How Quickly Can You Go Infamous in Payday 2?

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after undertaking my fair share of challenges and now speed runs within payday 2 i've learned a lot about the game but how practical is most of this information when it comes to actually playing it normally one of the main goals of payday 2 is to complete heists not to forge through the ranks of infamy and with poor yale want going around in circles my main account has been going nowhere for quite some time which is why i've decided to take on yet another new speedrun category infamy solo to not only catch the gnoli account up with the rest of you prolific heisters but also snag a new world record in the process as of recording the restricted category which i'll be running today has no submitted times and the unrestricted just consists of sonny the flower over here suffering through over five hours straight of the yacht heist so after watching this video bloody give it a go i have no right to hold all these obscure world records unchallenged but with all that said let's jump into the rule set for this particular run as with any payday speedrun completed on the only mods were allowed are the mandatory super blt and speed running mod meaning no custom huds for a level playing field rng modifier is not allowed for this category but boy do i wish it was within the restricted category specifically we're only allowed to run a high state maximum of two times i think this is a great rule to force variation in gameplay and strategy so i'm all aboard the idea also we're allowed to run a stealth heist prior to going infamous to boost our initial xp earnings with the bonus framing frame makes the most sense here as it offers 25 percent but election day does the job as well if you're in a hurry finally we're fortunately allowed to be above infamy 25 meaning we receive the maximum infamy xp bonus keep that in mind if you decide to attempt this for yourselves but don't have that full multiplier you'll have to adjust your route accordingly and these are our only limitations all weapons pert decks and play styles are available to us so let's get to optimizing this thing first things first i've got to mention the one and only mark mb a font of knowledge for my speed runs and one of the best informations in the game in four player corp mark has proven that an optimized strategy can clear an entire infamy rank in under 40 minutes predominantly using the ecm rush strategy however whilst this is immensely impressive we're not going to be able to make use of mark's insights here as the solo category is much more limiting bearing in mind ecm rushing is pretty much off the table that means an entirely new strategy has to be thought up unfortunately i love theorycrafting previously i've worked on detailed experience charts already have an excellent starting point for the heist to choose from after completing either a framing frame or election day for that bonus starting multiplier ukrainian job offers a perfect start as a simple to complete stealth heist even without skills then once i have a solid platform of skills unlocked i can go for the big gainers running election day to set up a 20 stealth bonus before heading into a holdout offering almost 6.5 million experience when fully completed i can then repeat this with a second stealth run and hold out to reach the 90s i initially theorized that the recently added ukrainian prisoner heist made sense next as it's not too challenging and the additional loot which can be secured after pressing three red buttons around the map actually makes this an efficient xp per minute heist to run plus the 50 stealth bonus could be rolled into a boiling point remember all of these heists have to be completed on death sentence for that bonus multiplier so boiling point is not only a great experience payoff it's also incorrectly scaled for death sentence meaning we'll effectively be taking it on on death wish difficulty to round off the run i'll need to rinse and repeat the ukrainian prisoner boiling point combo followed up by a quick big ol day 1 to bring us up to level 100 the first run live on stream went about as well as you could expect the general format of the attempt was fairly well conceived on paper but i needed a lot more practice with its heist components the holdouts went well but i wasted a sizable chunk of time restarting on election day and even more impactfully the ukrainian prisoner heist election day one is normally a full-on rush heist but if i fail to tag the correct truck on day one i was unable to restart from the beginning as that would count as one of my two allotted attempts meaning i had to respect day one a lot more than usual taking the time out to check for open crates i'd also like to mention what happened here on one of my boiling point runs going down on the escape only to be abandoned by wolff who decided against the idea of actually helping me up classic paid a 2ai they were able to bring me back from the dead a couple of minutes later but if this is evidence of anything it's there's a ridiculous number of variables across this two and a bit hour run which can make or break an attempt in a heartbeat in the end after finishing off an unplanned safehouse defense as i'd managed to drop one of my stealth bonuses accidentally my finishing time was just under 2 hours and 50 minutes definitely room for improvement not only in execution but routing as well as i'd immediately have to adjust the run to hit level 100 more smoothly the first change was to add a ukrainian job on overkill difficulty as it would not only grant some additional xp being rushable in under 30 seconds with c4 it also enabled me to pick up drill skills before the death sentence version of the heist speeding that up by roughly 30 and hopefully removing the need to complete one last heist after the second boiling point with that things seem to be moving smoother i'd refine my election day strategy by adding a saw into my build speeding up at that heist massively thanks to the silent sword mechanic