Beating Pokemon Sword & Shield How Nintendo Intended

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pokemon sword and shield released in late 2019 as the first main series pokemon games on the switch to take place in a brand new region in the gala region this was a return to form with pokemon going back to the traditional formula of having eight gym leaders and an elite four with a champion compared to the previous generation where gym leaders were replaced with island trials and z crystals and the elite four in the alola region was pretty new now i've only played through pokemon sword and shield one time when they first came out and i personally enjoyed it a lot i don't know these games nearly as well as i know some of the older pokemon games since i've played the older ones dozens of times now but i do have this official galar region strategy guide for pokemon sword and shield to help us play through this game now in case you're new here hey on papacy and on this channel we like to take a look at these strategy guides sometimes and follow them as closely as possible in order to beat the game and see how effective they are while trying my best to avoid any outside knowledge i have on the game that we're playing if you're new you should also consider subscribing and checking out my twitch channel and other profiles linked in the description as well as some of my other non-nintendo videos since if you like these videos i'm sure you'll like my other videos too some of these guides have some pretty wacky things in them or mistakes to make these journeys a lot more fun and make for a lot of jokes for these videos we tend to learn a lot of new things while going through some of these strategy guides too and if you want to learn something new yourself that's where today's sponsor skillshare comes into play skillshare is a fantastic online learning community where you can explore various new skills and ideas i often get comments from people asking me how to start up on youtube and they don't really know where to begin and skillshare can help you with that you can learn how to edit videos how to shoot your video and how to script your videos on skillshare among a plethora of other interesting topics they even have classes on logo design and gfx if that's your thing and just about anything you would ever want to learn i personally took a fantastic class on skillshare by mkbhd called youtube success script shoot and edit i learned a lot more about how to use imagery and camera work better in my videos from this as well as how to improve my scripting to make it flow a little bit better if you want to check out skillshare then be sure to use my link in the description the first 1000 people who do use that link in the description will get a free one month trial of skillshare so you can explore your creativity today taking a look at the guide we have a table of contents at the start to cover everything following a list of all of the pokemon but hold on why is there only 400 pokemon okay low hanging fruit with that one i know but it doesn't picture eternas and just shows question marks for its name the next page asks what's new in the gala region and says how seasoned veterans probably know what to expect but of course since we're trying to go into this as if we were a new player we don't know what to expect then it goes on to show things about catching pokemon training them battling them and all of the basics you would probably expect after that it shows some things about the wild area camping and dynamaxing as they are all new to pokemon sword and shield the following few pages continue to show the basics like catching pokemon explaining stats type advantages and then a whole page on dynamaxing and gigantamaxing the new weird mechanic in sword and shield where pokemon just get really big and strong for a few turns a few pages down there is a recommended route to follow to beat the game an explanation of some of the daily sub events and there's quite a lot in this game and then the actual gameplay walkthrough starts on page 31. unfortunately we don't have the classic character screen that showcases all the characters and calls our hero hero like we've seen in the past in the very back of the guide though it does have some other information like a list of all the medicine and what they do a list of all the pokeballs and what they do and of course the infamous berry page can't forget about the berry page and pokemon sword and shield has a bigger emphasis on varies compared to most other pokemon games which is fantastic now since this guide was released in late 2019 around the time that pokemon sword and shield first came out there is nothing about the dlc so we're not going to cover the dlc in this version i also don't have the pokemon shield dlc so we will only be playing until we defeat the champion for the very first time to beat pokemon shield as nintendo intended with all that out of the way let's hook up our nintendo switch hope my joy cons don't drift too much while playing and hammer away a pokemon shield version to beat it exactly as an intended starting out i pick our character name ourselves c see this long introduction scene and then finally appear in our home in postwick the guide says how there's no time to waste sitting around so i make haste to grab our bag and head outside to meet our friend hop once we meet him he tells us to meet him in wenchhurst the next town up north where we also meet his older brother leon who is the current champion of the region after seeing them over there we're then told to go meet them back at their house where leon lets us choose our starter pokemon the guide here actually details the starter options here unlike many of the other newer guides which just tell us to pick the starter we liked to most the score bunny and sable descriptions are pretty straightforward and tell us their strength and weaknesses how score bunny is fast and all that stuff but the groogy description mentions how you should focus on training it to use physical moves for a chunky damage dealing pokemon that can take hits it didn't use any funny words like chunky for the other two starter pokemon so i of course picked grooky name it subscribe we should totally do by the way and look at these analytics whatever and then have our first battle against ha he has a starter pokemon week to hours in the water type pokemon sable as