Can We Fix Our Violin Playing with AUTOTUNE?

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Do you struggle to play in tune? That's right. Violin being the superior instrument without frets... One must practice 40 hours a day, in order to master the intonation. But! For those of you that are... Mainstream pop inclined... You may want to... You may want to consider... Autotune! Woah! That's right. Today, we have producer Shaun. We're going to find out is it possible to autotune a violin. Because, if so... We can become like pop singers and never practice intonation again. Drake, we're coming for you. Yeah. We're gonna be using Melodyne, which apparently is the program, right? Yeah, so there is actual autotune, which does it automatically, like to a key. Really? - Yeah. - Woah! So, it reads the... Like the note, pretty much as it comes in, and adjusts it really quickly. It's usually used to kind of like just iron out any little blips and blops pretty much. Is that what we're doing today? Or are we doing something - Similar. So we're using Melodyne, which lets you go really in far and just completely change like... Everything because you can. Oh! It's pretty good, yeah. They've got vibrato and stuff. You can accent that or make it less. So, nothing's real then. Everyone watching this like: "Everything I've heard to this day has all been fake." Anyway, so I thought maybe we could try a few different excerpts. Record them first and then we'll put them all into the program. - Yup, cool. - I was thinking, we should do... An easy piece. - Yeah. So, we can do it ourselves as well. - Like, "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star." - Yeah. - And we'll do bumblebee. One that's fast, like bumblebee. If we go... Can you turn that into bumblebee? I reckon we can give it a crack. "Nani?" Cause the attack is the main difference between that and the - So we can papapapapapapa... - I reckon we should try. - Papapapapapapa. - Done. - Done. - All right. - Let's record then. I'll de-tune the E. Jesus... I was thinking about how much work that's gonna be already. And now bumblebee. All right, here we go. Just do a really... World record speed. Oh yeah? Okay. You got 30 more seconds. I'm just joking. That'll take a long time to... - Do all the notes. - Oh man, okay. So, that'll be enough. Oh, yeah. So, the first one is Twinkle Twinkle... Little star. Out of tune star. Producer Shaun is gonna run us through how to make it sound like Little Star. All right. So, we got the notes here. So, they've been laid out, if you look at this. So, it automatically tells you what note I played. Yeah. Woah! If you look at this one, so you click on it. You can actually see, it's that plus 3 cents. It's how close you were with like pitch perfect. Woah! - Dude, you could test someone's intonation on this. - You can flex, you can flex. Imagine in the future, auditions are just like... - "Oh.." - They just run it through a Melodyne program. Your average is two cents off, but the other person is one cent off, so the other person gets the job. We're gonna make it the perfect... - Twinkle Twinkle Little Star take, right? - Okay. Let's twinkle my stars. - So firstly, I'm highlighting all the notes. - Yeah. I'm gonna just double click them... And it snaps them all to the cent. You just clicked a button. So if you listen now, like it's obviously all gonna be the wrong notes, but like they'll be the wrong notes, but better. Oh, it's already kind of there. Obviously the - That's so in tune. Like it sounds almost like robotic. -Yeah. - A few notes you can hear something's being - tweaked a bit. - It feels like you're in a muted room. Some of the resonance got taken away. Yeah, it's gone. The resonance is taken. Disappeared. All right, so... Yeah. Sorry. - So that's kinda right, yeah? - Can I say something? It's right, but you can hear "woahwha". - Yeah. - What's that? - We'll do the little fine-tuning afterwards. - Let's do the pitch first. Cause you can look at the note here, you can see that's literally like what the note's doing. - Oh... - So like, the big one is just like, the kind of average of it. - Oh... - But that, the little bit in the middle is like... What you're doing. Nice. - Ooh. - All right, those both of them should be down... - Down. - A semitone to D, yup. - Okay. - Yeah. - No, both going up. Both going up, yeah. - C– C sharp, yeah. - And then... - And then... - Then B, B. B, B. - This should be B, B. Dude! They put the note name there. You can just... Yeah. You don't even need to play it, you just match it to this. - Okay. - We'll come back to that. - Oh, wow. - Okay. Come back to that. Interesting. Interesting! This is what "Interesting" girl did. - She just changed the B to a B flat. - Yeah, cause she can! She's like, "Interesting!" - Interesting! - Beep. B flat. Every time we change a note we go, "Interesting!" - Oh, wrong note. - C#. Interesting! And then... - And then, this should be B natural. - This is B. - Interesting! - And this is the same. - Ready? - C#. Bang. Split. Oh! - Oh... - Yeah, so it read it together. So, it might have been there wasn't enough like attack... To like register as a note, but like it's still... We know it. It's a... So you could get a bit more control there. - That's crazy. - Cool. Let's have a listen. That's... Dude, this is pretty legit. - Dude... - And that took like what, one minute. And how long does it take to practice to play that in tune? At least two minutes. Yeah, at least two minutes. So like you got like the pitch modulation, so it's how like essentially just how much it modulates. So let's take it down to zero. It's literally just gonna be... Totally flat? Yeah, like it's just... Like inhumanly possible pretty much. So like this note here... That's terrible. So I'm going to take down the modulation on it. - Yeah. - And hopefully... So it's better. There's a bit of the way the note comes in that goes... - It's like yeeeow. - Yeeee. - Yeah. - Yeah. Can you like bend that? To your will? So what is that? This is like how the note kind of... - Dude, it's like a DNA! - There we go. There we go. - It looks like DNA. - Woah! Oh, this is connecting it! That's pretty crazy. So