3 Pizza Recipes COMPARED (5 Min vs 20 Min vs 1 Hour)

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hello everyone I am Barry and this here is my friend Jamie and today what well do you read the title today's gonna be a good day in front of us we have three pepperoni pizzas that have all been made from scratch but with varying amounts of time and effort required we're gonna taste them all and figure out which one we think is best but first of all let me tell you how I made this instant pizza this pizza is so easy it only requires four ingredients one person and a whole load of SAS ingredients tortilla wrap passata parmesan pepperoni person sass I did didn't I first up we're gonna spoon some passata onto our tortilla wrap not too much because we don't want it to get too soggy and ending I don't you're thinking that probably using the tortilla wrap isn't the most traditional way to make pizza like they would do in Italy and you would be right but can you think of anything thinner crispier bread Eathorne a tortilla wrap and it's round step 2 grate some parmesan over your pizza base now we're using parmesan you could use any cheese that you wanted it's just that for us Parmesan keeps in the fridge for a really long time and it provides a great flavor but if you'd rather have cheddar step 3 slap some pepperoni on it or any other flavors you want but as long as they're cooked or don't need cooking think about cooked meats think about fruits think about pineapple that's a fruit to put that on the pizza and you should yeah peppers are fruits hey your pizza is your life do what you want then step 4 put it under a hot grill for about three minutes or until it's nice crispy golden brown and the cheese is all bubbling ha ha ha ha oh you also made this one oh I did this one's also read and if you've got a little bit more time and are willing to put a little bit more F in not very much and you can achieve this delicious looking thing pizza this one is about upping the flavor game and start to play with balance so you get amazing flavor but we're still going to cheat by using a premade base here's what we're using pre-made pizza base mozzarella basil passata pepperoni olive oil garlic brown sugar and a mini chopper or you could just chop some bits by hand you passata garlic a bunch of basil leaves brown sugar and olive oil all go into a mini chopper and get wisdom you bring me the crop yeah what so they could be any animal this is blood I want you to talk to me about sugar okay so I said at the beginning they were playing with balance yep in this one up in the flavor game so Tim tomatoes can be quite acidic so just adding a little bit of sugar just helps with the balance garlic yeah that's gonna cook obviously but also delicious raw we've not put any salt in that so we put some salt in it yeah seasons alternate have a chef to season do let's construct this mother to construct the pizza for what do you think we're gonna do we're going to spoon on some tomato sauce tear up some pizza mozzarella lay that on top and then we're gonna lay on top of that some pepperoni in beautiful circles you can absolutely use good quality buffalo mozzarella for this but you'd have to squeeze all the water out and really try and get the moisture content down I think Pete some mozzarella works really well and it's equally as good one on pizza it goes or stretchy and stringy and delicious [Music] after a couple why make a pizza if the last piece was instant what's this plus gluten-free so seed acts oh yeah you did say it is such a great job with the pepperoni last time why don't you do it again this time do you know why James I will okay cool I really mean it these go into the oven for 10 minutes at 220 degrees guys what is hot pizza Minsky little bit of fresh but if you have a bit more time then James is gonna come Seidel next to me and we're going to show you lucky you how to make everything from scratch if you're gonna make homemade pizza then I suggest you go that little bit of extra effort and do it properly this is our traditional homemade base and delicious sauce it's time to get Chevy and here's what we're using for the bread base we're going for strong flour with yeast of sugar and salt but also flavor it with dried oregano and dried cheese Lakes for the sauce for using chopped tomatoes chicken stock olive oil shallots garlic and brown sugar top it with two types of cheese mozzarella parmesan and of course a pepperoni and you're also gonna need these a mixer with dough hook to save your arms a blender for the tomato sauce and a pizza stone if you have one we're gonna start with the sauce and this time we're taking it another level up by cooking it out getting that better depth of flavor natural sweetness of peeled and sliced or diced shallots and garlic sweated down in a pan with added brown sugar about 15 minutes they become soft and sticky and sweet dough I did Oh dodo oh it's so simple strong flour yeast and sugar on the same side of the bowl yeast really likes sugar salt salt goes into the opposite side of the bowl because yeast does not like salt when you make your own dough you can add anything you want to it mix it up though like any herb going they don't have to be dried they could be fresh you could go in with garlic powder in there you could go in with whatever you like let's mix it at my mixing station hello start the mixer off to combine all the dry ingredients and then add the water in and let it need for about 10 minutes into our sticky onions goes a tin of chopped tomatoes some chicken stock and we let it bubble away about 20 minutes gently I've got though at this point we'll leave it to rest and proved for about an hour at room temperature while our dough proves and our sauce bubbles down before we blend it we're gonna preheat an oven as high as you possibly can and we're going to put our pizza stone in to get toasty room