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today my daughter Salish reveals the 10  things she's going to do every day this summer   do you like nidal and at the end she'll get a huge summer surprise for sleeping these protein bars for now it's summertime so   now I'm making pancakes but not just any  pancake the fluffiest Pancakes on Earth whoopsies ew don't try the flower  three tablespoons powdered sugar I'm only doing   two two teaspoons of baking powder usually  when I start summer I'm really excited and   then I get bored so to make sure it doesn't here  I made a list of 10 things to do every day number   one make a really good breakfast every morning  strawberry break one and a quarter cup of milk to clean your mess as you got especially if you  have a neat freak for a mom no offense Mom love   you oh you need a little cleaning I'm really  excited for summer because now I get to hang out   with my friends more I get to do gymnastics more  four tablespoons unsalted butter halfway down guys except now I need three egg whites and one  egg yolk I hate this part quarter teaspoon   of whatever this is a hand mixer I guess I think  the key to making really good pancakes is to make   the egg whites really fluffy like that fold  it in these two rings it like makes a pancake   a really good Circle perfect oh shoot good  enough now I have to wait 5 .5 Sandy cue time   well pancakes are there because I'm gonna  make myself a coffee I'm gonna do a catch   I've already had a coffee shot so I know what I'm  doing yeah that's good we make coffee for myself   but I do make at least three cups a day for my  dad and I don't make art it's too hard without   milk ew I don't like the foam I'm gonna give  that one to my dad cut one banana Kendall Jenner next are some strawberries so I'm going to take  this metal thing off perfect ow flip no boomy   good boy he's so cute I like that okay now I'm  messing it up whatever hero pancakes would be   so complicated now I'm gonna do oh shoot  no no no no no no I worked so hard on you   good this one on top here's where the magic  comes usually I'm not allowed to have Nutella   but I'm the only one here so whatever okay I'm  just spreading it out it's okay what's important   how's our tastes not how it looks orange juice now  we have a real summer breakfast let's go try it I don't really love whipped cream for  the taste but I think it looks good   okay let's try let's try it that's actually  really good you guys should definitely try   and make that five minutes later okay I made  another batch and look at these they're much   fluffier because last time I didn't put  enough batter on the pan and these are   for the second thing that I'm gonna do  every day for summer is prank my dad I'm   gonna put this all over inside that's even  grosser I meant to cover it up whipped cream you should know that I'd prank him every time  you try to eat something I made you pancakes   I hope you enjoy them oh those look so good she  made these all by herself Sandy yeah yum I love   thick pancakes I love whipped cream together oh  why do I eat anything can make me stay alive okay   truthfully I should have known better oh next  thing I do is get ready for the day now I'm not   going to show you my full morning routine but  if you want a separate video on that comment   down below but what I am going to do which  is very important is sunscreen now this is   the sunscreen I'm supposed to use it makes like  a white cast on my face because of the zinc so   by the way I still don't forgive you about that  hot sauce I have sunscreen and you should put   some on put on sunscreen every day of your  life because you don't you look like this   okay it's all done it's right  there it's all done looking good afternoon this is the one I use it has  like a little bit of a tint which just   like Blends into your skin more I really  like it and it's really helpful to use   SPF 40 or higher because it will help me  not get wrinkles then I use this sunscreen   powder and it's really good to like get  in all of the small places I really like   this powder because you can put it are  you ready for slip and slide yet [Music] are you kidding me have I had this on this  whole time yes this stuff never comes off   this is the zinc kind yeah okay I'll be  back in a half hour that's how long it   takes to rub this in now let's go do some  fun summer time stuff one of my favorite   is in the summer is for sure going swimming the  only problem is we don't have a pool but luckily   our neighbor does and she gave me the code so even  when she's not home I can come don't look okay we   got it what do you guys think of my new sunglasses  I had them when I was like eight that's nice they   have a trampoline say less can you stand right  there and make sure I don't fall no okay fine [Music] I am doing a 90-day bodybuilding challenge   this is day one if I make this you have  to subscribe ready Wow first try baby oh no first try so Salish thinks she might be bored  this summer and that's why she put   this whole list together but I have a  feeling that when I surprise her with   this present later today she's not gonna  be bored this summer all right I'm going   up this slide I'm a little bit nervous I'm  not really sure if I want to do this guys that one's awesome this is literally gonna be the best summer ever thank you neighbors we are going to be  here every single day luckily we have   a lemon tree in our home and they're gonna  come in very handy later I won't say lemon   Ade so wait and see every day this summer I'm  gonna do an outdoor today is slip and slide we all have to get to the purple  and make it to the second round this is how