Beating Elden Ring with Only ARCHERY (in First Person)

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I have been eyeing to do an archery only run for quite a while now but I wanted to put a bit more of a unique Twist on it as well so I somehow managed to turn this run into a double challenge by downloading the first person mode for L learning as well essentially turning the game into a goddamn first person shooter but since you are only using bows you will not be doing any damage Miyazaki why did you make bows this bad in this game the rules for the Run are gonna be the following I can only use light posts bows and great bows to do damage to enemies magic Buffs are gonna be allowed because both damage sucks no Spirit summoning obviously and finally bosses have to be fought in first person I will be switching from first person to third person a bit because the mode does have that function that's just so that platforming and running around is going to be a bit more easier on the eyes and now in the immortal words of Arnold Schwarzenegger it's showtime we're going to start off with the samurai boys I'm my lord of the links fan so Legolas is a no-brainer for me and we are ready boys this is the first person mod for element it's actually really neat how shall we do this like I want to get a couple of things like I want to get the great bow at the beginning of the game that's the first thing that I want to get we need the crafting kit as well and we need a room we need runes like there is no tomorrow I need crafting kits and let's buy some arrows because honestly we are probably gonna need that let's grab our horse and let's go to the knights Cavalry boys if we're gonna kill the knights Cavalry first nice Cavalry hey I'm actually kind of getting used to Rolling in the first person it's actually it's it's not as bad as it looks wait how wait we did this first try what this run is going to be cursed guys I think we're gonna go 20 dexterity because I I want the first great ball since great balls are always two-handed 1.5 15 strength the main bows are going to be the black bow and the radon's great book but first of all we want to grab a reign of arrows where is the painting crab red main painting perfect oh torrent fall okay this is super scary what the [ __ ] somehow I'm getting used to first person I have no idea how let's go second thing that we need we want medallions okay let's go two finger heirloom let's go imagine torrent has got him horse physics oh bro Skyrim horses feel like agriculture like two did did you see that we're gonna check that as a bug I think this is it not something that interests me right away we have the short but we have the great bow now we need great arrows rot bone arrows and uh bleed arrows okay we have a lot of setup guys like this is not going to start very soon unfortunately oh there's a lot of ghosts here let's immediately kill the goats ass blast give me those timbies bones Merchant today is not your day okay I think we're not gonna kill him now because this Merchant is actually super powerful but he sells infinite great arrows that's what we actually need let's go to Redmond Castle to get the archery talisman is this the Archer talisman Eros think Talisman there we go we have enough great arrows to defeat Mario type pretty sure so let's actually try Market first this is gonna be interesting how do rain overs actually function here that's the question that's a decent damage guys can't complain about that the recovery on Great Falls is [ __ ] though yeah change the short bow for this there we go the problem is also this Arena because I can't Dodge okay let's switch to Blue that was we should be dead and he's not stopping the dagger attack again no don't look at your ass fire at him Margaret bleed there we go GG good fight Margaret be back really the thing that we need now is financing we need to finance all the arrows guys great arrows are pretty expensive let's grab 30 of them how did I not get staggered right there light rolled to Victory let me actually go grab flame grant me strength immediately guys that's flame grant me strength perfect and let's go fight godric I don't think we need more damage for Gutter Guys yeah we have more than enough damage come on okay I thought that this ash of water is gonna hit godric more often but it definitely is not this makes no sense makes no sense okay flame grantly strength is actually reducing my visibility honestly the best way to kill godric is just this let's go back and shoot with a great Arrow run into his face short po let's go bleed bleed let's go to Kevin bleed yes okay he's the flatting like small arrows but big arrows he can't deflate I am the dragon this time bro if this is an epic fight I don't know come on godric a little bit more and we are done and jump shot jump shot headshot GG bro this is the funnest combination of rule sets and mods ever first let me go down boys that's the only that's the only way to do it because we just need way too many rooms for this Magnus kill me come on Magnus Carlson I'm 90 positive that I just need to die to him three times and then what is questline is gonna proceed into his next stage great balls do so much more damage than bow counterparts Lord of blood favor let's go this is actually really cool God damn it when the first person hits hard like this is actually really cool call me a bird and we go Bird Farm in first person boys all right now we have this Merchant here he sells serpent arrows which are gonna be very very useful for this run one more thing needs to be done I need to actually go and grab smitting stones let's actually go and continue our quest for power let's actually grab the first Crystal tier I wanted the Health Region Crystal tier and I want the crystal tier that lets me regenerate more stamina because I'm going to need it you really need to do jump shots with bows otherwise they're a little bit worse than there she should be like jump shots