Can You Beat Payday 2 As The Spy?

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it's been quite some time since I dusted off my classic challenge run format but was there ever any doubt I'd be back today I'm going to take on one of my most restricted runs so far stepping to the shoes of Team Fortress 2's dashing Rogue and doing something no Englishman ever should becoming French this challenge is going to involve stylish revolvers sharp knives and sneaking around oh and a lot of blood on my suit now as I answer the question can you beat Payday 2 as the Spy before I go any further let's check out the rules and stipulations of today's contract as ever the goal is to complete payday 2's career mode from start to finish on a freshly reset account yeah Wonka is going to disguise himself as the most stylish of the TF2 mercs to take on the DC police force consisting of soldiers snipers Medics and Heavies the specific rules of this run are as follows we can only deal damage using revolvers akimbo or otherwise and knives while Sydney's Wing the butterfly knife is spy's staple weapon there's nothing stopping us from using other knife-shaped weapons throughout this run including the kunai and throwing knife this is where the rules unique to this run end though in addition to the damage limitations give inspires background in sneak in Disguise I've decided that any haste that can possibly be stealth must be during this challenge including the hugely difficult fire starter and more Crasher you might already see a problem emerging but more on that later as for the other rules they're the same as usual we start at level zero infamy zero no out of high score grinding for money or levels is allowed and Heist must be played solo offline outside of the use of a potential Lifeline queer AI is always allowed for stealth house but cannot be used in loud if the stealth house has a loud Escape as in car shop AI is allowed as long as any kills they get are immaterial to the result of the heist this is going to be a moddy run however outside of today's Hood mod vanilla Hood plus all installed mods are either visual or essential to the rule set finally we will always play hosts on the highest available difficulty capping at Death Wish meaning Mayhem up to level 80 and Death Wish from then onwards once again lifelines are back I plan to try out some new suggestions in the future run but for today we're sticking to drop difficulty allowing a single use reduction of difficulty while on stage crew support allowing us to enter a loud house with Team AI turned on and phone a friend enabling us to run a single Heist online with one other player who is forced to play with the same run restrictions as I mentioned there will be mods used in today's video the most important being the high stealth mods I've installed to increase the range of stealthy we'll have to take on basically a few hoists have been converted into stealth experiences allowing us to adhere to the rules even further obviously I'll point out and review these heists when I get to them I've also installed the Spy voice lines Juke replacement mod effectively this turns Duke into the spy and lets us immerse ourselves even further into the mindset of a bloodthirsty killer why is it always this time of year we get assignments like this honestly this is one of the best voice line mods I've ever used with some seriously clever design ideas and I couldn't recommend it more the Spy interaction circle is well it's distracting but seems pretty on brand for someone who describes themselves as a handsome Rogue oh and I did my best to dress Duke up in his best by attire using this Mass mod but unfortunately this requires heat glasses to be worn which is not physically possible at lymphoma zero and sadly the ski mask is also an infamy unlock so unfortunately the cosplay game is going to be weak this time around all that said shall we loading in as spy Duke after another hard account reset the choice is pretty limited when it comes to house number one I always try to avoid the loud tutorial as it requires the use of Team AI meaning I sat around waiting for a stealthful heist to spawn for ages on crime Net Car Shop is always an ideal option meaning I could head into my first caper to gut some cornish game hence fortunately even at level 0 the Ursa knife is unlocked meaning this isn't going to be another messy attempt at pacifism early on in fact stepping into the shoes of a sociopathic mercenary I decided that Civ kills would be entirely on the menu today I just need to ensure that I had enough money to build up my huge revolver collection as this rule set actually grants the Spy the largest available Arsenal so far before heading in I did pick up invigorator and accelerator as crew AI skills using my starting Continental coins heading into the first Heist I was quickly exposed as a stealth fraud in need of a disguise as I was forced to dominate this guard right in front of a camera not to mention for whatever reason poker Hood my recent go to seems to not like interaction Barbie textures as any time I finish an action these spies menacing mug would pop up the size of my screen this was off-pressing to say the least even so with the power of backstabs and no cash to even lose at this point I was able to infiltrate the car shop via the rooftop and take out the manager and his mate one sensible adjustment I made was packing the body bag case on Heist 1 making cleanup a little easier to make matters worse on the UI front though I noticed that a silhouette of spire's head was also strangely marking out guards even with the technical difficulty tampering me though I was able to hack the right computer immediately and fleeing what was essentially a pacifist run no knives two civilian spinal columns do not count as murder in the spy's eyes poor driving made this close than it needed to be but they still scraped by on the all-important first heist with this I made a few adjustments switching over to vanilla Hood plus to avoid those annoying conflicts and putting together my first build to complete getting ready I immediately grabbed the first point in hacker to gain access to the pocket ECM as about 8229 this thing has been hugely buffed people were fuming at me for not going with stoic for the demo run despite the fact it's clearly an overpowered pert deck so today I'm going to make it up to you by using hacker even though it's equally monstrous now my head Canon is that it's a sapper of sorts and disruption is inspires nature equipped a few skills in the ghosts and technician trees to help with the stealth early on and possibly foolishly with my first 400 Grand from stealing that car I purchased a newly added Khan 357 whilst it's one of the strongest revolvers in class and has the fun gimmick of an eight round cylinder it isn't the revolver with the highest bass concealments which is exactly what I needed given the stealth requirements of this challenge even so it'll do the job well I mean it'd do the job once I was at finally it able to go loud you see here is where I've made it quite a mess in terms of Designing the rule set it's diametrically opposed to itself as revolvers simply cannot be suppressed apparently this is scientifically accurate but it's pretty much the first time payday is bothered about realism leaves me fuming it's hard being an invisible Rogue when firing your only ballistic option alerts literally everything on the map this was going to massively ramp up the difficulty from here on in with these limitations in mind I put on some shades and head into house number two the jewelry store at the very least I was able to equip the spire's trusty butterfly knife the wing for that vanilla Loadout Nostalgia sadly it's not the strongest of melee options as I walk too close to this guard on Run 1 proving that face stabs aren't quite as effective as I had hoped however this little trick knife would come in very handy when dealing with unruly Sims on this Heist as an aside it's pretty wild to me just how good this spy voice replacement mod is I think it's genius that the creator Microsoft man chose to give him guard responses for some of his page Alliance mimicking the disguise ability perfectly um this place is a-okay after controlling the store I also decided to steal as much Loose Loose as possible as money early on is really important on this run and I had to do something to offset the price of mass murder so speaking of which at one point things got a little out of hand on the streets require me to pull out my revolver for its first kills off the Run using the pocket ECM to keep sieves in check or dead after that scare though I was able to mercilessly finish this host in just over seven minutes using my newly earned skill points and cash I secured higher concealment via the Kimbo Bronco primaries and grabbed ECM overdrive for the security door on bank heist cash run one here was strangely reminiscent of the first jewelry store