what's that yellow line? It's just how the note moves from one note to - It's kind of like... What do you call it, gliss or something? It's just how the note moves to each other cause there's obviously no silence in between. - Yeah. - Like if I did it really wildly, it would go up: nuun. Oh, I wanna hear it! *Imitating the sound* Obviously, you know it's a bit overdone. Cause you can hear the kind of it, it sounds a bit... Like a person probably wouldn't play it like that. So then, the trick is to like edit it... Really tightly to make it sound like someone did do that. So you got to make it sound real. Yeah, it's like fixing it and like not taking too much life out. So it can't be too perfect cause if it was too perfect, people will think it's fake. Sounds like a pro plastic surgeon. - Yeah. - Can I say that? Yeah. I think it'd be best to say it can fix mistakes in good performances. But it can't save a terrible performance. Okay, so you still gotta practice. You thought you had the answer, guys. So the original was like... Wrong notes. Dude, they're not even– It's just wrong notes. And then... And then you can fix those bits up. *Imitates the sound* Can we fix the slides? Yeah, let's fix that. Let's do it. Pitch - Whoa... Ooo. It's going, you see the lines disappearing. Oh! Woah... What did you just do... You just controlled it. Right, I'm a sound bender. Watch out, next Avatar. If you were to make it as convincing as possible... - What would you do now? - How would you do it? Should we hear the whole thing? - Yeah. - Here we go. Dude, it's improved a lot. I'm freaked out, bro. I can't trust anything I hear now. I mean, to be fair, you can still kind of hear it's autotune. You can tell it's not organic. - Yeah, that's the thing. - In some way. I forgot to mention you can actually move notes. So timing issues... - Oh... - Oh... Rhythm. Okay, so let's just mess it up for a bit now. So what, this is like... That's like probably too much of a big break. Oh, he took a big break. Yeah. Yeah. - There we go. Here we go. - So someone could literally - I'm done. Do you think a pro will be able to hear as well? If you like... Or does everyone just know? - At this point. - I think like... If you work in... Sound production, you just assume. Well, there you go, guys, the entertainment industry! - But, like... - Slap on the oil... Slap on the autotune. Like, depends on the genre, to be fair. Like, if it's a pop song, you'd be like... - Yeah. - Yeah. Like, it'd be surprising if I didn't and then you'd be like, "Well why didn't you?" Like, you may as well have. Wow, so it's like not even a "secret" anymore, but it's just like a "standard". Should we go onto the next one? - Yeah. - Yes. All right, now we're going to try to do some... - And turn... - Our little own... It into the Flight of the Bumblebee. Oh man. Do we need to split it? Looks like it's done a bit for you. But that's two notes. - That's two notes? - Yeah. Hectic. Okay, cool. So you're gonna go in... You're gonna double-click in between. Yeah. Do you want me to just do that real quick for you now? - Yeah. It's gonna take - - You guys do the notes, all right. You do the notes bit and I'll do the - All right, so you wanna just... First note. Da-dah. Da~ Oh, it's literally just chromatic. Yup, it's just a chromatic scale. Which is why it's a lot easier than it sounds. Ohh! - Oh wait, no, I screwed it. - *Brett humming the music* Let's play it. Dude, it sounds better than all the sacrilegious bois! Dude, you just do that for the whole piece and you can do it in 30 seconds. You can literally drop a CD and just go... "I'm gonna play 'The Flight of the Bumblebee'." Dugudugudu and just get someone to cut it like this and you're good to go. But yeah, fam, that's a good idea you said before about someone needs an audition... Um... Done. They can just send me this one. Shaun is officially accepting... - Flight of the Bumblebee. - Black market audition tapes. Yeah. You got a Juilliard audition, played a few notes out of tune. It's all right. - Producer Shaun's got your back. - I got you, fam. That's how I got you guys through uni. Yeah. That's how we got to uni, right? Yeah. Woah, bros power. You are a producer now. Woah. Dude, I be like manipulating sound. Oh my god. - Yeah. - Yeah. Holy... It's like, beegrrrrr. - It's like - Yeah, and... - It's like a machine gun. And the consistency. - The tone is consistent. - It goes, pikapiakpaiak. There's no shift. Oh yeah, the shifting. The perfect bumblebee piece. Can we try to add the... - The effects on this as well. - Oh yeah, let's do that. - Let's do that. - Yeah, okay. Sacrilegious! Well, this is the most sacri-interesting-legious thing ever. If you can tune slowly, you can tune quickly. Should we make it even faster? If you want to break the world record. And you just... That might be too fast. I'm moving it back a little bit. Can you go faster? Yeah, for sure. Dude, your ears can't even pick it up. Give him credit. It sounds like a bumblebee. It does. He wasn't wrong. They just couldn't do it back then. Hundreds of years later. Now, they're like, oh, yeah. Yeah, Rimsky-Korsakov nailed it. Like this was the tempo it was meant to be played. Can we get the Guinness World Records now? We did it in 10 seconds. Yeah, we did in 10 seconds. Not 15. Just... Bro, it went red. What does red mean? You just broke the sound barrier. Guys... That was epic. Epically interesting. So thanks again for producer Shaun. If you have an audition coming up... - Feel free... - Hit me up. Hit me up. Yeah. You don't even have to learn the piece. Just play one note, send it, I'll figure it out. All right guys, please accent like button. Go check out Shaun's stuff in the description link below. We'll see you guys next time.
Channel: TwoSetViolin
Views: 1,183,568
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: twoset violin, violin, viola, cello, music, classical music, opera, education, learn, orchestra, piano, singing, public, funny, jazz, guitar, bass
Id: J23byjUg0Xk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 15sec (795 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 18 2020
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