5 Secret Virgins vs 1 FBoy (ft. Cody Ko and Nut)

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- Hey, what's up? I'm Cody. (fake laughing) - I'm Nut. (fake laughing) - And we we're gonna find the real F boy today. - Yah. - I'm an F boy. - I'm an F boy. - I'm an F boy. - I'm an F boy. - I'm an F boy. - I'm an F boy. (laughing) - Give us your name and your best (bleep) boy laugh one by one. - Lawrence. (laughs) - Marcus. (laughs) - Joseph. (laughs) - Loniel. (laughs) - What's your best one? (Cody laughs) - That was, wait- (Nut laughs) - Hassan. (laughs) - My name's Gabe. (laughs) - Wait, sorry. Can you do it again? - My name's Gabe. (laughs) - That was good. - Was it? - I thought it was good. - I thought it was a little, like, just chuckling. There's a difference between like, (bleep) boy laughing and chuckling. - Gabe, I'm-a need it one more time from you. (laughing) - Like, this is just, someone told him a good joke, you know. - Hey man, you can't hate the rizz, bro. If it works. (laughs) - There we go! - That was good! Yeah, there we go. - [Producer] How confident are you feeling? - I feel confident, you know, I watch all these all the time. Professionally. - I think I can do it. I think so. I'm gonna be honest, I already forgot all your names, but have you had sex before? - Yes, for sure. - Okay. - Have you had sex before? - Yeah. (laughing) - What the (bleep) dude? - [Nut] I don't know. I can't tell. - [Cody] I've never seen more of a lie through your teeth. - Have you had sex before? - All the time. - That's a lot of time. - How often? - Probably biweekly. - Biweekly. - Biweekly? - Matches my paycheck. Yeah. I have a roster, but I max out at four. Any more than that is complicated. - In a week? Have you had sex before? - Yes. - Was it good? - Oh yeah. Yeah. Sex is good to me. Yeah, I would hope so. - I agree. Okay. - Okay. I agree as well. - Yeah. - Have you had sex before? - I don't like to kiss and tell but... - Virgin. - That would be like, if you had like a (bleep) boy script, that would be one of the things that was on it. - I think I'm very easy to lie to. Have you had sex before? - Yeah. - Okay. - Okay. So we have actually a little gift for you. We'd love for you to put these on as soon as you get them in your hands, please. - This feels quite at home. - [Cody] Okay. - This was me in high school. - I bet. - Can I put it on backwards. - I be looking good in hats. For real. - The hats thing was a ploy to see which of them would put it on backwards, or maybe just wear it like a (bleep) boy. What else? What's your favorite sex position? - Doggy style. - Oh wow. That was quick. - Yeah. - Can't go wrong with missionary, right? - Missionary? Okay. - Squatted cowgirl. - That's like, pretty porny though. - See, I don't know what the name is, but like you have it up and then you just... - It sounds like a workout. You're the one squatting? How are you squatting? - I'm not squatting. - [Nut] He's not squatting, she's squatting. - It's like the hood squat, you know? (group laughing) I don't know what it's called- - [Cody] That was way too (bleep) graphic. - There's a mirror right there. And you look in the mirror, you see your vibe. - It has to be in front of a mirror? - I ain't gonna lie. I don't know what the name is. I don't know what the name is. - Does it have to be in front of a mirror? - Yeah, 'cause you gotta look how good you look. You know? - That's sick. That's cool. - Who don't wanna in front of the mirror? - I trust him. - Reverse cowgirl for sure. - Okay. - Doggy. - I don't believe- - Everything you say, I'm like, dude, come on. (laughing) Doggy. (bell rings) Doggy. I mean, I'm sorry but Gabe is definitely not the fuck boy. - Oh, immediately. Within like 10 seconds. - Yeah. I love him. I love him to death. - Oh he is awesome. - Yeah. - Gabe. Gabe, I love you man. - I love me too. - But unfortunately the doggie, that gave you away. - I'm out! - My dog. - My dog. (clock ticking) - [Narrator] Round two, fight. - I guess to start, go to pickup line. What do you say? - What's your move? How do you have sex with that? - I think it all depends on the girl. 