Can Summoners BEAT Master Mode in Terraria 1.4? Part 1 (of 3)

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hey everyone my name is James and welcome back to chippy gaming so today was starting up a brand new miniseries where we see if it's possible to take on and defeat master mo terraria using only the new and improved summoner class that was built upon in terraria 1.4 so just like my classic terraria videos I'm gonna run you through all of the footage that I have recorded and I'm gonna give you guys a lot of tips actually I learned a lot doing this and I think I've got some good information to share about playing as a summoner but stick around guys because during the video I'm gonna tell you the story of how a cat not even my cat managed to delete 20 hours worth of work on this video let's begin so like every good terraria adventure it all began by creating a brand new medium world and chopping down trees now if you want to play as a summoner in terraria 1.4 you have two options you either get really lucky and you find a slime staff which is probably never gonna happen all you manage to find the new fynch staff that was added in terraria 1.4 so the very first thing that I did was I headed all the way right and this meant going past the dungeon actually I almost stopped at the dungeon but then I remembered you can get these new giant trees past the dungeon and then just like that I managed to find myself a finch staff so this is a really interesting start and weapon because if you get it in the right situation it's not too bad but if you get it in the wrong one it's garbage but you know that's what it is when you're starting off as a summoner it's not meant to be easy so the first thing I did was I decided to head down into a nearby cave I really liked exploring caves on the outer sides of the worlds they just seem to have a lot more to them but this cave was probably the best look I could have ever have had let me tell you this one singular cave made the entire run so I'm gonna show you guys a bunch of clips here as I go through and just remember this was all one cave so I was just going through and I was finding multiple Hart crystals everywhere when I was finding accessories and just things to basically bulk up my character so the doll here when you're exploring is really to get enough accessories so that you can head to the jungle and that is pretty much what I did I just kept going through my cave finding heart crystal after heart crystal and by the time I left I was almost at full health I also had an igloo a step stool I had a band of regen it was great so let me show you guys what it's like to use the Finch staff Here I am in a box and as you can see we have some icy slimes these are the worst and all I can do is sit inside my box and occasionally let the bird free so basically I just ended up running away because it doesn't really do anything what I'm trying to get at is don't even bother using just the Finch staff wait until you get yourself a whip one of the very best things you can do though if you do get yourself in a good situation is all you need to do is block off the enemy you can block off an enemy and you want to kill it then you can spawn your finch on it and it will just repeatedly hit it until it dies I tried to do that here but unfortunately I died to the skeleton and that was the first death of the series now for me the next priority was just setting up a base I wanted an area where I could organize all of my chests I wanted NPCs getting NPCs and such was not the most essential thing in the world but it felt nice to have a nice little area so like I said the goal was to head to the jungle so once my town was set up I had it left and got straight into grinding through the jungle so what we're trying to do here is we're trying to get ourselves one of the new wimps now you can wait for the zoologist to sell you a leather whip but I'll tell you now boys you will find this whip a lot quicker than you ever will that level with that level with takes forever to get you need to fill up a good amount of the bestiary to get it and look it's just so much easier to just get into it like this so the jungle whip I think it's called the snap form is a pretty easy crafting recipe all you'll need is an Phil you'll need 15 stingers free spores and free vines now here is how you kill enemies in the jungle instead of trying to put their enemy in a box you put yourself in a box spawn the finch death on top of the enemy and usually the knock back from the wings of the finch will actually keep that enemy in place so all I did for about 20 minutes was just stand around make sure I was guarded on either side and I just got 15 stingers I'm also using jungle torches here because I don't really know how the look mechanic works all I know is every single thing I killed during my little adventure here I got a drop from so I worked my way through a bunch of money as as well it's the same deal you just hide in a hole like you finch through the work but then once I had all of my ingredients I was out of there and I made myself the snap form now once you have the snap form you are now a viable to mess things up this whip is amazing I absolutely love it it's great so one of the things I got in my venture was a can of worms now I'm gonna need to do a lot of fishing later but these free cans of worms were enough bait to basically keep me fishing for a good hour