Can I Trade From Dirt to a Mansion?! (Full Movie)

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you know those stories where people start with a penny and try to trade it all the way up for like a Lamborghini well they were gonna flunk Journey where I try to do that in Minecraft oh by the way have you have fished in today's video you went you win so we're XXX gamer boy that's our undercover name right now yeah I've made a pretty good name you know I'm not gonna lie to you now I said we're gonna start with nothing more than a dirt block so you see this sword you see this ax nothing all right here we go guys we have our first dirt block hey man can you help me I'm new okay I had to use an auto account because I used to love her fella people would give me everything nothing all right this guy said he wants to give me a sword he wants to kill me twice and give us each a head I mean that's a strat like our first Target okay I've wait no no no you can't kill me now give me a sword yes you gave me a sword okay he said he could kill me let's go baby let's go no no come kill me I I hands dropped dude kill me I was just trying to start combat there we go take me down take me down that's all you gotta do take me down get my head slice it up put it on your mantle and eat it what so we got the diamond sword this guy just got my head yes he gave me that let's go yes now I gotta get to Ruby okay we've got Ruby she's here yes she's just giving us stuff let's go okay I'm gonna trade her my head XX gamer boy head come take it come on we're not taking handouts here we're here to trade Ruby Ruby Ruby wow she comes she gives me full armor and she leaves alright guys this is incredible wow these are actually items that she purchased like this cost real money to get and here they are so clumsy bear let me message this dude I don't know who he is but I'm gonna message him and ask for some money I still only have two thousand dollars I need to get a lot more like Mansions are in the millions okay this dude had a good base like I'd straight up be like yo let me live here with you he said you only said you got one dirt I did announce that now I'm kind of decked out in uh taste bud gear if he doesn't give me something I'll kill him come on dude come on dude give me a trade for this head anything okay I told him to have a great day let's do someone else baby I'm just gonna send out random TPA requests see if people accept it oh here we go she accepted let's go I messaged her one by my head accepting any trades she said can I see your head Oh I thought she I thought she gave me that I was about to snag that so one thing I need I kind of want to do is try to build a base out of the wood and materials that I'm gathering from these people oh it's too boring of a head she turns it down she doesn't know what these boots are these are from the crates in the server they cost real money to get we'll see if she gives me something good for them are there special enchantments on there here we go you plant a seed in their mind you get them thinking oh there's something good here that I don't have the boom you snatch them up because the art of the deal is all about getting in your counterpart's mind what is it even worth make an offer boom we're playing big game right now don't tell them what you want let them offer it to you let's go trissy guys that's a hard game being a being a con man like this you got to get out there and make some big plays PM me to buy taste my boots a good deal guaranteed yo let's freaking oh all right we got a dude making a sale let's go this is what I need what offer can you make buddy I'm looking for a good Fair Deal started from the bottom now he waiting to teleport to this dude and get a Halloween bow yes here we go oh we're fighting to the death what he has a lightning sword how do you get the lightning sword okay buddy I don't want to break my armor I don't want to break my armor stop no did you break it oh that wasn't fun okay I got wrecked all right guys let's take a quick look at the auction house to see what price things are going for right now I've got two thousand dollars right now what can I buy with two thousand dollars extensive a thousand for a potato I could buy two potatoes all right I just bought a cookie for 250. we'll make it back that was an investment folks we're playing the stock market here today skull of lover fella I don't know how I got that I'll be honest with you airpods second gen okay I just I just bought the best tasting cookie ever and now I bought this airpod 2nd gen so I'm gonna see if I can sell these and flip them for some profit here who should I Target like who has a lot of money that would want airpods squash let's do a slurp Ocean Sky all right guys maybe the airpods were not a great investment I still haven't I've still haven't sold them I'm gonna put them back in the auction house see if I can sell them for a bigger flip all right airpods listed for five thousand dollars 12 hours on that FlipKey I'm trying to sell what I call a fat kitchen literally just a cookie but I'm branding it as a fat kit so that's exciting right all right back to Hunter he just accepted my TPA request guys you just gotta play the game okay well Hunter's destroying me so I can't I can't take down Hunter he's too good oh I'm gonna lose my armor all right it's not like 20 TPA requests let's see if anyone wants me to TP to them I need like a voice disguiser so I can talk to these people and be like how are you this is what it's like when you're not lover fella if I did this with my skin I swear to you guys I would get anything that I wanted within seconds I'm nobody anymore I knew your first day got some free gear trying to make some deals once they answer you that's where you know you're in they answer and boom Hook Line Sinker don't know that was the right the right hand movement for that I just message dude and I said hey man I love your name if that's not how you start a relationship I don't know how you do it that's why I've been single for two years what this is so humbling guys I'm nobody who am I alright so I'm gonna try a new Strat since I'm not succeeding with trading okay I just asked the dude if you wanted free stuff and he just straight up said no so that's that's not working at all is it all right this guy wants to force and pickaxe I don't have a fortune pickaxe I'm gonna see if I can convince him it's Fortune when it's Unbreaking five oh man this is great let's see if the plan worked good deal guarantee I'm just offering him everything that I have give me a trade brother when in doubt folks kill him all right let's see if we can do it we did it we did it we killed him we killed the man not how you gonna make deals he just said bad I know I'm just gonna eat the cookie this is where my life's come to oh that was 750 bucks down the drain girls are probably more open to deals than guys are guys are too on edge about my bad deals I'm doing let's look for a girl name here hey smiley face how are you Nikki how's it going Nikki yes we're gonna find this working strategy it's gonna work every time right now we're not working at all this time I'm going for the more chill approach hey how's it going teleport me to you [Music] give me a good deal yes yes I accidentally moved so I canceled it Nikki accepted the teleport this is our seventh person in a row we've gotten to Nikki you're in here guys it's just all about securing the deal I'm trying to give her a good pickaxe for forty thousand dollars that will change the game for 40K it's all about persistence guys you get up in their face you say pay me make a deal with me let's go let's go come on come on come on I'm gonna hit her off the edge if she don't make a deal with me all right I'm gonna go the pathetic approach this time I'm a Noob I got nothing all I have is a head we buy it for one dollar please just a single dollar for your boy please she says yes for one dollar let's see if she does it she gave me 10. okay now we gave her the easy deal now we come in and strike when the Iron's hot just gave me another 90. yes this is it guys we got another hundred dollars that was huge let's see if she wants my sword I just straight up gave her my sword for free I'm gonna see if that was enough to get a deal out of her come on don't scam me otherwise we're screwed I just keep upping it I was like I'm a Noob here's diamond sword oh I also have a slobber sword it's also a very good sword thank you I spelled dollars wrong to seem extra newbie foreign she rejected us we just got a hundred bucks for that hat that's not bad 340 let's see if we can make any more deals here today A Village responder 1.25 million good Lord I got 340 bucks there's my airpods second June those sold I'd be sick so I think one thing we might want to do is just try to sell some of this so I gotta see what this stuff's worth and then when I come back online I'll have no items but I would have like sweet boots for a hundred thousand these are taste bud boots what are taste bud boots going for 2 000. all right okay taste bud boots listed diamond leggings are these Enchanted these are protection one selling slobber sword best offer who wants to come by slobber sword this guy says he's got a shop that's cool this could be huge oh my gosh she's literally got a shop this is great well this is great all right let's see what he'll give me for a slobber sword this guy's looking for a deal and so am I I'm not walking away here without some cash or some items I love it give me something all right I just gave it to him to take a look I really hope he gives it back to me things to look at see if he wants to buy Unbreaking five he wants this okay he only wants to trade me items I said twenty thousand dollars for it that seems like a fair price to me he just said it's worth about 30k so you have to give me more than I asked for oh he says no come on dude they're hard bargained he's trying to trade me a freaking box for this no I'm out of here brother I'm leaving I'm going home all right I'm giving him a look at the taste bud armor let's see if he wants to buy this oh I couldn't kill him dang it when they don't make deals with me I slice their heads up that's just the way to do it all right guys I didn't walk away with what I wanted but I did manage to make a deal I bought 64 books for 1 000 gold my boots broke apparently so we we've already lost one item I feel like that's not bad we've got 330 bucks we got stuff for sale first off let's see if we made any sales we did not all right guys I just listed everything that I own on the auction house I got a lot of them for just trading crap for them so anything that I get is a profit look at this dude all right guys we're in we're in we're in we got him to his base hey hey hey yes we did it guys we did it I said free turkey Happy Thanksgiving and she gave me some diamonds oh my gosh six diamonds we got a ton of cobblestone too which she didn't trade it to me she dropped like I shouldn't get that's not fair I think we just sold something too would we sell diamond pickaxe for ten thousand dollars guys we have ten thousand dollars to work with now now we can actually start doing stuff in this series it took a long time to get some money and we got some diamonds hey hey free turkey Happy Thanksgiving Happy Thanksgiving buddy all for you now give me something back I'm not even trying to trade I'm just giving them offers Happy Thanksgiving no no no no no Sophia says she's selling a house for 10K 10 000 for this this I think she's selling this for ten thousand dollars this would be a massive start I feel like that's not a bad room it doesn't look bad I think we can negotiate this down yeah there's a lot in here there's a lot of resources too and if we buy it we're legally allowed to use all of it so I think we're gonna take this deal okay I said I'll do it for 9k get a thousand dollars off and she has to include some starter gear and if she does hit clean on a deal oh yes she's giving us guys we are making the deal of the century the opposite of my Skyblock Series where I get everything I want now I got to put in work but it's all about the art of the negotiation folks you just get a little bit more in there oh this is what she gave us guys look at this oh my gosh we just sold something else I don't know what it was so we just sold something would we sell sold which looks for a thousand dollars we got those at the end of last episode let's go dude oh my gosh guys inside of this base she gave us a mob spawner dude we're gonna be able to sell this for so much money guys for ten thousand dollars ten thousand dollars we literally got all of this so we actually got a second part of the house we haven't even looked into yet I'm not sure if it connects to the main portion or not I just claimed it all so we now officially owned this we're allowed to redecorate and flip it for anything including a profit we got it and we got it let's go inside and get our base upgraded all right well let's get this thing cleared