'cause you gotta comment, something about her looks or how she's dressed, something different than every other dude goes. And then depending on that, go from there. - No, yeah. You know, talk to a girl, get her number. Take her home to my place. You know? - I don't believe you, I don't believe you. - A close second would be, my (bleep) must be kung fu 'cause it going hi-ya. - No. - Doesn't even make sense. - Wait, sorry. Hi-ya? - Yeah. - What is that? - Hi-ya. - What does that even mean? - She's like, wait, you know kung fu? - Yeah, okay. - No, but my (bleep) does. - Yeah. Okay, Joseph. - Alright, for me, so let's say like, I'm just gonna paint you guys a picture real quickly. Let's say we're at the club, right? - Yeah. - My go-to method is the "do I know you" method, right? So let's say you're the girl I'm trying to rizz up. - Okay. - I go up to, I be like- - Okay, wait, wait. - So I'll go up to you and I'll be like, hey, do I know you? - Um, I don't think so. - No? Did you go to my college or my church by any chance? Back then? - What college did you go to? - Oh, I went to Pepperdine, back in like, years ago. Did you go there by any chance? - No. - No? Is your name Tiffany, Jasmine or Michelle by any chance? - No. - No? Hmm. I swear I've seen you before though. Anyways, My name is Joseph. What's your name? - Tiffany. - Tiffany. (group laughing) - I definitely did not wanna sleep with you at all. So if that's your game, it like didn't, didn't work very well. - Yeah. - You mentioned church. - Yeah. - And then I also noticed you got cross tattoo. - Of course. - I'm wondering, where does religion factor in? - Oh, it doesn't play any role for me. - But you have the tattoo. That seems like a very strong move. - Yes, it was. - Do you not follow it very well? - So you see there's chains, right? It's to remind me that no matter how far I go into the world, I will be chained by my religion. So I'll still be there. You know what I'm saying? - That was good. That was good. - That was too good of an answer. - That was really good, well that's like a lie, if that's a lie, that's a good fuckboy thing where you lie a lot. - Yeah, yeah. Okay. True. - Would you say you are manipulative? - No, of course not. Just the way I present myself and the way I talk. I wouldn't say I have anything I'm hiding. - Isn't that a (bleep) boy thing though, to be manipulative? - Yeah. - Well I do believe that actually. (group laughing) - Actually wait, no, I am manipulative. Okay. What about you? - I don't really have a pickup line. But usually you just act like you're not from here- - You just go up and go like this? - You dance way into it in the club, you gotta come here, you know? - Okay. - To be honest, I only approach girls who look at me. So I'll be like, hey, what's your name? That's it. - You're giving me, like, theater vibes. - What does that mean? - Like you maybe are in plays. - Oh nah. - I don't know. I'm just getting, it's like the stance and the shoes and belt and stuff. It's respectfully. I feel like you're playing a (bleep) boy in a musical. - Yeah. Damn dude. - I'm sorry. Was that really mean? I didn't mean, I'm trying to figure, I'm trying to make him crack. - I'm also just trying to picture what that would be like. - I don't know. ♪ I'm trying to (bleep) girls ♪ - [Producer] We're gonna give you a hint. The real F boy has a relationship readiness score of two out of 10 and their body count is over 50. Do with that as you will. - What is your exact body count? - I stopped at 30 'cause I feel like a better answer is, I don't know. - How long ago was that when you stopped? - A while. - Okay. 'Cause she's told us it was over 50. - Well, 'cause I know for sure I've slept with more than 20 women since then. 30 was a while ago. - For some reason I believe him. - All right. But I have my eye on you. - It's not something like you really want to tell a girl that often. - Yeah, but you were telling us, 'cause we asked you. - Tell you guys, yeah. Over 50. - Over 50? Okay. - What's your longest relationship? - Four months. - Did you cheat? - No. - Have you cheated? - I have not cheated, no. - Virgin. The relationship thing was two out of 10, which implies like not ready. - Yeah. - But you were, you're down. - That's the longest relationship I've been in. - [Nut] How long ago was that? - That was like, six months ago. - Interesting. - For me, 63 to be exact. I'm, like, an organized type of person. So I like to keep track of it on a notepad or in my notes- - No you don't. - No you don't. - I swear. - Do you have the notepad? - I can't. It's confidential. It does have like numbers on it and like my notes on it and stuff. - Notes? You're taking notes on each hookup? - Oh, like good, eight outta 10, pretty solid. No you don't, you're not doing that. That would be like insane if he was- - Yeah, once you do have sex, don't do that. - That would be wild. Yeah, don't do that. - I'm not gonna lie, I kept count until 50. 