This Achievement in L4D2 is INCREDIBLY Unfair

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anyone that's played expert realism in Left 4 Dead 2 can tell you that it is brutal so brutal in fact that the achievement for completing a single campaign on this mode is just as rare as beating every campaign on Expert alone you either have to be really skilled or really dumb to put yourself through this but you see I am incredibly dumb and that's why today I'll be attempting expert realism by myself on all five of the games campaigns and you know what we're getting the gnome too welcome to solo expert realism a difficulty that I wouldn't wish upon my worst enemy along with the ridiculous infected spawn rates and heavy hitting damage of expert we also have to worry about the realism modifier with this turned on enemies take half as much damage to the body dead teammates can no longer respawn in restrooms and outlines around almost everything important have disappeared so will I be able to do this and rescue our gnome friend without losing my minds or will I fail spectacularly well there's only one one way to find out I mean hey what's up for not it has been a little run I mean no no big this is not looking promising We Begin our journey with dead center where we have to navigate through a city to reach our Escape vehicle in a shopping mall I chose to start with this campaign because I remembered it being the easiest and at least initially this seemed to be the case I had a few hiccups due to the facts that I couldn't get my controller sensitivity working on PC I might have turned it down a little too much there but even turning at Mach negative 10 wasn't enough to stop me from finishing the chapter after that I switched over to Madison keyboard and got a big ego I thought to myself that this challenge was going to be far easier than everyone made it out to be then I started chapter two oh no oh okay well you know we tried our best and that's truly what matters you know what I mean everything is on fire and I don't know why oh hello of course uh of course no you asked okay well don't exactly have a range there this chapter showed me how expert realism earned its reputation hordes and special infected are just constantly spawning and it takes way more time to kill anything because of this I ended up dying a lot in the first half of the chapter but somehow things got even more tricky whenever I got to this part surely there's a safe room in here right like I'm not I'm not crazy don't you dare do what I think you're gonna do damn it oh it is okay it is a whole that section oh my God ah pain the special event for this chapter requires you to bring a case of cola back to the gun shop and it sucked the entrance to the store gets flooded with never-ending infected so shooting and bashing always ended worse for me than the final season of Game of Thrones I found that the only way to beat this section was by finding a distraction item and using it as you make a break for it even then however Victory definitely wasn't guaranteed I only have one pipe bomb one pipe bomb in a dream chat oh this is a lot less [ __ ] you oh okay that's not good uh boomerville would have been better boomerville definitely better oh no yeah there is no shot what do I even do in this situation bro what the [ __ ] am I supposed to do so yeah this was pretty bad but what makes it even worse is that even when you get the cola there's still one more thing you have to do this is the farthest I've made it I'm not gonna do anything dumb oh dude how is there still more I [ __ ] knew it how are there so many infected holy [ __ ] that's not good are you I'm gonna [ __ ] lose my mind so stupid for Stacks by the way yeah I know I know don't reminds me dude honestly if we can beat this Mission I'll call this a successful day this is how bad it's gotten at this point okay get a [ __ ] kill myself no way dude if there's a tank that spawns chat I think I'm actually going to have an aneurysm okay maybe you're not booking at hold on okay yeah where though oh behind us that's good that's okay with me I'm going this way now wait what no Nicholas Nicholas not like this oh yes yes we're done with the mission [ __ ] you Nick we're trying to sabotage me somehow on the second go round I was able to slip past the tank and finally move on to chapter three it should be noted that if a teammate is killed in the last chapter they'll respawn with half Health in the following chapter making it a strategic decision to unalive them if they're below the threshold I personally didn't care though I just wanted to kill him for being morons and throwing all my runs after the cola catastrophe I thought I had finally made it past the worst this campaign had to offer but holy [ __ ] was I wrong what happens oh I'm gonna get murdered no no I'm track so far emits hello oh okay so this is this is just what's gonna happen then yeah cool you're right okay well I think we're gonna call it there cruel twist of fate was even worse than the last one it was actually so bad that I spent an entire day on this level and still didn't beat it you might be wondering how that's possible well this is me worth talking about so I don't know why you're surprised at this point but other than that I think I'll let the gameplay speak for itself it was the