are the way to go they just reduce the recovery of the bows but first person scary that's scary you can you can just always revert to third person if you want to uh I need something from this guy okay we need the nomadic Warriors cookbook we're gonna need that for ionian butterfly arrows uh I need to take care of this guy so let's do that I'm getting out of stamina quite a bit which is not good and GG bomb Peddler's Bell betting nice where are my ionian butterflies that's what I really need they're hiding from me give me those ionian butterflies okay the road bone arrows I think we are almost set up here I need an upgraded grateful to fight her down because right now we don't do enough damage we need to upgrade the Great Wolf okay the Great Wall actually completely notifies this guy everything what this guy's a pushover guys we found the weakest enemy against Great Bulls this poor guy can't do anything that is definitely bullying yeah I don't feel good about it still I really like the castalians I don't like doing this bye-bye right in the pp smithing Stone mind on a belly nice no reason to stop let's continue oh Plus 12. okay we do that's actually solid damage the scale this is why I don't want to actually level the dexterity and strength the scaling is always going to be double D's so I'm gonna actually abuse the blue dentist charm for this playthrough and we're gonna level endurance and in that way if you're gonna level up the strength oh one more thing one more Teensy tiny little thing and that's golden wealth Golden Ball Anastasia no okay this is not child friendly anymore this is what it looks like when you're being dominated by a woman are we ready I don't think there is anything else that we need to get ah two things actually excuse me guys you're still not quite ready we need we need goldrick's great room and we need gilikas vinegar's jewelry we are already one hour and I haven't even gotten to the second sharp better this is insane and bye-bye bloodborne for PC is never gonna happen unless Sony becomes a PC company you cannot really expect bloodborne for PC codex should be enough uh let's go and fight our bad boy eradan radar my boy Archer versus oh that's enough damage oh my God why did I never use greatpost beforehand crepos are so good thank you thank you Toto don't care that's perfect oh [ __ ] that's not perfect Parallax Distortion let's go but he should be dead in second place because we have rods there he comes he is not dead poison whoa what the hell that should have been poisoned right now we just need to survive it's not easy to fight her down like these guys don't do this this is something leave this to the professional leveling idiots God bless poison and rots GG my Emperor Gigi my general your fought well oh no go pickled no I did pop it guys but it was way too no this is also a good thing we can actually collect our dance peers over here which is actually fantastic we don't need to buy as much as many this is what we need lion grateful and this is our main weapon Throwdown guys let's go grab the blue dancer Sean and then we don't need a foot gun blue dancer charm perfect if you don't know what the blue dancer charm does it boosts uh physical damage if you are on low equipped load so light load or less now we have everything we just need to go to volcano Manor and upgrade this bad boy bro you're very bad guys I'm not sure what is going on entirely this is a very weird experience the hell okay this is the marionette right it's actually all this bow is pretty much the same power as the great bow that you use beforehand but it just has a better weapon art let's go fight Ronaldo and then let's go access the capital boys the only reason why I'm actually going going to gonna go fight and allies because I want to see her feet in first person let's go pretty sure the red wolf is going to be quite easy to kill this guy's gonna be a little bit tricky thankfully he doesn't have a lot of HP but trying to dodge these guys like wishful thinking thank God this guy doesn't have a lot of HP boom goodbye Dogo how are we going to do this like we need short bow first uh we want to poison in another line second phase uh let's just let's just improvise I have not I don't really have a good plan for this fight this is so weird I feel like I'm back in University actually it's really it's really fitting when I think about it that book Supply sleep because literally every time I was in university books would literally apply flip to me this is a good statue but it's not gonna kill her immediately unfortunately there we go whoa Bubble Boy okay she immediately completely tries to avoid everything that I'm trying to do she has to be poisoned right yeah and pray to God you're gonna survive long enough to kill her like with the crystals right now has a big problem with like attacks that completely break her poise this is so weird Okay first person let me let me tell you that immediately thankfully she's a really weak boss fight as well GG her dance grepo is just too strong guys and now we get our reward the first person what doesn't allow it this is the best way to look at it no oh let's see draconically Central right Jesus Christ now we go that doesn't know them now we're gonna get hit with a couple of fireballs boys DTS might be a problem actually guys I was good to you before DTS but now we are going back to the strategy of using rotten poison on you you should be dead from this right there's no way he survives all of that a little bit more patience and he should be down GG that was the final shot and let's do one more and goodbye DTS TG well played I thought that was going to be much more simple but no bueno all right let's go buy arrows and let's go grab the market shackle because how am I going to hit this dude bro I literally this is this is the worst one to fight Neri juice is literally cancer thank God Yura I need your assistance please that is a why is this the hardest fight in the game