Can You Beat Persona 5 Royal By Doing Absolutely Nothing? Part 2

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hello everybody nitzegamer here who just survived pure mindless insanity with no counselor to vent my problems to previously i did the first two palaces in a very detailed video where i played the game by having joker do absolutely nothing and now we're here to continue the lack of effort by wasting so much time playing takeover over and over and over again seriously i do not want to hear that song ever again can you be personified royal by doing absolutely nothing part two to quickly recap the rules the first is that we cannot do anything that changes the game's mechanics in the pause menu other than reloading a save file what you're gonna do a lot the velvet room is completely off limits and aside from the one time that we're forced to fuse two personas to gain agatheon agatheon will be our permanent persona for the entire run so switching personas even when we're forced to play joker only is banned in the real world we are only allowed to go into the metaverse go straight to leblanc for the night or head to bed at night anything else that's not story progressive is banned there will be one exception to the optional confidant scroll but more on that later and in the metaverse we are to keep the one lockpick we crafted during the tutorial on us and to never open up a log chest all of jose's features are banned and we can't use any action with joker other than guarding and all out attacks direct commands are banned for the run so everyone must be set on act freely so the computer will be able to make the dumb decision so i don't have to i can just stand back watch and cringe the entire time and because we have to rely on three dumb ass ai grinding is essential and is completely legal to make this run possible with the exception of ryuji's awakening during the tutorial we were able to do the run on merciless difficulty up to the moderate boss fight which is impossible due to the triple damage buff so from modorami's boss fight and on we have to play on hard difficulty which means merciless is now banned from the run from this point forward lori the difficulty is only allowed if i can prove the current difficulty is impossible and lowering the difficulty will be a permanent decision that i can turn back on so i guess we'll see if it's possible to beat the rest of the game on hard difficulty by doing nothing and with all that said let's continue the run on june 5th badarame goes and were forced to hang out with ryuji to play darts giving joker and ryuji an automatic rank 2 baton pass definitely going to be useful for as long as the game allows us to keep your yuji in the front lines on june 6 we gain a mementos request from ashima called sadism is just a sign of love and june 6 is also the earliest we can unlock a new block of mementos so we fast travel to the new block and yeah the sadistic mementos request blocks our way going further into mementos and as mentioned before all optional mementos requests are banned even if our party is able to handle the fight themselves without joker's help now i know what some of you are thinking well this here is obviously a mandatory memento's request just fight the ones that block your way and ignore the ones on the railroad dumbass and i wish that could be the case because believe it or not these mementos requests blocking the new pathway are actually skippable on the day we have to go to the depths of mementos yeah spoilers there but yes this means our time grinding and mementos can only be spent grinding on kamishita enemies which not only give you less exp than what they say they give you but this makes palaces the more efficient place to go to for grinding so for efficiency we will always send the calling card on the last possible day so we can use the palace every day for grinding and only go to mementos if we feel like we can grind to the next level without wasting too much time and sadly the only two shadows who give the most experience are the strong shadows and the treasure demon regent birth is safer to fight this time around but still gives you very little exp region on the other hand i am actually able to have my party finish the treasure demon off if at least three party members attack before regent groans if it groans after the second person then almost always my party won't be able to finish off regent in time you can increase your chances of battling region on a rainy day by entering a deviation of mementos but sadly there's a limited amount of treasure demons you can fight and the position regen takes his turn can determine whether or not you can end the fight or not after that i spent a good dozen minutes going back and forth between floors and couldn't get another deviation to spawn again and spawning both a strong shadow or a treasure demon is rare compared to the common enemy so while grinding is an option it's definitely going to take hours just to go up one level so i didn't really level anyone up and went back to reality due to getting bored on june 7th ryuji and mishima insist on calling a maid for special services little do they know we're playing the equivalent of an ace arrow joker so we're just gonna ignore the operation madewatch event entirely and [ __ ] at our homeroom teacher that she doesn't work as hard as we do on june 8th we optionally bond with a confidant wait what yep i already stated in part one that max and maruki is required to unlock the third semester and since the mass majority of comments clearly don't care about my mental health i spend time with the counselor hoping i can talk meruki how to do in the third semester and since we're unable to fuse or obtain a counselor persona i used to guide to make sure i give him the best responses but even with the best responses that doesn't deepen my bond further to initiate rank 4 so this means we will have to spend time with maruki more than a usual play through due to the lack of having a counselor persona so we need to balance out when we bond with maruki along with our time grinding in palaces so dr baruchi will be the only exceptional optional confidant for obvious reasons during our social studies field trip we automatically get rank one with akechi but we're gonna give him the vanilla treatment so no gay jokes for this challenge run we have hotpot in my room which i never bothered to clean up and get a straight a student who is concerned for joker's lack of dedication she finds out that we're the phantom thieves and demands to join after we leave all the investigating to our friends we hop into a new palace on june 20th apparently our new target is a menanist who hates women the first battle gives us two rounds fighting two onis but thankfully it goes a lot smoother than i expected thanks to ryuji inflicting shock makoto gets pissed that joker doesn't do anything and decides to show what a woman can do and the party member that gets replaced by makoto is on just like the previous awakening battles every new party member starts off with direct commands so we guard with makoto change mikoto's tactics to act freely and guard with joker and guess who the rng gods love the most yep ryuji ryuji was able to inflict shock on the middle guy and later get a technical on his next turn only to shock the two onis thanks to makoto's tray to increase the chances of burn shock and freeze and have makoto get triple technicals with nuke from here the fight was ours this left me with a good feeling that connoisseur's palace was gonna go smoothly but before we could start our infiltration i deepened my ball with meruki on the 21st and enter the palace on the 22nd we get our showtime tutorial where on replaces makoto in battle and after the tutorial it turns out we're back to the original four we played as in the first two palaces so yeah thanks to the showtime tutorial makoto is kicked to the back lines with yusuke which means ryuji morgana and on will still be my party members till haru's awakening also the showtime tutorial will automatically switch morgana's tactics to direct command so make sure you change it back to act freely for the next fight and when it comes to the infiltration well let's just say only one enemy on this floor is weak to electricity and even then we are faced with very tough bows who will do multi-elemental attacks almost always ending the fights but instead of worrying about grinding we head to the first mini boss where everyone starts off with using gun attacks wait what and with four moragis it was over i replayed this fight