I wonder where the charger is dad I hear a charger noise but I cannot particularly determine where it's coming from behind me behind above me oh you know I do kind of hear it above me you might be onto something here thank you Chad ah damn all right that's what I get I guess despite a lot of things killing me here the gatekeeper was once again the special event all I had to do was Ascend to the top floor and shut off the alarm the spawn point for the never-ending horde however was in the alarm room making the door to it the bane of my very existence oh there's The Horde I probably seem to use my oh no I'm so mad what is going on bro they don't stop coming and they don't stop coming get to the ground and they never stopped running lose it twice I think you're the best it didn't work this is just an impenetrable wall of things happening oh we need to run oh no why can you no why am I in the goo man it's gonna go I mean there's there's another way whoa where does she actually appeared out of nowhere okay it's GG [Music] uh classic very classic once again a distraction item is key to breaking through here but even on the attempt I did there's always a chance for the game to keep you humble where the [ __ ] did you get that no nick now is the time now is the time Nicholas I think you Nick thank you Nick thank you Nick you're the best I love you another spitter no please wait no one's getting me no they're [ __ ] stuck behind the spinner goo [Music] ah dude why is there so much level left after that even though I literally made no progress on day two I felt pretty good on day three it didn't have to do with the game mind you that that was a lost cause to me it was actually because I finally got my rich wallet in the mail who I somehow convinced to sponsor this video this thing is sick as someone who doesn't use cash often it's really nice to have a compact alternative to a big leather wallet this bad boy can also come in over 30 different styles and has RFID blocking technology to help protect yourself against any digital pickpocketers the coolest thing about this thing though is that Ridge is genuinely so confident in its wallet's durability that they offer a lifetime warranty for it as well so if you want to give your wallet an upgrade check out the link in the description or use my code on screen to get 10 off your purchase thank you again to Rich for sponsoring and now back to me horribly failing at Left 4 Dead day three picked right back up where day two left off there were incredibly stupid things that happened and they were incredibly stupid deaths that happened eventually however I was able to get on another good run I made it through the mall up the stairs and turned off the alarm I thought that this was definitely the one but there was one thing that I didn't account for in my final moments and that was map knowledge there's also very much a hunter like this is not what we're doing right God damn it oh I mean I don't know I don't know what to do at this point I went the wrong way I didn't know which way to go no why is it the other direction that's so unlucky oh God damn it for those unaware if I had turned left at the top of the escalator instead of right I would have made it to the safe room and completed the chapter making this the most heartbreaking death thus far it was one thing that I hadn't tried yet though in between streams I was told that the horde coming from the alarm room is wave based theoretically that meant if I just held out until the end of each wave I could slowly but safely fight my way up to the alarm let's see how that worked out there it is yeah let's hold a little bit here nope no no don't hit Rochelle I'll just be in charge of like getting him off of everyone oh no oh now I'm slowed no I didn't mean to hit coach goddamn he moved in the way all right we'll move now [ __ ] you God damn it no what they're all dead bruh all right oh I'm dead yeah [ __ ] dude I was told on Twitter you know there's breaks in between them it didn't seem like there was a single break there today's lesson never learn anything new true be stuck in your old ways chat never learn learning Is for Suckers apparently by this point I had spent almost six hours on this chapter alone I genuinely thought that completing this level was going to take a miracle but something had to give eventually and it sure as hell wasn't gonna be me go go wait no no okay hold on hold on hold on we got another run going how are you not dead I don't understand it he's hit me and not next thank you no no Nick I can't move I hope the bile bomb just continues man I'm so slow please don't get killed by the ghoul the jockey too [ __ ] you hey I am at one HP I can't move me I'm not gonna make it us oh my [ __ ] God it's over here as long as like Nick dies oh my god dude I thought the jockey would got me for sure oh I'm free I had finally beaten this God forsaken chapter with one HP in a dream the American dream and what better place to celebrate that than the Consumer Paradise that is the final chapter of the campaign the Central Mall oh wait they can't pick up any gas I have to pick up all eight gases for this finale I had to grab eight gas canisters from various locations and fill up the car on the ground floor this was initially pretty rough especially when the tank spawned in to block