Can We Survive Humankind's Hardest Difficulty? | Episode #1 -Terrain POG!

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yo what's up everyone brian with you from the game company we are playing some more humankind we're starting a brand new campaign today and well there's one more thing we got to accomplish well there's probably many things we got to accomplish but there's one main thing i want to accomplish still in this game and that's to beat it on the hardest difficulty i've been loving this game like i've been having a ton of fun with it uh but we definitely need to bump it up to the top difficulty because as someone who's beaten sieve on uh deity difficulty many many many times you know it's kind of like a pride thing now at this point that i have to actually beat this on humankind difficulty now what's gonna be interesting is how do we wanna set everything else up i did uh start a game earlier like i think this weekend uh today's monday i started one on this weekend and just i was not having a good weekend for video games so i'm just like you know what we're just gonna scrap that we're just gonna pretend none of it happened and we're just gonna start over i think on that one we were playing large with eight competitors i did look at our last campaign uh that we did on civilization difficulty and on that one we did a large map with nine competitors i'm really debating about just maxing everything out here and like let's actually see what a huge map is now the only thing that is awkward about this is with 10 competitors in the game that means there's only 10 cultures every era so if we get to the era last we don't even get to choose what um well i guess we could choose to either keep our same uh culture or to uh change to only one other like we wouldn't get to choose between multiple ones but you know what that might actually be entertaining here uh everything else i have right now just set to complete randomness there is a temptation to like um where is it i island odds oh no no no which one number of continents part of me is tempted to go like eight continents there but i don't know i'm wondering i'm wondering if we're almost guaranteed to have like someone on our continent with this one i don't know right now everything's just set to random which is what i kind of love i just love it when it's just completely chaotic and crazy and you have literally no idea what the map's gonna look like that's just like really my favorite here um let's go ahead and name this um the uh uh the era of jeff there we go since we did parker last time we gotta do jeff this time right so this is gonna be era of jeff let's see we'll we'll do huge that's fine pace will do normal even though i'm gonna be straight up honest i love the idea of going a slow large game that just seems like it would be so much fun the downside with that is like the series is already what like 15 20 episodes so you know going to like 40 episodes might be a bit long so i think we'll leave everything as is and skirt let's just go ahead and start at some point we just need to do like max everything and just like yeah go as slow as possible so all right big goal here is we do not want to be the last one to get to the next era i really really really would love to be a little more food focused in this campaign because it's one of those things that i did the first game i ever played in humankind when it was still doing the beta test or alpha test or whatever they were called and i found that i feel like food is really powerful in this game maybe more so than civ like civi never was really that big into getting my cities big this one i think it is totally worth it now the one thing that is interesting about that is there's not too many early food sieves so you know i think it's like the harpions are about the only one so we kind of almost have to be first to really kind of guarantee ourselves the harpions because they're almost always chosen so we're going to want to rush hard if we want to get that now the other thing is if we focus hard on food does that screw us scientifically because remember we played as what the not the babylonians yeah the babylonians last time right looking across the landscape and preparing for greatness i'm not sure what that was a reference to uh but anyways the last time we went with babylonians again not early science really helped us so i kind of don't want to screw our science up early game other thing and i noticed this so if you get 10 knowledge stars you get a neolithic legacy trait you only get that if you get the knowledge stars if you get to the next era via growth or 100 stars you don't get it the knowledge star the legacy traits really good it's the one where it's like for every population you get one production or one science or something along those lines so it's actually really really nice if we could get it okay i thought i completely screwed that up so there's a little bit of food to begin with that's fine i'd much rather see the scientific ones but this is okay this also seems like a forest here also seems like this is a dead end we're gonna have to cross the river to go in either direction well that's very unfortunate yeah that's gonna slow us down a little too much i said a little too much i mean it's definitely gonna slow us down we'll try to keep staying on the hills for now but this is not a good start we might restart just depending on how things go just because um you know i don't want to be like last i don't want