Can You Beat Dark Souls With Only Fist Weapons? | Dark Souls Remastered Challenge Run

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hello everyone um sorry for the delay in the video my bad on that one uh things got really hectic uh i'll talk about that later but hey before uh we get into the video just wanted to mention i had a weird opportunity pop up around christmas uh and i absolutely took it so there was a speed running event in japan known as rta in japan apparently it is one of the largest speed running events in the country um and i was asked to do an english commentary for one of their salt and sanctuary streams so uh if you have any interest in listening to me blather on for 20 plus minutes um over a speed run that is being run by the world record holder of the category uh feel free to click the link i'll put it down below in the description and you can go ahead and watch that it'll just be on twitch the youtube version of the run will more than likely pop up probably in a few weeks so when that pops up i of course will make a link to that as well but until then i just thought i'd throw that out there so yeah you have two videos technically today and not just one you're welcome also i'm sorry all right let's do it hello everyone hope you all had a good christmas did you get that ps5 you wanted no that's okay no one else did either first off just a little update we've just passed the 250 mark for subscribers that's a great number to end the year on to everyone who helped us get there thank you so a little bit of business before we begin with the season of salt ending after this video i'll be scaling back video production a little bit before we go into next year hopefully we'll be looking at our previous timeline of about a video every two weeks but after the rough december that i've had due to personal goings-on i might take a light break before i put out the next video rest assured more videos will be coming i've got plenty of challenge runs from you all to do and i'm also excited to announce that i finally feel comfortable enough with video and audio editing to try my hand at lore videos for salt and sanctuary so look forward to that i'm novachuvidia but it's about time sns got some love in the lore department before we can do that we've got one final challenge to complete this year can you beat dark souls with just your fists when we first started doing challenge runs on this channel speed runs don't count the fisticuff run i did of salt and sanctuary was what started it all a lot of you probably are only here because of that run so as a tribute we're gonna finish this year the way we started it swinging let's go over the rules first you can only use fist weapons to deal direct damage if the weapon doesn't have the qualifier fist he can't use it second all other equipment is allowed that includes rings armors and any spells pyromancies or miracles that give you buffs you can't go blasting enemies with soul arrow but you can cast magic weapon buff on your fingers third no cheating exploits or modifications are allowed and lastly you must beat every boss in the game for an extra challenge go after those mini bosses too looking at you hell kite drake as far as our build goes it's nothing overly complicated we'll be picking up the cestus for our weapon of choice there are plenty of others and some of them do have some nice extra effects like the claw's bleeding effect but i'm a simple man of simple pleasures as far as buffs go there are two consumable buffs we'll be using the charcoal pine resin and gold pine resin later on when i can i'll be getting the magic weapon greater magic weapon and if there's time crystal magic weapon buffs there's also power within for pyromancy and the sunlight blade miracle if we decide to go that route my time frame for this video is pretty tight though so i'll probably have to be pretty desperate before i go dumping all my stats into faith for that one as far as armors go i'll be going after my tried and true elite knight set it looks good in 2d and it looks even better in three as you can tell the only other armor worth mentioning will likely be havel's gear for times when i'm completely stuck and kirk's thorn gauntlets which have a hidden 10 damage boost for fist weapons nice if you're feeling casual you can always grab a shield for a few extra boosts as well be it stamina or elemental resistances but i'm feeling confident so no shields for us as far as the rings go i'll probably just get the fap ring havel's ring and maybe the red tear stone ring or ninja flip ring for a little extra help for any bosses that give us a rough time and that's about it i'm sure there are some other things i haven't thought about seeing as i haven't played this game for over two years now but this is the way we're going to shake off the rust see you on the other side lord lord lor lord lord lore did you get all that there's a test afterwards all right here's our boyo reimagined in 3d no beard options in this game sadly but at least his hair is blue welcome back fist of cuffs mc g yeah close enough ew god we need to get to my armor pronto bonfire well that noise just gave me goosebumps it's been a while hello again old friend are you thirsty i brought you some punch ah [ __ ] me all right hold on i need to get some protein i'll be right back hey bud you got the goods yeah you got the goods all right big guy round