well as his lead pokemon wulu which he's just always had after laying waste to his wulu i do as the guide says and use super effective moves on his sabble for the victory hop then tells us about a pokemon that might be in trouble in the nearby slumbering wield so we have to head in there and eventually we meet this mysterious pokemon the guy just refers to these mysterious pokemon as mysterious pokemon although earlier in the guide where it shows the full pokedex it directly names both of these pokemon of course being zai seen if you're playing sword version and zamasund if you're playing shield version and then tells us to use damaging moves and then status moves on it although neither of them work against mysterious pokemon the pokemon eventually flees so we return back home to see our mom and get some pokeballs and money we then hit the road again as the guide says and have full access to route 1 now find some items around here and battle some pokemon and then make it back into wedgehurst i'm also now realizing that none of the towns or cities in this name have town or city at the end of them and are just referred to as one name apparently that's a thing that's more common in the uk compared to other regions of the world and i just thought that was kind of interesting but once we're in wedgehurst we have to visit the lab as well as sonia who teaches us about the rotum phone we're then told to go visit professor magnolia's house up north hop shows us around the city a little bit and shows us how the pokemon center works we enter our birthday and see our horoscope like the guide says and i'm pretty sure that your horoscope is the same no matter what you put your birthday in and then i get a new outfit and buy some berries of course since the guide suggested we did those things leon meets us as well and shows us how to catch a pokemon we have some trainer battles along the way and eventually make it to professor magnolia's home with a little bit of gentle encouragement from the professor as the guide says leon is willing to endorse us and hop for the gym challenge if we can wow leon in a pokemon battle against hop hop has the same team as before with the addition of a rookie d and the guide recommends specific types to take him out although i haven't really had a chance to catch pokemon yet so i just hammer away with grookie to defeat him and get leon's endorsement along with hop as we're exiting the guide suggests that we catch a yamper as it evolves into bolton one of the guide's top recommendations for pokemon to use in this game i caught one and named it bolt because i couldn't really think of any other name and then head into the wedger station to start the next chapter of our journey we're taken into the south wild area from here and have to proceed to the next town on foot from here in the station the guide says that we can get a pikachu or eve if we have save data from either of the previous let's go games on our switch but since of course this is technically supposed to be my first time ever playing pokemon i don't pick up the pokemon since i shouldn't have saved that of course but i do get the five pokedolls from the other trainer in here in the wild area the guide recommends we catch a pokemon so i called it growlith as it was one of the first pokemon i saw and named it rover the guy then details a lot about the wild area on the next few pages and tells us then to go up the stairs and into motto stoke there's quite a lot to do in this bustling city but after a panoramic view of the city we meet sonia again who tells us about row to me and league cards and then she tells us that we can register for the pokemon gym challenge in this town the guide also says how this is our first chance to visit a hair salon if we want to rock a new hairdo so i dye our hair blue and change the style up and then visit the boutique next door to get a new hat the guide then suggests to get some high-tech earbuds so we can turn off the music in the settings if we wanted to now and i really don't understand why they didn't just make this a setting by default and made you get a key item for it but after doing all of that we can then take the lift up to the other part of town where we meet leon again and he tells us to meet him at the motto stoke stadium where we register for the gym challenge around here is when the guide also introduces the ball guy here who is probably the most fan favorite character in this game because he gives you random pokeballs which is kinda neat in the stadium though we meet another challenger which the guy describes as somebody who doesn't seem very friendly and then we have to go check into the badu drop in for the night in the end we learn about some of the lore of the gala region and meet team yell who challenges us to some pokemon battles after defeating team yeah we then meet marnie who team yell are huge fans of as they follow her around to root her on in her battles we then have to go to sleep as the next day the gym challenge ceremony begins where we see all of the gym leaders after this ceremony we helped this young boy find his lost mincino and get some throat spray as a reward which is a rather odd reward and then we head west to have another fight against hop the guys specifically suggest to use yamper against his rookie so i do and grookie took care of the rest of his team pretty easily we can then go along route 3 where the guy tells us about brilliant pokemon i didn't know that this is what they were actually called but they're basically those pokemon you see in sword and shield that give off a colored aura farther along we meet sonia who gives us an escape room which is a key item in this game shakes and bury trees for some berries of course and catch a gossip lore because the guide said to and i named it plant we are then led into the gallery mine and i follow the track to try to chase this pokemon that's riding along them in a minecart but never catch up to it unfortunately but at the end we meet that not friendly trainer again named bead or bd i'm not really sure how to say it who the guy likes to poke fun of again by saying how he'll remind us every chance he gets that he was endorsed by chairman rose of the pokemon league to take on the gym challenge he then challenges us to a battle and his team is three sega type pokemon so i do as the guide said and use a dark type move in bite from our growlithe