SUPER SIZED Coke vs. Mentos Experiment

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In today's video, we are taking five new comments from you and they're all a little bit strange? Guys, you know how YouTube videos work we post a video, you comment, Sometimes you tell us things that you want to see us do. And sometimes, we're able to take those suggestions and try them out Here's the basic idea. We have five new comments from you that we want to try. Some are pretty awesome and some are downright strange. Let's see what happens. We're going to start with some of the easier more basic suggestions that we've gotten. And then we're gonna scale it up to the slightly stranger. First one from Poor Redneck World asked: "What happens if you put yogurt in the freeze dryer?" Well, we put a lot of stuff in our freeze dryer, might as well try yogurt However, you didn't specify what kind of yogurt. So, I have five different kinds. We're gonna go ahead and put these in the freezer. Let it run over the weekend, and see how it comes out at the end *click* We're gonna say it's a liquid. Not frozen. Our next comment comes from SUPERSOCCER. SUPERSOCCER wants to know if you can use sunscreen to keep things from being discolored by the Sun. Now, if you guys have ever have patio furniture that has fabric coverings or anything like that, you'll notice it does bleach out over time wearing a shirt out in the Sun. Yeah, maybe over a few years It's gonna you know fade it's gonna fade in the wash and other things, but we want to test this out So we're gonna try a few different things. I don't want to just strike my arm with different versions of Sunscreen and hope I don't burn over the course of a few days So we're actually going to try a brand new shirt with a decent color to it And then I'm also going to try some apples. The reason I'm trying apples is because they do have sort of a skin I don't know what it's actually gonna do. So I have four different strengths of SPF So this one is SPF 100 plus. SPF stands for Sun Protection Factor. Now, I have heard the rumor that anything above 70 technically is a placebo. It doesn't actually work or make any of a difference so comparatively, SPF 70, SPF 100 plus yes, these are different brands. I went I tried to get everything in the same brand Neutrogena just because they were had the most variety and sprays that was really it But I checked this one. This was the only one I could find. That was the same spray. It is sort of just the off-brand Equate Walmart brand, but it has the exact same ingredients in the exact same percentages Mostly. We have a shirt here. We've got five different sections. I'm gonna spray the sunscreen in different patches here. In the nones section, I will have nothing at the end of the weekend We are going to see if it's made any difference. Same thing with my apples. I have them all labeled SPF 100 SPF 70 I have an apple over here is none. We're gonna see what these all do after an entire weekend in the Sun It's gonna be upwards of a hundred degrees all weekend should be kind of cool to see Remember how I told you guys these were? really really weird things that people requested? TrueBeanieBoo says, I think you should boil a shirt and light it on fire. I mean, okay, but I'm all for lighting things on fire, but, but, why? well, our, uh, our shirt is boiling as you do with shirts. Reese's Pieces said Can you try a giant version of coke and mentos reaction? Why-yes Reese's Pieces. Yes, I can So if you're not familiar with this gag That people will do sometimes you take Coke normally Diet Coke and you add a Mentos to it Sometimes you shake it up sometimes not and the whole thing will just sort of burst out of the top It's pretty amazing for such a an active reaction So let's try just some regular Coke first from what I understand. It doesn't work quite as well as Diet Coke I'm very excited to try this one because while I know it, I've never done it myself. So thanks for the suggestion We're gonna try a very small scale inside first just to kind of show you what it is. I'm talking about We're just gonna take this entire pack here we're gonna do something that might be considered not recommended We probably don't need too many in that one The first one we're gonna do is coke. Then, we're gonna do our open jar container. Then we're gonna try our currently sealed diet coke Bottle. This is gonna be a mess. Three Two One *Laugh* Yay well, it made me happy. For our next trick, we're gonna take My new glass of Diet Coke and if I don't drink at all, we're gonna pour some Mentos into this Three two one That was incredibly disappointing Fine Now, the reason I thought this was gonna be a little bit cooler is because of this Diet Coke, it tends to react much more violently than a regular Coke However, this widemouth means that it's not building up the same amount of pressure So our next one will be a closed Diet Coke with that three, two, one *Laughs* Yes! Look at how much we lost! That out compared to our regular Coke. All right, we have a shirt boiling inside let's go see how that's doing. A boiled shirt Water was Semi-cold just so I can handle it. I still want it to be hot I'm not sure if BeanieBoo wanted us to have this still hot here you go boiled shirt Here you go a torch Ooh! look at this steam on the top, that's cool. You see that look at all that steam coming off That is steam , not smoke. And, it's on fire. That's a lot of fire in the kitchen, that's