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six minimum-wage workers versus one Secret Millionaire now obviously I'm friends with Vic star he has said that he is a millionaire I'd like to think I could spot a millionaire so we've come to Jubilee again you know we did the the rapper video where we tried to figure out the fake rapper now we're trying to figure out who is the Secret Millionaire so if you guys don't know do believe by the way I'm gonna leave a link to them in the description down below check them out because obviously this is their video they make a load of bangers so yeah go check them out last time I looked at everyone for the secret rapper and I basically kept changing my mind with who it was so I'm gonna pick one and then I'm gonna have a backup one just in case he's an American be like oh I don't know what oh no oh no it's all something controversy we brought together all right Ivan minimum wage workers okay minimum wage workers I am a minimum wage worker I I am a minimum wage worker I am a minimum wage worker one okay already I have an idea could be this guy this guy could have some sort of he'd have some IT business or something he's smiling like I don't even believe it look how he laughs as he says it I am a minimum wage worker if the group discovers who the liar is they'll split a cash prague guy the liar survives he or she wins the entire prize all right so they gotta keep voting people out right let me look at these three these three have got me this guy just I don't know why it just looks rich one tells time for me is these two though are wearing shorts my kind of thing is like you know you don't dress to impress you save your money by not spending it uh-huh it could be her I'm saying too many people okay you know what I'm a stick with this guy in the shorts or this guy next door I'm sticking to these two both both doing this both doing this although she's doing that too okay yeah I'm going for those two I'm 23 I'm 43 and you still live with your parents yeah because I'm 21 thousand in debt it's just an opportunity to try it's hard I'm a uber driver and I have a van and like I got the van because I thought I'd be able to make more money but instead I'm paying so much in gas I wish you would've got a Prius I feel like you're trying really hard to make it sound like you're broke no I'm not broke I'm twenty thousand it does I see that I see that this guy's age 23 by the way how do I look like this at 27 and he's like I had 20 he's he's so manly I look like a child what do you do for me I'm art consultant an art consultant that's pretty sell artwork at a different hotel that's good that's big money but a millionaire you'd be the artist surely it could be any of these people could obviously that's the point of game mom I'm saying it's not Jimmy he said you sold two pieces and you've been there for how long four years yeah that's what I'm hearing I'm hearing Jimmy he seems to have is his story seems straight we're saying it's not Jimmy I'm sticking it to these two in the middle or the blonde woman I know Asian and Asian American males make the highest median following white males oh I don't know just by what I think I know it's hard do you shave your legs you don't shave your legs when I saw the basketball shorts and the unshapely that's Jimmy that's one of the signs I'm wearing basketball shorts and I shaved my legs I know I have done but it was for a video is he trying to say him or himself you know I mean is he trying to say that that guy could be rich disease around like basketball shorts and has shaved or cuz he hasn't I don't know what Jimmy's trying to say I think Jim you might be good oh so Jubilee do this like live Instagram follower predictions 32% have agreed of me and the next highs voted is the same guy sent okay okay although she's lower I would have put her above Jimmy this guy could be like a secret one he could be like a like a secret undercover Elon Musk kind of thing although I just seen this girl's this girls like trousers and shoes you know she's our height bestir a millionaire she's getting no votes though okay Jimmy Jimmy Jimmy's gone I feel bad for Jimmy he was there anyone we heard from ah that makes me sad we think you're a millionaire oh oh thank you oh poor Jesus what would you do if you were a millionaire honestly like businesses get more money I have a business right now in online business I just started at two months ago how's it doing so it's okay so it's like hopefully grow so when I'm out of college I play she's really stressing that she was a little bit suspicious because she does seem like a very intelligent woman who is capable of the way she sits the way I'm trying to read I'm trying to read anything I can Courtney sits with such like she's very confident in herself like the way she's sitting I'm like that's how a millionaire would sit in it she's sitting like this like talking about someone else quite powerful I'm making stuff up I don't know what I'm talking about I'm hedging in my online classes which is accounting where do your parents live my parents live in Eugene Oregon didn't you say you live with them well they lived in Eugene and they Muto Oh you said where my parents from no where do they live oh they live in LA like West Side East Side no they live downtown where do your parents live you live in an apartment with your parents I am yeah I mean you're judging me for living with my parents oh cool yeah but at the same time I feel like everyone messes up their stories like or like reiterate spots that don't really matter like the girl on the