'cause obviously all of them are not like a 10. You know, some of 'em you just kind of just get horny vibe. You'd be like, ugh, after, you know, like what am I doing with my life? So you just kind of like, I don't know, it sounds bad, bro. - That's pretty (bleep) boy. - So bad, bro. I ain't gonna lie. But yeah, that's why I don't keep counting after that. - [Cody] And you? - When I turned 25, I honestly stopped counting. - How old are you? - I'm 32. You look great for 32. - Yeah seriously. Damn, must be all the sex you're having. Why would you stop at a certain age? - I kind of agree with what he said, like I get depressed after I have sex. - Well why would that coincide with the age you are? And not the amount of people you have sex with. - Why you keep doing it? - What? - Sorry, he said he gets depressed after he has sex. I'm like, why don't you stop doing it so much? Why are you doing it? - It sounds like he should be a virgin. (laughing) (bell ringing) (dramatic music) I mean I feel like, yeah. So let's get rid of them. - Yeah? Okay. - [Producer] 3, 2, 1. - I wish you sex in the future. - Yes. (explosion sound) - Last round. I think we got this in the bag. - Yeah, I'm probably just gonna nail it. - Describe your best hookup story. - We were at the club late night, 2:30, opened up a little bit later, then we went to an after party, and it was one of those crazy after parties where people just doing coke in the bathroom and stuff, but I found a different bathroom and me and shorty went down there, went crazy, went home, slept in my own bed, never talked to her again. That's like the best of all worlds. - This one girl, I feel like, 'cause we had emotional connection, It wasn't like no wild, crazy (bleep) story, I think, I think that was love. Honestly, that was like the best time for me because it didn't feel like every (bleep) time we had sex with another person, it felt like real love. And I feel like that's the best one for me, 'cause everybody else is do the same (bleep). - I can't tell if that's a good answer or a bad answer. - It's, it's crazy. I don't know. - If it's true, that's real. - But like, love, I feel like the best ones is like the love ones. I don't know. - How long was that relationship? - It wasn't even a relationship. It was a situationship. - Winds up with the two relationship score. - Interesting. - Ain't nobody doing a relationship. Nah. - Alright man. What's your- - So one time, me and this girl were walking home. This was in New York and then we have like a lot of alleyways and there was a chair in the alleyway and she's like, let me suck your (bleep). - What? - I'm like, (bleep) it. - You got your (bleep) sucked on a chair in an alleyway? - Yeah. - Why? - I mean, the adrenaline, I dunno. - Was there nowhere else more comfortable? - She just really wanted it there, something about that alley. She just like, I really want to suck your (bleep) right now in this alleyway. - What time that of day was it? - It was like at midnight. - Oh, okay. - I was thinking 3pm. - Midnight. People are walking around. - Nah no no no no. - Was it near your house? - We were coming home from the club. - Were you, like, kind of close to home? - Nah. I don't take girls home, no. I usually go to their house. I don't like to let people know where I live. Like, I need an exit plan. - Okay. - Okay. - How does sex feel? (laughing) - How does sex feel? - Off the top your head, just say it. - I mean, amazing. Sex is always good. - Okay. - Sex is good if it's with the right person. It like love (bleep). - Okay. What's with the love stuff now? - What is happening? - Like, I don't know. - You're throwing us off now. - Well it ain't sex if it ain't love. - I'm so confused. I, okay. - How does sex feel? - To be honest? Like pretty numb. - Numb? (laughing) - Did we already mess it up? I can't, okay. Okay, wait- - What does (bleep) taste like? - Yeah, what does it taste like? - Acid... Usually, pretty good. - Did you say acid? - pH balances, bro, I had one girl, bro. That's (bleep) - About to say, she must be drinking too much soda- - This is good though, 'cause I thought the (bleep) boy would be like, it's gross. I hate it. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - And you're saying it tastes like acid? - No, I'm saying some. 'Cause you got different girls, like some taste good and some people- - What about the girl you love. - The girl I love? Oh, her (bleep) is good, I ain't gonna cap. - I wouldn't love her if her (bleep) stank, you know what I'm saying? - I don't eat every girl out. You know what I'm saying? You gotta get to that position, you feel me? You can't eat shorty out first night after a club, that's crazy. Or at least shower first because I don't wanna be down there. You know what I'm saying? But after you (bleep) a couple times, for sure. - Okay. And? - Like salt. - Like salt? - Yeah. - Okay. - That pH balance must be way off. - This round has completely destroyed what I thought the answer was gonna be. I have no idea. (bell ringing) - [Cody] I'm torn. I think