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hello everybody we are salted food and this is fridge cam this is our final chef vs. Chef battle of 2017 welcome to the final battle of the series this is the ultimate ramen battle and the stakes have never been higher if you've been following sorted on season three then you'll be aware of our brownie leaderboard today is Ben's last chance for brownie points Ben is just three and a half points behind Jamie whoo today in here because he's doing this I'm not doing another one of these so what else is going to do one so to spice things up to date double brownie points on offer and additional brownie points given for roasting let's get it all it's the final chef beat chef battle of 2017 and I feel like I've had a bit of a mixed bag my best is yet to come it's been a long series it's been an epic series we're pretty much level pegging so everything rides on today today we're cooking ramen and I think we both love ramen but Ben I don't know if anybody's heard but and has been to Japan and tried ramen first off I mean a massive predicament I have no problem with losing to James he's a great chef I cannot lose to Jamie I'm not 100% sure what absolute traditional ramen tastes like but what I'm hoping to deliver with this is depth of flavor like just bags and bags of flavor and I know the guys love that and we've just heard this is the roast edition so given that ramen is all about boiling and bubbling and simmering and steaming and slow cooking I feel like someone's misread the brief Ben and I are just really really nice guys you know so extra points for roasting is gonna go really badly for both of us I feel like when James and I roast each other it's less of a third degree and more of a that was warm I have one tactic of my sleeve James had a quite a heavy night last night he's feeling a little delicate is that any place to be entering into a my bowl of ramen is a pork tonkatsu so we're using lots different parts of pork plus some chicken carcass to make an incredible broth with belly pork that's gonna melt in your mouth a soy marinated egg noodles of course and a few other little garnishes but it's all about the flavor and we're going to start with that melt-in-your-mouth pork belly so this is a rolled piece of pork belly I'm gonna slowly cook in a pan with a lid with just three ingredients ginger spring onion and sake it's like your own sucker hmm that's not your Japanese sucker from Japan the container is yes you seem nervous okay I was just trying to not lie to you but stretch the truth slightly if this is from Japan the contents I've had to refill several times with other self because I enjoyed the first batch so much she thinks to come back I am making the most amazing miso chicken ramen and it starts with my chicken I'm gonna take the skin off take the breasts off and roast the carcass and crisp up the skin in the oven this skin Phegley where did you pick it up for me remember about a battle recipe I wrote for you where that wasn't always going that you may not be versed to each other not just chef given this is the last time we get to fight against each other that's brilliant thank you - Cheers all the best back fight slightly so what's happening here is that Ben has already done all his cooking two days ago so actually what he's doing is just game beers would you like a beer I think we should Cheers kanpai kanpai Ben you're looking fat today don't get for any quick hello tiredness smile frame two trays on the first one is my chicken skin between two sheets of baking paper and then on the second one is my chicken carcass without the breasts so I'm going to slowly place the press afterwards this goes in the oven for about an hour so stock time a nice big pot we've got our chicken carcass I've taken the good bits off the chicken we'll save those for another dish it's a flavor I want from the carcass along with the Trotter which I've borrowed from james's ginger pig escapade and some pork bones they go in get covered in cold water and brought up to a boil what I've done is I've started my stock so my chicken is in the oven but I'm gonna prepare everything else so that the carcass can just go straight in bring it up to the boil and simmer it for three hours so I've got kombu porcini mushrooms ginger just sliced carrots spring onions and we'll put a whole bulb of garlic in there and these which are bonito flakes so it's a slightly fishy seaweedy flavor going in there 3 liters of water and James is absolutely right you do want some of that roasted flavor I'm not getting mind from the bones I'm placing the onions into a really hot oven until they soften and go sweet like rosy onions but more importantly blackened by one three words to describe Ben April and his dish and the same for you the best in salt gets half a brownie point simple touristy no one's how many worry with three words tourists simple tourists safe tasty dish water tasty fish water reaction I'm giving it to Evers half a brandy point but that's what Robin is supposed to be but stock is on it's time to make the marinade for my eggs so all I'm gonna do is put tamari which is Japanese soy sauce into a small town with some sugar and some mirin reduce that for five to ten minutes and then boil some eggs for six minutes or so peel them put the two together so the eggs marinate in the story for a couple of hours the problem is they float so you need to boil it wait on them just kidding down there's a mine I know just helping