out thank you let's get this thing on the market and see if we can make some sales all right guys house all for sale officially on the market now let's see if we can get a flip we bought it for 10 000. I think we improved the inside as best we could with what we had I only have one thousand dollars so it's not like I could have bought more blocks I bought everything I could that's what it came down to I wish I could get rid of all the Cobble it looks a lot better like this but we'll see if we get any sales wait did he just leave he just saw it and left in silly dang it I think it's the outside man keep the doors closed we can keep it clean still smelting come on come just want one person to come buy this let's go give me a sale this is gonna be so much money if we get this honestly like this will be so big okay we just got one we just got one someone just requested to come here 50k with the free zombie spawner this guy's taking a look this guy's taking a look here we go give me a sale give me still give me a sale give me he's tossing out the doors he likes the chest likes the chests brows and everything see if I got anything in there for him to steal and it just started raining oh no this is heartbreaking I just want to sail someone has gotta want this house don't I did not invest into something bad we need to take a different strategy for this one maybe the house just isn't good enough yet all right that's a possibility we're gonna do some more improvements here personally I think the biggest problem here is this front entrance all right this front entrance is hideous it's ugly it ain't pulling people in that's for sure let's give it a little upgrade all right guys so we redid the entire front entrance of this one um it's still not perfect yet but I think it looks a little better so now instead of being this hideous nasty thing it's just a little simple trapdoor into the ground I think that looks better and I don't necessarily know if this looks better or not I feel like it doesn't but if we turn it into a functional crafting area at least it has a use okay let's get some sales here all right we got another person that accepted some people are interested in buying they're out there it's just a matter of is this the right base and he's gone there are people looking to buy I just have to make the right deal let's go who's this dude over here this is our neighbor let's go talk to him oh my gosh this is the girl who sold me the house I was coming over to ask for a deal and she logs out he's interested in buying I think I said my gamertag is night Shadow I just made up a name I just I don't even think about it I was like yeah I'm not sure giving him some Smileys we're working our way in smoothly okay this guy is really interested now this guy is really interested I think we might have our sale guys he's looking around this guy's really interested come on baby come on baby make me an offer make me an offer please my goal is to get him to make me an offer and then take back one of my freebies and then he'll be like okay I'll do it anyway okay I we'll see this guy says he'll be right back I don't know if I can trust him or not that was good I thought it was a good investment we're losing money on this one I am I'm upset right now we need to make a deal this is tough guys this is so tough I'm about to just walk away from this one and say we just lost 10K on a bad deal I got someone that I just hired for 100 bucks see if she'll get me a deal I just need someone to come freaking buy my house I'm gonna I'm gonna I'm gonna do something guys I'm gonna do something I shouldn't do about to kill something give me the money so we have bought a total flopped house right now this thing was ugly from the start I should have known when I got into it look at this look how many problems there are I mean what a bowl entrance disgusting a dirt a dirt foyer that's not what you want there's not even plants in here the garden's messed up there's just so many issues with the space that has to be fixed it's so freaking hard oh my gosh I just I will not stop until I flip this dude I'm serious I'm gonna do this as long as it takes did I sell it did I sell it yes yes finally guys the zombie spawner was ten thousand dollars this base was ten thousand dollars that means even if we cannot sell this base we have at least broken even now my goal would be to sell this base for only five thousand dollars okay that would be a five thousand dollar profit which is actually a lot of money okay so it's been tough it's been hard we're gonna see if we can do it at Red Tony is here our next showing of The Day red Tony cup with me go ahead just check it out some uh he's a dog oh oh my gosh we might have the ultimate flip here guys we might sell it back to the person who sold it to us for less than she sold it to us for oh my gosh all right guys we're taking the L on this one we invested into it we made the money back or we didn't make any profit whatsoever I cannot sell this the price is now down to four thousand for this and it's not selling so what I'm going to do is clean this thing up take all the blocks and we'll sell it and rebuild a new house in the next episode of flippers and see if the new house designed by me will actually sell for a profit while we're selling our other items when we're offline so let me clean this up real quick guys I picked up everything inside this base I literally cleaned it out like we bought it we took it and now we're out of here I left a couple things there I don't really need everything but this is what we have we've got some Oak we've got some of this um just a bunch of random gear remembering that we start from nothing and this is all that we purchased it's a pretty good deal I'm gonna check the auction house real quick see if there's anything else we can get a flip in for get some sales between now and the next episode so we'll list everything okay everything is up for sale we've got items we can build a new base we are now Swag Master 69 that's our new in-game name here's the good news folks we sold a couple items on the auction house a couple torches for 500 we sold 64 stone bricks for four thousand six thousand five hundred two thousand five hundred five thousand for the turkey ten for that that's not too bad folks are up to 30k let's go to the auction now see if there's some flips we can make cave spider spawner 7500 is that like cheap that seems like real cheap to me all right so I think for today we're gonna do is we're actually going to try to find some basic blocks to purchase create a house out of that and then sell the house for massive profit diamonds wow these diamond blocks y'all are selling for like a lot of cash right now sweet Crate Key for 400k who is this man okay I'm gonna go to the actual shops here 12 bucks per concrete okay okay we could do this now this might be a little bit better pricing I'm getting ripped off this whole time okay is one dollar per ironing God I ain't got uh yeah you've always been getting ripped off pretty hard then like for a long time it seems like that sucks oh here we go eight bucks for one of these man this is gonna cost me all my money probably like it's like real estate prices like you go to the store you go to like pick up some wood planks for your stuff eight bucks a wood plank seems pretty legit to me I don't know okay we've got this beautiful little area right here next to the river and I feel like Riverland is very desirable for like a house you know the sand ain't doing it for me home dog back here has already got a base set up but we're not in the Thieves Guild so we can't steal from them just yet oh look at this this area saw the house right there the new owners will be very happy when we build our new house here make sure it's not claimed boom I feel like facing the sun's gonna look better for like sales pitches so we're gonna actually start over here all right we just got a sour pickaxe that was fifteen thousand dollars hopefully not a rip-off I mean man there's some juicy prices out here it's okay we'll just go with our hands for now cause we can't get a shovel so whatever 225 000 30 000. man you people are just trying to rip me off fifty thousand twenty thousand I can almost do it and that's a really good one well you gotta put it 20. no there's nothing um we need to sell a couple more things on here then let's do the cave spider spawner I bought that to sell fifteen thousand oh snap did we just sell it oh we sold yes we sold the sword for thirty thousand guys I've been trying to sell that for three episodes right now that gives me enough to buy anything there's a decent shovel I'm so excited because this is gonna be amazing I don't know if that was a good deal or not but whatever I don't even care let's get control folks let's go this one 30k is not like a lot for a shovel I feel like like I'm gonna buy that guys it took so long but we finally got some stuff here let's freaking go can you believe all this stuff is purchased literally everything in here is purchased okay let's clear this land out real quick we just sold our cave spawner spider we bought this for like half price at the beginning of the episode we're already back up to 36k folks we're making some big money right now I just bought one of these for 75 and I sold it for 15. so I'm gonna do it again All I do is win win no matter this is so good man I love like trying to make money like this like I love having businesses but doing it in Minecraft is a whole another adventure nice flooring in here folks just gonna have like a nice front porch into the water then maybe we give them like a dock that extends off right here like a little fishing dock right a couple stairs here and I want to add like a little seating at the end here for someone to sit and fish with if they choose to okay now it's giving me thousands I'm playing too much okay so one thing that makes a dock look a little bit better I should buy a wood ax too I'm like buying everything right now and it feels so good licorax for 30k efficiency 5 mending and Unbreaking five that sounds very very valuable to me I'm gonna take it I've never actually seen a liquor item for sale those are like the top items in the game oh yeah it's like instant how did no one buy this docs look better when they have something holding it up kind of like this so we're gonna add like a little something like that to give it like an actual you know it actually looks like a DOT kind of feel to it so that's our plan with this now we need to make the front entrance here this is fine for the front we'll come back into more detail let's get the actual house build out so it's going to have to clear out more of this wall the student would stop sending me a thousand or a hundred dollars every few seconds that'd be great I was expensive each one of those cost me eight bucks it's like a ring of money I'll snap something sold what'd we sell we sold another cave spider spawner those things are nothing but money for us another dude's selling for 7 500 what the heck gotta get that instantly let's go let's go fifteen thousand ten thousand we are flipping these things okay I like that door that's like very different it feels good [Music] I'm going for compact to make it a quick easy sell I think the location should sell it more than anything we got really lucky with this spot now as per part of the challenge all of this material that I'm collecting I cannot keep I have to get rid of it the only thing I can keep is stuff that I've gotten by trading so all this stuff is junk I'm gonna have to trash it all which kind of sucks honestly but those are rules oh that feeling when the wood's already there when you break into it that's called efficiency folks right there this is gonna be the chest room we'll make this a quick easy chest room right here small but compact it's going to be very efficient I think people are going to love it now guys a pro build tip for you here to make your bases sell a little bit more vary the roof height and it just somehow makes it look more professional like this one is like one block higher it pulls it together and that's going to make an issue when I build that outside block there so small problem there it's a happy accident this is going to be the storage room you're going to walk in you'll have the main room the storage room the bedroom uh I might do one more just like a a free room to do whatever they want to with but I really just want to get this thing out in the market so we can get a cell here really quick so I'm going to make quite a few chests I want to make another crafting table bring it on inside crafting table would look Exquisite right here as a centerpiece you walk in crafting table boom we're gonna need to go spend some more money on some wood okay guys back spawn real quick let's go ahead and make a couple more purchases we need to get some more wood where's the wood rip off dude here we go I feel like I feel like every single click is just hurting my soul every single click