failure with my knife attack provoking some very unwarranted aggression by the guards on Run 2 I was much more tactical with my plays taking out the cameras before going for a couple of trick stabs in this little side room now the only bank heist is a surprisingly fun and fairly balanced challenge that I'd recommend that you guys try out even if you don't have the time to attempt a Full Throttle spiron for yourselves the fake Conga oh foreign with all four security and the roaming Bank match are all taken out of the equation silently I was simply able to sit back and drill my way to Victory on this one going back and securing all loot to help me purchase a secondary Bronco for its 33 potential concealment as well as a few attachments for my other guns this brings us onto diamond store which apparently had it out for me with a 25 chance of spawning no Alleyway door occurring an unbelievable four times in a row those are just mandatory resets when doing this solo once the game decided to work with me though this is a really straightforward one even Knife Only managing to take out the security cams and all remaining guards on the second floor again this was a case of getting copious amounts of blood on my suit to keep the sieves in check I've wasted far too much time in the past restarting runs after stupidly deciding to keep a few pixels alive for no practical reason this used spy inspired ruthless streak let me safely escape the heist with every available loot bag it was now time for the always shredded go Bank this is a massive RNG Fest in stealth Maybe even worse by the fact I can't shoot this in mind I had to fall back to plan B and equip the only silent range weapon allowed the throwing knife sadly hacker which I now had at perk Rank 4 requires the use of a built throwable slot meaning I'd have to essentially give up on my pert deck for now to access the knife again far from ideal but this really does spice up the challenge and now had enough skills for ECM Specialists making the rush section of this host marginally easier but even so I did actually consider resetting until I rolled the one percent chance of an open vault as that sounded like more fun than the frustration to come but I'm a man of honor and it looked like I'd be rewarded immediately killing both guards and timing my ECM to prevent the cops being cool unfortunately I clearly hadn't cut large enough eye holes in my balaclava as I missed destroying a camera which spotted the switchblade Massacre that was taking place at the time on Run 2 I'm actually a super precise throwing knife kill on the first guard which allowed me to manage the ECM Rush section with a little more guile meaning I had complete control over the lobby and could start the time log alas with about two minutes left on the timer the Gen set call decided to throw a spanner in the works but it looked like I nailed the tape down upon their arrival stabbing one and securing the other I answered pager one I started answering page two and then the unavoidable like call came through that was too slow in answering ending the run immediately I've not got this annoyed at the game in years taken to Twitter to declare my absolute hatred for gobank even above the biker Heist which was definitely not relevant foreshadowing for later in the Run honestly gobank is one of the few heists that you can look back at and say I couldn't have done anything differently yet I still failed and whilst it is intended for multiplayer I still think that's a miserable design trap to fall into moving on though after I didn't let my RNG on Run 3 I impatiently restarted for number four which was failed yet again at the hands of the genset responders kill me fuming but undeterred I headed in again only to miss another camera during the bank control section and prove I learned nothing from this experience of course with enough repetitions you're bound to eventually just get lucky and succeed by default with a heist like this one eventually I was fortunate enough to not have flaming gen from gen set call me up until the time lock was already over meaning I could immediately pick the deposits and leave for the bag without the confrontation had I touched one of those lasers who knows maybe you wouldn't be seeing this run at all with that torture finally out of the way though it was time for another of the early game walls the train Heist as a Demoman we figured out that it was actually probably easier to just go at this house in loud but sadly that wasn't an option here although there's not half as much RNG in this one it still suffers from that early Payday 2 stealth map curse of being a bad moving simulator with copious amounts of waiting for nothing thrown in now after mentioning it in my last 10 Things You Didn't Know video I was curious to test out the drill baiting strategy to lobotomize a few potential guards on this Heist but run one was a spectacular failure where I ended up using all four of my pages early on and then the noisy drill alerted an additional fifth guard under the tracks and this became a pretty common occurrence for the next couple of hours with a loud drill entirely backfiring on me on run three I got the glitch to work but in the worst possible way somehow baiting and freezing a guard they flirt in the air right outside the train cars I was already stuck in the only way out of this one would have been if I could mod a working invisiwatch on my final attempt at this Strat things seem to be going a lot better as I trapped a guard permanently on the stairs but after being caught out by a classic payday stealth domino effect it was Ironically in front of the only guard I'd successfully Frozen meaning I was quickly sent back into loud this called for a change in build I simply needed drill skills to Save Me From Myself fixing the build didn't fix my gameplay though as I slipped up again and again at various stages of the heist sometimes it would be the janky geometry catching me out other as it would be my own hubris trying to move since in broad daylight to save on body bags eventually though it all came together as I was able to put together a well-measured run only killing when safe to do so and painstakingly moving the ridiculous number of bags by the zip line decent orangey certainly helped but you can't knock a clean 30-minute effort such as this one which brings us on to the first mandatory loud heist in the game the standard armor transport hits now that I was level 50 I could split into two separate builds by equipping the pocket ECM and grabbing those core necessity skills for this rule set including uppers partners in crime and shot proof I also focused on the pistol-orientated Gunslinger tree which isn't quite as core for revolvers but I do feel that trigger happy will be incredibly useful up against dozers weapon wise I packed my fully kitted out cars 357 and my recently acquired over 9000 saw whilst I couldn't legally do damage with this thing there's nothing stopping me using it for other objectives which is huge when deposit boxes are in the mix it's here that you get get to see how ludicrously powerful the new pocket ECM really is even without a fully Max deck limiting my potential Dodge the Jammer itself is so disruptive it gave me all the survivability I needed obtaining distraction Jokers was still essential but even so I felt surprisingly tough to kill and the revolver itself was no slouch either easily handling most Mayhem level enemies you might notice in this gameplay that I seem to be able to swap converts without the first having died this appears to be a function of vanilla Hood which I have to admit did Grant me some advantages but I didn't even realize this was happening at first and don't believe it massively ruins the Integrity of the runner the first of the mandatory two armored transports was a walk in the park quite literally and the second at the harbor really only caused problems due to spawning in snipers but overall a clean set of one shot clears that had me brimming with confidence for the rest this run and in awe of how powerful hacker was now proving to be unfortunately the spies expertise is meant to be for stealth so my eternal reward it would be janky throwing knife clears on the likes of four stores embarrassingly this was a lot harder than it should have been as after I'd secured the 15K already I got greedy and found myself triggering the mother of all chain reactions as every goddamn sit on the map was shouting there's a spy over there on Run 2 I was getting Deja Vu this was so sloppy from me I'll attempt three I refuse to take any unnecessary risks basically just hanging around for three minutes without trusting myself to go out exploring it was at this point that I penned a community poll about Payday 2 and its egregious wait times it seems as though many of you agree stealth doesn't need such lengthy timers without the existence of objectives in between but now the true extent of my patience was