How I Beat Pikmin Without Making Pikmin

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Pikman is a strategy game about strength in numbers of Pikmin specifically and in fact the whole reason it exists is because Nintendo wanted to show off just how many Pikman the new fangled GameCube could handle at once but at this point my GameCube is old and Dusty and bad and garbage and it can't handle that amount of dudes on screen so what the heck let's play Pikman without the Pikman what now you'd think the rules here would be really simple but for some odd reason the game called Pikmin kind of forces you to get Pikmin specifically you get one of each type as you discover them throughout the game since these guys are literally forced though I decided to let them slide as my one exception with my rule being that I'm not allowed to make any extra Pikmin and I know that sounds cheaty but who knows maybe allowing these three guys is what ends up being the main reason that this challenge is extremely cool and interesting or something I don't know so with all that out of the way it's finally time to answer the question is it possible to beat Pikmin without making Pikmin we start off in the snow Zone and although I've been following the rules just fine Lou the dang idiot went ahead and made 20 of the suckers in no time who can blame him though you need those Pikmin to carry back this Wu cup full of gamer subs and that's a pretty good deal considering he didn't even use the promo code sample for which there's a link in the description by the way and I know you guys tried the free samples from the last video I can see what you do and yeah I get it it's a hilarious pun and it tastes really good it's a huge deal wait what am I doing this is Pikmin 2 silly me I even make that mistake okay so to actually start the challenge we crash land our ship at the impact site which marks day one of our survival which is lucky me the worst day in the entire challenge now you might think that that's because this is a tutorial area which are infamously Dreadful in challenges like this and you'd be half right cuz yeah this place really really wants us to learn how to make Pikmin we're only given one little guy to start who I'm going to name Steve Stefan yeah his name is Stefon but after plucking that guy the game expects us to make nine more Pikmin to push this big box out of our way and then 10 more to pick up and carry our first ship part the engine there are 30 of these parts and clearing pass for Pikmin to transport them back to my ship to eventually fix it up and escape the planet is the primary goal of this game which is obviously pretty rough given my whole uh situation but in all honesty that's not really why day one is the worst day in the challenge I mean finding a way to move objects without Pikmin is something we're going to have to deal with throughout this entire run so this area is not unique in that regard no instead the actual reason day one sucks is way more subtle I can't lay down yeah you probably didn't even know you could do this but pressing down on the Deep head makes allar lay down on the ground it barely does anything I don't know why it's a mechanic but it is there but for some ungodly reason you're just banned from using it on day one specifically day one it's in I have no clue why it just removes one of your controls as if laying down is too advanced for the tutorial or something now I know this is going to make me sound like a crazy person but laying down is by far the most important mechanic in this Challenge and the fact that we can't do it on day one is devastating we're completely useless this means that collecting the engine in our current state is absolutely out of the question and we instead got to shift our focus into getting the heck out of here unfortunately unlike every other day in the game day one has no time limit and no way to trigger a sunset from the pause menu so we can't just skip over it for fun and to further lock us into this prison this area spawns zero enemies on day one meaning that we can't forcefully end the day by killing alar the game wants us to learn how to make Pikmin so bad but there is still one other way to end a day early and that is to cause a Pikmin Extinction this means that if we can find a way to wait yeah hold on just go over there for a second okay this means that if we can find a way to kill stuff on then we might be able to have a ticket out of here the issue is that the only hazards capable of killing Pikmin in this entire area are way the heck over here like that's happening how in the world do I expect to get enough height to clear these massive walls in a game where we can't even jump at all oh wait I do that all the time never mind so surprise surprise there are actually tons of ways to gain height in this game but the best option in our current state is to utilize these bits of high ground to potentially get on top of the map's Outer Edge which we could use to access the danger zone so by finally putting Stefon to some good use I was able to get this to happen I don't know if there's a name for this so I'm going to coin it the squish climb there are some slopes in this game that are just a little too steep for allar to climb up at his base walking speed which includes the corner of this tiny wall but we can get a bunch more speed than normally intended by abusing this game's insanely broken Collision system specifically the interaction between Amar and objects rather than just blocking alar out right like walls the game for some reason lets him walk inside of objects a short bit before eventually deciding that it actually doesn't like that and forcing him out of there we can abuse this by having Stefon carry this nearby pet into this congested area which squishes alar in between it and the wall the game looks at this sees that our man is Omega squished and then runs this bit of code probably which pushes Alamar in the opposite direction of the pallet allowing us to climb this wall slope and get that extra tiny bit of height that we need to access no man's land from there I have to quickly turn around and whistle Stefon from off screen so he doesn't just mindlessly carry back the pallet and fail the challenge in fact by carefully treading on this wall we can even pick him up off the ground so we can bring him along on our out of- bounds Journey which eventually led us to Salvation by sacrificing Stefon to the clam God I was able to cause a Pikmin Extinction cuz you know all one of them died forcing day one to finally come to an end but if we had to kill in order to escape Purgatory then that only means that we're stuck in hell the game literally lies To Us by saying that we've collected the engine and are able to move on to other areas even though it knows this isn't the case meaning that we're forced to go right back on in to that first area and figure out how to actually get the engine this time except things are a little different these days first off although Stefon unfortunately didn't make it the onion threw us a bone by giving us a replacement which is perfectly legal by my challenge rule standards say hello to our new Red Pikmin stean Stephanie yes Stephanie beyond that though there are also two other important differences between our day one situation and now firstly there's now a 13-minute time limit for the whole day which is pretty terrible news considering that we only have 30 days to complete the game before alar literally dies so uh yeah it's a bit of pressure all of a sudden but the second difference might just be what we need to make that time limit manageable oh yeah we can lay down now and although it seems completely irrelevant that we've unlocked the seemingly completely useless ability allow me to introduce two tricks that'll start making this challenge make sense and the first one is revolutionary that's right we can move objects now we're in business this is object nudging and the way it works is actually pretty simple whenever you lay down his alar it transforms him from the player to just any other object which also changes his Collision properties as we've kind of already talked about objects will try and push the player away if they end up inside each other but on the other hand if two objects are colliding then they'll push each other away this difference allows us to move objects by first walking inside of them and then laying down right before the game tries to push alar away once he's an object the game sees that they're inside each other and applies Force to both of them which slightly nudges the object forward this can then be repeated to move Parts long distances without even needing Stephanie's help but we can eliminate our sole pikmin's responsibilities even further by introducing another extremely important application of laying down squish clipping much like with the squish climb we can use nudging to get objects right up close and personal with the wall before shoving allar right up in between them from there we can lay down to once again objectify him this increases the size of his collision and displaces him a ton which can allow him to completely pass through thin walls these new bits of tech allow us to nudge this pellet closer to this Wall clip out of bounds on our own this time navigate to the danger zone move another pellet to clip through another wall and finally reach the engine and now that we have the ability to both access this part and move it all on our own we can see that we did all that for nothing that box we never pushed yeah it's still there blocking our only path and although allar can clip through walls easy peasy objects have a much harder time being convinced to do so despite that I was able to find a way to clip the engine through the floor which is promising but no matter how I did it it would always respawn on the wrong side of the Box we did all that but still have no leads or at least regarding the engine that is that's right there actually is another part here that we have access to the positron generator we're supposed to come back later to collect this thing with blue and yellow Pikmin but if we can't get the engine right now then this one might have a bit more promise the biggest immediate issues are that we got to both kill this clim to access it and bust down this wall to clear a path for it both of which while possible take up a