to defeat him and subscribe also ended up evolving into thwacky right around this fight as we exit we make it into route 4 explore the golden grass where we meet milo the gym leader of the next town we then catch ajaltik because the guide suggested that we did i noticed that the guide has recommended we catch pretty random but specific pokemon as there really isn't too much of a reason for us to have this chaltic when we already have a yemper and if the guy just want us to have a bug type pokemon there's other new bug type pokemon we could have caught a bit earlier on i caught one of the jolteks anyway and name it tom after my favorite spider-man and head into the next town which is trufffield in this quiet little country town we learn about the geoliff a legend in the gallery region and meet hop in front of the stadium who just finished battling milo for himself the guy then makes note about how you can catch a crawl down up the river here but we can't go up the river yet since we have a bike kind of weird when you think about how you need a bike to go up a river in this game and then the guide says to enter the stadium to challenge milo in the stadium we get some friend balls from the friendly ball guy back track a little bit to catch the gallerian meowth to trade for a regular me out from this girl standing over here and get a quick refresher on dynamaxing then finally start the turffield gym mission the mission requires us to hurt some wulu so i zigzag across to herd them all like the guy suggested and then finally make it to the battle against milo the guy and stands out both of his pokemon are grass type and to exploit their weaknesses for super effective damage beneath the picture of his pokemon it even has icons to represent each type that they're weak to so i led with our fire type pokemon growlith to take out his lead gossip floor and then snake in on his aldo gloss and dynamaxx like the guide says to take out his dynomax elder gloss in a few turns with some strong fire type attacks you may notice that some of the gameplay here is also a bit laggy and it's because for some reason when i record on my switch onto my pc it doesn't really like it so much so if you see some laggy gameplay it's most likely because of that as it looked fine while i was actually playing the game after that we get the tm for magical leaf and of course our very first gym badge in our quest across the gala region milo then tells us that our next stop is holberry which lies beyond route 5. on this route we tracked down the tm for a tract and i also caught a stuffle since the guide recommended fighting types a lot against team yale and against hop the daycare is on this route too so we pick up a free toxil and then save this doctor from team yell and get a bike is a reward not sure why a doctor is giving out bikes but now that we have a fighting type pokemon in stuffel and a bug type pokemon in joltik this battle against teemiel goes by better although stufful doesn't have any fighting moves just yet farther on the route we have a rival fight against hop and the guide suggests fighting moves for his wulu to use our starter against his starter and to go for thunder wave on his flying type pokemon corvus wire to slow it down then take it down with an electro tip attack i don't have thunder wave but i do have nuzzle on yamper so i go for that and then knock it out with spark it would have just been better to go for physical electric moves from the get-go but with that fight out of the way we can make it into holbury where we meet oleana and chairman rose again then the guide wants me to fish for a basculin so i do so in caught one and i couldn't think of a nickname so i just head over to the merchant stands as the guide said i bought a luck incense because the guide said that it could be used to get even more money from each battle which sounded pretty good it then makes note of the herb shop here which sells items similar to what you'd find in the regular pokemart but they're a bit cheaper and are pokemon's friendship go down if you use these healing items the guide says how they taste awful which is why it makes their friendship go down apparently in the lighthouse in this town though we meet up with nessa the water type gym leader we follow her to the gym in order to challenge her and get some lower balls from our friend the ball guy the gym mission here involves us hitting switches to change the flow of water in the gym and eventually reach nessa the guy tells us exactly how to do this and which switches to press which is pretty nice and then goes on to explain nessa's team and how to fight her it tells us to make sure our team is packing some grass or electric type moves or you'll get soaked by nessa's team i start off with the yamper in this fight then switch to thwacky on her dreadnough since the guy specifically suggested grass moves which were better for dreadnought after dynamaxing we take it out pretty easily giving us our second gym badge in the galler region when we exit the gym we meet olianna again who tells us to meet her at the nearby restaurant with chairman rose and as a prize they give us the tm for retaliate which totally doesn't have any underlying meaning to it by the way and then we're told to go through gallermine too gallermine was just so good they had to make a gallermine too and didn't just name it something else we meet beat again in this mine too and his pure psychic type pokemon team i kept tom on this team just because it is a bug type to type trump beats psychic pokemon but it falls pretty early on in this fight so i just use thwacky for the rest of the battle towards the end of the mine we have a double battle against team yell and the guide says how the only shared weakness for all of their pokemon are fairy types but we don't have any ferret type pokemon unfortunately and it says that if we don't have fairy types we shouldn't be afraid to switch pokemon around so i do just that to win the battle the mine eventually leads us to motto stoke outskirts where we pick up an amulet coin and make it back into motto stoke the guide doesn't make us flip all the way back when we first got to mono stoke for this section and just has the new parts about motto stoke on the following sections which is nice a lot of older guys make you flip all the way back to a previous town when you revisit them so let's say you're currently on page 