did I just hit you oh my God will you please thank God this is this is torture release your weapon patches and you no mercy is gonna be gotten for you bye-bye Parkour in first person is weird in this game black bow there we go now we have the other weapon that we want to use we might actually also go and upgrade as well no reason why not also why are these guys the only guys in the game that have lightning great arrows why don't we have lightning great arrows ourselves is gonna be painful this one no the real one uh okay got three my boy bear yeah this one is going to be easy got3 has always been the Soviet thing when I play against them oh I don't like people stomping on my head that's that's not the fetish that I have and GG got three radon's great food ladies and gentlemen it's completely busted let's buy the market shackle and let's figure out the strategy for Morgan and she shouldn't be too much a problem after that okay now guys you need to yell foot every single time I defeata boss and hopefully I will remember to use the foot why does he look like he starts ten times ten times further away can I just shoot him from here why can't I lock onto this guy you have your Spears I have mine Mork is definitely a worthy opponent I would say let's get ready to poison this guy immediately no I got stabbed I can't see anything guys I literally don't see anything anymore oh my God oh okay we have more good speed guys we have more good speed he gets much more parkouri in the second place which is a problem yeah okay that in first person is absolutely Epic those daggers are completely destroying my rhythm lately Mr Dodge let's go feet pop defeat and everything has been done if that wasn't an epic fight I don't know what this a bit more of it I'd put my nuts into your mouth there we go let's get the arrows perfect only 60 arrows like these arrows are little every time I shoot one of these arrows I just feel like my money is flying away from me because cannabis having your balcony let's go to the mountains no reason why not to uh okay that's scary that guy can jump that's always very very scary as the plus seven guys all right this is gonna be a little bit interesting to see him first but it's in the bridge that connects the mountain tops honestly this is probably my favorite like uh transition from one area to another I don't know why but I just love this bridge plus eight perfect plus three perfect runarc is always good arterial leaf and the plus nine I really don't like flying reduvius plus 10 perfect I still I think we have a good strategy for the fire giant by using like rotten poison for the second phase in the first phase we're gonna just use like teradan's great ball okay fire giant at first person is definitely I think to behold Eros that's actually a ton of damage it's actually gonna work out quite well foreign don't do this at home this is something that only professional idiots like myself should be doing all right 100 scary and weird we need a strategy boys fire giant is actually Jesus okay I'm seeing the wait guys there is another fire giant down there what guys this is a little bit risky because these attacks can definitely be a massive massive problem yeah no that's a free hit that's phase two we can actually utilize this here it's probably not a bad idea no we definitely run away and we utilize poison and rot first rod and then poison and something hit me I don't know what and I almost died do I have health can we please Rock the fire giant fast Jesus how long will the detectors the other [ __ ] attack and torrent went in the wrong direction run how long do you take to rock this guy right on this bro he's not easy Truth at all Jesus Christ his ass how many arrows does it take there finally bro poison this guy not the best strategy to fight the fire giant because you really want to be very close to him that's a good attack and GG pop default foot and there we go fire giant down all right at this point health and endurance are the things that we need also who sells fire arrows guys I'm gonna need five errors later on for for rather one as well oh this guy actually poisoned Stone Clump he also says ionian butterflies very cool yeah after the everything is rather Gone video radagon has never been hard for me anymore like once we actually do the all met I'm flying I'm actually Harry Houdini by trait I was actually really scared there for a second let's see let's think this through I'm gonna go with blood for the first time Guys Blade build up let's go the fat one is going to be a massive problem wait I'm actually doing some serious damage to this guy okay now you just fight the fat one that's a bleed yeah bleed actually works wonderfully for these guys look at the damage output boys this guy's the only Pro no what I'm going to do I'm not even gonna try to kill this guy I have a better strategy you can be left alive I'm just gonna wait for him to respawn his body that's going to be my strategy here guys yeah and I fight your body I don't need to focus for this fight guys yeah we are just completely oh we are just completely this guy is the main problem this guy's the main prone by part and that because why did it buffer the attack I hate you guys I honestly hate you no no it's not it's not that the problem the strategy sound is just difficult to pull off okay when you make stupid sounds like that that helps you dodge guys trust me thank God bleed bleed to death one two three four five sleep yeah perfect hit this guy we need to kill this guy before the other one wakes up oh [ __ ] well get it no way to survive this how am I alive this guy's going phase two we need to kill him immediately when all else fails it's always time for it how many rods does it take okay he's rotted now run away now don't mess this up don't mess this up you're a good thing going over here let's help out a little bit firearose and g g by far the hardest fight in this round by far well my God hopefully you don't