Can This Chef Make Froot Loops Fancy? • Tasty

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hi i'm maria i'm a tasty producer today i've been challenged to take a common food and make it fancy let's see what we are making fancy today fruit loops as you can guess i've never tried this before growing up i eat a lot of cocoa puffs i am hoping it tastes like fruit i hope different color has a different flavor look like a pile of poison it doesn't taste like fruit it's all same flavor i like the crunch internet likes colorful dessert it can be really pretty it's not too bad but maybe if you're eating bungee it might be a little bit too sweet so color is actually cute and very festive so i think we can make some fun dessert i'm excited to make it fancy right here is what i got butter heavy cream eggs and milk from the pantry i got cornstarch salt vanilla extract sugar flour white chocolate food coloring and brandy okay let's get started make it fancy first step i'm going to use fruit loops and i just realized fruit spell like f-r-o-t not like fruit fruit just like a meme if you know what i'm talking about four cups of fruit roots three cup of milk that's a big breakfast i also don't know like why it's the appropriate amount of cereal you have to eat for breakfast sometimes like just bowl of cereal doesn't look like enough so i'm heating up medium high heat kind of extract more flavor from fruit roots as soon as little bubbles coming from the milk that's ready just don't boil the milk do you recognize the bird on the box no it's he famous he's famous so his full name is i used to have a bird that talks like parakeet like little one he came to my grandma's yard and she kept it and i think it was barred from some sort of station it says like next stop is such and such i know the little bird that talks they're smart milk it's simmered i'm going to pull over and gently push so there's no dry spot steep this about one hour and we are moving on to next step two cups of fruit loops so you kind of want to make it like a pebble like this sides so i'm going to just use like big piece for later sugar part is going to go through the mesh seed if you don't have a food processor you can just put it in bag and crush them with rolling pin or something right what do you have we pump your choice it's kind of pretty it's like fairy dust and we'll be on to the next step okay so we've been steeping through ribs for one hour we are going to string it's kind of jiggly sounds like you are stepping into the bottle half cup of cereal milk half cup of water and we're gonna save this later i'm going to use one stick of butter and cut it small sizes so it melts faster and two teaspoon of sugar melt all the ingredients the color is not as good as i was hoping for but i think we have some idea to fix everything is melted so i'm adding one cup of flour medium heat the dough is kind of shiny and it's kind of formed into like one big blob take off the heat and you want to wait this dough cool to touch about five minutes so dough is cool down our egg one by one i think we will need four eggs but it depends on the consistency mix it you have to make sure all the egg is absorbed second if you have a stand mixer you can use stand mixer with a paddle attachment it's expensive machine so i just want to show you how to do it by hand the dough has to be a little bit runny and gonna go for four eggs i think we might need one more i'm cracking fish egg but i think i'm gonna use just a half first eggs come in different shape so consistency is the indicator not the amount of egg let's test it so you kind of bring out the dough i think it's still neat just a little bit it's a good workout yeah like that that's a good texture quarter cup of crushed fruit ribs pretty look it's became gray to rainbow put this in a piping bag and put the piping tip and twist and inside and bend so when you put the dough it doesn't overflow it's alive i'm going to pipe the stone onto the baking sheet i spread oil underneath of the parchment paper so it sticks to the pan brush water into the paper so it helps powder shoe to puff up without drying up to make sure each dough has enough room because it's going to rise so when you're squeezing you don't want to squeeze from here you kind of want to squeeze your dominant hand on the top and also you don't need to do like swirl you just have to steady pipe we made a pattern shoe at the culinary school also this was maybe my first pastry i made with my mom i love making karachi i like the transformation i sometimes even way in front of the oven so i can see it's puffed up and this is ready oh i've seen faster whoever doing this like as a professional level they are so fast cool cute so you don't want this point so you wet your finger with water and kind of make it flat and this moisture also helps this puffs