Professional Violinists Review $5 vs $100 Fiverr Violinists

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Sheeeee...!!! Sheeeee...!!! It's another episode of TwoSet Violin, what! Yeah guys, before the episode starts, can I just say shi... ...our team did such a good job, on this Apparel. Mars, the Bringer of War, - (Brett) is our first ever collection and campaign. - (Eddy) Yeah. And of course, the famous Stravinsky's Firebird. - Actually it's the same,, war, yeah. - It's like Firebird [flying] away to Mars. It's like... ...and the phoenix comes out. Yeah, I mean we're pretty... we're really proud of this, so go check out Anyway. Today we have a very, very, very, very, very, I N T E R E S T I N G episode. That is right. We have asked, 5 Fiverr violinists... Get it? - 5, Fiverr, violinists. - 5, Fiverr, violinists, to play for us. So what we've done is we've asked our friend to locate 5 Fiverr violinists, from different price ranges. So we've asked all of them to record themselves. playing some classical violin, - Ooh-la-la! - and we're going to listen to them today, to see if we can guess which Fiverr violinist is which price point. List for prices, one is $7. $7, so cheap! - I want this one! - Actually, it gets... get very specific. Number two is $21.01. What's the 1 cent for? Is that the tip? Third one is $41.77. It's like they got like VAT... - Some tax, and some like, fees... - Like tax on it, that's's like some random... - Fiverr fees kind of... - PayPal fees. Oh my god. Number four, $76.98. Actually it might be conversion as well, 'cause this is Sing Dollars. - Singaporean... - Oh yeah, okay, okay. And then last one is $98.04. Now, they're all playing different pieces, alright? - (Eddy) Yep. - So we have five different violinists here. Yeah, I think we should just start. - Yes. - And guess. (Eddy) Number one, olgaviolinist. (Brett) Delivery time, 3 days. Playing...Saint-Saëns, Danse Mask... - Ma...Macabre... - (Eddy) Macabre. Macabre. I love that gliss. (Brett) Yeah. (Eddy) I also love that...she made the effort to film outside. Dude, I like the scenery, - I was like...yeah, exactly. - It's like a music video as well! takes balls to play outside. There's beautiful water in the back... I love it. (both) Whoa!!! Not bad! I like the double stops. Is there double stops in the original? I don't remember, I feel like they're not. I could be wrong though. I don't know. Actually I've never played this, so I don't know. But solid! Uh, I think... I wanna listen to all of them before I decide on the price. Okay, okay. 'Cause it's hard, you need to compare. Yeah, I don't know, I don't know what the standard is, right? But if that was $7, that's good value! - Very good, more! $7! - (Eddy) For $7! Number two! (Brett) quintijnvan...vanheek. Delivery time, 1 day. Bruch Violin Concerto in 1 day?! - First movement! - This person definitely played this before. Yeah, it's pre-recorded, I swear. Ooh, nice bow control! - That's the funniest check. - (Eddy) Yeah. Pro tip, pro tip, pro tip. Actually, let me get my violin. This—this tip changed my life. So what you see him doing there, is he's trying to make sure that his finger's placed in the right place, so he's starts in tune, he's really softly plucking like... (Brett) E flat! Alright? Now, pro tip. I learned this from a masterclass, just do this, right. Have your first finger down. - (Brett) Yeah, you can hit it, you can hit it. - Tap it. Yeah. Hear that? Yeah. And sometimes, if you're really pro, if you just can hear, you can just go..."dun!", and you can tell if you're a bit sharp or flat, - and adjust just a little bit. - Yeah, just one. - Like that...yeah. - Oh that's...that's good enough, right? I like that...I like the uh... That connection was very nice. Octaves are good. - Like, it's not bad, this playing. - (Eddy) Yeah. I don't use Fiverr a lot, but... - ...a freaking Bruch Violin Concerto, a 7-minute piece... - Yeah, I...dude, this...I actually... To be honest, to be really honest, - I thought Fiverr... - This is such good value! Yeah, I thought Fiverr was gonna be like some... stuff. But not like this! - Legit! Like... - Yeah. - But I'll also say, I don't think he recorded this in this one day. - Yeah, no, I don't think so. - I think this was an old recording. - Because you need rehearsal time, - I think it's all rehearsed. - Yeah. Ohh! Someone practiced their scales! Dude, scales! Ooh, Carl