Better & Worse Than The Original - Persona 3 Reload

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[Music] I just spent 80 or so hours of my life playing through Persona 3 reload and to No One surprise it's good I really enjoy my time although there were a few things I think the original did better so I want to talk to you all about them heads up there will be spoilers here and there just for the sake of being able to compare certain elements between the versions so if you're still playing through the game or plan the play through the game maybe do that first Persona 3 on PS2 is one of the hardest games I've ever played and for all the wrong reasons you can't control your party members in battle their AI is incredibly bad the boots there was that whole exhaustion system where people would straight up leave your party for the rest of the day if they got tired every other enemy has a goddamn instakill mudo or Hama skill that will come out of nowhere and make you lose hours of progress I can't even think of another game I've played in recent years it's frustrated me so much it was the perfect game for when I needed the work because when I would end up dying in the most [ __ ] way possible losing hours of progress I would just be done for sometimes weeks even little things like not being able to pick what skills a Persona will inherit when doing a fusion so you had to keep selecting and deselecting stuff until you got what you wanted it was a painful experience anyone who's also played Persona 3 on PS2 knows exactly what I'm talking about too and I don't mean on an emulator of safe States and mods that give you control of your party members this is a shout out to all my homies who also played on our original Hardware you ever see someone on the street that looks utterly broken and wondered hey what happened to that guy Persona 3 on PS2 we've seen some [ __ ] bro okay maybe not as much as your average smt fan but those guys could look at a g and go hey that looks fun PSP version where you can control your party members no BS or party members straight up leave you and have those clocks that refill all your SP for chump change baby game you don't even know despite all of that all of the pain all of the times I rage quit that piece of sh game I enjoyed playing through it like the insane masochist I am and the experience itself really stuck with me a big part of that is a story and the overall mood of the game in my opinion is unparalleled both myself and my ex- roommate who had watched me play through most of the game both agreed by the end that if they were to ever make a remake of Persona 3 you know something that had the story and overall mood of the original with the more more modern design Tendencies of Persona 5 that would be the perfect Persona game from that description Persona 3 reload is exactly the game I wanted in before getting into the minutia I want to make it abundantly clear that reload is a very good game whether it's worth the asking price of 70 is a little more debatable depending on who you ask but don't be mistaken if you're a fan of jrpgs reload is definitely worth your time although in a Bittersweet twist of fate it's the game I asked for but not the game I wanted my hopes with reload is that it would be the ultimate version of Persona 3 combining all the content from every version of the game and it's not quite that it doesn't have the answer scen in Fest which was a 30-hour campaign that contextualizes the ending of the main game and it doesn't have the female protagonist or the Social Links of characters like Jun or akihiko from PSP who knows Atlas might charge us another 30 bucks or so down the line for all that stuff but for all intents and purposes what you're essentially getting is a remake of the original original Persona 3 if they weren't aiming to be the be all end all version of P3 you know the version you play if you want to experience everything in one package my next hope would have been for it to take the same approach the Resident Evil remakes have taken where it shares the same Foundation as the original whilst hitting new story beats I will surprise veterans and reload doesn't take that route either there is new stuff don't misinterpret me here but the story is entirely the same down to the day like if there's a cut scene on June 20th where your character sees Coro outside the dorms you can bet your ass that same exact cut scene also happened on June 20th in the original in fact there was a bunch of stuff I thought they removed or changed only find out I was mistakenly thinking about things that happened in the movie in the game I guess it's pretty adant that she wants you to kill Ri so that your party will forget everything opposed to the alternative of living the last few months of their life in fear are the fact they'll soon die but in the anime they took it a step further when the protag Tells IAS he won't be killing rji despite how scared everyone is she freaks out and tries killing him herself only to find out that ryi wasn't lying when he said only the protag has the power to kill him it's a fantastic scene that even though it didn't actually happen in the game like I gastl myself into thinking it did this could have been a chance to have it and various other scenes happen in reload the majority of new scenes and interactions are not moments in the main story it are instead just optional moments like studying with suu cooking with akihiko reading comics