Who Makes LA's BEST French Dip? Philippe The Original vs Cole's

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hey guys and welcome to another episode of UAE eats I'm UA and today we're going to be eating something that I hear I can't leave La without eating the French dip sandwich now I love me a good french dip sandwich and whenever I tend to see them at food festivals I always grab one whether it's in Hawaii or New York or Chicago whenever I see French dip sandwich on a menu I feel like I'm gonna have a good time but to be honest call me uneducated but I had no idea that french dip sandwiches were from La like you know the name French dip sandwich I thought it was from France or maybe Montreal or something I had no idea it was like California SoCal thing at least an origin and I hear that the best French dip sandwich ever is the place that invented the French dip sandwich Philippe the original or at least that's what they claim I hear there's another great place called Cole's French dip sandwich and they also wore the best French dip sandwich and they also also invented the French dip sandwich or at least so they claim there's two competing claims and who knows who's telling the truth I don't know I mean could they both be right is it possible they both invented it at the same time probably not right but you know what I am not so concerned with which one is the first place all I care about is which one makes a better sandwich taste is always going to be king on this channel so you know what we're here at Philippe first so let's hope Philippe first and see how it is foreign guys it is not even peak time it's like before 12 which is not really time for lunch and just look at this huge line behind already so hopefully it's gonna be a good spot [Music] all right guys this place is pretty crowded if you saw that line then it makes sense that it would be crowded to find a space too so as you can see it's pretty much slammed everywhere it's really really hard to find a table but luckily someone just left so I was able to just snap a spot and all the haters were gonna judge the mask know that I wear the mask when I'm in very crowded places like I'm in line I still feel a little bit germaphobic so it's my explanation and love it or hate it but it's time to eat so mask off and let's take a look at the famous Philippe French dip allegedly the first ever French dip sandwich uh either them or Kohl's so here is the legendary Philippe or please let me know how to say this name I am not from California or La is it Philippe but yeah this is the legendary Philippe French dip sandwich with some extra piping hot shoe on the side now I actually always thought that the whole point of our French dip sandwich is that they always give you drew the dip it in hence the French dip sandwich but apparently the sandwich comes pre-dipped and you have to ask for extra juice on the side if you wanted although this French dip bread looks nice and crispy and crunchy this is some nice looking roast beef looks like it's sliced pretty thinly uh looks really fresh and really juicy can't wait to eat this I got a nice local tip from some friendly locals about making sure you get some hot peppers on the side so hopefully this won't blow my face off so let's dig in why don't we the famous Philippe French dip sandwich foreign you know I was expecting to have to chew that more but that French dip sandwich that roast beef it just kind of like melts in your mouth I mean usually when I eat roast beef I kind of am anticipating like a chew and I'm not against it sometimes chewing some great meat is a great way to like really Savor the flavor but in this case that roast beef just melts in your mouth it just really comes apart like in your mouth like let me just show you I just rip the piece out I wish I had like a flashlight or like a light near me but just look just look at how thinly sliced that beef is if you shine a light through it you could probably sort of see through it a little bit it's some really really thin meat okay so the meat on its own a little bit dry tender yes but dry but the rest of the sandwich is just amazing like that Hugh sauce just combines perfectly with it it kind of soaks the bread makes it nice and spongy almost like custard and I think there's like some spicy mustard on this as well it's kind of hard to see I'm a little bit colorblind so my bad if it's easy to tell but I can't really tell the difference between what's juice soaked and what's mustard soaked the bread is nice and soft it kind of reminds me of the bread that they use in Philly cheesesteaks it kind of has that perfect give to it although it is more cushiony and more spongy than cheesecake bread and that kind of pairs with the dryer roast beef well if that makes sense and actually let's try more of the mustard now I hear the mustard here is supposed to be pretty famous so let's try this mustard why don't we oh man that mustard is intense I feel like this is like pure horseradish it's like Wasabi straight to your brain it may just look like normal mustard but look at that doesn't that kind of have like a Wasabi like vibe to it but I don't know it's almost like a good pain it it hurts really good maybe my sinuses are all messed up from all that pollution on the East Coast from Canada the past week so maybe this is just what the doctor ordered they should call this like kick you in the face mustard you know it's not as bad the second time the second time when you're expecting it it's kind of nice let's see how this does dipped though all right