's not allowed you have to find your way back to lilly cove got it got it that's the whole point of the run right that you're going somewhere random so if you don't remember that slows you down exactly yeah so you can only like reload and like let's say you're stuck like where you get to a place and you're like oh i can't get back then you can like reload um yeah if every door leads to somewhere that won't progress the story or something yeah and it's all for fun too so if you accidentally reload something that's like not a soft lock you're totally fine got it yeah and chad's gonna be in a mode only so they can't make fun of me anyway they're easy there you go yeah yeah and that should be it actually i think that's that's really it um with a 2v1 i'll like hop out of the call um and then you guys can share info of like where okay so what do you think what do you think the best 2v1 strategy is should we both load up and like split the map to help each other should we be playing one game what is that you should probably like play one game each though like you should probably like both be playing the game got it yeah you don't think one person doing like the tracker and one person and like being the eye in the sky yeah we should both be playing the game got it okay because then one of us gets way far ahead the other person can also just like help them yeah yeah only one of you guys needs to beat the champion got it perfect that makes sense yeah i like this um so so like you don't both have to be the champion only one of you i think that makes it a little bit more fair towards you guys so i think it'll be like fine no i think that's perfect i think that'll give us that little bit of juice hopefully one of us can get lucky or something all right um well i'm like good to go i don't know about it let me make sure i know how to open the game real quick um i have the emulator open i downloaded i sorry i put in my cartridge um illegally like internal batteries run dry i'm not sure if like there's a better problem to wait at or if it's just waiting here oh and to make it clear by the way um uh for like like one oh i think like where it's like the the i'm trying to think here like for gyms yeah for i guess for gyms uh whoever beats the champion uh has to still have like gyms one through eight and then elite four one through four in order not just like yeah yeah it doesn't have to yet yeah for sure um are you guys also what category are you guys in for twitch oh loaded battery is this is this working no yeah no that so the use ignored that apparently as you save states to say uh what category wait what category are you guys in for twitch i'm in pokemon legends arceus okay i am too oh okay i i will be as well you know it's like the place to farm you know it's kind of like how it works oh can we do a squad stream um sure if you want my chat is asking that would be helpful oh right now okay uh send me an invite yeah thanks for doing this with me by the way uh very appreciated i've been wanting to know this is exciting this is fun yeah i've been wanting to stream with you guys for a while so it's like so cool that i can just like knock it out like this i know that [Laughter] i just hit open i is it is it just a white or black screen for you it's just a white screen do you want to i had the exact same issue no so i was going to get you thanks for the 18 months thanks for the three months uh you can i think so three months ago thanks for the prime gaming next with the prime gaming real spidey thanks to the prime and do you see at the bottom of the 64k is highlighted yeah 128k then try to start the game and it should be able to boot i had to google it too because video gaming thinks for the three months thank you uh-huh um what do you want to put for steaks by the way i'm still white screened oh i should have tried the game i was scared to open the game because i didn't know if that would be like i i got the rand i got the rng i'm hacking the main phone you're using the uh file isn't you yeah you and after you change the 128k you completely turn off like turn close the program and open it again oh no let me close okay close the program options emulator make sure it says 128k and save type which it does show vibes thanks for the four while you're doing it and i months randomwarps.gpa gba yeah that's correct it's white screen it flashes loaded battery in red at the bottom and it stays white all right um i've accepted the squad by the way okay yeah we're interested oh that's so weird i had the exact same issue but then i changed to the 128 and it worked uh and i have automatic no we haven't started yet let me check there were some more tips if it happens let me look at this solution page also uh forever who knows whoever ran the prediction normally uh if it's like believers are like number one in non-believers or number two it also says that if that doesn't work you can try and like change from automatic to manually choose flash in the save settings yeah no worries no worries you're all good thank you thank you julia for making the prediction and then i'll open all right well we're just yeah we're just waiting for flashing on this yeah oh really oh maybe i'll let me just wait for a second and see if it goes uh no worries by the way but about setting this up you don't have to rush or anything oh okay good good i just don't want nintendo to arrest me oh my god uh yeah someone in chat said they made a video 10 years ago about how to fix this grant this is your moment to shine let's go if it's not on bandicam it doesn't have like trance or whatever behind it with like uh like notepad notes or whatever i don't want to see it yeah i don't remember the song but like back in the day like during like halo three days i'm not sure if i knew you guys were around then um they would either have like a horrible loud rock song or a green day is it this one single tutorial and video about any trick or any setup i don't know if you guys had the same experience but that's like every old video when i think about it where i i sent i sent a uh a version of what you might have what you might be thinking in the chat real quick okay because i'm thinking of like like something like that no it's exactly like that no i i sent it in i think it's exactly that and like they'd have like a note yeah they'd pull up like a notepad it is that one and then it's a notepad yeah oh my god wait let me double check so this doesn't go into the vaude and then i'll let chad listen to it desktop okay yeah chad do you recognize this it's so funny [Music] i do okay the video was that was the save thing that did not seem to fix it okay um so what's happening what's what's the problem currently it's it's just white screened um if i open the rom it's it flashes loaded battery and then it just stays on a white screen forever uh when you look at the program in windows you have the build a 2004 the 25th 05 at 7 47 right what am i going what am i deals of this let me set it in uh visual boy advance dash one point seven point two do i have one uh how do i check oh oh these video settings might be interesting one sorry one second let me try that one point seven point two yeah that's the right one i have one point eight to three but yeah that works render oh you put times two video render method direct draw triple buffering this kevlar thanks for the one year 12 months let's go royo thanks for the prime gaming thank you we're guys studios with the two mods thanks guys for the uh subs appreciate it thank you reset open does that work no my settings i think were those oh oh okay um just to make sure you don't have because the normal setting is paused when in an active window you make sure that the mouse is like clicked on the window yeah yeah i'm clicked i think that nothing's happening oh what the hell uh wait screenshot this part uh maybe you want it maybe just like uh delete yeah you have this right oh i think that's actually the one i did i changed it to flash to 128 i also tried automatic 128 which if we reset yeah i'm on automatic 128. yeah it just says loaded battery and then does nothing yo thanks for the 30 gifted kitty man one second one second um even if you click on like maximize the window even if it's white it's just stays wide right oh that's a good question um maybe also uh like delete visual boy advance download the 1.8 version try that got it i can do that yeah did i just download like an old version uh maybe i don't uh i mean like it's working for like this but maybe i'm on the same one as stance and it's working for me so i'm not sure why it's not working with the flashbang 28. it doesn't hurt windows 11 dance uh but kitty man thanks for the 30 gifted yeah seriously that's insane i'm thinking i wonder if it's windows 11 related because it's such an old program [Music] right now so also thanks for chilling chat um appreciate it it happens every now and then it looks like 10. okay i know i'm on 10. i'm on time so it's like so sick i appreciate it guys up the safe then i'm going to go to it's still just flashes loaded battery oh let me change the save options uh this new one here let me open up your stream real quick someone in chat mentioned something it said that if automatic and flash one twenty dollars oh wait the new one works i i it works the new uh let's go nice make sure to remap the controller settings just in case if it's i'm sorry but game freak is screaming at me okay there we go that is so unbelievably loud uh do you just use oh my god do you just use a windows mixer audio mixer or whatever to lower it or what's the best way oh i just i just wanted i just mute it because like when you go like so you speed play game sounds yeah when you go super speed like it's gonna it's gonna sound awful so then i just play like some like music over it like some like yeah i'm gonna play pokemon music unless you play like green day or something and you just really love dmca yeah that's so true okay visual my advance pk dylan thanks for the two months thank you this is my favorite pokemon playlist if anyone wants it oh sick i'll listen this one i i always uh could use new ones that's what i usually listen to i do like the battle music okay what link is you said i need to remap some buttons is there anything that's gonna be crazy no no i just meant like just make sure that it's like mapped so you know like walking is to the right one et cetera et cetera yeah no totally a button is z b button is x a s okay yeah this is this is fine this is fine uh okay sick i think we did it yeah let's go nice good call getting the newest version now my computer is just bad it it breaks on literally everything nowadays and so those little things are how we we save ourselves would you say your computer's old no it's brand new i just built it and that could be the issue it's got like a ryzen nine whatever the newest of everything is is in there and that is what's me out well you have a 30 90. uh no i only have a 2080. oh that's probably why you can't run pokemon emerald version yeah pokemon emerald's version maybe next time you should grab one um [Laughter] all right so uh all right i'm good to go um whenever you guys oh sorry did you want to put something on this like some steaks some sort of subs i'm down to put anything on it at all whatever makes a good youtube video you know me i i'm a youtube and now um let's see i i like non-sub steaks uh which is because they're funnier i think a good one could be play button winner takes a pokemon and the loser has to cosplay it using things they found in their house oh god so they have to you know go get like some powers and stuff and make i think that's always bad i you know what i'm kind of down for it yeah i'm down i think that'll be a good one oh lord okay i'm done with that sounds good um i'll so uh you guys can co like if you guys win you can collaborate on something and i'll go hard on it and if you win both of us have to do it yeah yeah i think that's only fair i think it's fair all right sounds good um i we can start whenever uh count down and then uh we can have well whoever beats the champion wins uh i'll leave the call okay so me and lucas are gonna stay in this call and you're gonna pop out is that how is it gonna work yeah yeah we'll do it like that yeah okay and then i'll like pop in whenever i feel like it oh yeah good idea okay i think i'm ready i'm gonna go emoto i think i have body sheep here she can go emote only for us and then we'll we'll get it going oof i'm nervy [Music] yeah it's it's gonna be your favorite count us down uh i'll count you guys down uh all right uh wait wait wait one second my life's better one second [Music] gods and souls thanks for the four months strawberry sweets thanks to the tier one subscription thank you guys okay ready all right let's do it three two one go good luck go all right here we go here we go uh intro all right um i'm sorry i'm gonna spend the extra time being a girl uh and name ourselves grill um it's worth it trust me in the long run it is definitely worth it all right sick it's it's worse it's it's worth the the small time loss you know and we'll be all good um okay so we have to go over here uh we have to do the time all that stuff uh i'm gonna pick mudkip because mudkip's the best for this uh specifically because we have like uh surf and it can learn strength rock smash all that fun jazz um then we go in here talk to you i will have an advantage of this because i do know the emerald randomizers i need to make sure exactly uh how to go about it you know uh because it's been like uh like a month or two uh since i've actually like done a map randomizer uh so it's kind of interesting did it hold a berry that's new okay uh they also have the same um uh map as me which is why we're in ema only because like if you have like a certain map then i have the other you know the other part of it um i'll do the thing right here all right what do we have here um i'll start with putting here um and then up okay uh magma hideout initially for oh which town is this again this is old dale right sorry this is old ale um magma okay uh i can't go in there right now uh and then we have uh right house we have um [Music] um hideout uh which i can't go to yet and then what else do we have here uh upper left we have a random house wait this random house isn't important right i just need double check um oh we got hmo1 we got cut okay actually that okay i'm glad i checked it we got cut that was important um so i'll put nothing uh and then the mark here um is oh it's it's a poke it's a pokemon center all right which one it is it uh it's rustboro city okay um awesome okay so i need to check out uh magma hideout um i'm gonna label this unchecked so far um all right sick it might take a little bit here but we'll be okay here petalburg woods um i think we can go through pedalboards uh i'll check it out uh especially because we have like you know like we can like