with Jee the furthest reload goes is adding a couple of scenes expounding on st's characterization a little further they are cool scenes which only made me wish they made some more drastic story editions even more I started my playthrough of the original game I think five or so years ago at this point but I didn't finish it until two or so more years later because the intro to Persona 3 is such a slow burn things don't start to get really interesting until about July in game and again if they're not trying to make the all-inclusive Persona 3 experience it has everything from every version of the game I wish they would have instead just taking new creative Liberties veering away from the structure of the original creating a brand new experience to address things like that it does feel like reload is less of a companion piece to the original and more an attempt to replace the original despite not having all the content and generally speaking I still think they do mostly succeed the biggest change and the biggest Improvement without a doubt is the game playay anyone familiar with the system in five will feel at home because it's a lot more comparable to that game super flashy UI but taon passes here from five now called shifting time to problem and this new theg system is genius basically every character has an ultimate now that will ignore resistances and deal insane damage and the condition to filling up your the gauge differs depending on the party member for example yukari will go up anytime she heals someone meaning you can use her special after three or so healing skills to your team it helps distinguish every character and for the first time ever in a Persona game I had a really hard time deciding who I wanted in my party which is a great problem to have in a game like this another great addition that prevents you from getting stuck with a certain party formation are these giant clock things that'll bring two party members of your choice up to your current level characters outside your party won't gain exp much like in the original so this still gives you options without having to juggle everyone to make sure they stay viable manually Genius Edition Taris saw a couple of makeovers as well it was the same square hallway layout start to finish in the original but each block gets a lot more creative of its structure and reload which helps diversify what is otherwise a fairly repetitive game Loop but to be fair it's a lot of fun now yeah I honestly enjoyed scaling tars in this verion version of three something I once thought felt like a chore in the original only makes me wish the answer was here since those changes alone would have greatly improved that playthrough I do wish the game was a little harder I'd be curious to hear how others feel about this but for me basically every Persona game with the exception of the original P3 and maybe P1 only gets easier as the game progresses as much as the PS2 version made me want to tear my hair out I kind of appreciate that it gave me such a challenge I would go out of my way to see what bosses were ahead so I can make a Persona specifically cater to my next fight in reload I never had to change my party or my equipped personas for any of the fights but yeah I guess I still preferred that over the alternative this isn't some giant comprehensive video covering every gameplay feature but some other notable gameplay changes would be that the protagonist can only wield a sword now he can't wield Striker Pierce weapons as he could in the original lock chest from four and five are here unlocked using a new currency called Twilight fragments getting up from a knockdown does not eat up a turn anymore Shuffle time now has you picking a card much like four instead of slowly mixing the cards around after each battle that whole dual Persona skill thing where you had to have specific personas on you to utilize it has effectively been replaced by the prot tag having multiple theg skills hookah got a complete makeover now having her own sp bar that can actually be exhausted by revealing all weaknesses or using abilities outside of battle without a doubt the best implementation of a navigator in the series thus far Rush does not speed up animations anymore kind of defeating the purpose of the feature it adds speed lines and everything but the animations themselves play out at the same exact speed lastly Atlas made the bizarre decision to have characters free freak out whenever someone is low in Sp son Senpai is running out of stamina be careful in most games a party member will make a comments about being low in HP which makes sense they're about to die but now if you're low on SP you will hear about it every time you exit a battle yukari Chan are you okay hang in there amaton leader don't overdo it it gets hold real fast some other downgrades here and there like in the original when the girls walk into the hot springs while the boys are still there you had to stealthily maneuver your squad MGS style which has now just been reduced to a bunch of text options options but all in all the gameplay is better where it matters most and is overall a huge Improvement easily the biggest W reload takes presentation was a little more hit or miss I mean undeniably reload is at a huge Advantage given the original came out an entire 18 years ago on vastly inferior hardware and as such reload is superior at least on a technical level it's running in the Unreal Engine and it's rendered