ton of time with only one Pikmin at our disposal so I went ahead and restarted the entire file so I could revive Stefon on day one except this time rather than immediately executing him I took advantage of the fact that this day doesn't have a time limit to get both the wall and the clim out of our way which makes day one at least a little productive anyway now that we're back to day two we can start realistically thinking about getting that generator I mean it's right there and although making it to the bar and nudging it along is extremely slow you have to understand that I am also extremely good at video games so making it to the wall didn't actually take too too much time no instead the actual problem with this part is getting it out of the dang water although nudging is great when it comes to covering level terrain it completely crumbles when phasing off even slightly upward slopes as we can't nudge the object fast enough to offset the distance it slides down in between nudges I did get real close but there's no way as far as I can tell to push this thing up the entire Hill with nudging alone I can't get the engine cuz there's a massive box in the way and I can't get the generator cuz it's stuck in a dang pit in my current state I can't get either these let alone within the second day but if we're going to have to wait until day three before getting either part anyway then we may as well take advantage of yet another little trick a trick that might just make this challenge possible oh my gosh it's out oh there's no way that it just works dude this is Waypoint displacement and unlike some of the other things I've covered thus far this one's actually not a glitch at all basically whenever a day ends the game unloads the area you were just in but it still needs to remember some of the things you did like which walls you broke which boss enemies you've killed and which ship parts you've moved but regarding the ship part positions it's not 100% precise and for good reason for example if you say got a part completely out of bounds before ending the day the game's not going to want to keep the part there when you come back that'd be dumb and D say it'd be stupid instead the game appears to just have a bunch of set positions or more accurately set paths that the ship parts can respawn on and the game uses the object's current exact position to determine which of those set positions it'll respawn at on the next day now how it determines it I got no freaking clue sometimes just the tiniest little change in position will make you teleport across the entire dang map and sometimes the respawn locations depend on whether or not you're freaking looking at it the only consistency I could find was that putting an object in a spot that is clearly not supposed to be like partially in a wall or in the path of a bridge then it'll usually make it respawn somewhere else but how it works doesn't matter cuz we can absolutely exploit this mechanic to an incredible degree the generator was easy just leave it in that spot next to the wall and the next day it'll be out and about about the engine was a little trickier though ending the day with it near the box would respawn it fairly far away and ending the day with it to the right of the box would respawn it on top of this platform for some reason but ending the day with it to the left of the Box can make something magical happen oh my gosh oh my god dude oh I can't believe that two previously impossible Parts have now become accessible and so after all this time and effort by nudging our first ship part all the way over to our ship we can finally once and for all see that we actually can't collect it God dang it give me a break dude yeah I hate to break the news like this but even if you get a ship part to the ship without every using Pikmin it can't actually be collected unless the a lotted number of Pikmin are carrying it so no we can't beat Pikmin without making Pikmin shocker but come on do you seriously think that I'm going to throw away an already incredibly interesting and cool challenge just because of a technicality that'd be so dumb instead I'm just going to make a tiny rule adjustment I am allowed to make Pikmin okay cry about it but they're going to be drones who are only allowed to carry parts and they're only allowed to do so once I've gotten the part comfortably in the landing site which is just a big circle that encompasses our ship and the onions this means that for future areas I'll first gather all the parts right next to my ship and then spend a day using my Pikmin to submit them all this will change literally nothing about our strategies for this entire challenge so I think it's a reasonable compromise to actually make what we're doing here possible but if you think this is cheating uh then yeah I mean fair enough I guess I am just making Pikmin but anyway with this adjustment I can finally collect some parts and luckily both of them are pretty comfortably near The Landing set already so it should definitely be possible to get both of them in the same day by nudging them both near our ship and having Stephanie make the Pikmin necessary to submit them or you know it uh should be possible as it turns out the game is still a little shaken up as a result of us forcefully skipping day one so the game kind of half thinks we're still in the tutorial and so collecting either one of the parts here triggers a flag that reminds the game that officially completing day one is still something I've actually yet to do this then starts the congrats you collected your first part cut scene that ends the entire day before I get a chance at collecting the other one punishing me for breaking the rules of my own Challenge and putting my mental health in a state of absolute ruin but even though we were cheated out of getting apart this is actually technically a good thing as undergoing that whole sequence finally unlocks a new area that we get to explore I could of course go back to the tutorial Zone and collect the engine but I decided not to do that right now because we have no time to waste like I've already mentioned the primary goal of this game is to collect all 30 ship parts in only 30 days and at this rate we are doing terribly however it's actually not as bad as it looks as five of the ship parts in the game are actually completely optional which means that we are definitely cutting them out additionally we completely skipped collecting the engine which is not something you were supposed to be able to do this gave me hope that at the end of the game it wouldn't actually check if I collect the engine and just assume that I've got it covered so through the art of moving the goalposts we now have 27 days to collect the remaining 23 Parts which isn't the absolute worst thing my initial idea then going into this new much larger area was that I should focus on collecting at least one part per day leaving myself 3 days of leniency if any parts were extra far away or required some spawning displacement however my first attempt at day four and the forest of Hope showed that there was in fact no hope for this Approach at first it seemed pretty standard I used a pellet in this initial area to clip through a wall be landed towards the first part I could find the fuel Dynamo and spent the day nudging the part all the way back to the landing site one part in one day that's it's perfectly fine isn't it well not really as it turns out the fuel Dynamo is easily the simplest part to get in the entire game it's insanely close to The Landing site and has exactly one breakable ball blocking its path if this thing takes an entire day for me to collect then there's no way I'm going to be able to collect Parts like the shock absorber which is similarly close by but surrounded by more enemies and rockier terrain the Sagittarius which requires Pikmin to build two bridges for us to even access the Geer counter which is both blocked by another dang box and is lodged in the neck of a snake bird thing the the radar and bolt which are both blocked by a massive ledge and a massive wall respectively and the worst of them all the godforsaken radiation canopy which is located 18 M away from our base and is blocked by three walls and a whole bug dude collecting one part per day just isn't feasible we're going to need a different strategy except we already kind of found one didn't we even though we didn't learn what we were supposed to in the tutorial it did still teach us an extremely valuable lesson tunnel visioning on one part at a time is a big mistake but splitting our Focus between multiple Parts at a time can ow us to not only actually collect them but also collect them at a similar rate in fact the existence of Waypoint displacement incentivizes that we try to move not just one or two parts per day but as many parts as we can possibly manage in a day that way we can leverage the maximum amount of displacement in between days and although we won't be able to collect one part per day doing this we might actually be able to collect them at a similar or even faster rate so with this new approach alongside some knowledge on where all the parts we need to collect are located I decide to start over and try again my new plan being to circle around the entire map pushing as many parts as I possibly can on the way this is the new and improved day four now the day started off pretty similar I first threw Stephanie at this wall to eventually break it down later before again using this pellet to clip through a wall except this time it's not your average everyday wall it's a thick wall the game really really doesn't like the idea of placing alar just fully inside of a wall so it instead compromises by placing him on top of it allowing us to get into these out of bounds areas without needing any initial High Ground from there I made my way towards the first part of the day the shock absorber and rather than nudging it myself I decided to enlist the help of my good friend Jim Jim isn't the brightest Ball but he's certainly one of the strongest and if he really puts his back into it then it's possible for him to nudge objects way further and way faster than I can myself using a technique that I call ballb nudging the trick here is that Jim isn't powerful enough to move Parts by walking into him but his face is this means that every nudge requires us to first lead