3 Chicken Nugget Recipes COMPARED

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Hey, how's it going? We're sorted. We're a group of mates from London looking for exceptional things in food that will make a difference to you, or just make you laugh. Some of us are chefs, the rest of us, we're normals. But every video we make always starts with a suggestion from you. Hello, I'm Jamie, and this is Barry. Now who's ready for some chicken nuggets? In front of us, we have three different types of chicken nuggets, and three different dips. And four people. That doesn't work. So what we're going to do is we're going to taste them all, we're going to compare them. But before that, we're going to show you how to make them. And we're up first. It's time for some baked nugs. We're going to tell you three things about these nuggets. Number one, they're baked and not fried. Number two, they're stupidly simple. And number three, they come with a delicious punchy tomato dip. And here's what we're using. Chicken breasts. Oh, dear. Chicken breasts. Panko breadcrumbs. Flour. Eggs. And garlic granules. And for the dip, you're going to need some chili. Garlic. Chopped tomatoes. Olive oil. Balsamic vinegar. Brown sugar. And some mustard seeds. I'm also using one of these bad boys. We're going to start with our dip, and it's really simple. We're going to peel and roughly chop garlic and chili, we're going to chuck it into a pan with some olive oil, then throw in the mustard seed until they start popping. In go the tomatoes, a little bit of balsamic vinegar, sugar, and we'll let that simmer for half an hour. Just let it simmer. Is that a half and hour? Well it's not a full hour. Just half an hour. Just half an hour. And what's 20 minutes? 20 minutes. Whilst that is simmering, it's time for our chicken nuggets. And they're very simple. Cue Jamie. Oh, I see what you've done there. Thanks for that, mate. First up, we need to preheat our oven to 200 degrees, Celsius. Check. And then we need to dice our chicken breast into nugget sized pieces. Check. That was quick. You need to wash your hands. Check. Next up, we need to coat our nuggets in breadcrumbs which is a process called panéing. Or "puh-NAY." No, panéing. [LAUGHS] We're going to add garlic granules into our flour, along with some salt and pepper. And then we're basically going to pass the nuggets through flour, egg, and breadcrumbs. For the final stage, we're going to drizzle a little bit of olive oil over the top of our nuggets, season them with salt and pepper, and then bake them in the oven for 15 to 20 minutes, until they're golden and-- Crisp. So our sauce is now done, it now needs to be blended into a dip. We're using a hand blender, because well, it makes life easier. And put it straight into the hot pot. Less washing up. That's done, mate. That's done. Yeah? (BOTH) Ahhh. I mean, that is, for a fact, chicken nuggets and dip. But I think, Jamie come and join us over here, we're going to set out to make a gluten-free version. Traditionally, nuggets are coated in flour and bread crumbs, which obviously means gluten. So we're doing a gluten-free version that is seeds, nuts and spices that coat the chicken instead. Here's what we're going to use. For our nuggets, we're using chicken breast, but we're subbing out flour for corn flour. For our dukkah mix, we use sesame seeds and pistachios and then a whole bunch of spices. And the whole thing is served with a fresh yogurt-y dip, with lemon, paprika, cumin, fresh coriander. Let's keep things nice and easy. We're going to use this dynamic duo. First step when making the dukkah. Couldn't be easier. We're throwing all of our nuts and seeds and spices, pre-weighed out, into the food processor. Get your nose in there. Oh, wow. That is flavor. Yeah, tastes more than breadcrumbs, smells more than breadcrumbs, less gluten than breadcrumbs. Now, you could chop it all by hand or in a pestle and mortar, but well, effort, innit? For the chicken itself, exactly the same as last time, we're going to dice the chicken into nugget sized pieces, and then going to pass them through corn flour, eggs, and our dukkah mix. Unlike the baking of the previous recipe, these dukkah nuggets are fried. So shallow fried, bit of an olive oil in the pan so it coats the bottom the pan. And two or three minutes on each side. Why don't you come over here with me for a second? Oh, hi. Whilst Ben's frying off the nuggets, why don't I show you how to make our dip? Try and tell me how this could be simpler. We're going to put yogurt, paprika-- that is paprika. Is that paprika? Mm hm. Cumin, lemon zest, little bit of lemon juice, and some coriander into a mini chopper, and zoom it up. We're only making enough for these nuggets, so this mini chopper should be more than big enough. Look at those, J. All the texture, smells. That beat the one you've just done? No, I want you to tell me, which ones are you looking forward to try? All of them. No, you have to pick one. These smell better. We'll see. Smell better. There we go, smells amazing. You snorted. I didn't snort. I don't know why. I breathed in a bit too quickly. That's how good they are. I was so excited. They smell great, but hello, fried chicken nuggets with garlic mayo. It is time to get chef-y. Ben, are you ready to get chef-y? So ready. Obviously not. So ready. Thought you were going to give me a bit more than that. We're still going chicken breast, we're still going to go nuggets, but this time, we're going to marinate them first, then dredge them in flour, then deep fry them. And we're serving them with a homemade mayonnaise. That might sound a little bit hard and a little bit chef-y, but it's actually super simple. Here's what we're going to use. For the marinade, buttermilk and hot sauce, with a whole bunch of spices. For the dredging, which we'll explain in a little while, we need plain flour, Cajun spice, and salt. And we're still serving it with an awesome dip. This is a garlic homemade mayonnaise. You need egg, Dijon mustard, oil, and garlic. And to