many times and for whatever stupid reason the characters think that using guns is the most efficient way to start the fight and considering the amount of damage we have to endure in this fight this will be the big thing we need to grind for and we haven't even got to our first safe room yet i found the most efficient enemy to grind against is arthuris while arthuris does drain fire attacks once on knows this she will use dermeda to put ortharis asleep and if you saw the kamishita arc in the last part where we got a similar technical strategy to work with birth this is essentially the same so with on putting the shadow of sleep we have a chance of leveling up without too many issues but in truth we have more issues than success in fact during my time grinding i probably died more times than i did succeed and sometimes orthris will have high pixies appear and while the high pixies are weak to gun the party may not take them as a high priority and if high pixies have a turn they will either fully heal themselves or put a party member to sleep and with any attacks exploiting a sleep and status ailment it is so easy to die in this fight and that's the last thing we need to happen because we still have that revival beat from moderame's palace that i thankfully did use up during the fight and we want to save this for at least the first mini boss if we can't completely defeat them so if any of our party members uses the revival beat bail and reload your save and also one cool trick to extend your time grinding is that the sleep and status element can also restore some of your party's sp essentially acting as an sp adhesive so while the chances of it being useful are entirely rng the best moments to have your party members get put to sleep is if you defeat orthrus because then you will have no fear of getting hit instead the high pixies will raise the party's sp and indirectly extend our day grinding we get to level 26 with everyone with ryuji and morgana learning a new skill but once on is leveled up our strategy of using technical damage to fight orthris is botched because now on will go third which means ryuji will hit the technical just before ortheris attacks us this puts us in a no-win situation so what now well i decide to head back home and return the next day but this was a bad idea because no matter which battle i entered in on the first floor i would always die or lose my revival beat 95 percent of the time yeah the chances of me leveling up or winning a single fight was at a five percent chance and facing before a robot in the control room was still a no win everyone will still use their guns at the start and even though evasion is possible morgana and on will be too focused on healing and ryuji may be dead or too low on his hp to use his physical attacks i tried this fight for 15 minutes straight and every fight ended with joker's death in one minute yeah the first [ __ ] mini boss of kanashiro's palace is our biggest roadblock and even if we did add yusuke to the party way back in matarame's palace makoto would just replace yusuke so we can't use ice against these guys which is their main weakness so we have no choice but to level up as much as we can and pray to the rng gods we win and even then i can barely level up a damn character let alone win a single fight without someone dying or my party wasting the only revival bead i was in a serious no-win situation and even if we do go after the treasure demon queen's necklace which sometimes appears on the upper right floor near the stairs even with morgana led in a crit we're not doing enough damage to make even one treasure demon useful in leveling up our characters so not only are we boned because of on gaining a higher agility than ryuji we're boned because of [ __ ] awful ai and to be clear morgana has lucky punch for crits ryuji has physical moves that can inflict forget and on has a sleep and status ailment none of these skills are considered at the start they will only use their guns because the ai thinks that's somehow more efficient i've never been so dumbfounded in my life because this was never a problem during the first two palaces so what do we do do we lower the difficulty do we call the run quits and break one of our rules well since i could barely win a fight i went back to reality as we do have one other option grind in mementos yes i'm serious i spend the 24th grinding on comma sheet enemies with a rare chance of birth or regent appearing i probably leveled up to a thousand points within two hours alone yeah we're gonna grind with the slowest possible method of making this run possible all while joker does nothing and we can't use jose's stamps or flowers to improve the grinding experience thankfully all shadows run from us so we can always start a battle with an ambush but my god i don't know what's worse grinding at a snail's pace or grinding at a five percent chance of winning at a steady pace with a bajillion reloads all i could say is you better be glad you don't have to do a run like this because the kaneshiro arc somehow ended up becoming the most torturous experience thus far so i endure my saw trap on the 24th and the 25th i leveled everyone up to 27 except for on as she is now the fourth person to fight in battles alright so i returned back to fight orthrus again on the 26th once on leveled up to 27 she was bad to be in the third person to fight again oh joy but unlike last time the rng gods were a little bit more fair to us not by much i mean there was still more reloading than successful fights but soon i tried finding queen's necklace again and with one lucky punch crit from morgana and a showtime with him and on we were able to defeat queen's necklace for some good exp game and i am so brain dead to tell you what the hell happened throughout the rest of this day so long story short we end the day with level 27 and move on to day 27 with only 12 days left of our deadline i attempted to fight against the first miniboss again and while i was getting closer to finishing the fight the rng gods were still not on my side so around this time i decided to stream my run just to show how impossible this first mini boss was and i beated the aeroba's after three tries on stream but with damn good rng and a dead cat so instead of me streaming myself grinding on the first floor i was able to grind actual progress through the palace the next three mini bosses were no biggie but once we get to our fourth mini boss at the end of the money laundering office this fight was way too brutal for us at level 27 and our only option was to grind now you may be wondering if it took 5 days for me to grind up to this point of the palace how many more days did it take for me to secure an infiltration route zero yes i secured an infiltration route on the 27th but how well let me introduce you to the savior of the run hi pixie while grinding in the money laundering office area you have a chance of facing 5 high pixies with one of them being a disaster shadow and since my party refuses to use gun while a disaster shadows in front of them they attack one hypixi at a time with whatever they got and the only two moves that high pixie uses is dormina and medium healing and what's so great about this is that they never attack they can summon enemies to attack us if they put all four of us asleep but as long as joker is guarding joker can never be inflicted with sleep and when my party sleeps they regenerate their hp and sp so yes it is possible to do a one day infiltration route by using high pixie as a way to restore our hp and sp and while my party will be doing whatever they can to kill these high pixies this is our opportunity to grind to a high level without having to waste a day grinding and so for more than three hours straight i streamed myself grinding just to go up one level yes it took almost four freaking hours just to go up from level 27 to level 28 and while this would drive me insane if i played this myself i gotta say interacting with my audience really helped me through my saw trap and with morgana learning rekarm at level 28 where he can revive fallen members with half hp which actually does 75 thanks to morgana having the proud persistence trait we go up against the mini boss and win thanks to the recarm skill i gotta say thank you to everyone who joined that stream and helped me get through pure insanity by keeping me sane i mean i killed my throat after talking for 4 hours straight but i truly appreciate all your comments on how persona 6 will do their persona awakenings i call sacking themselves in the balls and