level up our mud tip and everything this is like totally fine uh we learned mud slap perfect uh it'll take like it'll be better actually uh taco might be better here all right we'll tackle on these um we'll like level up our mud tip a little bit it doesn't matter if we die either um totally cool with that actually i mean we can just like heal right here uh but we're level seven awesome um and we need to be a little bit leveled up uh for this to go to certain places so i'm like totally good with that especially if you want to go like down over here um into the right left uh you also give me i forget you give me something um i know you have like a battle here but you give me something um well mud slap for accuracy issues um and we should be fine and then tackle for the rest awesome the mudkip is a phenomenal pokemon uh the great ball okay so we get one great ball which is awesome and the reason we want the great ball is so we can actually catch a legendary when it comes by that's literally the reason that's the only reason it's just one great ball if we have one ball we can catch whatever we want basically uh and that's the important thing here um okay please let me kill you awesome let's go water gun all right we're level ten two radical monster thanks to the tier one subscription um i'm gonna run from you and then we should be good to go uh with pedalberg uh what else is here oh we get another pokemon center here um which is specifically evergrand city okay so um evergrand um pc as well okay good to know good to have it good to see it um and then you get bikes basically um okay so evergrand to bikes kind of sucks there uh i gotta remember bikes for a second here i'm pretty sure there's another exit yeah right here oh which is the third gym okay um westboro pc gym three awesome we found found the first gym uh we found our first gym uh and then bikes so i'm actually gonna label this as like un um need to look for all of these actually because i have not looked at these yet um because we haven't finished them yet um all right but gym three awesome uh we need to find a couple more gyms and we're gonna go um so that's mostly done there um what we need to do here is uh um battle our rival which we are definitely more than equipped to do uh and then we can move on to petalburg which is sick um i'll use uh water guns not gonna be important here i'll tackle awesome easy all right now we go back to the lab um it should be fine there i wonder where they're at how they're doing but it seems like so far we're we're like going decent like this is this is pretty good um finding pokemon wickrill and you're gonna give me the running shoes okay awesome thank you for the running shoes it's gonna make me a little bit faster uh our our goal here obviously is to beat all of eight gyms in order uh we found gym three but the main issue that i have right now is that like we need to actively um find the legendary pokemon if we find a legendary we can go basically anywhere in the game because right now we're currently constrained and we can't go into the hideout or the magma team uh basically because we can't win like at all like it's it's actually impossible for us to win um so we need to find like good pokemon and just catch the good pokemon um which we can in the magma hideout uh but i don't want to do it yet because we don't need to and that would take up time if we can find a legendary pokemon in petalburg that would be uh ideal uh so let me go over here all right so this is petalburg all right in the pc we have the museum um if then the if article is nothing different about the museum um museum i'll write it down i won't put explore farther uh let's put the mart here is sky pillar okay uh good to know sky pillar um and then i will label that later all right sky pillar but that's not where rayquaza is because you can get the top requisite the bottom is navel rock to magma hideout um i think it's right house uh magma [Music] um [Music] okay so magma hideout up here and then we have yeah left house here which is a pokemon center awesome uh we'll heal here which one is this this is dewford that's really good it's hard to get to dewford [Music] um it's it's remarkably hard to get to duvers so the fact that we found the pc is like actually really good and to topolo city okay um we haven't been uh too many of these yet so the mark sorry [Music] due for pc to pseudopolis [Music] um left it's pseudopolis left sudopoulos left mart leads to pedelberg all right we'll explore the topics later uh we have to do it right now um uh because we have a couple other things to do like the gym uh which leads to lava ridge so jim goes to lava ridge uh lava ridge here the pc leads to petalburg this is important for later uh it's very important for later and then i can't do you because you do the checking and all that stuff okay cool so we're blocked actually from going farther um let me check out spear pillar a little bit we're probably ooh if we die we gotta do for it actually [Music] um i gotta make a decision here let's do lava ridge all right so lava ridge pc already know where leads so let's do lava ridge gym uh which actually is ruster uh tunnel um which is important because we need this for strength later um so i'll say that as later um lava ridge jim is rusterf tunnel and i'm gonna do this for later because we need to rock smash all right left house is oh my god oh let's go that's huge that's huge that's actually huge i don't want to mark it yet i don't want to market yet um but rayquaza that's rayquaza we found rayquaza uh so house one is rayquaza uh we can't actually do rayquaza i think um until let me save here actually uh as a save state um if i recall we can't do rayquaza um until we can actually go to so we can just do topless l actually wait can i actually just catch my quasar right now uh let me check out the rest of lavridge real quick uh and then we'll do it crunchy salad thanks to tier one 8th gym found it okay uh jimmy is awesome and then uh that actually leads there okay cool jimmy let's go uh so we have two gems down uh let's see the mart here uh is mount pire there's nothing at mount power um so nothing and then we have the forest over here uh which is next another warp uh meteor falls okay uh this is nothing so far iron tail sure um to pacifilog uh i would ideally like to buy more balls than just a great ball so um i'm going to keep rayquaza there i'm i'm not going to say anything about rayquaza uh we'll keep it here uh pacific log all right the pc leads to seafloor cavern um in pacifilog where are you well we're we're marking this out really well chat this is going actually remarkably well um sea floor um and then mark that later by i have no idea where's here and then we'll go up here uh to aqua hideout um and down here magma height oh there's a lot this is this is a huge one um i just wanna make sure okay um this is the ever grand whatever the hell uh magma oh there's so much all right um we're gonna come here later because we can't right now because i can't i can't go anywhere right now so i'll i'll come back to that later um i've definitely labeled it as like come back later okay so then this is uh right house in granite cave or this is house oh wait yeah this is where this is right house not left house but this is granite shine day all good thanks for the prime gaming uh thanks for the subs guys sorry i haven't like been reading subs or follows or anything but i appreciate it a lot um then this is sky pillar um and then what's cool about this part for sky pillar is that um actually i'd like to run um but i didn't want to do okay so this leads to seafloor all right um i already know where that is um slave port because we can actually like see [Music] um where it leads because if we like because we don't have the we don't need to have the bike right now um essentially if that makes sense oh okay uh we're at the pokemon center whatever the hell uh yikes this could be a soft block and it is all right that's a that's a hard soft lock okay gotta reload that then um all right so we went to pacifilog from the forest uh yeah that death was a yeah yikes uh but that's why we checked sky sky pillar because it's not like tarnished yet because of very quiza um so we ral like while we do know like rayquaza it's like you know good uh mauville can i go back in i can't okay um house two leads to marvel um it also leads to what else um abandoned ship uh s cube or whatever square um ship square uh and then that's ship square exits uh which leads to pacifilog mauville okay good to know and then and then over here we have another sea floor cavern okay which we can come back later for that um and seafloor and then i'll label that as non-explored yet this is going over very well 12 minutes in and we've like gotten a lot here uh this is another seafloor that i can't uh do yet uh cf floor okay um and then i don't have sky pillar because i can't have surf uh where do we go next uh pacific log let's go mom yeah let's let's do pseudopolis right now i think actually let's go back to it let's do pseudopolis um and to get these optimus from this is like what oh it's in petalburg oh all right so in petalburg over here the pseudopolis yeah okay so we'll use the top of this left um and we'll do like the bottom house i think this is is rust oh all right we're good with the rest of tunnel then um because this guy um well actually it's like is it like if we beat him he gives us the no i think we have to actually clear the way okay well we're in deferred okay um good to know where did i just go oh sue topless left bottom house is rust stirf uh and i'll put that as like i know pick her rips chat pico rips i'll put that over here okay um all right so we're in dewford uh where's the pc it's the second gym that's so good all right so due for pc's gym two so we found three gyms now [Music] we found gym two three and eight um all right so what is this gym uh it's mount chimney we'll come back later [Music] um and then this is the right house oh uh it goes to moss deep uh and then mostly gym is really good goes to dewford uh so duper is normally like hard to get to so it's like nice that we have like this like these options here um we already have the pc let me do this oh speaking which is a pc it's the lava ridge one okay so uh the briny house is a lava ridge pc um and then with that which has two warps which is like kind of nice which goes to uh granite cave and nothing okay um granite all right good now this is what the um thing looks like right now by the way in case you guys are curious give you a little visual there uh on like what's going on here and then we have the top house which goes to rust borough we can really go anywhere here now that's awesome uh and then this is a restaurant is always hard to figure out what it is again um is it the tunnel house here it's the shed i think i think the shed or is this a school technically i think this is the school i always mess this up it goes to duford rusper i gotta label my russ bros better then we have the cave here for uh dewford uh which leads to the weather institute i recall oh and the weather institute we need here okay i'll i'll i'll come back later for this we can't battle it yet um we need here for uh i think it's just another warp um weather [Music] institute uh but to get the bike we have to do the weather institute if i recall so like the actual one um all right awesome so how do i get back i don't i can't get back right now i'm actually out of the loop uh let's go to moss deep i always mossy is always like a good idea i don't know i always feel like mossy is great um it just seems like a good good place to always go all right so house one over here leads to mirage tower gross um mirage tower is like literally the worst um especially because of like bikes like trust it's like awful um and then house two uh is mount pire it's a one way yikes okay uh mount pire one way um where do you go to lily cove okay uh and then in lily cove yeah um lily cove where it is or is it it's the i think it's the lonely house over here is um i i keep forgetting like how i label these um but this leads to mount pyre uh which needs to be explored um and like hopefully i can get past these guys no i can't i literally can't i need it just needs to be explored i can't do this all right so lily cove is next um i'll put needs to explore it here yeah we got a lot of needs being sports here uh because yeah yikes all right so let's do it let's do bamboo house uh which leads to that weird one okay so bamboo house in lilly cove uh is nothing um and then i [Music] where did i label this i think it's technically marvel trek master went straight now oh whatever it's the grassy house that's what it's called the grassy house uh it leads to lily cove okay uh hopefully i'm ahead i don't know if i am i'll be real with you contest hall is the mall oh that's actually huge the contest hall being the mall is giant if you like if you can map out the mall you're connected everywhere um and then this is the oh no the right house is mount pire whoopsies all right so then the lonely house is this one which is the fifth gym let's go gym number five done uh and then i'm pretty sure this is unchanged right no oh it's an island oh it's the regis wait is it is this wait i forgot which reggie this is [Music] is it the one where you go left no it's not okay or rock smash one of those it's a reggie thing um [Music] yeah i'm not even going right down reggie's just aren't good um okay uh we did contest tall pc now lilly cove pc goes to mount pire and you also go to aqua hideout okay yikes um okay so lilycove pc mount pyre and slash hideout and i need to label that as and come back to this is a banging playlist i like this um this is the i say left house this is the right house i i've labeled all of these wrong that's so funny uh for tree city pc um and then it also leads to alex sings for the prime it also leads to what naval rock over here granite it's a grand cave um if i can avoid granite cave i i will um because granite cave is just like awful you know it's just really not good um i've chosen not to by the way get rayquaza yet which could be the downfall of me uh this meteor uh falls i can't spell doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo okay uh this is abandoned ship awesome uh this is the rectangle uh and that's exit for ship rectangle leads to lily cove yeah we have a lot of stuff here that we're mapping out this is this is actually remarkable um and then i can't do them all because i can't fight you uh crowdhouse why did i say what's crowdhouse what the is crowdhouse um am i missing something here oh this oh this is left house crowdhouse is the different one oh i think this is it this is left house uh which leads to also meteor falls okay which i'll check out later [Music] jesus christ we're not getting really much good i'm gonna go back to see if we can do rayquaza which is that