a horrible start we'll we'll see we'll see we'll see i'm not i'm not going to sit there and say like i did you know unless i get this we're going to automatically restart because you know that's not fun okay interesting so we do have two scientific things right away that's nice and we can walk up there okay so that's gonna put us at like two three four somewhere in there depending on how much each one gives us doesn't mean it wasn't that one only gave us one interesting there's a sanctuary here too now the other thing about the sanctuary is we can rip it um we can spin to turn pillaging it and that gives us i think 20 foods so we just immediately would get an extra pop which we want an extra pop because extra pop then we can go send off and go in multiple directions now do we want to throw a city down or an outpost here i mean yeah i'm looking at this potential area here though as maybe the one that i think might be best option for us okay so chase raw numbers will help us building techniques world of flame or city defense i think i'm gonna take the extra hunting party please definitely want the extra hunting party so we're gonna do exactly what we said here and we're gonna go ahead and raise this you're at 20 this will just max you out right away that put us to three good good good and i think man i was gonna say i think we want to come down here now 16-6 i mean this is 23 total pips where this is 22 so i mean i think you got to go with the 23. it's also a very defensible location here too yeah because like you can come down and attack the city from here for sure but it's elevated from this area and honestly like none of this area is particularly easy to get to i mean we could definitely get some really nice areas here i think with it so all right we will go found an outpost over there that's gonna be your goal you will have two guys and then we'll split them up here [Laughter] immediately pick the harpins of course not even shocked not even shocked i don't really want to cross this river just fyi um food no no no no no no no god dang it i hate when it does that ugh ugh that was not what i wanted to do okay that's fine you will go this way then so yeah i think the ai like always chooses the heartbeans first which is annoying i'm still okay with it we can survive not being the harpions um we'll have to just like see what we can get here and this start looks pretty dang good like i'm really digging this map how it looks right now okay they only gave us five food maybe we should just kill some of these dudes because there's a lot of man i really want to get the scientific stars though so i can't get up here which is a bit unfortunate hmm yeah you know what let's go with the freaking fighting right now um this is not really a good spot to fight because he might just put himself back here and then he has the height advantage on us i don't want an instant fight though because i really don't like necessarily what would happen there now the deer will attack us so i think i'm just gonna end around here the deer actually got injured or no i don't think the deer got injured i wish the deer would have gone there that would have been great oh you know what we took the defense so the deer auto attacks us uh but because we didn't attack we got like plus something for the defense which actually worked out really well for us um now i don't think we get the defense in this case because we did just attack out luckily the ai when it comes to the you know animals are just like suicidal so we will end up winning this luckily so this is going to give us like an extra five food nothing super major here but that's okay really we're doing it just for the combat hopefully we're just we're opening up our options here for getting to the next era we unfortunately took a little too much damage though but you're healing no matter what interesting okay so you guys heal outside of friendly territory good to know um we will manual battle this and i'm gonna put my guy up here we're gonna end deployment and i'm gonna end round because once again i think the um ai is gonna be dumb and yeah that's exactly what happened so they attacked a defensive player up a hill like that's just 10 to 10 for us so we will attack down they if they're smart would go up a hill in attack but i don't know if the okay they are smart enough to do that but they're i mean they're still gonna die they're still gonna die okay so that's another five food here and then there was a little more food here so there's a chance that you get 10 food from that and um we get another pop which at that point we're only one pop away from hitting the growth star speaking of gross stars speaking of gross stars interesting okay okay so yeah we are probably going to get there via gross stars it seems like right now only one person got to the heartbeat uh uh one person got to the next growth area well there's two i wouldn't want to play the nubians anyways come on baby oh it only gave us five dang it uh screw you two game screw you two game all right i'm gonna send you out this way so you have zero tony on food you have zero 20 on food got it five away oh oh it's right there okay so we will be able to get it next era then me um i mean there's a small chance this gives us 15 food i was going to say probably not likely so i do want to hit the scientific boost just because it's going to give us a little bit of science and a little bit of extra culture sorry um how long big i discovered i would love to see