Can You Beat Minecraft in an Amethyst ONLY World?

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on the brand new 1.17 update minecraft released a brand new block it's beautiful and shiny and it would be the perfect thing to put on a necklace and that is the moss block nah i'm just playing it's the amethyst block and in this video i'll be trying to beat minecraft in amethyst only world that means the overworld nether and the end is all amethyst blocks this was a pretty difficult challenge so please subscribe if you guys are new and let's get started i cannot even mine a single block with my fist everything is amethyst i'm gonna be saying amethyst a lot this video and the thing is i don't know if i say it correctly oh grass grass grass give me some seeds nice um yeah there's no food anywhere i just see purple and there's no wood this this is kind of uh depressing i mean at least it sounds nice right maybe i'm tripping i'm going crazy oh cow never mind there is food oh yes give me your meat buddy give me that juicy meat oh yeah i got some beef looks like we're not starving anyways but we need to find some food food i just got food i am actually going crazy but the only way i can find wood is from a mine shaft or maybe a sunken ship maybe there's some wood over there so let's take a look in the ocean i see a lot of dolphins and i see a lot of purple things i spy with my little eye amethyst block can you guys find it oh i'm going crazy already oh i should do a leaf only world yeah i do not see any sunken ships anywhere i have no idea how i'm gonna get into a cave i'm gonna have to find one somewhere unless i just my fist all the way down until i hit a cave that would actually be dedication not gonna lie though the world is pretty beautiful like this a beautiful noise it looks so peaceful it feels like i'm like this is what heaven would be like this is probably what it would sound like and look like it's so peaceful and majestic sounding as i talk about heaven i'm killing animals i'm such a bad person ooh some more grass oh green off the cliff you go all right i need to find a cave somewhere i need to find an opening what is that over there what is that orange thing is that a pumpkin no way oh i see some dandelions over there too is that moss blocks up there it looks like it it's green let's go check it out oh wait i thought that was green that is that is so far from green that is that is a cold ore literally nothing green in there there i didn't get my eyes checked i might be colorblind to be honest all right i got a pumpkin guys i'm not sure what i'm gonna do with this oh there's a lot of pumpkins i don't know why i'm so excited to see pumpkins it has no value to my life i have to find a cave somewhere oh oh oh we found a cave nice okay we're in oh there's a oh let's go we found a cave look at how beautiful this is everything just amethyst i love it oh there's a ravine and two skeletons yeah back away there there's a zombie i'll just punch him to death yeah how you like that huh can't even touch me how you like that and a dead end nice all right maybe the ravine has a mine shaft somewhere yeah this is probably the smallest ravine i've ever seen this thing is puny let's jump over there ready into a creeper oh creepers oh my god there's three there was three oh i got some building blocks now i got some amethyst holy cow i got 32 blocks oh i did get iron though nice that creeper blew me up some iron oh wait there's no cobblestone anywhere how much does it make a furnace oh oh i'm dead i'm dead i'm dead i'm dead i'm dead i'm so dead no go go i'm dead i'm dead go go go go go go go go go oh you guys saw nothing i did not die right there all right let's restart quickly get some food oh i found wolf i've only had some bones i'll have a best friend with me hey buddy my buddy i haven't found a cave yet but you know what i found a goat way more important than finding a cave in wood right all right falling right into a cave hopefully it leads into like a mine shaft or something ooh a vine how special oh man i'm kind of going crazy with all of these amethyst block okay left right or middle oh man this is a hard choice i guess middle oh nice it's just a circle there's a lot of ores over here that cannot get and there's a dead end nice okay maybe left is the way to go okay let's get this creeper to blow up here let's grab some extra blocks to build with pity pretty big brain if you guys ask me 36 blocks geez all right oh this is going pretty deep i might run into some diamonds okay i hear some lava what is that oh no wait yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes i've never been so happy to see wood wow my eyes are like that looks green to me in my eyes i've been looking at purple so much the wood looks green does it look green for you guys too what the heck okay finally we found a mine shaft let's go all right we got wood now boys we're making some progress so let's grab all these planks here let's make a crafting table and let's finally make some sticks and an axe actually yeah an axe oh yes it feels so nice having tools i have evolved from a monkey into a human i can make tools now i'm no longer monkey but let's try to get a lot of wood so i can have a huge stockpile of it oh you know how we can get cobblestone to make a furnace we could get lava and then put it on top of water get stoned and mine the stone oh wait i can't make a bucket without a furnace oh man life is a struggle right now but now that i have a whole bunch of