so we just dipped it in the extra juice it doesn't look like most people are doing that you know I always thought that that's how you're supposed to eat french dip like I thought it was like a French dip but really it seems like most people are eating it as a French pre-dipped sandwich but we just dipped it so let's see how it is foreign okay so I can kind of see why most people aren't getting an extra dip cup even though that's like stereotypically how you eat french dip sandwiches but I guess in La do as the Romans do and that's not how most people eat it here I was really expecting it to be kind of like the Chicago beef sandwich the Chicago Italian beef sandwich you can get it wet you can get it dipped and if you get it dipped the Chicago Italian beef sandwich kind of goes through like a metamorphosis like the bread gets spongy and cake like like a Savory custard the meat also absorbs more of the juices and it's like it's just fantastic but I guess it's just a different recipe so when you end up dipping this French dip sandwich it kind of just tastes a little bit too much it just tastes wet so the locals always know best oh actually let's try one more thing thank you yeah all that really did was just make the mustard more mild like the Savory meat juices it kind of just nasts the spiciness of the mustard a little bit but hey if you ever found that you added too much mustard just dip it in the juice to moderate the spice I'm getting used to it and that was just too good now I just can't even go back mustard will never be the same ever again after this day oh I almost forgot I guess some people just have really high spice tolerance oh man that is that is way too hot for me those yellow peppers are like blowing my mouth off makes that mustard look like a walk in the park but anyways we got a taste of the Philippe original French dip sandwich so yeah let's finish this and then let's head to Kohl's and see how their French dip sandwich is really good they're very spicy they're very spicy Yeah question um this place how do I say it wow guys we just left Felipe's and we couldn't finish the whole sandwich we need to leave some room for coals so we got some of it in a doggy bag but yeah that was a pretty good sandwich it wasn't my favorite sandwich ever but it was good and I'm glad I tried it but let's see how Kohl's Compares come on let's go so I actually did realize that Kohl's doesn't open until four because I'm dumb and I didn't check the hours beforehand but uh yeah I guess before then let's just hang out in La for a bit so why don't we just do that [Music] oh foreign all right guys it is now four o'clock so coals should be open now when we are here at Kohl's another claimant to the title of creator of the French dip sandwich and in fact this place Kohl's like they're really really plugging that claim everywhere it's pretty much uh all over all their signs and everything but yeah just like Felipe's they've been around for a long time uh in this case since 1908 I think Felipe was 1920 or so it looks like they're not quite open but they're about to so once they open let's get some food and then we'll pass our verdict okay so looking at the menu at Kohl's similar to the Chicago Italian beef sandwich they have varying dip levels and it looks like they also sell pastrami here so gotta try that sometime they have different cheeses but I hear Swiss is the most traditional alright so it was a little bit loud and a little bit dark in there I did do my best to make it work but I figured for the sake of lighting and for the sake of the video it would be better to get this to go and eat it in the car but don't worry we're not going far come on let's go eat all right guys we just made it back to our car so let's check out the Kohl's French dip sandwich the second Contender for first and best French dip sandwich ever all right so I gotta say the coal sandwich is already looking and smelling really really promising I kind of wish they could invent like some sort of smell-o-vision so you could share smells through the screen even through the wrapper it just smells so Heavenly of beef drippings and just look at it kind of like soaking through the wrapper a little bit also they gave us some extra Jou here in a cup they gave us some extra juice oh man that extra Zeus just smells amazing even though it just looks like beef broth oh man and just like Felipe's obligatory house mustard can't wait to compare this one to the Felipe's one foreign [Music] it's kind of cool that they wrapped it in like this fall newspaper probably because that's what they did back then like I think that's also similar to fish and chips like fish and chips was also sold in newspaper until people figured out that newspaper ink is bad for you so now I think they tend to sell fish and chips in fake newspaper rapper but guys just right off the bat this sandwich is looking and smelling better than Felipe's for sure like everything about it just looks better the bread just looks like better quality like I feel like this is bread that would pass the Cheesesteak test like it's got some crispiness yet some give at the same time like the perfect amount of squishiness without being too soft this meets oh man the Felipe's meat was thinly sliced and you could almost shine a light through it but I just get a feeling that this meat is somehow better in a way the way that the juice soaked into the bread oh man this bread like just looking like becoming kind of like more custardy in a Savory way very very reminiscent of Italian beef and this cheese too this