5,000 Ticket Arcade Mystery Box! Can I Win It?

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hey what's up guys Matt here we're at scene 75 and we're gonna try to win 5,000 tickets in this video to unbox the 5000 ticket mystery box that they have up at the prize counter let's go play some games and hopefully win some jackpots and then at the end stay tuned if we can win it I'm gonna unbox the 5000 ticket mystery box to see what's inside if at any time you guys enjoy this video give it a thumb up let's see if we can get 5,000 likes on this video just go click away that like button alright guys so check this out scene 75 just got a brand new game super no it's called power roll if I could read that would be cool so basically just got to shoot this ball this red ball up and you got to get it right in that that ticket zone where it says super bonus really cool I mean I'm intrigued like crap by this it's a very simple concept it's a nice jackpot and so we're gonna do some I'm gonna start off with this game right here guys so you got to get it right here $5 ticket hurry up tell me to hurry up okay so that was like oh I almost said 45 that's cool I like that ball - it's like a like crystal look at that you see that we're gonna try see I know it's too light oh wait what a mall oh I see why it's tougher because it's gotta go just in that's interesting Brandon if you can get an angle see how that one's leaning back more the space with where you got to get it is so minut see that guys it's leaning back so there's a smaller gap between the jackpot and then the next level that is interesting that's tougher and I thought it was and the 500 thing leans more so that you got to get it just the right speed oh that's an that's insane dude don't tell me to hurry up this is a lot tougher than I thought it was gonna be oh my god more because I was right there I gotta go I'm trying to get a strike point down what you can do with this because what you're it's all just mechanics to see that so I'm trying to get a strike on his where I'm that was too hard there I can get in 20 every time all right that was my fault there I had my stupid hand sitting there I said that was too hard I'm thinking right there just a little bit oh I see it's even tougher than I thought so I had it there but that 500 thing moves a lot it Wiggles back and forth a lot more oh that's crazy dude you gotta just miss the next level so it has the ball has time to catch that red thing oh that's crazy dude I was there but that stupid red thing it Wiggles back and forth and it's like that thing is driving me nuts that was my bad oh that was their man I don't have nightmares about this game tonight I'm gonna hear this music in my sleep I don't like it this this voice is gonna be telling me to hurry up and my my nightmare I was too short oh dude out almost was the deal I know get up there it's stuck guys it's stuck oh and in a trig yeah now it's self adjusted it must have knew it was stuck and then it Oh son of a gun I had that we're getting close was it I feel robbed get there get there oh if you can catch it just one at the right I just need a little bit harder than is too hard yeah so my gun I got thirty that time oh yes yes nice that was the best 500 tickets ever wanted my whole life that's awesome there it is countdown them who celebration wow that was cool dude yes okay so now we know it's possible there you go cool beans love this game guys we're at Wacken when there's a this is a thousand on this excellent that would be nice to hit this let's see if we can get it oh I think I'm one short oh I was one short I think I can get this it's a game of skill it's this milk jug tossed voice guy you're supposed to get the ball in the jug I think I was won over yeah no I wasn't I was deaf baby dude a thousand tickets Wow second try guys I'm not even jagging your room wow that was crazy dude you see counting up right there alright guys really try beanbag toss I'm not the best of this street food look I don't even bend them so I'm assuming you want to just name for the red I'm terrible with this cuz you get that Street bonus if you aim for the red right green hold green ho oh that was terrible I was that barely halfway there I were inside when we're gonna get those three bonus you do want to have us bean bags or any of the [Music] little wins done is there then three bonus I say it say it oh I'm not mrs. Muir lighted hold so now I'm going for blue three bonus Green's three bonus three great powers three bonus America I'm getting better you got a half life moving over oh my god I'm like please dude I feel like I ran a marathon that's all I got oh it's a bonus lose three telling I see that's where all your points are look at this guy's yeah it's gonna be like 60,000 oh dude 10,000 I don't know I might be able to get this one shot once more I'm getting better I never really played this game us cuz I suck at throwing games yeah you gotta get that Street motor runs three fullness I hate this thing that's what's messing me up is that stupid guard you can't grab this mean bag three folders that's three bonus breaking a sweat over hair if you follow these lose pulling so it's fun game over yeah I got to say almost same thing