about to be tested more Crusher is the most amusingly stealthable heist in the game all you need to do is some seriously sneaky vandalism sadly without being able to fire weapons I was limited to my butter knife and throwing knives in this endeavor wiping out the entrance before committing to the stores further in remember destroying items one by one at towards more destruction on this Heist meaning I was having to painstakingly stab shoes and vases in the least dignified mission of spies career until after eight minutes of this less than enjoyable experience I overstepped on my run to the pear store getting caught out and failing the stealth round two saw me getting a little experimental trying to actively call the herd of downstairs guards which proved effectively impossible given the population density of this Heist Back to Basics for attempt 3 more sniffing shoes and murdering the civilians who bought witness to my crimes against pots until some untidy bodybagging and a classic domino effect put an end to this one about halfway to the 50 Grand goal time for a change of plan instead of dealing with the cops and sits at the entrance I could just use my casing mode disguise to start in the most profitable area of the mall the bag store lady suffered a fate far worse than death but at least by going role mode and shoving her head into the ground I wouldn't have the body bag it then I went on a rampage doing some superficial damage to a set of handbags before heading over to the pear store and ending the lives of some innocent headphones one of the few good things about using the throwing knife was its surprising capacity to launch bodies in specific directions allow me to take out surfs and guards marginally more safely than with melee for whatever reason throwing a knife at these box headphones causes them to fly off at such a velocity I have no idea how I avoided smashing any windows on the rebound fortunately I was able to damage the lot silently before securing the final dolls of Destruction in the wine store I'm sure this crime was entirely against spies very being as a proud wine loving Frenchman but at the end of the day he was being piloted by a true ale loving Brit simple as from there it's just another couple minutes of waiting before fleeing in the most stealthy helicopter Escape of all time Ukrainian job comes next a heist that I was somehow able to fail at least once scratch that make it twice oh or Thrice this was steadily teaching me to bring throwing knives on all stealth heists irrespective of how I perceive their difficulty level without them it took four goes before I finally had the patience to wait out the drills escaping in just over four minutes with a little loud coming up it was time to pimp out my Loadout adding in the conniver's kunai one of the best loud melee weapons in the game and buying the Fantastic Khan 357 kimbos which for some reason can be run with seven bullets in each six round cylinder make that make sense despite its openness white Christmas is a fairly manageable Heist and relative to other runs I felt surprisingly comfortable defending myself over range and from snipers a simple seven and a half minute clear now then on to a first for this series the addition of a modded Heist this is stealthable meltdown and that's a great introduction it seems that bringing team AI is basically an instant failure on this haste trying again this is a bit of an odd one but actually every guard on the map is stationary making this more of a Lamppost dodging simulator than anything else nothing has been done to update the objectives for stealth so we simply have to find the missiles and jam some crowbars into the vents it's a real dead ringer for the original meltdown just without any of the fun of a gunfight even so I was interested to see how Vehicles had been adapted to fit into an open stealth host and was a little disappointed to see that uh nothing had been done it felt effectively impossible to actually move the WarHeads by forklift and like hell was I carrying these things one at a time multiple runs were failed due to how rapidly you get spotted when driving not to mention there are guards up in the rafters that physically can't be reached This Is Not Great design oh well I could always try again open up the container and that's a school Dozer they didn't turn off the random dose of spawns in stealth screw it I'm absolutely going back to loud this wasn't a decision I took lightly but if a custom Heist feels barely playable I'm not about to ruin a 50 hour challenge run as a result of it loud meltdown is always a sizable hurdle for me to Mount anyway so it's not like I'm scrimping out on the difficulty the first attempt at loud was going smoothly as I was on my way to deliver the WarHeads after barely touching my key resources however hacker is not brilliant up against SWAT van turrets If Only They got a shortened version of the ECM feedback hack as a result I miss my fak placement and went down for the first time on this run Run 2 was even less successful as I learned the hard way that the spire's Rivalry with the filthy Jarman sniper was alive and well whilst I had the tools to take them out that was equally exposed to their High Spike damage with my disruption and sustain orientated per deck fortunately on the next attempt I got my act together moving all eight Warheads on a single forklift and just about managing to avoid death by swatvan that's for some reason it decided to drive away from me the hardest part from here is driving over train tracks without spilling millions of dollars worth of nuclear warheads no biggie really without the shock up next I decided to mix up my weapons more frequently hell the fact that I hadn't already been using the revolver that specifically designates itself as a Frenchman feels like a crime in and of itself I do think the Khan would be optimal here but all the revolvers in the game can hold their own enough deserves some Spotlight in this challenge I was rewarded with a very successful first run of a heist which often claims a few scalps along the way some blessed RNG meant that I'd gone without using an fak for the first half of the heist eventually having an absolute blast holding down this corner of the Escape Courtyard a satisfying build and fun heist in fact this build really has only one counter Shield which thanks to The galfang Smuggler Pack 3 can be offset by the Rus 12 angry tiger revolver a game-changing purchase for this run before I could try it out it was time for a little nightclub stealth which started fairly well until I got caught in 4k shank conceived number 100 of this run not a massive time loss though I was able to reset and just wait out drills I now wait out the loot van and they'll wait out the Escape car this Heist could be clearable in under five minutes if Overkill wanted it to be but for some reason they decided we should spend about 10 minutes practicing our knife skills instead of moving on to a more interactive Heist stealing xmases of vlad's final heist and is one I normally really enjoy unfortunately all those minutes spent waiting for things to happen around me had dulled my senses meaning although my body count was high I was exposed to one of the unluckiest deaths I've ever faced with a sniper somehow managing to thread the needle from Atop The Roof dealing just enough damage for this regular SWAT unit to put me down instantly and that wasn't as bad as it got as on Run 2 I managed to die in almost the exact same spot this time at the hands of a Bronco Beat cop an embarrassment to spies everywhere say I was somewhat on tilt at this point sometimes the recording sessions go long and this can be the result round four was going marginally better until my aim completely deserted me and I chose death once again that might actually be one of the worst payday plays I've ever seen But after a much needed break I pulled myself together played infinitely cleaner holding down the center of the map before pushing up to the roof for the sniper covered objectives just about escaping the scenario admittedly with a snipe around lodged in my spine watch those comes next in the story um well known at this point for my dislike of the Simplicity of Hector's house they really feel their age in my opinion so I may damn sure not to go down on day one to avoid having to stretch them out for longer than necessary day two is also easy as hell with just four bags to carry making this a rapid Watch Dogs clear Fire Starter though was another beast on this run you see day one can theoretically be stealth but as a solo player with limited tools I decide to install the first after day one stealth mod to turn off the Mendoza's instant alert mechanic and make this physically possible to sneak that sure as hell did not make it easy undisruptable camera placements make it impossible to really go on the aggressive here especially towards the West Runway as I failed again and again trying to