Beautiful Relaxing Music - Coffee Music, Sleep Music, Cappuccino
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Channel: The Soul of Wind
Views: 5,695,796
Rating: 4.9460077 out of 5
Keywords: relaxing piano music, best piano mix, sleep music, cafe music, Coffee Music, Cappuccino, healing, best sleep music, Healing Music, Studying Music, The Soul of Wind
Id: QZr8rhp5y7s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 197min 19sec (11839 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 30 2019
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The melody here loosely fits B minor or D major.
So take those first five notes of D major scales (D-E-F#-G-A).
When the melody goes D-E-F#-A; on the A is when the left hand will play probably a D major or A major chord. When it goes back down to D in the melody, you have a choice of playing D major or B minor chord.
A major to D major is uplifting, sounds "final" because it's a perfect cadence.
A major to B minor is a "deceptive" cadence, still very strong and pulls a different emotion in.
Something you can try out. Take 3-4 notes of a scale and make a very basic melody. For each of those notes, try to think of two chords you could play underneath (using the melody as either the root of the chord of the 3rd). Lots of trial and error and experimentation.
So ya this example, I listened pretty quick to it (sounded very nice by the way!), and I heard lots of D major, B minor, Dsus4 I think, G major, A major, maybe E minor, etc. Diatonic chords with good melodic voice leading.
Also - to people who downvote these posts. At least this is trying to stimulate some kind of discussion (unlike a picture of a piano, which google images already has plenty of).
Listened to what you posted for about 30 seconds. It makes heavy usage of of a IV-V-VI chord progression. In this particular case, the song is in D Major so the progression would be G Major (IV) to A Major (V) to B minor (VI). Improvising around those chords is a good start. Also, try playing it but experiment with it and play the b minor as B major instead. It can bring about some of that finality that the other poster above mentioned and just gives it a not of different tone.