wood let's grab some materials and i can't even mine iron i don't have stone oh my lord what can i do can i mine coal nice what am i gonna do with coal eat it oh man i'm actually poor i might as well go live in the street i probably belong there anyways this is this is gonna be a tough challenge i can't even find the basic block of cobblestone how am i supposed to find cobblestone guys i actually have no idea how i'm going to find cobblestone at least i can mine the amethyst blocks now is there cobblestone here oh there's obsidian i can't even make a bucket i need to find a chest in this mine shaft and hopefully there's three iron pieces so i can make a bucket that might be my only hope of getting some stone way oh my wood axe broke that fast what is this what is this a block is this tough what is tough what what block is this i know i'm tough i'm not sure what this block is what could you do with this lit nothing you can't do anything of this oh man got me all excited for no reason this this might be a pushing it but i might as well try right oh man all right all right might as well try i'm at the stacks yeah not today oh there's a chest right here it's hot it under this water all right please have some iron in it come on please please everybody pray right now everybody pray in the comments let's pray for some iron ingots oh yes four iron ingots a golden apple oh this is loaded some glow berries that is actually perfect what should we make a iron pickaxe or a bucket to try this method of trying to get some stone i think i'm gonna have to go with the bucket let's let's hope it works i really all need to do is put lava right over water and it should make stone and that way i can mine the oh my god there's diamonds right there huh hello okay there's diamonds right there whoa what is this genera there's chains right here what is this the new update hello why is there chains in the cave okay go away i'm trying to film a video here i'm trying to break out of the stone age and make stone if this doesn't work i'm gonna look like an idiot cause i instead of making an iron pickaxe or a shield i made an iron bucket on the name of science let's grab a bucket of lava and let's go find some water please please please it has to be water somewhere all right i found some water please work i'm actually praying pray again in the comments guys okay let's place lava down please please yes okay it doesn't turn to amethyst yes let's go we got stone guys we got a source of stone yes oh i had lava i can always get lava again let's make a quick stone generator so let's grab some water let's run back to that lava somewhere i forgot where it was i think it was over here somewhere let's dead in out it was somewhere here oh there's a lot of enemies okay here oh my god there's so many zombies go away okay let's make a little cobblestone generator i feel like i'm playing skyblock right now this is so weird i'm making a cobblestone generator in vanilla minecraft i mean there's not really vanilla look around me it's all amethyst this ain't vanilla vanilla vanilla all right put water here we got cobblestone boys we are out of the stone age i will not really out i guess we just got into the stone age but we're making progress let's go let's make a little thing to protect myself and let's uh let's get mining here let's go oh yes the sound of production this is actually really slow yeah i don't need a lot of cobblestone though i don't need a lot all i need is a furnace and a simple stone axe what am i saying all i need is a furnace and a simple stone pickaxe and that should be set so let's make a cobblestone let's make a furnace here put it right there i have nothing to smell so let's make a stone pickaxe oh yes we're getting somewhere we're getting somewhere i can almost get these diamonds the first things first let's get some iron honestly i don't know there's a stronghold in this amethyst only world i have no idea i didn't test it so if i play all the way until i cannot find a stronghold i'm gonna be kind of mad because i'll be wasting all of my time so there better be a stronghold somewhere i guess that's the mystery we're gonna have to solve is there a stronghold in the amethyst only world all right i got 43 pieces of iron as you can see i was pretty uh iron deprived i'm not sure if that's even a word but now it is iron deprived oh yeah iron deficiency you know when you guys stand up too fast and you guys like feel dizzy and better pass out iron deficiency you learn something new every day anyways let's throw this tough away cuz that thing kind of pissed me off now let's keep mining some cobblestone so i can make some more furnaces so i can smelt up my food because i'm starving you guys know me i'm the cookie god and i always need to eat but if you guys want to see me try to beat minecraft in the leaf only world let's try to get 50 000 likes on this video if we get 50 000 likes i will do a can you beat minecraft in the leaf only world and if you guys are cookie fans you guys know that i love my leaves 50 000 likes guys let's see if we can do it i don't think the cookie army can so uh if you guys prove me wrong that'd be pretty insane but let's make another furnace here that should make a lot let's make three bam and let's place them all here and let's smelt up my food yummy yummy let's grab the iron oh yes oh yes oh yeah oh are you serious there's only one diamond bruh bruh are you kidding me one diamond all that well that was kind of anticlimactic oh look at me i have