lava ridge oh i don't have a connection to lava ridge that's the issue okay that's the actual issue all right so let's do mall stuff uh which is um contest hall is the contest hauls them all right let's do the mall stuff oh that's important to link together so fourth floor two uh leads to lily cove all right so four floor uh one leads to desert ruins this could be a reggie i think oh this is a reggie but is this the correct reggie no all right um i'll just put reggie alright so uh if i recall we can buy ultra balls here which we'll need for um um no it's the next floor which is i think it's the next one uh we'll do ultra balls here for um yeah there it is um for rayquaza all right so second floor oh let's map up starting from first floor uh first floor uh the exit is for tree nice or the entrance is for tree and then four tree house number four is uh maul okay mapping it out mapping it out for one mount pyre i'm not powerful enough to actually do this though [Music] uh which is why i need rayquaza so we can actually like fully flesh out a lot of this stuff um and then floor two number one is sea floor i can't do that yet i need surf um [Music] surf for this okay awesome all right and then uh floor two number two is a pc okay uh which one hey matthew thanks for the six months in advance thanks guys uh masti it's mostly pc [Music] uh if i can get a abra that would be uh beautiful i want an abra really badly uh and then mount pyre again um there's a lot of mount pyres here oh you know what we should probably go to rusboro after this and then get that abra uh that would be actually extremely helpful now i think about it all right mall's almost mapped out honestly kind of not useful helen netted thanks for the two months all right so granite cave that's steven off from that wait that's steven but not like steven gives uh uh the letter or whatever and steel wing okay right so that's actually nothing i was like that's not the steven rebattle uh that's in that's in meteor falls or whatever i was like i was like wait it's the granite cave one virgin turf nice that's a new one uh which can give us access to mall uh the the marvel then turf uh and this is verdanturf [Music] house one uh which leads to maul perfect um and then we have floor four already mapped out let's do five all right i wonder how they're doing is which is victory road uh we found jim one two sorry we jim we found jim two three five and eights currently um all right um let's see petalburg pc is this last one here petalburg pc which would be great if i had an abra um it leads to here which is seafloor again okay awesome um all right let's go get that abra if i can kadabra alakazam wait uh oh it's a d ford oh can i get back to pero dewford ridge pc granite moss deep no i i can't get to do for it right now okay never mind um so let's go to vernon turn floor three at least we know where rayquaza is we gotta catch rayquaza uh we've like set up for it and then reminder to save game that's not fun sir this is bird turf okay and house number two leads to a pokemart um which isn't helpful okay so house two [Music] where is it burn turf nothing all right how's three is next yeah hopefully you guys are liking this i'm having a blast we're in a cave um yeah we'll we'll explore this for granted cave you give me flash if i recall yeah which we'll use later um they will rock to sea floor cavern okay so that's sea floor good good soundtrack dude good soundtrack hello thanks for the uh 1 000 bits appreciate that uh oh that was an abra wait wait there abra can spawn in here wait that's huge wait if africans spawn here i didn't know that i even know they could spawn here what the yeah there it is awesome i'm gonna save real quick to catch this um okay i'll use a pokeball oh perfect literally perfect look actually perfect okay awesome we got nabra abra's huge i don't know if they know about abras but that can like be a game changer that's like it could actually be a game changer um because you can really just go wherever you need um we'll do all this first um and then we'll go back um all right contest hall here is useless all right um and then we go cave next which is the cave of origin which is fine gym number four gym number four that's huge that's actually huge uh can i run it run okay i i somehow got away with that okay um then the mart is next oh okay this is just lily cove that's fine um i'll just say lily cove one way that's fine because we know how to get back like this is this is the power of of note taking because we know exactly oopsies we know exactly how to get back um uh [Music] we know exactly how to get back all right all right um this is where this is how we got back all right vernon turn all right so now we got the mark now the pc uh which is a one-way here russ burrow which is awesome we don't need to go russ burrow anymore oh but raspberry due for duffer to um [Music] mostly moss deep to oh actually no this is different this is a different thing um it is the large house i think i think this is the one [Music] it uh this is um [Music] oh oh my god funk master actual thanks for the 25 gifties jesus thank you you're actually insane thank you so much for those 25 you got one of those gift subs put a pog champ in chat or just pog champs for that or a peek or a gift if you have it um this leads to uh the pc leads to westborough um and did i do this one i did granite cave yes i mean it was nothing i think that was nothing i could be wrong pretty sure it was okay uh let's go to ma oh we're dead all right kill me kill me kill me um petalburg nice oh perfect um let me save here and then let me do rayquaza uh epic totodile thanks for four months thank you um okay so we're in petalburg let's do rayquaza which is in lava ridge by going to the gym um okay let me see if i can do this um i save just in case this up my game okay awaken you go back and i'm pretty sure if i go back you're still not okay so i have to go to top list and then do the do the whole thing um so pseudopolis how do we get to seopolis uh it's peddleberg actually let me go back to paddleberg uh and pseudopolis l is through left house [Music] hopefully this works all right nice oh my god it's rayquaza oh my god that's crazy [Music] okay we can [Music] we can actually go to pseudopolis right now no i think it's better to catch rayquaza i think it's better to catch rayquaza so let's do that i softlocked myself uh nevermind let's go back [Music] uh sorry about that uh whoopsies let's go back do all that again real quick um you have to you have to land on like the certain like spot you know um oh my god happens to the best of us it happens to the best of us uh all right so we go back through here and we go to left d forward pc and then pc to here and then we do the whole cinematic and it spawns us right at the cinematic or whatever and then we want to go up here and then through the mart get back right and then we get back through here and then we go to the gym gym to here and we can catch rayquaza yep all right let's catch every quiz up uh all right we're gonna be here for a second until we can do it it's incredibly important that we do this stuff like it's actually like insanely important that we do it uh and we have to do it outside so we get like good rng [Music] uh if i recall i think great balls like the same too um in terms of like if it's good or not all right also like he's using using different moves which is nice because it shows that like we're getting like different seeds um for him so we're not just like you know like resetting on the the same one you know damn uh we have a couple tries per like um like spawn too so like i'll take it it seems to be going at least well come on rayquaza please please be caught can i just catch you like it would be so much faster if i just caught you first try or this try you know that one all right let me uh let me put my reset button a little bit closer a little bit closer wonder what their strategy is here you know like how they're going about it like what's what's happening like what like are they like do they find anything what haven't they found have they found like i'm in the dark here i have no idea like where they're at right now dennis danis danis uh we if i recall i think we have like a one percent chance to like actually catch it with like a oh that was close though i got three that got three uh three turns yeah it's it's normally just like one or so uh just because it's not getting caught or whatever i don't know exactly how like pokeballs work uh like with the shakes i don't know if it's like a random shakes like do random things um i'd love to learn one day you know like what it actually does but you know um it'd be like interesting at least oh my god for the love of anything that exists ever oh i guess we could have caught a victory road pokemon that probably would have made it easier i totally forgot about that strategy uh where you catch victory over pokemon and you like actually like level down or like you catch rayquaza like the way you would normally catch a regular pokemon rather than just like reset until you catch your first try i totally realized that with that uh that might give that might be like a significant amount of time loss to actually like make me time loss enough you know dude so the incurs if you're curious what the stakes are for this um basically the stakes are if i lose uh i have to cosplay any pokemon that um stands and lingus want me to um uh so yeah that's that's uh we gotta win this chat all right we we gotta win this uh hopefully we do uh because yeah it's gonna be it's gonna be a rough one uh but if i win uh i have to i get to choose which pokemon they cosplay as and i already know which ones i'm going to choose i'm pretty sure like a low pony and a mewtwo are just like or like or maybe something even like funnier than that you know um at least one of them low punny you know i think stan's little punny would be great i'll have to think of what what for link is you know dude can i catch you please can you get caught can you get caught ooh get caught ooh get caught get caught get caught catching rayquaza i don't know what rhymes with rayquaza and i don't know why i'm freestyling because i'm really bad at rapping oh bars ultra ball ultra balls yeah you see that he rhymed ball with balls he's too good rapper ahead of his game ahead of his time he speaks in a note speaks in a rhyme that was taken from another song sing along dude please catch dude oh i might check in with them while we're while we're at it you know yo hey how's it going hey it's going well how's it going with you what's going on it's going really well i'm just uh currently catching rayquaza so like the issue is you know trying to trying to grind that out i wanted more of a challenge myself so i i was just i found him but i was like no thanks oh really yeah thank you yeah i totally get that yeah yeah yeah how's it going though you know what's uh um how you guys working together just uh just taking out lance real quick oh really sorry i'm almost done with the game yeah yeah that's uh oh uh and then we're uh stephen right now oh sorry yeah sorry steven is for people who actually know oh crazy well uh this is both your first time playing the randomizer right yes i've never played the randomizer yeah what do you guys think so far it's awesome my brain is too small but it's very fun i would agree with that statement for the most exactly yeah it kind of like we opened up a whole new world here it's kind of funny because it really just like breaks your brain um at the end of these i just kind of take a nap i'll be real with you so yeah you have to uh especially uh if you're in a race you know it's like an added extra kind of thing oh yeah i think my standard pace is good enough so i'm not really even worried about it oh really wow okay all right geez i will say okay i'll i'll tell you one honest thing okay oh oh how about this hold this we'll do a trade i'll tell you one honest thing if you tell me one on this thing okay uh you tell me you're one honest thing first all right i have found i think uh five gyms that's a that's a lot okay i think i found three gyms i've done one um my honest thing is that i have not found one mart no okay i think one of our one of our uh divoli info is greater than the other but you know what i'll take i i did find groudon grudon wow um but the guy killed me red hair man killed me nice that's nice uh what about you lingus wait i just found a gym hold on i'm sorry i'm sorry you know just beating the game right now you know don't mind me yeah sorry um you know everything's going good i'm trying to level up to progress so that i'm ready to like take on everything while stance is more of the scout out mission i'm a bit of an explorer myself oh okay i see i see the strategy you guys are taking all right good to know yeah yeah all right well good luck with it guys hey thank you thank you thank you thank you uh all right looks like we're ahead uh chat but i'll be real catching rayquaza right now the huge time-lapse we've been on for like 10 minutes now all right like this is uh this is not going so hot uh basically with with how uh this is like going essentially um but it does look like we're ahead because we have found five gems um yikes though dude yikes um i see what they're going where like one's going exploration one's going like building up to sweep the teams the thing with that is is that it's not the best strategy um the best strategy would be to play it independently and like share info like what's where like you go to do for it i'll go to lilly cove kind of style um and uh yeah because you can't access everywhere without you know actually leveling which is why i'm getting like this rayquaza you know rbb thanks for the gifted sub or thanks for the prime sorry um if i can catch this that would be awesome dude what is the what are the odds of catching a rayquaza full health with an ultra ball it's like one percent isn't it i'm actually really curious of that i think it's one percent um so we can like count these i'm being i think i'm still like tech if i catch it right now i think i'm technically still lucky you know um and there's a reason why i'm not like doing it like on frames because it's possible that there's like a frame that i don't have like i don't have um dude it'd be so funny you catch up with a pokeball though it'd be hilarious um yeah i think i think it's like i think it's like slightly greater than one percent it's like 1.87 or something like weird because like a three out of 255 or something i don't know the exact percentage of it but um yeah i mean we'll just keep trying it like this i don't have any money to sell or anything so hopefully uh we can actually like nail this down um oh they said three gems and then uh lincoln's just found a fourth uh so we're actually we might be closer than i thought so monka w dude um okay [Music] please catch i'd love a