very well I do think the style shines brightest when exploring tardus especially if all the new flashy animations in UI Atlas once again shows off that they are the Undisputed Champs at styish and menus in the entire gaming industry most of the environments look great too with the exception of two places the first is the nightclub you walk in and see tons of completely stationary people it looks really bizarre I feel even animating just three dance cycles for each MPC to use would have been better than well this however Club Escapade isn't that vital of a location Beyond going there for one of the full moons so it's not a huge deal the big sticking point for me is the dorms compared to the Moody dim lighting of the original it's extremely well lit to the point where the lighting itself is incredibly flat now there was a lot of black used in the original color scheme a lot of gradual shading that's in comparison to reload where some areas don't look like they're being affected by lighting engine at all despite that typically being a strength of the Unreal Engine it's the worst looking environment in the game now which is a huge problem considering how important the location itself is like honestly I'd argue the dorm is the second most important location in Persona 3 behind Tardis itself outside of brief sections where you go off to Vacation the dorm is a location you see every single day it's where a lot of meetings are held and it's also where a lot of the most important most serious cut scenes happen I mean you spent hours upon hours of the game's runtime in the dorms opening of the game for example you're seeing all this disturbing imagery and then this unfamiliar girl is about to pull out a gun on you it's an intentionally uncomfortable opening in the poorly lit atmosphere of the dorm adds a lot to that moment in reload it's tonal Whiplash having what should be an ambiguous scene prompting the player to ask what the hell is going on happened and what is now an extremely colorful and bright environment in general a lot of the most important moments in the story are diminished when the dorm feels this welcoming though I'm sure some will scoff at what I'm saying I genuinely believe how the dorm looks and the overall tone it gives off is important to the overall mood the game is trying to achieve Persona 3 is a dark game I mean one of the core themes of the narrative is death the door might be a home base of sorts but the moodiness of the original was a constant reminder that things are not okay and you have a mission to carry out and considering the original had softer lighting during the more light-hearted scenes that happened during the day then darker more gloomy lighting during the more intense scenes that happened at night I think it's safe to say that having the dorm look the way it did was an intentional decision made to Aid the weight of the ongoing narrative again might seem small but I think a lot of the games Moody personality is lost with the dorm looking like this dorm aside the cut scenes themselves are also hit and miss in comparison to the original pretty much across the board any scene in the original that just used in-game models being turned into fully animated cut scenes for reload are a huge point in its favor the dep scenes in particular benefit a lot from being fully animated now the inverse is also true of course on April 8th when the game is still introducing the idea of the dark hour to the player the original had a pretty intense cut scene of this guy living through the dark hour just to die cool stuff however in reload that same scene now looks like this what the with the exception of the first 2D animated cut scene which I prefer for its faster cuts and more striking imagery every cut scene that was fully animated in the original that remained fully animated in reload is a lot better the team did a great job of all the reanimated stuff although there are also cut scenes that were 2D animated in the original that are now MOA and those yeah I'm not a huge fan of those it's not like say a naughty dog game or even though a lot of stuff was MOA it's all really smooth and everyone has a believable way to them in reload anytime an animation is motion captured it is very pretty obvious of the amounts of awkward fidgeting all the characters will do in scenes where characters are not moving much the aformentioned death scenes for example it's not too bad and I totally take this over the scene not being animated at all but cut scenes with the characters are performing some sort of action the last cut scene comes to mind the movements are a little clumsy a lot of minor mistakes like the hallway knot panning behind yukari for the last couple of frames before it cuts a Ken I really hate that I noticed that and now you too get to notice it next time you watch this scene so you're welcome the soundtrack well I mean it's a Persona game hit being anything but good would be a crime I believe maybe with an exception or two every song was re-recorded and much like the presentation of reload it's Hit or Miss depending on the track Persona 3 had a great soundtrack so reload of course likewise has a great soundtrack that being said and I definitely don't know music theory or anything like that but I prefer the punchiness is the word I would use of some of the original tracks particularly the dorm music Here's verse one in the original part in your body that body that body make sure you don't