a diamond wait i can't even use a shovel everything is i'm a disappointment in life let's just forget that happened and let's continue uh let's just continue living life you know there's more important things than life to worry about than a diamond shovel and embarrassing yourself online on the internet and just being made fun of in the comments and that guy is a bigger disappointed than me he just jumped into lava yeah i'm not sure what's going on right now i'm so confused is no one gonna question why that skeleton just jumped into the lava now i finally have some food to eat and i almost have enough for a full set of iron armor while i'll do that though i'm gonna go searching around for some more diamonds because i kind of missed my diamond shovel it meant a lot to me all right so i'm gonna go find another one ooh another chest what's in here maybe some more diamonds ooh respiration three that is not helpful the more coal and everything else is kind of useless another chest oh another golden apple lapis some bread i'll take it still no signs of diamonds yet though oh the second i say that let's say oh my god the second i say that holy cow that actually got my heart racing for some reason okay let's grab these diamonds okay i was gonna say hopefully it's more than one i don't know why i said hopefully there's more than one i can literally see two diamonds okay i'm tripping right now i got three diamonds though oh what the i just ran oh oh no oh no this is not good this is not good i ran into a skeleton spawner but i did not make any armor or a shield my brain is negative one iq now i'm ready for battle what's the boy oh my god he's fast what's the boy his brother came in oh he's dead oh my god the whole army oh yeah fight each other fight each other oh yes i'm gonna break oh there's so many i'm gonna break this shoot each other oh my god that got feet i mean of course they got feet but i understand he moves fast huh [Music] there better be something good in these chests oh diamond horse armor that is not that good got some string oh another golden apple i've been getting so many golden apples all right not too bad there's a lot of errors everywhere i went through war ooh another another chest minecart thing oh yeah shoot the skeleton for me whoa since when do zombies fight back skeletons i've never seen this what the heck yeah we just learned that zombies are stronger than skeletons i never knew moss fight back and nothing oh i found some more diamonds nice nice i'll take it anymore oh yes yes i love me diamonds i got seven diamonds now all right let's run back to my furnace if i can even find where it is i think i lost it i'm stuck in this maze 360. oh is it right here oh nice all right perfect now let's hop back in here bam bam bam oh there's a creeper right outside that's not good oh he's burning hello are mobs good today they're just they just want to burn in the lava that is so weird all right but anyways i have a lot of iron so let's make a full set of iron armor bam let's go our armor now let's make a diamond pickaxe and a diamond look they're just duplicate oh never mind i have seven diamonds i thought i just duplicated a diamond holy i am too tired today all right but so far so good we got iron armor some diamond tools and a shield not too shabby all right but let's move out of here i don't think i need anything else oh actually i need some gold to trade with some piglets in order to get some ender pearls there's some right there all right let's grab some gold oh my god a baby zombie come on nowhere oh there's gold right there see that i am actually a pro i'm a pro mine i'm a pro minecrafter oh yeah i got my grills my shiny grills i feel like a rapper now oh yeah some more gold and there's only two pieces my luck is absolutely high astronomical english is hard brother oh my god are there so many creepers just show up everywhere jeez they actually pop out of thin air gold gold gold gold more gold oh there's the enderman over there i can get his balls oh this is zombie two i'm getting ganked right now oh my god we're getting gang by zombies i didn't even get the balls i'm out of here man what is this luck they just drop out of nowhere let's get out of here why is this so hard finding gold guys i cannot find any oh the second i talk about something gold pops up but like i did not find anything for like 20 minutes that is a dry spot for oh what is this oh this is deep slate right oh it's so nice hold up is this amethyst cluster wow how special amethyst blocks no way i've always wanted to see this i'm so stupid all right i ended up getting 31 pieces of raw gold which isn't a lot but i'm just going to focus my time on getting gold in the nether so let's smell this up here it feels like i'm rapping right now i feel like i'm talking so fast today let's smell all this up here and let's try to get a nether portal going oh i probably should have done this right by lava huh all right i ended up running back into my old lava pool where i set up my little cobblestone generator so let's set up a nether portal right here i don't really know how to do this to be honest i do not remember i think he placed a water source here and i think one here it's up like this i think and like that bam water right there please yeah i think that's how you do it and you just spam it like that nice you see that speed i'm basically dreaming now oh money flint oh my god i forgot about flint oh no oh no where am i supposed to get flint guys oh this is not good