catch uh pikro bless this chat for for just one catch one one peak or bless equals one more luck [Music] uh just to catch this breakaway as a please for the love of god oh that was so close too oh it's point eight three percent so it's slightly less than uh one out of a hundred yikes [Music] yikes dude oh it's also gotten like really hot in my room oh my god it is it is sweating i uh uh purple club visited my uh my house the other day right uh and he was on stream uh it was two days ago it was two days ago um and he was on stream and he's like dude how the do you stream in this room it's so hot it was like it's kind of like a sauna like if you have to like imagine it like that that's awesome wait it was so funny too is uh um uh abby just texted me she's like connor eats pants just follow me on twitter let's go love that guy it's so cool because uh abby's like being recognized by like other streamers because like she's so cool like she is you know and i'm like yeah hell yeah um come on because she's like she's like a force to be reckoned with in the streaming world let's be real right like it's not just you know point crow she she obviously works for me but like she like moves mountains she she does as much as like any other streamer you know uh for like what they do [Music] um and you can like see it like basically if she was just like no unmotivated or whatever and like like she obviously ah she's like really cool she she does a lot of stuff dude can i catch this please can i catch this can i catch this can i catch this i'd like to catch this with an ultra ball with an ultra like nice beat [Music] alright what point do i give up that's my next question at what point do i give up catching this this rayquaza uh you know what i'll i'll say if we reach an hour without catching i think that's when i that's when i give up and i go uh go without it so 15 more minutes of this i think [Music] uh because if i if i don't get in 15 then you know uh it's like i gotta cut my losses [Music] uh especially with like them getting ahead you know and the more balls i use the uh per round the better it gets you know oh come on please catch please catch i don't know what else to say here um but it's like we have i think we have a good chance at winning because i know kind of what's up um it's just gonna be like what if one of the like i think like we haven't found gym one which is a little bit of an issue because you know actually the the i'll say it like this actually um the the hardware gym one is defined the easier the overall map randomizer is because gym one can't be locked behind like strength or like surf or something you know um so like we'll have an easier time with it uh so i kind of hope that we don't find gym one early on but we still have a lot to check out like the uh like the ships uh the shipwreck um we already did the mall which is nice but we have like one or two towns that we haven't discovered yet like uh mauville specifically that we have access to also russ boro is a huge one um so like those can be like really awesome [Music] um but specifically the shipwrecks like those are kind of huge um yeah i'm actually like super excited for the map randomizer too because we're coming out with fire red leaf green next and fire red leaf green has like a special place in my heart um and it'll be like an easier one because there's not as many warps in fire red lip green as like there is this emerald and like same thing for platinum because diamond is not not as many like places to go um it's being actively developed right now um it's taking a little bit time between all of them um for the map randomizers just because um i like basically gutted the map randomizer team to work on like some other stuff and now i just recently put them back together like all right let's start on fire red leaf green because i had to get them for like you know some other uh works like the nuzlocke that we're doing you know uh that specifically was at sign that was all at sign and uh he spent like a while on it so that's pretty cool um please [Music] i was like maybe pokemon wait he keeps using extreme speed is that like are we on the same seed then no i guess not i just want to make sure he can be caught you know [Music] all right let me do this let me fast forward like a bajillion frames save again and try again bro let's go let's go we caught it all right we're good we're gonna go we're gonna go uh everything's fine all right guys we're back we're in it we're here to win it they don't have a request that we do awesome oh my god that's huge that's huge that's so huge um all right let's go out here um because now we can literally just do this literally look at this like we we in facebook one that we couldn't before and we have the best priority move in the game uh mauville uh it's about chimney is marvel okay mobville we'll just check out right now actually uh the casino goes to lava ridge okay um then we have wally or whatever and you're like oh my god i'm a little and you're like yeah you suck uh and that's basically how it works uh thanks wally look at you you suck alright um nice so we have the gym here uh which leads to mount pyre um and it's nice because we actually like fully explore locations now yeah easy fully explore locations just just literally extreme speed um outrage it's fine works too or we could just die to a there we go awesome uh i was like die to a breeder cal thanks for the raid 78 sorry about that uh that we're in emo only appreciate though uh thanks so much for the the raid uh ema only because uh it's a map randomizer race uh so currently uh everywhere in the entire game is mixed up uh so if you walk into a for example uh pokemon center then uh you exit through something else so okay so this is from lilly cove uh technically uh which is the mount pyre is nothing uh well actually i'll put inside nothing it's mobville um so as you can see it's like different places um essentially abandoned ship all right so that goes to mobville this is marvel gym jim goes to nothing actually [Music] i'll say nothing because we're conceivably not going to go there ever um let me go pc but yeah uh welcome in guys uh pc's vampire one way um okay it goes to mobvil anyways uh sure you know uh left house is nothing so then we want to go to the mart uh let me save here real quick all right so we got the mart here aqua hideout that's fine to respond okay um so russ burrow i dude bro i don't even know which one this is i think it's the big house next to the gym technically um this one goes to marvel um something like that okay cool hi zoe uh then we're gonna go to the right house in mobville um which hello i don't want to foster so it's nothing i'm sorry it's not you it's me it was meant to work out this way you know i i care about your fossils just i don't care about you anyways um bike house right pacific log [Music] uh it's the pacifilog um other thing too like pacifilog mauville ship square okay uh which is for later uh let's go to the daycare now um okay so daycare leads to i think you're nothing here yeah i think this is nothing and then we go down here to something hopefully no this is the trick room all right so that's all right so that's conceivably nothing um and we can go cycling road one and two is oh it's later i'm down there let's go to win straight actually um hopefully that's something we can get um okay yeah we're fine as long as we just like fly we're fine uh when straight will be weird for them because i don't know if one of them is going to have like the because the way they're going i think win straight if there's like a gym block behind it i think they're gonna have an issue with it you know uh unless like like lincus does something and like it stands on something else we should be fine and then we have grandma next uh he just has meditate with the text which sucks but that's fine and we should be good all right um oh it's the devin corp all right so it's it's literally nothing all right hey look we're on the table whoa that's crazy all right so it went straight's nothing uh that sucks i wish it was something uh all right so we have new mobville cycling road one and two to go over um that's for later i guess um i would ideally like to heal in some way shape or form you know uh because healing is issue um all right save again because saving uh multiple times is as they say poggers all right so this is cycling road uh nothing okay um i'll go from top to bottom so it's cycling road 2 from slateport is nothing or what i can find uh trick master i guess we can go all the way down to go to the trick master and try it um see if i can alright sick hey we're leveling up abra slightly um let's do mud kip instead just just just to make sure oh we have the rival fight here too with mei or not with me uh with brendan that's fine uh rival fight here should be fine although this was probably one of the hardest rival fights honestly in all of pokemon uh it's like insane like level difference and it's just like nuts ah thanks for paralysis dude all right so this is the trick room which leads to granite cave uh which hopefully is something um if i recall there's nothing here [Music] all right i could be wrong with that though i think there is something i could be i i think i'm right where i say something's here i was wrong chad i was wrong i was wrong i wasted i wasted my life i wasted doing this dude paralysis with outrage kind of over pee um and i would also ideally like to um i'd ideally like to heal here so we get some of our power points back for rayquaza um and then i can't go down here if i recall we might have to go back up i've wasted a lot of time going down trick master uh it's just like a place that like um i don't think people are gonna like see or like i don't think like stands and and uh like i don't know although they do have like the um the map so i guess they'll see it oh i stopped mudkip from evolving that sucks whoopsies uh i didn't want marshtop anyways [Music] uh who needs marsh top right you know that's that's what they say uh rest in peace p chris happens thanks for the uh uh nine months okay so mobville we should be good to go with mopfil actually um can i go anywhere mart let's go to the mart and let's go to russ pro let's map out russ bro [Music] um pokey nap look okay so let's start with the gym for westboro we only go anywhere else for us bro so the gym here is the abandoned ship there's only one place for the abandoned ship uh one ways found hello [Music] all right uh hoes for later um that's pretty good though uh then we have the church slate port uh and then with slateport it should be one of the top ones of the left house because the rust borrow um and we'll come back there for later okay and then we have the gym i don't know what house this is dude [Music] it's about power one way which leads to cycling road okay slave port um which i i'm assuming is the cut house so this is a slate or one way all right so we're going to do slateport then birdie thanks for the 27 months thank you the harper's harbor okay uh the battle tents and captain thanks for the gifted sub um so slateport let's do slayport so battle tent is aqua hideout down here okay that means nothing so the museum is something but okay so that's nothing um we're knocking it out i haven't found much a recently which is a little concerning i'll be real with you guys the pc is to topless right so it's topless right yeah which which one is this um it's the second to top house so it's the house number not the dome house house one house two what the how did i label this see topola's right it goes to slate port i think dude i i'm i'm lost in my own sauce um all right then the mark goes to sky pillar um but probably nothing good song all right granite cave this is such a weird song this is from uh gen 2 isn't it i can imagine it's from gen 2 this is the harbor uh because the sky pillar and this one also goes to sea floor okay so this goes to sky pillar [Music] but like on oh we can actually go through sky pillar what the am i doing like we can actually do it because i have my very crazy yeah what am i doing i just i just go through it because i can just run now there's the pacific log okay uh so this doesn't go to sky pillar this goes actually specifically the pacific log all right that's that's a good distinction to make this is probably oh it's gen five really okay uh seafloor i can't go anywhere there all right so we have the harbor here and then we have slate port the right house [Music] jim won that's huge chad that's actually huge oh my god that's that's that's probably one of the best things we could have gotten here [Music] oh my god that's amazing all right let's do gym one uh because we also know where gen two is and gym three and gen four and gen five that's actually kind of insane now i think about it all right that's gym number one down got the stone batch um so all we need is any elite four member uh we have elite four member champion we need six and seven jim save okay um all right let's go to beach house now uh conceivably they would have gotten that so this is the bike shop all right um i got the letter so i can get the bike i got the mock bike okay all right so this is where bikes are good to know that we have the bike that might be hard for them to find especially if with steven if they don't know to talk to him um so bike all right so cycling road one and two um oh i thought i wrote down cycling road one and two oh it's double on here well that's stupid oh no it's not i lied [Music] i i understand what my notes say now guys i get my notes now uh slateport let's go to rusboro again which is left house hey it's papaya i realize get out of the way oh my god don't take my goods good luck with that my guy all right um so s russ bros schools is that this school no is this this is the school okay um so the shed goes to dewford the school goes somewhere else the school goes to meteor falls um if i recall there's nothing in this part of meteor falls aqua jag thanks for the gift of sub [Music] yeah this okay this is the steven fight that's the meteor falls steven fight uh which we are not going to fight him because that doesn't sound like fun um oh although that'd be kind of like a fun like last ending um but i'll put school is nothing stephen in case i want to go back there um what was the pc again i think the pc was like a one oh i haven't done the pc here yet the pc is a pc finally thank god um but which one is it it is the marvel pc [Music] okay uh modville pc is the point crow and then this is the is a fiery path what is um okay with a mart and then i need strength so i'll label this as like later so it goes to fiery path i need strength for that okay um then here is meteor falls uh so meteor falls is oh which one was which one was this [Music] all right i have no idea uh my my notes are i'll be real with you guys i hope there's nothing here okay that's fine i hope i find nothing