my pet maybe we can use one of these gas canisters to my advantage then unless you spawned right ah he's upstairs okay great why me yep I'm dead oh he's just gonna kill me yeah [ __ ] okay well that's an unfortunate place to spawn that's for sure there was absolutely no way I could keep my band of Mary morons alive long enough for us to defeat this thing fortunately the success of the American dream from last chapter caused me to come into possession of a staple of high-end American culture drugs hell yeah drugs Maybe opium all right they just need to protect me surely he can do that let's go drugs we love drugs okay that's probably gonna get demonetized let's go with that dead center was finally done after 58 deaths for reference when I did all four of Left 4 Dead ones campaigns on Expert it took me a total of 57. so if you're wondering how hard this is this works pretty well as a reference most of my desks here obviously came from chapter three but somehow that was only the third Hardest Level I had to go through and we'll get to the other two later in the meantime though it was time to start up swamp fever this was also a four chapter campaign however this one started off a bit more challenging than our previous one did oh my God [ __ ] that's not good that's bad that's very bad damn it no no someone should go all right that's not ideal the thing that stops my progress dead in its tracks was this little boat here calling it over triggers The Horde and you have to hold out somewhere as you wait for it to dock holding out in front of the boat never seemed to work out for me and holding out in the Attic nearby somehow worked even worse let's go why are they up here I don't like this this is this is this is this is not what I was hoping for when I oh they're all down again where is everyone look at the smoker again how is there always a smoker eventually I was able to find a spot behind this counter that worked well enough but even then there was still a chance of some snags in my master plan [ __ ] hate this game this happens everything possible able to sabotage me I made it on the boat and finished the level after having that much trouble with chapter one I was expecting the worst with chapter 2. this one involves you working your way through a swamp and triggering an alarm halfway through the slowing effect of the mud here made me incredibly pessimistic about my chances so imagine the surprise of me and everyone who BET channel points on me dying a bunch when this was the first chapter this entire playthrough I got on my first try dude where do I go this way oh I happen to remember reading at least Ian's chat saying this is the easiest out of my life you all heard it say yes in chat right now interesting very interesting I'm just find it very interesting this is very funny you're totally fine your points being stolen from you is enough of a victory for me I was over the moon when this happened especially after hearing that this was arguably the the hardest mission in this entire campaign I am still playing on Expert realism though so my happiness unfortunately couldn't last forever oh this is this is a charger setup if I've ever seen it oh my God there's so much happening oh my what what happened oh this is not good oh and the Hunter's still here great I suppose the trickiest part in this chapter is easily the plank section it's not the same plank that pirates used back in the Caribbean but it served the same purpose and that was leading poor souls to their demise literally fine nothing to worry about there's a jockey literally right underneath me [Applause] watch out for that charger oh Kramer thank you once I was able to find both an adrenaline shot and a boomer bile however this chapter ended up being pretty simple this Victory led me into the final chapter the accomplishment was supposed to be a positive thing but instead it just led to more chaos is that a yeah that's a horde God damn it dude what the hell why is there always a horn like instantly bro like we literally just started stop moving what the [ __ ] a poltergeist oh this is spooky oh hold on I'm about to get jump scared by something completely different oh dude where the [ __ ] the finale for this campaign requires it to hold out in a plantation house the spot that works best for me was upstairs in this corner zombies could only come from two linear directions which made it way harder for my AI teammates to throw the runaway that is so long as throw shell celis and dick could actually handle their Direction got him they can only come from One Direction team get him I don't know how the hell I made that work oh what how wait what how are you guys losing to One Direction Harry Styles can't even put up that hard a fight man I could take Niall Horan in my sleep I'm not gonna back down from that opinion by the way it's also worth mentioning that the Mansion has a lot of equipment to help Stave off your enemies it would have been really convenient to not run down the stairs every time I needed something but unfortunately there's no button to drop set equipment trust me I tried select pistol explosive first aid it's like team message of the day what is the message of the day actually message of the day hmm very wise actually I I really relate to this one it's exactly how I feel on the inside empty