take out the guards trust me when I say there's not enough time in the day to show every slip up here things went wrong often as I was still trying to formulate a strategy but fortunately these failures are mainly came towards the start of the host which is more than can be said for some other frustrating missions later in this run the main issue was how thin the margin of success was once I made it into one of the actual warehouses I simply had to land every throwing knife or it would be game over I did make it in to start securing the loot a few times but it would only be a matter of time before I slipped up at the very least it was letting me get some good throwing practice in as a kill Heist that's all about cloaking dagger the clunky geometry here also didn't help I'm not a big fan of having my nerves caught by invisible walls or dying bodies for that matter this guy put in a work saving his friend and blowing a promising lucky run I could be wrong but I don't think I've ever failed a heist as many times as this one with my persistence though I was only a matter of time before I finally struck gold getting the RNG with the best Warehouse switch once cleared actually contains seven of the eight weapon bags I needed this was huge from there I just had to endure the process of lugging those heavy bags all the way to the van Yakuza here would have been seriously useful now I just needed access to the final bag which was secured with the aid of my last ECM Jammer well that was a nightmare day two which is usually a decently challenging Heist was bound to pale in comparison unfortunately on my first attempt at it the game decided to punish me by dropping two security guards in the room with the PC I needed to hack far from ideal leading to a Scramble with my knives and a shot fired in the wake of it Run 2 was rubbish and Run 3 was not much better when I was reminded that despite not being able to spot much of what's going on a camera does get suspicious at the site of an open box a few more incredibly sloppy failures later and Firestarter was really lucky like he could contest the top spot for my worst Heist of this run finally though I got my act together because the power boxes safely and fled to day three with just a single kill and I was somewhat able to redeem myself here by Smashing through the glorified bank heist without too many problems rats is the last of Hector's house and yet again I embarrassed myself early into day one attempt 2 went infinitely better though remember this is a simple holdout style Heist so I really shouldn't have too many issues with this build Ample Fire part cooking is a popular French Pastime even if it is meth you're getting out of it apparently the car park Escape which followed was easy enough and day 2 can always be stealth simply by handing over the bags finally day three offers no real challenge at all with hacker that is my ecms essentially allowed me to mow down the rest of the Mendoza's without any resistance this was the end of chapter one of the story which caused far more trouble than it ever had in the past predominantly due to the stealth requirement of this run but things weren't going to get much easier proceeding onwards with the challenging Big Oil next on The Hit List day one is completely ECM rushable making this one of the first times I was actually able to use my revolvers in stealth they too started clumsily to say the least with two pure stealth slip UPS of course this was a little bit harder than the standard stealth Affair as I was forced to not bring AI along for interaction speed and needed to run pocket ecms for the loud Escape making murder far harder than it usually is it was therefore a huge relief when I stumbled upon the ancient blueprints early on and was able to hack into the basement without having to pick up a single kill I'm a newly qualified nuclear fission scientist after speed running Big Oil previously so picking out the right engine was Child's Play The Escape on the other hand was incredibly tense with the stealth build I first hit out by the landing strip before fleeing to the opposite side of the property with the use of my ecms this just about brought enough time for the eventual close round Escape by Chopper up next framing frame can be a bit of a nightmare on day three so I finally decided to cave and secure three perk points in Yakuza so I actually had a deck to Aid in stealth day one tends to go pretty smoothly for me these days even if I did accidentally flush a painting down the toilet day two is a non-event unless you get incredibly unlucky leading us into the dreaded day three it's another Heist that's heavily orangey dependent but over my time speedrunning this host I have learned a few shortcuts to make it a little more manageable with the Vault being right beside the bag shortcuts this was ideal RNG for me as I took out two guards to make space for the risky back moving section things were going perfectly until like an absolute amateur I forgot to close the bookshelf I managed to snap this guy to go in hostile on the painting cam not to worry this is what ecms are for I just had to get down to him and then throw a knife in his uh the 10 chance to fire on Death Wants uncool lovely oh well sometimes the orangey Gods give straight after taking away rolling the bedroom Vault again and finding the five items in record time with two guards out of the way already it was just a case of securing the eight bags quickly before they were spotted and escaping in 6 minutes 14 seconds for reference this was a seriously fast A3 which I would have loved to have pulled off in my full game speedrun with that the stealth show continues with election day this has to be my most played Heist of 2022 thanks to the infamy speedrun so day one went by in the flash day two though couldn't always throw a curveball my way missing the key throwing knife by her hair and rightly getting dominated in return attempt 2 wasn't much better somehow I'd managed to forget to silence my saw meaning I couldn't use it in the way I intended to with the silence or Tech instead of doing the sensible thing and restarting this entire Heist to fix the build I persevered hard-headedly and was fortunately rewarded for my hubris by his six easy voting machine spawns that didn't require any Drilling and made a ruckus on the way out just because I could really after this I fixed my saw with the silent motor and prepared to head into big Bank another Heist I played to death recently my plan was to give the drill baiting technique another chance to shine on the map it probably has the greatest application which requires me to take out the guards found on the bank floor in hindsight I would have just been better playing normally as I'd practiced in the past changing things up just led to more room for silly mistakes such as stabbing this guy directly in front of a camera attempt two was looking clean though I made it to the Vault and then back to the PC where I was paying no attention and walked directly into Security in what was rapidly turning into a series of unfortunate events next time around I took down a guard perfectly out of the camera range but then a random sieve decided to spot me and walk I think intentionally straight into that camera only three slip ups but if you think I sound exasperated now just you wait Run 4 was ended by another impatient play mainly caused by me still desperately going for the drill Tech Run 5 wasn't got that mess I wiped out half the civilian population on this one before just getting overconfident on the Vault side and then on run six I completely forgot that a guard was called up to the elevator dispatching him right in front of his colleague operating the cameras on attempt seven I actually managed to get the drill lot to work making pretty good use of it to secure three bags down the lift shaft and then just about get caught out right in front of my least favorite camera on this Heist I'm sure this exact failure has happened to some of you guys before at this point though you might be seeing why I tend to skip over the truly harassing runs to save a little time but seeing as you guys were determined to see them in the past here's every time I cocked up Big Bang on run 8 this bloke slumped a little too close to a camera come on run nine the drill I left unattended caused a nasty chain reaction on Run 10 I somehow managed to get caught by the guard I'd lost staring in the wall and then was left looking like an amateur in a fool 11 that was too spotted going for a risky hack on 12 I was somehow witnessed sneaking between the banisters on 13 I murdered right in front of the vault door again the camera saw it on 14 I played like a lunatic Elms was down for my troubles or 15 I made my run to the volts and mud I've never been so close to quitting a run before on a stealth Heist but this honestly felt cursed to me still I gritted my teeth and took on attempt number 16. I made it into the