here granite cave that's actually important okay um so the rest borough tunnel house leads to wait where does this look to again oh uh that's fine um because it it doesn't conceivably matter going down that way okay um but the cave leads to meteor now the tunnel house leads to tunnel houses meteor falls uh and the cave leads to granite okay so then both of these are unexplored uh aqua hideout that's fine okay and you over here is abandon ship square oopsies i don't wanna go there yeah this is square [Music] uh and it's uh ship square um door leads to [Music] rustboro sure all right and then this leads to sky pillar desert ruins yikes uh maul one way basically um broken door leads to the mall one way all right so then we're at the mall where should we go from here let's go to the four tree let's go to four tree germany uh paris thanks for four months oh or we go to gym number two in dewford can we go to deferred from here i don't think so i'll go to four tree let's explore fortree real quick [Music] um okay so for tree i'll start with a pc leads to a pc wow that's crazy oh my god it's the verdant turf pc though i know it's crazy whoa who would have thought uh it leads to uh the regis uh you're i mean you're really good xp um okay so then the mart's here goes to rust burrow mart and so the rust burrow mar at least a four tree good to know we can get back um yeah let's actually go to russ pero let's finish respero uh house one house two apparently is where i need to i don't know what this one was that was the one way oh god uh this is left um okay dome house bottom leads to russboro or no at least to mount pyre i have i i'm lost [Music] okay so then we'll just continue over here uh victory road unexplored victory road [Music] okay um let's go back to dome house bottom or let's go back to what do you leave new new marvel oh top house yeah so top house leads to new mauville so nothing new marvel is nothing [Music] uh we'll come back all right let's go back to mount pire [Music] um and mount pire here should be sea floor god damn blocked by uh strength so mount pyre specifically blocked by strength okay come back to that um and then over here we have a lot to explore still uh it's just an escape room okay uh then i'm gonna do this i'm going to teleport because we don't have a thing here so we're back to virgin turf let's go to rusboro again uh and now we're in russeboro have i checked out all these houses i think i have uh you were mount pire i've checked out you guys i think i should be fine i think i've checked out everything okay i don't know what house one house team means though i don't know my own notes this is bad [Music] that's fine i'll get back to it at least um all right so then we have the herb house which is hello uh you give me uh sky pillar okay you don't give me anything uh but i progressed some of the story events so i'll take it so herb is nothing [Music] house one and house two what do i mean by house one house two do forest forest leads to abandon uh ship okay awesome ship broken nice all right broken let's start with it it's um door two leads to rust borrow so door what's behind door number one uh pc uh which pc though uh pseudopolis pc hey uh and that means to mount pyre and from mount pire it goes to uh mart so that's useless okay uh we should catch hello before we go to the elite four though for sure all right so then i want to go here down here to meteor falls [Music] if i don't if i'm not gonna do media falls if i don't have to uh basically um it seems like uh awful to do that i stopped mudkip's evolution again all right um meteor falls uh it seems like i'm i'm either luckier or i've been making it through more of uh um this then like maybe i'm more efficient than um oh jesus christ what happened to my dpi on my mouse there alright that was weird okay um so this is jagged pass which is nothing if i recall okay so jagged pass is nothing [Music] all right and then broken doors next which goes to [Music] actually new place fall over [Music] um in fall arbor i think it's the oh what house is this [Music] i think it's the fossil house [Music] i think it's the possibilities i could be wrong that's new okay and then i don't know the stairs two master ball we got the master ball let's go to hello that's huge that's huge got the master ball okay stairs one's next uh contest hall up here drake that's huge okay uh contest hall all right so that's the last elite four member uh which means i need to do this to get out all right pseudopolis all right see topless right i haven't gotten the pc yet let's check it out mount pyre one way interesting lillico okay but we can check this out because i do have the ability to do that uh then we have sky pillar all right so sky pillar let me remember that sky pillar all right i need to make sure that mudkip does evolve okay all right all right i i like pause there make sure it did we're going we're all good okay awesome and then up here is pokemart okay so conceivably this is essentially nothing um but i'll try my best um key items register let's save here got it first try let's go um all right this is also nothing though so i fell through it's nothing i fell through so i'm gonna go down here a little peddleburg okay [Music] uh i'll just put nothing here okay so petalburg now that we're in petalburg where was ho oh again it was in russboro okay so petalburg does lead to zootopolous left which does go to mars bro no i need to go to dewford left house is due for pc so save here and you go dewford yeah all right so then dewford pc's gym two okay awesome and if i recall gym two the solution to it is like this yeah awesome here we go gym number two he knows it all right uh we can use flash and everything now awesome easy clap dude all right gym number three is actually in old dale town um so from dupod let's go to left house to russeboro why do i go to west brom again oh for ho-oh at the gym so the gym leads to here which leads to ho-oh um and then i'm going to yeah i'm going to save here just in case yeah we're doing well chat we're doing really well here all right what's up ho master ball it is sick that's disgusting let's go that's so gross that's so gross all right master ball used uh acquired all right uh where do i want to go we haven't done portrait yet so let's go to the mark what's up pulse for the mart here okay so for tree we've done the mart house one start with house one um all right so you have um the ability to detect or just protect everything lost your bearings that's funny that's a funny piece of dialogue in this context have you lost your bearings well technically yes shadowball oh that's mew i don't really care to find mew i'll be real with you [Music] i'll just do it to do it you know actually i really don't care to find new it's just such time loss i don't care uh it's only level 32 so it's not even good xp um like like i'm sorry i know i know mew is like one of your favorite pokemons chat but it's it's it's nothing nothing leads there uh and house two is next we're we're steadily making our way through this um and you are cut guy no you're rock smash guy yes okay so we have rock smash now perfect all right so we got rock smash um at two you can rock you can't walk in cycling road where's this lead too [Music] oh abandoned ship okay uh so we just went through for treat house number two which leads to abandoned ship okay uh so this leads to that's the lock door in the locked door technically if we find it leads to portry okay um let's teleport back to dewford uh and then in dewford we can go to actually weather institute let's do that uh in the cave actually thanks for these six months or five months almost six yeah because we can do this now discover what this is uh magma hideout through you okay seafloor cavern we already know what that is all right so we haven't done this yet hello gym badges okay i can't do the gym badges yet um so the cave i want to go uh sorry the dewford cave weather institute leads to the evergrand bc badge i'll just put batch check um which i can't do yet and then i want to go down here at least to magma hideout probably oh okay a little different place nugget give you a little nugget of information we might win here um okay so this is a one warp no multiple work grant cave oh we've already we already know it's granite cave like we already know that granite cave exists in old dale yeah okay so old dale actually we know where gym three is because of the mart so we might as well do it while we're here um we'll go over this way petalburg goes down to here this is gym three [Music] that's gym three guys it's a worm pole oh my god a worm full gym three it's nuts you've never seen it like this uh fire blaster oh i should just swift because it's double battle oh now it literally doesn't matter okay it's like music though it's like music it was either this or the battle music and i'm like you know what this is pretty good all right third gym uh and then fourth gym is inverted if we ever make it back there nice easy dude easy uh roxanne all this stuff okay awesome um roxanne russ pero do we want to go to westboro right now yes uh we do because we want to go to mauville uh which is the big house if i recall which it should be this one so this leads us to mauville awesome and then we go to virgin tour for gym 4 in the cave [Music] stop being paralyzed there we go thank you oh bro oh come on come on i need to go faster at least we can go places now because we have the legendary pokemon that's i mean that's like incredibly important so i'm glad we have it okay so right here should be yes fourth gym nice and then give me something no you don't give me fresh water i thought they always give me fresh water yeah i thought they always gave you fresh water damn i guess i'm wrong oh and they forget the solution to this yep i think i go up from there yeah swift does both i should do swift for double battles maybe we should look up the maybe i should genuinely look up the the solution to this because i feel like i forget every time [Music] like this one and then it's like no no it's the other one it's this one and then it's the right one and then it's this middle one and then we're good nice all right yay look i got it all right gym number four [Music] whoa gem four down nice and it contains overheat awesome let's go gym number four and gym number five is in lilly cove if we ever make it back there all right vert and turf anything inverted turf that we haven't gone yet actually we can just go to lily cup from the mart some one way lily cove it is all right gym number five uh is in the lonely house it's right here actually hello dad hi dad how's it going cool so we just need to find gym number six find gym number seven and then the elite four members bye dad all right and then we're back in lily cove all the stuff then we got surf give me surf oh this is new oh um okay we do have a way out this is new though [Music] uh jasmine thanks for the 13 months i hope i'm ahead all right it's blocked by strength here i don't know how to get out i can teleport out technically yeah i think i need to teleport out here [Music] yeah okay so it's number five uh where haven't we been mostly we haven't been a fall arbor either um if we go to duffer that would be magnificent um we haven't done four tree either so let's do the mark to go to four tree um and then for tree uh i'm gonna heal real quick because i think we need it uh which is actually the verdant turf pc okay that's good now uh house three we haven't gone to yet the abandoned ship is a one way so house three is here uh wait [Music] wait i thought this was is this a one way uh if i do this properly can i get back to where's the burden turf i get back to westborough really easily yeah i think this was one way um yeah it was this is the abandoned ship one oh was that house two wait wait what they'd label this wrong wait did i label it wrong wait what [Music] house one house oh that was house three okay okay so house two is different oh okay house two it was uh like uh rock smash or whatever so it's actually it's nothing right now okay um so now let's check out so we can check out the gym and everything else right okay so i can't do that oh because that's something receivable in the way right and then house four is the mall so let me go over here get the um what you call it or whatever let me get the uh the scopes so i can see it thanks for the bits guys thanks for the subs too if you guys are enjoying the stream you're not following the string yet feel free to follow the stream um we do fun stuff like this all the time i know i'm not like interacting with chat obviously because you guys are in only mode um and as well as the fact that you know um uh you know i'm in the middle of this fight battle all this jazz um but i just want to say hey i appreciate you guys being here um and thanks for enjoying the thanks for enjoying the content especially if you can't chat like uh sorry about that it happens a thing [Music] okay so the gym is a pokemon center [Music] it's the lily cove center which is awesome all right what else is it though we're looking for gym four by the way oh sorry gym six gym seven and all of the elite four members [Music] old dale okay so old dale is fine now um with the hideout okay because we know where that leads um which relates to portrait actually [Music] i don't know all right so this leaves the four tree and then we're good to go and then four tree gym technically leads to lilly cove pc slash old dale if we need to get back okay we're starting to get to the point where we don't care exactly where we're like writing down so this is left house sea floor cavern earthquake hey i don't really remember this one oh hey what's up kyogre hey we got earthquake oh um i should teach that to rayquaza that would make my life a lot easier [Music] uh instead of rest yeah [Music] okay mount pire on the right house hi kyogre bye kyogre seventh gym [Music] all right just need to do gym number six that's huge that's huge [Music] that's huge [Music] the pond cave right weather center let's do the weather center real quick that like that's actually like really big though that's like insanely big i don't know how else to put that but that's like that's that's huge uh oh and then you give me fly don't you i think you give me fly which i need to beat this yeah all right and i need to be the sixth gym just to do that so that's awesome uh so we got fly that'll make it so much easier for me i wonder how they're doing all right i can't do weather institute currently um where can we go uh lilly cove so from lilly cove i want to go to fall arbor um uh we actually go from four tree to fall arbor now now i see this hey hi maisie how's it going rose gold thanks for the two months okay um so broken that's not broken broken should be from here go through here nope you're well i'm doing great let me go here it's a cycle thing we go through and then we battle