this is not good where did they get flint oh boy is that flint that is not flint okay maybe i can get flint from the chests or something i don't know maybe there's an abandoned nether portal i can find nope already been in this chest all right i'm not sure if flint ever spawns inside chest so i think i'm gonna go have to explore around and try to find an abandoned nether portal somewhere i think that is my only hope so let's mine all the way back up to the surface and try to find an abandoned nether portal and hopefully there's a chest that has some flint or some flint and steel or something to light up this portal honestly yeah wait before we go i should probably mine some obsidian to make another portal because the portal might not even be finishable if i go find one oh my god actual monkey at least he dropped the bow i almost fell in there i would have burnt alive it would have been a burnt cookie i'm gonna taste it good but all right i got six pieces of obsidian that should be good go away yeah how do you like that now all right let's get up to the surface oh yeah sunlight baby and even more amethyst blocks it does not get old at all i'm lying oh there is a pillager here though that's not a pillager that's a wedding trader is there anything you can trade with nothing useless all right let's go on the hunt for a abandoned nether fortress fortress what am i talking about about another portal oh my god look at that fox this guy's zooming oh another one oh my god i thought that squid was abandoned nether portal oh oh my god everything's just popping up everywhere man why why did i just talk like that but oh there's one right there it's literally sitting on an island waiting for me oh my god i'm again is this real life guys everything i talk about it just shows up in front of me today girls girls girls girls oh man is that finishable that looks pretty finishable oh today my luck is insane it must be the amethyst blocks it's because we're in heaven right now oh it is finishable please have flint oh my god we're chilling there's even a flynn still waiting for me nice and silk touch not sure we're gonna do with that but that's a pretty good enchantment all right let's light this portal up oh i made it a little too big oh who cares and bam into the nether i made a three by three portal all right i'm in i'm not in a wasteland delta forest biome thing and even then how did i miss that punch i need a bow come here yeah all right even the nether is amethyst blocks this looks so weird and cursed i do not like it hey at least it's really easy to spot out some gold now like right there you spotted us so easy but anyways let's make some gold oh i still need to smelt this all right let's smell this really quickly i was gonna say i need some gold boots all right sauce melted up some booties now let's go find myself another fortress and i also have terrible luck finding these things it takes me literally hours so hopefully i just run into one oh yeah i finally found one i took a little bit wasn't too bad so is mine down here oh i just realized good thing the nether fortress doesn't turn into amethyst as well because it would be hidden so well there would be no chance i would find one if it was all amethyst ah this is mine down here hello buddy let's go we're in the fortress oh my god okay a lot of skeletons in here oh my god oh there's so many skeletons all right no rod yeah if the nether fortress turned into amethyst blocks as well that would be a challenge there'll be no way i'll be finding this thing oh they camouflage so well oh there's three there's three oh my god i do not like you guys there's another blaze right here oh yeah i've got my first blaze rod nice i'm loki running out of food pretty quickly too so this isn't that good oh jump over here got two oh my god that magma cube is big oh my god go away oh my god this is not good i'm low i'm low i'm low low i'm gonna i'm nervous okay a little nervous right there i'm low-key running out of food but there is a blade spawner right in front of me which is good but i'm gonna kill this guy really quickly knock this guy off out coming for you and no rod oh man there's a lot of with this gun over there block them off here and let's go over here yeah i got one more come on some gold in the meantime because it's taking a while for them to spawn and back to battle only one are you kidding me oh i didn't get one i need to make another shield because this one's going to break soon there we go let's make another shield and let's just throw this one away this is pretty much damaged and broken already oh my god oh my god golden apple i guess came out of nowhere oh i got seven oh my god why there's so many oh my god they're everywhere go go go go go oh my god [Music] oh my god i am scared i only have one golden apple and one pork chop left man can i eat gold or something i'm gonna i'm gonna get hungry soon don't be scared all right let's go let's go make a run for it go go go go go oh my god all right let's go find some piglets to trade it with to try to get some ender pearls oh my god like it almost sniped me over there oh there's one piglet over there let's grab some gold while we're at it because i'm not sure if i'm gonna be able to get 12 ender pearls that is a lot all right let's turn all these gold nuggets into gold ingots here bam at 47. that is not a lot alright there's a lot of piglets over here so let's try to trap them get inside boys i know you guys smell the gold yeah fall into my trap yeah oh my god