Flesch is proud! Yeah! Oh, Galamian, Galamian! Carl Flesch! Also can I say, compared to the first one, (Eddy) because it's a live recording, (Eddy) we know there's no like, cuts or edited, or processing. - Oh, yeah. - I mean, there might be processing, but there's no cuts. Yes, yes. (Brett) 'Cause the other one is more like it's recorded in a studio. (Eddy) Yeah, so they could have... - (Eddy) ...done different takes and patched it together, right? - (Brett) Done different takes...yes. (both) Cool. Next one! (Brett) julia_epicmusic. - (Eddy) Ohh, let's see if it's epic. - (Brett) 2 days. Mozart Eine kleine. But this one I'll be more inclined to say they booked it in 2 days, 'cause [it's] Eine kleine. Eine kleine, you can cook up in one day. - Oh yeah, yeah. - (Eddy) Yeah. Holy s***. - Okay, yeah, she's good. She's good. - Yeah. Dude, why are these musicians on Fiverr? - Yeah, why...? - (Eddy) Why are they on Fiverr?! - That is actually sad! - (Brett) Yeah! I'm so confused! - Someone employ all of them! - You're like... Orchestras, what are you doing?! - (Eddy) Bro...! - (Brett)This is legit! (Brett) And she's a good violinist! Actually, the one that gave it to me was this, uh, the... Yeah, that one. The phrasing. Yeah. And even the chords, it's not "dun!", it's like... It's the lightness. Vibrating on double stops. Can I just also say that... ...her username does not match who I think would be playing. - Yeah, I was like, "". - Julia...epic music. But this IS epic. Ooh. I like the trills. Okay, seriously that was like, - (Brett) one of my... - She only did the exposition. Oh yeah, low effort, mmm, Julia, mmm. I...I paid for this. Why you only give me the ex... Yeah...! To be honest, it's actually one of the most enjoyable Eine kleine music I've heard. - Yes. - 'Cause you hear so often, man. Yeah. - But she plays it musically. - (Brett) Nice. - (Eddy) Um... - Pleasant to listen to. (Brett) ninaanto9...196. (Brett) Carmen Variations. - Hubay, though, it's Hubay. - Who—oh, Hubay. Hubay, it's not the Waxman. Oh, yeah. - Yeah, no, if it's Waxman, I'll be like, "No...!" - Yeah, I was like, "Whoa...! This is..." - It's like, Fiverr's becoming full of prodigies now? Like, what? - This is f***ed, what is Fiverr? Bro... - Dude, where the hell are all these people... - Why...why are Fiverr violinists nailing thirds, bro? What is this?! Everyone, go to Fiverr right now, and... Dude, this is such good value, before everyone discovers! - For under $100, you can get all this... - You get the bargain! - ...private serenading! Oh... - You get double stops and everything! Artificial harmonics...! Bro! What is that cord at the back, it's like a... (Brett) ...oh, for audio recording? (Eddy) Yeah, she got a cord... I will say, in terms of video quality though, - this one is the weakest. - Yes. - But her playing's...good. - It's good. Yo...! Yoooooo!!! Dude, it's not bad, - what's going on? - Yoooooo!!! Why is Fiverr...what's going on with Fiverr? (Brett) It looks like a practice room as well. (Brett) Typical like, orchestra rehearsal chair, - (Brett) with a piano next to it. - (Eddy) Yeah. - Yeah...! Yeah...yeah, it's like, - Conservatory student, just like, making some cash. "Oh, I got a gig, let's go!" - (Brett) "This is my practice..." I know... - Oh, I wish I knew you could make money on Fiverr as a cla... I'll just share all my practice videos, like, - (Eddy) Yeah... - "Alright, oh, some dude wanna hear... ...alright, go ahead." Yeah, this is... - Man, Fiverr's... - Dude, she's nailing her thirds. Yeah. Last one. (Brett) khatiskatsi. (Eddy) Khatiska...tsi? - (Brett) 3 days, 2 minute— - (Eddy) Ooh. (Brett) Bach Partita no. 3, Prelude, - (Eddy) That's hard. - (Brett) Preludio. Dude, why is Preludio on Fiverr? What's going on? Bro... Bro, they can all play, what's going on? I am so confused. - I am so—is this from Fiverr, or is this a whole prank? - Oh, man. - Did our friend— - Yeah. Did our friend just prank us? Because... This was not my impression of Fiverr, I'm gonna be really honest. This is... ...changed my mind. - Well, the hardest part's coming soon! - Yeah. Oh, he reversed the... He reversed the bowing?! - I think he rever— - Yeah. - I think he reversed so he can get the...bass! - The bass note! - Yeah, yeah, I'm thinking the same! Yeah, yeah, yeah...! - The bass note, accent! The bass... - That's interesting though, I've never seen someone do that. - Never seen