is a little bit more money into this guy's pocket a little bit less for me but hey that's fine just rip me off all you want buddy we'll be okay gonna get a couple bookshelves I just spent money to buy like I got ripped off from I just bought but I did it just because I was sick of clicking so much for these now I got the bookshelf so these are going to pull it together a lot in here so we'll put down some bookshelves just like this and then what I like to do is the same thing on the other side and this is not a half bad chest room you come in you got very minimal storage this is very nice this is very nice I'm very happy with how this turned out 16 furnaces okay I think this is going to really pull it in pretty nicely there we go okay that's good that's good that's good okay I need a little bit of glass I think or something to put in the windows the outside still team seems too flat and so I'm going to add a little depth [Music] that's going to be their fireplace the central room you walk in you see the fireplace that looks really good we just have to do one final room over here and this will just be a really quick bedroom so let's whip that together real quick oh sorry that troops oh my gosh someone has previously lived here and had their own mind it's pre-built mine dude we can just throw that in like it's nothing okay well that's awesome oh okay okay okay here's what we're gonna do we're gonna turn this into an indoor outdoor space we'll put a big glass window here for a view that's gonna look so good foreign [Music] what's funny is so many people are trying to TPA to me right now like they're like oh this will ever fellas all to count but when I talk they'll have no idea so what I'm literally trying to get them to TP to me they'll have no idea which is the weirdest thing to think about because I'm swag boy 69. all right finally roof all right final thing we have to do here buy a little bit of glass fixing that little glass window there okay well since we apparently cannot buy what we need we will just smelt it inside of this dude's furnace so we'll get some sand in do I have okay a little bit in there a little bit in there this should go pretty quick here's the front look that's one of the most important pieces I mean the fact that it's built into the wall kind of takes away from it but it made it a little bit easier for me so hopefully no one notices we can put glass in the front windows too all right so we're gonna put a little bit of slabs in the water these are going to be just really minor highlight pieces so you can see it's going to like line the outside of it a little bit I think that's gonna actually really pull together pretty well oh yeah that really pulls it together I don't like this uh clay here we'll figure that out okay so that pulled it together a little bit I do like that quite a bit almost feel like the front of it is still so boring like I could use some kind of like railings to Spruce it up a little bit all right 25 pieces of glass coming right up folks that's pretty cool that is pretty cool right there I really like that a lot we'll add a chair here so you can sit and look out the window we'll add a bookshelf on the side of the chair and on the back of it actually another chair which is kind of interesting I really like that design so I have five chests I still want to use these couple of chests here I think I'm gonna put them outside it just seems like a cool idea to have like a dock with some chest storage outside oh my gosh this is really coming together guys really fast doesn't it okay so I put in about an hour into this base I spent five thousand dollars on it so I'd be happy if I could sell it for 50 to 100K I'm gonna put it on the market now selling private lake house TPA for tour Swag Master 69. boom welcome to the show taste bud Sora fajuki I'm looking for a girl for this sale but sort of go ahead and take a quick tour welcome home buddy short sweet cute I don't like that you hit your head on that you got to be careful when you're walking around can I buy your law for 115 that's all I have or I could just buy a home for you only 115k they're ticking it out guys these guys really don't they don't they're not leaving that's the thing they're not leaving they're still thinking about like this could be it I need to get a couple more signs to put out that way people understand like what's going on let's see what he offers you always want to get them to offer first because if I go first I might undersell it like if this I'm trying to get like 100 but I feel like that's a lot 15K come on buddy sign 50 50 50 50 50 50 right here give it to me for 50k always trying to take the sign to write if we're gonna negotiate I feel 30k 40K and throw in some tools and it is yours here we go baby all right 40K is a steal to me I'm happy with that and if I can get him to throw in some tools like random gear that's going to give us even more flip oh my gosh that's three shoveling yes let's go okay so that for like 10K that's what it gives me to like 50 dude throwing in items is insane come on come on come on come on we sold it guys that's a deal oops I didn't mean to break this so sorry I will fix hopefully you didn't notice that look at this we did it we just freaking built a house and sold it for about forty thousand dollars Sora fajuki congratulations on the purchase I am so happy right now to see you as the owner of a brand new beachfront Lakefront house you might know this dude from all of his famous Hulu shows Disney originals and Marvel shows you've been in recently you worked with Jake Gyllenhaal and uh Superman or something I wish so we got to make millions of dollars today do you have any business ideas I got a few I'm just curious if you have anything you can throw our way start going on your ways and I'll start adding once I get inspired I haven't played Minecraft in a few years okay perfect looks like I sold a lot since last time up to 70k so up here the shops we'll get a little bit of gear and then we will find a nice building spot and we'll whip some up like a nice La Mansion make you feel right at home awesome about that now we're talking so this is our palette we're the artists and we're gonna transform this into a beautiful house I feel like the location's everything you know like we can sell this location for Bank beautiful look at this mine that we have going on build into this wall I I think this is a good good place to start I'm is this is it pop that sucker down right there there's a lot of girls there's a lot of guys I want to Target girls because they usually buy stuff a lot more quickly so we're gonna make a nice little cute base here something that your average 18 year old girl would be like this is my future home you know got this we've absolutely got this and if it doesn't sell we use our name to sell it hey what's Jonah think Jonah you got any opinion on this here I like the color of this wood thank you I could be about it guys this is Jonah from David dobrik's Vlogs it's just harder on Mac man it's kind of crazy are you playing with a touch pad I'm playing with a touchpad oh my gosh we'll turn that into like the front entrance you know make it like kind of jungly I don't maybe that's not cute for girls I don't know nah it could work we just need we just need a little like color you know it can't be too ocean jungle it can't be too concrete you got the red and the blue still from earlier yeah right that's beautiful that's what we like that's got a very kind of you know girly Aztec vibe to it girly Aztec is a sentence I don't think it's ever been like uttered before you're gonna get a lot of those in this see that's what we do we're building buildings that no one has ever seen before in the history of Minecraft we could probably get a job as real Architects we just dude what are we doing in the entertainment industry I say we rethink everything here this is way wrong girls like pigs right pigs are cute I mean do we get any sheep going around that maybe we could add oh sheep are good if they were mini pigs I'd be all into it you know mini pigs yeah or I mean Mini Mini Zombies couldn't even be quite a hit even like mini anything I guess really when you think about it yeah mini Yoda dude right that's pretty crazy I like that but I feel like we need a nice Bridge here all right you got the bridge I'm gonna do a little inside uh clear out so Alex let me ask you this real quick you're on you're on uh my Minecraft video right now your life seemed to be going so well and and now you're here so like while we're out what went wrong I've been watching your videos for a bit bro obviously you know my guy my guy pandas so uh something like you owe him money and he's like guilting you like what's what's going on here yeah he said he'd only he'd only let me go on the fight but pandas is the richest by far all right think about this he somehow pulled us together because he wants me to give him even more money he's trying to he's trying to throw something out over here I want to back up real quick to the fact that you haven't played Minecraft in like eight years man you think because you're like a big actor now in like Marvel movies and stuff it's my childhood like it just tripped me out to be on here right now I guess it was like an opinion the music that's that's when it hits the music hits different like I saw one of my implemented videos on YouTube Minecraft throwback and it was the music playing oh my gosh man that was like the best I like back when I had his girlfriend like way back in middle school when we played like we'd go on Minecraft dates like as a kid it was the greatest thing ever yes so far wow I I didn't have an in real life girlfriend because it just wasn't that cool but I had a quite quite a couple of Minecraft girlfriends yeah yeah I mean that's how you do it right Pig rooms coming together maybe the the uh like usability of the pig room isn't all there but we're gonna pitch it well and I think that's gonna get a sale for us now my question is is this game still going to be around when we're like old and retired like we're old billionaires because we both made it like do we do this we're both billionaires let's build our own high quality virtual reality Minecraft our own yeah we'll call it uh Alex lovercraft we'll get Jonah in there too yes absolutely oh dude Nice Bridge what the heck look at this thank you this is quality like look at this I'm like an 18 year old girl I see this oh look it's wow who is this dude no house is complete without like a classy bookshelf Zone [Music] it's not much you know it's simple it's very simple I'm waiting for the details later okay let's build a little like uh gate in here oh yeah like a little fence for it it just need why isn't it making Pig babies come on Pig babies come on am I doing something maybe it needs a little more room I was thinking if I keep jumping on this maybe yeah teach it a lesson like the more you jump on it like the more it wants to get out I think so our mind's gonna be centered in this this is cool bookshelf mine you don't see that every day this is how we're gonna pitch it it's like you you walk in you're gonna walk out smarter because all the books you're gonna work out come out healthier because you're gonna eat some steak your health is gonna be all the way back up health is going to spike through the roof you're just gonna come back a better person man that's that's the way I see it I like the way you think I mean you should you should be a Salesman oh I am going to be give me 20 minutes of finishing this house do you have um a name perhaps in March for this beautiful mansion that's a great house so I think we need something luxurious but also that speaks to our Target demographic so I'm thinking like something uh what do 18 year old girls like the Shawn Mendes uh terrarium whatever Shawn Mendes I like that we could uh oh I know we'll do the vid well some some about visco girls we'll add that let's go girls thank you very relatable that's perfect that's a steal that's a steal we just got some paintings to decorate the house with I don't even know how you make those yes that was missing see what I need to do now is trade up in real life like we should do we should build houses in real life bro just yeah why not like you know if you're down in a year when you have like three mil subs and we can just take like three months off and go to Australia yeah let's build a house in the actual wild build it sell it to an actual person and make it a YouTube series I think that's the greatest idea ever and then keep going and see like can we buy the entire country of Australia like how far can we put how far can we go biggest real estate gurus of all time become the biggest real estate person ever why'd you guys do it well just needed a video idea I guess I don't know it all started with the Shawn Mendes terrarium do a quick 20 questions I'm sure you have a lot of fans in my video today they probably want to know things about you so I'm just going to hit