you out and someone wanted to float and then you love little bits aren't quite right my marinade is soy and mirin equal quantities soy Chinese soy right yeah using Chinese soy not Japanese soy correct so I tried to pour a beer for James you know we can celebrate with the beer in the kitchen as we cook together it was stolen by the boys then I realize they're judging they're the ones we have to keep sweet so I had a spare chicken breast I know might like chicken nuggets so I've made some Japanese style chicken nuggets with seven spices from Japan and panko crumbs so the key to an amazing stock is not using the first batch of water because with all of those pork bones and the Trotter and chicken carcass you get a lot of technical term scum so I'm gonna drain the whole lot wash the bones wash the carcass wash the Trotter and refill it in fresh water with all the aromatics so you get a much better stop miso chicken stock sake and honey goes in the bottom of my ramen dish so I'm gonna like reduce it for a couple of minutes the spring all together so all my meaty bits have had their first cook and boil we've drained it we've washed it we're gonna go in with fresh water along with leeks those now charred onions mushroom stalks ooh mommy a bulb of garlic and some shiitake mushrooms as well so it's mushroom and pork and meat and onion in 8 hours time that will be delicious I have another bulb of garlic and what I'm going to do with this one is separate it into cloves peel them all and then kind of finely chop them I'm gonna put quite a lot of rapeseed oil into a small frying pan and then I'm gonna fry the chopped garlic but I'm gonna fry it way further than you would ever think to I'm gonna add some sesame oil and chili paste that goes into a blender I just blitz it until it's really black and smooth and then strain it I feel like James is already a bit bother there's not enough going on over this side so I might as well cook my eggs 2 eggs these are Bertha Brown's without really rich yolk and they want 6 minutes and 10 seconds take me there on a hangover mate jump aye aye what you reckon mine a little bit wasabi mayo of these so this is the belly that we've cooked very very slowly it is melt in the mouth good no meat in it you cannot cut that like that because it will just go through it so you put it in the fridge for 24 hours so that it's solid then you can slice it to the thickness you want about a centimeter and what you get is something that holds together it gives you pork belly how good are you at Los los oh don't do this like what I like don't some of us come at you really quickly he's got a knife kit throat what do you do what do you do and it cooks your days you underestimated that how that situation st. my hand judges my favorite people in the world after many many hours needless to say this one I made yesterday we have a stock that is beautifully opaque and creamy we're going to drain it off into a colander but for added purity through a muslin cloth so I've just heated up my water for the stock with all the flavors in it aside from the chicken which is now roasted so I'm just going to transfer that in simmer it for three hours underneath we have our crispy chicken skin which I'm just going to transfer to a plate for it to cool a little bit and it'll crisp up even more eggs peeled you can still see how soft they are on the inside they are now going to marinate inside of my soy liquid for about 24 hours and that's because mine is soy and mirin and sugar but then let down with water so it's not as intense but I want it in there for a longer period of time what you get is a different textures the egg as well as the flavor so sour cake boy honestly mate you should have left some cooking to do and then bite plate your opponent's weakness and if you were suffering at all this morning when you started this how's the game going now has the hair of the dog helped you so I'm only here to help I'm gonna now cook my chicken breast so I'm gonna seal the chicken breasts and then I'm gonna add a couple of tablespoons of my soy marinade which I did the eggs in and then I'm just gonna keep turning my chicken breasts so they're gonna get a really nice soil glaze over them they're gonna be really brown on the outside my stock has all the umami ER for me all the fragrance from the ginger and the spring onions but now I'm gonna add in the seasoning which for me is soy sauce a little bit of sesame and miso paste I know if anything's gonna make me fat belly ramen I wouldn't provide my body squirrel anyone these batters in not about shouting but under play it you've got to deliver on the the thought process the planning what show do you watch the loud cat doesn't catch the mice oh that's why he literally just spent five minutes building after a profit oh that's all you were trying to do spend the last year voting for everything battle that Jaime's ever made and he's going the loud cat doesn't catch the mice what about the giant cat the wide cat the bearded cat the boring a hat starting to pull together some of the flavors that are gonna garnish the dish so finely finely chopped raw spring onion sameen aki mushrooms some dried seaweed again that's been julienned and now for the pork so far pork belly that melts in the mouth now we want the crackling don't get any closer tell your bum falafel James was worried that I wasn't roasting off the bones this is where the roasting flavor comes and it has a similar element to the black garlic that he's