Can This Chef Make Oreos Fancy? • Tasty

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hi i'm maria i'm a tasty producer today i've been challenged to take a common food and make it fancy as a friendly reminder you can get this shirt or other merch let's see what we are making fancy today oreos i have cooked with this before a few times cookie is a little bit bitter it's not too sweet and the cream is you know sweet side so it's actually very well balanced cookie it's round so it's cute because anything round is cute it's been a while since i had oreo last time so let's try smells nice like cocoa powder and they are saying they are using real cocoa i like to eat like break half and eight okay nice and crispy so a tasty we've used oreo a lot but what i have in my mind is pretty ambitious so it could be very difficult i'm worried it might not work but as always i'm excited to make it fancy all right here's what i got butter milk heavy cream whole milk sour cream butter white chocolate dark chocolate and eggs from the pantry i got vegetable oil cake flour powdered sugar all-purpose flour sugar instant coffee cocoa powder baking soda baking powder vanilla extract salt and kahlua alright let's get started make it fancy first we are going to start with about 12 oreos i'm going to separate scrape the cream part if you don't have offset spatula you can just use butter knife or a knife cream comes off pretty easily it's tempting not to eat it grind up the cookie part if you don't have food processor you can just put in a ziploc bag and top it with rolling pin or wine bottle we have the oreo in japan i never seen fan flavors in japan but i went to museum of failure in los angeles a few years ago and i saw wow full of failed oreo flavors and one of them was swedish fish but some of them looks really nice like cinnamon roll so final texture should look like a sand sift ground up oreo so it doesn't have a big chunk i have two and a quarter cup all-purpose flour one cup and two tablespoons of cocoa powder and shift three cup of sugar one and a half teaspoon of baking powder one tablespoon of baking soda one and a half teaspoon of salt gently mix so my dry ingredients is ready i'm gonna set aside i have three eggs just loosen this up one and a half teaspoon of vanilla two tablespoons of kaluga and if you don't want to use alcohol you don't need to use it but i like using alcohol yes so i use kalua i have one and a half cup of coffee coffee kind of gives nice adult flavor and one and a half cup of buttermilk i think some country doesn't have buttermilk if you don't have buttermilk in your country you can use milk and you can squeeze a little bit of lemon juice three and a quarter cup of vegetable oil just mix well mix wet ingredients to dry ingredients you can just pour everything at once this is a recipe i used to use when i was working at the restaurant it's pretty good recipe so i highly recommend you guys to make it at home we didn't use oreo it smelled so good i think the smell of oreo powder and coffee and cocoa powder is very rich and this is smell very fancy the nice thing about glass bowl you can see if it's not under mix so this is done i'm gonna set aside i have 8 by 2 inch cake pan i have three of them for the parchment paper are making origami and flip the cake pan find the center cut straight and you have perfect circle cake lining spray the pan put the parchment paper and make sure to spray on the side pour butter to each pan evenly divided we are going to bake this at 350 fahrenheit about 25 to 30 minutes or you can poke this with toothpick and if it comes out cleanly it's ready we have plenty more oils to use so let's get to it i have 12 oreos this in a food processor so this one i don't separate just use it as this set this aside six cup of powdered sugar and i'm going to shift it so the texture is same as the last time it's almost like a sand three sticks of softened butter it's unsalted add pinch of salt half teaspoon of vanilla this is a leftover oreo cream from cake mixture add that 3 tablespoon of cream and blend until smooth texture one side of powdered sugar i'm doing in a small budget because if you add at once the powder should fly everywhere and you're gonna make a mess in the kitchen looks good i'm gonna add the last batch fold this oreo powder in a buttercream you can see nice oreo speckle in a buttercream oreo is very versatile oreo can be used for cheesecake bottom oil can be used in ice cream oreo can be used in a pancake a lot of transformation but i'm not making any of those okay i'm ready to move on i have two and a half cup of cake flour half teaspoon of baking soda 2 teaspoon of baking powder 1 teaspoon of salt again we are mixing dry ingredients first and set aside 5 eggs and i'm going to separate use each shell and kind of move back and forth so for this cake we are not gonna use egg yolks we're gonna just use egg whites i have one stick and half butter one three quarter cups of sugar and cream them together about two minutes and add egg whites mix them about two minutes and i have half cup sour cream mix until well combined when you're using baking soda you need some active agent if you don't use it you kind of have metallic flavor that baking soda has add dry ingredients at once okay and then add one cup of milk okay looks good you're gonna spray the pan at the cake liner spray again make sure you spray on the side then pour this kind of look like android blood if you know you know so we are going to bake this at high about 25 to 30 minutes if you are not sure if it's baked through you can