Jem right next to the part then bait out and attack before swiftly shoving out of the way which is made much easier by the fact that laying down gives you brief invincibility but much harder by the fact that balb nudging is insanely janky I described it all elegantly but in reality it barely works and Jim often forgets that I exist making it a little less useful than you may expect but as a veteran gym Wrangler I managed to quite quickly transport the shock absorber into this pool of water this is a great example of an area that is not a viable respawn point so if I just leave it there overnight then the part will teleport a little closer to my base from now on I'm going to call these types of areas teleport spots and now that we've got the shock absorber in a Teleport spot moving it around isn't going to make it teleport any further so we can move on to some other parts I decided to skip over the radiation canopy for now and instead waled all the way over here we I came across these two seemingly inaccessible parts that we're totally about to access I went ahead and punched the absolute heck out of this guy while simultaneously pushing him into this specific spot this with some luck makes him drop a pellet right next to this wall that I can use to again clip out of bound I use The High Ground to First access the bolt behind the massive wall which I was able to nudge right next to this ledge this not only puts it in a Teleport spot that'll respawn the bolt Beyond the Wall tomorrow but it also acts as my ticket out of here as I use it to CLI right back out of bounds once there I tackled the radar and you'd really think that all I'd have to do here is nudge it off the ledge but now we do even less I nudge it like 3 in into a spot that teleports it off the ledge and yeah that's it we're moving on now the next part to tackle in my big map circle is the Sagittarius but on the way there I decid to make a quick pit stop in this little Wald off area this place is mostly useless for us but it does house the yellow onion which isn't a part but it does get us introduced to our second Pikmin Jordan who we just toss into the main area before using another enemy pet to clip out of bounds again trust me he will be important but not right now we got stuff to do I do some more out of- bounds navigation to access the Sagittarius from above without having to build those bridges I mentioned earlier and here I'm going to give you a quiz do I a push it off this ledge or do I B just push it into a spot that teleports it off the ledge here I'll give you a second the correct answer was C you fool you dumb idiot I pushed it off the ledge and into a spot that teleports it what did you not even try anyway after circling around the entirety of the map at this point nudging as many parts as we could find into beneficial teleport spots we once again come across our old friend the fuel Dynamo this guy in contrast to the last few parts we've moved has no good nearby teleport spots which means that spending almost an entire day nudging at ourselves seems inevitable and yeah it would be if it weren't for the nearby Flint Beetle and hey I don't even have to name this guy Flint unlike most other enemies is just a solid block capable of moving objects around if he decides to move in the right direction the only issue with using him is that that is a massive if Flint moves insanely randomly with the direction he moves how much he moves how much he turns while moving and how many times he moves all being determined by random number generation or RNG this means that the chances of Flint constantly moving in the exact perfect way multiple times in a row to move the object towards our base for us is astronomically low oh I guess I'm pretty lucky then huh once Flint had run his course we had just barely enough time left in the day to tackle exactly one more part the Geer counter which like I've mentioned requires that we first defeat the burrowing snagit this guy unfortunately seems to be almost completely immune to bombs which means that we're going to have to assemble our entire Army of Two Pikmin to take him down and doing so shows off the skills of our newest member Jordan who we will come to know as the goat we can throw him much further than anyone else which is occasionally relevant but his biggest asset are his ears yeah they're massive which for some lore reason allows him to pick up and throw bomb rocks that can deal heavy damage to walls and most enemies completely by himself God dang what a guy so by using a bomb I was able to reconvene with Stephanie and toss both of our soldiers onto this High Ground I of course also need to get up there somehow and although these pellets totally look like they'd be able to clip us up there I couldn't get it to work luckily though Jim still got our back this is bulborb clipping and it works for the same reason as bulborb nudging when Jim takes a DI his massive schnaz acts as an object that can push other objects which includes pushing me inside this wall giving us that High Ground we need to begin the boss fight of Legends which just includes throwing all two of my Pikmin onto this guy's head and running around to distract him as much as possible as you could probably figure this combat strategy is a little lacking in the speed department so once he dies we only have a mere minute left of the day but I mean that's nothing to worry about all I got to do is push this Geer counter into another teleport spot with time to spare and everything should be in the right spot tomorrow dang as it turns out the shock absorber over the course of the entire day slowly slid down this slope into a completely different teleport spot than we originally placed it in so rather than respawning next to our base like we wanted it responds way out in the middle of No Man's Land This is obviously pretty dang terrible but we might just be able to use the last of our seconds to salvage the situation yes oh my God that was almost terrible and with that the new and improved day four has finally been completed we're before all we did was spend the entire day moving the field Dynamo now we moved the shock absorber right next to our base the bolt past the wall the radar off the ledge the Sagitarius halfway across the lake the Geer counter dislodged from the snag neck and the fuel Dynamo in basically the same spot so uh yeah just a little bit better if you ask me of course now that we have a really good start and more importantly a strategy and a set of tricks that allowed it to happen we got to do some planning for the rest of our days here so let's take a look through our parts these two guys are real close to my base already so I decided to just ignore them for now so I could focus on the parts that are much further away like these two guys however although they are kind of far they're not too stressful for me as we've already shown that Flint nearby can be used to cover that distance in no time he only spawns there once per day however so we'll have to tackle them separately but yeah I mean overall the south side seems pretty manageable it's the north I'm worried about the radiation canopy I completely neglected yesterday is still the worst part in the area so I'll have to put most of my effort into him additionally although I did teleport these guys out of their prisons they're still also pretty far so since I'll be in the general area anyway I may as well try and make some progress on them as well so now that we've got a rough plan let's execute it the first order of business is to have Flint push the Geer counter and I suppose it's worth mentioning that no I'm not actually that lucky God I wish though instead I'm using the safe State function on my GameCube to manipulate the RNG so that Flint moves in the exact right spots so as a rule of thumb from here on out whenever I mention that something is super luck based and that I had to manipulate RNG for it it basically just means I threw myself at it over and over until it worked that being said after that I had to manipulate RNG for another Beetle also named Flint by the way so I could use them to clip out of bounds and access the radiation canopy from there I spent half the dang day sneaking it past this guy's guard without him noticing I think before coming across a bit of an issue see at this point I had already done some testing and found that there is a Teleport spot that respawns the part past the wall but I didn't consider at the time how I myself was going to get past the wall so I had to do some on the-fly routing which involved getting an extremely precise clip through the wall using the part itself yes yes oh my God anyway from there we only had one task left for the day which was moving the radar and the bolt out of their little corner of the map after backtracking a bit and enlisting Jordan to quickly clear out the area of enemy I went ahead and pushed the radar closer to the bolt before making use of another incredibly important trick in this run Pikmin nuding see Jordan is simply far too weak to carry either of these parts on his own but carrying a one-way object behind the parts and subsequently pushing both of the parts simultaneously yeah obviously is strong enough for that what made you think otherwise now although this seems pretty dang good for us on paper and I mean yeah it is I use it constantly throughout the rest of the challenge it is a lot harder when you have to push two parts simultaneously but after a bit of Pikmin nudging followed by a slick transition into ballb nudging that's that's right we got strats day five finally came to an end with the Geer counter mad close to our base the radiation canopy ready to teleport and both the bolt and radar merely one wall away from Victory slowly but surely we were closing in planning for day six was pretty dang easy at this point there are only two parts that are a significant distance away from my base so those are going to be our focus and yeah I basically just used the exact same route as yesterday starting with the Sagittarius now I initially thought that this guy was going to be effectively the same as the fuel Dynamo and Geer counter but Flint was really struggling to get it out of the water so instead used flint and my own dang self to push it all the way across the lake into a Teleport spot that'll do the work for me it's still kind of far but we