so i go back to hours of insanity on my own beat in one more mini boss and secure in an infiltration route on the same day i beat the first mini boss thanks to the help of high pixies restoring our hp and sp between battles and as long as we're full on our hp my team does have a chance up against the strong shadow himself the defeated avenger he repels electric and has a high chance of morgana get an insta-kill thanks to electric but the defeated avenger provides the most experience in the palace 700 to be exact which is more than any normal shadow who are all under leveled so we go between fighting the defeated avenger healing with high pixies and tons of reloads and trial and errors leveling up faster than usual with on learning lullaby at level 30 which will definitely help in the kaneshiro boss fight although there is one major downside with on learning lullaby lullaby has a medium chance of inflicting all enemies with sleep while dermena has a high chance of inflicting one enemy with sleep but even if there's one enemy such as the defeated avenger on will use lullaby over dermena not only wasting 8 sp instead of 3 but also taken a lower chance of inflicting one enemy with sleep i have no idea why the ai thinks this is efficient but if that's the case dermena is now useless as on will only use lullaby regardless of the amount of enemies there are i take a chance against the wilseed boss fight and with lucky rng we manage to defeat the boss not that that's much of an accomplishment as he offers less exp than the defeated avenger but hey at least we beat our first will seed boss fight even though we can't use any accessories for the run and now since i can grind for as long as i want i need to decide how long i should grind for so i can be over prepared because while the rng gods favor us more against defeated avenger we still have to reload every two or three successful battles that went horribly wrong and the higher level we are the less reliant hypixes are as my party will either finish them off sooner or we have a decreased chance of being inflicted with sleep so while grinding to level 99 in connoisseurs palace is possible in theory the odds of doing so are so not worth it i can't tell you how many times i've watched this one object come into color every time i leave the first vault floor but yeah this is beyond repetitive as hell so how far do we grind for level 38 12 levels higher than kaneshiro and four levels above wakaba however agatheon is at level 33 since my persona requires more experience points to level up than the rest of us and just like moderame's palace apparently atlas did add a fail safe to prevent you from entering the palace one day prior to the calling card deadline so we can't enter a palace for the last three days if we have an infiltration route secure which is okay since we send the calling card and go change connoisseur's heart on the 7th of july before you fight kaneshiro however head to the chest in the upper right corner of the money laundering office this is the only chest that will contain a revival bead which i've seen before act freely members will use unless they have a revival skill on them however despite her hours of grinding every day and using high pixies this fight was a loss for kanashiro yeah probably no surprise but it only took one try to beat conochiro which my god was refreshing for once piggytron has the ability to inflate burn and fear during this fight but thankfully are no biggies when he does march of the piggy the party members will guard similar to the fight against kamashida and when we have a choice to distract connoisseur with an item this technically counts as joker doing nothing so throwing an item is allowed these are the items that can destroy kaneshiro so ryuji was apparently the only smart one of the group for once after pegitron's defeat we have to deal with kaneshiro's hitman the shield hitman will block kaneshiro from being attacked and the flying hitman has a chance to inflict forget on our party kadushiro will use lullaby to put our party asleep but thankfully with the amount of grinding we've done even technical damage is not enough to bring us down and joker can't be inflicted with ailments while he's guarded with on using lullaby herself for technical damage and ryuji sometimes inflicting shock this fight was a breeze and we won with absolutely no kos and one revival bead still in our pocket we gather in my dirty room which i never bothered to clean up and i used the final day of the conestero arc to get rank 5 with maruki and we won't be able to start rank 6 till september 20th so how long did the connoisseur are take us on hard difficulty well we're 36 and a half hours into the run and we ended the madora may arc at 17 hours and 17 minutes so we did the connoisseur arc for 19 hours straight but bear in mind that's the save time for every fight i probably lost every two or five rounds i'll let you do the math but i probably spent anywhere from 38 hours to 95 hours in konashiro's palace alone doing nothing but pressing the guard button and reloading for so many days straight was it worth over leveling my party members hell to the [ __ ] no i really wish i could just brace through this game with insta kill but here we are we're only one third of the way through the game and thankfully the next palace is not as brutal as the first three well if you're at this point in the video chances are you're either enjoying watching me go through my saw trap or you feel sorry for me going through my sawtrap so it will definitely mean a lot to me if you like comment and subscribe and ding the bill for more nitsa gamer content so now that we got through probably the worst palace of the run let's get through what's probably the most relaxed palace of the run futaba's palace on july 26 we can start infiltrating for thomas palace with the most amount of days to do grinding hooray and unlike the previous three palaces futaba's was without a doubt the easiest palace it was truly the oasis of the run as it's definitely possible to secure an infiltration route in one day i did it in two days mind you but still this palace was mostly a breeze i say mostly a breeze because there are some things to point out when it comes to the grinding which is the part that will drive me past insanity you want to avoid most enemies when doing the infiltration as only a select few shadows will be weak to your party members attacks naga is the only enemy weak to wind sandman is the only enemy weak to electric however there are three enemies that are weak to fire while the rest are all neutral to it sandman the owls we all slipped over and the treasure demon stone a scone yes we can actually exploit a treasure demon's weakness this time without lucky crits but don't let that fool you as a great opportunity stone of scone is very rare to spawn regardless if the game tells you that a high security level equals more treasure demons in truth we don't want to accidentally enter battles that we can't win in three turns and maybe only one or two searchable objects throughout the entire palace have stone a scone in it but with that said i definitely recommend searching searchable objects in the palace if on has enough sp on her now when it comes to the mini bosses there are three mandatory ones the first one repels wind but is otherwise simple to finish off the second and third are both mod and as long as he doesn't instantly turn morgana into a mouse morgana can exploit mott's weakness with wind the second round of mod is a lot harder than the fur since he spawns in one more enemy but with good rng the mini bosses are a breeze there's two chests in the palace containing a bomb of life which does full hp revival to one ally so save these before you face up against wakaba it was around this time that i grinded to level 40 six levels above wakaba and about three full game weeks of grinding so i had to decide should i grind even if it takes me dozens of hours to do so because we do not need to worry about bonding with maruki until the next balance so this is our opportunity to over level well once again the majority of my subscribers don't care about my mental health so i did exactly that grind and over level my party members which in all fairness is honestly a good idea because i do not want to face another sawtrap again like i did at the start of connoisseur's palace i could definitely say my biggest mistake of the run was not using the second half of the kamashita arc to grind my party i know some of you may consider this cheating but considering that i'm