you probably scored a host Sandy keyboard that was so fun oh boy oh dude what are we  done with this game not yet   not yet you're gonna do a slip and slide don't  make it end on pavement hey remember when sailors   made me get a tattoo like almost a year ago yeah  it's still there but now it's in that ugly faded   place so comment below if you think I should get  a real tattoo that lasts forever yes [Music] yes last round whoever gets further on the tumble  track with this egg still in their spoon wins   the contest and the winner gets a brand new  house wait what I'm so excited about moving [Music]   wherever the egg falls off the spoon that's the  spot right there I hate losing to my brother exactly right here I bet I could be that I have a   plan I can't believe these two  men didn't think of this oh no don't forget about the surprise at the end of the  day coming up Salish answers your most pressing   questions one thing I know I'm gonna be doing  this summer is packing and moving into our new   house I'm so excited every day I'm here to try to  do a little bit of schoolwork so they when I get   to school next year I don't forget everything  so I'm gonna do a little bit of studying perfect history is definitely not my favorite  so could you study anywhere else but up there no   every day because it's summer salish we'll get one  hour of screen time today she's part of that time   for VR this is her first VR and I get to watch  it on the computer I have to press something like   dude I'm not even on VR and this is freaking me  what do I do if I walk to that just walk to the app they say a guy want to hold her  do you want me to hold your hand yeah   could you go slow if I fall off no dude stay  so slow so slow dad oh my gosh that's scary   whoa whoa okay stop stop stop actually stop  actually stop well now what I don't know okay I'm   just gonna jump pretty then no no can you do me a  favor [Music] three two one I'm not ready for this is the best that was so fun Dad you need to do this next I  got ta help me with families can do this this   family game okay what do I do because I don't  care about the instructions of course you don't   okay this time I can't see what she's doing on VR  but I'm supposed to help her defuse a bomb it's   so fun okay Rowan just had me this manual what  do I do with the Box what do I do with the Box   three wires yeah yeah two red one blue more than  one blue okay cut the last wire how just I don't   know but it might explode oh shoot oh is it okay  yes it didn't explode okay tell me what you what's   next three mistakes you already used one so you  have two blocks I can't see so I threw it oh   she'll have two minutes and 20 seconds 20 seconds  okay are there buttons is there a button yes if the button is blue and the button blue yeah no yes there's a blue button I have  um a green yellow blue okay okay uh   subject if Simon Says what's the  color of this flashing yellow wow that was hard dad what the heck whoa  I'm back in here it's boring this is the   problem with VR right here because VR is more  interesting than real life right I have an   active imagination and a pair of heights  but that combination is gonna terrify me   with this thing whoa whoa okay whoa wait can  I just yeah okay can I just go for a walk well   I'm gonna bump into that plant now go into the  elevator go into the elevator wow this is wild   Sailors you know I have a Heights thing right  oh my gosh oh that's actually terrifying how   can you say this is look down look down oh  my God I can't do it I actually can't do it are you okay yeah I'm okay okay I think I'll stick with Instagram I don't  know if I'm gonna make it through this   summer Hudson surprise Sailors with a  one dollar and one thousand dollar gift   which one do you think she picked check it  out after this video every day this summer   I'm gonna spend quality time with my mom  or dad today it's my Dad we're having a   picnic okay so let's go we got five minutes  what's the word charcuterie board oh this   this is actually what's the difference  same exact cracker same cracker nope sorry I need to do it on we both love salted  caramels no we're doing these sailor's favorite   dad favorite come on if you could only  pick one chocolate deep for the rest of   your life would you pick salted caramels  or truffles truffles yeah [Music] yeah oh that would have been so cool I'm gonna  buy these anyway because I just like that   would be bad right did you see the breakfast  and then we're gonna do coconut water oh yeah   it's gonna break uh yeah you shouldn't throw  it because it'll break absolutely don't do that   oh it was going in come on oh there's a lot  of people here that was awkward if I had me   as a dad I wouldn't go anywhere with me yeah oh  cheese is a massive I feel you know what actually   the Salish loves it's like raw meat delicious the  channel is now officially vegetarian raspberries   and blackberries and blueberries so we're making  a little fruit salad yeah now we need a tray and a   basket for a picnic and a blanket this is a memory  I'm never gonna forget I'll never forget I know   what bugs are but I'm actually being serious slow  down time please please just slow down Time come   on old man you're younger than me buddy you might  recognize him from the new house video we're very   excited about moving a new house I haven't seen  the video yet it's right there where is it where   is it it's like here somewhere does that work  that's a trash can Dad which circulatory board I   like this Vibe more why like this color more which  one I'm gonna go with the vibe yeah same we're   gonna check out and then we'll see you at the  picnic it's time for