right she was like oh yeah I've had this business for two months and then they were like okay how much is just like well I've only had of two months so I had it two months and at this moment in two months I don't know I think everyone just gets nervous because they're all being grilled but he's starting to shake P Diddy don't little does P did you not look rich I mean I'm just Google Image Search P Diddy he looked kinda rich in these pictures I said who's getting voted out Kevin Kevin Kevin Oh Kevin's gone snap what I got voted out I felt alright I mean it kind of sucks you get voted I was like survivor I feel like they were like putting out my flame and it was just like the end for me I don't know they kind of suck that was that was my guy that was my guy so if it ain't him I'm thinking this guy you're an entrepreneur trying to a boutique you have to be about looks in this game is really gonna get you far if I'm being honest that's not my strategy if that's how you want to pinpoint people that's totally not gonna matter looks aren't gonna matter who is the more that's in the way that's a nice watch away away let's see what she's he got an Apple watch no I'm just saying he got time to run cuz he's a millionaire he was the Fitbit it's not gonna be who I think it is so it might be one of the girls that was very sexist I don't think that way I think like yo my mom's always been a boss like ever since I was a little kid you know so anyway you're saying I see women as leaders yeah well my mom didn't work but my dad worked in construction for I'm gonna see your dad just worked damn Lauren you came right out for nothing just to get him out of the way because he was starting to look suspicious he ain't even say anything got under he ain't even say anything there was no reason to actually I mean to be fair I was the one that also said he wasn't Molina okay that's my votes out so if there is one left in here I'm saying it's it's her but I reckon they've got the Irish and they've already got it there we go the YouTube channel I don't have a lot of subscribers on there but you do say it was like five months how many followers on Instagram Instagram followers equals dollar sign hold up he heard a thousand Instagram followers and he went a thousand if yours they're sitting good everyone with a thousand Instagram followers is a millionaire duh case closed you got to start thinking everyone's a millionaire see you could have 10 million followers on Instagram that technically doesn't earn you any money yes you can get brand deals and stuff but a millionaire from a thousand two thousand followers that she's gone that was so fake smile she's like oh I just voted you out send me the link to your clothing company but I voted you at the beginning like I didn't really suspect him but if we're gonna vote someone out right now it's like I watch hustlers the other day and like all the men they're spending all this casually exactly you're trying to point fingers makes me think that it's you supposed to do like I have to pick out someone dies Madrid you know like yes you have to vote someone out and yes they may as well say like okay I'ma be honest move it away she just waves are hang you might just turn out to you literally like oh by the time get out through my videos from now on yeah he's gone David's gone I mean there's only two people there's no way although it could be her they get the money oh okay okay so here we go so we know it's not these two it's one of these two I felt like it's one of these two oh sorry guys I mean you got the like alligator shirt on though I don't know you know once I started my youtube channel and then things really started to like kind of take off hey what do they do you know things change for me monetarily but I'm still the same dude like I still wear these shirts I still wear these you know dirty Nike shorts every day this is actually mean I don't know how old this guy this guy's probably my age I was gonna say this is me in like 10 years but I don't know how old he is I wouldn't know who he is oh my god Kevin David okay 1 million subscribers ok does like Facebook ads for beginners okay I'm 500 but okay he teaches you how to get money nothing's changed besides you know some random numbers in my bank if he's telling me that he's honestly still living in the same place yes nothing may have changed with him but it you know his lifestyle has probably changed I'ma be real I'm gonna be real so they have two people in the cell the winners the amount of winners won and I'm gonna give it to every single one of the losers to see you guys all walk out of here with cash imagine being on one of the other episodes like the rapper ones so you're there like oh man I wish I was on a millionaire so I would have got given money no matter what like they all lost more they won two of them one I'd be pissed if I was in another episode I want to hear more about Jimmy's reasoning of shape like so do I it's annoying that there's no way we could do this with the sidemen cuz we know too much about each other six couples versus one fake couple okay guys guys I'm doing this soon all right Talia has moved in I'm ray I'm getting her in we're gonna try and spot the fake couple so yeah that's if they buy
Channel: MM7Games
Views: 1,695,424
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: miniminter, mm7games, simon, random, sidemen, jubilee
Id: Ct4uV3EtcmM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 7sec (727 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 03 2020
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