Vault so many times before I wasn't counting my chickens here but fortunately this proved to be the one time I used my head took it slowly and still needed my ECM Jammer to actually make it out in stealth wow that was rough I meant to actually be kind of decent at this Heist oh well onwards and upwards specifically onto Hotline Miami I switched up the build a little here grabbing low blow Basics specifically to help us as bulldozers which right now required me to run a low detection risk option so here's the first loud showing of my concealed Broncos these didn't feel great to use but day one isn't normally that difficult with my angry tiger offering a decent option up against snipers it was easy enough to enter the basement and then Escape without too many close calls day two has offered up a difficulty spike in the past but my Firepower and disruption was pretty top tier already even if my survivability he wasn't quite there I cleanly made it up to the commissar's penthouse and had the DPS to wipe out the green doses for once the holdout definitely got sticky at times especially as I was trying to use the fire to cover the drill which isn't the easiest to fix with hacker but I kept on racking Up the Bodies until it was time to deal with the commissar who really isn't a big fan of getting ecm'd how the tides have turned for old spy as I've gone from having nightmares on big bank to First timing the usually problematic Hotline Miami and the good times just kept rolling onto Holst and breakouts here I equipped the meteva a pistol that just about fits in the revolver category and I've Barely Used since it launched hilariously it was a couple of basic beat cops who shot me down here and ended that feel-good streak hacker really can be frail if you switch off mentally especially now I'd hit Level 80 and was forced to play on Deathwish I decided to get aggressive on Run 2 to secure a joker early on at least I have a swap turret spawn on me and shut it down instantly by this stage I was feeling decently powerful with low blow low but a bunch of mini gun dozers spawning at the same time could still cause problems the kind of man like me might be inclined to run away from a retreat of sorts but that was the smart heisters play with my converts giving me the space to basically hide out by the parking lot and wait inside the greatest threat is falling asleep during the 20 second warp pick timers unlike Demoman this time I was able to clear the FBI's on day two without too many issues meaning it was just a case of holding down the operations room for the most part as moving between objectives was surprisingly easy with hacker but this holdout was harder than I would have liked going through almost a dozen faks trying to keep the cops off the power switch once the server was ready to be secured though it was back to being an easy escape with a key card and a Jammer which brings us on to the second Hudson themed Heist the Revenge now I have a bit of a soft spot for this host but after being caught out in the open switching off the alarm box it didn't look like I'd be getting the hector on attempt one but for once the security decided not to Cascade on me instead walking one by one into the Spy meat grinder letting me take three threats off the map in one go this opened up the rest of the FBI building allowed me to pop open Hector's Vault with ease and Escape over the fence with six items of evidence the diamond is the dentist penultimate Heist and it usually doesn't cause too many problems that seemed to be the case here stealthy getting access to the inner sanctum of the exhibits on my first time in after a few tries I got a nice easy pattern to follow and apparently in my haste I misstepped on the final plate setting off the alarm for no good reason at all in truth this was just a Time waster as the second round went almost identically to the first except this time around I was a little more careful with my footwork making for an easy clear finally from the dentist the golden green casino is one of the most challenging solo stealth heist in the game yet here's the thing I'm noticing with this run if a heist is meant to be easy I bought it to hell if it's meant to be hard I turn it into a walk in the park and right now that inverse stealth ability is on show for all to see on the casino floor I had some difficulties getting from one end of the casino to the other and did get a little lucky that no one spotted this blade in Murder but after that it was surprisingly smooth sailing spiking the drink with a little girl and making it into the security control room easily enough with the cameras down this house was all but clear now usually it would be here that I wore Direct directly into one of the lasers protecting the Coffer sending me straight back to square one but clearly I've turned over a new Leaf as this really was as clean as it comes and a first time clear of the GGC awesome onto the butcher's house I'm sort of forced into the bomb dockyard for this one as it's the only stealthable option of the two this is another Heist that's given me trouble in the past but as I've built up knowledge of the potential key card spawns it'd be fair to say things have gotten easier with time so much so that was cruising my way to Victory after just one slip up setting the moretzer into motion and preparing to secure the bomb parts for a first time clear that was until this sieve decided to do me dirty and determinedly walk directly in front of this camera after being sloppily alerted hey frustrating but fairly predictable setback in hindsight lesson learned on attempt three I rapidly breezed through the initial key card objectives once again getting back to the side of the docks leading up to the Escape out of fear of a rerun I made sure to give this dot worker the big kill clearing the way to what is really a quite simple Escape that was remarkably less painful than my usual experience with the dockyard but Scarface mansion is always a frightening proposition the issue here is that I love to clear the pageless guards out outside the building before proceeding inside Which is far harder to do when equipped with only a couple of knives my first attempt was to actually unbelievably solid as is so often the case when I'm actually focused in on a difficult Heist I was Landing trick stabs and cross map throwing knives like they were nothing until I made it inside and overstepped just about breaking this guy's line of sight causing him to shoot without recourse as foreshadowed this opened the floodgates for dozens of early restarts as I tried to capture the Magic in a bottle I'd had on the first run three tries later I was back inside the Mansion but completely forgot to Tidy Up the Bodies outside the back door leading to this unsalvageable situation and when it rains it pours as it actually took me 10 more goes until I was back to that point in the heist at which point to see my excitement I was immediately cornered and broke stealth but the rage resets don't end there whereas on the very next run my throwing knife just missed the one shot kill time you're Ernesto failing in what was actually a pretty nostalgic one way nostalgically painful as this meant yet another five minutes spent honing my knife skills before I'd get a chance at the interior again and unsurprisingly from this series it was a very similar situation next time around as the soza boss glitched in and out of his chair for a moment dodging my knives with more grace than he'd ever know except those were my last knives meaning I had to charge him which was about as successful as you'd imagine after a couple of hours of this Purgatory I finally got it together reaching the main office for the third and thankfully final time Landing my throwing knife calmly and getting the hell out of Dodge with enough of Jimmy's Special Sauce to forget that nightmarish experience ever happened with that chapter finally behind me the crime's remission was next giving me a slight reprieve I simply bought these spray at rank 20 and smashed out an Easy Transport job for completion counterfeit Our Hero's next bump in the road has always been a controversial Heist should stealth be possible on it normally did Mark MB destroy the experience economy by sharing his bug stealth loop with the world back in 2020 well once again we installed a mod to give us all the answers now counterfeit is stealthable without breaking payday's AI of course this ended up being incredibly easy I just had to pull off my usual stealth setup and then take out the responding police force silently I could be wrong but I feel like stealth is enforced here simply by preventing this cop from entering the house and triggering a stealth breaking script clever but not exactly a clean conversion as after sitting around twiddling my thumbs for five minutes I was left wishing this was a loud heisters then I'd at least have something to do shortly after blasting open the safe I stumbled