that bowing, yeah. Interesting bowing, 'cause you can get the... - (Eddy) Yeah. - The bass. Yeah, that...that's one of the most difficult things, - it's like the ultimate tongue twister for violin. - It's... It's the bowing, you're doing like this, ∞ motion, circular 8's. - And that's kind of very confusing, and then the au— - Yes. The sound is so different to the way you're moving, - Yes...yeah. - it's like, so confusing. - (Brett) It looks like a practice room too. - (Eddy) Yeah. I don't want to say, 'cause... - I feel like $7... - I can't, I can't... - I can't say, because $7 is offensive. - Yeah, I can't. Okay, look! I'm gonna be so... I'm not gonna be basing it on like, playing skills, 'cause it's imposs...$7... $7 is a compliment, it means it's a good bargain! - Okay, a bargain! Who do you... - Everyone, go find the $7! Who do you think will give you a good bargain? I get the feeling... (Eddy) ...julia_epicmusic, or the last guy (Eddy) would charge more on the higher... (Brett) Yeah, I think 4 or 5 are definitely them. The... Who would do $7? - None of these are $7...! - Who's... - Who's the bargain person? - Yeah. I'm thinking either the... - (Brett) Practice room one. - Practice room Hubay, - 'cause it did feel just like a iPhone... - (Brett) Or the pre-filmed Bruch. Oh, pre-filmed... Possi...I was thinking the first one. (Eddy). Only because the first girl looks so young. Okay, so we got some more information from our friend. "Not all the pieces were specified by us." Yeah, the only one that was, like, we are 100% was cer...specified, - is the Danse Macabre, the first one. - Yes. Apparently what happened was, - the others gave a list of pieces they felt comfortable recording. - Yes. Now, that raises the question of, were these just pieces that they've already pre-recorded, and therefore they don't have to spend much effort? We don't know, um... - But that to me definitely puts Danse Macabre up to at least... - That changes. 3 or 4. I'll say $41, for Danse Macabre, I would say $7... ...for the Hubay, even though she played really well, just the fact that it was iPhone in the practice room. $21 was the Bruch. $21 was the Bruch, or maybe vice versa - if the Bruch was like an old recording that he just sent out. - Yeah. - Yeah, I... - That...those two, I'm not sure. Oh no, it depends. - No, no, I'll...I'll go with you, no, no...yeah. - (Eddy) 'Cause the Hubay one could just be like, - I think the Hubay is 1, - a practice room. - the second is the uh, Bruch, - Bruch. - third is the...[Danse Macabre], - Danse Macabre. fourth to me is the Bach, fifth is the Eine kleine. Alright, done. - Let's see. - Let's go. How do we see answers? - (Eddy) Oh, the Bruch is the 1, okay, okay, I... - (Brett) Oh, see, ohh!!! I was right! (Eddy) I thought that might have been it. So was it was probably just a pre-recorded footage, - and he sold it for $7, - It was pre-recorded, yes, okay. - (Brett) Oh, yeah!!! Okay. Hubay is number 2. - (Eddy) Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Okay, so my guess is... (Eddy) ...Bruch was old footage, (Eddy) the Hubay, [it's] just a piece she's learning right now. - That's what I thought, that's what I thought. - and that she's comfortable... (Brett) Ohh!!! (Brett) Eine k...oh-ho! Okay, fair enough. That's fair. Imagine the Danse Macabre is number 5. Maybe. It is! Oh!!!!! - Okay. - Okay. Oh, there you go. Okay, so number five was um... - (Brett) ...the $76 was uh, the Bach, - (Eddy) Yeah. (Brett) and Danse Macabre was $98. Why is everyone here on Fiverr? Yeah, dude, the thirds were...oh my god. And Bruch. What a bargain! - What a bargain! - Bargain! Go buy now! Buy, buy, buy! $7! $7 Bruch...! Alright guys, that's it for today. Please accent the like button, legato the subscribe button, and uh, look. If these guys are playing this well, you better be practicing. - (Eddy) Yeah. - Because, you know, if everyone practices - you can play awesome music like these guys. - (Eddy) Mm-hmm. So we'll see you guys, next time.
Channel: TwoSetViolin
Views: 314,397
Rating: 4.989265 out of 5
Keywords: twoset violin, violin, viola, cello, music, classical music, opera, education, learn, orchestra, piano, singing, public, funny, jazz, guitar, bass
Id: Jh5C1CKw3a8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 21sec (861 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 30 2021
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