once this has reduced down for 20 minutes I'm gonna add some basil just before he goes into the vendor just so that it kind of softens a little bit blend oh we didn't F tasting I love chef tasting that's quite sweet very sweet once you have blended you're finished tomato sauce let it cool a little bit before you put it on the dough our dough is lovely and light and proven divide the dough into four roughly equal pieces and roll out onto a slightly semolina table and we use semolina because it's slightly quarter that's another texture to our pizza dough my plan is to get Ben to transfer it to the piece of stone because I feel like that's always the hard bit and either he's gonna mess it up and I'm really really happy or he's gonna get it completely right and I'm really really happy sternal paddle that's what I was just telling the camera I was gonna say if we start doing it here I'm gonna allow you to put it on the stone because it worries me okay I reckon if you've rolled out all right be fine it's your way I've done that did you do that [Music] and yes nervous as I am Swift Oh God oh I can't lean to sit there it's fine right is it bye yeah and then it goes in the oven as high as it'll go for five minutes max I am stressed why are you stressed don't know that's that's always a very stressful thing to do Pizza a good looking pizza but looking at them is only one way of judging this we need to we need to eat them straight in so guys why are all of these pepperoni because we want to be able to compare the flavors of them no last because pepperoni is my favorite flavor of pizza so thin and crispy you get a little bit of charring burn around the outside I think it's the perfect thing that it's like a unplanned snack which are one of my favorite kind of snacks yeah you have everything in the cupboard and you just like boom exactly sir done in like less than five minutes and I think it all depends on the quality of the pepperoni and the quality of the passata that you buy because that is great if you're craving pizza and you have zero time and zero arses to give then that is perfect yeah should we compare it to this one yeah already it looks more pizza like because of the different cheese the mozzarella and well it was a little Fleck of green and fresh basil there's more flavor happening in that than there is in that there's a little bit more going on yeah that's moto sauce though we pimped it a little bit and I think you can tell it's got much more rounder flavor to having the garlic in there having the sugar I think that's well pretty helps answer that sweetness to it it's really good and I think you need that extra level because you've got a lot more bread compared to here you kind of need a bit more going on because there's actually less topping to bread ratio I love these videos let's eat the third one oh yeah but look at that bite instantly before we've even bitten into it did you semolina the base are we similar okay I know pizza stone going on which is one element if you've got one it I think it adds they're all quite different that one is a lot sweeter but also say that hits you in the face with flavor from the tomato sauce like that that really packs a punch which I don't think the others do they're a lot more subtle you know what though I think there was only one thing left to do and that is a blind taste test should we cut up some morsels and get in Barry [Laughter] [Music] three different pizzas all pepperoni we're gonna feed them to you in a random order just tell us what you tips okay go for it okay I the biter ah a large mouthful it's a light and fluffy bass on that it's not crispy it's got a nice pull to the base and it has a lot of flavor in that bass alone oh that's good it tastes fresh it tastes clean it tastes homemade doesn't taste like a crappy shop or one ever might know suck it chew it bite it now we are talking bass I probably saw crispy bottom a lovely pulp obviously I'm going on a limb straightaway and saying that is the proper Sheffield version but my guess in levels of ease would be the easiest to gobble a thin base the second is has gotta be the the first one which is the pretty one and then the last one will be the hardest blimey that is so Brian you're not far wrong well I think what we've discovered is that Pizza is amazing no matter what you do to it I don't think we were the ones to discover that no maybe not now some of you subscribers are saying you're not getting notified when we upload a new video another way to fix that is to click this little Bell button oh we can light good work good job yeah come back now every Wednesday and Sunday to get another one of these but you should be notified by those exactly what you have is not gonna be an issue so it's fine and you thought we'd forgotten about you and your favorite segment of the week that joke I'm an on holiday and missed a couple of dead jokes of the week and when nuts so here we go what is the fastest dessert in the world you're welcome normal service will resume next week as we mentioned sorted is just run by a group of friends so if you like what we're doing then there are loads of 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Channel: SORTEDfood
Views: 883,574
Rating: 4.9237289 out of 5
Keywords: pizza, easy pizza, quick pizza, how to make pizza, pizza wraps, pizza toppings, sourdough pizza, homemade pizza, pizza bases, homemake vs store bought pizza, the best homemade pizza, chocolate pizza recipe, pineapple on pizza settles once and for all, new york best pizza, 8 game changing pizza recipes, how to make world class pizza, $2 pizza vs $2000 pizza, pizza basics with babish, pizza sauce, homemade pizza sauce, pizza recipe, pizza dough
Id: sVN7GncAKY8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 7sec (847 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 29 2018
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