how long they now i don't know one thing i'm not 100 sure of are there only so many natural wonders and they're the same every game oh where is that that's actually in this one show deeds like i feel like ha long bay is in every one which to me says i don't know yeah i don't know also we can't see any of the other ones all we see is how long bae so these must appear then as someone discovers them okay interesting i would still very much love to get to that's six ah it's just i don't think it's gonna happen i just don't see there being any way for that to happen there's a gross star that one actually disappeared hmm what's over there hmm hmm uh sorry the last winter was especially harsh i'm debating whether or not i want to get to the next era right now uh harsh the ground hard and the frost chilling to the bone and the heart of the settlement the tribe huddled close to share warmth through the coldest days but for some time it wasn't enough some need to get their blood flowing and they found means through violent gains grappling fighting contests to strengthen endurance one contest where opponents fight with hidebound fist has gained quite a following it's like boxing um so this would lose us to food on our outpost which is kind of annoying but we get experience in creating units on all city but that's only while it's a nomadic tribe which isn't going to be what's happening here we can also grab extra 5 food for 10 turns or we can cheapen our research now the thing is we don't have any horses available well i say that i no yeah horses appear right away at the beginning oh there's actually another one here we might be able to get the scientific one all right all right all right we're not gonna pick the next era okay so you're only attacking the one [Music] then i want to defend and then i'll put you over here i don't think i want to attack up but you know whatever so you actually wouldn't attack that one but what's nice is now he is down below which is just going to absolutely get his butt kicked now okay so first things first take you destroy yeah i think we wait one extra turn just for the legacy trait because two of these we did just get three i'm really hoping two of these would give us four that's kind of the hope here man also i'm tempted to go fight here again can we she's not the ai you know let's wait a turn remind me later i'm hoping this guy moves in a spot that i can fight him like i don't want to be on the same level no one actually leveled up so that actually was uh didn't matter for us yes okay we are gonna get the legacy trade boom okay good good good good good now is there a way to like guarantee that i don't actually know here uh tribe's legacy yeah here we go so we can either get waddle and dub which gives us one industry per population plant lore which gives us one food or astronomy which gives us one science per pop i'm gonna always grab the signs i think um i the harpions aren't one we're gonna be able to choose but i still think this is worth it hmm it's not really an easy way to cheese the ai on this one which is very unfortunate i think i want to fight it though just because i want [Music] uh just because i want the um uh the experience number one but if i can get one more scout we can just go ahead and like release those into our city as population uh i'm gonna go ahead and defend with you i should have maybe just defended one more turn but that's okay he didn't really do that much damage he took a little bit more and this is three or three i don't have to kill him on my turn because he's gonna still attack me so um we'll take a little bit of damage here but that's okay and we got the mammoth so hopefully this gives us 10 food it's kind of the hope didn't think he died there for a second nice okay did that give us enough food yes it did beautiful yeah we gained 20 food on that oh snap it's the third guy at full no okay yeah we're gonna level up it's fine it's fine uh and there's a chance that we might get another one here too die just shy i probably should have grabbed the scientific one but that's okay the yeah whatever all right so nubians are gone harpins are gone the harpiness are the food one which i really wanted i don't want to play the jajao because we already played the xiao i don't want to play um the phoenicians i can't say dido i don't really want to play as dido just because i mean we're on the water here there's ever a time we're going to play as died out this would not be a bad time but it's here's the problem so what's her thing gonna be it's gonna be about getting as much money as possible that's how you're gonna get the best the most amount of fame um is getting the money stars which i don't necessarily want olmacs are going to be all about getting the influence they do have a food-based building which counts as a farmer's quarters and i also kind of want to go a little heavier into influence as well but i don't know about that man then we have myceans here which i really want to play as the myceans because man the promichi are so freaking powerful the problem is we need to go fighting for that and right now we don't have neighbors hittites are going to be the same where we need neighbors the egyptians are probably what we're going to do just for the industry because i think building districts is going to be the easiest now obviously babylonians i would probably always pick the babylonians here but i'm trying to change it up a little bit so what were you needing raid masters so expansion