can work with it from there I once again Enlisted the help of Flint number two to clip out of bounds so I could start pushing the radiation canopy down its path to the base and wouldn't you know it there's actually a third Flint in this area that I didn't even know about that I was also able to manipulate to get some good progress on all these parts at the same time jeez these guys are carrying me after that in a bit more gym labor to get this Trio next to our base we had around a quarter of the day left as such I decided to release my grip from my own brain to unignore the dudes that are chilling by my base cuz although they're close they're not actually in yet the way I got them was the same for all three I would bait over a dwarf ball Bo behind the part use Jordan to squish them and spawn a pallet and then use Pikmin nudging to extremely quickly gather all of them in the landing site it was the home stretch day seven I didn't even freaking make a plan the only part that I don't already have is this goober but I was able to again use Jordan to nudge it back easy peasy and after a good number of readjustments to assure all the parts were officially in the landing site it was time to collect them all ah wait but first I got to do that thing I'm not allowed to do we need 20 extra drones to have enough to submit all these parts and making them actually took a pretty dang long time on account of the fact that I'm only using one Pikmin to make them luckily though there are plenty of pellets and little Shear grub enemies in this area all of which are light enough for Stephanie to handle on her own and with that we were finally able to submit all of the objects that we worked so hard to retrieve seven Parts 4 days and only 5 Seconds to spare at this rate we're looking back on track to fix our ship and escape the planet now that we've collected all the parts in the forest of Hope except for the one we don't talk about our ship is now powerful enough to access the next area the forest Naval and this place is so so so so so so much worse obviously it's supposed to be a bit more difficult there are more enemies and obstacles and whatnot but there are also a couple things that hurt just this challenge in particular and the worst of them is the fact that this area is immense it doesn't look that much bigger than the forg to Hope at a glance but that area had pretty direct paths from the parts to the base so they really didn't take too long this place doesn't not even close it's full full of wines and turns and parts that look like they should be nice and easy to collect are almost always way longer than you think it's terrible and not only are the paths back to our ship longer but the parts themselves are also way stupider the two simplest parts are these two guys the ionium jet in a pond and the gear on a high ledge we've already dealt with both of these situations before so they won't be too complex and they're kind of close to our base you know relatively on the flip side we got the analog computer which is the furthest part in the entire dang game and lucky me it's also stuck in some water but that thing pales in comparison to the Libra one of the worst Parts in the game it's not only on a freaking floating island but it's also sitting on top not one but two high Ledges yeah not excited about that one on the other half of the map there's the filter which is pretty cool because it's uh stuck in some water nearby is the spring which is just on another ledge and the Omega stabilizer guarded by this mushroom enemy which unlike last time is something we're actually going to have to eventually kill but last and certainly least except for maybe the Libra but we'll get back to that one later we have the guard satellite now if you're like the biggest idiot then you might think nothing of this part sure it's in another boss and sure it's got a big wall blocking its path and sure it's also real far away from our base but those are all things that I've already had to deal with aren't they well not quite because unlike every other wall we've come across this one is truly Dreadful it outlines one of the other big problems in this area there are no bomb rocks anywhere obviously that's a lie they're in two spots but they suck so much this one requires me to constantly throw Jordan up a bunch of Ledges which is incredibly timec consuming and the one that's closest to the wall we want to destroy you know Big quotes on the word closest there requires me to either build these Bridges which ain't happening anytime soon or again throw Jordan around to ensure he doesn't drown while grabbing them of course this wouldn't be the worst thing ever if we only had to do it once but since we only got one yellow guy we got to do it six times once for every single individual bomb and yet it takes half an entire day obviously this is terrible this would be the most inefficient use of my time humanly possible so I decided to pursue some other options to potentially skip the wall entirely unfortunately unlike some of the other walls we've skipped thus far there doesn't seem to be a spot that can teleport the part past this one so we're going to need something new I initially planned to use a glitch that I remembered hearing about as as a kid it involves the beating long legs that's this guy's name by the way escaping his Arena which would indeed be a pretty good thing for us as it would transport the part without us having to push it unfortunately this is actually not true it's just not real someone just lied about this being a thing on the internet no less why' they do that however on the subject of glitches that actually do exist there's one called bomb duplication which sounds exactly like the thing we're looking for except for the fact that you need at least two yellow Pikmin to do it great so with all those ideas exhausted I only had one left in the bank clipping the part through the floor i' had already accidentally gotten this to work on the engine way back when and since then I found multiple other areas where clipping Parts out of bounds is possible so I figured that if I got super lucky I might be able to clip the guard satellite in such a way that it respawns past the wall however this was a stretch but I knew that so rather than spending a bunch of time testing it I decided to just start doing it on day eight with no plan at all if I couldn't get it to work then I'd just reset but if I could then we'd have a pretty dang good start on our hands but before making our way over to the part I first gathered my troops and took a quick detour to meet our third and final Little Helper Walter yeah so remember when I said that Jordan was my goat I lied Walter is so much better I would take three of them if I could all he really does is just not drown in water but I don't know if you've noticed but there's kind of a lot of that so halter is going to be our main guy for the rest of the challenge for now though I go ahead and take all three of them over to the part and throw them past the wall this way I can access them once I get into the arena myself how am I going to do that you ask well I had to enlist the help of my good friend Bert by doing a trick called Wally transportation and here's how it works like most enemies Wally wogs have a home which is just a point in 3D space and they'll Patrol a certain radius around that point so ifar enters that radius they'll jump at him to attack and if olar exits the radius they'll Retreat back to the center of their home but unlike most enemies we can force wwgs to stray much further from their home than they're supposed to by repeatedly triggering attack all right anyway so we can do so by first rubbing up against Bert which gets him real Angry really makes him want to jump more than anything but before he does that we can swiftly move away to bait him a pretty far distance repeating this we can get ber all the way next to this wall at which point I can use them to clip right through then I'm able to trigger one last attack from inside the walls Collision in order to get Bert himself into the arena as he'll act as a surprise tool that'll help us later and once he's in I don't have to worry about him returning to his home because uh you know and now that I'm finally here I can whistle all my Pikmin and challenge the Bey long legs to a fight for the Ages which just involved throwing all my guys on them and then constantly manipulating RNG to ensure that his attempts to shake them off would always fail so it was actually just kind of sad really once he was defeated I managed to get the part as close to the wall as I could before my Pikmin just gave up trying which means that it's now time to get Burt involved using a trick that to no one's surprise I'm going to call Wally nudging you get the gist I make him jump on the part and sometimes it moves it a bunch but once I got it next to the wall I started to implement a completely different trick called Wally clipping which is just me doing the exact same thing as Wally walk nudging but hoping for different results over and over and over I had Bert jump on that part and regrettably I never got it to clip through the floor instead something even better happened oh my oh my god oh yeah it's through and after the slightest bit of Readjustment from inside the dang wall I managed to find a Teleport spot that officially broke it out for good this was huge but now it meant that I had to make a route on the flying cuz I still had half the day left so I figured that killing the mushroom boss for the Omega stabilizer was a no-brainer cuz it's the closest thing to me right now and I've already got my entire army with me anyway but before that I decided to get two other real quick things out of the way the first was to move the spring a little bit as it's also super close by and has an extremely easy teleport spot that'll get it off the ledge the second want to get Walter just absolutely hammered making Pikmin drink nectar makes the leaves on their heads grow into flowers this is not only extremely cute but it also makes them move faster and since the primary Obstacle of this challenge is speed and since the speed at which I collect Parts is 100% dependent on the speed of my Pikmin uh yeah extra speed is pretty good anyway after completing those simple tasks I once again prepared my troops for another glorious battle