there's a whole family over here come here buddies you gotta layer them into the trap slowly and throw all my gold in there now we just play the waiting game all right and there we go i got 12 ender pearls now i gotta find my way home i am kind of lost i have no idea where i am oh yeah the nether fortress is right there so i definitely came from that direction area you do not you don't see you don't see me you don't see me you don't see me you don't see me you don't see me you don't see me i'm not here i'm not here i'm not here go go go go go go oh my god go go go go guys i think i'm gonna jump i'm not feeling too well and i kind of want to restart this game i'm just kidding i fire resistance imagine i have no idea how to get out though so if this fire resistance ends i might be dead okay now i'm gonna get all right here all right i'm finally back in the overworld and i need some food and look me here look me here what does that even mean look at looking here there is literally a grocery store right here it's even hoarse to me life is good guys so let's take my flint and steal and light these bad boys up and make some cooked bacon i'll let you live i'll let you live psych popeyes chicken kfc okay i hit those chickens techno blade all right that should be enough food i think 15 cooked pork chops psych this guy's immune to fire hello burn there we go roast beef there's not beef stop running buddy all right i should have enough food now to feed myself for like three minutes but let's turn these into blaze powder and make some eye of ender i'm ready to go all right let's eat my first eye of ender and it's that way which way that way please don't pop nice all right let's go adventure time with cookie i'm tired all right let's throw another one oh what ran past it already i only ran for like 500 blocks nice i'm getting so lucky this video it must be the amethyst man i must be in heaven oh don't die don't die oh that is too risky okay i just ran past it you think i can breathe a bridge with amateus blocks guys you guys think i can briefly visit with amethyst blocks i haven't briefly bridged in a while let's try it ready let's i'm just a pro at minecraft i'm actually pro all right but let's get on top of this twee let's throw an ender pearl oh i just ran past it again brother don't pop don't pop don't pop okay please thank god all right it's somewhere here all right let's eat one more and hello i ran past it again i'm running merry-go-rounds right now whoa there's a village right here and there's actual blocks huh there's cobblestone and cobblestone stairs whoa there's wood there's wood i found a glitch oh there's beds here too thank you very much wait this is a village oh there there's the other houses i was like was only two homes nice oh my god there's diamonds bro there's literally wood here maybe a lie this isn't an amithas only world oh a lot of food though i'll take it and steal some beds hello guys oh my look there's two babies right here i'm just trapping them i'm so cruel i'm gonna steal some beds though it's gonna be a lot easier to kill the dragon with these i don't even know how to use beds to kill the dragon to be honest but let's ju let's just try you know give me that i'm sorry wake up okay let's throw one more eye of ender oh my god i ran past it again i might just have to dig down here we go where am i undergoing they lose it oh right there okay it has to be like i should just my straight down to be honest this is taking too long oh my god there's a lot of mobs let's go to bed here right here right here oh yeah sleep sleep i'm sleeping right in front of a zombie quick quick quick quick quick oh stupid zombie okay die yeah i standing through one and it popped okay it's over here somewhere hello endermen okay hopefully there's a i have ender inside the portal i cannot seem to find it let's throw one more okay it's right down there okay mine down mine now go go go lock myself in okay nice all right that's my straight down i don't care anymore if i die okay nevermind i'm kind of scared i will not my straight down don't learn from me kids i'm a bad example oh i think i found it stone brick yep i'm in oh the stronghold isn't amethyst nice oh my god my eyes feel so wonky because i'm looking at stone brick i'm so used to seeing purple you guys know when you come home after being outside for so ooh i uh enterpro you guys know the feeling when you guys come home after being outside for hours and like your eyes turn yellow or it's like super bright inside it's like that feeling i haven't had that feeling since like elementary too i kind of missed it to be honest those are the good days you guys remember in elementary just living life good life was so easy nothing to worry about now i gotta worry about creepers blowing up like life is too hard ooh another diamond oh my god i find diamonds everywhere all right but hopefully the enem portal has at least the one i have ender in it because i only have 11. oh wait i was just here hello oh i wasn't trying to trap him oh so many creepers i am lost all right this is going pretty oh there it is okay nice is that anything here more diamonds hello why am i finding so many diamonds what the heck found so many diamonds this episode oh my god there's three in here too there's three i have ender in here what is going on this is a weird video this is so weird let's put a crafting table down and let's make a bow and let's make a quick bow oh that's not string that's a bed make a bow bam and i do have a