Can You Beat Fallout 3 With Only A BB Gun?

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the first weapon you get in fallout 3 is the bb gun and very quickly you discover how useless it is even a rad roach the weakest and most pathetic of all the enemies in fallout 3 may take two or more shots to kill early on most people rely on the 10 millimeter pistol ahmada gives you when you wake up but what if all you had was that bb gun can you beat fallout 3 with only a bb gun every mother knows that your skills in fallout 3 are affected by the points you put into your special stats because we'll be relying on the worst weapon at our disposal agility is the primary stat to focus on for skills we go with small guns obviously medicine and speech i got the 10 millimeter pistol from armada so i could sell it later then picked up my bb gun and bbs from the table and my adventure begins out into the wasteland my first stop was megaton to sell all the weapons and armor i didn't need and to buy every stim pack i could find after all with such a [ __ ] gun i'm gonna be taking a lot of damage unfortunately moira doesn't sell bbs she doesn't yet understand how much she just [ __ ] up in an attempt to make her pay for her misdeeds i spent a considerable amount of time trying to kill her i was hoping i'd be able to kill her with a single shot but even when hidden it's just not possible at least not at my level i left and was on my way to smith casey's garage because i only had 41 bbs i avoided as many enemies as i could then i foolishly fought a bloat fly and was down to 32 bbs i couldn't remember exactly where the garage was located but 10 penny tower loomed over the horizon so i stopped in for a visit i bought a few more stim packs i passed a few skill checks i had a talk with alistair 10 penny while he aimed a sniper rifle on my god damn chest and i knew what i had to do next unfortunately i did not have the explosive skill required i needed to level up and what better way to do that than by killing the ghouls pestering the 10 penny residents that did not go very well no it did not go very well at all rather than wasting all 26 of my remaining bbs i ran for my life and got out of there i still had not yet leveled up again so i decided to just carry on with the main quest by this point dr braun is more of a nuisance than an actual challenge as is tradition i leave him trapped in tranquility lane forever not even stopping to say hello to the man before leaving dad was finally freed and explained the plan rivet city but that's really far away and moira brown isn't even dead yet see you dad i've got a [ __ ] to kill i had finally leveled up again and was able to raise my explosive skill up to 25 and attach a bomb to old nukey in megaton then i returned to tenbetty tower to let burke know that the show was ready to begin i hit the switch watched the explosion got paid hit the bb mother lode with chief gustavo and realized that my work had not yet been finished moira isn't dead yet the fear in her eyes when i told her she was going to die was palpable you could almost taste it party's over kids now we march towards rivet city after i told ant boy to piss off and die i once again encountered the curse of grandma sparkle i killed her looted her shack and my game crashed the next time around i ransacked her ass and then killed her was it talking about her shack or her old wrinkle flapjacks you'd be the judge i picked off a few raiders from a distance discovered the citadel then the jefferson memorial and finally arrived at rivet city a place known throughout the entire wasteland as the premier source of bbs this shrapnel character had 200 bbs on him what a weirdo who just carries around 200 bbs after speaking to daddy i took my 300 bbs and was off to clear out the jefferson memorial and oh boy what a [ __ ] show this was if you happen to get lucky with your shots it might only take you 15 shots to kill a super mutant what i could do is cut together a tasteful montage paired with some sort of royalty-free fortunate sun type song i'm not gonna do that instead i'm gonna let you see the entire fight between myself and a supermutant i had to clear out all the super mutants so this happened a lot i saved the sexiest uh most attractive super moon for last the super mutant brute in the rotunda i started the fight with 169 bbs and when the mutant's body hit the floor i was down to 139 something i had not yet considered was weapon condition because let's be honest who the [ __ ] ever in the history of fallout 3 used a bb gun enough to the point that it almost breaks there were a few more mutants outside but father and some scientists had arrived so i left them to deal with the mutant i got the basement stuff taken care of and returned to watch poppy die and then something magical happened i foolishly assumed that dr madison lee was not an idiot she's a scientist scientists can't be stupid that's one of the commandments it's right after the one about not yelling at llamas madison lee is an idiot though as the enclave raided the jefferson memorial i fled straight for the escape tunnel i thought maddie would be right behind me she was not she was too busy being unconscious upstairs which meant i had to kill several enclave soldiers with the bb gun not easy or fun we eventually made it to the citadel where the quartermaster was rude to me when i asked about bbs rothschild wasn't as rude seeing as he gave me the location of vault 87 when i got in vault 87 after the disaster that was the jefferson memorial i decided to just avoid all the super mutants well not really a void more like just ignore my boy fox was more than enough to handle those slimy [ __ ] and then fox died which meant it would be up to me to get the geck luckily believe it or not i had planned for this by buying a radiation suit the bad news was that i only had a few doses of red x and right away things got real hairy real quick but i did retrieve the geck all that was left was to run past a dozen super mutants with rifles and into the loving arms of the enclave my strategy of ignoring all enemies worked out much better at raven rock than it did in vault 87 or with those ghouls back at the citadel the quartermaster still didn't have any bbs but it didn't matter we've got a giant robot the 15 minutes of madness were as expected maddening not challenging just boring especially when liberty prime decides to stand there and do nothing inside the memorial i avoided the enclave real good and entered the rotunda central lions decided not to join me so i had to kill colonel autumn and two enclave soldiers by myself with a baby gun autumn was surprisingly easy to kill the power armor clad soldiers were not by the time i was the only one left alive i had used every healing item at my disposal we're not out of the woods yet though see central lions was too busy giving hand jobs to the enemy to come and help me madison lee won't alert you about the radiation if lions isn't there and the doors are locked behind you so i couldn't go out there and get her i was [ __ ] that is until i restarted the game lions had arrived and we could finally end this god damn nightmare there's just one last little detail i was practically glowing with radiation after vault 87 i wouldn't last three seconds in the chamber i nearly killed over inserting the virus into the purifier so like the true hero i am i sacrificed central lions dooming her to a painful death from acute radiation syndrome my only wish was that moira was there with me so i could send her in there instead and with that i've beaten fallout 3 with only a bb gun if you enjoyed the video or learned anything leave a like leave a dislike if you didn't enjoy the video or didn't learn anything follow me on twitter at mitten squad my name is paul of mitten squad have a wonderful day [ __ ] you moira
Channel: Mitten Squad
Views: 2,795,415
Rating: 4.8929939 out of 5
Keywords: can you beat fallout 3 with only a bb gun, fallout 3 bb gun, fallout 3 bb gun only, fallout 3 bb gun build, fallout 3 bb gun only run, fallout 3 bb gun only challenge, fallout 3 bb gun challenge, fallout 3 bb gun only playthrough, fallout bb gun challenge, fallout bb gun only, fallout bb gun only run, fallout bb gun only playthrough, fallout bb gun only challenge, can you beat, can you beat fallout, iammitten, mitten squad, mittensquad, fallout 3, fallout 3 challenges, moria
Id: da65kxUT-NI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 17sec (497 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 14 2019
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