and this time it actually was kind of interesting this mushroom dude usually runs around in a defined Circle in his Arena but by attacking him at certain intervals I can make him trip over multiple times in a row to get him to fall out of this path using this I was able to get him into this corner so that when he finally died the part inside of him was launched onto this ledge this saves the extra effort of moving the part out of his Arena which in hindsight it was probably not worth the trouble anyway with the final moments left of the day I baited a nearby Shear grub next to the part so I could have Walter nudge the part a decent distance toward my base which just went so well and with a couple last nudges to ensure that the guard satellite properly teleports we made it to the end of day eight although we weren't nearly as productive as we were in the first Forest of Hope day we still managed to make a ton of progress in particular killing both bosses is super nice the best part though is that this makes routing for Day N super easy I did these guys yesterday so now I'll focus on these I'll hit all the stops and see how much time I got left by the end of it so let's start off with the ionium jet now you might think that collecting this part is as simple as nudging it into a Teleport spot to get it out of the water and you'd actually be right if this part wasn't stupid this thing is almost impossible to nudge more so than anything else in the entire game I'm pretty sure this is because of its shape with the top half keeping olar's massive Knockin from getting close enough before laying down down this is a big issue or it would be if it were for Walter baby that's right water is no problem anymore by baiting another Shear grub all the way over to the par I can have Walter push it for me and he's not pushing into a Teleport spot no no he's strong enough to push it up this super steep slope and completely out of the water by himself something that by the way he would not be able to do if I didn't flower him up yesterday so yeah my brain's pretty adequate from there he continued to push it until reaching this wall which unlike the last one we actually can't skip luckily though this one is also much less sturdy so I just tossed Stephanie and Jordan on it at the beginning of the day that's right sometimes I act in secret and I swapped Walter out for Jordan before moving on to our next part the gear why Jordan you ask well take a look at this freaking trick shot boom Not only was I able to instakill this Shear grub I baited over dropping a pellet that I could use to clip up to the gear but I also simultaneously flung Jordan into an out- of- bounds area so I can grab him later something that was only possible because I can throw him further than the others once up here you know the drill I nudged the gear into a Teleport spot before using The High Ground to maneuver over to the analog computer which has a nice little teleport spot right here wow things are going super smoothly so far it really feels like we're getting to the groove oh wait I forgot let me reiterate this point uh the Libra sucks huge time first off it's on a floating island and we normally need to build a bridge to access it unlike walls Bridges can't just be skipped by clipping through or around them and it's not like I can bomb them to build them faster and secondly even once I get to the island traversing two ledges is a bit of a nightmare I'd have to bait not one but two enemies from all the way across the entire map and somehow get one of them on top of the first ledge so I can clip up the second I had no clue where to even start with all that nonsense which is why I decided not to instead I scheduled a visit with an old friend oh yeah that's right Flint's back in the building Baby by manipulating Flint to walk all the way over to where the Libra is I was able to make him run into this wall at this specific angle which allowed me to clip out of bounds however although we have been walking around outside the map's bounds that this entire challenge this is true out of bounds cuz there's not even ground under us and true out of bounds is freaking weird now I don't really know how all this works but what I do know is that walking in true out of bounds gives you a big burst of height for some reason at which point whatever momentum you had going into it is conserved forever you can't change direction once you're out here so using that info I walked at a specific angle that launched me straight onto the Island's outer wall and this position is ideal as the wall slope is just shallow enough to allow alar to walk all the way up without even having to worry about the ledges the only issue is that we need one last burst of height to actually reach the Libra once and for all but luckily we got extra height all around us yes but getting here was only half the battle cuz now we got to somehow get the Libra back to the mainland nudging it all the way over and tossing it into the abyss just makes it respawn back on the island which isn't great so instead I had to pull some Shenanigans why you expect me to explain that I got no clue why that happens most of the time it doesn't but what I do know is that it has allowed the Libra to fling itself into a perfectly viable teleport spot allowing us to finally move on now at this point I actually expected to have way less time in the day so I was kind of at a loss for what I need to do next the only part I've yet to touch is the filter but that thing's in the middle of the dang ocean and Walter is busy smacking a wall right now so I decided to instead get some progress on carrying Parts back I used some more out of- bounds nonsense to zoom back to the mainland picked up Jordan from that one out of bound spot I never used oops and used a Shear grub to start carrying back the spring this was a huge mistake so remember how I said that the biggest problem with this area is its winds and turns which make the paths back to our base way longer well what I didn't mention is that there are walls that we can destroy to significantly shorten these pads and the thing is I didn't think this would ever be worth it I mean look at how much effort I put into skipping just one wall with how much time it takes for me to destroy these things there's no way busting down an optional one is a good idea right no so wrong what I didn't realize is that pushing apart around this wall in particular takes at least a full God dang minute and eight out of the nine Parts in this area take this path to the base that's almost a full days worth of time so a bit of advice for anyone thinking of doing this challenge themselves uh number one don't and number two destroy this wall if you value your life anyway after not doing that I mov the spring all the way over to this area before for some reason not actually taking it all the way to the landing site and instead switching off to start moving the guard satellite look making routes on the Fly not my strong suit so after some nudging a quick reunion with flint and of course more nudging we finally reached the last few seconds of the day and it's here where I realized that I made what is it my third big mistake today I just realized I won't be able to make it no no no no yeah I forgot they were still doing that somehow Stephanie was close enough to the base to survive the night but yeah Walter freaking died this actually isn't that big of a deal cuz another one spawns the next day which again is perfectly legal so say hello to our new blue Pikmin uh um it's just Walter again come on man it's one litter removed from water I really can't do much better than that the only real problem with reincarnating Walter is that he's back to being a filthy Leaf head so I'll have to flower him up again at some point but that's not the biggest deal what is the biggest deal is that we got more planning to do day 10 is interesting because at this point we pretty much have all of the parts out and about so carrying them back is all we really got left to do so as a result I decided to First tackle the furthest Parts the analog computer in Libra once I get them to my base I decided to just play it by ear and make another route on the fly look I I can't stop myself I thought I was good at it but as simple as the plan was the execution was actually kind of interesting after rehiring the boys I used the newly teleported gear to get myself and Jordan out of bounds once there I navigated to the analog computer at which point I bopped Flint on the head so he could drop a pellet that Jordan could use to nudge both it and eventually the Libra this carried on for a couple in-game seconds and a couple out of game hours before I abandoned the Libra and it was back to just the computer yeah as it turns out pushing two parts at once not really feasible eventually we came across a big old wall and the lack of a nearby teleport spot means that we're going to have to bust this one down it's not too bad though I used the computer to clip through the wall and then took Jordan back and forth between it and these nearby bombs it was honestly pretty quick from there I supervised Jordan's nudging all the way to the base at which point I had just enough time to also push back the ionium jet now that this wall has been sufficiently smacked up and uh that's it yeah I told you the analog computer was far it ate up like the whole day but fret not cuz now we're in the home stretch for this area but the only troubling part left being the filter we've still yet to touch but now that Walter schedule has been freed up we can finally tackle it on day 11 unfortunately it's terrible it's so bad first off much like the ionium jet this thing is just impossible to nudge on your own heck even Berke can't do it and we've seen what he's capable of this means that we pretty much have to use Pikmin nudging but the issue with that is that there are no one-way objects in the area BT himself and the pelety drops are way too heavy and there's just nothing else out here this all meant that I had to employ what might just be the ugliest Strat of all time I baited up kind of sort of near by Shear grub to the shore before quickly drowning him then I pushed him myself all the way over to the part for a whole quarter of the day before finally having Walter start carrying it back once he started though he never stopped except