all right well uh that's pretty motivational I still don't know how to drop [ __ ] items though which kind of sucks that meant all I had at my disposal was some AI that welcomed zombies with open arms and equipment that was too far to reach either way though I was going to keep operating until I cured this swamp fever this is not exactly the way I planned I'm not gonna lie to you Chad this probably could be going better all right yeah that's not great okay I need to leave Rochelle down I feel like that's the move [Music] uh I am focused I am so hard focused right now Chad you have no idea well you probably have an idea okay okay it's a chance Nicholas Nicholas don't you die at me chat where is the [ __ ] Escape you need to tell me right now I'm gonna die right dude oh my God I can't actually believe he did it two campaigns done baby with the infected tanks and mates now six feet underground campaign 205 was now done to finish off the day I decided to scout out the Third campaign which was hard rain the gimmick for this one was that halfway through the campaign you have to go back through the chapters you already completed but in Reverse I didn't know what to expect danger-wise here but my initial findings weren't exactly very promising what happens if I just keep moving there's someone following me no okay garage sale I love damn guys I don't think that was a garage sale monster traffic oh yeah I did get hit by a car last time I should hold on let me show you how to cross the road okay first you gotta look left and we're gonna look to the right okay it looks like there are no cars coming so we should be able to safely cross the street as you can see oh stranger danger okay we're fine hey small bro how Ellis tell me how you are already [Music] right got it okay cool cool cool cool cool yeah yeah yeah probably and so with the lack of safety now documented it was time to retire for the day and try again tomorrow the first attempt of day six actually started off pretty well and I almost made it to the safe room before being swarmed the second attempt wasn't nearly as successful what dude at least someone knock me down [Music] however failing the first attempt may have been a blessing in disguise as attempts 3 resulted in the rare chapter in which everyone finished it relatively healthy after that it was on to the next one I was hoping since I finished the last chapter so quickly that I could make a good amount of progress this stream that didn't end up happening and the reason for that is simple chapter 2 of hard rain is the second hardest chapter in the entire game stay away witches on the building wait really oh wait a second yeah that doesn't sound good in this level the witches that usually spawn once or twice a chapter were now scattered everywhere throughout the area you can try to avoid them all you like but I seriously cannot stress enough the everywhere part I'd probably take the drugs but I also am a greedy grimy little boy so I might just not do it and do that instead why are you not distracted no are you [ __ ] all right well that's what I get for being a groovy grimy little boy drugs all the chance is my only chance is my little chance help me this is this is somewhat unfortunate oh there's a okay well [Music] well it appears though we probably weren't gonna win that one I felt like alerting witches was going to be a common theme this chapter so in an effort to provide even greater incentive not to I told Chet to call anyone who provoked one a misogynist from now on this should have been fine since I thought everyone on the team was an ally until I realized that coach wasn't who I thought he was all right well someone's dying all right coach is a misogynist damn it oh of course it was coach how is it always him Chad this is like actually Canada at this point aside from coach not being able to treat women with respect there were a lot of other things in this chapter that really held me up firstly the AI don't work well in open areas with lots of infected as you can probably assume there were a lot of these in this level so it was really hard to survive once we got to one of them next is the fact that this chapter is long it took around 10 minutes per try and by the time we made it two-thirds of the way through everyone was already Gravely injured or dead where is my team where is my team I would like some teammates or not okay well they're all dead killed every run the moments I got to it though was the elevator this is a section where you have to hold out until an elevator slower than a dead Turtle makes its way to your floor like I said before everyone was already on death's door by this point so that along with the chances of a witch in a tank to spawn here made this feel impossible pear is the tank this is so miserable such a miserable life we live why do I play this video game [Music] okay everyone's dead yeah I saw that one coming [Music] there's the tank I don't know if I get hit by this actually oh I what oh that was the tank okay that kind of makes sense well okay well I mean like I don't know what I should do there I spent hours just grinding this only to be thwarted at some point near the end and considering all the runs I did it was only a matter of time until I made a mistake of my own oh oh did I stop him with a pipe bomb you can do