gonna. I'm gonna go outside I've done some strange things in my career. I never thought this would be one of them Slight problem with our last comment for the day you wanted to see us boil ink Well, unfortunately, we are now out of pen ink. However, I do have one other type of ink in the studio today We did boil pen ink, but if anybody saw that cuttlefish ink video, you know, this smells vile, right? *Laughs* So, that should do it On earth are you doing out here? I am boiling ink. What ink? Oh I'm out. I'm out. I'm Really glad it's ready guys the entire studio smells like dead fish. It's awful No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no no, no, no All right, guys So we have let our shirt and our apple sit out over the weekend and we also let our yogurt freeze dry. I'm confused. In the past when we have freeze-dried different sorts of liquids, we've had them puff up expand. Our Frosty from Wendy's actually just exploded all over the inside of our freeze dryer not so much here Not so much. So I am very curious. Oh, no, it's still squishy. Oh Good. So all of these seem to have had slightly different results it almost looks like we have like a sort of a frost happening on top of our Greek yogurt our Tillamook is just fluffy This is a squishy brick and our Gogurt Okay, so we're absolutely gonna try these We just want to know what they taste like now, but I am NOT the food tasting expert on this channel. I I don't know how long he's been there Yogurty! So that was our go-gurt. Oh, I can't look at that. Oh no. Oh no No, you know I do not like the way that looks at all. Not gonna look at it, but I'll try it No, all right those a knife, okay still gummy like..... gummy This one is dust. Well, apparently it feels kind of dry because it is kind of dry This reminds me of our Wendy's Frosty right here. This reminds me of chalk at school It's hard to eat because of how dried it just absorbs all the water out of her mouth immediately. Hey, Nate. Mm-hmm Why are you eating chalk at school? You gotta learn things. That is the French style yogurt of Oui Okay. This is the main yogurt underneath was the sort of the jelly or the jam I love that flavor. That is odd You know The flavor is really mild. I think it's supposed to just you know, mix it up. Get the peach in there But this is just the weirdest like styrofoamy dust. Let's see if I can think of how to describe this It's kind of like meringue that turns into yogurt as it dissolves come help. Tell me I'm wrong. I don't think it tastes rancid at all Maybe just really don't care for that flavor of yogurt. Sea salt caramel. I was going through the mixes, you know, just whatever I could find. That's delightful. Is it? Mm-hmm? Okay, crack a piece off of that Yeah Take that, spread it out, serve that up. People would not have any idea what it was but they like it's delicious That tastes like a dessert. Yeah. All right. We've tried our yogurt now We're gonna go and take a look at our shirts that we sprayed with sunscreen. Guys, Yes, fabric will fade over many many months if you leave it out You wear shirts in the Sun all the time, like, daily and so you're not gonna see that fate, takes a very very long time for that to happen as You can see here with our shirt You can see our oil stains, but in areas where it's dried, there is no visible difference So maybe if we had six months to test this out, it would be a little bit different But just over three days, you're not gonna see that difference And if you look at our apples didn't really protect them either so you might think First when you're looking at these like this was our SPF 70 It's almost rotted and on the other si- well, it's very rotted on the other side where I sprayed it It looks pretty good. You might think that okay. Well that's because of the spray now check this out This is our apple here that had no sprouted whatsoever. Even better on the other side guys. This is what you're seeing Here is the travel of the Sun from where we have this sitting in the yard This side was just never hit by direct sunlight at any point during the day So that's kind of what you're going to see on all of our apples. There's no visible difference between any of these. So cool idea. Unfortunately, it's a test that would take many many months, we don't have that time for this video, unfortunately But we did want to try it out. So thank you for the suggestion Guys, you always come up with some pretty insane and creative ideas of things that we should try on this channel So if you've got any more you let us know in the comments below Thank you guys so much for watching don't forget That's not all we've always got more for you to see go and click that box up there at the top to see our latest Video and we'll see in the next one. Talk to you then
Channel: TKOR
Views: 1,310,216
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: weird comment requests, audience choice, freeze dryer, yogurt in a freeze dryer, mentos vs coke, boiling experments, squid ink, cuttlefish ink, sunscreen, how does sunscreen work, can sunscreen protect other things from the sun?, mentos vs diet coke, chemical reaction, random happens, thekingofrandom, grant thompson, tkor, calli, nate, backyard science, harvestright freeze dryer, harvest right
Id: Wb3xvhtfpIM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 16sec (736 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 27 2019
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