not necessarily through war so they want okay so they want to go ahead and then attach territories to cities uh interesting the hittites are militaristic the myceans are also militaristic okay the almax then want stars you want money and then you want uh stars then the harpins wanted growth and you wanted yeah i guess what there's what five no there's gotta be more than five there's gotta be six let's see because you got the trading you got the expansionist i can't actually see how you get stars you got trading expansion food actually isn't there seven which means they could eventually go to 14 cultures without you know and to keep it balanced so science hold up hold on hold expansion science production uh war culture trade and then food yeah there's seven huh okay well we're gonna go egyptians i think it also gives us influence too and you know getting 10 district industry costs seems not bad just being able to get districts that much quicker yeah i kind of like that so we should probably dump some of our population back into our city like maybe one or two just because um i still want to keep exploring for sure but you know just to get like some early benefits in our capital here because having extra people means we can do things quicker like science and stuff like that i thought the game was gonna break there okay hello the egyptians then no prizes for guessing how you plan to leave your mark lots of pyramids [Music] which actually begs the question i know we have our pyramids but there's also the pyramid giza which also reduces industry costs so that might be a play for us save up a bunch of culture um i don't know if we're gonna be able to get to that much culture but we'll we'll have to see can i get up here i can't actually get up here um i thought i was gonna send you back and probably should have um [Music] i must send two back and then i'm gonna have you come out so if i go kill this guy basically we get gold for it now same thing with the sanctuary um i'll go ahead and fight it and once again i'm sitting here on a hill sure i think this will be okay we'll end deployment and then i'm gonna end round he actually went up the hill which is unfortunate but i still get the defensive boost on it i'm actually wondering about defending a second time and i think that is the play because i should be able to still kill you because he's gonna always attack the animal will always attack yeah and actually you know what if i think i defend the third time i think he dies yeah unless i roll really badly he's gonna die here nice so that actually worked out really well there oh interesting i gotta maybe look at that in the future don't attack just kind of defend now the the the the concern is of course that uh we defend and um give me the gold uh we defend and then we end up losing the match because we don't win so we're playing a huge map right i think so i think so um oh by the way we need to involve you into our city for those who need it a place to store food pens for the pigs it may not be glorious but it beats sleeping under trees was this the first era i actually got here yeah okay good i was just making sure i didn't screw this up all right so um we're gonna call you jeff's legacy legacy i think i need to get better names for this but that's okay all right so how do we want to start here the pyramid gives us extra industry gives us 13 freaking industry we're at 17 right now that basically doubles our industry that's kind of crazy our food's really good remember we're actually getting plus five right now too from uh the bountiful i am gonna want some of these eventually but yeah let's let's throw you down i'm okay with that let's knock that out how many turns is gonna be six turns yeah but probably less than that depending on how long it takes these guys to get back there which unfortunately seems like a little long uh you can actually merge with these guys which now that yeah that makes sense um okay cool so then i will grab domestication first i don't know we don't have horses we do have um we do have sage sage gives us food money and then stability and food so yeah let's actually go calendar then instead please uh okay so all max and my cns got chosen so jeff gained a population good ransack successful good that's a little bit of money see the signs appreciate the local this is someone else's territory this is someone else's territory the myceans hello a thousand let me introduce myself my people and from what is your you're benevolent and vindictive so you never forget what we will do you're an artist you get extra stars and extra influence uh required to unlock cultural oh so they basically get wonders a little cheaper interesting interesting now i'm not a huge fan there's horses here [Music] so if i non-aggression pack him this proposition i'm wondering if i'm not aggression pack him if i'm still able to um jack his resources also he's at 15. yeah dude the ai starts a lot stronger okay so they get plus two because of human kind difficulty so very similar to sieve then [Music] so if i go here i can go here i don't want to move any further [Music] because i don't want him to be able to hit me i really need a secondary unit here i am tempted to go raise his outpost because you know it is kind of close to us not gonna lie um speaking of raising outpost let's go raise there's copper over here interesting yeah yeah this would not be a bad area for an outpost now i wonder this might actually turn into a city i don't know if