remember if you saw the air before storing an object you have a three second window of comparative silence this optimized the first half of the run brilliantly sadly as this is a very stealth heavy route a single slip up can spoil even that great start this time it was the ukrainian prisoner heist which let me down late into the run after i failed 10 minutes into it second time around a massive time loss on its own coupled with a slow rerun as the slip up and missive specifically seemed to have scarred me even with my rerouting i was still a few thousand experience short of level 100 after the boiling points forcing me to run a quick murky station as i was out of available ukrainian job attempts still a massive time save with this run coming in at 2 hours 17 minutes and 30 seconds in game time however whilst i continue to make glaring mistakes in the run there was still always room to save time externally and the two-hour mark was within my sights so we go again this time i thought i'd solve my xp calculation issues switching over to bigger oil day one after the initial ukrainian job this was actually poorly conceived due to the low level xp reduction big oil receives but not the end of the world however this time it was election day's turn to drag me down none of these failed attempts were disastrous time losses on their own but they sure added up with even day one giving me issues this time around that was actually lucky to notice that the truck i tagged was the wrong one meters away from the escape yet again the loud heights were going brilliantly and not holding me back at all but stealth was just a little too inconsistent and dictated by rng i had one first time success on ukrainian prisoner heist but it was then that chet told me something that would change the run irrevocably i tested big bank previously using the bus escape to move the loot rapidly and decide the xp reward was not worth the risk of running it especially as i wouldn't be earning a stealth bonus from it but mark mb himself explained that i was receiving reduced experience as i was not picking up the loot before the alarm went off if completed properly i could exceed 3 million experience in well under 10 minutes game changing so i gave it a go attempt one showcased just how fickle this heist can be though getting perfect orange on the computer before being spotted by this guy with eyes on the back of his head yet somehow attempt 2 also went almost perfectly again finding the correct machine almost instantly and actually slipping out in just over seven and a half minutes this was game changing i then completed the second boiling point i need to find myself 4 218 experience short of max level not the end of the world i could just smash out a normal jewelry store in under 30 seconds to in for me in 2 hours 2 minutes and 22 seconds total but this was an immediate sign that big bank had to be the focal point of this run going forwards so back to the drawing board there are a lot of changes i need to make to fit big bang into the run the starting ukrainian job had to stay it was just too good for the initial levels but from there i eventually theorized that i could move directly over to murky station this is a heist that can be completed in under four minutes offers around 800 000 experience in that time and carries a whopping 15 stealth bonus on completion this could then be taken directly into the dreaded big bank to optimize that high earning heist even further after repeating that cycle once over it would simply be a case of reusing the election day and to hold out strategy twice as well and from there according to my calculations if all things went to plan i would only need to complete a single boiling point in order to reach level 100 sounds easy right definitely a streamlined approach but and this is a big but big bank is one of the most infuriating solo stealth heists in the game with each individual outcome being predominantly dictated by rng especially when taken on at speed due to the additional risk we need to take can you tell this got to me a little bit there was definitely a part of me that wished i'd never learned how good big bank could be just by optimizing my initial route i would have been able to reach sub 2 hours which was my overall goal to set a competitive world record on the leaderboards but as much as i tried to wrestle against it big bank was simply so much better on paper i had to roll the dice on it and roll i did again and again bear in mind every time i failed this heist to the point i deemed it run killing i'd have to fight through another one to two hours of hold out gameplay to hit level 100 and have another chance at the speed run here are some of the heartbreaking highlights the bank manager psychically witnessing a murder and slowing me down an hour and a half into this run and then again seeking me out three and a half minutes later you see if the first pc wasn't the correct one and it wasn't downstairs either i'd have to head to the dreaded upstairs office space which is constantly patrolled has some deaths which simply can't be reached without killing someone and is fitted with cameras overlooking it that can't be looped yeah i hate it even after i got lucky enough to start the time lock there were many other things that could easily go wrong ranging from running into lasers if i was unable to find two key cards in time getting shot and instantly down to an ecm rushing the final section or failing to pick up any loot before the alarm went off taking roughly 1 million xp off the table and ruining the calculations for this run occasionally i'd succeed at once only to fail too many times on my second run at it nullifying the run entirely this is one of the reasons i decided to bring it closer to the beginning of the speed run in this example i was coming really close to breaking my earlier record only to be shot and killed at the computer objective as i assumed he'd be going for the arrest instead an upsetting way to waste two hours of my life and this outcome was all too common for