or two yeah I love cans of worms so now that we have a whip and we have our thinned staff the next goal is to try and do blood moon fishing now before we do that I'm gonna show you guys a quick little tip I really want to have a pylon at the ocean just so it's easier to teleport there so I learned this recently if you want a pylon in Terraria but you can't be bothered to mess around with NPC happiness all you need is a nurse and an arms dealer so that's why I blew up the shadow orbs so that I could get an arms dealer but basically it works like this if you have the arms dealer living with the nurse the arms dealer will sell you the pylon no matter what biome he's in he just likes the nurse that much guys I think we can all relate to that that this is one of the most broken systems in terraria I'll never ever understand pylon happiness so while setting up my ocean town we did get a disturbing message that a goblin army is now approaching good thing we have our width because we're gonna be whipping for the next 30 minutes as we try and defeat master mode goblin army and we'll say it's not as bad as you would think it's pretty good actually like 30 minutes is not bad considering I have no armor or anything decent really other than my width so I whipped him into shape and they would gone now later on they will end up using the goblin tinkerer but it's not really essential so here's a funny little goof I found if you have the NPC's in the wrong order they don't want to save the pylon so I have the nurse on top and the arm stealer on the bottom didn't sell it I flipped around so that the arms dealer was on top and then BAM I now have an ocean pylon so the next goal is Blood Moon fishing so if you guys don't know you can now sleep in a bed that speeds up time so before I do that I decided to make my new contraption which is something that I came up with for farming out Blood Moon fishing you guys are gonna love this it makes it so easy so basically all I did is sleep wait for blood moons and even crafted some sonar and fishing potions to make things a little bit easier but let me show you how my little contraption works in the ocean it's pretty great so what you do is you wait for the right enemy so we have a zombie Merman he pops up and you'll see he just jumps straight into that box I spawned a finch death on him and he can't move and then I go down into the middle part and I width a zombie Merman now let me tell ya I think some numbers might need to be tweaked around here a little bit because the drop rate of this vampire stuff that we're going for is very very low all things considered so for the wandering eyes what you need to do is fish them up and then head immediately right hang your character over this block a little bit and use your whip and that I will just stay in place so it makes it super convenient oh yeah I ended up doing for about an hour maybe two hours I can't really remember it just took forever that's all I can remember and then as I killed my final zombie Merman I got myself the vampire frog staff so once I head home now that I've got my vampire staff the first thing I need to do is work on armor now this is something I've only started doing recently but did you guys know you can get obsidian armor in terraria because I didn't I've never been making this but it's actually pretty good so all you need to make it is cobwebs you turn that into silk and you use some bombs to grab some obsidian and it makes really good starter armor so my first goal really was just mining down finding lava bringing water to that lava and then I was able to basically craft myself a little bit of obsidian armor but when I returned home the I've Cthulhu was about to spawn I have nothing prepared for this I have no buffs I don't really have a plan I've got two pieces of obsidian armor it's not the best thing in the world but I did what I would usually do and I basically started working on a long platform a long platform will always help you out with the eye of Cthulhu now I will say if you guys don't have homies boots or equivalent don't bother with this fight just skip it this logout it's not worth doing you'll need that speed for the final phase because your width will not do enough damage so that I've Cthulhu was was pretty straightforward really and whipping and letting my frog do a little bit of damage I'm gonna be really your boys it's not as aggressive as I would like it to be but we basically whipped it into the second phase the second phase once again that was not too bad and I think that's just because I've fought that I have goofy Lou so many times in my life but the third phase was all about perseverance really so what we were doing is we were using the track to build a pass speed left would flip back on ourself and go right and as long as you're running a max speed the I've Cthulhu will not be able to dash into you if you have that speed the fight is pretty chill towards the end of the fight though it will get a little bit more frantic a little bit more manic and then it will start hitting you but by that point it's so low on health you whip is so large you're gonna take it down pretty easily so like I do here it's gone it's defeated and it wasn't really essential but at least it's done today's video is once again proudly sponsored by Ridge wallet so if you guys don't know rich is a manufacturer of the slim and genuinely very stylish wallets for years