Can We Make A Dish Without Knowing The Ingredients?

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I will never get anything over and over what is this cry today Rhea and I are gonna be playing a little game Rhea has to cook a dish but she has no idea what that dish is I have to give her instructions using these recipe cards but here's a little catch there are a bunch of words on here that are completely off-limits let's see what we're making okay we're gonna be making creamy chicken piccata all right ray come on are you ready for this I don't know I'm gonna tell you the rules for the game avoid the off-limits were no miming while speaking the cook can only do as instructed as any rules are broken the instructor can only mime the next step let's go play okay this one's pretty simple bring a large pot of [Music] seasoned water to a boil okay I'm assuming you got this one yeah seasoned water salt right ding ding ding so there it's to white thing wine salt wine sugar but this is salt just like make sure it's yes oh we don't want sugar yeah I also ate pasta because it's large pot of water seasoned with salt so and also I want to use lid because it's like faster the process I can just put another pan on top of crafty I didn't actually technically tell you to do that okay okay mm-hmm next prepare the chicken yeah okay I feel like I'm pretty good at this all right I buy actually mines that so the next card I cannot see can I just kind of tough hard make my life easier so chicken okay let me ask you a question how big it's a chicken is it cute easy like why are you crying lie cop butterfly cow bought the fly cup per Frankie place on top of a piece of you color in the in kindergarten you color Mahoney a gun that's a anyone have a string go Sunday like I really don't get the paper so why do you use for bake baking paper yeah so place on top a piece of chicken the paper okay I can't use words yeah all the crew should be mom I think you're better at my good I have no idea what I'm making could you let me boil water pounding chicken I think pounding chicken means I feel like we're gonna roll so I feel like I should go a little thinner no thicker thinner spin 1/2 inch 1/2 1/2 1/2 inch 1/2 1/2 I will never get a yo-yo same thing over and over say well so pound until this sides this thickness oh okay do the hand and we see [Music] okay a quarter in season well with salt and pepper I think our water is ready pit burn lightly coat each piece of chicken with not that's a made of gluten include their flour yeah next keep a metal thing Pam uh-huh over medium heat okay so let me wash my hands before I'm getting pun did I say you could do that you mind it luckily I already have a pan warmed up add-in shoot add in the greasy oil olive oil okay how much oh it's all measured out okay fry the chicken in the pan until it has like a nice tan golden brown don't gesture don't do this now she's telling me what to do you need to discard the chicken once cup chicken grease discard just like so once it's become golden brown take the chicken out old from the past yes pour in the stuff that I drink every weekend wine I know who you - well actually you didn't clarify which type of wine white wine thinking I mean then I just pour it and at unknown the he because he has a lot of oil and he's gonna spotter it smells really good so how long am i producing wait that was the next step yourself hurry up add in see one of my favorite foods so I'm big that's that you believe put in a biscuit stop you put a butter next you're going to add in my other favorite food chupa more cream when I'm gonna be making out I don't eat this garlic and little round things paper part in the the stuff I used to sell on the sidewalk as kid cupcake lemonade okay so lemon not lemonade there was one time that I did sell lemon juice actually I forgot to put the sugar oh my god we're not add in the bok-bok-bok chicken juice chicken juice chicken stock yeah chicken stock what's this I think it's a beef maybe you got a smell yeah chicken stock is reduced what's next next you're gonna stir in the stuff that comes out of a cow udder milk no heavy milk okay yeah there is two things look like milk and heavy heavy cream YUM there's a Star Wars movie called and buy a strike buck different one give me another hint blank of the Jedi baton yeah but turn the chicken to the pan okay that was a good one good job Alex so now we're going to cook what am I Alex I'm a complete woman I'm just a girl from heaven from heaven angel cook Oh angel hair pasta used to be my favorite kind of pasta because I always thought I had kind of like angel like hair look like angel hair faster thing for two a minute waiting you don't need these Tomatoes figure it's easy I'll snap an appetizer yeah do you want to make a little salad for me I've done yet Bri I'm next you're going to hmm tell me do you a little things color can't say it hello of leprechauns Oh green give me more it's the opposite of cilantro PAH sorry well I knew I actually just got a little carried away there I still don't know what's this okay we have the one final command from the angel you have to baby Salam one bite you don't have the following day put it on the thing that's round and you kind of know you have a view in your kitchen plate I take all the credit for making this delicious I still don't know what's this you know I think there's like veal Picatta chicken piccata so we've reached the best part of the game it's time to eat taste this now VA if this is bad you are taking full responsibility this is good it's all on me okay we a hakuna piccata big in chess oh wow my piece is so cool that's me my me so I'm this recipe it's soft and fauna easy when we started it was Anna bumpy start but we made a delicious dish so this recipe is actually live on tasty so if you want to make this yourself go check it out I'm sorry I can't be there with you to tell you how high five catch you later can I mine you don't need to I can just like mine when do you say
Channel: Tasty
Views: 8,910,321
Rating: 4.8958683 out of 5
Keywords: Tasty, Game, chicken piccata, recipe, cooking, team work, food challenge, cooking challenge, no recipe, cooking game, recipe game, BuzzFeed, BuzzFeed Tasty, game, challenge, how to, food, chef, recipes, cook, competition
Id: kIwF0z9W5pE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 23sec (623 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 17 2018
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