you it doesn't matter um okay so fall arbor is from ship broken to the broken door so this one awesome all right so let's actually follow over here so let's start with the tudor [Music] this is abandoned ship [Music] evergreen city hello you're the you're actually the mood bleeder okay uh so nothing really here evergrand cave leads to fall arbor pc is moved nothing okay [Music] and then we have another warp right over here that we gotta check actually wait wait wait let's do the earthquake and then swift and you just you just lose nice and that's why you do it look uh we got some actual strats okay of origin oh this is a groudon oh this is kyogre but like actually kyogre i don't really care about kyogre i'll just use all my pokeballs on it just in case yeah it literally doesn't matter alright um all right so that's just kyogre um which means that we've actually discovered all of uh left all of tudor which means there's nothing there awesome so let's see battle tent next which is nothing okay go goggles that's useless um so battle tent is also nothing pc nothing leaves the fallout so it has me uh curious if one of these is maybe like an elite four member uh that's number two uh darker oh it's favorite number one through ten nine i like nine a lot um what is okay it was fall over pc is is this elite four number which one is this i think it's i think it's number two things number two uh i can't beat you so i gotta i gotta teleport out lily cove and lily cove how do we get back proud house which one's crowdhouse i think is this one all right this is a little too chill too for me um let's do some there we go all right nice all right so for tree uh wait this is this this portrait yeah um i want teleport to four tree and then from fortree i want to use you to get to fall arbor or abandon ship and then to fall over like this okay awesome how much counter thanks for the 21 months thank you okay fall over left house oh my god oh my god elite one okay okay that's huge we need just one more elite four member and one more gym and we're done literally eleanor thanks for the raid 390 sorry i i apologize for the um emo only mode sorry about that but we're in the middle of a race between lincus me and stans uh where it's a pokemon emerald but the map is completely randomized uh as you can see here um it's just all over the place so uh hey if you're not following helena cake please go give a follow uh to them they're pretty awesome pretty sick you know um and uh yeah if you uh like what you see here then well we do this often so feel free to follow me i totally just did that all over again elite two is in the pc why did i go there uh that's stupid all right um poetry again let's go back to fall over this is our only way to fall over which is ridiculous um but i mean i'll take it you know um i gotta go to the ash house next which is this way uh as you can see we are doing really well here [Music] nice okay awesome so we have all of the gyms uh except for one and we have all the elite four members except for one and we haven't found the champion either um which could be in any of these uh we're starting to go searching i'm just i just hope it's not in a cave dude cave spawns are like the worst um oh this is a seafloor cavern we already know what this is okay so that's nothing in the ash house we've explored all of this uh we need to do grandma's house the hot cave and uh everything else to there so uh actually just do this i just need gym six because then we get fly and then fly is just like a game changer you know like fly's actually a game changer um okay so let me go down this way for the next houses this is lynette's house uh if you want to see this is uh currently my like that right there like that's my these are my notes so this is lynette house which is a i should have done the for tree i shouldn't have oh it's a fall over pc oh literally perfect okay um mixed with an elite four member no although cable car empire i think we've already seen all of this from empire yeah so this is maul so there's nothing to write down here with the cable car i think i think it's just the lynette pc lillico pc and over here oh we haven't gone to this one yet though drop 15 oh okay this is the round 15 one that i always miss so that's totally fine with me i always miss that one which is like so nice that we're like actually going through right now um like i it's like like it's literally like every single time i miss that warp and i've lost two races to just not knowing that warp exists i always forget it hey look it's pp up yeah so fall over again um yeah so we already went to the lynette house let me double check again this is where we want to go yeah wait we went to cable car we went down here want to double check that the mount pyre one's correct so we go down this way and we go over here and then that's where we were led i think there's another one up here yeah i'll make sure that we get everything all right so this is nothing uh like i remember like the nice thing about like doing this so much is that you remember warps and stuff so you're like okay i understand where we're going like i understand like where this is and how we're doing it um it just makes it like a lot easier you know so that's uh pc or whatever um and lynette's house is follower pc nothing much nothing else percy thanks for the 23 months thank you glad you've been enjoying for so long and uh i hope you continue to enjoy later you know uh there should be uh a cave over here that we're gonna check we're starting to get to the weirder ones i mean we still haven't done some topless right or moss deep at all which we'll have to do later for sure um but we are ahead it seems like i'm ahead hour 30 here one hour 30 minutes oh one hour 40 minutes in i should probably check up on them and see how everything's going um but i'm like in winning mode you know hot cave abandoned ship all the way up here this could be it hey rayquaza's level 73 nice um and it could also be allurian thanks to the 10 gifted i found the champion all right so we just we literally need one elite four member and one gym left all right so i need to lose here somehow [Music] i need to i can't i can't i gotta i actually gotta lose i i i need a load there because i actually can't win that one like i'm not allowed to win until like you know uh but that's gonna know that we can literally just win against the elite uh against the champion really without doing much good to know um and there's meteor cave which is like through waterfall which i'll get later [Music] let's see i just need gym six and we're probably set honestly [Music] oh the grandma's house is over here that's what i'm talking about sorry i know where grandma's house is i was like really confused on my notes i was like where's grandma's uh all right sick it's like right here if i recall it's like it's like really weird yeah it's like this weird house yeah all right which is cycling road to on the bottom which leads technically to fall over uh yeah and then mauveville cycling road two is the next one okay where do we get surf from again uh we get surf from a gym no we haven't wait do we have surf uh i think we have surf yeah we get strength from ruster of tunnel which is for later okay so it might be blocked behind one of those with only two minutes uh two hours in this is going really well emile thanks for the prime gaming okay so that goes to topless gym [Music] um which is here which technically leads to cycling road to fall arbor okay and chris osloth thanks for the uh the prime for 20 months thank you i'm glad you uh like emerald i like it too a lot um do i surf i do absurd okay uh so i'll teach surf to you marsh stop except growl um i'll teach rock smash to marsh top as well which is why we take marshtop um and i'll teach we already have fly them all right so i'm gonna do uh sutopoulos right now uh with the top house uh because we haven't got the top house you know okay are we playing this on a game boy all right which is victory road i want to do victory road [Music] victor road's like awful like victor road's like actually awful um i really don't want to do victory road if we don't have to it seems like we're gonna have to start doing those but i won't do it if i don't you know granite the fact there's so many in granite means that like there's probably not the gym is probably not in granite cave but i haven't seen many victory roads which leads me to believe that it is in victory road you know um so that's a little bit of yx all right this is sky pillar here and we'll save [Music] there we go oh i probably should tell them that we can do that hi hello hey how are you doing sorry uh there was there was there was one one rule i forgot to tell you guys okay it's like really minor um but because um of the nature of the warp randomizer and the fact that bike puzzles suck um yeah you can you can save state for for bike puzzles in case okay yeah hopefully bike puzzles i've definitely gotten through there um remind me of why i would have to bike puzzle in this run to beat the game uh you don't have to bike puzzle to beat the game uh but it's like sometimes if you want to get to a warp like let's say in the sky pillar or whatever you do need a bike puzzle got it yeah okay and i'm gonna let you know one thing i got to rayquaza with a master ball huh and he flew away yes that's you have to go back or something and i didn't know and i didn't write it down okay no i know oh oh no uh if you see rayquaza or rayquaza and um he flies away um make him fight his brother uh what she does you have to go to topless basically and then you go back and then you go back yeah getting back i went to pseudopolis did that do not remember how to get back so if you got any hinters oh that does bring back one question okay oh you've got to get out of here okay this is big oh oh okay okay good luck would be me get out okay i didn't want to talk to you guys i didn't want to talk to you anyway yeah you know screw you guys god they're so mean i just wanted to have a conversation i just wanted to make some friends and the right things for the prime nah that's fine man that's fine that's that's all good i'm sorry just give me a second uh all right so we gotta go to moss deep dewford russ perot so russ perot from slateport slateport left house press bro okay all right so i want to get to mossdeep so left house goes to russ bro and then this go uh respero goes to dewford through the shed actually that's even easier okay so now we're in dewford um and i want to go to moss deep through the right house see this is note taking moss deep okay um jim duford left all right so we haven't done the left pc house yet uh let me save here just in case because we're in a new player area uh abandoned ship dive ball i want to know where they're at um okay what is this one this pc is the pacifica log town pc wait we've been here no we haven't no we haven't that's the last elite four member [Music] okay now we just need to find one gym gym number six and we've won okay [Music] uh pacific log i think is the only place we can go here i i need to get back to moss deep though um the pacifilog to [Music] mauveville uh oh well actually we can go through this now i can check here that's actually huge chat like that's actually huge oh my god um all right i'm gonna extreme speed on you and then i'm gonna swift okay [Music] nice easy all right so we have two things here uh one is uh max elixir awesome all right so that's nothing and then the other one is a pp up which is also nothing okay um so good to know that uh that is nothing we're at marvel okay cool so mauville how do we get to d ford from here russ burrow through the mart and then uh we go to the shed in russ bro see it's always always pays good to take notes right so now we're in dewford from dewford we can go to most deep with the right house that's our only way to get mostly okay so we have to find the last one mossdy pc is next [Music] okay um interesting hey the casino let's go i wish i wish i could i could i could gamble in this we all have time though make my hideout all right you do your whole thing and then you you fight me and battle me and i'm like oh god oh god i don't know i can't believe you're destroying the world don't do that teehee all right easy easy uh and then we have one more teleport over here to check uh this was the most deep mart no he has the musty mark that we went through to get to here i gotta remember that um oh hey what's up groudon hey look oh my god that's crazy free xp cool uh cool uh yeah so that was nothing that's that was groudon which is kind of cool because uh i know unless they found gym six i don't know if they have found gym six um but i know that they've been there because that's what stan said he found groudon uh at the mart so they have been the most um this is the big house i think this is the big house technically okay abandoned ship and then up here is a one way to mount pyre which leads to gym seven okay i mean i also leads to gym seven that's okay uh we can get the d for it from here pretty easily so a little weird there so i'll say i'll count that as technically jim actually no because it doesn't really matter i'll say nothing i'll put that as nothing because we already know where gym seven is and we have like an easy access to it so we're fine you know ah wait i went to fall over that's i didn't mean to go to fall over um that's funny uh for tree with the locked door rust burrow with door two you wanna go to westborough everything leads to fall over reaganomics thanks for the 15 months thank you uh let's go up here yeah we don't have to fight you we go to the shed go to shed write that down then right house with duford i like how you can like kind of like memorize where something's been now you know this is the close house smart okay this is the far ridge house i think oh bro i swear to god if it's in mirage tower i'm going to scream dude mirage tower is like actually the worst though like it's legitimately like the worst place i don't have strength that's also a lock there okay um all right so i'll say mirage so far ridge far ridge place mirage tower blocked by because it could be there uh unless we have strength we don't have strength where do we get strength from rester of tunnel we do know where ruster of tunnel is uh technically we can't go through there yet but yeah call me kitty um or mikey sorry thanks for the four months nice [Music] that this seems appropriate um [Music] this seems okay can i get back there i don't think i can all right so i think i can go oh oh i'm actually stuck okay let's say go back um i'll say like nothing technically there in mos deep that's a little weird with nasa what was close i think close house was awesome uh tudor island is next though i don't know if you guys i always i always forget this um when i do these map randomizers it seems like they haven't found gym six though like tudor islands like over