hurt nobody I say hey hey and then here's verse one in reload dance go whatever I'm chilling on my bed I'm in my B so mind your B whatever like is we FL say hey hey they even changed the lyrics which I thought was odd but lyrics aside the new version seems like it'd be a lot more forgettable than the original version it seems like a lot of people prefer the original when the moon's reaching out stars for likely a similar reason and I think I'm inclined to agree St sping what a h can just yelling your one I think almost ruined some scenes was the new version of living with determination which is a song that plays during the more emotional scenes I found the new version is too heavy-handed to the point of being parody for comparison here's the [Music] original sad but you know not in your face or anything and here's a new [Applause] [Music] version immediately just slaps you in the face of that Ensemble of high-pitch violins the original version had those violins too but the difference was that it ease into it naturally let me play the first two seconds of each version [Music] again the new version starting up is the equivalent of someone telling you this part is sad this is a sad scene before the scene even starts [Applause] might seem like an odd nitpick but I am not lying when I say the abruptness made me laugh on numerous occasions which is basically the opposite emotion trying to be achieved during the scenes in which it's used basically if I was going to use a song in a meme of someone being said I'd use the new one there are also some songs I think are better in reload though it's not often you hear a Persona song with a pan flute but they added one during that song that plays during exams and it goes [Music] hard not to mention all the entirely new songs are absolute beggers the opening song full moon full life is among the best OPS in the entire series as an aside the accompanying animation of the Striking colors and imagery is no slouch either seriously what a great opening the new battle theme it's going down now is so good that I never got sick of hearing it even after hundreds of battles [Music] eyes which is something I cannot say [Music] for by far my new favorite song was color your nights that was stuck in my head for a week after hearing it another one day in the night let me pain The View color down with my [Music] light with how good the brand new music is I wish they would have taken the opportunity to change change more of the soundtrack like that one song that's like I would have not minded if they swapped that one out of something new the last thing to compare is by far my biggest sticking point and that's the new voice cast I know there's a lot of people out there that scof at the idea of playing a jrpg dubbed but the reality is that anyone who played the original Persona 3 got pretty familiar with the English cast since we didn't have an option so I think it's only fear that check it out and reload and compare them between Persona 3 4 and 5 the ones that contain a mostly voice cast the original P3 easily has the most awkward one characters like fuka in particular were like you mean hack into their system that's illegal wow things are pretty rough when you sound more like a robot than the character that's actually a robot for the most part then new voice acting is an improvement but it's definitely not as competent as four or five and in some cases worse than the original although to be fair a lot of it just comes down to Casting good actors for the wrong roles I want to make it very clear I'm critiquing these voices in regards to Persona 3 this is not an attack on the actors themselves as basically all of them have done great work in other roles plus there's a lot of factors to a good voice performance and when you hear a bad one unless you know everything that went down you can't just immediately blame the actor thems because the reality is that you don't know the direction they were given how much info they were given on the character beforehand how much time they had and voice acting is just hard I certainly couldn't do it besides in general I'm not the type of person to get attached to certain actors in fact in most cases I'd rather not know who's behind the mic because I want to hear a character not a voice it's when that immersion is broken and I'm reminded I'm listening to a dude behind a mic that I even have a problem but again it's less because of the actor thems and more because my immersion was broken just keep that in mind when I'm comparing these characters to their original iterations I guess for starters I was shocked to see just how much of it was voice acted Not only was every character from every social link finally given a voice but every single level of every social link is voice even super minor stuff like you could take Coro on a walk and sometimes bump into other people like those are voiced oh hey what's up is that your dog wow he looks like a smart one unlike his owner all the Social Links finally being voiced makes following through on their story line so much more interesting I'm pretty sure when I play through on PS2 I mostly skim through it all because I only remember what happened in like three links but now that everything is voiced I intently followed all of it also the social link voice acting most all of them are really good the voices for Kenji CA and Yuko are so good they are unironically better than some of your party members tell me about