up i like this it's cute anything round it's cute so i was a little bit worried because when we steep loops it was great but now because of the egg and because of the crushed fruit loop it looks very festive and cute it looks almost like a funfetti cake so this is the egg wash leftover i think we don't have enough so i'm gonna add a little bit water it kind of gives a shine when you finish baking so we are going to bake this at 400 feet on height for 20 minutes and then lower the heat to 350 fahrenheit bake for 10 to 15 minutes until golden brown when you're baking don't open the door if you open the door it won't rise so i have reserved fruit root infused milk heated up two egg yolks two tablespoons of sugar i'm gonna mix it until pale this is a little bit crucial part when you're making custard you have to make sure the sugar is absorbed into egg yolk 2 tbsp of corn starch and 1 teaspoon of vanilla so milk is start bubbling add just a little bit so you're kind of tempering put gentle stream bring this back to a pot turn on the heat and cook this until it thickens you want to consistently mix with rubber spatula because it will burn if you don't do that or it's become like cuddles pastry cream is done transfer to a bowl not the prettiest color but we're gonna fix it you want to make sure the plastic is touching to the custard so it doesn't form a skin chill this until completely cool about 30 minutes and it's not pretty let's make it pretty one tablespoon of randy just mix it separate this into three i usually avoid using food color but this color is a little bit off-putting i like the kind of color for fruit loops so i'm adding a little bit of food color we have pink we have glue and we have purple what's your favorite color you know it's difficult to pick your favorite color whenever people ask me that question i don't have the answer but i tend to choose like a stone color for my clothing and red for like accessories set this aside i'm gonna whip some cream i'm gonna start with one and a half cup i know there is one person on instagram he made at least three or four things from mega fancy we should give him a prize perfect consistency so cream is whipped it's a stiff peak add two custard mix it's just one big scoop it's like eyeball okay the fillings are ready and i'm going to use this piping bag this is a special kind of tool if you don't have it you can just make one color i want to make like unicorn effect so i got a special tool that makes three color cream one done and two down three down put them together so i'm gonna set this aside and move on to the next step all right look how cute it is perfectly puffed up i'm going to cut top part you can see the froot loops inside pipe very unicorny i'm very happy if it's not hollow enough you can just push the inside part look how pretty they are i don't know i don't like eating colorful food but i like making colorful food deep white chocolate it's melted put like a hat and put fruit loop i'm topping with fruit loops because it kind of gives nice poppy color and adding more flavor and more texture so cute i'm very happy it's the cutest thing i've ever made on this show i'm gonna put on a plate this looks great and we are done [Music] they are unicorn fruit loop cream puffs welcome back jasmine thank you can you tell what i made fancy from can i smell it yeah fruit loops yes can you tell the difference between fruity pebbles and fruit loops well that's why i asked to smell it oh it's a difference i can smell the difference fruity pebbles smells a little more like juicy and then froot loops smell a little tangier but you have a good smell yeah people like think i'm a dog oh wow yeah my hunch is that you've made cereal cream puffs yes with a [Music] a whipped filling and a donut icing top of some sort [Music] this is delightful very fancy i love it thank you some rainbow foods are so saturated to the point where they taste chemically sweet this is light fluffy nice crunch with this cereal it's heavenly fruit loop everything but not too overpowering yes so jasmine did i make i did i make flute loop fancy yes you did okay thank you thank you make it fancy [Music]
Channel: Tasty
Views: 2,564,689
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: K_fe, Tasty, baking, breakfast, breakfast recipes, buzzfeed, buzzfeed tasty, cooking, dessert, dinner, dinner recipes, easy cooking, easy recipes, eating, food, food porn, froot loops, fun recipes, how to, how to bake, how to cook, kid-friendly, kid-friendly recipes, lunch, lunch recipes, make it fancy, make it fancy tasty, quarantine, quarantine recipes, rie mcclenny, rie tasty, social distancing, tasty recipes
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 23sec (743 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 12 2020
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