doing right I'm gonna char grill some spring onions they're gonna be like super smoky I'm also gonna put some fresh spring onions on the dish to give that kind of fresh smoky savory slightly sweet bitter chili like all the flavors go here I think Riley's person when you go into ramen joint you can ask for extra spicy extra garlic you can ask that extra bits on the side but you can also affect the broth even though the base has been going for 24-48 hours so how do you want it ice unless we can spice the person I'm a salty savory person then I'm gonna play to your tongue because I'm not bring any spice anywhere near this you always play to Mike's tongue 9000 he's always plays on Barry's thumb no you know shots own better than Barry I know Barry's tongue better because I have been feeding him my produce for longer careful mate he's filling his produce the produce a spectacular it's not the first time I've been told about once my chicken stock has simmered for three hours or so taste it strain it and then I'm ready to paper [Music] the soy dust starts secure the outside or the inside is still super soft so I'm just going to finish off my flavor base bowl of ramen about obviously 250 ml and you're supposed to use about 1/10 flavor base to your soup so I'm going to put just over a tablespoon of miso in and I'm just going to let it down with a little bit of the stock so I'm going to cook my noodles until they have just the right amount of Bounce we're probably looking at about 3 or 4 minutes drain them off in the boss on the bowl and then layer up from there [Music] [Music] [Music] okay so what we got here guys so here we have got a pork tonkotsu broth with soy marinated birth of brown eggs and a blow-torched mirin and sake belly pork you're allowed to make a mess and a slit that's fine benchmark has been set Wow gonna be quite nice nerve-wracking this is a miso ramen with a chicken broth soy glazed chicken charred spring onions soy marinated egg just like that and chicken skin floating in the broth is all lovely and the last thing that I didn't mention was this burnt garlic oil it's got a little bit on it but I'm just gonna put a little bit more kiss thanks yep that garlic is amazing that's a new flavor of garlic that I have never experienced before I would say that that is more delicate in flavor but it's really light and it's delicious what I'd say about that is that is really really deep and meaty yeah I think that there is and the right answer here god this is gonna be completely subjective yeah I don't completely know I think I know which one I'd prefer to order well before we allocate a winner I think firstly you've given been an extra half a point I'm gonna give Ben an extra half a point for the knowledge so in order to give this final battle some Jeopardy I would say that you have to brownie points to give okay I have two brownie points to give therefore if we both agreed on Ben's he'd win yep last time with our grilled cheese battle we gave you guys the chance to vote in a poll unfortunately we're not gonna do that this time because we need to wrap this up and plan heaven and hell now so sorry about that so we're gonna run this up to date so we've got your vote you decided now I'm gonna need one more taste okay you made your decision I would like to reward both of my brownie points to them bowl of ramen that really took my breath away as a man who is not a massive fan of ramen this I think has swayed me then have my two brownie points that was spectacular I also am gonna award two brownie points to that because I love that because I love chicken I just want you to know that bath is world-class was it the notes that swayed you but that was without doubt the hardest judging and I've ever had to do Persis area especially 24 hours are still down to one Bowl a lot of effort for Superman two of the best ramen dishes I've ever ever agreed and then Congrats you're about to receive four and a half more ramen I reckon we should both go to Tokyo I'm gonna have a bowl of ramen and I'll get you some smelly fish to eat while we're there and I'm a whole lower you so it really is hell we've got the winner here we've got the loser there so our next step is to create food heaven and food help which you can see coming to the channel very very soon my City Wednesday yeah and that is the brownie board wrapped up that is a fair fair final score if Jamie had won there it would have been a travesty very true what you're saying that you coming last is fair Thanks to everyone who got involved in helping to shape berries well thank them and Ben is heaven tune in next week that's when we're gonna see the result click on the left if you missed our last video or click on the right video for one of our favorites [Music]
Channel: SORTEDfood
Views: 2,198,547
Rating: 4.9083939 out of 5
Keywords: chef vs chef, ultimate ramen, sorted ramen, sortedfood ramen, ramen, perfect ramen noodles, how to level up instant ramen, ramen recipe big night in, upgrade instant ramen noodles, ramen noodles, ramen noodle soup, chicken ramen noodle soup, $3 ramen vs. $79 ramen, legendary ramen noodles in tokyo, homemade ramen, tonkotsu ramen recipe, people try ramen for the first time, tonkotsu ramen, tonkotsu, how to make ramen broth, homemade ramen stock, homemade ramen broth, 究極のラーメン
Id: GMtDeNXn7Uc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 52sec (1132 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 10 2017
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