it and then Mr aota got all pissed off he called me the faculty office and even yelled at me about the length of my skirt that young girl at the shrine genuinely sounds like a little kid which is doubly impressive during the lines where she's choking up her link is already pretty sad but the performance absolutely sells it beg them to stop fighting so much but they told me to leave them alone the two social link voices that did not work for me was firstly the voice of The Gourmet King I don't know how else to put it other than saying that before even looking it up I could tell the voice was of a guy that is ironically fairly thin actually remember that puny middle-aged guy from the other day I bet he was an assassin he gets into the role for what it's worth I just don't think his voice fits and the second is Tanaka the interesting thing about Tanaka is that despite being in Persona 3 four and five I don't believe he's ever been given a voice in game until reload now especially if you haven't heard his voice yet take a good look at this guy and just imagine in your head what he sounds like got an idea in your head okay now did you promise you better be ready to cross your heart and hope to die if you're lying to me did it sound anything like that again it's another performance you can tell the actor gets into but after knowing this character for years before reload it's weird to finally hear his voice and have the immediate reaction of that is not that guy's voice or at least that's a reaction myself in my friend's watching had the chairman is a lot better and when I say a lot better I mean a lot better him and fuky recognizes probably the weakest voice roles in the original but it wasn't until comparing them for this video did I realize just how much of an upgrade his new voices he's asleep but he's definitely experiencing the dark hour he may be asleep but he's definitely experiencing the dark hour it's no surprise since it only appears during the dark hour it's no surprise you haven't seen it Tartarus only appears during the dark hour after all Takaya and Jinn of stga are a little different but still good the one I'm more mixed on is Chidori although I'm admittedly likely to be more critical of it than most since the relationship between Chidori and jume was one of my favorite parts of Persona 3 jidori is a bit of a strange character with a distinctly strange voice but I also think that's why it works so well why didn't you call off the mission is it worth your life dying is what people fear most isn't it it's a voice that if were to be used for just about any other character I would say it doesn't work but Chidori is a very specific case not every line read was great why are you in such a panic but it's the voice itself not the performance that oddly fit the character thank you Jun I had fun today you you did it's time for me to go I'll see you tomorrow right her new voice isn't awful but the inflection constantly given is one of an emo girl about to tell her mom to stop embarrassing her why are you panicking I never asked for you to worry about me it's nothing like that I'm just drawing because I feel like it but then there's some reads where she doesn't sound like the same character at all let go of me the original iteration of Chidori had a voice that worked and at the very least always sounded like the same character this is a pretty multifaceted character it's half the reason I like her so much in the first place but no matter how multifaceted a character may be they shouldn't sound like multiple different characters within the confines of the same scene I don't know if the direction given was just vague or what because the voice acting during her death scene in particular is Stellar it's not like the VA turned in a bad performance but up until that point it feels like they're trying to find out what they want Chidori to sound like and they don't figure it out until the very end it was a little distracting then we got the meat and potatoes your party members June pay was one I was worried about because of the original voice cast he was easily one of the best by the way I heard you two came to school together this morning what's up with that come on give me the dirt the new voice is definitely different but it's still undeniably Jee I heard you guys walk to school together what's up with that come on give me the dirt it's a great voice the actor has great range in that voice and you can tell they really get into the role I guess wait that's not what water gun means in fact if I had a nitpick I think maybe they get a little too into the role during scenes When J needs to be crying or yelling it's spawn on it feels like you're listening to a real character you had that thing inside you and didn't even know it you raised it damn it if it weren't for you none of this would have happened but then there's scenes where I think they ham it up a little too much like here's a read from the original you said my name I was worried I'd never hear that again compared to reload you finally called me by my name I wasn't sure if you'd ever say it again like why why did he say it like that what prompted him to say it like that it's probably most distracting during the scene where he's telling the ghost story there are many strange things in this world there are many strange things in this world the other day this friend of mine the other day this friend of mine that ghost must have tried to make her its