lot of beds i can use i do have some wool so let's make two more beds here because you know why not i have i have five beds in total without six beds in total i'm chilling and i have so many diamonds and i don't really what i can't really make any good armor with this other than a helmet so whatever let's just make a helmet and bam and you guys know i have to make a diamond shovel for what i have no idea it's just a diamond shuffle and let's also set my spawn point right here just in case i die and it's not night time or whatever i probably won't die so let's light up this portal here i have three eyes of entering here which is pretty insane let's light it up bam i have one extra one let's just throw that into the fire and i'm ready to go boys let's go kill the ender dragon is the end amethyst 2 it is holy cow okay everything is amethyst this is so weird hopefully the pillars aren't amethyst too because the dragon is going to destroy the pillars hey we're out of here and oh my god it's so majestic in here everything is purple i love it it looks so much better oh this one's really short one let's grab this one really quick bam and oh the bedrock is still bedrock and ah what do you what did i do i didn't even look at you yet i did not look at you oh my god i do not like enderman oh my camera see the crystals are so dark in here let's break all the crystals ow wait can i just use these beds to kill it let me try one there oh that did not do a lot of damage i did not do that right i think let's get this one in the cage if i can aim oh my god hello how many errors does it take finally that took like 10 arrows i swear do not look at any enderman oh oh my god i'm gonna die jeez that is not scary at all i'm a man okay let's build up here i'm having some trouble getting all these crystals right now i cannot see let's build up here now let's shoot all these crystals bam oh that scared me it's so dark the end blocks actually helped so much to see in the end okay let's grab these remaining crystals bam bam bam and i think that is all oh that one over there oh that was taken all right all of them are taken down let's just go over here wait till he perches i'm out of blocks i only have oak planks left oh he's coming he's perching i'm hitting some arrows first do some damage okay let's end a pearl down there where is that is this head okay this head a couple of times oh my god that has drop kicked me into the pillar okay how do we use these beds correctly i have no idea to be honest okay i think you put bats here a bed there a bed here and a bed here okay maybe that'll work i have no idea i'ma wait till he purchase [Music] i have no pants on yeah he's perching i have no idea what to do with these beds but oh okay okay no no it's not the time but not the time please please please please stop stop stop stop i'm gonna die let me just go to an apple oh my god actual monkey okay let's right click this ow oh my god i'm low uh i'm gonna heal up a little bit okay let's right click this one put it half hearts let's go down here look at his head i cannot see his head this is it oh there it is oh i'm dead i'm dead i'm one heart one heart one heart go go go go go go i'm scared mommy do not come for me you do not see me you cannot smell me go away go away go away go away oh okay i don't think i did those bad tricks right at all did you get a kill of dragon with like three beds i did not do that correctly okay he's down again that's pretty quick there's a lot of enemies running around right here where's his head right here okay oh my god this guy's upset today he does not want to be bothered today he's almost dead this dragon breast is so smelly i can't breathe i can't even see the dragon right now i'm not sure if my eyes are just closed or squinty or something but i cannot see him it's so dark in the end right now i only have five arrows left hello i shot a whole stack that's how many errors i missed oh that's embarrassing okay he's coming down does not miss any more arrows okay that's all my arrows okay i could kill him right here come here daddy what just says there it is oh say goodbye baby give me your egg oh yeah free the end or free the amethyst world let's go he's even purple he matches with the amethyst let's go reign your guts onto the floor nice all right thank you guys so much for watching oh oh there's some end stone right here oh i guess this isn't only amethyst only world there is some end stone it's actually so nice seeing some end stone anyways thank you guys so much for watching please subscribe if you guys are new like the video and go get yourself some cookie merch and send me some photos of you wearing them on twitter and instagram but anyways thank you guys so much and i'll see you guys later
Channel: aCookieGod
Views: 2,959,949
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, minecraft challenge, beating minecraft, minecraft 1.17, minecraft caves and cliffs, beating minecraft on the new 1.17 update, acookiegod, a cookie god, can you beat minecraft in an amethyst only world, can you beat minecraft in a world thats only amethyst blocks, can you beat minecraft in an amethyst block only world, minecraft but every block is amethyst, minecraft but the world is only amethyst blocks, amethyst only world, amethyst block only world, acookiegod challenge
Id: 8bRDXJHS8dc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 22sec (1702 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 19 2021
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