you with some rapid fire who is the most famous person you could just call right now and just be like hey what's up I don't know like Zed we're like Keenan Thompson or whatever but if it was like my homie homies I don't really know what is the hardest thing that you've ever gone through in your career I would say knows who's that you get just on a day-to-day basis you tend to see a lot of the yeses and a lot of the good things that are happening you gotta hide the notes I mean even even for like you know you're looking at like Atkins for every role that whoever books like you're getting 50 to 60 no's on a day-to-day basis so I think it was just being able to like keep your head up believe in in what you're doing and have fun while you're doing it I mean it's like YouTube bro like it took thousands and thousands of videos for me to even get close to this so yeah I know exactly what you mean all right last hard question of the day what's your biggest regret not building um video game but when I was when I was very young I was about 14 years old I had just kind of started meeting this guy Jake and uh a couple of like this people that were starting this company I was trying to build my acting career but I did have an idea to build a video game a video game around like the people that lived in the house and lived around me and you know were my friends and then I just got too busy and I booked the job and I couldn't pursue it fully and it never ended up happening but in the peak of its social media success I think it could have just been like a great idea to pursue I'm not gonna lie to you I would regret that so hard too oh my gosh that's crazy good for you though hey come here real quick go ahead and take one of these signs put it on the side of this chair and then autograph it I autographed the other side this will add to the property value so if we don't hit that number we'll make sure we hit that number this way I feel like the pink is not good I'm not gonna lie like I just feel like I put it there and it just it's bad I'm gonna have to take it off real quick look at the inside of the base man take a look from here straight out it's so unsymmetrical it'll make you die inside oh no no oh oh I know it's not just me off right now I know there are at least 10 000 people watching this right now they're feeling the way that I'm feeling dude if this is the first time it happened and it's not like I'm doing it on purpose you know this is legit just how it is yeah I always say it's like who needs symmetry because that's it that's where it ends because you gotta have like the right Vision it's like that banana that recently sold for like what oh yeah art basil I was there dude I was the art battle pretty crazy you were there yeah I was at the festival I was uh doing a Expo with this Cherry that I work with dude that's so cool what's this charity it's called carmigawa actually if you guys are listening right now I highly recom pretty much a a charity that used social media to build itself um and now we've opened around 50 schools all around the world and we also fight the environment like in Hawaii and and Bali and that is so cool guys check that out we'll put a link in the description on this one look at this man he's a famous Marvel actor he has his own charity he has his own business on video games what hasn't he we're being way too nice I promise you realize that like you created this mini little world that you just get to see Thrive like that's some God level like status that's crazy that's so sick it is it is amazing honestly I'll do a house Slip like this suddenly everyone is making house slips and Selling Houses we even have a channel in my Discord that is for commissions and people will be like here are my builds I'm a Star Wars building expert uh minimum price 500 000. like it's legit it's so crazy wow that's so cool there we go look at that we got art right when you walk in that's exactly wow yes that's actually a dope piece yeah that's a famous piece I made back in uh 95. hey you're already pitching it let's go we should put a sign next to it and like give it some kind of like exotic name to sell it let's call it like so do you know like French only I can I can come up with a classy French name my dude yes sir here you go take that sign give us something like really French in like a year of like 1600 that was that was amazing dude thank you again for having me I haven't had this fun in a while no this has been great honestly this has been great you should start probably the market a little bit higher so maybe we start at like a quarter mil wow how to like bring it down I bet we could get that 100 Mil no doubt chest room here I mean there's just a lot of redeeming qualities about the space that you know if people don't see it you know it's on them I feel like at this point oh yeah that's good that's a good little bonus to put on there I think that's smart and we should add just add a couple more blatant lies yeah yeah here take some signs like go ahead and put oh put these signs around put be like welcome home like price starts at quarter million like we'll continue yeah that I can do that I'm good we have a animal shop here maybe I can actually buy a pig oh if we could set it on there that would be the ultimate thing the spawn Works definitely be some sketchy businessman stuff but we got to get to a billion we have absolutely no morals or ethics here we are going straight to the billion dollars look at that look at that we did it that looks real there's a pig in there now you can't even tell it's fake look at that oh wow that actually totally did work you killed it I mean it cost me twelve thousand dollars and that was a lot of money but hey you know what we're making progress Sterling River lowball me and I'll kill you yes oh my gosh dude oh my gosh where did you learn to sell what school did you go to this is reread these from you real quick promise all around this mine promise yes a door here like we'll just pretend even though this isn't part of it we'll call this a swimming pool since there's water here yes you don't have a little hot tub dude wow they put some paintings in here like we'll really bring this thing together a little private tub wow this is something dude this started off like with me talking in the building of this house and I am coming out of this pretty proud that's what you call like super rich level like that's bougie the bouge the bouge lounge who's Lounge bro you know the sign is already being put up there it's already being placed the booze Lounge is ready to go I think we're ready to put it up on the market I'm ready brother selling home 250k no low ball or I'll kill you all right oh we got one we got one here we go so he doesn't know who we are there he is I'm just typing I just want to make sure he knows that it's seriously he didn't even look he's just bolting through this place I got so quick but I just got here to flip the house yeah yo yo come back hey we didn't get to pitch at you okay here's where the negotiation process starts do we have signs we need some signs I think I used all of them on some fake promises yeah I think you might have left okay well that's a that's tough we got one what's up fantastic y'all the Croucher friendliness that's a good sign right there he's reading the sign this guy's this guy seems like a serious buyer I like what he's doing here now we just want to get it okay makes me feel like he's Rich yeah I don't know how you got that I put a sign open to negotiate oh I give him some Cobblestone come on dude signs we started at 250 let's see what he gives us I'm like so nervous dude this is the best part of the videos no [Laughter] he's giving it all back okay that sucks I heard deep down inside got a couple bids here I'm gonna bring them in here we go cop top gamer I know this guy you've been in my videos dude don't lowball me all right buy this house he's checking out come with me come with me he messaged me you said 40K whoa okay first of all it's lit that's how much your last one sold for right yeah I'm not embarrassed but we want some just this painting is worth 19 million bucks a mess you said 19 million I said 100K will throw in the pig spawner he said he'll give us a nice sword in 50k hmm read this sign have you seen the bouge lounge come on come on come on I really think it's gonna be our defining Factor this is like so classy man said OMG to me I think he likes it yes bougie right he said look at this I think he likes it dude I think we're making some progress come on come on man he gave me 49k no no no no I'm not doing that I said I could do it for 285k I raised it nope nope 100K minimum 100K minimum I can do it for 285. you're going up in price he's on a serious buyer we'll get someone else we'll try one more oh he actually gave me a sword too and I still have have it well that's a good story scamming these kids oh man come come look look at what we have read these signs the low ball oh he's got signs he's got science this is good he's here to he's here to negotiate the the detention right now it's like through the room right we're all looking at this thing right now oh 100 deal just for you if you pay in next 10 seconds let's see if he does it he did it he did yeah he paid a hundred thousand yes yes oh my gosh we just flipped it hundred thousand dollar profit over double what we paid for the last one yeah high five for this bro oh my God he didn't even look at the inside this dude must have like some kind of like he must know something this guy has no idea what he stumbled upon he hasn't even seen the bouj lounge thank you also have a good day oh he's so nice so wholesome dude this is the most wholesome buyer we've ever had oh my gosh you're the best man what if he thinks it's like really good and he got inside and he's like hold up what did I just buy oh he likes that you think the painting worked I think I think it worked he's got his chest ready he's ready to move in man take spawner dude with us dude booze in the bouge lounge dude I'm telling you what if I have like a hot tub one day I'm gonna call it the booze Lounge you have I'll be disappointed if you don't yes that's a successful sale right there oh my gosh I'm so happy dude thank you I love this house you are so welcome I hope you have a nice day man oh look at all the Smileys what a man thank you awesome wholesome young man today we're at 900 000 and I want to actually build a gambling table and I want to see if we can charge some Mega prices for some Mega rich people in creation Bank for every flower that appears on these three right here they get back that many times they're bad so if they bet 500 and there's one flower they get 500 back but there's two flowers they get a thousand back and then three flowers they'll get 1500 back [Music] minimum of 5K per bet I'm gonna try to start it up higher I'm gonna see what's most efficient oh yes he loves the game okay I'll do I'll do 1K minimum boom dang it he won how did he win I'm in the hole man all right go ahead bid again what do you want again how is he breaking even and I lost three thousand dollars in like 20 in a row yes thousand dollars profit let's go hey get back here you lot he loses once and he leaves all right this business idea sucks I don't like this at all it seems very important this guy says TP to me to make a casino I'm gonna teepee to him chance if you pick the ore you win double what you guess has to be below 5K guess oh it's gonna spit out from there oh okay I see oh boy so I'll just say iron I'm gonna put four thousand dollars on iron [Music] [Laughter] folk all right our French Misfits guys back let's see if we can get some more money this dude just said let's play again if there's a flower nothing happens but if there's no flower I'll build you a house I couldn't say no to a deal like that so I just had to say yes oh TPA okay this guys are selling a house too let's take a look at it mine shaft themed crafting and Chester oh that's lovely pretty weak design here overall sitting area I mean I don't know what the price is for this thing but it's not bad 20K for this okay we can get that down NK cash right now 15K is the final price for this home fifteen thousand dollars has been paid this beautiful home now belongs to Yours Truly first things first we gotta lighten this sucker up like what is this oh secret hidden chest dang I was hoping he left some stuff in there there's so many items in here we could just sell every single item in here like I'll put actual fair prices out like all the Sandstone we could probably get a little bit of money on this stuff I'm just gonna start the sales right now I'm gonna price it at 500k or 200k worth of gear that way they're gonna be like Oh I'm just gonna give you the gear but even that is more than it's worth I think it's worth a hundred thousand all right we got our first person I think this is a beautiful start to a beautiful partnership I don't know if he's giving you things to decorate with or what but I'm just