that no no not an international women's month I swear I'm not that bad I'm not hey why am I not dead oh [ __ ] I'm cancel oh [Music] dude all right I got a plan I got a plan I got a plan I got a plan I got a plan this is how I'm gonna redeem myself okay every single time I die to a witch from now on I'm gonna donate five dollars to a women's charity that that's the rules we'll follow up with that again later at the end of the day yesterday I tried going fast through the level instead of carefully like I had been this just resulted in me turbo entering to 118 deaths so we don't have to go over it but there were some aspects about it that actually worked I found out that if I got to a good spot quickly enough and waited for The Horde my teammates were way less likely to lose tons of Health with this in mind I went into day seven aching to try out this strategy and as soon as the second run I started to see some results okay wait if my team's all the way over here okay Ellis you got this get up all right nobody panic but this is like easily the farthest I've ever made it with everyone still alive we kind of try and do this right now oh there's a board coming okay hold on what are you [ __ ] okay I don't know if any of my la Fitness Godless please oh my boy he stuck the revive I can appreciate that but what the [ __ ] okay you do this get in corner should be fine as long as I don't alert the witch over there so I have to throw the pipe bomb anywhere else that is ridiculous where the hell did all these enemies come from okay oh they're climbing up from there Jesus okay start now why me oh thank God uh there's a lot going on here how are there more enemies already holy wait everyone in okay oh hey hold on this is the farthest I've ever made it no one panic everyone panicked honestly but this is scary is this only like the halfway point wait please God no not like this uh I'm trying to find like the best way to go into this [ __ ] corn maze and nothing's nothing's nothing standing out to me here I'm not gonna lie to you if I just make a break for it okay that's not helpful okay Coach is dead that's also not great oh don't do that oh I'm dead oh okay where are the [ __ ] am I supposed to go for reference the gas station I died in front of was the safe room but like in dead center my lack of map knowledge robbed me mere feet from the Finish Line I wasn't really bothered by this though as my new plan got me past the part that I thought was impossible I was however more upset when for the next two hours I had the worst left for dead luck known to man no guys guys come on literally I get grabbed by one jockey and it's GG that's insane no come on hit hit punch me punch me punch me punch me there's no way they're just gonna [Applause] thank God that was about to be so livid you have no idea all right never mind I'm living again God no not like this oh dude that's not fairs oh I got I got pushed into it that's not my fault that was accidental misogyny after countless deaths it was getting pretty close to being another whole stream dedicated to one level now I am a monogamous but this was starting to get ridiculous that's why once I had another chance at the crops I wasn't gonna let this opportunity Pass Me By oh don't tell me there's a smoker might be able to catch up catching up yes oh my [ __ ] God oh my God I'm free after five plus hours of attempts over two days hard rain chapter 2 was in the books the next two chapters involved doing the previous two in reverse and the Final Chapter was another giant holdout considering I only had 30 minutes left to stream I thought that I'd maybe beat the next chapter and then just call it a day well as you can assume that didn't happen instead I beat all three chapter three became really easy Once I used the platforms instead of going through the puddles chapter four was just a nice walk over to the safe room and for chapter five I just held out on the roof and managed to take out all the smokers I have no idea if any of this is necessarily replicable but I literally do not care campaign 3 was done and it was time to celebrate by the way the final witch startle count was seven and with a generous extra hundred dollars from chat 135 dollars was donated to women's charity we've now arrived at campaign 4 which is the parish and things started off in a way that basically summarizes this entire playthrough thus far and I mean so far this is going okay I haven't gotten hit yet that's already a better start than usual let me tell you Chad okay despite the concussion and loss of any little Goodwill I had left the rest of the chapter was pretty simple this however was immediately corrected by the beginning of chapter two uh all right everyone's getting down this is not good I appreciate it I need to focus for a second but I appreciate cause well no not the [ __ ] honest it's chaos we literally just got out of the safe room what music do zombies like do they prefer the musical stylings of Rob Zombie honestly yeah that tracks playing Dragula with the infected's heads did actually work however and after making it through a park I arrived at this trailer opening it sets off an alarm and waves of enemies keep coming until you rush to turn it off I think the worst part about this though is even after all I've been through I was still overconfident