80 but the town was on team 20 and you have to go back there you'll have to go all the way back to page 20 to continue which can be a bit annoying we do have to check into the badoo drop in again in motto stoke though where we meet marnie we battle her and all the guide really says about her team is that it isn't all dark types unlike timiel's pokemon and although her morpico is cute its attack and speed are no joke after the battle marnie rewards us with two whole burnt heels i'm also noticing at this point of the game something i forgot when i first played through the game a lot of times when you get items you don't just get one of an item like you did in previous games you usually get two or three which is a little bit odd however the guy did suggest that we carry some burn heels for the monostoke gym as it's a fire type gym the gym leader is kabu of course and the mission requires us to catch or knock out a few fire type pokemon to get some points and then challenge the gym leader ick suggests to use quick balls to catch the pokemon as catching a pokemon gives you more points than just knocking them out but i checked the nearby mart and i couldn't buy any quick balls so after just catching three random fire types with great balls we get to challenge kabu the guide says how kabu and his pokemon are red hot and to rely on water ground and rock tight moves we have masculine to carry us through most of the fight and the guide says how we can play more defensively to stall out his dynamaxx pokemon if needed and this sort of happens since masculine ends up falling in this battle so our recently evolved bolt hunt dispatches his final pokemon to secure our third gym badge i'm also noticing at this point that masculine really isn't that strong so maybe once we get an opportunity to go all the way back to catch that crawdad the guy suggested i might just go do that we can now head to a new part of the wild area though known as the north wild area here we meet beat again who will show us some more attitude as the guide says and tell us how he defeated hop in a battle recently there's some other small things the guide says we can do in the wild area but for now i just go across and into hammerlock this is where chairman rose set up his power plant to power the region and when we go into the gym he explains a bit more about his power plant and how it works and it totally doesn't seem sketchy or anything at all because he doesn't really directly tell us where the power even comes from from here there's also some minor things we can do like at the soothe bell item a weather rock and meet leon who mentions how hop took his loss to beat pretty hard after that we can trade our toxil for a togepi which really doesn't seem worth it but the guide said to do it to help complete our pokedex and then we meet ryhon the dragon type gym leader of this town who we can face much later on up the stairs over here we meet sonia who tells us more about the legends of the galar region and how there were two young trainers who helped fight during the darkest day then we can go into route 6 and catch a umass because the guide said to this took me a little while since it just didn't want to stay in any of my pokeballs so i actually had to run away from one buy some more pokeballs and fight another galerium ass just to finally catch it i didn't nickname it i'm really struggling with nicknames for this game by the way typically i have some sort of theme with my nicknames but half of my pokemon are nicknamed now and half just aren't one thing i found interesting though is although it does tell us to catch a galleria mask it doesn't mention anything around here about how to evolve a mask because if you didn't know yamask has a really weird and specific evolution condition that involves standing under a very specific area in the wild area while your mask has depleted hp or something like that i did check the back of the guide out of curiosity to see if it told us how to evolve galernia mask and it did but i don't end up doing this because to be fair if i was playing this game normally for the first time i probably wouldn't have checked the back of the guide for that we are then met by team yell again though who challenge us to a fight and the guy mentions how fighting moves do 400 percent damage to galerion lineup that isn't wrong but seeing it set as four hundred percent with the word percent written out and not just four times as it's typically written out is a little odd after these fights against team yell we meet opel a fairy type gym leader in the region that will battle later on we continue across the route and see professor kara less who is rather careless and she is a professor that researches fossils we eventually continue along and make it into stowon's side and have another battle against hop i'm realizing there's also a lot more rival battles in this game than i remembered but the guide tells us to use super effective moves of course for his pokemon and makes note on how his cramarat can use a move that spits out a pokemon to damage you and can either lower your defense or paralyze it to boot at this point of the guide i also noticed that it seems like it's trying to throw in some british uk slang which is kind of funny and after defeating hop we see opal again then collect a few things around the town like the hm for fly and trade a miracus that i went back to route 6 to catch in order to get this impotent it's a dark and ferry type pokemon which are two types the guide has recommended quite a few times now so i thought it was worth it dark types are good for bead and fairy types are good for all the team yellow grunts now we finally have the opportunity to challenge alistar the ghost type gym leader of this town since we're playing shield version and he's a shield exclusive gym leader in sword version the gym leader here is a fighting type gym with baya but the gym mission is the exact same in both games just with a slightly different coloration and aesthetic the guy tells us exactly how to get across this gym challenge and although alistar might be a little creepy the guide suggests we use ghost types and dark types for this gym so our recently acquired gallerian yamask and impedim should do good here it even says how it's ironic how ghost types are super effective against his gym since he is also a ghost type trainer i do start off the fight against