I was using this one right here and I feel like most guys can agree these wallets they do the job and then after a couple of months you like opening it up and you're like why are you so massive and you realize it's because you've probably filled it with a bunch of stuff that you don't really need and it becomes like almost a paperweight so that's why I'm glad I've got rich because rich makes these really nice premium metal wallets they're very slim they hold up to 12 cards and if you do like cash you can have a cash strap on the back and no not many places are taking cash right now but I'm sure in the future they will again so what I like about Ridge is that they're made of these really nice materials the one I'm using here is the titanium gunmetal gray and it looks so good that metal actually helps as well if you're out and about and somebody's got one of those scamming contactless machines this actually blocks out those signals so it feels a little bit more secure I like that about it I also feel pretty secure knowing that a rich wallet comes with a lifetime guarantee so if I buy one of these is a gift I know that if it breaks down the line I'm gonna be able to help that person out and they also have over 30,000 five-star reviews on their website so if you want to order a rich wallet go to WWE or just use code chippy save 10% off your order they also have free worldwide shipping and returns and I don't think you get any better than that so thank you once again to rich for sponsoring yet another video here on the channel but without the way let's get back to the some of the run oh hey welcome back to terraria you can go back to thinking that I look like an old man so now that the eye of Cthulhu has been defeated the first thing we have to do is head to the jungle now heading to the jungle for two reasons which I will explain but before I do any of that I have to set up a pylon because pylons are just too good especially if you want to hop around the world take the time get a pylon that's my message of 1.4 so the first reason we're here is to find a queen bee biome now I found this one really quickly and even though it's a bit of an odd shape we're gonna come back later and make an arena but before I do that I'm about to do some fishing so I wanted to set up an infinite water source and one of the things I found which a lot of you probably know about is that if you make pyramids underneath your infinite water source it actually duplicates the water a lot quicker now the reason I'm creating this is to get myself some large fish large fish is a key ingredient in making some other potions and some of the potions help a lot so for those that don't know as someone a potion will allow you to have one extra minion summoned so you can imagine at this point one extra minion is going to make the world of difference now the reason we were making those some other potions is because we do have the next boss that we need to face so this boss is going to be the eater of worlds so we head again to the corruption and for me when it comes to the eater of worlds what I personally like to do is just make an arena there's nice and flat I'll block off any of the gaps and I'll also use some bombs to maybe widen the arena out a little bit and I'm even using a platform here just to help with my movement a little bit now let me take a moment to say a cat really did delete my footage a lot of you thought I was joking around on the community post but what happened was I recorded my summoner run I did about 20 hours I think it might have been 25 and as I was recording it because I was doing it on a laptop the neighbor's cat walked in because we had the the back door open it was a hot day and the cat walked across the laptop and just ran over the delete button now when it comes to big files like video recordings they don't go to the recycling bin nah they just get deleted so I did have to restart this whole project from scratch because I lost the five hours of footage and without it the rest of it just didn't make any sense so now that my cat talk is out the way here's the eater of worlds the ear of worlds is a summoner with two frogs either is pretty chill I would say I'm mainly relying on my whip and what I really like is that the whip has a nice long curve so this will help you hit many segments at once it also doesn't do enough damage to really split the eater of worlds so that it becomes a frantic mess I really like how it just feels like you're doing a really balanced amount of damage because once you start splitting it up yeah it's it's not the best and and your chances of surviving definitely go down so the reason we did that bite is to get myself a nightmare pickaxe now in my original project I actually didn't do this so what I did was I used the frogs to kill the queen bee and let me tell you not worth it it took forever so we're down in Hell remaining hell stone we're picking up a hell Forge which now requires a nightmare pickaxe you can't just you know pick it up by destroying the block underneath anymore so that's a lot of change in there in 1.4 so the reason we're mining hell stone is to get ourself an imp staff the in staff is gonna pay off big let me tell you it basically melts the Queen be compared to the frogs that don't really do anything just get this it changes the run completely and it really speeds things up so we're back at the Queen B biome and I'm just making