he has a city yet um okay there's literally nothing here for you so much around this way please huh it's a very interesting looking map yeah i don't really like spawning next to someone but it might be good for us from the standpoint of it seems like every time i spawn next to an ai i can usually kill them quickly yeah okay so it did become a city i was worried about that is he gonna attack us he did not nope now this might be a bad decision because he might be able to come and attack us down we're not really in a good spot to fight him right now we'll probably want to get some warriors going pretty early okay so how do i dismiss you disbanding will grant one population to it yes and then disband yes okay so we now have a population of three here which is awesome we are currently losing one food um i don't need the money right now and keep going there and then knock out the pyramids 118 we're making three gold per turn this is all fine uh so here's the thing we can explore or expand westward right now so we're on the river yeah we can definitely keep expanding this way so even though we have someone on our butts right here to the right this is an end of the world all right so we want as many of these discoveries as possible because that's gonna be our best way to actually get science here um are you done yes i might man we'll probably just keep going for these sanctuaries oh look how many deer over here kind of psychotic here um i'm gonna manually fight you and i'm just gonna go ahead and in deployment we're just gonna defend literally right here because he's gonna have to attack up there's no way for him to um not attack up we took a way more damage there than i was expecting um but we're just never gonna attack we're just gonna take the defensive boost perfect now unfortunately hp is a little less than i would like it to be and i can't heal because we're not in friendly territory two yeah actually that's probably what we need to be doing right now brian is probably getting some extra territory correct you're probably not a bad idea um you need a hundred and eleven out there we okay so we'll send you up this direction then [Music] okay follow the river police before he catches you this is not a bad spot for them they had three scouts but yeah river wise and then they also had the horses which is kind of annoying just for the record that we didn't get any horsies but oh well so i think i would rather have this territory versus this one this one's got one they both got a river 916 9 9 so 9 16 is a lot of extra production [Music] 12 11 oh 11 15. that's 26. uh 9 16 is 25. so yeah we'll want the 11 15 i think and then we'll go ahead and attach you as quickly as possible too so remember we want to build districts that is our affinity i wonder if i should have gone up on that one i feel like i should have gone up there i got you right here maybe not all right go grab that lots of mountains here interesting lots of mountains here get some like this terrain is really awesome like we're going to be able to get some really defensive stuff going and the fact is this uh ridge line right here is going to be really horrible for him i think because it's like just far enough away that i don't know he's ever going to be able to put city like his city up there and we're going to be able to like shoot him from that ridge line i think it's kind of the hope at least all right run away please because i know he wants to attack and then we have more mountains over here interesting what is this stone field clay huh interesting or car it's basically the title of this right now interesting so two turns go knock that out please uh i don't think you can you can heal in a outpost that is not yours yet okay nice this is cool i love i love love love love this this is like so freaking awesome looking uh there's no way for us to get down there though yeah not really just gonna stay up for now that gave us 20 gold me me where'd the sanctuary go what there was a sanctuary there it disappeared what uh how far behind are we by the way we are in second place oh all right okay that's fine uh i should be able to afford this i was gonna say i have more than enough money at this point so there's our emblematic district a creator there is more we're gonna grab the pottery empire than just yelling orders uh but we want to grab the pottery just so i can get the extra influence so we can throw down and like merge and get all that fun stuff taken care of as quickly as possible we're gonna intern because i still need to keep running you guys away please because he will definitely attack us how close are we i would not mind being friends yeah i would not mind being friends i think at this point we'll we'll probably betray him someday but today is not that day um i'm gonna attack you just because you're in my way so uh we're gonna end round and we're just gonna defend you know i don't think i could have put my units up there now it doesn't look like it um he took a lot more damage than me i just saw i took eight and he's in the yellow so hit next i was looking at the timer right 34 minutes so okay good good good good took 22 to 49 on that one me there's really no reason to attack because he's gonna suicide against us and we'll take less damage defending than we would attacking so [Music] anyways that's more money we might be able to buy this uh yes we can so let's go ahead and grab a food quarter then please so the big thing is i want to get as many research quarters as