doing this run without most of the game's mechanics to help me out and without using insta kill or mishima's exp buffs i say over leveling by actually entering battles is earned it may be repetitive and drain it as [ __ ] but it will make the boss fights go a lot smoother and both wakaba and akumara are definitely going to be the most concerning but if stone a scone is rare who do i grind against anubis anubis is the strong shadow that has a higher level than the treasure demon and offers the most experience points in the palace anubis nullifies curse and bless and resists gun so all elemental and physical attacks will be used from our party members and while anubis is technically easier than defeated avenger the thing with anubis is that he balances between curse bless and resetting the balance if he leans towards curse or bless he will do two insta-kill attacks so it's entirely rng whether or not your party members die and since morgana is the only member with a revival skill if morgana gets insta-killed you might as well reload and try again but the most devastating attack is when anubis resets the balance which will either go for third or after his health reaches below 50 percent here he will use a multi-medium curse and bless attack and at our current level this is an instant death unless we gain more hit points and endurance so it all comes down to whether or not my party can finish anubis in time before the reset balance attack and if we can force anubis to skip his turn with shock ryuji's electric and shock boost is the true savior of this fight so we continued to grind for days ended the grinds around 40 to 50 sp as audited ryuji for whatever reason will stop using their elemental attacks at a certain percentage despite having enough sp to use them i don't know why the ai does this but then again efficiency was never in their vocabulary at level 45 we learned samurai card with morgana and while yes this does fold hp revival to one ally i'm going to make the risky choice by keeping recarm why because recarm only uses 8sp while samarikarm uses 18sp 2 times plus 2 the amount of sp and with morgana's proud presence trait record will actually revive allies at 75 hp as opposed to the stated 50 hp this choice may no doubt bite me in the ass later on but keep and recalm could make the final boss fight of the game possible since we're bound to run out of sp during the final fight i guess we'll see when we get there so how long do we grind for level 53. 19 levels above wakaba 10 levels above akumara and equal level to signijima which may seem like not a lot but that's what three weeks of futaba's palace is worth by pressing the guard button for days and relying on dumb ass ai we no doubt killed anubis more times than defeated avenger but here we are it was absolute torture sitting down and doing this for the entirety of my december but the amount of over-grinding is bound to work in our favor and yes just like the previous palaces you cannot enter the palace on the last three days when you have an infiltration route secure but what's so odd about this failsafe is that the calling card deadline for futaba's palace is on the final day as it's one of the rare times you can go change the palace ruler's heart on the day that you plan to send the calling card so if you want to do some mementos grinding by all means go at it if you feel like you can get to the next level the only reason i went was to see if my party stood a chance up against the reaper himself and [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah nope we're still far from ready to max out everyone god damn it so we send the calling card on the last possible day because an [ __ ] who does nothing always does things at the last possible minute we get our two bombs of life from the chamber of rejection and at the end of the chamber of sanctuary avoid all enemies and while there is at least one chest on the way to the boss fight it only contains a snuff soul which my party will never use so on to the walkabout boss fight we go and the boss fight against wakaba on hard difficulty i'm not joking is still very tough at level 53. her slam will do a lot of damage and her wing blast can cause dizzy and will almost always lead to a one more because wing blast is a wind attack and wind is of course ryuji's main weakness so we'll be taking on more damage than usual no thanks to ryuji and her dive attack was so powerful that it killed morgana and on instantly thankfully ryuji attacks instead of revive so we can get past the unwinnable fight without using up a bomb of life once futaba decides that she doesn't want to be like joker anymore she awakens to her persona and everyone is at max hp and sp but thankfully we can do some reflective damage by emotionally supporting futaba i could play the scumbag and say the wrong things but i figured neither dialogue options count as doing nothing so don't worry i do play kind to futaba but i lost the first round due to being attacked first before the wayne blast and since agatheon is weak to win joker and ryuji get affected by win only for wakaba to kill joker ending the first attempt so it really does come down to good rng and whether or not waka bus specifically targets you or attacks you to get you to unguard before her wayne blasts thankfully the second round goes a lot smoother i send ryuji in to shoot the ballista so we can avoid waka by getting one mores and my party will do what they can while joker constantly guards the disney ailment can be exploited with any attacks but thankfully with morgana having me patra he can get rid of dizzy no problem although he will prioritize heal in over kieran the ailment so with some guns and magic attacks later wakaba goes down and futaba commands us to fire [Music] but this is a do-it-nothing run so you're gonna have to get creative here either get your sibling parent or child to shoot a mother for you or you can wait till god comes down from heaven to put a stop ah shout out god god damn it i shot futaba's mom in the face anyway futaba gets super exhausted and we have to wait for days for futaba to recover well despite making her suffer for more than three weeks straight so we can grind against a jackal futaba is so badass that she only rested for less than 24 hours and was wide awake enough to take down some nft supporters already the girl who stayed in her room and did nothing is doing more than the guy who accidentally shot her mom in the face thankfully igor has plenty of room in his dead mother storage so it's a win-win all around and at level 53 were about 50 saved hours into the run by the end of the futaba arc again that is save time not actual spend time so i'd say this took around 30 hours straight as we didn't have as many fails as we did during konashiro's palace futaba's palace was still beyond frustrating and draining to go through but doing all that grinding against anubis could save us in the next palaces to come we can only hope and keep grinding hey everybody nitsugamer here so before we go on to the akumar arc i would truly appreciate if you like and subscribe and ding the bell for more instagamer content and also since i plan to do challenge runs and reviews i would like to know what kind of games you would want to watch for me and what you would personally like to see here several game ideas i had in mind fursona 4 golden ok i know this one is going to be the popular choice no matter what so if you do have a second interest please comment more than just p4g anyway for persona 4 golden i do have two challenge run ideas in mind for this game can you seek the truth while being heavily limited by an unnecessary game rule well only one way to find out the legend of zelda series definitely my favorite video game series of all time i would love to cover games like the nes classics ocarina time majora's mask breath of the wild and many many more the sonic series sonic has a variety of games with a bunch of different gimmicks so there's a lot of potential for challenge runs and reviews with the blue blur himself heck i already did one for sonic adventure 2 battle where i beat the game without collecting a single reign fallout 4 an open world post-nuclear game where you can make morality choices and build for the sake of grinding exp great potential for challenge runs here the tomb raider reboots third one sucked but the three games do have potential for some challenge runs that i would love to take on the hitman series i have played every game in the series and i have been wanting to do videos on the games for a long while and as you