it's gonna be close this thing is stupid I understand they don't want your hand in there that's what's messing me up I can't grab a bag quickly enough now this is a mic technique [Music] grab all these oh dude 8,000 uneven I think I can get this all right now I got see the technique is to have bags ready for the next round so we're gonna try again and let's see if that helps good let's do this lady in the wolf gets those streets bonus no Ren's done is that Street bonus move three bonus Reds three hold them on that you can do this faith in yourself have a little faith and your self you goober oh no no Drano I didn't even worse all right well that was fun but it's possible it's just I'm not the best at these throwing games I mean that's not bad for me and let's see we got so I got 50 that time that's pretty good I'll take it that's not bad all right guys go line rush one of my favorite games Gladstein has this I got a knock that golden football further though near 15 okay but the golden one now the jackpot football is out on the end where we want it so that's good sometimes you got to find a player too get it out there so let's see if we can land this guy's there it is Oh 50 wow that's not bad that's one of the higher ones you can get there's a hundred in there fifty I think's to the third highest that's actually pretty good we'll take it I'll catch those a little late I got a fiber I'm gonna go a little bit earlier I like to strike it when the golden footballs lined up with this metal thing there it is oh yeah bang what did I just say guys there it is but the Hat the trick is it has to be on the end free to use that strike point so there you go golden football 500 that's a lot here at scene 75 so that's cool we're gonna see if we can hit it again sometimes I've hit back-to-back on these would be really cool to hit the jackpot with the hundert but usually they're not in the line back-to-back and I missed like a dork alright here it comes golden football man ago earlier too early it was there come on it's in a weird position yeah 15 better nothing it was standing like upright it was tougher there yet all right guys one of my favorite games 1575 has one my favorite arcade games ever not a lot of people have it unfortunately golden Empire she got a knock as many coins off without knocking over that middle things there we go I was doing really good at this no you don't want to go in an angle that's that's what you don't want to do you want to go side to side without one in an angle that's the trick to this on seconds you can kind of go in an angle when you're near the edge but oh look at this guy we don't lock oh man we're gonna but I don't know so you get three you need 380 coins to get the super bonus of 500 tickets you can see it counting up there it's like coins are this is gonna be close guys oh my gosh we might hit it first try oh baby here we go oh it's gonna be couple shorts son of a beast thing come on keep going dirty job man that was close not bad though for my first try so we had three looks like 352 and that's a hundred tickets so that's really good ditch I wouldn't take no that's quad dump some out look that's Nate let's try this side these these tokens look a little bit thicker and then they looks like a nice pile here so this is interesting guys they have a two of these here and they're back the back this one has the older bronze and Amira tokens which I feel like they're a tad bit thicker than those newer silver ones so I'm gonna try in there looks like a really nice pile right there so the same we need 380 look this one gives you 40 seconds look that is crazy dude that is weird this gives you 40 seconds guys gives you an extra five seconds oh we got this let's Beach it easy now please just get that back nine seconds good three two one that might do it right there guys there was a nice bunch in there let's see what we got here oh I should do it come on baby 380 we're there here we go dude that was weird I gave you 40 seconds on this side what oh are you serious thought I had that man but hey a hundred four tickets not you happy come on 75 wouldn't be bad there's only one bonus ball so that's not gonna do us any good come on jackpot or something 75 and all that for 30 all right well it could have been Morris I'm gonna trash to the jack watts 400 and some so that's not bad we'll see if we can hit that that was a quick fall man 15 I should just try and get a straight bounce for the regular JP that was up there Wow I had like a mini baby there guys quick last time I was here we had the extreme mystery by which gave us a whopping 30 that was a little strange 15 high on music school for those straight down so it was that was almost an extreme mystery like I was almost a swoosh 75 get in there 50 50 get in there yeah there we go 50 tickets that's not bad 50 is good that was an in an outer man that was disgusting 30 maybe 41:25 yes okay that's a good amount right there guys look at that hundred and twenty-five smackers this is one of my favorite I love it I love it I record six in a row your record wow that was nice man 5:48 you get so that's after you collect the tickets when you're regularly playing so that's there's over a thousand tickets right there guys