possible unfortunately we can't get them till next era show yeah all right you're coming up here good good good good good um sure i'll attack down that's fine [Music] manual battle um yeah there really is no way for us to stop him from getting on the same level as us so once again we're just gonna keep doing what we're doing and that's just defending 15 hp that's fine as long as we can kill him in three turns that's all that matters what what are you where are you going buddy where are you running to all right so he's at 40. yeah he'll be dead this turn okay good good good good and we're over 50 hp so that's good that's good we're making a lot of money off just hunting and not complaining though all right we should be able to hopefully now friend you up can we non-aggression pack you may ask for reparations uh-oh bloody and smelly aren't they history may they're enjoyable [Music] me we're gonna lose war score no matter what so i think i'm just gonna defend here and if he takes over our thing he takes over our thing it looks like he actually is to attack up so we're going to win this fight then now is attacking down worth it no he still has more combat strength so we we have to literally just abuse defending then so it's basically just like sieve you just need to abuse abuse the defense mechanic is mechanicism mechanics all right now will this go next round or is this over uh oh i get to go one more if i wanted 12 28 12 28 we're actually equal combat strength i'm gonna go ahead and end round so actually counted as a victory then nice i'm not entirely sure but sometimes in the early game they don't carry over to the next round and i'm not 100 sure what triggers that what doesn't trigger that so can i propose this this proposition 87 gold i don't have it freaking heck man all right cross the river who knew i had to keep running dude he's been chasing us man makes me a little concerned with like does he have more speed than us i don't think so surely not all right you're attached now good good good good good good so what's our popular three so we still i guess we technically didn't grow at all we just basically kind of sped up the growth by dumping all of our people yeah that's fine signs please thank you okay that was 10 and a little bit of culture although i actually also need the money too for the record but that's okay so we will grab the sage when you're done with the farmer's quarters i would i would like to friend him i would like to get the non-aggression pact he's stronger than us right now i assume right i mean it's not going to be a significant strength at this point but yeah oh uh i can't do that sorry no way do i have to wait five turns to propose it i wonder so his war support is going up also he's the freaking my scenes again wait are my scenes the food one no they're the the the greek ones right with the freaking proto ones so yeah i definitely don't want to fight them uh where are we looking here my cns right i'm pretty sure they're the ones with the my sean's yeah with the promischi oh my god yeah we 100 don't want to fight these guys um yeah yeah yeah all right so you grabbed the thing so we'll send you over here and see what we can find we have one more unit to move um go this way please [Music] there we go send you over that way and then calendar is done so give me domestication two turns which would be great you know also keep in mind we need horses for our uh affinity unit our unique unit our emblematic unit that's what's called [Music] we have the hill [Music] so we're just going to defend because he's got to attack us defending up the hill which means he's going to take like i was going to say like 40 to 50 damage so we're really low on hp so we got to be really careful here i'm wondering what our stars like how close are we to actually leveling here watch us die that'd be kind of hilarious [Music] you know i'm just gonna be honest when i said that i didn't actually mean it that was a joke game ha ha yeah okay so we have to wait five turns again god dang it that sucks dude that's just freaking annoying it really is that is really just plain annoying but okay i shouldn't have died i i i feel like we got some really bad roles there but whatever whatever whatever it's only gonna get worse because we're fighting the ai here too so i'm wondering that on civilization if they get plus one damage and then humankind they get plus two the ai okay you're at full hp we gotta send you up here i was gonna send you up there to team up with the other guy so we had two armies instead of one but you know actually an outpost here would not be the worst thing in the world he's a little outside his range right now so i need to get up on a hill here so we need to get here as quickly as possible now the only thing is the river crossing's really funky sometimes we can also just run back in our territory and he can't attack us that's why i want a non-aggression pack then we don't have to worry about this all right well we're gonna have to end our turn here anyway so we might as well end our turn and make a little bit of money could potentially look at rushing out some more units but i kind of just want to wait until we get some warriors some units that can actually do some damage dude your vision is horrible right now it's like really hoping to get some more vision so it looks like it's just gonna be us right now i kind of want to also get another outpost up here so should i grab one here up there probably here because it's closest