for when this sweep started stopping him yeah I haven't mentioned this guy yet cuz he's been almost completely irrelevant until now but now he's a problem this is the bread buck and in a way he's kind of the third boss of this area as he's a unique enemy who's got a part inside of them the reason we don't care though is because it's an optional part so I've been doing my best to ignore them the issue is that his gimmick is stealing objects from you and when objects are what we need to push Parts at all it's obviously pretty inconvenient right now but luckily there's actually a really Nifty trick that allows you to permanently deactivate the bread bug for the entire rest of the game it's called killing them I had to take a quick detour back to my base to retrieve Jordan so we could win the War battle against him and fight him on our own turf and it wasn't all bad cuz I was actually able to use him to Super quickly nudge this guy a decent distance while we were on the way there once we got to the base you're supposed to kill him by submitting the part he's holding on to into an onion but since that would inadvertently make Pikmin I had to instead Bop him on the head a couple times to officially get rid of them which also collected the optional part in this area which is kind of cool I guess but although those were the obvious benefits from killing this dude the real benefit came in the Insight that this experience gave me in the form of double Pikmin nudging see every object's weight indicates how many Pikmin are needed to carry it but you can optionally stack up to twice that number of pigment onto the object and order to move it even faster being forced to do this so I could drag the bread bug around made me realize that yeah I totally should have been doing this the entire time it makes things literally twice as fast so with this new technique I was able to get the Libra almost into my base just before the day ended and you can probably guess what my plan for day 12 was oh oh is it scrambling around the map finding light objects for Jordan and Walter to carry back yeah you got it the only interesting thing that I did today was literally watch grass grow I need the pellets from these guys to carry back the parts but they only grow if they're on screen so yeah I just looked at them for a little bit this is optimal Pikmin gameplay and after a bit more optimal Pikmin gameplay we were able to get all nine of this area's parts in The Landing site allowing us to finally finish off the area with our pre-made Pikmin in only 5 days total at this point there are only eight required Parts left in the entire game and we've got 18 days to collect them needless to say we're doing extremely good time wise which means pretty much the only thing left that can stop us is a part that's just impossible to get regardless of time and although we've yet to come across anything of the sort the place that'll do it might just be the distant spring naturally this is the largest and most enemy dense area in the game but unlike the forest Naval most of the parts paths back to our base are fairly straight and only blocked by a couple walls or Bridges here and there so instead the difficulty in this area comes from the fact that almost every part is in a stupid spot the only normal one is the captain SE which is just sort of sitting there out in the open which is pretty nice but what isn't nice is the nearby bow sprit which not only requires us to actually kill this big bug dude this time but also build an entire Bridge and knock down an entire wall in order to get it out of its Arena over here there's the Kronos reactor and no joke a second ionium jet both of which are on high lges and surrounded by water in this Zone we got the rotor which is blocked off by a wall that only blue Pikmin can hit and the glue on Drive which requires building two more bridges to access circling back to our base the repair type bolt is super close by but once again on a high ledge surrounded by more water I'm running thin on my God dang patience here and finally we got the interstellar radio which is way out in the middle of the ocean inside this flying balloon look an enemy why is every part so annoying although time doesn't seem like it'll be too too big of an issue at this point I still wanted to make good efficient rats for this area just in case some future parch guy Harry my routing strategy almost entirely revolved around the bug boss or more accurately the bridge next to his Arena despite my efforts I couldn't find a way to skip building this bridge and doing so is going to take up a lot of my time and most of my Pikmin kind of like the breakable wall in the forest Naval this will naturally split up the area into two distinct Aras one where I have all my Pikmin and one where I don't so we'll have to allocate tasks that require multiple Pikmin for after I built the bridge and we're starting off with tasks that I can do by myself all that is just to say I'm doing these guys first cuz I can't kill the bosses yet yeah my plans are pretty simple these days I started off day 13 by tossing some boys onto the bridge before immediately running into a problem see usually getting up onto a high ledge to push the parts off isn't an issue there's almost always nearby enemies that I could bait over to get the job done and the last area was particularly kind as the most common enemies were able to be transported across the entire map this area by contrast has dumpl these guys live in the water and have an extremely small home that they Patrol making them terrible candidates for clipping up walls as they can't be freely baited around the map or so I initially thought I think yeah so that's what's supposed to happen as you can see he's uh he's smoing this is the dumple fling my absolute favorite trick in this entire challenge I have no idea why it happens but if you set up a dumple such that it's facing the direction you want it to go and then dance on the edge of its home it confuses him real badly or something and some nonsense happens in the game code yada yada they get fled completely negating this issue and actually making dumpl better than Shear grubs or Bert it's insane so when I made my way over here I flung two of the three available dumpl into these respective Corners before beating them to death and using their pellets to clip on The Ledges to push off the parts if you're like me then you might have actually been worried about pushing the ionium jet in particular cuz you know the whole hard to push thing and yeah it definitely does make it harder to deal with but getting it into this exact spot and then lying down next to it causes some nonsense Collision interactions to occur which allows it to eventually slide right off off the ledge and into a pretty dang good teleport spot it was at this point though when I realized that the Kronos reactor is not currently in a Teleport spot which makes it worth trying to push back right now the issue is that pushing it back is apparently insanely annoying every submerged part up to this point has been absolutely no problem for Walter but this one in particular is completely broken it just hates getting out of the water and I'm not going to lie to you I still don't really know what the problem was but after using one pellet to get it used to being on the shore I guess and then dialing back to use a second pellet I was able to get it up out of there oh my my god dude after that I had Walter continue to push it all the way across the map until he reached this point our base is right there which is nice but we're unfortunately blocked by yet another massive wall which is a pretty big problem or at least it would be if it weren't for James oh yeah you might have already been able to tell but James's face is significantly flatter than gems which actually makes it much better for moving objects which in turn also makes it much better for clipping objects and wouldn't you know it this was absolutely not worth it in hindsight I should have just blown up the wall it would have been faster I don't know why I'm so against doing that am I am I stupid am I just addicted to doing glitches I don't know I don't know why I'm like this but regardless now that those two parts are finally in good spots we were able to move on because we had Walter with us I figured that the glue on Drive was the best part to tackle next as he'd be able to help out with this thing's biggest issue the bridges see even though Walter should absolutely be able to push this part through the water here the fact that there are bridges at all makes him think that that's the path that we should go on instead so trying to push the part with a Shear grub like we usually do gets him stuck at the Bridge's entrance walking around in circles waiting for us to build them like some sort of idiot so we're going to have to convince Walter to take the underwater route and we can actually use the stuck Pikmin circling motion thing to do just that after positioning the objects like this I can have Walter pick up the she gr and since his current path is blocked he starts moving in a circle around the point that he initially picked it up which nudges the part a little bit at that point I can whistle him to make him drop the part right at the edge of his circle before making him pick it up again he then goes through the same sequence of logic but the initial position is slightly to the left and so by repeating these steps and consistently whistling Walter at the same point in the circle we're actually able to get both objects off the main path and into the water at that point Walter finally remembers oh yeah I can breathe in water and chooses a different path to the base that doesn't involve using the bridges at all now that's great and all but we immediately ran into another problem after this and that's the fact that this part is fat as heck which actually makes it impossible to nudge out of the water as Walter gets too close to the wall for things to line up properly but luckily I found a nice teleport spot nearby that would get the part out of the water for us so I just left it there for another day and moved on with what little time I had left I wanted to tackle the rotor so I went over here used a frog to clip through this wall and what is quite possibly the easiest glitch to do in any video game ever and then move