can see with the amount of hours i put into the world assassination trilogy i'm quite a huge fan this has so much potential for reviews and challenge runs uncharted a fantastic series about shooting people in the face to get treasure and barely get to keep it by the end final fantasy xv a game about hanging out with your bros and ditching the plot for some wonderful sightseeing a polarized game among final fantasy fans but an absolute favorite of mine the last of us maybe not for a challenge runs as it's been done plenty of times before but i'll definitely do a review on the first game and it might give me reason to try a polarizing and controversial sequel and see how it truly is from my own experience this is just some of the many ideas i have but i would like to know what once you would personally like to watch day one when it gets released i want to expand my content to more than just persona related content if possible so comment down below what you would love to see and with that said let's go fight demons at a fast food factory in outer space anyway futaba learns moral support which is the only useful skill that she will use throughout the rest of this run as any skill she gains through leveling up is only useful for backup members who we can never swap to ha more reasons to love this run hey and so we go through what many consider to be the worst story arc in this game morgana feeling worthless and leaving our team but days later he reunites with the team along with our new teammate haru and learns endure with harrison recovery endure recalm and the best healing skills in the game morgana is gonna carry us throughout the rest of this game so you know what kitty redeemed so we jump into a groomer's palace on the 19th as we prepared to go down and do heroes no no no are you kidding me i lose morgana my most efficient party member no this is no joke morgana gets removed from the party because we had to play two days in the metaverse without him and thanks to what is considered the worst story arc in the game this one change so dearly compromises our run this would not matter in a normal run as you can add morgana back in at any time and on or whoever the last person selected on the stat screen is would be replaced by haru for the awakened battle but since swapping party members or adding them counts as doing something we are banned from allowing morgana back into the group so once we do horus awaken we have ryuji on and haru as our party members for the entirety of a kumaras palace and haru automatically starts at level 36 which is way lower than every other party member this is beyond [ __ ] ridiculous and just made this whole run a whole lot brutal yes on can heal but only one party member per turn and only with medium healing which will do less hp recovery without murgana's presence straight and on won't learn how to fully heal till level 57 so not only have we lost our most efficient healer but we lost the only party member who revised fallen members and could have used at least two of his confidant abilities so the one party member who was gonna carry us through the rest of this hellish experience of a run is now permanently a backup member unless the game decides to add morgana back in so i take that back kitty not redeemed haru call your fiance and tell him he can have his football back so yeah the worst story arc in the game became the worst outcome in the doing nothing run wow as if the akumar arc didn't have enough of a bad reputation as is all i could say is thank god i wasted 30 plus saved hours grinding in futaba's palace to get joker ryuji and on ahead so the question is is haru gonna be a detriment to our team or a very useful member yes first of all she can heal from status ailments faster and has a trait to reduce the party's chances of being inflicted with ailments she has a medium chance to make all enemies confused but only her psychokinesis can exploit confused enemies who will become unconfused when hit once she could be a lot worse but she could also be a lot better and better we need to become if we're gonna have a chance to beat this palace without murgana so how was the infiltration of akumara's palace well first we go through the barracks now these fights against the worker bots are extremely important in preparing us for the boss fight as remembering their affinities will help the act freely ai attack the robots more efficiently as the worker box will show up in force during the boss fight and will resist every attack but have two weaknesses the correct manager to fight up against will have red tech so be sure to fight the one with red text the blue worker bots are weak to fire and wind and the red worker bots are weak to electric and nuke so on and ryuji will have the first fight covered the second fight will have to fight up against the blue bots again which on can take down but the skinny light blue bots are weak to wind and bless since no one has wind or blast attacking the light blue worker bot is problematic as every attack will resist and do very little damage and if there's a lower class worker bot they will use recarmdro which will fully heal everyone and reduce their health down to one hp and even if we get rid of that worker bot the manager will call another worker bot in this is usually what drives first-time players insane because they can't figure out the weaknesses to finish off the robots in time before the fight drags out and wastes everyone's sp this was only a problem for me on my first playthrough of the vanilla game but my god was it painful to watch as joker does nothing and if we had morgana instead of on we would have been able to exploit every worker bot's weakness no problem thankfully with good rng it's possible to get through without exploring the weaknesses of the light blue worker mods then we get the green worker bot who is weak to psychokinesis and curse so haru went on has the third fight covered after probably the most badass grappling moment in the game our next roadblock is getting through the three lines in the factory without entering battles it's a little tough and i did enter one battle accidentally but even if you get caught you just need a good escape route and you should be fined along the way we come across the treasure demon korai noor who is weak to gun attacks yes the one attack that doesn't use up any resources can take down the treasure demon in a humorous palace making it the most efficient exp game without wasting sp but more on the treasure demon later at the end of the disposal line we come across three waves of five yellow worker bots who are weak to ice and psychokinesis as long as haru is able to down all 15 enemies without missing twice in a row like she died during the third wave these worker bots can be defeated easily granting us a crap ton of experience points yeah i definitely want everyone alive for that and then we have the airlock puzzles which everyone in the community seems to hate for some reason honestly i think the puzzle is very easy to solve even in the vanilla version so i personally never dread going through the airlock section of the palace and even when there's not enough cover to get around an enemy sometimes sticking to their back as they turn 90 degrees can work and you can avoid detection without entering battles that is with the exception of this one shadow where one of my game overs happened this shadow covers a switch that you have to flick not once but twice to get to the middle area to grant you a pass to the exit and while you can walk to the switches no problem as the shadow will do a u-turn at this end of the pathway it will only do a u-turn near the switch meaning it's impossible to avoid detection without having to enter a battle one way or another the shadow never turns at the end of this path regardless of what side of the room it's on and there's no spot to take cover other than by these crates but aside from that one hurdle you can get through the entire airlock puzzle without detection and gain another bomb of life at the end of the second puzzle however you may notice that i don't reload upon getting it why is that well if you look we have three bombs of lights two of which came from futama's palace but have you noticed that it never gets used when our party gets ko'd yes this means exactly what you think act freely members only use revival beats to revive fallen members and not the bomb of life which means despite having a superior revival item bobs of life are worthless in the doing nothing run and will never be used by the ai why i have no [ __ ] clue