alistar with thwacky though since the guide shows how his lead galerion mask is weak to grass as his part ground type and then i use our galleria mask for his mimikyu although the mimikyu ends up knocking us out so i go into imp and dim which is nicknamed peekers for some reason from the trade and it takes out the mimikyu and then i go into our recently evolved beware to brutal swing his course laws it's super effective and against his giganta max gengar i struggle a bit since g-max gengar is really strong i tried to dynomax impotent for it thinking this would be a good idea but we just got one shot at instead we just have to stall out the gigantomax turn something that the guy tends to recommend for just about every single gem fight now so a revive bolt hunt to knock it out with a strong jaw bite impedim ends up evolving right after this fight and we also get the tm for hex and the fourth gym badge the guide makes note about how we are now halfway through the gym challenge with this victory and as we head out we meet sonia but are interrupted by some loud noise in the distance the loud noise is b trying to break down a wall because there's some sort of gallerian secret inside chairman rose catches b doing this and disqualifies bead from the gym challenge after we end up battling him he took this really hard as chairman rose is the person that endorsed him for the challenge in the first place i did use dark type pokemon against his team like the guy said though and luckily i have a lot of pokemon with dark moves by now to take care of him pretty easily the wall still ends up falling though unleashing more secrets about galler and the darkest day sonia then gives us two revives and tells us to head through the glenwood tangle to get to the next town the guy tells us exactly how to go through the glimwood tangle and tells us to catch a gallerian ponyta it only appears in pokemon shield version although i couldn't find one because they're actually a pretty rare on this route i remember in pokemon sword the counterpart was imbedement and i spent quite a lot of time trying to find it when i first played through this game i just forgot the pony saw anyway and just continue along and arrive in baloneyla i have no idea how to say that name either there's a few small things we can do here let's get the tm for rest give this man a letter that we picked up earlier in a previous town to get a choice scarf as a reward get an evil light too and eventually head into the gym where we see marnie again after some banter as the guide puts it she gives us her league card and tells us she now looks up to us as one of her rivals the ball guy gives us some love balls in here and we trade our galerinia mask for a regular umass this one we can evolve a little bit easier than the other one however i don't even plan on using it much anymore since we're catching quite a few pokemon in this run actually more so than a lot of the previous intended videos as my team gets shifted around pretty often i then stock up on some healing items like the guide says and take on the next gym challenge the gym challenge is just some battles but the gym leader opal and her fairy type team ask us some questions randomly the guide shows the answers upside down here and they're pretty straightforward except for the question about what opal had for breakfast which the guide makes note about saying how there's no way we could have known that she had an omelet apparently though and after defeating the trainers we can finally battle opal and her team the guide basically calls opal old by saying she's been a gym leader since before we were born then tells us what types are good against her pokemon of course it also says to pay attention to if we're using special attacks or physical attacks here since her ma while has high physical defense and her tokikis has high special defense that's one of the few times i ever saw the guide specifically mention physical attacks versus special attacks we eventually make it to her g-max al creamy which was a bit challenging as the guide alluded to mainly since i had no poison type moves or no steel type moves to type trumpet but after paralyzing it as the guide suggested installing out all of its g-max turns i hammer away for the victory giving us another gym badge when we exit the gym we see opal again who says she has some errands to run in hammerlock and offers to take us with her this is pretty convenient since we also have to go back there on our revisited trip to hammerlock we see beed who opal seems to like for some reason shortly after we see sonia and leon but are interrupted by another loud noise again sonia and leon go to check it out on their own allowing us to head east and meet up with hop hop says how we need to go to route 7 and when we go there we have to fight him again he continues to experiment with his team and grew stronger from his fight against speed as the guide put it i quickly knock out the treven with super effective dark moves as the guide suggested because trevident is apparently a scary pokemon and then promptly take care of the rest of his team on route 7 it suggests we catch a berserker so i do then i go into route 8 where the guide recommends we catch an in-game because of its dark and fighting type moves which will help us soon the next gym is a rock type gym for playing sword version or an ice type gym for playing shield so i guess the fighting moves do help but inca is not even a fighting type pokemon so i don't really know what that'll exactly help with too much because there's a lot of actual fighting type open we can have that will help us with both of those gems like one that i'm going to catch pretty soon and after climbing up some ladders and collecting some cool items like brick break i caught a phalanx and name it omogus and teach you the brick break tm we just found as the guide suggested i then decide to replace phalanx with beware on the team since they're both fighting type pokemon anyway and make it into cerchester there's a lot we can do here like trade trader vanillas for a sock from this random guy i didn't need to do this but the guy said why not make this old man happy which made me feel kind of bad so i went with the trade i even misread it the first time and accidentally thought that the trade was a throw for a sock as their each version exclusives but it turns out that you receive a throw if you're