simplify the mayonnaise making process, we're going to use one of these. Might be mini, but it sure is mega. First job, I'm going to dice the chicken into nuggets. And I'm going to make marinade. For the marinade, we are combining buttermilk and hot sauce with celary salt and turmeric and fenugreek. And then we are grinding in black pepper and adding a little bit of salt and lemon zest. Piling in loads of flavor at this stage, but also the buttermilk and the acidity the hot sauce starts to break down the chicken, so it's super succulent when you cook it. But it's also super tasty. You can actually taste the hot sauce. When you marinate things, sometimes you can't. Which is why we're going to need this to marinate for several hours in the fridge with our nugget sized pieces. And the best bit about our recipe over the other two is that we've got one that we marinated earlier, which means we get double the amount of chicken Oh, yeah. I did that on purpose. Pow. Look at that. All you do then is take out the individual pieces, wipe off excess marinade, and then dredge it in the flour. Dredging basically means coat it in flour. This is wet, the flour's dry, they will stick. We're just adding a little bit Cajun spice and salt the flour. Excuse you. Squeezing, rubbing out excess marinade and letting it drip through your fingers. Attractive, right? I'm going to go wash my hands. Can you wash mine when you're over there, as well? Uh, no. So the floured nuggets into the oil, the oil is about 180 degrees, and they will need four or five minutes to cook through, they'll crisp on the outside, golden. And look at that, the flour goes lovely and crispy. Come with me and let's make a mayonnaise. Oh, hey. So making mayonnaise is not difficult. It's three ingredients, plus, I'm adding a clove of garlic. To the mini chopper, I'm going to add the clove of garlic with Dijon mustard and the egg yolks. I'm going to blitz all of that together. And then I'm going to slowly drizzle in the oil. Super important with mayo, you have the season it. You have to season it. It needs salt. And while you're seasoning, add a little bit of lemon juice, it's perfect for freshening it up. Delicious. Deep fried nuggets and homemade garlic mayonnaise. Ultimate, right? Epic. I'll give you that, they look impressive. Can we now taste them all? Yeah, let's start this end. Is it just grab and dip? Please. First of all, look at that bread crust. Are we gonna-- Cheers. Cheers. Cheers. What a crunch. What a tang. That equivalent to the tomato ketchup kind of dippy thing, it's tangy and spicy and sweet and delicious. And then you get through to the meaty, meaty nug. As a comparison. Get involved in the yogurt. Can't wait for this one. Cheers. Cheers. Oh, cheers. Oh! Oh! Who knew nuggets could taste so different from each other? And they're the same animal. That spice mix is amazing. A whole new level of texture. And flavor. And smells. Keep going. And this is probably the one we all associate more when it comes to chicken nuggets. Oh! Let's definitely do a cheers this time. Cheers. Cheers, guys. Cheers. I like the way it scales from like quite clean, but tangy tomato dip, to kind of a fresh yogurt, lemony-herby thing. And then you end up with that, which is just homemade mayo that sticks to the roof of your mouth, but it's garlic-y and delicious. That is filthy. Is there more garlic than there is eggs and oil in that? There is a lot of garlic, isn't there? Because it's raw, it has the potency. But just one clove. If you have the time to go the extra mile and marinate it, that buttermilk and hot sauce is so worth doing. It doesn't scale in quality. They all serve their own purpose, completely. For me, it's that sauce that makes all the difference in this one. I'll never be satisfied by normal ketchup ever again. Would it offend anyone if I was to do this? That tomato sauce is stand out. I'm doing that. I'm going to pick this one as my favorite. And I know, I know it's kind of our one, but I just think the indulgence, a combination of mayo and chicken, is just so good. You're saying you're going to go there, go all out. It's naughty, isn't it? So he turns up after everyone else, comes in late, turns up, cooks one dish and then says that's his favorite. We could sit here all day and argue about which one we think is best. But nobody really cares about our opinion, we care about your opinion. Please, comment down below, let us know which one would you cook, which one would you eat. I'm going to stay and eat nugs. Do you like chicken nuggets? Did you like our chicken nuggets? If you like our nuggets or chicken nuggets, give this video a like, right now. And don't forget to subscribe and ring that bell so you're notified every single time we upload a video, which is every Wednesday and Sunday. Sundays. But it's always been a Sunday, hasn't it? 4:00. As we mentioned, Sorted is just run by a group of friends, so if you like what we're doing, then there are loads of ways that you can support us and get more involved. Everything you need to know is linked below. Thanks, and see you in a few days! Going anywhere nice on your holidays? This weekend? Mm. A baby show. Oh! I know. What, they just put all the babies out, all in a pen? You just look at them? All you want in a pan!
Channel: SORTEDfood
Views: 676,799
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Keywords: chicken nuggets, how to make chicken nuggets, chicken nuggets recipe, chicken nugget (food), best chicken nuggets recipe, homemade chicken nuggets, how to make chicken nuggets at home, fried chicken, chicken mcnuggets, chicken nugget recipe, chicken nuggets at home, how to make chicken nuggets from scratch, how to make chicken nuggets in oven, chicken nuggets sortedfood, 3 recipes compared, 3 chicken nugget recipes compared, 3 recipes compared sorted, crispy fried chicken
Id: x3vaHn5Fq8I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 56sec (776 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 05 2018
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