i guess this palace just wants me to fail so badly or something so yes not only do we need to finish the akuma boss fight with only on healing one party member per turn but we need to beat the boss fight without being able to revive fallen members and while we can secure an infiltration route in one day sending the calling card now is a dumb idea just like the idea of this challenge run so if we want to win we have to grind every day regardless if faruki is available or not i only increased his rank on the 20th to rank six in the hopes we can deepen our bond with him when joker sleeps or something and what sucks is that there's really no efficient method of grinding in a coomerous palace as most of the grinding will be all over the palace on the upside it makes it less boring than futaba's palace where we just grind it on one enemy over and over and over again for two dozen days straight but more torture does not make this run any more fun so how do i go about the grinding well the only enemy weak to electric is black ooze an enemy that i've never seen spawn throughout my entire run so i don't even know where it is i presume near the start but not that it matters since the enemy is the lowest level enemy encounter and we need ryuji more for his brute force and ability to inflict shock the only enemy weak to fire is belfagore in the disposal line and that's if you even spawn him in but we're needing on more for her healing skill than her offensive skills but when it comes to haru five enemies in the palace are weak to psychokinesis black ooze who is inefficient mithras and thunderbird who are teamed up with taiwan who block psychokinesis in the airlock section of the palace which is way too dangerous the life drain and spirit who are sometimes teamed up with belfagour making them a possible encounter though that's waste in sp that on could have used for healing so the safest common enemy to fight is the awakened god who repels both physical and gun while this may not seem efficient at first if you fight them in the facility's surroundings sometimes you'll have two other enemies who will appear that can save rsp mothman who was weak to gun and vicious pentagram who was weak to physical attacks if anna ryuji attacks these enemies they can baton pass to haru increasing our chances of all at attacking these enemies without getting hit but really the most efficient demon to fight against is the treasure demon so for every day we come back to the palace we raise the security level on purpose in the barracks and search as many searchable objects as possible if we do this every day we can get one treasure demon at the least or as much as three or four it will use up a lot of time sure but if you're good with stealth and leaning against cover you won't have to deal with a single enemy and at worst only have to run from a few with the treasure demon offering thousand and five hundred experience which in reality we're only gaining about thirty percent of we can grind a few hundred experience points with everyone with haru gaining most of the experience and then there's the big guy the strong shadow in the barracks rebellious elephant yes i know he has a name but i'm going by that name because his real name is hard to say and i'm not gonna lie the strong shadow in this palace is more useful as a persona you can obtain than a shadow to fight against why because rebellious elephant is a very endurable and tough opponent who will cause you to do more reloads than defeated avenger did in kanashiro's palace rebellious elephant repels both physical and gun in his only weak to bless attacks which none of my party members have now when he has a turn he will have two turns throw in one of five moves at you and always in this order round one he will use augie dime with a low chance to burn and wage war for a medium chance to inflict everyone with rage round two he will use augie dyne again followed up with madoom with a medium chance of insta-killing and for the third round he uses deathbound and taunt for a high chance to inflict one member with rage rebellious elephant will use rage after an attack so there's even a chance that joker will be inflicted and since rage causes melee attacks well you can see how this can be a very tough shadow to face made even worse if ryuji's trade is used and since fire is a secret technical against rage that we have to learn from a particular book in the game augie dime can do severe damage to anyone inflicted with rage honestly we spend more time wasting our sp than we do leveling up that i think fighting the awakened god along with mothman and vicious pentagram is more efficient rebellious elephant resists fire attacks so on will use lullaby if there's no one to heal lullaby has a medium chance of inflicting sleep and well if you saw the kind of shiro grind you'd know why we got rid of dormina which had a high chance despite the low sp cost ryuji inflicted shock is only useful in having the elephant skip his turn unless we add nuke skills which we don't and haru will be a detriment to the fight not only because she has a high chance of dying but because she will use 10 tara fu a medium chance of inflicting all enemies with confused and she is the only one who can exploit confused enemies which will go away once anna ryuji hit the elephant once the only great advantage with hero's trade is to reduce the chances of ailments by 25 percent and she herself can heal from an ailment sometimes instantly with her passive skill but try as you might this fight is just not feasible without haru or everyone dying and we need haru in order to face up against two waves of the worker bots during the boss fight but later to the grind on the 21st i came up with an idea what if haru had less sp that she is unable to use tentarufu it was a late idea but tested this theory out haru was able to guard during the fight allowing her to block insta-kill attacks and reduce the amount of damage she takes this sounded like a good idea at first but ryuji and ahn would run out of sp and ryuji would not be able to do anything but guard if he runs out of sp so we need to try this again on the next day first going after the treasure demon and fighting so many awakened gods till haru had less than 8 sp on her using this trick i was able to win the fight against rebellious elephant for 2 000 experience points that is only twice in this one day as we use so much sp to win this fight and i still had to reload after several failed attempts depending on how good the rng gods felt at the time but then i realized something other than the treasure demon the most efficient enemy to grind against is mothman sometimes we can enter a battle with two or three of them in the facility's surroundings and we can gain some exp without having to waste our hp and sb this is stupidly slow and inefficient but it provides us a plausible way of grinding to level 99 in the commerce palace if we were crazy enough to do so and if we get haru to level 42 we can get rid of tentarufu as she can focus more on attacking over wasting his skill so it's similar to morgana's case during the moderate grind where we had to get to level 24 to get rid of morgana's polympa skill you know you two really do have a lot in common so most of my time grinding was hours fighting against mothman and the odd fight where we don't have to take too much damage against common enemies in the facility surroundings trust me i think i can remember where every platform is placed out here with the amount of times i had a grind in this section of the palace alone so on the 23rd we fight a treasure demon and gained level 42 with heru replacing tantarofu with side boost which gives her magical attacks 25 more damage needless to say a perfect trade we also learned zeodine with ryuji so we were really getting there and being prepared for the akumara boss fight sadly joker ryuji and on require over 12 000 experience points to level up and gain less of it from the shadows like maybe around 30 percent of the experience points we're still leveling them up just at a snail's pace and our main goal is to get on to level 57 so she can learn to fully heal without the need of morgana's proud presence trait once we get the perfect set of skills for haru and a few levels with everyone else we might be able to breeze through the akumara boss fight no problem wishful thinking but positive feeling nonetheless and when it comes to rebellious elephant thankfully our odds are increased but the odds are still very very low ryuji can inflict shock with zyodyne giving on a chance to