gonna pop these on real quick because this will definitely add to it got one the gray warrior check this sucker out dude give it a nice view take it all in beautiful location private luxury real estate oh is that a backyard I see with this private swimming pool and a fountain I don't even know this was here oh yeah all your food you could ever need wow isn't this crazy let's go on down why is he attacking me save me what's going on save me he literally just came here to murder us oh we're good 2V1 baby let's go you can't take us both yeah that's right you can't take us both you're scared you think you're good with your arrows you got nothing you got nothing buddy you got nothing I'm gonna die I don't know if I can even get back there thank God I can't you think how's that feel buddy back on that grind folks we got the house for sale now we just wait for a buyer we've got a this guy take a look buddy take a look here's the signs here's the prices half a million or 200 000 in gear what a deal what a deal you want this so bad don't you he said how do you have a nickname and no rank well maybe because I own the server come on okay I'm gonna show them the downstairs now Minecart themed it's inviting me to join his town I would totally join if you bought this crying so hard he's walking away and I'm like please you can flip this come back to me come back to me now I'm just trying everything give me this item give me this gear just 75k I dropped the price from 200. come on come on come on come on come on oh he's leaving dang it okay I told him I want one jingle item this guy seems to like it sometimes you like get a guy who like feels like this is the one I think this guy feels like it's the one this guy said I got better than that and I got spawners I didn't even look and I literally just said deal let me see deal before I see it okay well we just sold that I had to clear my inventory he gave us a whole bunch of gear I literally didn't even look at what it was and I said that'll do it folks that'll do it we got uh wow we got some gear aqua affinity fire protection mending Thorns I got a full armor now folks we will continue on our journey we are finally over one million dollars wait how do we go over a million what happened oh this guy if you remember from the beginning of the episode said he was building a house for us this is this is the house mushroom floor that's unique I'll take it you know what I'm gonna take it it's a free house I can't say no to it I mean we went from mansions to this thing with the weirdest underground area I've ever seen in my entire life I just paid him 30k for some new gear seemed like a good deal I'm on my alt account my brother doesn't know and so I'm saying increasingly more specific things to him he's just like well how do you know my family history or something else really weird about him or your dead Gekko that was echo of the Dead Gekko that is the greatest thing ever I love alternate accounts Gosh Look What We just discovered here guys this might be one of the most beautiful areas that I've seen this far for a house everyone that I gave prizes to literally are just selling them they don't care they don't want it they just want to sell it for profit that sickens me there's an enchantment store that's how you get crazy enchantments and I guess you can use these to get super rare items okay so this is the enchantment that it just gave me all right this is really cool this is how we're gonna make a ton of money you can go to the enchanter you can pay a massive amount of experience to get one of these books so I just got the ultimate enchanter and it gave me this restore book if I could get a really good helmet and then apply the enchantment to that helmet that would increase the value massively but it's a huge risk because if we lose the item we lose everything oh I'm gonna I'm just gonna wait a second make sure this one's also 200 000. this is a lot of money like a little nervous about this one to be honest with you okay we just spent 200 000 on the helmet I feel so dirty about that because that was a little bit expensive oh my goodness what are these houses what is this can I get a good luxury house what's it take out here to get something good in luxury going on this one says mess of biomes are rare you could charge people to be here he's really trying to sell this it's just an ugly house this guy says he wants to 1v1 for a sweet shovel so I guess if I beat him in a fight we will win something amazing he's got the stick I've got the stick we'll see who does better why'd I miss him twice why don't I keep missing him got him boom big hit right there what you gonna do baby are we probably like Golden Apple near some crap why are so many of my shots like not actually doing damage am I crazy oh I have is that his or mine one of us is spawning places I don't know who did that I'm gonna lose my OP armor and it feels like crap because I sold an entire house for this okay I just need to get in there with the sword this guy's out he's probably cheating there's something going on here I don't know why this guy's got so much help hit him with the bow there it is big bow hits big bow hits long distance bow hits that's what you want standing still I don't think anyone's gonna die this is a knockback tent stick supposedly it doesn't seem to do much why am I taking oh I'm taking like legit I haven't eaten that's why this is gonna take too long I'm out of here I'm going home oh wait a Channing table that's all I needed freaking out of here let's go that's all I needed this whole time was in a Shannon table to enchant this to sell it we're all over the place this episode we're finally there we're finally where we need to be spent a lot of money on some iron blocks maybe a little bit more than I needed all right let's sell these this is okay guys this is okay we are making okay finally Let's test this sucker out that plus that oh my gosh guys I've been trying to figure out how to use this the whole time and it literally just says drag and drop on item to enchant is that it okay well I'm gonna enchant it with mending so now this helmet has mending so we did buff it a little bit so I just need to get this restore on it you know what guys I just talked to my staff and I was like I can't figure out why this won't work and it says it's a tools enchantment so this will only work on my tools so I could do it on something like my sword or my bow I feel like I'm gonna use it on the jingle bow maybe this this is like a custom sword so we'll just try maybe that doesn't work because it's a weapon so maybe it has to be on one of these okay so we'll try it on this Mega bad boy this ax this will be a big risk oh I know it didn't work no oh no that was so much money I gotta do another that was so enjoyable to do I need to do more I need to do more I need more enchantments forty thousand dollars give me some Angelic four it's got an 81 success rate heals health over time whenever damaged her armor we'll put this on our helmet 18 failure rate and we just lost two hundred thousand dollars just like that oh boy I'm in the hole right now folks I'm gonna buy another couple of these I'm just a little bit other by 200 000 enchantment I'm gonna do it I literally can't even use this I bought it for 200 let's sell it for 250. I'm so upset dude I can't believe that we lost it what is this decapitation it says 91 success rate oh it's for axes well I don't have an ax because I know what happened because I lost it I was so upset right now I lost so much money we had a million dollars I mean hey you know what we could still sell this stuff and make a profit I'm gonna do one more I'm just gonna do one more reflective block why aren't you enchanting I know it's not a good idea but I want to okay guys I've been kind of stopping after this okay we have Guardians three it has a chance to spawn iron golems so we'll put that on here oh wonderful it didn't work just like everything else when there's a high chance I hate this so much we lost all of our helmets enchanting things this one's for Bose it's a 97 success rate I swear to God if this does not work why won't it work oh we did it finally we did it at enchantment that worked on our bow I'm so happy it took me a day I will just try to sell these for an enchantment guys we may have lost almost everything that we had we saw 300K we got a lot of stuff for sale in the auction house like this again we started with nothing all right we started with nothing and now we got all this for sale we're gonna start our own custom and Champion shop we're gonna make bank but now we got a bow that has a chance to enlightening people so that seems like it'd be worth a lot I'll sell it for 300 000. we've sold a house with Alex Lang for 100k some other items as well we now have 353 000 okay so we're going around we're looking for deals right now this guy's trying to sell this Mansion for 75k right now so I'm gonna scope it out and see if it looks like something I can flip two beacons in it like this is a pretty damn good house for 75k man I feel like we could flip this like for 150 easily okay I just paid the dude 70 000 for this house this is now our home okay we're gonna break this up there's too much Stone going on and I don't like that the staircases aren't even but I actually kind of like that this emphasizes the abstractness of the belt is that a word I don't know what a view right like what a freaking view where do you want the spawner at that's the real question it's such like a cookie cutter looking vase like he makes this all the time or something it's crazy I feel like you're gonna sleep here you're going to want to walk out into a beautiful balcony I don't know like if I could sell this for 250 I'd be happy I don't want to do it too much because I know like the people that are rich are not going to even consider it but it'd be kind of cool I think that looks a little bit better I'm gonna actually create some glass end tables when you first walk in I bought a head so it's like a little Christmas snow globe so you're gonna walk in and see that I want to put a freaking Bell oh maybe I'll just put it on the ground the heads give it a luxury feel that you don't get normally let's add some doors to the front and like that and like that that's interesting that is interesting I don't know how else to describe it was there like a Pit of Doom in front of my house was someone invading my home price starts at 250k you walk inside you're greeted with this I don't like how bland the window is we're going to do a little staircase thing back here you can walk on up on this wall give it a little bit more use yes we've got a spruce trap door here I think what we'll do is oh I just made Seven buttons did I just waste that on seven buttons oh my gosh buttons can open up trap doors let's find out oh they can okay well that's nice okay this will be our little underground spider spawner a little bit of detail a little bit of work we put in what I think we've spent a hundred thousand dollars so far in all of the building materials maybe if we sell it for 250 it's gonna be like doubling the value of what we put into it all right now let's see if the spiders actually spawn oh they do they do we got it finally last thing I want to do is segment the upstairs this is literally a home renovation guys that's what we're doing here today all right guys I think we're good and it's weird because it's literally like a house inside of your house we obviously added a little bit down here some torches we got some doors up front tidied it up a little bit and then of course the spawn room downstairs let's see if we can get our first sale today today I don't know what this giant hole is man that really throws a wrench in my hands here we're the visco girls scody coming in hello scody and welcome to the base 300K for the Mansion spider spawner room below yes sir yes sir oh look at this brand new private room with access to balcony oh my Lord is that for real lover fella are you kidding me free beacons everything that you could ever need included did you just buy a house and barely improve it and jack up the price like crazy yes what what what's he thinking okay he just straight up left yes yes yes here we go here we go here we go he's like following me around for the tour I love how polite he is wow look at that view I really want to focus on The View come take a look at that view oh my gosh isn't that great hey he's literally trying to steal my beacon I'm gonna kill this dude I'm gonna kill this dude you coming to my house and you try to steal my door and my beacon disrespect is all I feel wow look at this beautiful Zach this is so nice the I buy house is so quick maybe I just don't know how to properly value you a house but I feel like this is a very pretty house like what's it take to sell a house around here I'm just trying to make a living give my kids the life that they want you don't have to walk all the way around come on Lavi come on Lavi the art of the deal we've