dinner she went to the school at night and walked right into its deadly trap I mean I guess I'd rather them have fun of the role than not I don't know I felt embarrassed listening to it and I think my friend watching felt similarly because he told me to skip it but I also had another friend where I'm pretty sure she prefers the new delivery and truthfully I'm nitpicking the VA does a great job as the new voice of Jupe yukari not so much this one in particular bother me because yukari is a very important character I obviously don't have an exact count but if I had to guess what two characters had the most lines of dialogue it would probably be Jun and yukari the snark of the original is totally gone he's staying here you've got to be kidding me he's staying here here are you sure there wasn't some mistake you have the potential for real really you have the potential anyone even slightly familiar with Persona 3 definitely knows about the June Ace detective line but compare her reaction between the two versions this is a tough case even for June eori Ace detective Ace detective are you stupid or something Ace detective you're so dumb there's a line on April 20th where in response to Mito abruptly leaving she says she's probably busy with things like student counsel unlike us to which junay responds oo Yucatan do I sense some hostility which is a totally valid reaction given the way she said it she absolutely did sound hostile in reload the inflection does not come across whatsoever so Jun responding with that doesn't really make a whole lot of sense anymore she's not like us she's busy you know with the student council or whatever ever wa Yucatan do I sense him hostility it's hardly even the same character Now by replacing that signature sass with a tone that's a lot more gentle she basically just sounds like boutaba now there you go again acting like everybody's best friend plus it's not like Yari was this constantly mean-spirited character she was irritable sure but she also had plenty of moments showing her softer side I've been hiding so many things from him as soon as he wakes up I'll tell him the truth so thanks for listening but the important part was that when she needed to sound frustrated she did there's not much range on the new ukari anytime she has to sound exasperated or shocked it falls flat who's there who's there I don't know how to stop this thing she doesn't do a bad job as yukari by any means in fact on its own yukari's performance is fairly strong it's just that the original voice of yukari was debatably the best VA in the original game next to Jun the original voice made the character what it was plus if I'm being completely honest with myself it's possible I might have only been happy with the original voice muru is so close to what I thought she originally sounded like I thought it was the original actor reprising the role but turns out no just happens to be someone who perfectly captured the character in fact I think mitsero might even be better in reload especially during her father's death check out this back to back father father like holy sh did someone actually die that was really good akaho was one I thought I wasn't going to like when they were first showing off the new voice cast reason being is that the new voice of akaho is such a departure from the original I'm all right get ready to be surprised it'll be here any second I'm all right get ready to be surprised it'll be here any second definitely a lot different but I think the new voice on him works just as well I was kind of shocked how much I warmed up to it to the point where I would honest hly go as far as to say it's the best new voice performance out of your entire party great range too during battle he's got a great aggressive voice it's over then in more solemn moments you totally believe the emotion she entrusted you with this life don't just throw it away the original akao is still good but surprisingly I think I prefer the new one Huka is decent although again it's a huge improvement over the original the future hasn't been written in stone yet and I want to be true to myself the future hasn't been decided yet and I want to be true to myself Shinji is good the new voice is more Gruff and less Surfer guy I made up my mind a long time ago I ain't going back I made up my mind a long time ago I ain't going back different but both are good I don't really have much of a preference to be honest I guess hasn't changed too much she's got a similar voice although I did notice that reload does not have her start out talking like a robot like the original did I am Aus my mission is to destroy Shadows I am IUS yes my objective is to exterminate Shadows characters comment on her becoming more human-like throughout the course of the story but in the original you could actually hear that progression compare that line again in the original to how she sounds by the end I am Aus my mission is to destroy Shadows you're right what am I doing I understand now so I should be happy it's night and day it feels natural too to the point where I didn't even notice how big of a difference there was until comparing it right now if you're actually playing through the whole game the transition is seamless in reload she generally talks the same start to end it doesn't ruin the character but I definitely missed the progression in her voice Ken is a 10-year-old who does not sound like a 10-year-old anymore do you know why I asked you to meet