playing shield version and you're supposed to give him a vanilla other than that there's restaurant bob's your uncle fantastic name for a restaurant by the way and this weird detective scene where we get a wide lens for it this random guy is accusing people of eating all of the berries in the lobby and drags all of them in his room to interrogate them for some reason but it turns out it was actually a pokemon that was eating the berries and not a person in the hotel we also get the tn for fake tears and the catching charm item and now we can finally take on the gym after getting some moon balls from the ball guy since we're on shield version of course we have to battle the ice type gym leader known as melanie the gym puzzle is the same in either version and it's just a puzzle with pitfalls across but luckily our handy indie guide has a map for us to follow across the first line in the guide for this fight says like mother like son i'm not really sure what that means i'm guessing what it means is melanie and the sword exclusive gym leader are mother and son although the guy didn't mention that before so it makes it seem kind of odd when you just read it there our newly caught failings can hit most of her team super effective and it sends how rock moves hit her frost moth for 400 damage we don't have any rock moves but this is the first time that the guide used the percent sign instead of writing up the word percent and we're able to get through this gym easier than the last one since we match up much better i also taught really boom brick breaks to help a little bit as it knocks out her ace lapras in the very end of the fight we now have six total gym badges and the guide says how before we return to hammerlock to get the final gym badge against ryhon we have to face a mysterious 7th gym leader elsewhere sonia is waiting for us as we exit the stadium and tells us to meet her at bob's your uncle restaurant at the restaurant we learn more about the legends of galar again since the restaurant has some antiques about it for some reason as we exit hop challenges us to yet another pokemon battle and the guide notes about how hop finally found a team he is comfortable with now failings helps a lot here for his double and snorlax and against his unusual pincher chin as the guide put it i don't have any ground type moves so i just used grima snarl which also evolved after this battle we're then told to head into route 9 and the guide says to catch adelmies here although i didn't realize that until now that i'm writing the script so when i was playing the actual game i forgot to catch one we do get the bike upgrade though so we can finally bike across water get the tm for rock slide and get to the entrance of spike muth where we meet marnie again she challenges us to a battle and most of her team is weak to ferry so grimace snarl is really good here but her toxic growth gives me some trouble since i don't have any ground or psychotic moves on the entire team i even tried to aquajet it with baskling but it had dry skin and the guy didn't warn me about that i imagine if you started with intellion you'd probably encounter that a lot easier but the guy does say multiple times how some of our pokemon are 400 percent with the actual percent sign weak to certain types that ends up helping us win the battle and once we make it into spike month it's a pretty straightforward town as all there really is to do here is challenge the gym leader which is pierce and his dark type team piers happens to be marnie's older brother so team yell is a big fan of him as well and this is the only gym where you can't dynamax but since we have a fairy type in grimace snarl to do 400 damage to most of his team this gym goes by very smoothly it does note how skunk tank is weak to only ground though since his part poison type and for some reason suggest we use steelix for this fight steelix is a trade evolution and we can't even catch it or onix anywhere near this part of the game so i don't really know why i suggested stelix now of all pokemon it could have possibly suggested after getting the 7th gym badge we leave spikemuth and see leon who tells us about some problem happening in the gala region where pokemon are randomly dynamaxing he goes on to investigate this himself allowing us to return to hammerlock and challenge ryhon the final gym leader i'm sure the whole randomly dynamaxing thing won't be a problem in the future but the guys suggest that we caught an ice type pokemon near sirchester before challenging reihan's dragon type gym so i fly back over there just to pick up a vanilla to use for this fight the guide then says to head west to meet leon and sonia but we really have to head east and they tell us more about the lore behind the gala region and how dynamaxing is deeply connected with the region with all of that out of the way we can now challenge raihan's gym which is a series of double battles first we have three double battles in the gym mission each with a different weather theme and last up is rihann with this half dragon team and half sandstorm team the guide does explain how sandstorm will do 1 16th damage each turn to non-rock ground or steel type pokemon but doesn't say how sandstorm boosts special defense of rock types like ryhon's gigolith i do start the battle off with our newly acquired vanillite and rilloboom for his leads and then grimace naral comes in to finish off the rest of his dragon type pokemon his raladon was a bit annoying but i was able to stall out its dynomax turns and dynamax our own phalanx for the victory when we leave the gym we meet sonia who is a professor now so she is professor sonia and are told to go to the train station and venture across into route 10 to get to wyndon the location of the pokemon league on route 10 we're told to catch a bear tick so i do so this time and it's level 55 so i added to the team over vanilla since it's now our highest level pokemon there's also quite a few trainer battles on this route and really boom levels up to 46 and tries to learn wood hammer so you know i have to teach it wood hammer so we can continue to hammer away at our foes when we arrive in winden we see hop and there's some small things we can do here like trade for a geraldon get the rotom catalog and get some dream balls for my friend the ball guy but the key reason why we're here is to take on the champion's cup this is