here yeah victory [Music] wow we've discovered basically everything time to start backtracking essentially all right um [Music] i don't want to do victory road i just don't want to uh it's just not fun for me uh so mos deep let's go back to dan thanks for the tier 2 for 20 months and thanks for being one of my moderators you're also you're super cool thank you all right the gym goes to dewford do freaking go to russ bro really quick i need to go to lily cove or no ship square probably wait ship square says russ burrow if i didn't write it down oh it's the tunnel house it's ship square okay so duford left house is russ burrow okay and then i want to go to the tunnel house now calamity brand thanks for the five months thanks for the subs guys thank you glad you've been enjoying um all right full focus mode too i'm glad we got that abra it's like super helpful um i can't wait till we get that sixth gen though because then it's just like it's actually solid uh like six gym means we won you know [Music] all right so this is tunnel house uh which leads me to if i recall this is the helpful one ship square is up here stop there's so many encounters jesus uh no that's not the helpful one it's ship squares here no what the [Music] what the i want to get to the ship square i guess it is through here i guess i lied oh it is okay awesome so ship's square uh the broken door was mall one way okay so that's why we didn't finish this so this is door one over here with ship square which is a pc um this happens to be slate port pc [Music] okay and then that's this is the herb shop that's fine um and then door two is also elite four member go back go back please i want to go back um i'll just put this as e1 as well i've forgot there's two warps for each elite four member um [Music] let me see oh no no no no no chip square um slate for pc russeboro is the door all right so to get to russ perot from slateport i think it's the left house yeah there we go okay so then from here i need to go to the tunnel house again okay the tunnel house meter falls goes all the way up pieces um yeah the ship i'm still discovering uh we still have to do some poetry stuff so uh i'll keep that in mind for later uh all right so the stairs now is next which is mount pyre [Music] okay and i think this only has one warp here i think mount pie only has one more i could be wrong well it should have only one work uh warp which is down here which is another pc which is mossdeep's pc i'll take that um write that down and then jim's okay no uh masti pc which is happens to be the mall floor whatever mostly pc mount pyre which has been discovered now okay all right uh floor two sea floor let's oh um sure let's go with this all right um sky pillar this is regular sky pillar okay somehow oh all right wait we've been here before we've binched here because of petalburg yeah sky pillar we're fine with this i can erase that oh you know what i can do actually uh we do want to go to petalburg i know we're sort of wait did i have something that i missed i think i missed something there actually so let me go back real quick um as like a second option i had um yeah isn't there like a second way to go this there's like another no i guess not okay i just want to make sure all right petal burger is uh because petalburg we have uh like briny's house and the forest that we need to discover uh now that we can right so we can actually go to wally's house now because we haven't done that in petalburg yet so wally's house is the school uh then we have briny in the forest next all right so briny is up here hello briny oh oh and then we just wreck our train uh our rival again yeah you suck uh get better scrub uh aqua hideout mount pyre okay mostly can i go back to masti for specified i need a br briny is nothing uh it's like a one way so uh brian is nothing i thought forest is important though uh moss deep we get to lilly cove too why do you want to go to lily cope again oh for ship rectangle okay yeah i do want to go to moss deep then so house two and moss deep is a one way to lilly cove [Music] and then lilly co specifically um there was a ship rectangle in house number two yeah okay so i haven't been a ship rectangle this is wild dude okay all right so that's the march so that's nothing uh door one is next which is magma hideout uh i think this is a one uh one warp like one inch exit like entrance exit you know oh i could be wrong oh wait this was contest hall pause champ on the contest hall and then uh free xp i read uh regex if i recall the contest hall here led me to yeah drake yeah okay awesome that's exactly what i wanted then all right so i want to go back to lily cove um and i just want to double check that whole thing there which is great so this goes to e4 in case i wanted to go in a different way um so then to do this i go back to here abandon ship rectangle okay so then i've done uh door one stairs next uh which is barry house so barry house if i in case want to go to it is most deep okay how do i get to pseudopolis again that was a weird one was it here no it wasn't here which one was it all right well we can start doing lily cove i can do the mall now that could be it why did i why did i earthquake on the trophies why am i an idiot that's that's the next question hopita thanks for the eight months welcome back all right so now we can do maul hopefully it's something good it's victory road yo hey yo oh do you want to talk to me now yeah i'm down to talk to you i just didn't want you to hear the secret intel on one of the elite four members oh really okay interesting so you have found an elite four member we've okay i'm gonna give you the sauce i found every elite four member in the champion damn oh oh god wait you guys are like probably close to finishing up but we're there there's there is a sticking point on the gyms yeah uh if you guys are good uh would you like i i'd like to propose something oh i'm always open to hearing ideas yeah all right it's a crazy idea i don't know if you're i don't know if you're down though um bathroom break oh hey i already took one feel free we could you want to you want no no i won't stop that no i won't stop you're good all right okay okay if you if you already took one then it's even i i did already take one okay good luck good luck king all right thank you thank you all right viewer backchat if you're back jkbp thanks for the five months hi i'm back hello hi jack um all right where do i go where's where's like a good place here mount pyre to marvel technically i could to go [Music] um let's do let's do here vampire phoenix thanks for the prime actually where are you um poor tree yeah i actually do want to go to four tree specifically yo trinity thanks for the two mods hello hello uh all right we'll go for tree here all right four tree down this way and then we have an unexplored cave over here uh nest ball and all that okay yeah so down over here is unexplored gym number six please uh pp up nice um all right so that's nothing all right so we've done basically pond cave there uh we can do reggie i guess yeah i guess we could do reggie uh which kind of sucks so we have to like go all the way down here fall off the court thanks for the 20 months thank you ah but we'll do it anyways okay uh we have to do a double bound here that's fine oh jesus uh i have no idea where this thing could be um i guess like lava ridge we really haven't technically checked um there's like a bunch of like random outcroppings of things that like we need to do that's really it it's not much which is like a little concerning but [Music] you feel chat raging about not being able to say anything about ppf that's funny uh yeah we'll have them go i'll go down this way and this should be where the reggie cave should be i forgot exactly where the regular cave is so like forgive me if i am stupid yeah they know fake out okay awesome yeah it should be maybe i think it's farther down then absolutely sick uh if i recall alfred uh jacob mr internet funnyman just got a tattoo of absol [Music] i do want to get a tattoo soon um i don't know exactly like what it is i do i do know like what it is but i don't know exactly what it is you know like i want to get a one-piece tattoo uh i just don't know where or exactly what the tattoo is you know uh here's a victory road thing here we'll do some victory good while we're at it so reggie goes to victory road um i think i've decided i want that yeah i don't know i want my first tattoo to kind of like mean something you know [Music] underwater underwater doesn't really go anywhere i mean we can like resurface i think right yeah um do you want to go back to portrait yeah because no reggie so reggie's victory road you know what no no let's go back here to victory road uh and then i have an idea of where we're at right now for victory road i think [Music] okay oh wait what the wait wait what the [Music] that wasn't worth it um yeah i go down over this way yeah we came from here oh okay so this is actually nothing then it's legitimately like we've discovered all of this okay so the victory road uh so i'll just put nothing because it literally is the weather center i can't access right now um bro we're literally grasping here to find something um [Music] let's see the ruster stuff rest of tunnel is in lava ridge and to get there we go from mauville pacificolog or petalburg let's go to vernon turf so we get a mobville [Music] right so we hear marvel technically marvel by all intents and purposes this is mauville um just to get the lava ridge [Music] nice okay i hate breeders this is jesus christ okay so we're in mauville right now and we're in a lava ridge by going to the casino that's what it is okay so then from lava ridge uh oh technically it's in the gym and i can't go there without going up next uh cable car i think is next [Music] all right never mind [Music] oh brother brother uh oh we do have the go goggles at least so we can do mirage tower maybe no it's not it's harbor mail nice uh so it's not mirage tower for sure uh then let's see the reggie is down here bro i can't find the sixth gym we've been looking for it for like 30 minutes now it's the last thing we need okay this is somewhat promising we have two warps here all right so this can it's victory road okay i'll come back to this if it doesn't work um laveridge uh is vic three road that i need to check out more it could be in victory i think it might be victory it's like most likely there okay and this is the reggie as well okay uh so this is the most deep reggie or no the the duford reggie um victory road all right you know what i'm gonna do here i'm gonna do something a little bit weird and i'm actually just gonna go to the shipwreck um which is semifar but we'll do it regardless it's like it's like somewhat far to get there but i think the shipwreck dude i don't know if they found i'll let me ask them actually let me let me see if i can put it out yo what's up yo um how's it going first off how you feeling let's go okay i'm gonna give you one chance to fess up did you catch the ho-oh i did catch the ho-oh yes okay okay me too all right i do want to ask uh it's something in return all right yeah did you find the sixth gem which one is six uh it's the flashlight the flying one whatever oh lingas did you find it i i don't have it i think lincus did yep down i have one two four five seven eight but i think lincoln says we just wait look at did you find three you said you found three no wait maybe wow wait maybe you said you found three uh you know when you found three it sounds like you guys are doing uh remarkably well um at least with coordination you know uh for what i can see here we're supposed to have every gym except for two i have two in fact i i told you you know where two is you're you're capping on two and three lincus cause oh yeah no i'm sorry yeah i'm sorry i'm mixing them up we're missing yeah you're mixing yeah i knew it i knew you were capping we're missing three sorry oh okay okay all right good to know i'm missing six so oh yeah we have six so it's not that hard to find because we're not yeah i'll say two small i mean i also say like you know like gym three is not that hard to find either oh okay good enough yeah i mean like jim six wasn't that hard to find right i am literally my goal is just to run in every door and then scream when i find something good uh so it can't be that hard to find maybe i'm just curious i was just i was just wondering you know uh let me look at wait let me check six one two three four five oh no i don't know where that is lincoln's found it no god damn it maybe it is hard ah all right well good luck dude good luck thank you thank you i thought i could get some info out of them uh but uh the only info i got is that they're literally about to finish i know where gym three is and it's actually stupid easy to find it's like actually disgustingly easy to find um so uh we're on we're on the ropes here guys we're we're we're kind of uh in in some hot water um i want i won't say it just in case it gets leaked but i i definitely do know where it is all right so deferred i want to get to the level no if it's easy for them to find if they found it already they most likely because they haven't done gym three or yeah they haven't done gym three which means they don't have access to strength which also means that whatever it is it hasn't it's not locked by strength so i don't need to go to rusturf petalburg i think i need to go to petalburg how do i get to pedalberg oh it's oh wait helberg's like remarkably hard to get to um i come to old dale if i go to four tree oh i went to lilly cove accidentally um the 4g pc here wait this actually might be really good um go to 4g pc um and then i teleport to portuguese city i want to i want to get to petalburg or old ale now so in fortree old dale from the gym okay they actually told me a lot more than i thought they would that's that's pretty awesome i mean like that i knew was like important so petalburg this way we need to go to the forest i remember i haven't gotten the forest yet so we're gonna start with like the easy stuff like the stuff that they probably like have gone through you know um i also you know i also gave him the info but you know yeah so the forest here oh the forest actually no you can't no it's not here it's not the forest because you can't get here yeah um i was like you can't get here without it um if it's easy then it might be just like in something bro where could it be dude where could this actually be uh dragon bride thanks for six months all right the right house is magma and now let me do all of this here i think we have done this actually no i haven't okay yeah okay um i've already done that oh i can just do e3's yo simply how's it going how would be how it do sorry i'm in the middle of a race right now hence the emote only hello how's it going how was your stream how's uh how's everything uh if you're not following