two oh that's not much damage are you dead yet no are you dead yet no are you dead yet no are you dead yet no are you dead yet no are you dead yet no are you dead yet no actually yeah again with the big doors [Music] uh you may want to choose again you have no idea what i'm about to do to this poor game oh thank god i'm not beef jerky anymore i don't think he's gonna forget that feeling any time soon though or the taste sup baby uh sorry i just need to get something really quick all right thanks okay i gotta go boy hey i just want to leave [Music] okay that's better moving on excuse me pardon me hey how's it going all right let's go home with our skin on this time [Music] well hello all right let's get out of here nailed it hey how are you none for me thanks i'm just passing through oh thank god give me some punching gloves please now that's the fisticuffs mcg i remember let's get to work oh that's better much much better hello again remember me yeah you remember me all right let's see how this works please work well it's better than 30. and that's better than two i'll take it yeah yeah all right not bad not bad at all we should definitely go get some upgrades what the drum guy what are you doing here where'd you get a voice andre andre shut up give me some rocks oh well bam what oh god um we don't need to record this yeah i know it's been a few years i my house key back well look who it is i remember you oh yes i remember oh hello you realize locks open from the inside right are we sure that using magic requires intelligence what can you speak up i need fire paper thank you all right drummer man wish me luck remind me to give you a name later all right yep i remember these guys let's see what we're looking at here all right decent left hook pretty solid right hook i can work with this let's just make sure we can power through this phase here fire go flush yeah now that's how we cheated boxing that wasn't so bad okay one down this is good we're doing good got god i forgot about you what do you do again god damn it what i can't he it's got to be a setting right they're not supposed to be this quiet oh that's much better i can hear you now kind of wish i couldn't there you are but looking for you let's make sure it still fits like a glove a very heavy glove oh god uh putting this down before the stairs was a bad idea well at least you look easy why don't you come on down here we can discuss what kind of funeral you'd like or don't this what we're doing today finally here take your lumps uh we'll be right back come on get down here already i didn't sign up for a war of attrition you know what no i'm not doing another round of this you get a cremation dark souls please no more of that let's make sure we're nice and crispy before we get in there it won't be time to light up inside yep yep yep just as hectic as i remember it all right now for the easy part there that wasn't so bad hello my dude are we sure you need intelligence to use spells you uh you got something in your eye there here i'll get it oh hello there mind giving me your gloves all right maybe later little shark doo doo doo doo doo little shark doo doo doo doo little uh bigger uh ginormous shark doo doo doo doo this is mine now okay you can have it back you can have it back um easy i hate this [ __ ] place i hate this [ __ ] place oh wow that actually worked thank you oh come on oh god come on baby no whammies daddy needs him a plus ten well all right yeah oh good you made it out too jinx you owe me an estus oh yeah i think all right skip skip step step there we go oh yeah you're here too skip skip skip skip skip skip and mine okay thanks bye buddy chum of mine i need you to upgrade this fisticuff don't mind the slime on the shards okay let's equip our new spells and well it's not quite what i wanted but it's close enough right okay guess not let's try that again but without getting stuck on spider legs there we go why don't you tell me you liked blue over red what started with that [Music] oh pretty oh uh sorry i was just leaving no wait please i have a family [ __ ] me alone i didn't even want your party dress it doesn't even fit oh well all right then what's up baby oh hey a nest yeah okay sure mirzaki i'll go bite oh oh was at that time lemon realized he [ __ ] up no god not this place again oscar my boy howard oscar okay lemon remember your self-defense classes eyes throat genitals eyes throat genitals eyes throat oh hey man i used to live here mind if i look around you've uh let this place go huh this place is giving me flashbacks we need to get out of here oh come on oh come on oh come on there took all my magic in three mental breakdowns but we did it oh a slab all right time to go anywhere but there apparently you know what i'm probably going to regret this but yeah i was hoping you could help me get a godly left hook [Music] don't really feel like out running any of those anytime soon so wait is that you carl carl what are you doing here excuse me pardon me carl what the hell man you're supposed to be making sure the audio is okay getting a pay cut and welcome back to the title fight of the year we've got fisticuffs mcgee in the blue corner and sense fortress giant to the right looks like blue is giving red a solid whopping this might be a quick oh my god the uppercut reds nearly impaled him there come on come on damn it oh well at least he's dead smells like cheese