use the two speakers again so so far it's a little bit simple but next step is gonna be more ambitious 20 grams of flour 3 grams of powdered sugar 5 gram of crumbled oreo and add pinch of salt mix well quarter cup of water and quarter cup of oil and mix well i already preheated pan over medium high heat pour butter using little you want to make sure pine's hot you see this like nice bubble i'm going to flip this once outside looks dry it's ready and you're gonna just put it on top of the paper towel so this cookie should look like lazy and look like almost like coral and you don't need to make perfect circle if it's kind of abstract to shape it's also really cool so this is what i was going for this is something very crispy not like a pancake or crepes breaks easily it's like a cookie nice and crunchy i'm going to finish the rest of the butter and move on to next step and i'm going to use more oreos i have 12 oreos put it in a ziploc you just wanted to make rough chunks like pebble so i have 12 oils each white chocolate and dark chocolate i'm going to microwave every 30 seconds until completely melted and i'll be right back chocolate is melted pour chocolate over parchment lined baking sheet and spread evenly if you don't have a spatula you can use spoons knife or rubber spatula sprinkle this oreo bits do the same with dark chocolate and spread nice and even again and sprinkle oreo bits and you want to do this before chocolate it set so oreo sticks this is super easy cool dessert you can put other stuff like pretzels and stuff i'm going to put this in the refrigerator about 30 minutes until it sets nicely we have oreo cake white cake and oreo buttercream my white cake is a little bit dummy on the top so i'm going to trim a little bit using slated knife give a little bit haircut and my oreo cake looks very even so i don't need to trim it i have a tongue table and eight inch cake board tape so it doesn't move around first i'm gonna put oreo cake about half a cup of buttercream spread evenly put white cake upside down and another half cup roasting and this is going to be tall cake so instead of frosting the side apart at the end i'm frosting side now now for the third layer another chocolate cake so when you cut it it kind of looks like oreo if your buttercream is too stiff you can add one tablespoon milk to loosen it up spread evenly and cover the sides the fourth layer the white cake another half cup oreo butter cream the last layer oh my god it's scary it's cake eats wobbly what if i cannot make it fancy the end of the show [Laughter] thank you everybody coming along my journey so when you are making tall cake like this make sure cake is completely cooled so it doesn't fall apart when you cool the cakes it's become a little bit more stable also you can use this kind of stick and just stick into the cake so make it very stable i feel like cake making is pretty close to construction work because you kind of paint the wall carry heavy stuff mixing stuff like cement to use bench scraper to make it smooth make sure you are not pushing too hard hold lightly put the bench scraper 25 degrees against the cake make sure your hand is steady and not moving and just move the tan table we are going to put this in the refrigerator about 30 minutes so oreo butter cream will set i have oreo coral cookie strawberries and raspberry for decoration white chocolate bark dark chocolate bark and i have a little bit left over oreo buttercream and i have more oreos break some oreo bark kind of going for abstract shape so i want to break it a little longer you can adjust the size later using dab or buttercream as a glue it's kind of improvised design so i am not sure how it's gonna turn out i'm gonna just hope it look beautiful and fancy the nice thing about it it has a nice hold so you can still see nice oreo speckled buttercream i'm using white oreo bark dark oreo bark right now it looks like japanese armor and it looks very cold there is no right or wrong so just follow your heart i want to put some oreo i have a secret weapon it's a gold spray just like spray and dust it off i'm gonna use couple raspberries just to make the color pop strawberries put some icing on the strawberry and just put around here so it doesn't roll or the last piece of coral and we are done [Music] gothic avo struck oreo cake very fancy alright time to give this a try this is very tall cake i just cut the small piece for myself i have white cake oreo cake oreo butter cream oreo cookie and maybe i'm gonna eat some of oreo bark the cake is very moist it's not dry cookies very crunchy and tasty it cannot go any fancier than this mountain fancy so inside is layer of black and white so it just looks like oreo overall i'm so happy how it turned out i highly recommend you to make a home if you make a home please tag me on my instagram and don't forget to dance make it fancy [Music]
Channel: Tasty
Views: 2,723,022
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: K_fe, Tasty, baking, breakfast, breakfast recipes, buzzfeed, buzzfeed tasty, cooking, dessert, dinner, dinner recipes, easy cooking, easy recipes, eating, food, food porn, fun recipes, how to, how to bake, how to cook, kid-friendly, kid-friendly recipes, lunch, lunch recipes, make it fancy, make it fancy rie, make it fancy tasty, oreo, oreo cookie, quarantine, quarantine recipes, rie, rie tasty, social distancing, tasty recipes
Id: 0lwstn9bHW0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 4sec (964 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 23 2020
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