okay uh let's do some stretching here Chad okay we're about to run the best race I've ever done in my life I gotta make sure I'm in Tip-Top shape I'm actually gonna beat Usain Bolt's record in the hundred meter every 100 meters I run it's going to be insane trust me okay well I'm going to run fast I'm gonna hope that my teammates do the same and if they don't I'm gonna leave him behind what in the okay well I may have used that too soon okay so I need to stick to my team I got it I got it I got it I got it got it everything's fine nothing to worry about nothing to worry about nothing to worry about they're all good we're not fine ow I know I'm trying alarm is off how are there still enemies coming I turned off the alarm where's the noise coming from okay hold on uh what I'm realizing is that I needed to keep going and this is not good okay [Music] what do you mean they keep coming dude I thought it was over once the alarm was done that's my bad well at least I took some responsibility so I guess the overconfidence wasn't the worst part now the worst part was when I died I had to do the beginning section again with AI teammates that eat corn the long way let's get back inside Alice Alice Alice okay let's get together thanks guys I ended up dying a few more times at the trailer section one of which was due to a map knowledge skill diff which I was all too familiar with at this point where the [ __ ] am I supposed to go into the market where was the market I got so lost went the wrong way I know where do I go I've never played this game but regardless I managed to get through eventually and finish the chapter the next level is arguably the hardest one in the campaign but I wouldn't have thought that at first you have to go through a town down a very dark sewer and the part that I was least good at the car lot oh great dude what else was I supposed to do there after sneaking by all that's left in the level is the graveyard the layout shifts every attempt but there's no event here that being the case there was a chance I could get this first try all I had to do was run not like this no [ __ ] away the charger went the complete opposite direction where the hell did where'd he come from that's [ __ ] with what is now becoming a common occurrence I died right before the safe room again and just like the last two times it took me the length of Queen Elizabeth's Reign to get back in the meantime however please enjoy this other dumb stuff that happens until we make our return I'll gladly take that do not shoot any of the cars don't worry I'm way out of you [ __ ] what you can't get up all right well apparently you can't climb the cars either Chet all right so that's a new one for me but then no one informs me of this little bro a tank growls okay well great I sure it damn a Left 4 Dead enjoy your Chatters let me tell you guys be good or obviously not good that's not my fault that is absolutely not my fault God damn it poor don't poor Ellis me but with that out of the way let's see how I did on safe room attempts too oh my I almost choked [Applause] did you see that shutters oh my God they can't stop me Hunter [ __ ] that guy charger [ __ ] that guy spinner uh we respect women here oh my God my heart is racing my heart hurts when I started chapter four there were two things that gave me a lot of grief there was this tank whose rocks defied the laws of physics oh [ __ ] it up what that went through the wall bro and this parade float we had to wait for as hordes of enemies ruined my day it's a spitter no [ __ ] way you guys are you kidding me dude eventually I was able to get past both of these but I was in Dire Straits and the horrible realization I came to was that this was only the halfway point where is the end of the mission I don't like this anymore Lord have mercy on me I am so scared oh okay hold on uh slow and steady still and steady stolen steady slow and steady stolen slow and steady all right I have to close it I'm sorry that sucks that sucks now my teammates have no help God damn it somehow I was able to stumble through the Finish Line at death's door and despite my teammates having no Health it was actually fine as there were two bundles of Med kits in the next starting room this campaign finale requires you to cross a large bridge to get to a helicopter on the other side you basically have to go fast but the problem with that is the tank waiting at the halfway point is instant Downing rocks and cars will ruin any chance you have at climbing the trucks nearby this was so close to the end however I really just had to keep pushing get one good run and capitalize all right so the tank should be coming up which means I am about to okay there he is what what wait why am I alive what the [ __ ] what am I supposed to do in the city like I'm getting in my cars dude like I just I just need the tank to get the [ __ ] out of the way oh wait oh that was another throwable that got upset yeah you think the University of Virginia would actually hire on that tank as like a coach because God damn does he get Buckets let me tell you we just had to find our Zen spot chat okay right you just have to we just have to believe and I need to see the belief in chat I believe if we just all put our hands together please Bridge section of the parish I beg of you to let me through