cheese oh go to bonfire honey what are you doing here visit we live together yoink anywhere but here anywhere but here anywhere we're here anywhere but here anywhere here anywhere but here oh hey demon souls no i can't afford you yet just hang tight oh god another weirdo all right what's our safe word is it you died because you died wow you're even fluffier in the remaster a challenge do a backflip okay not gonna lie i've been dreading this fight i can barely beat it normally let's see what we get yeah that's about what i expected god damn it yeah so close that time okay there we go hard part done now i just that's it give me the sunny d all of the sunny d oh my take that you overgrown house cat i don't normally use this emote due to it being toxic as [ __ ] but what is it gimme gimme gimme gimme gimme gimme thank you what you thought we were gonna do an amazing chest ahead joke you know they're fake right you look buddy i've just punched my way through the entire house of ghosts you give me that key yeah it is okay almost there nice hey andre i've got something nice for you to play with my left arm like that what did you just say i'd give my left arm for a gem like that i'd keep my left arm for a gem like that i'd keep my left arm for a gem like that all right that's about as good as this is gonna get let's finish this up you ew ew a lot of demons kirk my dude where have you been we have so much to catch up about did you know that whoa all right i guess you've been working out how about this all right are we fighting okay we're fighting just making sure hey how's it going just taking a break all right back to it ow and even the way i killed you is copied and pasted oh boy i remember you the hell is actually happening right now this boss is bad what what just happened all right overgrown lizards my body's ready let's make it quick wait wait no no cursing no cursing [ __ ] me morning morning hentai alert morning warning come on boys let's get the hell out of here boys god did i just eat that that didn't look edible aha the gold jump maneuver well i'll just roll underneath don't look down don't look down don't look down hmm that looks important no touchy what this yes this right here yes touch it okay touch it honestly you should see an eye doctor dream is terrible oh god look at all the tonys no i don't want to do this and there we go all right let's see how this new spell combo works yeah it's pretty good okay we need a lantern i think it's damn it patches do i let's stay mad at you no no no no no no no no no no ah car straw wait no uh uh gallimimus no uh wait uh did you get a little closer your legs are kinda oh that's much better thank you let's plug this in here okay let's go get us a cartwheel ring skip skip skip skip skip uh yes okay good skip skip skip skip skip [ __ ] um yes cool and dead and dead nice now to kill the witness oh god no i don't want it don't make me do it i'm a [ __ ] monster huh this kind of looks like my house but well not that part but the rest of it wait what just happened crap fine you want a dps race i'll give you a dps race hey wait a minute no one said anything about five kings you lied to me heretic whoa hey i have feelings i mean you don't not anymore but all right round two or so no it's fine it's not like these buffs have limited effect times or anything you just you just warm up over there finally moving on oh uh i kind of hoped you wouldn't see that well let's make this quick okay now looking forward to this really not looking forward to this really look what you made me do bed let's put on this stupid armor again all right what the actual [ __ ] new [Music] strategy okay let's finish this up i've got christmas presents to play with well would you look at that first try it's a christmas miracle yup definitely first try what a way to end the run so can you beat dark souls with just your fists you sure can now i know i know i left out the dlc bosses therefore somewhat invalidating the run but it was important to me that i get this run out relatively on time and with this week having christmas festivities throughout it i didn't have as much time as i normally do to record and edit the video besides we both know i could have done it okay fine i'll redo the run later hey thanks for watching hope you enjoyed the video thanks again to everyone who's helped make this channel as successful as it is you're all the best and i hope you've all had a great holiday season or as best as you could make it if you enjoyed my 3d suffering it would greatly help the channel if you gave the video a like and if you liked what you saw maybe consider subscribing you can always reach out to me through the other various forms of social media out there links in the description for that and as always feel free to leave comments challenge run suggestions and feedback in the comments down below happy new year everybody stay safe be somewhat responsible and remember it always seems impossible until it's done see you all next year
Channel: The Backlogs
Views: 19,523
Rating: 4.8820467 out of 5
Keywords: the backlogs, submerged lemon, challenge run, dark souls, fists only run, dark souls remastered, prepare to die, with only your fists, dark souls 1
Id: YUs1eJMPfcw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 59sec (1499 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 31 2020
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