like a pre-elite four so to say and the guide has a full page telling us how to prepare for it it says to use any extra candies we have make sure everyone on our party is holding some sort of item and to check for any last minute tms to teach any of our pokemon it also says to buy healing items which i do of course and head in to fight our first opponent marnie the guide says how marnie's team hasn't changed much from the last time and that fairy type moves are a fairly safe choice against her although her brother isn't keen on dynamaxing marnie will dynamax her grimace snarl i do the same with our grim snarl to dynamax it and end this fight with an honor battle in our favor allowing us to progress in the cup since grimace snarl matched up really well against her team our next battle is against our friend hop and he has the same team as last time we battled him instead of suggesting super effective fighting moves for his first two normal types like the guy always had it now suggests ghost types which are immune to normal type since hop loves super effective moves this was a bit weird and this would technically work but i don't have any ghost type so i just use our fighting type pokemon phalanx the rest of this fight reads pretty much exactly how every other fight against hop reads with it telling us to use super effective moves and then explaining random things like how corvonite has high defense and to focus it down with special attacking moves the guide seems to really enjoy pointing out random pokemon stats here and there when it's really not the most important thing with this victory we are now allowed to advance to the finals and get to meet leon for dinner when we go to the hotel to meet leon he never shows but we do see the gym leader pierce he said that he heard that leon was going to the top of rose tower but oleana appears and sends a macro cosmos grunt after us to slow us down the guy doesn't really do a good job of explaining who or what macro cosmos is but they're basically chairman rose's company and employees who if you couldn't tell by now are definitely up to something sketchy the grunt has a durant which the guide says takes 4 times damage to fire moves so i use growlithe here against most of macro cosmos steel types from here until the top of the tower later on we see a pharaoh seed which the guide says takes quadruple damage from fire moves i like how the god has a different way of saying four times super effective just about every way it comes up with this grunt finally out of the way we make it to the top of the rose tower with our friends hop and see what is holding leon hop helped us with some double battles on the way and of course he only used his normal type pokemon for most of these steel type pokemon which wasn't really a great help but after making it to the top we're meeted with a frustrated oleana she is not very pleased by our meddling and challenges us to a battle the guide says how our team doesn't all share too many weaknesses like some of the previous macro cosmos battles then explains what moves are good against her pokemon how her serena has immense attack and thighs and how mylotic's strengths are its hp and special defense her ace pokemon is gigantomax garbador and although we have nothing to type trumpet directly i just use every member of our team for it to dispatch oliano once and for all we then see leon speaking with chairman rose and the guide lightens the whole situation by saying how they're just talking about the future of galler and we can now return to the champion cup for the finals kind of strange how everything just goes back to normal after that but our first battle here is against speed who replaced opal as the gym leader the guide warns us about gardevoir and its high special stats and how there's a good chance it'll one-shot some of our pokemon which it definitely does because gardevoir is pretty strong i end up taking it out with rillaboom and then giganta maxing to take care of the rest of his team next up is nessa and her water type team the guide recommends grass and electric type so i lead with bolts hunt on her galizapod the guide says not to underestimate her seeking but i one shot it anyway and since we have ruloboom this fight went by much easier than the one against speed our next foe is alistair and his bulky dusknar lead this is one of the few times i've seen a guide refer to a pokemon as bulky as that's usually just a fan made term so i use our grimace snarl to type trump his ghost type pokemon with dark type moves i'm able to handle his gigantomax gengar much easier now that we have grimace snarl allowing us to move on to the fourth battle against ryhon reihan has managed to crush the opposition and faces us in the last match the guy notes how his team changed a little bit but his love for weather hasn't he has a torque now to set up the sun as opposed to earlier when he had a gigalith for sandstorm so i take it out with rockslide from beretik as the guide recommended the guide then says how goodra is tough and to use fairy types i go to grimace snarl which has kind of been the mvp of this run so far and it also takes out everything else on his team except for his ace pokemon doraldon i go into failings to die to max to match his dynamaxx doraledon and take it out with a max knuckle now we have the champion match against leon to prepare for when we go out to fight leon we're interrupted by chairman rose he's saying something about how he's going to save galler and initiated the darkest day and with a name like the darkest day it doesn't really sound so pleasant or good for the region we have to postpone our champion match for now to go and try and stop him by going all the way back to the slumbering wheels the first thing the guide suggests to do here amongst all of this chaos is to catch a gallerian wheezing and when i try to it just self-destructs on me we eventually get to a point where we meet hop and get the rusted sword and rusted shield that we need to take back to leon and hammerlock to help stop chairman rose when we go over there we meet olianna who begs us to save chairman rose because even she doesn't know what he's doing and thinks he's gone mad with power we have to go under the stadium in hammerlock to see that something has broken out of its shell and it turns out to be the thing that was causing all of the power in the region and are met by rose