Can This Chef Make Eggos Fancy? • Tasty

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hi i'm ria i'm a tasty producer today as always i've been challenged to take a common food and make it fancy let's see what we are making fancy today drum rolls egg goats as you can guess i've never tried this before but i know about eggos because i watch stranger things waffle is also popular in japan so i can probably guess what kind of flavor it will be my favorite kind of waffle is crunchy outside and it's a little bit fluffy and chewy inside eggo seems like very thin my concern is eggo will be a little bit drier side look cute to look like a pancake from cartoon it's hard it's very crispy it's a little dry but suit up definitely helped i like the design of it it's cute it's round my favorite shape so it's very thin i like my waffle a little bit fluffier this is almost eating a cookie back of the box have some suggestions like breakfast sandwich i think we should make it more fancy i've got some great ideas so as always i'm excited to make it fancy all right here's what i got bananas heavy cream butter and eggs from the pantry i got milk vanilla extract cream of tartar sea salt powdered sugar sugar corn starch bourbon and brandy double alcohol all right let's get started make it fancy so first separating four i don't think i've ever eggs you get shell oh maybe today's the day always crack the egg on a flat surface one of my pastry chefs taught me how to crack like cup against each other this way you don't make a mess on the surface like i did i'm going to use egg whites later and now i'm just going to use egg yolks 3 4 cup sugar 1 3 cup of corn starch and 4 cups of milk turn on the heat to medium high you have to keep whisk it until it bubbles about 10 minutes you don't want any lumps okay so it looks great reduce the heat to low and whisk another minute or so it's got much thicker quarter teaspoon of salt one teaspoon of vanilla two tablespoons of butter whisk it until butter is completely melt rick can you guess what the original name of peppers was i assume something was waffle oh okay frozen fruffles it's kind of cute can be a cute dog name [Laughter] butter is completely melted transfer to glass bowl you want to strain this because you want to have a smooth pudding put plastic kind of touching the surface so it doesn't form any skin on the surface this is a little hot right now so you want to make it room temperature and then keep in the fridge and we are moving on to next step one cup of sugar quarter cup of water and you just start once just make sure everything is kind of wet turn on the heat to high medium once you start cooking don't touch it because it's gonna crystallize so you just want to heat until this sugar turns like a copper color so the caramel looking good nice color and you want a ton of the heat and add half cup of cream do this off the heat because once you add the cream it bubbles up and you're gonna whisk quarter cup of butter when you are making caramel at home be careful because it's really hot to finish this step i'm adding one teaspoon of sea salt one teaspoon of vanilla two tablespoons of bourbon i personally don't drink whiskey or bourbon but this makes very nice bourbon caramel so that was first of our two alcohols check bourbon caramel is ready set this aside and let's move on to one cup of heavy cream 2 tbsp of powdered sugar when you are whipping cream with sugar powdered sugar works better because it's melt faster and as always i'm whisking by hand alcohol and hand whipped cream normally i like soft peak but today i'm going for stiff peak okay looking good we got nice stiff peak and it's time to move on and it's egg time we are preheating oven 375 bake this for seven to eight minutes until golden brown and it's nice and toasty and for this we wanted to use them all so we don't have time to just cook you know two at the time using half cup of sugar half cup of water bring this to a boil just to melt the sugar two tablespoons of brandy and that was our second of two alcohols so check check sugar is completely melted so i just wanted to brush some syrup because i find eggo is a little bit dry so i want to make it less dry and add some good adult flavor all the eggs are brushed with syrup we are going to save this for later one cup of sugar half cup of water heat this up until 240 fahrenheit while i'm waiting i'm going to whip egg whites to a soft peak adding half teaspoon of cream of tartar and i'm using room temperature egg whites because it whips faster temperature is 240 adding into the egg whites so you want to pour hot sugar syrup into egg whites in a steady stream so the sugar evenly distributes to the egg whites another visual cue if it's ready egg whites become very glossy it's nice stiff peak consistency of toothpaste okay we made a beautiful italian meringue and we are getting cross we made a lot of components today so let's recap whip the cream italian meringue pudding valve and caramel baked brownie syrup soaked eggs and i have my secret weapon touch but we're going to use it later and we're gonna start with bananas i want to make this eggo perfectly fit my bessel so i'm going to trim a little bit and if you don't have smaller vessel like this you can use any kind of container i chose this because i want to show beautiful layers and i'm going to use two eggos pork container first layer is pudding and layer two is eggo layer three is bananas you want to make an even layer so you don't want to to overwrap it and caramel and whipped cream i want to make sure they have a nice beautiful layer and another eggo and more pudding next we got bananas have you seen how monkey peel banana yeah i peel banana from here the monkey peel banana from here and it's easier shout out to monkey and more caramel and italian meringue all right and we're gonna touch it oh nice beautiful and we are done [Music] katie welcome back to make it fancy thank you for having me again i love your t-shirt where did you get it cool oh i just got it at what do you see what do you think i'm seeing like a trifle and it looks like it's giving me some baked alaska vibes did you put this on fire yes yes you did oh yeah i wish i had seen it fire it's my friend that sounds scary can you guess what i made a fantasy i really can't it's getting i don't know it's hiding it's hiding yeah mmm really good yes is there any booze in this always alcohol double alcohol have you ever done triple alcohol not yet was it like a pancake clothes well okay walmart i'm thinking it's an eggo because it's like it's like yes yes [Applause] you're just a you're just a genius and like it is so fancy like you could really you serve this to a queen oh king i think kate middleton would eat that just a bit of it though what about elizabeth she's the queen she's the queen yeah i would love to go paula oh my god make it fancy in buckingham palace this is a very fancy trifle trifle trifold trifold rifle driver a british accent is make you funny make it fancy that's australian natural make it fat make it fancy make it fancy [Laughter] [Music] you
Channel: Tasty
Views: 1,857,653
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: K_fe, Tasty, baking, breakfast, breakfast recipes, buzzfeed, buzzfeed tasty, cooking, dessert, dinner, dinner recipes, easy cooking, easy recipes, eating, eggos, food, food porn, fun recipes, how to, how to bake, how to cook, kid-friendly, kid-friendly recipes, lunch, lunch recipes, make it fancy, quarantine, quarantine recipes, rie make it tasty, rie mcclenny tasty, rie tasty, social distancing, tasty buzzfeed, tasty recipes
Id: BcfJjV0MpXY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 22sec (622 seconds)
Published: Fri May 15 2020
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