upon the real issue with this mod as the shield spawning script still plays out despite the police not being called making for a pretty awkward confrontation as both sides must have been entirely confused by the other's presence fortunately my crew AI were strangely functional here Reviving me and allowing for a first time Escape um silently a truly sneaky performance by all involved and honestly not sure how to feel about any of this Not only was this higher super boring in janky stealth I suppose I should probably use up my crew AI Lifeline for that revive but seeing as how I didn't break stealth I have no idea how to rule this situation maybe I'll keep away from the wild and wacky mods for future runs although knowing me I doubt it First World Bank comes next a true classic that no one can doubt was perfectly converted as a stealth host for payday 2. we get down and dirty with the security early on which I normally try to avoid but seeing the stealth was maintained I carried on into the Vault area of the bank a few more dead serves later and I was into the Vault and clearing out of eight whole bags of cash honestly no Sith was safe on this run especially once into the officers a violent if comfortable completion in the end murky station has rapidly become the heist I like to attempt when I want to feel better about myself I'm strangely a savant at this one finding both EMP Parts immediately and escaping with not so much as a scare in four minutes I wish I could say the same thing about Jimmy's second job boiling point you've heard me complain about this before but it's absolutely one of the most difficult Death Wish heists in the game even when not mucking around with a bunch of revolvers predominantly due to the extra powerful Russian tasers that can spawn but despite a few early scares and the slight ammo and consistency of the akimbo whatevers I was able to get into the lab first time around things tend to get easier for a while up close and personal especially when the dreaded roof turrets decide to mercifully despawn and never come back apparently as a result I was able to scan a super soldier grab the server and head back up to the surface here's where the big iron on my hip really puts in the work taking out the snipers one by one before they could even Lay It glove on me following on from a pretty exhilarating experience Santa's Workshop is another house that's been given the stealth treatment by the modern community and this one is actually super unique the biker guards are plentiful but have been given fixed movement patterns meaning it plays out more like a game of Frogger than anything else I like that parkour entry is required but I'm not a huge fan of the volume of cameras from what I experienced it feels like if the L spawn on the left side of the warehouse you're pretty much screwed leading to dozens of restarts on my end however on the right side things were far easier you see the objective of the stealth conversion is still the same simply get the elves to wrap Colombian snow fill presence which doesn't make a ton of sense in a stealthy environment once I found out you only needed one bag to clear the heist things got even easier still all they had to do was find a lone elf Prime for intimidation and wait out the Escape whilst I feel as though a lot of more effort has gone into crafting this Heist and some of the previous ones we've seen it's just lacking on the objective front making it a little too easy if completion is your only goal fortunately for me on this run that is precisely the case so we move on to car shop no point dwelling on this one if I was up to clear Toya autos at level zero I'd sure as hell hope I could do it in the 80s a quick win for the Spy the biker Heist is next on The Hit List a high synonymous with failure and frustration on this channel and after downplaying my hatred a bit earlier on you guys know it's going to be out for blood again unlike other heists I've had issues with on this challenge such as Scarface mansion the biker Heist doesn't have an initial difficulty Spike allowing for a nice early restart now this one likes to wait until you're comfortable oh I don't know about five or six minutes in to kill your hopes and dreams out of nowhere it took me slowing this down to 0.3 times speed to actually work out who'd finish me off even later into my next run I was hit by the biker High special of sniper clipping through geometry just to land the perfect shot to remove 90 of your health and armor right in front of a pair of unfriendly doses classic if you like this one you'll love how Run 3 was cut short honestly they even slowed down I'm still struggling to work out what the hell killed me here it was a little bit clearer on Run 4 where my clear incompetence was the obvious reason for my downfall before I was finally able to pull myself together and actually construct a half decent biker Heist attempt it was collateral City for my angry tiger on this one dragging me all the way Kicking and Screaming to the Escape section with most snipers out of the way I finally I had the momentum to clear the compound and ride Russ bike off into the sunset except does Spy look like a man who'd be comfortable driving a Harley the evidence says no as does this tunnel as yet again I pull a Robin Hood and jam myself sideways in it not for the first time in this series you'd think I'd have learned my lesson by now but no I was once again shuffling my way to the escape with whatever dignity I still hadn't attacked day two is this highest redeeming quality a fun romp down a moving train before a short boss fight that was an awful lot easier with just a couple of little revolvers than it had been with a massive rocket launcher hacker is very good at running away from things making this Escape one of the easiest so far my old Nemesis Panic Room comes next I I've not actually struggled with since the first run but still like to make a big deal also for some reason the sniper section did get a little intense with me having to lean heavily on Harpers to actually take them out on the rooftop but despite my liberal fak usage I still have enough healing to place a C4 and blow the Panic Room free escaping to the sewers in a fast and loose rendition of Aussie shooting simulator for 1010 makes up the other half of sniperville but the accuracy of revolvers over range was really carrying me through these usually difficult heists whilst I was let down by my Jammer on run one going down with the active on the second attempt I was easily able to clear the second apartment building and escape to the roadside here I was functionally able to hold off at the Escape for long enough to move the police cars and secure my exit onto the yacht Host this is the sort of mission this challenge was made for a high-class stealth only Caper which obviously means something had to go wrong immediately failing my first attempt at the hands of civilians once again my second wasn't a lot better as although I saved a double Pages situation this sieve managed to call the cops faster than any I'd seen before she's doing a better job than most trained guards in the payday universe that last though third time is a charm as I quite easily located the four money stash locations without any undue murder this time giving me complete freedom to secure the lower deck and grab the hard drive without too many issues back over on loud we have two of the toughest classic heists I needed to face to to make it onto the home straight undercover is a high intensity house with plenty of problematic RNG and a sniper infestation that even this build struggles to stay on top of case in point my first realm was going excellently before being abruptly cut short by a single Blow from this sniper even from above half Health in hindsight it looked like I'd been luckier than I'd realized escaping the rooftops on the first try as I wouldn't be able to replicate that at all on the second finding myself trapped on the staircase by snipers and eventually School those to Oblivion I don't want to talk about round three again I'm still confused as to what did that much damage to me in such a short space of time not having a convert was a problem for this build even after getting the remotely safe at limo spawn on the next run I was again forced onto the roof in order to grab the server which ended up being too hot to handle I also learned on this Heist that a green Dozer can one shot me from full health it's always nice to know run six was a little Kinder in its RNG dropping the limit down to the staircase making it much easier to crack without an army of snipers staring directly at me once I got the tax man down to the ground floor it was much easier to hold things together as My Revolver build had just about enough close range DPS to stay on top of this seemingly endless flow of corpse with a modest amount of torture I was able to secure the three passwords from Taxman and escape to the rooftops