the rotor like four times into a Teleport spot that'll get it past the wall on the next day yeah this wall might as well just not exist after that I didn't really have time to do anything else substantial so I took this opportunity to see how much progress my Pikmin have gotten on that bridge we need to build hey uh hey where are they where they go turns out one of these dweebs I think snatched them up at some point during the day and Scattered them a bit Stephanie ended up being buried in this big bugs Arena poor thing and Jordan I don't know how ended up completely inside this nearby wall which is a tad unfortunate to somewhat make up for this I spent my last minute here Gathering them back up and getting some more Bridge progress before the day finally came to an end on the next day we found our Kronos reactor almost in our base the ionium jet in the middle of the pond the rotor P its non-existent wall and the glue on Drive still in the water dang it not a big problem though I can just redo some stuff this time making sure it's in the right spot yep teleports out it's good and now finish off the day again and all right what's going on here now I didn't know it at the time silly me uh but the glue on Drive is currently what is known as a Quantum super position this is to say that if I'm observing as the day ends then it'll teleport in the right spot but I guess it does something else when I'm not looking like it's doing something devious only when my back is turned I suppose which makes it teleport in the wrong spot I have no clue why this is how this game works I wish I was joking about this but the last thing I have to do today is just look at the glue on drive just make sure it's behaving and it'll work just fine why am I attempting to explain anything in this video Whatever moving on to day 14 my plan's basically the same my bridge Boys still need to get their dang work done so I'll be working with Walter on this half of the map again hitting all the parts you get the drill but before doing anything I went ahead and had Jordan get some damage done on this stone wall nearish my base I'm doing this cuz I realized that the rotor needs to make its way through here and I'm not going to spend my entire life clipping it through the wall okay my brain's functioning a little better these days that being said though after getting the bridge boy started Bing away the snitch buug so he doesn't get any more evil plans and then flinging a dumple to get him to drop a pellet near the ionium jet I pushed it all the way to my base and I clipped it through the wall goodbye brain next up is that Captain seed I neglected yesterday but this one should be nice and easy I mean it's out and about there's nothing blocking it no water no enemies it's the most annoying part of all time oh my God why can't I have just one freebie this guy's issue is that he's secretly in a bit of a hole which makes them super hard to nudge anywhere including in Walter's pathfinding this meant that I had to enlist the help of my good friend Bart by doing a trick called yellow wwod transportation and here's how it works it's the same way the the same enemy anyway after baiting B over I was able to get the part a little bit out of the hole which allowed Walter to finally push it out carry it to my base and uh then clip it through that wall that I totally could have blown up a while ago whatever moving on I circled around the map to access the rotor which decided to teleport in a kind of stinky area there were no nearby pellets or Shear grubs that I could have wal used to push this thing out of here so I instead hired BART to do the work for me and miraculously around the same time I got the part mostly out of the water I heard this sound which indicates that my bridge boys actually finished today so I waltzed on over congratulated them on a job well done and very quickly had Jordan bust down this nearby wall as the day came to a close day 15 then marks the halfway point of this area for now that the necessary bridge is built on the North side is basically complete we can move on to the other half the parts starting with the brow sprit in the bug boss and you know what this fight's really cool making him vulnerable requires that I use one my soldiers to block his blo hole looking thing meaning I'll only actually be attacking with two of my Pikmin at a time since Stephanie's damage is significantly higher than these two goobers I made sure that she was never the blow hole blocker instead that job was usually Jordan's as I can throw much higher than the others making it a bit easier beyond that I also ensured that I baited out attacks as quickly as possible for more damage opportunities I made sure that the boss stayed close to where I needed to take the object which is fast and I manipulated RNG to make sure my Pikmin never lost their flow because I need them oh okay wait wait wait wait never mind I get it still not that interesting we can move on after after killing them I used both Walter and Stephanie to start carrying the part back extra fast but I benched Steph at this point so Walter could take the water path which avoids waking up these nearby enemies and you guessed it I clipped the part through the floor actually not the wall and this turned out to be a pretty big deal as wherever in the world it ended up out of bounds made it respawn literally in my base on the next day so uh yeah it's pretty dang cool after that I decided to tackle these two guys as they were pretty close by the repair type bolt is on another high ledge so I had to bait a nearby bar over to this wall to clip on top of it and push it off but that's all for some reason standard fa at this point so let's just move on the radio is a little bit trickier it's in another boss enemy so we'll probably want our entire Army to take care of him but he's also in a pretty precarious Zone surrounded by both water and a bunch of enemies which would make it pretty dangerous whenever the boss decides to shake off all my Pikmin but after transporting all my troops out into the middle of the ocean and tossing them on board I was able to get this to happen this is the blo hog lock something I think I accidentally discovered for the first time basically if you repeatedly step in and out of this guy's home then he'll constantly switch in between pursuing you and forgetting you exist and if you do this fast enough I guess it just overloads his brain to the point where he doesn't even ever think about shaking off my Pikmin allowing them to all stay on the entire time and kill him super quick after that glorious Victory I decided to just leave the part behind for now so it'll teleport in a good spot for Pikmin nudging and instead tend to the rotor a bit which is uh back in that water I got it out of great luckily it's not too bad Bart's still here and he was actually able to get it to clip through the floor this time which helped in getting it more out of the water than last time so hopefully it won't just slide back in again tomorrow and hey here tomorrow is day 16 I didn't really need a plan this time around cuz at this point all we got left is pushing Parts back to my base which I got started it on immediately the first thing I did was venture out into the ocean and fling a dumple at the radio that I could use to spawn pellets to carry it back before doing so however I went ahead and flung another dumple from over here in a completely random Direction I did this for no reason don't worry about it anyway I went ahead and started pushing the radio all the way across the map and into my base which went off without a hitch once it was there I turned my attention to the repair type bolt and wait what's this there's already a dumple there waiting patiently for me to kill it for pellet drops how did this happen wait a second there's no way did he plan this ever since the beginning all right anyway so use that guy to also get this part into my base before moving on I again plundered the ocean for some more dumpl to fling and hopefully you can now see why this is one of my favorite tricks it's so fun it's stupid it's cool and it allows me to drag the last two parts all the way to my base without any sweat and with that we've kind of made it yeah all we got left to do is push these three dweebs close to my ship but beyond that yeah that's all the required Parts in the game right there I didn't even realize how close we were to achieving our goal until this exact moment but yeah if we just collect these parts and then sit around for the remaining 14 days then we'll have technically beaten Pikmin without ever making Pikmin but that ending kind of stinks doesn't it I mean I didn't even build up to this moment with dramatic music or anything everything we've done all that routing and all those crazy tricks accumulating to what in normal ending no no not on my watch I started this challenge assuming that the time limit on every day would make collecting every part impossible but now that we've gotten all the required Parts with nearly half my days left I'd say that this calls for a last minute challenge revision is it possible to beat Pikman without making Pikmin with 100% completion let the challenge truly begin with this new goal in mind we're now going to have to unred the two optional Parts in this area and start thinking of ways to collect them one of them is the ever important massage machine which is decently far from my base but will probably require nothing more than a bit of pikin nudging to collect the UV lamp on the other hand is a bit of a different story this thing's real close to me so it's probably the part I'm going to try and make progress on the end of the day here but how in the world am I actually going to do that it's sitting on a bunch of cascading Ledges like the Libra but unlike the Libra there's no out of- bounds Abyss that I can use to my advantage this means that I'm actually going to have to Traverse each ledge one by one by somehow getting an object on each ledge that I can use to clip of course that leaves the question what objects am I going to use and the answer is actually a little tricky I'm only going to use one object and it's not in the way you're expecting oh my gosh and with this newly donated High Ground thanks to Bart I was able to nudge the UV lamp off of its ledge into the shadow realm I guess just as the day