reference i failed this heist well over 50 times over the course of recording a speed run most of which when i was forced to attempt to take on the nightmarish upstairs section hell i even took to twitter to vent my frustration to add insult to injury there were times i succeeded in finding the right computer on my very last hack killing half the civilian population in the process only to get caught seconds later playing like an idiot the one time i did clear a run like this i threw away that one million bonus xp by accident so i needed to throw a big oil day one onto the run meaning i didn't even beat my previous record in the end to up consistency i needed a new strategy so here it is the culmination of all my time playing big bank over the last few weeks first up bring a saw and make sure you have berserker and molotovs if at all possible this allows you to enter the security room without wasting one of your ecms just make sure to do the silent sawtech properly because if you mess it up it will be curtains then you're going to want to use the free asset key card to turn off one set of lasers if you're lucky enough to stumble on a second one be sure to grab it but don't get out of your way to search upstairs or kill the bank manager as it's just unnecessary risk this side room is a great place to hide bodies and don't worry too much about healing sieves if needed yes increases the odds of more guards being sent your way but at that point in the heist you'll probably be ecm rushing anyway so it's not a big deal when it comes to finding the right computer i learned that it was possible to somewhat echolocate it in solo just turn your game sound up make sure you've got headphones on and try turning around quickly to see where the noise gets louder or quieter this is easiest to do if you get the security room near the offices but i did find that it was also possible to at least work out which side of the hall it was in from the other locations generally try downstairs first unless you know for certain the sound came from upstairs there are a few computers that are easy enough to get to without being spotted up there but if i was ever uncertain i preferred to take the three minute time loss here and simply restart if it didn't seem easily accessible two hour runs are not fail by cutting a few minutes due to bad rng they failed when you become obsessive and refuse to restart heists are clearly going to waste at least 10 minutes on their own once you're finally through the time lock learn the laser pattern and be patient with it occasionally i manage to zoom my way through but the risk reward on this is terrible also i recommend that you try and stick to the bottom path when reaching the vault there's simply more cover to hide behind now it's just a case of pressing the two buttons a task which can be heavily aided by good rng look out for the cameras here and be careful shooting guards if you have to it is possible to ecm rush from here but i generally don't like risking it especially if you've been unable to turn off both of the lasers once back at the manager's desk though you can hit the go button with the ecm jammer before quickly heading back in and taking out as many guards as possible undetected as they can just as easily end the run by shooting you through your non-existent yakuza protection now just make sure you have the door opening before dropping jammer number two and simply secure the four bags in the bus escape by going loud even on death sentence the cops seemed too slow to actually interrupt you before escaping whilst this was an infinitely more refined strategy it was still no walk in the park and getting two solid rng runs in a row felt a little like winning the lottery even when it did go well there was still chances for me to throw the run later on as we see here when i failed to tag the right truck for the first time on election day losing that run in an instant however if i hadn't found a way through it all you wouldn't be seeing this video so here we go my fully optimized infamy speedrun starting things off with the overkill ukrainian job there's not much to this one just hope you don't run into titan safe so you find the tiara inside the first one you plan to shape charge on possibly taking more damage here from the guards could activate yakuza and speed things up slightly but the run is not going to be won or lost here with all those extra skill points i was able to grab ecm and movement skills in ghost before heading into murky station a heist that i've massively improved on by attempting this run i have to admit i want to start trying different speed runs to assist in my any percent practice and this is a great example of getting comfortable with a heist over repeated repetitions yakuza is immediately important here as mobility is huge in not only speeding up ice but making stealth a little safer i've learned most of the objective spawn points now for murky station and know how to move around the map effectively there's a fair bit of rng to consider with camera and guard pathing as well as emp placement and escape type but nothing compared to what we'll be dealing with on big bang on this run i was lucky enough to find both emp parts within two minutes and after another two had passed down in the basement i also had the thermiting key card necessary man easy run to the preferred boat escape with an ecm jammer going saw me escape in under four and a half minutes definitely on par big bank obviously doesn't need much of a reintroduction i've already walked you through all the many pitfalls and how i strive to avoid them as much as possible but after waiting for a few minutes as i forgot to start my live split timer early on i grabbed jack of all trades for extra body bags and headed in with real apprehension by the way i overcompensated for my split timer so it's eternally a couple of minutes off throughout the run i hope that's not too off-putting anyway it looked like this was not going to be the one after all only 30 seconds in and i'd fired this guard straight at the