in a matter of under two minutes I got to keep going I can't break my streak this is for three in a row they're gonna space that one all right guys we're a ticket time claw machine there's a 500 right by the prize area so I'm a prize shoot I should say let's see if we can get it come on swing it in there oh come on baby that's a perfect Graham Graham perfect Graham there's a couple right here 200 hum nerds come on 200 come on I should stay yeah nice 200 tickets guys that took a little bit but two hundreds a good amount for this five mine's a highest amount here in this one so we're gonna see if we can win it it's on the edge so it's prime so let's see we can do here guys that's a slow arm and again 50 I wasn't even going for it nice dude hey that's better than nothing I'm gonna try another side because now that arms gonna lag when I play again and it's gonna screw up my timing so all right so I gotta go definitely earlier these arms here on this one for some reason just really like slow am i doing right there oh my god that thing crawled like the tortoise from the hair book The Tortoise and the hare book I think it was slower than the dang tortoise because slow that is it's like people when they drive through the Squirrel Hill tunnels here in Pittsburgh they go that slow [Music] there it is yeah you could just tell when it's there nice it took a little bit but 500 like I says a really good payout so 499 Oh gave me the five I was gonna say they gave me 500 won guys we got an extra ticket there I was gonna say if it was gonna get me on 499 what is this like Walmart prices come on all right guys we're gonna try some geared up this is it - I might try for the bonus instead of just a hundred on this there's two ninety is pretty high on this hopefully the timings the same the one at 7:28 and it is so stop it on the bonus here I know I think I want to say stop it on the 2900 that was weird it gave me 30 tickets but it stopped on the bonus what he gave me 30 tickets what is this nonsense [Music] announced it three higher look at that I was nowhere near a 30 that makes no sense I like it's games it's all skill to get up to the bonus thing you know the wheels all glitchy okay so that was - I think I got to stop it on the 20 I forget where to stop it for that bonus yeah it stopped it there I don't know why I didn't give me that man all right here we go up to the top let's do this I'm gonna give it a second Oh see how this one passed it now this change oh I know it landed on the 15 but if you get tickets I forgot for crawling up so maybe that's what it gave me that was weird that it's ditched literally stopped on a boat as though just crank it up mmm I think this sounds that may someone's gonna tarean let me know in the comments guys your favorite Atari game Oh I've won past can I do this school's messing me up I can't tell here we go stop crapping around here yeah guys that's a high bonus on here it up 3:30 when it's at high schooi worth going for 603 45 just in that round guys that was nice took a little bit I forgot where actually where I had to stop cuz I usually go for the hundred and you stop it on the bonus to get to the hundred so not bad and bad man and adds him there we go shebang beautiful that was great dude alright guys I'm gonna try floppy or flying tickets excuse me I'm sorry there's two versions of this I don't want to mess it up I'm not the best at this but I didn't really play it on the channel so oh there's no sound it's so fun I like to hear him go ah mana crank up volume up dude 108 that doesn't seem that it's giving me a lot of fives for some reason see that the stripe pipes are five guys oh I was halfway there more than halfway I gots a new high score guys 62 tickets try again alright here we go what was giving me a lot of five pipes in the beginning maybe they got an uneasy and easier metal ooh that it's three right there great this games tough there's a guy that's really good at this that I know he's insane okay like 500 with his eyes closed [Music] a gun man if he didn't have that helmet on maybe we'd be able to get places hey no bad we got a hundred tickets with another 100 in those two plays all right goobers we got a total of five thousand nine hundred and ninety tickets in this video guys we have enough for that mystery box we're gonna go get it and I'm gonna unbox it and see what's inside right after this alright guys were back from the arcade and goober is on the back of my chair awesome she just knows when I'm filming it's so weird guys like she just it's it's strange it's like you're you you want the channel maybe we'll just give goober the channel guys let me know should we give goober the channel now don't disappoint me on the content man just lick everything maybe alright we got to do this man no more crapping around alright we're gonna see what's inside this mystery box guys we got it was five thousand tickets at scene 75 so let's see what we got here folks I think it's a really good idea which more arcades would do this I you know I think it's really cool people love mystery stuff and you can even have ones that are like fifty hundred thousand freely really big prizes maybe it could be like a Nintendo DS or something or just like