guard while rebellious elephant misses a turn and as long as on his guarding she can't get insta-killed or inflicted with rage or she just gets a decreased amount of damage from an already resisted attack and unlike last time haru is actually dealing damage to the fight instead of wasting her sp on 10 tarafu this is great because if ryuji doesn't inflict shock odd can inflict sleep given an opportunity for technical damage but while our offense has increased the same cannot be said with our luck most fights end with haru getting obliterated or after a successful insta kill which i seem to find has a high chance of happening even though it's supposed to be the same chance as anubis insta kills and with no revival skill we want everyone to be standing so we can gain a lot of exp it's definitely possible but all our odds are so low that there was even an attempt where all of us lost thanks to wage war at the least i probably have to do a dozen reloads per successful attempt and i think you can understand my reasoning for only doing rebellious elephant once per day because fighting him is beyond brutal without blessed skills although despite our odds being low and madoom being a huge problem we finally have a consistent strategy to grind in a kumara's palace we start by searching treasure demons at the start gaining either two or three every day bited rebellious elephant and defeat him twice at the least depending on my very low patience and then fight the shadows in the facility's surroundings for on to heal or to use up what little sp we have left alternatively you can fight the life-draining spirits and belfagore in the disposal lines as on and her brew will have their weaknesses they will have a little bit more experience but it's a bigger risk and will waste ons sp it's not a simple or straightforward strategy and it does require a bajillion reloads but we got a strategy to grind and gain experience for everybody and we can use mothman to push the grind further if any of our party members has less than a thousand points for the next level with luck on our side we are able to learn daya rahan i'm not even gonna look up and see if i'm pronouncing that right with on on the 28th of september now being able to fully heal for 18 sp each now the only thing to mention about the grinding is where the treasure demons commonly spawn if you played this game plenty of times beforehand chances are you may have noticed hot spots where treasure demons have a high chance of spawning for example in kanashiro's palace a treasure demon has a high chance of appearing in a searchable object in the upper right floors in the first room of the palace and after grinding for treasure demons every day i have figured out how we can spot anywhere between three or four treasure demons per day by fighting these hot spots one in the corner of the facility passageway here one in the corner of the upper left room of the export line one around the block of the second platform of the disposal line and one just little ways into the first airlock puzzle room there's also one in the central factory before the airlock puzzle however this searchable object never regenerates so knowing where these hot spots are we can pretty much grind every day going to these four searchable objects with a high chance of a treasure demon appearing during a high security level however there is some heavy rng with whether or not these treasure demons will even appear sometimes to get to the facility passageway treasure demon i have to come in from a different direction or for the treasure demon in the airlock puzzle i search all searchable objects highlighted in third eye but the treasure demon doesn't even spawn so i did it again but i took the time to get nothing from a searchable object that doesn't have a highlight and the treasure demon spawns essentially if you don't get the treasure demon to spawn reload and change your approach and movements you'll hit the right rng eventually and not miss out on a single treasure demon unless the object itself doesn't regenerate the next day one night i was able to deepen my bond with maruki by dreaming about him and then we get kasumi's awakening and third semester palace introduction on the 3rd of october we automatically have morgana with us during this part but after we defeat bumblebee here we're still stuck with the three that we've been grinding with and this could have been your chance to redeem yourself morgana so for the remaining four days we have left we grind by going after the treasure demons four hot spots in the palace fight rebellious elephant for 2000 exp with a dozen reloads thanks to the insta-kill attacks and fighting enemies between the disposal line and the facility's surrounding with mothman allowing us to push the last bit of exp to level up our characters thankfully on the final day of our grinding we managed to level haru up to 54 so she can increase her gun attacks with the snipe ability and since the last three days of the palace are inaccessible without sending the calling card we raise our rank with maruki on the saturday since there's no school on sunday or monday and here's a fun fact you can unlock the church and start huffu me's confidant as late as this day without use case confidant to that confession boost still count as doing something so we send the calling card and go change akuma's heart on the last possible day of course we go to get three out of the four treasure demons from the hot spots and then we are ready to take on akuma so after 17 agonizing days of grinding in the kumeros palace we got joker ryuji and on up to level 60. so we only grinded for seven levels in a coomer's palace what should it be so surprising considering that a were over leveled and b we were lucky enough to find a grinding strat in this palace to begin with and ha-roo is at level 54 which is the same level tenon grinded to when he did his akumara boss fight with aru only so there's hope there agatheon is at level 51 bear in mind he requires more points to level up than the rest of us and if you're wondering how many times i defeated rebellious elephant well thankfully with the strong shadows drop in one thing of dirty laundry per defeat i can confirm that we successfully defeated rebellious elephant 53 times which is far less than my successful fights against anubis and defeated avenger yeah rebellious elephant is that hard of a shadow without bless attacks and since my first defeat was on the 22nd we grinded against rebellious elephant for 14 days which means on average we defeated rebellious elephant for about 3.8 times per day honestly a lot more times than it felt so clench your butt cheeks and get your gloves tight let's end this awful grind of the palace once and for all so after morgana fails to redeem himself we start the fight off by fighting waves of worker bots whose weaknesses we learned way back on day one starting off with the blue ones who are weak to fire and wind so on eliminates them no problem from the first wave on was able to baton pass to haru to eliminate the yellow bots who are weak to psychokinesis she gets their weakness then kills them with a grenade the third wave of worker bots are weak to electric and even if you can't get all of them in one turn they are easy to take down before we face the fourth wave the division managers the only robots out of the five waves who my party members cannot exploit without lucky crits or technicals from shock the division managers are weak to win and bless so if we had morgana instead of on we would have been able to exploit all weaknesses no problem but let's see how our party does [Music] escaped three remaining oh an enemy ditched one enemy ran so that leaves just one hey employees [Music] just taking them down one at a time won't do the trick so one of the most annoying mechanics that some casual players run into is when the worker bots flee under pressure you see what you need to do is kill all four worker bots in two turns or otherwise they will flee and the wave resets with the same robots at full hp this mechanic alone drove so many players insane but it honestly isn't that big of a roadblock as you can just use joker to use other personas to figure out what they're weak to or if you use hifume's rank 1 perk to swap to other party members you can find out what they're weak to that way as long as you're able to exploit the weaknesses which you should have found out prior to the fight you should have no problem but the problem in this run is that only three party members are attacking and we only have fire electric