Weaving A ROPE Out Of STEEL!

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in today's video we're going to see if we can make a strong rope out of just steel wool I did five pounds in a roll it comes like this I didn't know that before I started shopping for it I was thinking we were just gonna get individual pads yeah packs of pads and then I found I actually had put some steel wool in my cart on Amazon and it said like other people have bought this while looking for that I was like oh look oh joy well that's gonna be way better so the goal today is an idea brought to us by a user on reddit I don't know how it's pronounced exactly I'm gonna go with RAM gah or a.m. gah not sure how you're supposed to say that but they yeah maybe so they wanted to see what happens if we make steel wool in the Rope we've actually had this as a suggestion several times before but this was the most recent and the one that I remembered best so thank you for your idea and now we got steel wool and the Rope machine here's the basic idea we've got a five pound roll of steel wool we're gonna try and turn it into rope and maybe fuse as well first thing that I want to point out about this is when we were just discussing this I had some steel wool in my house we were all on a video conference and I pulled some out and I just started pulling it apart because it's wrapped into these little these pads that you use to scrub whatever it is you need around the house they come in these these sheets there we go so when you get one of these at the store it's usually about this much it's kind of condensed and then the whole thing is just basically rolled like that if you have one of those at home you can just unroll it and my first saw when I was looking at it is that it already looks like carded wool so when you're making yarn or thread or anything with wool it gets carded that's how all of the fibers get straightened out together and then when it's like this then you start taking off pieces and then winding it on your spindle or whatever it is that you're using this stuff is basically already pre-prepared for us that's gonna make this very interesting when things burn it's because they're oxidizing in with a lot of combustible materials when they do that they fall apart or float up into the air or turn to ash - things like that when steel oxidizes it's bonding oxygen onto the steel and it doesn't go anywhere so you start with the weight of the steel and you finish with the weight of the steel plus that added oxygen on to it we've done several videos with burning steel wool in the past and of course some of the best footage we've ever had was when we had the guys from kuma films and we dropped some burning steel wool into a cup of liquid oxygen that was just beautiful the way that where it was pretty like you don't even need to appreciate fire to just know that that was really pretty well she would make some rope let's try making some rules [Music] [Music] alright step one complete ich working better than human hair well I feel like we would have to make a different sled just for the steel wool version of this to work nicely keep going this is a lot straighter than I thought it was gonna be already shockingly like that actually fill the top of a zip tie right here and I'm actually gonna put one right here this first little part and that's oh great what is the best tool to cut through your steel just because you've said it I'm curious if a hacksaw will do anything okay that works no hacks I was actually blazing through it nice okay Clippers are working not that best a steel wool steel what whop whop whop fun fact guys I had a speech impediment until I was in fifth grade couldn't save my arse and the worst part was my best friend's name was Taillow and I wanted to be an archaeologist didn't go well that would oh that is it's actually like it's rough but it's not worse than like a normal hemp rope this point I'm just going for anything that looks even slightly flammable in case you missed it when we did our video of the fastest way to light a birthday cake candles this is kind of regular firework fuse and this is much faster fuse yellows faster all right let's go outside because we've already filled the room with enough smoke yeah that just that one little piece you can actually see the smoke underneath every single light all right this is a slower one the green fuse [Music] well that's just cool Potter would actually like more of the steel on fire I bet the inside is I bet if we yeah blew some air into it the steel wall as we were waiting is starting to get darker and darker the middles got to be I think it started but then ran out of oxygen so here I lit the end of it and now it's like spreading along the outside that's what I'm saying it's getting darker in the middle as we go [Music] yeah there we go sentries absolutely molten before this part spreads I want to break this part right here in the middle yep see the core itself was at least very at least it was I I think most of it put itself out but not all of it obviously that spot hadn't that such a cool shot like that is neat this is our much much faster fuse Vala cool I'm so happy right now I look really cool but still most of the outside went out the inside still I'm telling you the inside still burning you know what it looks like it looks like a tree burning from the inside out that was awesome should we try and tow a car with our short little rope [ __ ] [Music] all right we've got a steel wool rope connected between our tamarins truck yep and my car here my favorite part is that normally when we do these tests we do a cream scale test to see how much weight we can use to break it you just were like no no and we are going straight to try to tow your car you might you need you to be the camera model okay I'll be the cameraman marks maybe in the truck and I'm gonna be in my car to hit the brake if I happen to need to do that you know what you don't want it you don't want to bump no no of course I do not bump with a rope boom put the hope I can't even say it incorrectly okay I believe my car is in neutral now it's mad at me because I left it in neutral and turn the car off of course I'm moving it actually stretched hey Nate it's working it's working Oh what was that it broke oh okay well I started going up a curb and I think that was a little too much resistance and yeah that just tore right through Wow and it's all it's always at the weak point but still I don't know what's actually I think that's about as strong of a point as we had cuz it wasn't I mean like the zip tie was oh maybe it did pull right at a zip tie yeah there were yes the fiber stretch 20 on here now there's only two so I think one popped right off but I think I want to get my car leveled out a little bit flatter and then we can put the screen scale on it and this time it'll be in park with the parking brake on we can just pull until it pops apart I like it all right I'm ready when you are and it's broken all right just tore right through there was no like snap it's just like more and more just shredded apart I had my camera on the scale I was so focused on making sure the camera was pointing correctly that I wasn't paying much attention to the numbers so I'm just gonna see what we get to here it's kind of confusing we've seen on this scale before that the numbers don't register super quickly yeah and this is one of the ones that won't freeze on the last night yeah unfortunately this this model does not keep a record of the highest it hit we probably should look into a better one so I think what's happening here is that because you can clearly see 98 right here and I thought I saw water weight we got over a hundred pounds so it was like 120 hundred thirty maybe yeah and it did kind of fail at a pinch point which is where most ropes will fail under every circumstance they're not usually gonna break right in the middle they're gonna break where they're being attached unless you have some very very smooth attachment method oh that's up off the ground completely hanging from steel wool mm-hmm guys that's it for today but you know we've always got more for you to see hit that box up the top of check on the most recent video and we'll see you the next one talk to you then
Channel: TKOR
Views: 1,269,040
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: thekingofrandom, tkor, grant thompson, nate, calli, random happens, steel wool, steel wool rope, custom rope, rope making machine diy
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 11sec (611 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 30 2020
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