I'm gonna redo mine. I'm gonna do the same answer. - All right. - [Producer] 3, 2, 1. (buzzer) - Are you ready to find out your relationship readiness score? Please download the Nectar app on the iOS store. They trapped me in this box and they won't let me out unless I do advertisements for them. If they don't hit a certain number, I'm gonna be stuck here. Please. I haven't eaten in four days. I'm trying to text my mom. She's not responding. I don't know if I have cell service. It's available now on the iOS app store. Or click on this link down below please. Also, mom, I love you if you're watching this. - I'm like, (bleep). - There are some questions that I wish I'd asked. - [Producer] If the lights turn green, you got it right. If the lights turn red, you got it wrong. Alright. On the count of 3, 3, 2, 1. - God (bleep) (laughing) - I'll watch some of these videos sometimes, I'll be like, how do you not, this is so obvious. - Same. It's way harder when you're actually doing it. - I feel like I blew it. If it's you, I'm gonna be so mad. - I know, dude. I know. - Yeah, the giggling before. - If you step forward, I'm gonna freak out. - I will freak out. - [Producer] The real F boy, please step forward and share a little bit about yourself. All right, here we go. 3, 2, 1. (group exclaim and laugh) - If you walked out, I would've freaked out, dude. - I might have left. - I might have left. - I might have left. - I knew it though. - He wrote your name down. - I wrote your name down. - Yeah, you had it right in the first half. - I was worried about that. I thought about that in the moment. - It's like, I don't mean to be a F boy for real, I just love multiple girls at the same time. - We're so dumb, man. We're so dumb. He's a lover. - I'm a lover. - Turn your head. Exactly. - Is that a hickey? - Nah, no. That's probably just ezcema. It could be though. - [Producer] Your relationship readiness score was a two. - Two. That was a shock to me too. I said two as a score, but I get it though. You know, in a relationship you really gotta give 50 50 but also give sometimes 90 and sometimes 70. I don't got that in me right now. Over 50. That's unfortunate, but real, gonna keep the count going. Not know. So who knows where we're at. - So you're good with your ways and you're gonna- - Oh yeah, I'm fine with it. - Okay. - I'll find love one day, you know. - You sell any courses? - Anytime, bro. I got you. You know. - Courses. (laughing) - Can we ask why the rest of them are virgins? - [Producer] Yes, you may. - Okay. Why are you a virgin? - I'm young. I'm 19. - [Producer] Your score out of 10 was a five. - Yeah. I mean, that seems accurate. Maybe if I meet a girl, I'll shape up. - I'm, I get shy, man. It's, it's an anxiety- - So it's not a religion thing. - No, it's not. - [Producer] And you scored an eight out of 10. What's your reaction to that? - Yeah, I believe I'm waiting and searching for the one, but so far I haven't found that person yet. - [Producer] You scored out of 10, a nine. - Yeah. I'm not afraid to get into a relationship and I will give it my all, I just gotta find that one, you know? And I wanna find somebody who's a virgin like me. I don't wanna, you know, so we both can be so tied. - I'm religious. I'm very religious. - [Producer] So your score was actually a three. - Right now my focus is my career. I'm an entrepreneur. I do e-commerce, drop shipping, all that. - My turn now? (laughing) - Here's the thing. My upbringing was so unstable and so chaotic that I didn't have time to think about anything but survival. You feel me? Because I grew up in the hood, I didn't have time to think about it. But now I'm like at a point in my life where I know what I want and I know what I'm working for and I don't want to compromise that for anything right now. - Alright. - [Producer] Any closing words you'd like to say, gentlemen? Cody? Nut? - What do you, do you have any words? - Doggy? - Good. Let's see. Oh yeah, you see it. See, this is what being a virgin gets you, you know what I'm saying? It was good. But y'all, I'm gonna, I'm gonna head out. Y'all be safe though. Okay. Alright.
Channel: Jubilee
Views: 2,035,156
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jubilee, jubilee media, jubilee project, middle ground, spectrum, odd man out, versus 1, embrace empathy, live deeper, love language, blind devotion, Odd One Out, Game Show, Dating Show, Nectar, Ask Me Anything, Gen Z, Millennial, loveprint, jason y lee, nut, cody ko, reaction, f boi, f boy, hot
Id: XGu7awCJHjI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 47sec (1127 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 26 2024
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