crazy stuff that people love mystery stuff so let's see we got probably not gonna be extravagant but let's see what we have here folks it looks like there's a bunch of stuff in here holy moly so we got a flying glider so this will add up to and she's gonna be eating this non-stop because she loves the crinkles so these will add up to equate to at least 5,000 seen 75 tickets if you were to purchase these individually so we got one of those little flying gliders these are always neat is this it's an animal hat guys look it's freaking rhinoceros or I think got a couple smiley face slap bands actually matches the color of my hoodie there please slap Mon and then the yeah there you go shebang we got a spiky ball that's a cat very interesting gotta love the sticky hands man is not an arcade prize if you're not getting sticky hands so much stuff oh this is neat macho is one one of these these are really quite to have this one of those little needs to make these like larger size but it's a little keychain this is cool this I'm this I'm gonna definitely keep because they'll put in my little novelty collection these are one of those little hourglass thingies but they're like they're really cool they have that like liquid in them how cool is that I love the colors in that too so as you can see it has like liquid in it and then when you turn it upside down see it all goes - it all goes down that's really neat so we have this awesome little hockey game thing that's kind of neat so you set it up it like folds and then you unfold it and then you shoot it's like a hockey game very interesting it's butterfly slime Christmas just in time for Christmas look I guess yeah they were a weird man it looks like gummy bears now but don't eat it because it's no good but be harmonica boy oh this I'm playing on camera let me know in the comments guys do you know how to play any musical instruments I used to play keyboard back in the day that actually works really well my god look at that guy's I don't know why it's a bee but holy crap that actually sounds really good like I quit my youtube career and frickin play harmonica for a living I got a twizzler that's cool I eat that on camera make everyone jealous here's some random a little plush you actually will go good in my little diamond for a prized or even my big choice claw machine behind me here it's like a dinosaur in slime look at that if you guys wouldn't see that there so we're gonna reveal this dinosaur well enough II would love as he loves dinosaurs Triceratops there that was in the slime okay very random I got a plushy mustache that's cool I'm keeping this tomato's squishy guys I love my food themed stuff that is really cool you oh that's so satisfying gotta have a Chinese finger trap man look at it and then when you oh look at what didn't work it didn't it didn't do its duty it's a baseball bat can the bun jelly with a baseball bat we got a blow-up whoa what baseball bat they're very nice I'm not gonna blow it up now it's probably take forever yeah I forget that ain't got time nobody got time for that got a bunch of card games here so we got hearts the card game fish the card game an old made the card game this might be the biggest best prize in there it looks like a little carrying case oh it's like it's a lunch pack it's a 3d lion that lunch pack guys oh yeah this is actually 3d look at that that's real quiet it's really hard to see on camera but see it actually sticks out that is actually really cool that looks really neat I love the artwork I don't know that might be the real lion in there guys this feels like a million dollars in here nope there's nothing pretty cool you know man you never know what's inside let me know if you guys enjoyed the video if you did thumb it up arcade matcom has some my plush and prizes per say I'm a list some of the few things that I got in here as well so you guys will have a chance to get some of the stuff that I want in a video so a mighty spring March guys is below any YouTube video so just go below and you can scroll through all my merchants on teespring like shirts hats and stuff like that here at the end I got some I got a playlist that will have more of my arcade ticket videos games where I play arcade games for tickets and then the other one will just be a random video and if you want to subscribe to my channel make sure you just click that circle and click the Bell to enable notifications hope you guys enjoyed the video and I give me a follow on Twitter tik-tok and Instagram arcade underscore mats and thanks for watching
Channel: Arcade Matt
Views: 1,053,176
Rating: 4.82026 out of 5
Keywords: arcade, arcade matt, can i win it, can we win it, mystery box, 5000 tickets, winning 5000 tickets, arcade mystery box, unboxing, mystery box unboxing, arcade win mystery box, claw machine, coin pusher, matt 3756, arcade games, arcade videos, arcade hacks, arcade fun, mystery boxes, mystery prize, arcade win, arcade game, how to win, tower of tickets, pop the lock, goal line rush, power roll, tailgait toss
Id: -pN4hqWuScQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 10sec (1930 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 19 2019
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