camera then again 35 seconds after that another guard another camera not my finest work things were starting to look really grim when i messed up on the rhythm of the silent saw trick failing to keep it quiet and restarting for the third time in just two minutes however whilst not the plan once i started to think this was another bust run i started to settle down and not play so erratically that was also lucky enough to find the correct computer on my final downstairs hack this time around starting the time lock in under three minutes from here it's just a waiting game and then on to the vault room not much of instant happened here but i did waste time answering this guard's pager but i'd rather take it slightly easier when there's still a laser to run into in any case one big bang was in the bag a final time of around 13 minutes was not ideal but certainly recoverable murky station 2 went similarly to the first run aided by now having a few more skills to speed things up annoyingly it took me a while to find the right combination of tools to open the emp carriages but that's the kind of randomization i sign up for when starting these multi-high speed runs so i was able to adapt and escape to the less desirable van location in under six minutes here we are big bank number two i was always most nervous for the second run of this one even though i was able to allocate more points to key stealth skills like nimble aced and berserker for my saw speed the pressure was always heavier further into the run yet this time i roll with it not running directly into any guards and picking up the right computer was in the bottom left side of the office from the audio cue some of the best rng i could ask for in the past here is where i'd blow it usually in my excitement at getting relatively lucky but the heisting gods smiled down on me here and let me set up in the office without any close calls after waiting that out and dropping into the vault room you can see how erratically nervous i was from my movement just about holding it together around this patrol but once i'd steadied myself it was simply a case of pushing all the right buttons and then placing down my ecms to basically confirm completion and after that i actually made it out in under eight minutes making this one of the few times i ever cleared big bang without needing a single reset a huge win that just placed even more pressure on the rest of the run election day is the highest i've ended up practicing the most in making this video and i really do feel i've refined the strategy at this point getting good at sporting open crates from afar and optimizing your movement above the guard's eye line really helps with day one and day two is made infinitely easier by learning all potential crowbar and voting machine spawns as well as running the silence or strategy to speed up the process on round one i was really fortunate to spot the election posters in the yellow crate as most of the time an open crate simply means you should ignore it that's a free and easy completion for day one in well under a minute day two was also in the bag or so i assumed after finding six machines i knew i could just drop my ecms and escape brazenly with ease unfortunately this guard managed to spot me as opposed to the machine which caused him to shoot immediately as i broke line of sight by dropping to the floor whilst i was able to kill him all of his mates were just as trigger-happy tearing me up and forcing another restart the time toll was over three and a half minutes not fatal but pretty upsetting given i'd virtually completed the heist already attempt two head pity though throwing more voting machines at me than i knew what to do with letting me escape in under three minutes incredibly fast for solo dsod and a just reward for the reps i'd put into the heist recently the holdouts come next probably the strangest part of a speedrun such as this let's be honest they're not all that difficult especially when you build into sentry skills converts and crits with anarchists the lions were on the db grim were virtually unkillable and incredibly lethal for reference the skeleton of this build is basically my galaxy brain anarchist build from last year found linked in the description for those of you interested however there's seemingly more to hold outs than meets the eye from a speed running perspective in general they're designed to last for 30 minutes give or take a few seconds out of the way yet why is it that i can sometimes clear a holdout in roughly 28. honestly i'm not certain but have a few working theories one is that it's based on the fade length of each wave in other words if you're going down a lot and your hidden drama stat is high the waves will effectively last longer stretching out its duration but the fact that being aggressive and picking up lots of kills seems to have the opposite effect does suggest otherwise another idea is that could be based on hitting kill thresholds but that seems unlikely given the sheer quantity of potential wave spawns i've also wondered if it's specifically about killing the special enemies that spawn but again all i have is anecdotal evidence of that making some sort of difference however i'm almost positive it isn't random as on this elesso holdout i went pretty hard and aggressive with my turrets in the early waves and managed to clear wave 9 in 28 minutes and 23 seconds possibly aided by the fact i didn't go down at all in fact across all of my recorded runs it took me longer to clear the san martin bank hold out than less so so there has to be something tangible going on here if you have a better understanding of how holdout wave timings function let me know as it would be great to consistently shave off as much time as possible in what feels like a rather stagnant part of the run after hitting level 90 from that one i had a complete skill set up for stealth and could blitz election day with my eyes closed this time i had to find all three open crates before moving on but day one was still easy enough day two was a triumphant