not have many zombies in my way and not have a tank ruin my day all I require is your mercy and a victory snyman oh there's the tank oh that's the rock that's the rock no rocks in my socks oh rocks in my all right no rocks in my socks nope what the [ __ ] who caught up to me oh no I can't move doing my best no rocks in my soul oh there's no that could have been let's go let's [ __ ] good oh my God my brain hurts oh what a wet did you see that rock that if I kept moving forward the tank would have killed me from all the way up there bro that was insane after the greatest Juke I'll ever pull off in my life there was only one campaign left to go now my friends it's time to save Private Chomsky now I'm not gonna lie to you all I am a giant wuss and I was so certain that I wouldn't be able to do this that for the first few attempts I brought in some viewers as Duo Partners this did not go very well oh tonight I thought he was an infected chat I'm sorry I'm so sorry and so I decided to just suck it up and go for it myself dark carnival starts off by going over a highway through a motel and down into a creek this campaign actually mirrored the start of the last one even the charger part I'm definitely getting hit by a charger in a sec I guarantee it yep I [ __ ] do it but that also meant I got through this level with no trouble at all completing this chapter led me into the carnival proper which meant it was time to rescue my tiny friend from captivity for The Gnome achievement you have to carry Chomsky all the way to the end of the campaign you can drop him to shoot but finding him afterwards is another ordeal altogether I feel like what killed me the most in this chapter was the fact that it's long and horde showed up every 30 seconds but what killed me the funniest was when I tried Goomba stomping the infected these drugs wear off which is not great what the [ __ ] is happening what did I die to fall damage I was I was surfing like bro God damn it the last Turtle here will be the carousel you pull a switch trigger an alarm and have to run while infected swarm you since you have to go fast you no longer have the luxury of dropping the gnome to shoot and picking it up later that's already bad enough but what makes it worse is that you need a little bit of luck too the witches right next to that control panel bro come on where's the gate though I don't know dude can't get next to the wind she's the only issue I can't move yeah uh dude like there's nothing I can do on my second attempt though I had good luck when all the infected randomly decided to go after Ellis I don't know what kind of z-rated stuff Ellis was doing to take the heat off me but I'll gladly take it this however would be the last piece of luck I'd see for the entire stream because now we have reached what I consider to be the hardest chapter in the entire game oh no no these guys are idiots how why'd you drop down there instead of where I was this is safe what no I'm dead dude what the [ __ ] my teammates just threw that's crazy this was going so well you know they say love hurts and dark Carnival's Tunnel of Love hurt any hope I had of finishing this campaign there were thin sections packed with enemies open ones that made the AI forget the i in their name and of course the roller coaster that gave me no space to Juke out anyone in front of me each of these alone would have already given me trouble but all of them together made the rest of my day absolutely miserable guys please times dude there's no way Nick if you can just hit it Nick what the [ __ ] that's so stupid uh why am I taking damage wait there's no way is there a witch over here too that's crazy oh right in front of yep classic you know what honestly I'm just gonna take you out here all right what this is a sign to go on I assume chat all right well it's time chat once again for a good old gnome time wish me luck what the [ __ ] what how the [ __ ] did that how did he even get there I can't move I can move oh dude this is so much farther away than I thought it would be is that it dude dude like holy I can't move ah oh no wait my health where did I go okay dude holy [ __ ] are you serious damn it I think the spitter must have got me just then and I didn't have enough speed that's crazy I didn't know this at the time but on the last attempt I could have just ran to the safe room instead of towards the alarm that meant I had choked away another run due to lack of knowledge but unlike when this happened before I didn't have to spend hours replaying the level to get back I had to spend hours playing multiple levels to get back previously due to time constraints how I'd been continuing unfinished campaigns day to day was by using chapter select and damaging everyone until they had their health from before since chapter selects didn't carry over the gnome though I had to replay everything to get back to where I was this pain was also enhanced when for whatever reason the first two easy chapters suddenly became impossible oh no tank two okay we need to I need to make use of this no way there is no there is no way how do you have that kind of an angle you're kidding me guys one person is all I ask to revive me Nicholas no way we actually lose this there's that's crazy [Music] 17 unnecessary deaths later I was able to make it back of course I