all been here before we know what this takes usually they don't put a sign down if they don't like it so that means she's at least considering it oh my gosh that's not really my type I'm dropping the price to 180k and I'm telling her it's an easy flip sorry but I just don't feel like this is the one I think what this needs though that I was I was thinking about real quick that's not a good design we don't have enough Windows here it's too dark and gloomy foreign something just fell down right next to me and that freaked me out I don't know what that was and I'm afraid to go look I don't know what that was um that was my brand new clock that just fell that's a very expensive clock okay now this looks a lot better I think [Music] okay now this to me already looks a thousand times more inviting I feel like the price just quadrupled we should sell this thing for like a million bucks right now I feel like this path needs a little bit of an update too oh yeah I got 40 of these now let's just do it in there foreign [Music] private location panoramic views with the new glass location please be the one this view is to die for what I'm just trying to sell this for so long what am I doing wrong we're at our sixth person he finally seems interested he just said I love it it looks good he's interested at least and he's giving me some pants for some reason now I just need your body 250k Brother come on French be my man he said I can do it come on baby he said he can do 250 he didn't even try to negotiate if this works we'll officially be over half a million dollars for the first time yes he did it yes yes we did it we bought this thing for seventy thousand dollars we invested about 10 to 20 000 into it total maybe that's a hundred and fifty thousand dollars profit for absolutely nothing the richest person has 113 million dollars how the heck are we supposed to compete with that oh guys oh my gosh this guy's selling a house and this might be the best deal ever look at the size of this thing this is massive this is a base and a half 60k negotiable oh my gosh let's go okay guys we just bought this for 55 000 in these leggings these these legs these guys get me for free last time oh my gosh this is so first thing I want is to brighten this place up it's far too dark for me see like look at this room this room deserves a giant massive window viewing over the table that's what you guys are missing Prime real estate designs okay this this room is far too dark we're going to add the red terracotta that we bought here which I think is going to add a ton of value to this house foreign we'll call it a welcome home chest Adventure chest a welcome home chest that's where you drop your stuff off when you come in and then an adventure chest where you grab your stuff you're gonna leave the house and go home another room with no windows like every wall here should be a window in my opinion okay see how much better this looks now you can look inside this room [Music] this is extra you're much better this looks when you add glass into it like that's such a simple thing and I have a view of the whole house you get perspective on how big it is it's just such a simple big Improvement I literally think we could sell this for unbelievable amounts of money at least the dude's got windows in this room [Music] I think we just tear down this whole wall here I don't think this needs to be so segmented open up the space a little bit like they do in those TV series they flip houses this is how you turn a regular house into an absolute Masterpiece this is going to come together so freaking well it's going to be unbelievable [Music] so I think we're ready to put this thing up in the market guys I feel like we could sell this for a million which would be our biggest sale yet selling home Rich only please do not TPA if you can't afford it this is going to take some time big house we need a massive buyer today who can get this thing bald boy let's see what you think oh yeah that's a front entrance isn't it Adventure chest welcome home chest the grand room look at this view I mean seriously think about when we first started come on buddy Grand room beautiful windows on all sides keeping the place nice and brightened whoever built this originally put some great work in I mean if you knew how to put Windows up he could have sold this for so much more beautiful window in the back a little downstairs area you're gonna like to see that I mean look at this thing I mean this is this is a selling point right here look at this view look at this angle did he just leave are you kidding me oh no he's still here I was like you can't walk away from a house like this look at that view I'll give him some signs to communicate with me here we go let's see what he gives us I would love a million dollars out of this I will settle for half a million because we bought it for freaking 60 60k what 12K this guy had 45 000 okay slurp the bean Lord slurp please come take a look okay this guy seems to be looking a lot quicker than the last guy which I like seems like a more serious buyer checking every single room every single room he can find this guy says it's only worth like 15K there's no way because my last one sold for so much more you don't know nothing buddy I mean honestly if I can't sell this I might actually keep this as my new home we could start stores in here we could hire people we could start shops like there's a lot of potential to make money I might actually keep this one now one thing he did say that kind of got my attention was he said he wanted spawners Bonners are really not that expensive this is so hard every single person is just trying to sell stuff right now I literally cannot make a sale please someone come by a mansion all right says he'll do 250. I mean that'd still be a pretty sick flip we'll start the bidding at 250k we got three people here see if this works now I got some competition here to reach into their competition anxiety and see what we can get the student says 450k final offer right now if he pays me it's his 450 fifty thousand dollars the house has been sold did some window upgrades and just sold it for what literally almost seven times the increase in price for this thing we're almost at a million dollars right now out of the 34 000 users we're at about one million so we're probably in the top like 50 I'd say as you can see we sold a lot of things and we're about at half of the money that we were at before we wasted all of our money on enchantments great idea that didn't work so we're gonna do that again today but this time we're gonna make it work all right legendary enchantment book Bob Insanity Fox 17 success rate how do I use this I'm gonna try to sell this okay we've got a regular Diamond ax so we're going to enchant the crap out of it right here this is the moment that we have waited for look at this book 93 success rate going on to my sword right here right now today oh it's a Bose enchantment I don't have a bow all right folks here we go here we go big play today implants one feeling lucky today all right I'm feeling lucky it's really good let's go baby [Music] I just wasted all my money on that so this whole enchantment thing cost us a million dollars at this point so we need to make some big flips okay so this guy's selling a house if he gives me a good deal I buy it I'll flip it it's not the best house but it's cute I'll buy this for 12K what a deal 9 500 okay all right guys I just bought this house for 9.5 K I need to get back on track with my money and first things first we're gonna do a little bit of sprucing up as we do in this series to get that cash flow coming ooh that's gonna need some fixing oh you left me a heart in there that's just the nicest thing I've ever seen in my entire life that's good I really don't think there's anything really else I need to add to this thing it looks great as it should be a quick easy flip welcome to your new home bidding starts at 50k I like to see a lot of people in these because then they bet each other up and they feel more pressured to do it we got a lot of people coming here now this thing is getting juicy full of people scope It Out Boys scope it out see what you think and sometimes I can't get a single person to go oh oh is this free free emeralds can't say no up to eighty thousand dollars 90k from Lab this is how we make money folks we bought it for nine thousand dollars 102 20. this is how you make money now I'm getting it back and I'll go gamble it all 270k 300 000 from the man named Lev wow this is a real big guys about to make so much money right here and I'm about to be crazy 500 . they literally are not stopping first to pay 1 million gets it that's what I said 950 left sold for 950 000. yes he bought it he bought it gosh I cannot believe we just sold that but I put the pressure on him you know these guys were here to brag who's got the most money who's gonna win I'm just kidding and just like that the series is back on track I'm ready to start my own store selling custom Enchanted items they're so hard to get people cannot afford these we're gonna start a luxury custom enchantment sales store or lose it all again [Music] foreign the elite enchantment book that gave us Cactus 1 injures your attacker but does not affect your durability for armor now that has a 97 success rate I feel like we can use this one successfully I just drooled I feel like we can do it zero dollars thank you Cactus one baby yes very Gucci Otto smelled through with 21 chance epicness 2 gives particles and sound effects that's all it does there we go auto spell one 91 success rate that's fantastic permanent water breathing oh it worked that is cool that was a risky one that we got Cactus Aquatic and protection I invest like 50k in each of these and I saw this bad boy for like 2 million now I need to build an underwater base and then flip it and include the helmet and be like this is how you get here okay well let's see what we just bought two more books chance to give the weather effect just not enough success rate for me I can't take the risks I've already determined oh guys we did sell three books we sold epicness for ten thousand that's a profit Auto smell for ten that's a profit and Ice spec for 50. that's a problem this is literally just straight up like gambling wow one percent success rate I'm gonna sell that for 10K Siri just said I don't know what you mean by hey Siri I have a fox that is not exactly nope Siri stop it subscribe to loverfella done thank you all right let's get a smoke bomb enchantment in here baby that was a risky one protection smoke bomb Aquatic and Cactus put her down okay so I took my mending back and I put it on this helmet and then I renamed it from tastebud to visco Girl Helmet to give it a little bit more flavor I feel like I could sell that for 150 but I'm gonna see if there's any more uh helmet enchantments this gives us flame protection three but we have to fix that we need to literally to grind levels so I need to buy a new house get a mob grinder grind a bunch of levels so I can start making these enchantments because that would really help to get that on there I'm gonna take one I'm gonna take one why not see what we get oh I bought all five for 105. oh that was a deal that was a very good deal oh my gosh I don't think I realized that he did that okay let's see what we got folks armor takes oh and armor enchantment does that work on helmets it doesn't it works execute for swords I'm gonna sell that so this is what we're selling right now literally every single book in the game and we have a 900 000 so we're like starting to make a legit profit from this stuff so you see a helmet like this you see it going for 200 000 mine does not have that many bonuses which kind of sucks I feel like I need a lot more this is a quarter million dollar enchantment like if I add this which is 100 guaranteed to my helmet it should increase the value but for a quarter million I don't know if I can do that okay I have two more of these things we're going to see if we get anything good if not that's fine whatever 76 percent rate protects wearer's durability items will take longer to break Aero lifesteal so I feel like we could sell both of these for 50. now I'm gonna buy a base for the first time in this series that I will actually be keeping this is now going to become my headquarters we're going to turn it into a shop in the future I just sold something oh I sold this Golems one for 45k this guy's trying to sell this private island for 100k this is such a ripoff this isn't even a base this is nothing wow this guy has bought one of the Christmas houses from the Christmas shop I would make this my base so hard what's your price I'll give you all 14 houses for six hundred thousand dollars I don't need 14 houses oh look at this base a guy's trying to sell that's nasty dude this is all you got to do it in chat folks look at this this is how you make a sale well this one for 12K let's take a look people don't use enough torches it's