without running into the army of snipers who must have felt quite left out on this one slaughterhouse is yet another hugely problematic Heist I have to face here being a stealer of lifelines in the past so I picked up feign death to finally emulate the effects of the Dead Ringer the first half of the heist is just fine I'm normally able to drill a safe and pick up the goal without too many problems admittedly Fame death was already forced into a fair bit of legwork going off twice early on but the process of actually moving that goal to the extraction point is where things get tricky however this time I had a secret weapon the hakar ecms made loot secure infinitely easier with their crazy word ranged disruption with this tool at my side I was able to move the loot in sets of three three and then two without really having to push against the oncoming tide of cops snipers were still annoying but with the angry tiger I was able to wall behind my shots and avoid any personal risk when dispatching of them it was massively helpful that the SWAT van turret decided not to spawn on me here but even so this is one of the few times I felt like I've been in control of the outcome of a slaughterhouse I decided to hold back at the entrance to the warehouse before making a break for the van once given the opportunity not the cleanest Escape but the fact that I was able to do this without the help of AI here shows at least some growth of character Dora just emphasizes the fact but hacker is now completely overpowered you decide in any case it was finally time to start wrapping up this run that as a lock steps into the picture beneath the mountain is a really hit or miss heist in my experience at my first attempt went the way of Miss it didn't help that my hood froze leaving me with a rather off-putting image of spy grinning at me in my final moments but I was able to pull myself together for a much more competent performance on Run 2 until I made it to the roof of the compound here the Monstrous power of the sniper Shield started to go to work these guys deal crazy damage over range on Death Wish and of course my somewhat limited range build some serious problems I revived once with my newly unlocked Messiah then two more times with the 45 chance of feign death look truly was on my side here but I was still forced to cower behind the Escape Chopper and hold for the refuel honestly not the most dignified way to complete a heist but Death Wish Shields are seriously op all that mattered though was beneath the mountain had been bested but the sky is another Heist that's caused real difficulty in the past not only with sniper fill design but also the endlessly cop filled underground Escape which had led to a repeated use of drop difficulty and it looked like things for the Spy would be just as dire when I was actually short and killed directly out of the sky before I even had the chance to get boots on the ground not a great start but for once this wasn't the premonition of things to come I was actually able to land on the next Skydive although the dams by his face did freeze yet again this just means you need to stare into his eyes as I manhandle birth of Sky when possible I'll secure the broken pallet first before moving on to the sniper covered second two at one point I even turned my hood off just to get a better chance of actually Landing my shots on these guys across the map which worked until I required the activation of feign death yet again this brought me just enough time to secure the final palette and make it into the sewers here the pocket ECM not for the first time in this run is absolutely clutch holding off the endlessly spawning wave and giving me just enough time to light the thermite and get into the dinghy immediately I wasn't taking any chances on the water Bank hopping out of the raft to ensure the outcome was never really in doubt now I was flying with three lifelines still in the bank there weren't many hives left that could really trip me up heat streak can be a nightmare on death sentence but on Death Wish it's surprisingly easy reaching Matt's overturned vehicle in record time burning him out and pushing him up the street to what was a remarkably simple Heist completion if only the same could be said about green bridge this always throws us a few curveballs and opportunities to up the randomized prisoner location can make life harder but here I was lucky enough to find them in the first van escorting him straight up the scaffolding without too many interruptions but here is where the heist gets really dangerous having to hold out against scripted doses snipers and a helicopter turret all in all the spy Bill did a decent job but did lose a lot of precious resources in the process I was weakened by the holdout but it was the Escape that claimed the victory throwing all those nasty things at me once again but this time without any cover a failure painfully laid into the heist not to worry all I needed was some similarly positive RNG and I'll be right back to of course the prisoner spawned in the van furthest away from where we needed to go even so I was able to recover things and once again leverage my high mobility and DPS to secure the informants at the pickup this time instead of trying to fight back I just full-on booked it sometimes you can't go wrong with a little bit of cowardice especially when it comes to beating green bridge now onto the Betrayal with Alaskan deal the first ice in the wild I was able to cruise through without any Messiah or fame death activations just go clean shooting and a lot of uppers abuse taking us on to the final payday one classic the diamond Heist normally I attempt this in stealth fail and get fed up but today I have no such option however on attempt one I was blessed by some excellent laptop spawns and a half decent bug secure location hell Garnet Junior even seemed to walk over and virtually ask for a gaping Stab Wound as a result I was rapidly into the Vault and one by one carrying a loot to the boys upstairs I've come to realize this Heist is a case of slow and steady winning the race so I took my time and flanked the diamonds around the building whenever I thought it necessary in the end I even had time to go back and secure the blood diamond just to assert my dominance on a hugely Troublesome Heist Reservoir Dogs is a tale of two days the first at the warehouse is relatively simple which usually lulls me into a full sense of confidence before the nightmarish gunfight at the jewelry store this seemed to play out as expected smashing through day one only to be obliterated by a bunch of First Responders on day two however thanks to the power of the Revenant tree I was given a second chance at life which I clung onto with both hands I first Avenged myself upon the many doses of the Ambush and then forced my way into the vault in the past it's always been a bag moving process that has ended this house prematurely and with a constant stream of spawning snipers even hacker was fairly exposed to this possibility fortunately the insane amount of disruption this deck offers alongside its innate Dodge meant that I was able to run the bags at speed with surprising ease when half the enemies on the map are covering their ears for about eight seconds you'll be shocked at what you can get away with after securing the 6th and final bag I made one last Sprint across the street pushing to the Escape without failing a single attempt a first I believe within this challenge that was going so well of course it's sod's law that I needed to run Brooklyn bank with the save the situation stealth overhaul in creating this mod metro line also seems to have created a species of uncanny civilians that are not shall we say normal I felt as if I'd walk straight into insmouth on this one even bobble head ball wasn't quite how I remembered him these admittedly hilarious bugs aside this is an excellent stealth overhaul I may have been overwhelmed by the situation and failed on one but I needed a second chance to work out what to do entering silently through the top to take out a couple of guards before sneaking to the downstairs officers to secure the password the difficulty here is maneuvering in such a tight space with vanilla stealth Heist not normally as claustrophobic as this one making it surprisingly unique with the code secured I did Abomination Bob a favor and turned him back into a normal lucky man opened up the vaults and Switched Off the lasers back upstairs from here all I need to do was wait out some thermite and grab The Medallion from under the floor as usual as a resourceful man all the spy needs are his bare hands to take a 10 into the sewers in an instant probably a more impressive feat than any of these eyes we've been completing a successful clear of what was certainly a fresh experience in stealth this got me in the mood for yet another stealth Heist the notoriously difficult breaking feds for once I decided to use all the tools