and psychokinesis to work with and since the division managers resist all three of those attacks the only other solution is to use crits and technicals or use gun haru has a move called triple down which allows her to use light gun attacks three times on all foes with a 5 chance of critical damage and every single worker bot is neutral to gun attacks which means triple down is our go-to move but that's if haru even uses it first of all we need to beat all four of these worker bots in two turns which means we need to do a lot of damage potential but how this boss fight works is that akumar will lower our defense raise one of the bot's defense command his workers to specifically target one member at a time and during the second turn he will order one robot to self-explode doing damage to everyone and with four assault dives from one of the division managers it's almost a guaranteed kill to one party member and remember we can't revive for the entire boss fight and on will be too busy healing or using dekuja which yes i did not get rid of that skill ryuji's physical and electric attacks will resist though he does have a chance at crits or shocking the worker bots and haru will either use triple down if she has enough health on her or psychokinesis which despite resistance she will go for over the attack that has neutral damage i swear the ai is so dumb so how many tries did it take to beat a kumara on hard difficulty i don't know because it's impossible no really there's no possible way to get past the fourth wave of worker bots my party was not doing enough damage even if on was contributing to the damage and yes even if we were able to wipe out at least two of these enemies it was only because of lucky crits and the ai attacking a singular enemy because clearly less enemies makes the reason less harder or something i don't know the ai is so dumb i mean obviously they're programmed to wipe out enemies efficiently so there's less of them on screen so they're not programmed to know about the reset so it looks like the time has come it is time to lower the difficulty without a way of grinding and spotting in mothmans only which i'm not gonna do we're lowering the difficulty on normal difficulty we receive sixty percent less damage and do twenty percent more damage and well even on normal the fourth wave was still quite brutal but believe it or not there was one turn where we got haru to take down the fourth wave herself except ryuji was dead the fifth wave of worker bots are weak to psychokinesis although it not only took more than two turns to bring them down but they brought on down with them so while haru and joker were able to get to the executive director haru lacks any healing skills so we lost this fight normal difficulty might be possible but at this point guys i was so burned out i just wanted to quit this run seriously i just wanted it to end i remember after failing the attempts on normal difficulty i couldn't sleep for the entire night and i suffered working at my real-life job with sleep deprivation at this point this run was not only getting on my nerves it was affecting my health both physically and mentally and honestly what the [ __ ] am i doing yes yeah i know i am doing a run where i make the protagonist do nothing but why am i subjecting myself to the hardest difficulty to prove how challenging this run is well really the only point i need to prove is that a run like this is possible not so much if i can beat it on the hardest or merciless difficulty and really the only reason luigi was able to win a mario party mini game by doing nothing is because the computer players were always set on easy difficulty not hard so you know what i say screw this challenge run i'm going down to easy difficulty i could do safe difficulty but then i couldn't change the difficulty after the fact and it's a walk in the park allowing infinite retries in battles on easy difficulty we receive 20 percent more exp and receive half the damage we would if on normal difficulty although we do the same amount of damage so look guys i know a challenge run is best proven on its hardest difficulty but at this point my health was at stake so i had to lower the difficulty i hope you guys can understand why i'm posting out just know i do plan to complete the rest of this run now let's take down this bastard once and for all and hopefully don't see any more of those division managers fleet excuse me while i awaken to my persona persona 3 style guys personal yes even on easy difficulty our success is a small window and it takes freaking forever to die my brain is so freaking fried that i can't even go into details why this fight doesn't work and what we need in order to win but i'll do my best to explain easy difficulty does the same amount of damage as normal and as you saw we were able to get past the division managers once on normal difficulty but how did we do it well it required futaba buffing our attack power what she did during the third wave the chances of this alone happening are slim during turn one of the division managers on uses dekuja which might sound worthless but her getting rid of one of the robot's defense buff could actually be adding to the damage output and the chances of getting rid of all the enemies haru then uses triple down which barely gets them down to 50 health ryuji uses deathbound and the division managers kill ryuji which means on could attack since she can't revive a dead ryuji and haru was able to finish them off with another triple down so not only do we need haru to do triple down twice we also need on to nullified the defense buff and get some bit of damage from ryuji and on and with tarou buffing everyone's attack power beforehand the chances of all of this happening are very very low we could increase our odds if ryuji or haru lands a critical but again the chances are so slim this means leveling haru to gain the snipe ability is a necessary requirement to win this fight in the do a nothing run and we happen to have got it on the last possible day of grinding so my options are to keep fighting multiple times till we get the perfect rng for futaba to buff and hot roo and ryuji to crit and for haru to do two or three triple downs however once her health reaches below 25 percent she will not use triple down and instead use psychokinesis some of you might be thinking that we just need to level haru up a bit however the way that physical and gun skills work in the game is that they take a percentage of the overall hp away not a set value triple down costs 60 percent of heroes hp so she will only use it twice until on fully heals her which odd won't do unless the robots are ordered by akumara to target haru specifically to get her health under 50 and that's if haru doesn't constantly dodge attacks which my party is so good at evaded by the way again it all comes down to rng but you can see that literally everything we need to eliminate the fourth wave is multiple factors of rng it requires multiple factors with low odds now i'm really starting to see why newcomers hate this boss fight except i at least have an excuse while the rest of you guys suck look guys i thought hayden up here with tevin and jack might have been fun but this run was truly breaking me so how did these guys get through their challenge runs dlc i can't use dlc since my rule set doesn't allow me to that in the gym uniform is free and everything else costs money which is a practice i don't support i want to give into so is there a way to increase our odds without constant failed attempts because i refuse to fight mothmans for several days straight well yes there is one option but you guys are not gonna like it [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] so the game is over what a truly foolish end [Music]
Channel: NitsuaGamer
Views: 174,693
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Can You Beat Persona 5 Royal By Doing Absolutely Nothing?, Part 2, Luigi, Mario Party, Joker, Ryuji, Ann, Morgana, Makoto, Haru, Futaba, Moral Support, Wakaba, Defeated Avenger, Orthrus, High Pixie, SP, Anubis, Mot, P5R, Persona 5, Challenge Run, Mementos, Maid Watch, Mishima, Kaneshiro, Palace, Calling Card, Maruki, Kasumi, Okumura, Division Managers, Robots, Worker Bots, Grind, Gym Uniform, Kitty, Act Freely, Guard, Rebellious Elephant, Awakened God, Mothman, Space, Triple Down, Orobas, Torture, Pain
Id: pptgD0nfE3w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 80min 4sec (4804 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 12 2022
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