return after the slip up earlier allowing me to wipe out the warehouse guards to avenge my past self another sub four minute clear moving on to the second holdout which isn't really worth dwelling on in truth i should probably just double down on the alesso holdouts but something in me needs variety so san martin it is pretty sure i've got the turret placements down to a science at this point although i did forget about the sniper coverage and got myself bopped for no particular reason not great if the drama theory is true the most noteworthy event was this guy reviving the spirit of the demoman run and flinging himself magically into the air upon death this was a fast sloppy holdout performance overall i went down a few times which can't have helped ending the heist in 29 minutes 58 seconds anything under 30 minutes is fast enough but i'm sure there's a consistent way to save time here and really want to work out what it is that leaves us with just a death sentence boiling point to complete your mileage on this one will vary depending on where objectives spawn but if possible you should get the aaa gun hat going as early as possible and keep it defended as that's the initial time limiting factor once inside the compound you just need to defend the bomb effectively and likewise with the test subject scan try to keep the power on but watch the chair more actively as the ais seem to prioritize it over the power switch here it's also important to learn the key card and briefcase spawns to speed up escape after scanning just a single patient the escape also feels quite inconsistent and different cop and sniper spawns can slow you down more than others but just try to stay on your feet above all else as going down is generally slower than cautiously taking out the snipers first i switch my build away from centuries to more of a classic anarchist setup with berserker unseen strike body expertise and medic bags for survivability in order to take this on within this run i was able to initiate a hack without it getting interrupted and pushed my way to the emp easily enough before dropping into the lab to start the scanning process i did go down here which was actually perfect activating my berserker in the case of a turret spawner importantly i've learned all objective spawn points here so i had found the briefcase and keycard without needing to abandon the chair for long meaning it was only interrupted the once across the scan's duration the final challenge here is to escape with the many scripted dozer and sniper spawns standing in my way but with the damage and accuracy of the lions raw at my fingertips this wasn't going to be as hard as you might expect but i did get taken down just one more time but this is exactly why i pack the meds finally reaching the plane in nine minutes 59 seconds down with that 1.6 million experiences more than enough to hit level 100 from here and finish the infamy run live split tells you 1 hour 54 minutes and 19 seconds but that was done pretty loosely so the final recorded time including those unfortunate failures is one hour 52 minutes and 42 seconds a new world record and i believe a fairly competitive time for the solo restricted infamy category what's funny about this is whilst it was my cleanest in terms of heist failures i've beaten almost every heist on this list faster in past runs meaning this was more of a case of slow and steady winning the race than i realized whilst i'm really proud of this time i do know a fair bit can still be saved in future runs five minutes 43 seconds was wasted by direct heist failure i'd hope to be able to shave about three minutes off my longer big bank run two minutes off the second murky station two minutes off the san martin hold out assuming there's a strategy to do so and probably one off boiling point i think in total about 14 minutes could be saved with superior rng and optimization meaning a sub 1 hour 40 minute run is on the cards if you have the luck and patience to try this out for yourself i'm hoping this becomes an incredibly active speed running leaderboard in the not too distant future in terms of how useful the speedrun is for regular play it should certainly help to refine the routes you guys farm for solo infamilies however whilst the ceiling is lower for it i'd recommend you copy the routine from my 2 hour 2 minute run if speed is your greatest concern as big bank's inconsistency will probably slow you down on average due to how frequently you'll need to restart for better rng i think if you worked on it you could get that heist order down to roughly 1 hour 55 minutes which is plenty fast enough for solo grinding in my opinion admittedly you're not limited to playing heist twice per infamy whilst grinding so maybe you'd rather throw in some extra election days and hold outs but for variety i do think i prefer this method of leveling personally i've gone from the late 40s to mid 70s in a matter of days so this really does work all that said thank you so much for watching the speedrun video let me know if you want to see more strange runs in the future and as ever be sure to check out apex gaming pcs i've been in partnership with these guys for the best part of a year and i'm really proud of the line of payday player machines we've cooked up check them out from the description below take care guys i'll see you all very soon a huge thank you to my dedicated patreon backers if you want to join this crew in going infamous check out the link below and pledge as little as two dollars to see your name in the credits or get 24 hour early access to future videos and vote on upcoming content take care i'll see you all soon [Music]
Channel: TheKknowley
Views: 633,024
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: video, games, Walkthrough, Kknowley, Complete, 100%, AllQuests, Payday, Payday 2, Infamy, Speedrun, Challenge run
Id: Xpxy3yQBIOY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 3sec (1623 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 28 2022
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