continued to die repeatedly once I got back here but I was determined to get this done so I kept grinding and grinding until it finally paid off I can't do anything I gotta hope for the best no not a [ __ ] jockey man anything but a jockey uh maybe a smoker would have sucked even worse actually [Music] please murder Nick please murder Nick please murder Nick please murder Nick oh thank God okay yes new PV baby oh we didn't have to turn off the alarm I learned from Friday we're knowledgeable who's [ __ ] cool I had now conquered the hardest mission in the game everything should have been downhill from here but unfortunately the two chapters after this were also very hard chapter 4 was deceptively easy for 90 of it especially after I found out I could throw the gnome over this fence and it would land right before the safe room due to Tech issues I couldn't update my death counter until the end of the run but at the rate I was getting through this chapter it appeared as if I wouldn't need to then we get to this part gates are open run to the safe room aye aye give me a second waiting for the horde to like stop I don't know if it will though is the only issue oh my God I mean like what do I do I'm just dead what what in like what universe is this once this holdout ends you're met with an impenetrable Wall of Flesh it's such a ridiculously hard part that even if you don't make a mistake there's no guarantee you'll actually survive it after a sizable amount of attempts I genuinely thought I would be stuck on this level and once again have to restart my campaign I was pretty down at this point knowing that I may have to spend hours on this again tomorrow all I could really do now however was give it a few more tries oh no you don't Weird Al Ure no oh no there's a winch that's support okay well there's literally every special infected across the Sun here too okay well I don't think there was any way I was doing right in the hole [Applause] oh my I'm actually gonna die here oh no dude are you [ __ ] serious no why were there so many in front of the door I kind of have to take that really oh my God bro five with the most powerful one that's crazy these these clowns are what the hell is these dudes eating for breakfast God damn lots of cream pies not not like that I mean you know you know how the clowns get never mind oh my God [Applause] what that was just a hunter no there was just a hunter I literally just killed a hunter two seconds ago Nicholas help me I don't know how Nick did that I mean I'm glad [Music] all right Nick that's fine thank you Nicholas my [ __ ] hero let's hear it for a boy your sacrifice will not be in vain my brother I got the gnome too I didn't forget holy [ __ ] King Saint Nick had saved the run and suddenly I was on the final chapter of the entire playthrough this finale has you light up the stage and hold out until a helicopter arrives it really gave me a glimpse of what it was like to be a bodyguard at a Taylor Swift concert and let me tell you it wasn't pretty suck my dick oh my God how is that possible I hope that doesn't get Rochelle that's all I ask Corey do you you do realize you're not supposed to run into the mods out okay you know now I think about it it's actually pretty reasonable that you ran into the volatile I'm not gonna lie I would Place The Gnome where the helicopter might spawn and tried holding out everywhere I could think of but nothing seemed to be working my mental was so boomed by this point that I even started to die in the bathrooms on the way to the stage that being said I was so close to accomplishing what I thought would be impossible and if there's one thing I know about myself it's that I'm too dumb to quit okay coming from this Direction that's fine what's going on this jockey let's see uh okay that got the charger at least but I think exactly what I was having before oh my God please to go to the left please go to the left the left oh [Applause] come on come on Nick Nick Nick Nick Nick Nick just died next time yes yes let's go oh my God I can't believe it oh dude I'm gonna I'm gonna pass out all right we have ended with solo expert realism was finally over and of course our gnome friend was now safe too the full run should be up on my second channel in the coming week but in the meantime if you want to see how I fared on the Left 4 Dead 1 Maps then you should check out this video I'm also streaming all these challenges live on Twitch so if you want to watch the chaos in real time then follow me there as well with that I'll see you all in the next one [Music]
Channel: Snamwiches
Views: 1,366,525
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: left 4 dead 2, l4d2, left 4 dead, left 4 dead 2 gameplay, left 4 dead 2 expert, left 4 dead 2 walkthrough, left 4 dead 2 expert realism, Left 4 Dead 2 expert realism solo, Xbox, Xbox achievements, achievement hunter, achievement hunting, snamwiches, left 4 dead solo expert realism, left 4 dead 2 gnome, gnome chompski, left 4 dead expert realism, platinum trophy, steam, platinum trophy hunting, left 4 dead achievement, left 4 dead achievements, left 4 dead achievement hunting
Id: -BWEVAmvyJg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 30sec (3450 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 28 2023
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