our picnic look at how sweet   the best chocolates in the world everybody's wrong  salted caramel picnics are the best easy look   at what happens when we picnic Salish is Chill  Salish we'll see you at the next activity oh yeah oh yeah and now it's time for drum  roll please Instagram questions   everyone wants to know where I buy all my clothes  obviously Zara number two Paxton number three   hillinger age something Hollister Hollister is  there any others yeah Urban whoa say okay okay   let's just be slow okay I'm gonna go extra fast  to drive my ice cream can you stop freaking me   out yeah I'm going to surprise oh I didn't know  I could go that fast that was scary oh my gosh I   shot over a huge box yeah I know she's not seven  years old anymore she's 13 she can handle herself   I get it but I'm overprotective okay she's just  kind of a daredevil kind of kid so everything   freaks me out oh I know the questions are asking  what my aesthetic is I always say your aesthetic   is kind of neutral minimalist she's understated  minimalist neutral modern if you were a superhero   what would you be Spider-Man You Wanna Be  Spider-Girl no Spider-Man okay so you want to fly   around with like your your web and fly on trees  and stuff yes of course you can go in I don't want   to stop time so that you'll be 13 forever and I  would want time travel I would love to go back in   time see what it was like with the Dinosaurs  actually I wouldn't go to the histaga future   whenever I'm gonna be old if 13 year old me saw  me now I think oh actually he's cool now are you the question do you like needle yes not as a crush  but we did mention everything about needle in the   light detector video so go check that one now why  don't I make my own YouTube channel I really like   doing this YouTube channel and I feel like I  kind of want to put more information because   it's done instead of like another one hasn't  this become sales's own channel I guess how   old are you Dad how old am I hey look it up  on famous birthdays make sure to boost her oh   favorite Super Dad what's my favorite shoe brand  Nike and um Crocs Nike and Converse oh and Ugg I   like vegan Ducks will I ever wear makeup oh I'm  interested in this answer I already wear a blush   and highlighter you wear blush and highlighter  you know that wait are you wearing it right now   no I forgot will you look at how beautiful  this is though you guys have to see that   there's a lot of power dad are you doing well  I'm doing great okay we're both doing pretty   well how do I like our new house I really like  our new house it's really really like it's an   understatement come on yeah she talks about it  all day yeah that's what she's talking about I've   always ask them when we're moving and I visit it  so many times it's really good I love the house   because it's windy Salish can't hear me right  now but look at her she's so sweet hey you can   hear that first taught her how to ride a bike stop  it little girl you ready for the next thing yeah   every day this summer I'm gonna try to earn money  today I want to earn twenty dollars but my dad   my dad had an idea that I don't know if I like oh  my gosh they say lemonade I even smoked lemonade   since I was like six actually you were seven  and this is gonna be so awesome we're gonna   sell lemonade together father and daughter no  and you could offer strawberries or blueberries   along with them okay here we go so how much  you can charge I know like twenty dollars a   cup you're not supposed to eat all the products  put this down put this this is for the customer [Music] anyone want Lemonade do you  want lemonade which is a lemonade how   about that twenty dollars I can  give you twenty dollars okay okay I'll take five dollars I don't know  I haven't tried it oh twenty dollars can I just have strawberries  how's the lemonade guys we can't take any money from kids look guys guys  it's gonna be free lemonade today I cannot take   money from kids free lemonade for everybody  okay you take that how much for 11 days   I don't know I'm running out I think  she sold out in the first 30 seconds do you guys like say lemonade stays lemonade for you we did not expect this many people  wanting lemonade who did not get any there   you go in the back there here you go comment  below she should make her own lemonade brand   huh all right here you go one more thank you  so much there we go okay the last cup wow all the kids obviously got free lemonade  and now let's check out what I'm about   to do in my 20 bucks the last thing I'm gonna  do everything for a summer is going to dinner   with my brother today is ice cream she's  in line for ice cream but when she gets   out surprise time by the way we filmed this  video on Father's day but what is it better   father day than hanging out with my kid I  know we are pretty awesome did you make an   appointment I can get an ice cream too yeah we  make enough money for Sandy to get one we'll see thank you he's like a Girl Scout cookies cheers fun  day you're gonna have a boring summer no   you're definitely not gonna have  a morning summer now because hugs what a pillow and a blanket  wait what's this you're going   to summer camp Oh yay sleepover  summer camp that sounds so fun
Channel: Jordan Matter
Views: 15,725,515
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jordan matter, salish matter, hudson matter, summer, first day of summer, beach, lemonade, pool sports, sunny, nidal, nalish, surprise, summer camp
Id: fIA9nMIdLo8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 48sec (1188 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 24 2023
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