an arena off to the side I used to be the person that would try and change the original B biome to suit my needs but I really do find it better to just make something you know off to the left or off to the right that way you can decide how big it's gonna be how many platforms it's gonna have and then you're away from the majority of the hunting so for the Queen B fight were basically relying on our movement if the bees charging at us we have to jump above it or go below it if it's moving around frantically shooting stingers we're just charging left and right to avoid them but if it stands in place we're getting the width out so not too much to say about this one just genuinely make the imp staff don't bother with the Frog staff it's just not worth it trust me go with this you'll have a much better time because even the the on fire effect just makes the the world of difference so with that the queen bee has been defeated now I did go back and I did it a second time because we didn't get enough crafting materials to make a full set of armor then then you know I've got my B armor and let me tell you this feels very satisfying there's only one set of summoner armor in pretty hard mode so it's a really great feeling to get it it's definitely very rewarding so next up is Skeletron but before I do that one big thing for me is that I like to move around during Skeletron I like to use my height to my advantage so I would rather have a menacing cloud in a bottle so I took a little bit of time to go to some floating islands just to get that accessory so that I know if I'm moving around and I do fall I'm gonna be fine so here is Skeletron now in my original run what I did here was I used the IMP staff and the ballista staff and it did speed things up a little bit but this just worked out fine so with Skeletron you want to do what you'd normally do with any fight you want to work on the hands and try and get them defeated and around about the same time because what happens is once you've defeated one hand the head will then send out skulls and it makes the fight a little bit harder but once you've reached that point where it's sending out those schools all you really need to do is circle the boss this is something that took me years to kind of nail but all you do is use your height you fly up you then go over the boss either to the left or to the right and if you can do that while also avoiding its spin attack you're going to have a very good time like it's completely feasible as a summoner master mode no real challenge required so something really cool here this is actually the moment I got chippies couch for the very first time so I've only had it through chaos and I've also found it in red seed but here it is here's my couch it's a one-in-seven drop and and I'm really proud of it now that Skeletron is defeated we only have two things that we need to get from the dungeon one is a cobalt shield which I immediately found from the very first chest thank you very much R and G and then the second one the witching table which like the summoning potions will allow you to have an extra summon it makes the difference now we're coming up to the end of the run for this episode so what we need to do is create a large flat area because we're about to do the old ones army now I did this a different point in my original run and I would say not really worth the time but what we're doing is we're getting the ballista staff the ballista staff is crucial for the wall of flesh you need it for their extra damage and I think without it it would be a really difficult fight so for those that don't know you can buy the ballista staff before you've done the old ones army but to use it outside of the event you do need to defeat it now with the fire imp staff and with the width this is a it's an easy event I'm not using any real boss I'm using regen a little bit swiftness iron skin but nothing more really and honestly with that it was it was pretty easy so that's where we're gonna round up today's episode we're gonna pick up with a wall of flesh in part two so I really hope you enjoyed part one we're gonna have part tuned pretty soon I'm really glad that you guys were so patient with this one because I have been talking about it for some time it's unfortunate that the cat deleted the footage but how I saw it is it was another chance to replay one of my favorite games if you guys could give a like on today's video though it would be greatly appreciated we're pushing about 40 hours worth of work for this video which is a lot more than I would usually do so big shout out to rich for sponsoring today's episode and supporting my career I really appreciate it and with that we're gonna round things up guys if you are new around here maybe consider clicking the subscribe button here on chippie gaming we talk to Aria so if you like terraria as well you're gonna fit right in but that's about it guys have a great day stay safe wash your hands and I'll see you in the next one peace [Music]
Channel: ChippyGaming
Views: 1,328,725
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: terraria, terraria 1.4, terraria master mode, terraria summoner, terraria summoner guide, terraria 1.4 summoner, chippy, chippygaming
Id: 998CtmoBVZk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 24sec (1344 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 07 2020
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