at my disposal and equip some sensor mines massively helpful on a high guard population Heist such as this one on Run 1 the correct PC spawned in the kitchen which is usually an instant restart but I was feeling myself today this saves back looked very stable meaning I was able to create the room I needed to actually complete the hack and get to the electric fence in time admittedly with a fair bit of backwards and forwardsy Garrett's room spawned on the right side of the officers which I generally prefer meaning I could lock it down with the sensor mines and always have sight on the patrolling guards admittedly that didn't guarantee I wouldn't have to kill anyone but what the rest of the FBI don't see won't hurt me after getting the correct passcode for Garrett's safe I had the elephant's Coffer in my hands and was out of the heist before I could even take it all in this is yet another problem Heist absolutely dominated in stealth with that warrant are only the juiciest device from here on in Henry's rock is a challenging one it definitely opened up the frailties this build suffers from especially during the turret hacking section where I was Hoover ran again and forced to lean on my faks more than I'd like to admit but survival was Paramount as long as I kept breathing on these hosts I had every chance of making it through their toughest moments simply due to the power of the pocket ECM that was exactly the situation here although the science and weapon lab holdouts had massively diminished my healing pool the usually nightmarish turret hack sequence was entirely conquerable with hacker after taking those down I had more than enough space to secure the two remaining coffers during a lull in the assault wave another massive first time clear shacklethorne is up next one of my favorite heists in the game in both lands stealth and we'll practice at this one by now rushing the initial objectives taking out a few roaming guards and knowing the risks that I can take to access the Vault password no need for any resets once again again I was finally living the role of the stealthy spy and thanks to the wonderful world of mods I could keep that role going with the stealth version of Hell's Island I've actually covered this Heist overhaul before as it was a curse up of the rest in that it completely changes Direction The Heist is played in as well as most core objectives unfortunately I was sloppy on attempt one using up Pages early on which makes the final objectives on this house much more difficult soon finding out after being forced to take down my fifth guard failing stealth instantly attempt 2 went much cleaner on the prism rooftops allow me to head down and cause some chaos around the cells with all four pages remaining with these guys out of the way it's just a case of grabbing the required loot calling out the prison officer for little one-on-one backstabbing session and securing my Escape through the usual hidden entrance by the manhole cover a really fun and well-crafted Heist versatile grounds for the Spy Runner with that we move on to No Mercy whilst this Heist cannot be fully stealth it does have a stealth section that I wanted to at least attempt however knowing that I need to get into combat after it regardless I was forced to run the pocket ecms not gonna affect being no throwing knives so I need to take out all three cameras with just my little knife at first it appeared like this was impossible but with enough stabbing practice and the right camera spawns I learned you can just about make it in time awesome but every single time I managed it a couple of doctors who weren't showing up as alerted kept somehow smashing the panic button and setting off the alarm as I'm not sure there's a clever way I can deal with this while still being able to play in complete the loud portion of the heist afterwards I decided to have to multiple identical failures just to go with the flow and enjoy using my trusty enforces for the final time in this run as We Know No Mercy is not a difficult Heist but when the aim of the game is simply to have as much fun making helmets fly as possible it really does scratch an itch be itch of murder which spy absolutely loves to partake in I found the patient in the final room I drilled and it took ages before I had two positive blood vials but honestly that just allowed me to spend more time hitting big retarget collaterals and ripping through the corridors with my kimbos I'm a huge fan of hacker and have to admit the revolver class has really grown on me over the course of this challenge run but with the hospital successfully fled there was only one more Heist between me and that sweet taste of Victory the White House in stealth I always find my skills with this one to be hit or miss but as you've already seen from the prize I was feeling myself today ghosting on in accessing The West Wing almost instantly and finding myself the peak card in what felt like record time I did run directly into this poor guard on the way out making him the Unlucky recipient of the final kill of the heist award you see once in the pioch with three pages still remaining I could just surprise and intimidate the few guards in the control center allowing me to bloodlessly take over the White House and prevent the spawn of a fourth possible guard the cleanest and smoothest way to take down the greatest Heist of all with the pardons under his arm Yale wonk removed his mask and headed towards Lock's Chopper one final time as he witness the brand of his achievement he wept for there were no more backs to slab with that success I can confirm once and for all that you can beat Payday 2 as Team Fortress 2 spy although no there will be pain along the way this has been one of the craziest challenge runs I've faced down so far the highs were in the heavens the lows felt like we were in the pits of Tartarus I think revolvers had a surprisingly good showing despite often being thought of as a lower tier weapon option just having a tool to easily dispatch a snipers was kind of a game changer making loud in this challenge slightly easier than for runs in the past funnily enough this is the first 100 completion of a challenge without me using a Lifeline although thanks to the stealth requirement I'm fairly certain it's also the run with the most total restarts so I'm really not sure where I'd race it on the difficulty scale but at the end of the day being the Spy is all about deception even if you have to use all the tools at your disposal to get the job done sometimes that just means cutting a little footage here splicing it there until there you have it a masterpiece run complete on to the next one all right in all seriousness I want to come clean on both Firestarter and more Crasher the alarm actually went just before my Escape but after I completed the entire objective stealthily seeing as these heists weren't intended to be stealthable there's virtually no way to discern what had occurred as such if you want to call this challenge a failure you're well within your rights too but there was just something so wonderfully thematic about keeping it quiet on this run until now so I decided to roll with it if I ever bend my rules on these runs I always want to be transparent about it as trust is pivotal to what makes these challenge runs interesting and perceived difficulty so rest assured I'll be on a straight and narrow in the future as for that future I plan to go hard on the challenge runs over the winter period so keep those suggestions coming my way I'm working on an extensive document list for potential payday challenges so still love to hear your ideas even if it'll take me a while to get around to them with that if you stuck with me this far into the video you may be enough of a Payday Mega fan to appreciate my range of payday playing machines from Apex gaming PCs we recently learned that payday 3 will be launching on PC and current chain consoles exclusively meaning if you're coming from PS4 or Xbox One you have all the more reason to pick up a new high-end gaming rig to get prepared for that 2023 release with all that said thank you so much for watching I love making these videos for you and we'll see you all very soon well the moment has passed back to work a huge thank you to my dedicated patreon backers if you want to join this crew in going Infamous check out the link below and pledge as little as two dollars to see your name in the credits or get 24 hour early access to future videos and vote on upcoming content take care I'll see you all soon foreign [Music]
Channel: TheKknowley
Views: 1,532,090
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: video, games, Walkthrough, Kknowley, Complete, 100%, AllQuests, Payday, Payday 2, Team Fortress 2, Spy, Challenge
Id: Rvtu3rI63Y0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 38sec (3818 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 07 2022
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