simply he's he's like one of the funniest guys like i i now know which is really cool um i'm currently in a race with stans and lincus um and it's kind of awful um in the way that like i'm having so much trouble um because here's my notes by the way i'm trying to find the sixth gym but i can't i literally just can't and it's like ah uh so that's like what i'm trying to do hopefully that like makes sense that's a warp randomizer so i go into this pc right look at this i go out somewhere else kind of works uh hopefully that makes sense you know um dude um so lily cove i'm trying to find the sixth gym i don't know where it is that's that's like the main thing like where the is the sixth gym [Music] we're in lilly cove okay let's let's double back meteor falls we haven't done meteor falls yet i don't know where this is this is some random seafloor cavern that i haven't been to they can't i know it's not locked behind uh strength because like linkus and stands have not been locked behind strength yet you know let's go down here magma hideo we've not been here yet nope that's not it [Music] okay uh it is blocked by strength though just in case they were lying i should still write that down um for the meteor falls one um [Music] yeah so meteor falls blocked by strength okay and we'll go out this way which is the sick gym oh my god oh my god oh that's huge oh my god that's huge okay oh my god okay we have to do this before they before they beat me uh okay okay uh where was i to find the sixth gym i actually doesn't matter it literally doesn't matter where i found this uh panicking panicking panicking panicking but like respectfully panicking you know i'll swift outrage i think that's a good strat here yeah oh hyper beam yeah let's not learn hyper v we don't need it right now yeah yeah because i was like it doesn't need to be blocked by strength that was the huge like gimme essentially you know oh i gotta go like here and if i see you this is huge this is actually huge oh my god well yeah if you're from simply stream you're not following him uh well you should follow him he's great uh seriously if you're not following me well you're missing on some some fantastic content you know how it is all right uh yeah we just outraged and just beat this i think that works uh if you use protect on the second that's awesome all right six gym down uh and then we have fly already so we can use fly now okay that's awesome that's uh literally amazing um and we found that through uh the lily cove meteor falls so that's uh gem six let me just write that down for my own sake all right gem seven now let's go let's do this um okay so now we can use fly properly uh and we can use gem seven which gem seven was in for tree uh gym seven was at the right house oh i went the runway there it is so this is gym seven right here awesome look at me go um yeah and i just i think i can earthquake these because it's like a double battle gym so like we're set to go um then we go left or right doesn't matter we have to do one of them at least you know um i want to not battle you guys just because the less battles we have to do the better yeah i think i have to battle one of these guys okay panic oh panic at the disco i don't know which elite four is first or anything like that but i think we'll be fine i don't think i need to know let me go over here we'll find uh yeah earthquakes fine here up here hello hello hello there we go damn it i keep battling like these though i don't need a battle i could gloat i don't know if i should though i think i'll just like be like hey guys gg and just win you know then backs boy thanks for the uh prime i don't think i should go i think i should just be like hey guys i i did it yeah i won yeah i mean i should probably lock it down yeah um i think i know why they haven't found the third gym yet and it's like it's like kind of dumb i'll be real uh because it's like some game knowledge required [Music] or like if they looked more all right so that's um i'll just teleport then gym eight is next so gym eight is in flop ridge uh in lava ridge gym eight is house number two oh i love this gym puzzle so much i love ice puzzles or like um so what i was trying to say there is uh um gym eight is like my favorite uh gym because of the ice puzzles because i'm really so good at the ice puzzles you know i'm just we're like i'm just like amazing at the guy's puzzles oh just look at this right you see obviously that's the first one and then you get the second one over here uh i blacked out for a second there unless i did find that gym oh this is gonna be a close one nice here we go um and i'll just earthquake now earthquake and then i'll earthquake the third time and then i will outrage then i'll beat you awesome and that is the last gym member down so elite number one is in ship square or also fall arbor surprisingly wow a watson fall over uh fall over lynnette's house has a pc i'm actually gonna like i'm gonna heal here i know it's like i don't know if that's a weird decision but i'm going to heal oh and which is the fallout pc and then look at this look at this time save look at this time save i'm going to now teleport back to fall arbor uh i think it's up here no uh it's the other one wait what the elite one's in the left house yeah wait wait wait what the wait did i write that down wrong i'll leave one's up here oh my god did i actually write that down wrong only one's in the left house oh that's the fossil house sorry the left house is this one there we go all right we're good everything's fine guys everything's fine um earthquake uh fly actually i should be flying on these torment i'm confused with outrage and also torment so anything can kill here or like i could kill anything essentially nice and that's elite four number one uh down all right for number two is in uh the pc oh weird oh right because i beat um team magma guy crap about that elite number two okay monkey w my guys jesus christ or peak or w's oh we got this oh easy all right so that's the second one down uh elite three is in mosty [Music] uh and that is in the left of the pc house is there anything i can heal in most deep right now no okay can't heal right now oh there is oh nice heel easy all right ball restore nice and we rolled low there so we didn't really kill out right oh you know ice type moves that's fine i mean we also have like um what should we call it hello so we should be good to go you know all right elite number three done goes place was indeed left pc house uh and then elite number four uh is in the contest hell broken house ooh oh um this one's gonna be hard to get to where is ship rectangle it's in lily code and lillico ship rectangle is in house number two and then house number two elite four is in door number one all the way down oh god this is so out of left field to find this is this is like actually like in the net like in the nether and then it's the farthest one down i think no it's this one contest tall into here awesome done all right easy and we just outraged we're gonna go all right so this is number four [Music] all right double dragon dance kingdra monk w all right nice um what are you over here it's granite cave i'm so glad that we didn't have to go to any of the caves that just is just uh beautiful you know um and then now the champion which is in fall arbor as well [Music] i don't dude they could be on my tail right now i don't know if they found that third gym like this could be really close i'm kind of nervous um and then oh the champion is in the hot cave so we are going the right way okay yeah i'll just outreach twice outrage is such a good move like when you really think about it you know okay earthquake swift i like the earthquake swift combo for the double battles because you just beat them like without really having to do much all right champion it is here we go awesome all right here we go here's the champion uh all earthquake oh the blizzard dude the blizzard um melodic earthquake oh you know oh all right well um hopefully fireblast can kill your other pokemon like maybe multiple swifts all right at least amnesia is okay i have to swift i have to kill you with swift [Music] oh my god no uh do you ever revive do i ever revive i do i have one revive all right sick i'll take it let's go ggs oh my god i found the request on loading zone uh ggs guys ggs you you watched i won yeah oh where was ship three it's the only one we couldn't find jim okay so gym three uh is uh it is if you go to old dale and then go into the p and then go to the mart in old dale wait wait all day what yeah and all that oh i never went back to gold dale and then where um and then and then you go into like the the the forest the petalburg woods or whatever right and then you go to the right that's where the gym three is oh i think we just missed it because we never went back to the starting area yeah i couldn't even tell you how to get back to the starting area that's so funny i accidentally got back there once but i know we have i think so point girl we have for literally an hour and like 10 minutes had every other gym and every elite four member really been looking for over an hour yeah we've been looking only for gym three well last time you came in here we only needed gym three and we could not fight oh yeah i was on gym six for a hot second uh i forgot i found it um i found it in lily cove that's where i found it yeah yeah damn i don't even know how to get back to old dale what the hell yeah you get back to old dale by going through for tree oh for tree yeah or if you go back to petalburg which is actually ridiculously hard to get to like it if you look at the map like so so i have a full spreadsheet do you think pedalberg is hard to get to i literally accidentally end up at petalburg 24 7. really it's literally just like you can only get there through like laveridge or like yeah i keep finding lava ridge oh my god oh apparently i did the elite four in the wrong order but that's oh i thought wait i found four tree city pokemon we already had that one oh yeah you have to get to that cave to get there meteor falls cave yeah yeah okay yeah yeah we already had that one all also stands yeah this is really dumb can you see my screen share quickly oh let me look uh watch stream yeah what do you got i see you know this city we've been in this a thousand times yeah yeah and you know that this this is the gym oh yeah literally the loading zone right next to it is right closet yeah that's how we found it's um lava rage the one of the random buildings i i ended up getting back there but i didn't have enough falls to safe scum him so i just yeah uh it took me like long to find him again it took me like 30 minutes just to catch him yeah i masterballed the uh ho-oh and i think i also masterballed the ho nice tough tough tough tough tough uh good rate yeah it was a good race phenomenal time dude my god you guys put up a tough battle i yeah i think give us another 45 minutes and this this goes our way [Laughter] yeah it's just hard to get back to the beginning thanks for doing this um yeah no no thank you thank you for inviting us it was fun lucas thank you for taking time out of your subathon to do it yeah of course thank you for the invite and i would yeah i think in i would totally be down to do another one in the future as a 2v1 because being able to have two people look for locations makes it a lot more fair when we don't know pokemon too well totally yeah exactly we weren't too far off on anything i was it was really even uh like i just clutched it out a little bit you know it was just like i just got luckily i couldn't even tell you how to get back to old berg but that if we would have like really thought about which buildings we haven't been in that would be the one right so yeah that was good yeah um but uh all right so what i get for winning right is uh you guys know what to do pokemon i get to i get to pick like a cosplay for you guys to choose to dress up in for a stream of a pokemon of a pokemon um it does have to be a pokemon all right [Music] i i know okay i i think i know what i want right okay i think i want uh stan's little punny oh that's good yeah and then lincus [Music] you get to you get the choice between two all right mill tank or vaporeon you have to go miltank i'll go miltank you know what yeah i'll go miltank all right all right all right miltec it is uh you can do it whatever but uh you got to let me know i want to see it okay a household low punny i think i could do this i i think that that's reasonable oh my god oh my gosh oh i turned to your stream oh jesus oh yeah careful i i save search is on so i think we're we're safe uh but those feet are not very safe oh god i will not scroll down hey there's this one guy um i don't know if you guys are like 18 plus or whatever but um there's this one guy on tick tock that that's doing this trend called um pokey nut year oh oh um where he randomly rolls a pokemon and then i think you can guess the rest um i can't guess the rest cause he oh he draws it he's an artist yes yes he's an artist so i thought you guys would love to know that ah i wish i could scrub it from my brain to be perfectly honest yeah hey i mean that's that's a congratulation that's a little thing you get for winning just that that beautiful knowledge very nice will gigi's point grow gigi's link we'll come back stronger definitely oh my god all right have a great rest of your summer on lincus and stan's are you still struggling too uh yeah i think i'm gonna uh well depending unless genji's losing badly i was gonna co-stream the end of the jinji valerie game never mind's over phase one two oh yeah ggs uh maybe you'll you know what i'm going offline you know i have to rest i have to think of this low punny cosplay i'm gonna i'm getting out of here all right i'll i'll send the youngsters over to uh lincus then perfect thank you thanks thanks for streaming with me guys uh let's do it again uh guys uh chat gg uh huge uh huge ups for for you guys uh thanks for stopping by thanks for being here if you're not following the stream yet feel free to follow the stream we do fun stuff like this all
Channel: PointCrow VODS
Views: 80,492
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Breath of the wild, botw, breath of the wild speedruns, breath of the wild speedrunning, botw speedrun, zelda, zelda speedrun, breath of the wild glitches, botw glitches, point crow, pointcrow, speedrun, speedrunning, challenge, breath of the wild challenge, botw challenge, can you beat, bullet time bounce, windbomb, breath of the wild speedrun tutorial, smallant, small ant, limcube, glitching, exploits, modded, pokemon, xenoverse, randomizer, random, mod, teleport, pokemon challenge, smant, race
Id: KRvKaC_JdGo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 193min 0sec (11580 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 27 2022
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