Can This Chef Make Flamin' Hot Cheetos Fancy? • Tasty

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hi I'm RIA I'm a pasty producer today I've been challenged to take a common food and make it fancy roles are you must use the food given you can only up to the food you can buy whatever ingredients you wish let's see what we are making France Italy drum loads flamin hot cheetos I've had this before I've had a I didn't say I liked them it's a little bit overpowering for my palate I don't admire the color that much good it's a little bit artificial if you like spicy food I can see it's addictive it's a nice crunch and there is like subtle sweetness flavor it's very strong so I think it will be good ingredients for savory food I want to make something with a lot of different varieties but still want to take advantage of flamin hot flavor Oh so I got some great ideas and I'm excited to make it fancy all right here it's what I got sour cream chicken thighs butter buttermilk microgreens honey salsa from the pantry I got flour oil Marika Cayenne garlic powder onion powder sugar brown sugar baking soda baking powder black pepper and mustard powder okay let's get started make it fancy first a cup of honey I made a house honey it's made video so basically honey eats needs vomit that's what I learned it's very fascinating now I'm not too afraid of bees so now I know how to avoid being stung one cup of Cheetahs I'm going to use more Cheetos later so I'm going to just skip this around make sure she does it submerged to eat honey each piece has a different shape it's very unique we are heating up honey so honey infuse the Cheetahs flavor and making a Hot Cheetos honey gentle simmer for like a couple minutes in a ton of the he set aside for 15 to 20 minutes and we are moving on to Nixon grind some hot cheetos so you want to ground there and feel very fine you'd quarter cup of Cheetos powder 1 teaspoon of cayenne kinds very spicy oh I think I held it so if you don't like too spicy you can just oh you can just use cheetahs powder and skip kyon 2 tablespoon of paprika 1 tablespoon of mustard powder 1 tablespoon of onion powder 1 tablespoon of garlic powder and 1 tablespoon of black pepper mix why spicy food and how is associated with help you know if you buy hot sauce there it's usually Dibble or like skull so this is like a hell hole spice spice mix it's done move on the next step I have bone-in skin-on chicken thighs pat dry just remove the moisture from again place the chicken in a bowl and season with salt 6 tablespoons or the displacement marinate the chicken so I want to marinate at least 2 hours to overnight and I'm going to come up with plastic and rest in the refrigerator the Cheetos it's steeping about 15 minutes and I'm going to strain look super red it's really good it's like spicy honey we are going to use it later we're gonna set this aside 1/2 cup of canola oil 2 tbsp of the spice mix I made earlier 2 tsp or brown sugar so you just want it to heat up and make sure the brown sugar is completely melted I think Cheetos is facile in that way when you're making something spicy I don't think you can useful everything but you can substitute some like spice mix with ground of cheetahs brown sugar is melted and I'm going to set this aside moving on to the next step combine dry ingredients 1 1/2 cup of flour 3/4 cup of ground cheaters 2 tbsp of sugar 1 and 1/2 tsp of baking powder 1/2 tsp of baking soda I'm shifting because I can get rid of those big chunks of Cheetos 1/2 teaspoon of salt kosher salt it's a little bit big grains so when you shift it sometimes it doesn't go through so I don't usually shift salt set this aside and I'm going to make my wet ingredients 1/2 cup of sour cream well and 1/2 cup of buttermilk butter cream is a little bit chunky it's like sour separate 4x we are whisking egg white later so make sure that it's no egg yolk trace in egg white all and makes your boy it's clean four tablespoon of melted butter mix well let's whisk set this aside combine my wet ingredients to dry ingredients with my egg whites whisk the egg whites until hard peak and switch to spatula and fold in the egg whites you don't want to use whisk because you don't want to kill all the bubbles you created with making meringue ok butter it's good to go and are we gonna cook it so I'm using nonstick waffle maker scoop my butter or 1/2 cup I like brunch food in general I like pancakes French toast waffle I've never tried hot waffle I hope it's gonna be good looks good one down whenever you go to hotel with continental breakfast date like a waffle station it's always a mess butter is everywhere it's a long way I'm gonna go one more right this one's ready flaming hot cheetos waffle looks good I'm going to cook rest of the butter and we'll be going to the next step so you this chicken from the fridge magnet in about two hours two cup of buttermilk two tablespoons of hustles to take a long time by being weeks I'm going to dredge in the flour dipping in the buttermilk mixture and a dredge in the flour again so you can have kind of crispy crust so we are frying a 325 Fahrenheit about 10 to 12 minutes you don't want to overcrowd your pot so I'm trying to at the time it's important to have thermometer because if you are fine way to high heat outside it's only cooking and inside it's not cooked it's me to 12 minutes I'm going to check the inner temperature has to be 165 so it's ready if you are chicken it's getting darker in oil and inner temperature it's not reaching 165 just finish in open the crust looks very crispy and I'm going to brush the oil I made earlier and you want to make sure the oil is hot so it doesn't cool down the chicken the reason I'm using oil-based sauce so it doesn't make chicken crust soggy if you make the sauce reads like water base it's gonna make it soggy finish rest of the chicken and moving on to the next step so all the ingredients are ready and I'm going to play thrush melted butter on the waffle and want to finish with a little bit spicy I made the micro green it's just like nice little solid and we are done [Music] flaming hot chicken and a buffer it's pretty fancy I'm sure I don't welcome back to another make you fun episode fried chicken and waffle is it I want to guess is it a strawberry milk syrup flaming hot cheetos oh there isn't dust here there's like a icy dust these my hands I see that hmm right those are good yeah what's sweet mm-hmm and a little spicy yeah does it taste like a strawberry milk does not taste like strawberry no no I I can taste the cheetah do you remember you made me a flamin hot cheetos breeder who eating your feed I do yeah oh yeah you liked it but you were mad that you liked it yes oh did you make a better from the Cheetos yeah so I was very shocked to hell good business make it fancy so we have a special guest today Jay Harris she is a LA Times senior food writer and official fried chicken Queen it looks spicy it's very red and orange and I feel like it's going to make my head tingle because of how red it is I want to it reminds me of flamin hot cheetos I would love to try it yeah okay great hot cheese I will bow down this is awesome this is very good I can keep eating it right yes okay babe this chicken is structurally sound it's super moist in the middle but then the outer you have this like really great craggily crispy skin that's like sticks with the chicken it doesn't like separate from the skin the honey is great cuz it's I mean that's what I normally eat cool I normally honey and hot sauce with my chicken so you did it for me with Cheetos do you look polemical cheetahs I love my gosh okay but no one says they don't their life make its I see [Music]
Channel: Tasty
Views: 4,469,360
Rating: 4.9241409 out of 5
Keywords: K_fe, buzzfeed, buzzfeed rie, buzzfeed tasty, can this chef, can this chef make it fancy, fancy cheetos, flamin hot cheetos, flaming hot cheetos, food, food challenge, fun challenge, how to cook, how to make, how to upgrade cheetos, make it fancy, make it fancy hot cheetos, rie, rie mcclenny, snacks, tasty, tasty recipes, tasty rie, thedessertsnob, upgrade snack food
Id: mAF0UMHzwjs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 47sec (647 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 27 2020
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