shortly after who challenges us to a battle he has a steel type team and the guide suggests we use fire moves since some of his pokemon take 400 damage from fire so our growlithe continues to be great here against all of this macrocosmo shenanigans and since i know someone will ask this i haven't evolved growlithe yet since the guy didn't mention how to evolve growleth and made no mention of evolutionary stones at this point in the guide since we're only supposed to use the knowledge we come across in this guide to beat the game as nintendo intended we're stuck with growleth for now but it does really well against chairman rose this battle theme is also really cool and intense and although the story in sword and shield is a bit weird and doesn't make too much sense and not too much is explained especially towards the end the presentation for this final part of the game is really nice largely thanks to the music after we defeat him with our type jumping fire tight moves the guide mentions how rose calms down a bit but he expresses confidence that leon will have the same ideals as him and follow through with his plan to initiate the darkest day once more we then go to the roof where we see leon trying to stop the mysterious pokemon that broke out from the power cell and the darkest day so sorry rose i guess you were wrong about leon the guy doesn't detail this part that much for some reason and sums it up in about half a page with very little pictures and doesn't even directly mention eternatus it says to use ice type moves for this fight though so i use beretic then doesn't really mention anything about this raid-like battle we have against etteranes with hop zaccian and zambazenta this is a pretty key point in the game so it's weird to just omit it and not even show a picture of eternatus we end up defeating it in kashkin anyway and after a three day rest in the hotel we can finally challenge leon to become the champion of the gala region the guide tells us all of leon's pokemon's weaknesses says how seismitoad is 400 weak to grass and to attack aegislash when it's in its blade form for maximum damage i use grimacinal for his lead age of slash and really boom for his seismitoad to hammer away at it with wood hammer we eventually make it to his cinderease which does give me a little bit of trouble so i end up reviving some of my pokemon and paralyzing with bolton to finally knock it out after a few revives last up is leon's ace pokemon charizard the guide says how he will gigantomax it the first turn and he does so i end up just stalling out the turns after paralyzing it too because this pokemon is pretty scary in its g-max form while the majority of sword and shield is easy and it's definitely one of the biggest complaints people have about sword and shield the fight against leon is definitely the hardest in the whole game it's fitting since it is the last fight after all and once charizard returns to normal i dynamax our ball ton to knock it out and defeat leon with that we beat pokemon sword and shield how nintendo intended overall this guide was pretty good and the only real mistake i noticed was it telling us to head west one time when we really had to head east which is rather minor there wasn't anything really too weird or funny besides the whole 400 percent and quadruple damage thing and the vast majority of the guide covers extra things in the game like the post game the wild area and nearly everything you need besides the expanded pokedex with types and attacks and of course the dlc since this came out before the dlc i don't really have much else to say about this guide other than the fact that it was definitely one of the better guides we've looked at so far and considering it's the newest guide i expected it to be like this and playing a new pokemon game was pretty nice for once my channel tends to focus on the older pokemon games and since sword and shield came out i've only made a small handful of videos about them i understand there's a lot of controversy surrounding this game but it was still a ton of fun for me to play and i enjoyed making this video more than some of my other videos i typically only play for two or so hours at a time when i make these videos so that after playing i can script the mat without forgetting stuff before playing again but i found myself playing for sessions as long as four hours multiple times this time around i really don't want to get too much into this though since whenever i mention anything about pokemon sword and shield that isn't overwhelmingly negative people tend to get mad at me because i'm not allowed to enjoy this game for some reason and even on videos where i make no mention of sword and shield whatsoever there's at least one person commenting relating my video to sword and shield and hitting on them somehow i get that there's some issues with this game that i personally think are mostly minor while other people would disagree with that but in the end i still had fun playing this game the guide was good and i really hope that brilliant diamond and shining pearl as well as legends arceus have gods that come out with the game too i think it'd be really cool for my first playthrough of those games to be in intended playthroughs if possible now i'm not sure what the next intended video will be for next month since i typically do one of these a month as they take a lot longer than my other videos like my hardcore nuzlocke videos which you should also check out by the way if you enjoyed this video you should also consider subscribing as subscribing helps the channel a ton and leave a like if you enjoy the videos that also helps the channel a ton with all that out of the way i just want to thank you so much for watching hope you have a good rest of your day i'll see you all next time and bye bye you
Channel: PaPaSea
Views: 613,905
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pokemon sword and shield, Beating Pokemon Sword & Shield How Nintendo Intended, nintendo intended, nintended, papasea, pokemon videos, pokemon, pokemon challenge, pokemon sword and shield gameplay, pokemon sword and shield walkthrough, hardcore nuzlocke, pokemon x and y, how nintendo intended, nintendo switch, nintendo, galar
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 21sec (2781 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 14 2021
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