cheese just looks like better quality even though it's just swiss cheese it looks like a better swiss cheese like it just looks nice and stretchy just look at that swiss cheese just look look it's like I keep pulling it ah and it finally stops oh oh that is good swiss cheese even though it is Blast for me to put swiss cheese on a Cheesesteak if you'll put that swiss cheese on my cheese steak I'm not gonna complain at all [Music] oh hmm that is just absolutely the dive for I thought the Felipe sandwich was good I thought it was good but I didn't think it was like spectacular I still preferred cheesesteaks and Italian beefs and pastramis and other great sandwiches I've had guys I think I'm gonna put this up with all the great sandwiches that I've had in my life it is just excellent the beef is sliced real thin it doesn't quite come apart in your mouth like the one at Felipe's does but it has like a pleasant shoe like I almost like it this way because you're rewarded with chewing that delicious meat when it comes to Great sandwiches the bread is often key the bread often will make or break a sandwich just absolutely delicious freshly baked bread possibly made in the house or from a great supplier but it's perfect it's not too soft like there's some crunch but it's not so crunchy that you lose the chew [Music] it's just so delicious once again this delicious stringy cheese and it's a Swiss cheese but it's kind of like a sharp swiss cheese it just complements everything else perfectly I feel like some fried onions would take this over the moon but then it wouldn't be a French dip sandwich anymore would it it would basically be a la version of a Philly cheesesteak [Music] hmm let's try it with that mustard [Music] oh oh yes yes why is La so good at mustard I don't get it it's very similar to the Felipe's one very very spicy it's got a straight kick straight to your sinuses but this mustard oh man amazing fresh horseradish flavor just like eating like a Wasabi bomb [Music] do you like Wasabi and horseradish if you don't maybe skip this but if you do [Music] hmm it's just out of this world hands down the best mustard I've ever had and honestly in a weird way I feel like it's good for my health we had all this terrible pollution in New Jersey from the Canada wildfires and yeah maybe from that my sinuses were a little bit messed up from the irritation I don't know I feel like I'm like cured just from this amazing one last thing to try dipping it in extra juice [Music] mmm honestly this sandwich is not disappointing me at all I now see why at Felipe they only give you extra ju when you ask for it they know deep down that it's a little bit too much but at Kohl's unsolicited they provide the Jew in a cup because they know you're gonna love it they know you're gonna love those drippy juices they know that it's just gonna enhance that bread make it like a delicious meat sponge and just make the meat even juicier [Music] oh hmm absolutely delicious it reminds me of like a Cheesesteak but a West Coast take on it and I love it anyways we have half a sandwich left but uh we do need to hit the road before doing so we will pass our verdict now as for which of them is the first French dip sandwich ever I really don't care honestly who cares who invented it it's who perfected it that matters but for who's better Felipe's or Kohl's Kohl's won this in a slam dunk everything about the Felipe sandwich Kohl's is just doing better the bread is better I almost kind of prefer the meat better even though the Felipe's meat was more tender the Coal's meat was just more satisfying to eat Beyond just tenderness the cheese was better the Jew was better The Mustard is comparable but honestly I even think the Coal's mustard is better it's more spicy it's got more of a kick now I think of the two I think Felipe's is more of a tourist attraction the line there is just insane even at sort of off-peak hours there were tons of people in fact it kind of reminded me of Kat's Deli with its cafeteria setting Kohl's was kind of more cool neighborhood pool bar Vibe so as a tourist it maybe wasn't as welcoming and lots of people were there not just for sandwiches some people were there just to relax and drink and have a nice relaxing time with the barkeep but I gotta say in this battle of french dip sandwiches Kohl's is the indisputable winner they won in a knockout and uh if you're in La definitely check out Kohl's you won't regret it just uh make sure you check the time beforehand but anyways guys I think that's gonna be it for this video thank you so much for watching I hope you enjoyed watching me eat some great eats here in Los Angeles if you like my videos make sure you like And subscribe that way you stay up to date whenever I post another video until next time I'll see you later [Music]
Channel: UA Eats
Views: 38,424
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: french dip, french dip sandwich, french dipped sandwich, french dip los angeles, french dip sandwich los angeles, french dip sandwich la, best french dip sandwich, best french dipped sandwich, best french dip la, best french dipped sandwich la, philippe the original, philippe the original french dip, philippe the original french dip sandwich, philippe the original french dipped sandwich, philippe french dip, philippe the original mustard, cole's french dip, cole's mustard
Id: ZSLC3AwnQes
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 52sec (1132 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 01 2023
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