just not a good base guys I need a good base why not if you saw good bases I mean this isn't bad but it's not good problem is I bought every single custom enchantment on the whole auction house so now I have like a market on all of them and so there's nothing left for me to buy at this point I pretty much bought everything except this mine now Atomic detonate three very strong let's sell that for 150. overload 2 permanently increases Hearts uh I bought that for 100 so we'll do 50. gears three and this effect procs and X attack dealt you cannot deal more than the total amount of damage that's confusing seems valuable baby Yoda for 30k that's so funny I gotta literally like a million dollars worth of stuff of her cell right now which is insane can no one sell a mansion like what is going on I want to buy all right here's an opportunity for us guy this guy is starting his own Storage Wars all right so we're going to try to bid on these and see what we get I have absolutely what is that a map I don't know if we'll make a profit on this but uh you know what I'm here to win he has to buy it now and a starting vid 25k for this all right I just sent him 25 000 to get this storage crate yes yes yes he's letting me in let's see if we get maybe for 25 000 I didn't have inventory space I don't need the chest what I get a map rotten flesh are you treasure map what else did I get is that is that it I feel like did I really get nothing good in this am I crazy did you just like play me did you just play me I got a lover fell ahead I mean that's worth some money I put my own head on my alt account you know I feel so ripped off I'm gonna take this and give an enchantment to my sword 93 success boom insomnia 2. wow this dude has Storage Wars in the basement he's got games up here this is a game where you give me 100 to 1 million dollars I will place a bone meal oh that's the flower bedding because literally opened his own Casino it's absolutely insane I do get one free he has a shop oh my gosh this is insane oh he dropped me the enchantments to look at or is this a book that tells me what he's got oxygenate I don't want that oh he's throwing me all of them oh my gosh I'll buy them all dude I will literally buy them all I have no shame he said ten thousand dollars for all of this I don't even know what it is I just said yeah I'm gonna buy this I just sent him 10K we're literally going to be able to create the best custom enchantment shop he says will give me a shulker for another 20K sure all right I just sent him 20 000 for a shulker box that's full of a lot more one two three four five more I'm still getting books off the ground that keep throwing to me and the pants I feel like this was literally the best deal that could have happened we're gonna try to sell it all doesn't work though we'll just start our store once we find them 72 for glowing they're just giving me stuff because they're happy I bought it so we got all that stuff listed on the market you boys got 471k I literally am investing all of it I just want to see this is a better way to make money oh my gosh things got so much in are you joking what I gotta go somewhere safe oh my gosh get in here I can't let him kill me with this oh safe right I don't see anyone around here I really cannot die with this I did not realize that thing was so full there's probably like a million dollars worth of stuff in this box why do people do this let's get all that out of here that we can then pick it up it's okay what do we got here haste one swing your tools faster jeez this is stuff that I literally could start putting into my store I just don't have it oh oh I accidentally put haste on this I didn't even mean to but hey there you go I'm gonna try 10K for each of these eight percent 86 for that oh I like that let's try it yes it worked every time I do it I get nervous okay that sword's getting much stronger now fire knockback looting sharpness Unbreaking thundering blow insomnia what is this 92 haste three I'm gonna try it ah dang it a 93 success rate what are the odds of that not working seven percent I guess that's so disheartening kind of bought this house but I feel like it's worth fifteen thousand not a hundred and fifty so I'm gonna see if I can get them down ten times it's just not a good house it's just really not worth a lot probably turn it into something it's just yeah what is this you know what is this I don't like it I don't like it guys last time we left off you know that we sold about a billion items for sale and according to this we sold almost everything oh we got up to nine hundred thousand dollars that was the most illegal thing ever because you can only sell like four items at a time and wait we sold everything literally everything this is all I have left first I need to get those materials all right we'll just have to buy them manually cue the clicking montage got to be a better way let's buy that okay so we've got the basic materials here guys if this works we're going to figure out if Karma's real and then if it works that means I'll log back in and I'll get like some really good luck next time it's really just a Karma experiment so this seems like not where we want to live really TP demon tree also not what we want people want to live in the swamp oh that's not bad yeah that's it that's the one okay guys this is perfect I feel like I could flip this 250 000 yeah that's really expensive but look how many enchantments this thing has yo I'm buying that let's see if we can sell this for like 50 000. this Felix is worth like a million dollars that's so good time to get building [Music] oh guys people are selling shovels here we go here we go this is better it's efficiency five all right look at the difference the one we've been using the new one see now I'm gonna sell that one for a profit and I have a freaking usable shovel let's get our grass here and fill in some of these patches I'm gonna buy these sour light try I don't have a lytra now I do cool well that's it's a waste of money all right so this is like the foundation this will be the front of the house a nice little path and your boy already knows what he's doing for that [Music] [Applause] this light gray color looks good okay I don't know how smooth Stone's gonna look we're gonna try to do it do it yeah that does look good boom your front door is now wearing a top hat [Music] okay there's the front of our house real simple I think this Stone looks better yeah the stone looks better I got a vision for it still looks better is this thing super quick yeah good [Music] okay the front entrance of our love project has been completed I think the answer is a few trapdoors because those are our highlight pieces and they're pulling it together like here it just gives it a Vibe guys I should be an architect because that is incredible we should add a little chests here come home this is your like going out here you know you put it right out the front door so you never forget it boom big idea oh yeah I'm gonna finish the top real quick cue dramatic montage and let's just freaking knock this thing out [Music] oh okay guys there's the roof front entrance looking juicy it's Unique it's weird some people would say ugly I say gorgeous it's not finished yet guys I would like to give them ocean views so I want to make this back wall mostly glass that's the killer ingredient sales so we're gonna do like a half glass little gradient there and then the other half I think will be Stone okay now that's a unique back wall you walk in it's like that's a talking point your friends come over you got a literal Conversation Piece in your back wall whoa oh I'm hungry I freaked out I was like we're getting attacked right now okay that's that seems like a pirate ship kind of feel to it right there okay look how cool this is the walls are even but they're like also different you got the orange you got the gray the back will I still don't know if I'm sold on it's like still such a strange design it just I feel like it's too much so I'm actually going to redo that real quick now oh glass baby we did it okay now that has a more artistic feel to it maybe too abstract I don't know all right floor time [Music] I mean what a weird bass this is when you really look at everything that I've done here today there's just something very strange about everything that's been added the back's actually really cool too it's just so weird we gotta add some features for a noob should probably add like another portal and all kinds of that fun stuff so this will be the secret vault room I think we're just going to make it super tiny and then surround it like a three by three like a normal Vault would be like I feel like that looks cool right so now we're going to supply them with as much gear as we can so this is the moment you guys have been waiting for what are we gonna put inside of these secret chests down here just give them some basic blocks to build with for their own expansions but come on you guys really think that's what we're gonna give them but no we're going to load them up so I'm going into the auction house now I'm going to look for every deal I can find oh sour ax that's good get them some tools in here we'll buy him a stack of diamonds decent sword jingle a lighter this is a hundred fifty thousand dollars they're giving this away to someone as a surprise would be super cool I bet they'd love that sweet leggings for 40K those are good I'm spending too much money I need to stop all tools all armor they've got a lytra they've got diamonds they've got every single building block that I used to build this house and this one they've got a single spawner Eight Episodes of work just to throw it all down the drain here so I hope whoever you are you really enjoy this all right zombie spawner for 20K we'll throw that in we're gonna give them a little bit more by buying them a couple of these Enchantment books okay I literally cannot spend any more money so we're gonna give them three Elite Enchantment books I should like give them a little bit more functionality I feel like it's not very useful yet is it I can't believe I forgot to freaking furnish the inside I was about to sell this thing as is oh it's so ugly right now I don't like that little reading Nook here folks [Music] okay so to make it so they don't break this I'm gonna put the Anvil in the center what would you even do with the pineapple fire I don't know I'm gonna do it though I like to do is give them maybe one more storage like a little floor storage here just to pull it together a little bit I feel like the floor storages are underrated those look all right finally what I want to do is give these guys another portal I don't know exactly where that's gonna fit in the base this spot might be the spot we go with that is really weird looking isn't it oh that looks so bad nope that ain't it folks okay I actually kind of like how this turned out yes little walk away right okay now you can get on through boom so you've got another portal there and it looks kind of cool the way it's Blended in that's a good looking other portal man finally after an hour and 10 minutes of building it is time to get this bad boy in the market I'll sell it for a fair price so I think fifty thousand dollars all right guys we got our first person here 50 000 seems fair price for this bad boy come check it out he's a admiring the front entrance he's like wow that's Grand that sure is something isn't it oh yeah and underneath that is 500 000 worth of free gear he doesn't like it sorry that's what he said okay our second person has come you just gotta find the right person that the house speaks to and if this house speaks to him you'll look at it you're like okay not bad not a bad front entrance if you know what's there you'd buy it in a heartbeat feel like he's here trying to steal things you always want to open everything bro no one's gonna buy this for 50k okay okay he says No One's Gonna buy it I said non-negotiable now I'm like I'll negotiate 3K for this house three thousand dollars okay let's see if we can get that up I'll do it for 6K let's also see his inventory make sure he's a noob he is an actual Noob guys I mean he's got some decent gear but like not that good the stuff we're giving him is better than all of it all right he says he'll give me four thousand dollars for this house the series was supposed to be me getting millions and millions of dollars the last time I made an episode on this series I gave it all away to a random person for no reason who didn't even get the items in the end and so I'm mad and I'm hungry and I got no money trying to be a pretty much a business Mongol and uh take over as number one rich person I'm gonna have to use a voice disguisers hello Ruby this is xXx gamer boy hi are you interested in working for me yes thank you please clear out the trees okay okay thank you I'll pay you a thousand that's it hold back girl it's XXX gamer boy oh my gosh please don't hey it's XXX camera boy how's it going everyone should build