to the borders uh scientific yeah let's go for archers archers would absolutely eradicate these guys [Music] run until we can get our piece yeah just stay in your territory until you can get the peace okay uh that was a bunch of science and freaking 40 influence love that so that gives us enough now to go ahead and i think grab the next territory i think it was out one or at least next turn i think we'll be able to grab it okay go sit on the river and then i guess you're gonna follow the river which isn't helpful but that's okay um i will buy this out [Music] and then emblematic district that's another 20 production also you got these pyramids now all in our capital like near our city which i like i like what's our industry industry is good food's good we can go ahead and grab the extra two farmers that would uh only give us four food right now not that big of a deal okay so he wants our sage i mean you can buy it buddy at any point you can sit there and buy it we should also have 87 by the time it comes around next turn for us to be able to be like hey 1907. okay i think we can get there i don't know where he's at but i hate that there's no um luxury resources but at this point i'm just trying to like uh max you out so we need three more districts here we have to attach eight territories it's gonna be a little hard to do but okay um where's our dude down here you're on both well this is just one river let's go with the river this way how many more movements you got yes so there's one no matter what so yeah just keep sticking to the river and then dude over here we're gonna follow the river this way and i kind of just want to get a little more vision here okay so we actually have a free city over here hopefully it's not defended if it's not defended i could just go steal it and then that would give us our second city and that's not a bad location at all archers are done so yay sorry the great blue hold is finished that's not how long bae we're ah shoot there is a dude right here so he's got a chariot and he's got an archer obviously way better than anything we have the other thing we can do is we can try to patronize you i don't want to spend my money though because i need my money for um peace which is very unfortunate for the record but 6 23 oh dang oh dang although i might go with the 1412 get a little bit more food okay good good and then we're going to send you up this way then you're still moving around you're just gonna stick on this river which goes through the mountains which i have to admit looks freaking awesome dude i love this map i like it a lot we should probably come grab the copper yeah i probably should have gone that way [Music] okay then give me city defense here [Music] unfortunately this guy is going to be a tough nut to crack unless he leaves the city and allows us to just take it so since it has zero population you basically just instantly win against the city and he's out of range so yeah we just immediately won okay well thank you appreciate that so we can now pick influence a main plaza or stability hmm now i think i'm going to wait because i don't really want to spend our influence yet and the one we're really looking for is the professional army because i want the plus one combat strength we need that on our units just to kind of nerf or negate his massive advantage um i am gonna change my mind and we're gonna come over here and we're gonna come and get this uh outposted so we have a luxury resource over here we actually have gold over here which is money so we might want to send you then over in this direction to go get us uh get that territory in our area or part of our civ um we got attacked by what what is attacking us here a bear that's what i was kind of figuring that's fine you can run away there's no negative for running away so as long as you're not that's what i'm looking for as long as you are not um i had to cross the river again dang you uh i just didn't want to die that seemed like one of those like the previous one where it was like you're just gonna die if you try this so that's why i kind of just ran away um but that just seemed like the kind of fight where we died and we tied with him so let's wrap the episode up here off to an okay start right now i hope you guys enjoyed it if you did drop a like comment let me know what you think has always hit the subscribe button during the game commentary support there we go three freaking scars dude stars but i have two cities now so that's good i'm speaking of which you need to go ahead and get a emblematic district please thank you very much um can't really speed you up right now well somewhere for food first but now i like the idea of grabbing production first so anyways i'll see you guys tomorrow bye everyone [Music]
Channel: TheGameCommon
Views: 548
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: humankind gameplay, humankind pc, humankind lets play, lets play humankind, humankind, humankind pc gameplay, strategy game, humankind strategy game, game, humankind strategy, gameplay, humankind game, humankind review, video games, games, hd, strategy games, strategy, strategy games 2020, humankind steam, human, kind, 4x strategy game, 4x, humankind impressions, humankind overview, thegamecommon, civilization, civ 6, civ like, civilization 6
Id: uKZL0N0jGd8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 55sec (2695 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 30 2021
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