ended which to no one's surprise teleported the part in the perfect spot on the next day day 17's plan is simple we're dealing with the massage machine before finally going ahead and nudging all the parts back for collection at which point I'll need to make an additional 10 drop Pikmin to submit the heaviest D and with all that we should be able to get this area comfortably done today the first step of the plane is a little more annoying than you may expect though sure this part's just sitting out in the open making it easy to access but much like the glue on Drive its current path expects us to build a bunch of bridges to cross some water also like last time however I was able to get around this by nudging the partk completely off its original path to convince Walter to instead take the scenic route through the ocean avoiding the bridges entirely once that dude made it into my base I turned my attention to the UV lamp and wouldn't you know it I actually didn't clip it through the wall this time aren't you proud well you shouldn't be cuz I instead took the deluxe extra stupid route by spending a million years nudging it by hand through this narrow little walkway I think just so I could show off that I could whatever surely that unnecessary time sync won't actually amount to anything cuz look all I got left to do is nudge these three guys into the landing site and we should be all good right I need to make 10 Pikmin no oh I forgot completely yeah so what I had to spend an extra day here because I didn't leave myself enough time to break my own challenge rules whatever I knew you guys wouldn't think that I pushed all these guys close enough to my ship to count as in my base so yeah that's what I spent this whole day doing and with that we finished off the largest area in the game with all the required Parts but we're still far from completing our mission actually that's kind of a lie if you remember I actually did collect the optional part from the forest Naval so we are pretty dang close we only got three parts next up is the forest of Hope in which we completely ignored the Supernova thing the last time we were here collecting it was far from an issue though all we had to do is bust down a wall sneak this part past a couple of boys and bask in its beauty two more parts remain and believe it or not one of them is the engine I still haven't collected I'm not going to lie I forgot that I skipped this part and in hindsight the game totally checks if you have it at the end the whole Spiel where it might not be required was 100% me coping so uh that would have been unfortunate what isn't unfortunate however is the fact that I left this guy in an extremely easy spot allowing me to collect him no problem and with all that one part remains but unlike the last view this one happens to reside in completely unfamiliar territory the final trial the final area which houses the final part in the entire game and by a long shot it is the hardest we've ever seen see for every single part in this this entire run the main challenge has been finding some way to get the part back to my base but this is the first time since day freaking one we're getting ourselves physically to the part is a complete mystery the part resides inside the belly of the emperor bubl but before we can unpack all that nonsense we first got to find a way to Traverse the first half of this area which acts as a bit of a puzzle with the final piece being a box that we need 10 Pikmin to push out of our way unlike the walls and bridges here which while annoying are still possible to manage with our Max of three dudes boxes will simply never budge and we dealt with all two of the other boxes in this game by simply going around them well okay why am I crying about this box if I can just Walt around it using one of the hundred out of bound tricks we found the reason is that we can't this place is stupid simple there are literally zero enemies and zero objects available to us both of which are things we've historically relied on to do literally anything and I'll be honest I'm at a bit of a loss here as a result without any of our usual toys to play with were kind of useless except the thing is there might just be one single thing that we can utilize the bomb rocks see I kind of lied earlier about there being no objects here cuz exactly three bomb rocks spawn right at the beginning of the area the only issue is that I kind of didn't lie earlier cuz these bomb rocks are not actually available to us they're on top of the ledge completely inaccessible but there's one fact about these dudes that might just make them accessible despite our situation their spawn location is random this means that it might just be possible for a rock to erroneously spawn on the ground and according to some Fairly reliable resources this has actually happened to multiple people before two people specific speically because this glitch is astronomically unlikely so much so to the point where there is no video proof of this ever happening to anyone until now oh my god dude no way oh yeah after 2 hours of using the fast forward function on my very real GameCube I was able to manipulate RNG such that a rock spawns right where we need it however just having one accessible object now doesn't entirely solve our problem just kidding it's literally in the perfect spot to give us a direct path to the Boss Arena allowing us to take ourselves and all three of Pikmin across the map in no time so with all that now is when the challenge of this part truly begins this is the Emperor ball black the hardest boss in the entire dang game this dude has entirely too much health and a couple of pretty messed up attack patterns but the worst part is that the primary method of killing him being sacrificing a yellow guy to stun him with a bomb rock is kind of a terrible option for us it's not like we can't hurt him without stunning him but he shakes off our Pikmin too fast for us to do any substantial damage at a time and beating this dude quickly is kind of important cuz Not only would not killing him today mean we'd have to get the near impossible bomb Rock spawn again but he also regenerates health over time which is a a bit of an issue generally speaking but fret not cuz I have what you might call a strat first I bait out a tongue attack by standing in a specific area in front of him once he starts it I can then unleash my entire Arsenal on one of his cheeks as fast as possible then to prevent him from immediately shaking them off I can bait out a maximum of one extra tongue attack and prolong the damage of bit from there he's guaranteed to shake them off so it's at that point where I'll whistle my Pikmin before they get deflowered and repeat the cycle doing this Strat can get them to half Health pretty quick however at that point he'll start doing this big jump move which is both a good and a bad thing for us okay it's mostly a bad thing cuz we can't actually deal damage to him while he's doing it luckily though which attack he does seems partially manipulatable so we can continue to run with our cycle with only a few interruptions and after a long dang time we eventually got him to almost no Health at which point we can abuse the one good thing about his big jump maneuver it's kind of hard to tell but this Arena has a bit of a bull shape so if we killed him right now then the part would be in basically what is just a hole and we'd have no way of getting it out of here so instead I convinced him to do a big jump and then bait him all the way out of the Arena before getting the last few hits on them not only avoiding the big hill but also just generally moving the part closer to our base and speaking of moving the part to our base we aren't quite out of the woods just because we beat the boss cuz now we got to move the part back to our base W I'm good at script writing specifically my goal with moving the part today was to at the very least get it off this ledge cuz like I said a little earlier having to use another bomb to get up here tomorrow would just be terrible seriously I don't want to do it again the issue is that I have very little time left in the day it was going to be close oh wait wait wait wait wait is [Music] it oh my gosh yes oh my gosh it's in the water yes and with that we were closing in on this game's final part and although it wasn't actually in our base yet I was pretty confident I'd be able to make it back as I assume all of you watching are as well cuz at this point after everything we've been through this entire challenge all of us know exactly what we're capable of from RNG manipulation to wall clipping to enemy baiting to Waypoint displacement to object nuding into waiting around for our mere three Pikmin to pull their weight so is it possible to beat Pikmin collect all the parts and escape the planet without ever actually making Pikmin well no it isn't but hopefully the many methods that went into collecting just this one part is enough to convince us that it totally could have been hey welcome to the end of the video I hope you enjoyed it I'm sorry it took me a thousand years to make it I didn't realize how hard this challenge would be go ahead do all the YouTube things especially commenting I read and love all your comments it's my biggest motivator my gamer Subs link is also in the description if you're interested it's the best way to support me if you're into that oh also by the way not really that important but I cheated the last part I manually moved a bomb Rock off its ledge it didn't actually spawn there I did actually try to manipulate RNG for 2 hours it just never worked I don't think it's possible for one of the rocks to spawn off the ledge but I do think it's possible for all three of the rocks to spawn on top of each other right next to the ledge and that could push one of them off and that would also explain why you have to be so lucky for it to happen I didn't lie about the fact that it has happened to other people so it is real so I just manually moved it to test the proof of concept and it made for a better video so I don't want to hear about it okay don't talk to me
Channel: Sample
Views: 333,341
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: aqmcPaEEH6M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 1sec (3661 seconds)
Published: Mon May 20 2024
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