me here do you know why I called you here it seems like they're a competent voice actor they read the lines well but when I hear this voice I don't hear an elementary school student 2 years ago today October 4th 2 years ago today on October 4th it didn't bother me as much as I thought it would since yeah the reads themselves are well done that is apart from one crucial scene shinji's death in the original once Shinji dies Ken screams and it sounded like this not amazing or anything but it still sounds like a kid in English more importantly it's casting Perfection compared to the new yell get a load of this it's frustrating too because up until that year I think shinji's death is much more emotional in reload even Ken's VA knocks it out of the park with reads like this but I I can't like dude that actually sounded like they were genuinely choking up at the recording booth well done but that yell followed up by coro's terrible not dog how ruin the entire moment speaking of cororo they are by far the worst newv in the entire game which is extremely funny to say because it's not even a person or rather it shouldn't be a person it's a dog but the problem with cororo is that it is so blatantly just some guy making dog sounds [Music] now I was thinking maybe the original was also just blatantly some guy making dog sounds I mean it was on PS2 so it probably didn't sound good either but after looking back into it here's what it used to sound like wow that is way cooler than I remembered how's the new one sound again how the did they butcher it that hard cororo isn't even that significant of a character compared to the other members of your team and yet it is constantly distracting if it was going to sound like this I feel they would have just been better off of a library of stock wolf sounds although as an aside I do like how on the splash screen for winning instead of some quote like everybody else has coros literally just says woof woof woof I'm not even kidding that's reallying funny you looked really cool out there Coran I'm obviously a pretty critical guy especially when it comes to remakes but the reality is if someone wanted to experience Persona 3 and ask me what version of it to play I would without a doubt tell them to play reload it is the best version of the game I don't want to undermine the effort that was clearly put into the Remake nevertheless it's a little frustrating since with every other persona game there is a clear definitive version to play if you want to play five you got to play Royal if you're playing four you want to play Golden and for one and two you want to play the PSP versions even with the smaller soundtrack I still think the PSP version of P1 is the way to go but for P3 it's always been complicated you had Fest which should have been the definitive version since it was everything the original was of more added-on much like golden R Royal but then p3p came out and only complicated things because it didn't have the full 3d environments to explore which certainly took a lot away from the cut scenes but conversely it let you control your party members during battle and of course it had extra content of its own between Fest and p3p there wasn't a definitive version of the game it was more just pick your poison SL what content do you want Persona 3 reload was an opportunity to bridge that Gap and finally address that three is still the only Persona game that did not have a defend the version and as good as reload is and while I would call the best version I'm still hesitant to call the definitive version when it's missing the Fest and PSP content on top of certain aspects that I think were done better in the original it's not like say Royal where again not much was really changed or made worse it's just they added more which is what makes it the defini the version but hey like I said at the start Persona 3 reload is definitely worth your time it greatly improved the gameplay which was without a doubt the biggest thing that needed to be addressed and that new genuinely fun gameplay Loop makes the story itself much more accessible and it is a story that even with some Mups is worth playing through before reload Persona 3 was only a game i' recommend the people after they've already played four and five and even then my recommendation for three came with a ton of disclaimers reload is a lot easier to recommend to people and I think that's alone makes it a successful remake at least in some regard so if you haven't already and for some reason watch this video anyway try the game for yourself and let me know what you think either way those are my thoughts on the game and thank you for listening to me talk about something way out of my typical wheelhouse hey thanks for watching I'd like to give special thanks to patrons such as Romy batter Manda goth Petoria Mars David beo Drew kellenberger kins oen game player 1500 David marquezi Ian some crazy idiot Evan Halbert Digi alizard Ralph W Kelly Aaron Sandoval and your boy Buzby again thanks for watching and until next time have a good one
Channel: SilokHawk
Views: 35,729
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: review, comparison, persona 3 fes, p3p, persona 5, persona 4, ps2, ps1, silokhawk, silohawk, atlus, Playstation, Nintendo
Id: bldoHZqK_nY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 18sec (1998 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 29 2024
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