have to do that ever again [Music] Malik in first person is no also hitting this guy's insanely difficult because his body is so weird okay now we're gonna do it I don't even care this is the try this is the tribe you're doing it you can believe it you can achieve it Martin Luther King come on the thing is you can you can easily Miss milk it like in normally playing Elder ring like it's not that weird that I'm missing him playing this almost was a little bit and another [ __ ] killer how are the pillars working against me this time around if you think that's intense look at this one five six is the only thing that we can do is he rotted he is rotted boys he's rotted light throw away oh my God I'm just running away at this point I don't know if Skeletron has enough damage output to actually kill him right now calm down oh my God why why why where is he where is he just you how is it so easy to miss you Malik if it wasn't so easy to miss you'd already be bad okay I'm getting good if you can believe it you can achieve it oh Lord thank God this is over this was horrible I'm not sure what was hardened his damage my inability to hit him or both how do we deal with you my friend let's try this this actually works kind of well that actually works really well what I did not think this of all things was actually working as Gideon okay how do you deal with a magic user with even more powerful magic user the magic Arrow user let's go GG Gideon radon's Reign to the rescue boys oh my God very glad that is over there's gonna be an epic duel this is actually going to be an epic duel boys Archer let's go three what the hell is happening what this no come on oh my God that's impossible to watch but I hate but he does that so close not falling for that again okay that was absolutely garbage that was after oh my God this has to be a joke that kick was invisible and I'm [ __ ] oh my God this this round is just cursed beyond all measures this sound is just absolutely cursed Godfrey we are scared at rotting you I don't even care you need to really focus for this one I can't really talk much Elven [ __ ] attack headshot [Music] headshot headshot and he completely changes the direction and screws me over I'm gonna be the aiming God after this oh how do I hit that attack oh Elm [ __ ] he needs to really stop he really needs to stop come on I'm going to somehow manage to poison the guys somehow and second of all he's an absolute Menace to Society not that attack not that attack I don't know what attack is but I don't care I'm just gonna heal you know what this is like this is when you are like five years old and you have a brother who is like 10 years older than you and you piss him off and he's chasing you around the house that's what this feels like I'm gonna need a cup of coffee after this one right I stopped me that's why I knew this is going to be easy oh it's a lot of damage that shouldn't hit me right it's kind of hard to tell if that's going to fit or not you can just continue Feathering placidus I think he's just getting confused at this point guys I think he just doesn't know what to do anymore I don't have enough damage to punish that that's insane ah GG plus you do six good fight you are hunted down and striking down GG goth would definitely be Pro yeah another fun fight uh we're gonna rot and poison him the entire radagon fight rotten poison is going to be the way we're gonna switch the line great pool in the second phase because we needed a dance Lane for the album beast and I have a good feeling about this but let's try it isn't the other one just a wonderful fight as if bows aren't weaken up guys this is gonna hospitalize me he's so small it makes him so hard foreign they really are okay he's dead let the poison kill the Lord let's go okay boys no I didn't quick great arrows Toto you idiot don't tell you idiots you didn't equip great arrows you missed a great opportunity to hit the album Beast yeah Dodge Dodge and Dodge rain straight from caled sounds like a repo straight out of Caleb let's go radon's rain wonderful one greater at the time boys why does this fight have to be like this why do the Ellen stars have to exist it's hard to dodge that God damn it some of the attacks are really hard to dodge guys they really are hard [Music] I can't see anything guys it's not like my vision needs to be reduced even further what the [ __ ] oh mistake yeah she's not a mistake it's a mistake for you Christ almighty why their attack that attack can really be annoying he's doing everything that he's supposed to the exact same moment that he has to completely screw with me I decided to play the last attack funny very bad but whatever can you lmbs do that for the entire fight please slowly walk towards me that sounds like a very good thing for me yeah that's actually nice a couple of nice hits here it's a miracle by itself yeah today is just the today is just the day of the most annoying album Beast attacks guys actually so close the radon great ball carry me carry me with your power and might come on come on it is finally over Elden ring with only archery and in first person actually done it like And subscribe if you enjoyed the show and I'll see you in the next one foreign [Music]
Channel: TotoTriceps
Views: 110,258
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: elden ring, dark souls, elden ring challenge run, elden ring speedrun, elden ring archery only, elden ring bow only, elden ring range only, elden ring first person mod, elden ring first person, skumnut, tototriceps, elden ring playthrough, elden ring walkthrough, dark souls challenge run, challenge run, lilaggy, elden ring mod, gaming, dark souls walkthrough, dark souls archery only, from software, elden ring bows, elden ring greatbows, elden ring run, can you beat elden ring
Id: U4ebyruoMns
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 47sec (1847 seconds)
Published: Mon May 08 2023
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