me some houses all right all right get to work now we got about five people here working for me I gotta get to work here and build a new house I actually need to pee in real life I'll be right back gotta go train the Anaconda I only wash my hands if it's a weekend and it's still Friday so gotta keep them fresh that's how to keep my immune system up macro get over here make this house oh I understand now why you're talking why you said I'm like looking Mouse in the way I'm Max X gamer boy I'm only 13 years old yikes I gotta go I'll get some more people don't you worry yeah yeah all right dude get to work ruby what you making over here I don't like that here let me help you out a little bit all right there you go back to it we're building T-Rex yeah are you gonna live in that let's see a little T-Rex base I like what you're doing here dude that's creative that's clever let's go we got a tight deadline what's up pooh water okay welcome back girl this might be one of the ugliest house I've ever seen in my entire life what are we doing here I'm trying my best this is your best I'm just working off of what you left me a thousand dollars per day in game this is what you give me I'm making an investment in you well that's your fault first house is done here guys let's get our first sale of the day annoying Goose how are you doing today we'll be patient goose hey Goose how's it going wow okay Goose do I have a deal for you today this is xXx gamer boy coming at you live for the power of the internet back or while we're waiting come over here see the space yes what do you pay me for I'll let you think about it Goose Batgirl's already interested in buying a house here and I'm gonna sell this to you before you look at it it's an amazing house it is such a good deal that girl stop stop I'm trying to sell this to Goose stop stop putting all those golden diamonds and diamond blocks inside those chests for him for free oh oh my gosh Batgirl you just threw in an extra chest full of gear to the to the brim full of gear back girl that's still kind of you 200 000 and serious dude by accident oh 200 can claim blocks pay me 100k instead I'll give you half off for that and it's yours buy it before you see it that's how I do business all right I'll give you a 40 35k in insurers oh three thousand dollars that's gonna do it for us Goose it's a banger house dude let me go ahead and get you here that does not have a roof I want a refund oh sorry we don't that's it don't come out you're in Batgirl congratulations on that one you built it you get a little bit of commission here today so I'm gonna pay you that commission just sent you the uh commission payment right there that's a lot of money are you sure don't spend it all in one place come on down here Ruby glorious bass inside you got two fully furnished chests you got two crafting tables all the space you can need to raise your young ones right here starting price fifty five thousand dollars I I built this blue roof right there that's pretty exotic come take a look come on Fresh torches I just put up right there but I built this you built this so you're saying you don't want to play that much all right uh forty thousand take it or leave it pop dart's a buys it fifty thousand dollars that must be your name congratulations Ruby on your brand new purchase how did someone build an entire base in 30 SEC Pierre what the that's way too fast of a build there buddy for what we're trying to do here I love it keep it up if you leave you die thank you Batgirl for enforcing that rule very very Exquisite home right here look at this thing I'm gonna go ahead and try to get another sale hot pizza rolls you're looking to buy a new base hot pizza roll looking for some nice fresh fun exciting there I guess 50 000 signatures um oh you're gonna love it here it is no no no no just this just this the umbrella oh okay that's it it's an indoor outdoor living space very textured seats yep dude you're interested in a base sure trying to get a little cord hold Hard Cash you know I'm saying fifty thousand dollars and it's yours can I see you first see you later 50 000. all right welcome home go ahead and stand it's that single block right there is your base protected by lava for some reason we threw in the bonus uh package here at the glass package that was not on purpose yep careful there you go Lewis what do you think so far your base give you a little upgrade on that base if you're interested if you want the upgrade package all right ten thousand dollars and we'll pop it in okay there it is oh a thousand I'll take it all right step inside all right take a look outside look behind you do you say you're having a giggle mate all right you enjoy that bass no ball demon what's up dude what's up you trying to buy like a new base or something two hundred thousand dollars I have six thousand all right six thousand dollars new base go ahead and set home you live in the you live underneath this home's uh deck oh okay that's it Pierre come here go ahead hop down inside hop down in you like that yes 75k and it's yours I only have two hundred dollars 200 all right pay me 200 thanks dude you didn't buy the house it's more than that but I just wanted your money come on out okay how are you good oh me too sister I love venti fronti fappinos trying to sell you a little bit of a house today pink it's it's love it I got yoga pants and 75 000. no 75 000 show Abyss guys that's how you make a sale right there you speak the language of the person you're selling to welcome home yes there's no floor we haven't hired the contractor yet Batgirl didn't finish that's it thank you what's up Brianna you want a new base sure yeah that's a hard yes hundred thousand dollars in it's yours welcome home you got the you got the middle floor here that's it someone does live underneath your deck up to half a million dollars guys the Empire is starting welcome home thank you you need a new uh a new base or something I don't think I need a new base all right okay stop stop you don't have to keep begging big 80 000 and it's yours oh that's a steal that is quite the steal oh my gosh hot pizza rolls I love what you've done with the place I'm gonna sell it right behind you right behind you come on this way got you a lovely little uh Villa right here thoughts he autographs it and you autograph it about for one million ooh XXX gamer boy don't do autographs I'll go ahead and do it for uh a hundred thousand dollars done 500k it's yours you send it to me oh it's yours cheers welcome home dude who else needs a base a pizza hot pizza rolls you just sold your base need a new one do this one right here octopus base come on in I'm open to negotiate I'm a fair I'm a fair businessman what do you want to pay maybe 200k there it is it's yours a proud new owner of an octopus there you go I got so many Danny DeVito heads I don't know uh there's Danny DeVito heads everywhere right now and I feel like it's lowering the property value of these houses started from the bottom now I'm here one is to be famous [Music] yo welcome dude I've missed you man how you've been good I'd love to catch up more if you moved into my new real estate development for 250 000 I can't afford that how much you got 147 000 120k flattensers there it is welcome home dude her name's Batgirl she loves bats she's a girl Batgirl your own bad cave 50 000 take it or leave it we'll sell that to someone else can I get a new one what could you have done to ruin your home in 10 minutes you covered it enough you filled it all with Danny DeVito got a new one for you right here who cares do you want it or not 5000 just type XXX gamer boy is not lover fella so people understand see some people think it is now we come in together we say he's not people won't catch on what's going on here now as you guys know this might come as a shock to a lot of you I'm actually lover fella I am yeah that's true it's true geez one second okay one second we need to elect a mayor of this town what I can do is the mayor I disagree look at what I can do versus Ruby I vote look what I can do I vote look at what I can do all right look what I can do to the mayor congratulations now if you kill the mayor you are the mayor Ruby's now the mayor congratulations I'm just trying to keep some order here all right Ruby's the mayor now guys this is where the magic really comes into play you put someone else in charge as a mayor of your town you can see it's getting a little bit chaotic tensions are flaring that's when I come in I become the hero I save them and I become the mayor of this town then they willingly listen to me and build more homes and I become even richer I'm gonna go ahead and impeach Ruby we're gonna take her out of office and I will take over as a dictator just as we were before so never mind Ruby's better as the new dictator of loverville I try to give you guys democracy seem to have not worked so I'm gonna ask you guys to please you need to step up this city we need roads we need ambulance we need medical places we need flowers start working on the outside the grass the roads the infrastructure the pipelines the sewage systems how's your poop gonna get to the poop no no I think you just want to finish my Zoo right now but whatever Maniac you want to sell your base for how much you pay me 50 000 and it's mine I'll sell you a house there it is dude welcome home oh this is nice yeah it is yes [Music] Goose you dog you you Goose you can are you having a giggle yes I'm having a great time God I got a base for you you want to buy the base you send me 55k and it's yours sure sweet welcome home Yoko it's that diamond building right there this is a ripoff guys what do you think of this so far here everyone the best thing is the best thing ever we got a sale coming in everyone focused put on your happy faces hey Jordan oh hi how are you fine you look like you could use a brand new base yeah kind though huh all right how much 426k you decide how much yeah done 100 000 yep welcome thank you Roger did you build this yes I did this incredible thanks Rasha I'm gonna take it to my house create a tunnel oh my gosh oh my gosh Goose made a tunnel unbelievable look at what I can do if you find Goose I will pay you handsomely bring him back Pop-Tart hi hello long story short some of our players are resisting I'll put it lightly they're resisting I need someone here with a lot of force that can kind of police the area make sure they kind of listen you interested in a position here sure basically uh Pop-Tart rules are simple if you see anyone jaywalk kill them see anyone that are like just really breaking any laws in general kill him what are the laws no jaywalking no flying we jump no jumping no direct eye contact with anybody I see a flyer Ruby good good kill pop chart good kill I saw that we're about to go wow we got some cool bills in here guys Batgirl with the bat cave just got that thing started back road what are you gonna pay me to live here seems a little high I'll do a hundred thousand pretty good pretty good we got a flyer look at what I can do is flying here right here in the purple building take him down right now he is flying to the sky right now extremely fast taking down Pop-Tarts did Goose escape again get the goose back here each and every one of you needs to go out and build a quick house Reuben just jumped Reuben just jumped repeat Reuben has jumped he's entering the octopus Reuben is now inside he's running for the law Reuben's hiding inside now Reuben has got the police officer inside of his house she was just Beat to Death you're probably wondering why is there so many people in this Lobby chat right now yes well that's because I am making people's Days by surprising them with massive massive massive bases would you like to be one of those people what's to catch there is absolutely no cash what do you guys extremely convincing to me Jenna what do you say yeah well I want to join the farm okay great so anyway Jen I've got this base that a goose used to live in and it's for sale for 50 000. well okay fine welcome home Jenna goodbye Goose oh wow yes I like the design Choice there it is let's go guys through the portal come on follow me I'll lead I just died there it is guys there we go no jumping remember no jumping no jumping unless you're me we got a weather guys let's Beat It To Death whoa whoa look at what I was flying take it down to the ground take him down who just punch me your generous leader we need more staircases there it is bouncing around like a ping pong ball might be the first kill of the day uh oh here we go he's getting low he's getting low he's weak palms are sweaty ready to move into lover Estates with me it goes down is [Music]
Channel: LoverFella
Views: 353,784
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: loverfella, loverfella server
Id: HaV27PU0rHQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 89min 54sec (5394 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 29 2023
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