50 Ideas Mojang ALMOST Added Into The Game... (Full Movie)

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today we're looking at 50 ideas Mojang almost added to the game but didn't and if you guys can find all 10 hidden blobfish in today's video you win now our first one adds so many unique magical mobs to Minecraft which is something I feel like we've made it for a long time like let's be honest sheep come on guys I see enough sheep outside driving on the road in Ohio I don't need to see more of them our first one here is a perilous spawning it's just like a little plant but take a look at this you go in survival mode which comes out and gets you like that right that's pretty sick look at that but there's so many other cool ones in this mob like this dude how sick is that to watch these two battle each other we've got a few right now so the first one honestly this one's too detailed I don't actually like it do you talk to me do you just say something you talking to me no no no no I don't like them they sound too much like minions I got enough of minions this is The Grotto no that's my favorite look how cute that is hey buddy oh but even it's Invincible because it's so strong whoa look at this one it's like a float oh cool wow I don't know for me it's actually between the lantern or The Grotto wow look at this thing oh my God even the scream shakes wow that's kind of cool it's got like a little thing in its mouth little thing in its tongue a little tongue ring obviously you can get the Ice Crystal and it uh is from his tongue and this is what it does right right come on that's pretty sick I mean you just got a bunch of sick look at this sick look at this thing bro but before we look at the next mod we have to decide should this be added to the game no they'll look cool but I just don't feel like it really stays in the zone of Minecraft it's a little too extreme for me now I think we can all agree Minecraft needs more weapons like it's cool to have diamond swords and stuff but like I'm kind of trying to find like a katana look at this thing or maybe like a netherite spear that okay well actually the spear just looks like a wooden stick maybe not that particular item but there's other cool items in this mod like brass knuckles Minecraft is a game about fighting mobs and building there's not a lot of ways to fight mobs and I'm all done building I think the health actually is like a legit feature it's kind of fun I don't know I like not knowing their health is kind of weird why would they not do this like I don't know to me this is such a just a simple quality of life changing but look how sick this is a golden long sword oh my God whoa okay that's kind of cool we're playing Ellen ring now oh my God who know who this is wow Minecraft could use a combat update to be fair I like it even the way I crouch is different this looks so cool it looks like an animation dude it doesn't even look real this is one of the coolest mods ever I genuinely think there needs to be a combat update a lot of these features I feel like we'll make Minecraft feels so good now maybe I'm in the minority maybe people like just standing there with like a general sword and looking like this oh even this is different oh that's cool yo let's go all right all right all right let's say let's be honest Minecraft needs a combat update I think one way Minecraft could improve is adding more magic because all we have right now are custom enchantments and while they're kind of cool I feel like we need more you know what I mean so you can actually enter waystones in this mod I can put one of these down and I can call it spawn and I just save it say it's Global anyone can use it and then I go all the way over to my other base over here and I say something like uh top of Mountain Cliff right here LOL and then I also make it Global then I add one more over here by the way these have unlimited distance so you can place them anywhere you want in the world and instantly travel between multiple bases and biomes okay so then all you do is walk up to these right click on it and you literally pick where you want to go and it just takes you there you can jump around your base so quickly and effectively go in the cave instantly go to a different biome instantly I think this would be a really cool feature there's a reason most games have fast travel Minecraft this one needs in the game no changes to it Flawless execution hire me I will be your new idea guy 100 I'll ruin the game but I don't care it now this might be one of the coolest mods we're looking at today and honestly probably doesn't belong in Minecraft but come on it kind of does all right it's a Harry Potter mod Dementors uh is that a Death Eater troll inferious giant spider look how cool that is look how cool that is man they're attacking each other maybe that spider's too scary though I don't know about that but you also get broomsticks that you can fly on which is really cool you obviously have the Marauders map so you can actually see all the mobs around your other players and you even have uh I mean one looks cool but like I don't understand what that's not how you're supposed to use the wand it's not supposed to be a pokey stick it's almost like someone who doesn't know how to use chopsticks and stabs their food like this is like if you don't know how to use a wand and you're like I'm just gonna start poking people with it anyway weird way to fly there's a lot of weird stuff going on and you're probably wondering what this building is guys it's another sick mod that we're going to take a look at today this adds new nether structures to the surface which is kind of cool but what it does that's even cooler is it I think it redesigns the nether a little bit and that's what we're here to look at okay this combat mod has some major issues and it's the fact that you later they can't do anything except fight I don't want to fight anymore bro I just want to build I actually hate this now this is the worst mod I've ever seen in my life there's no way for me to break it no there's no way for me to break okay this is terrible all right so this is called an incendium pipeline oh cool so it's like mine shafts in the nether oh that's really smart why is that not a thing because nether mining is so boring pipelines would actually be kind of sick definitely like the pipeline idea let's try one more yo there's some really good ideas on this how about a pigland village all right the spawn maybe is a little off because it spawned it like in the wall but the idea here is like an actual Village for piglets I just don't know why it's in the ceiling it's it's spawned incorrectly these are cool ideas I feel like if you're a Mojang developer you're never gonna run out of ideas like maybe maybe this one like this giant Tower doesn't fit in because it looks like it's got snow around it doesn't feel right I don't think all of these need added but some things like the the caves the mines the labs like some of these are really cool so I like them and I don't think the combat mod should be added after looking at a little more it's a little bit weird and annoying this one is called aquaculture you see Minecraft fishing is one of my least favorite parts of the game because in most games like Terraria and in stardew Valley and all the others that you play fishing is like a legit force to be wrecking but in this version you catch 50 000 salmon and it takes you 20 minutes to do and it's boring this takes that and says let's make it more fun let's make it more exciting this actually doesn't make it more fun but it makes the reward slightly better this is equally as boring a lily pack all right I feel like I honestly possible is there is there a better neptunium fishing rod I think that's what we need I think what they should do is change fishing so there's less time waiting and more time interacting like stardew Valley if you ever played their fishing game it's legit because instead of waiting for an app okay I got another salmon all right maybe this fishing still sucks maybe it still needs changes it does come with some cool weapons I guess uh like boxes which you know oh that's cool The Tackle Box you could put by your fishing so that's like there's some decent features but like the Piranhas the all these feet all these fish look the same to me and I don't know if I like that like I feel like I want them to look a little more exotic what the crap those look weird what do I do with the turtle you can't put in the water just it's just dead just a dead Turtle I guess personally I would give this my lowest rating yet it was underwhelming and I think that it just took What stopped and made it suck equally as much sucky so I don't like it two out of ten our next mod is really designed for engineers or people that are nerds because it's full of sprockets and wheels and creative world Shapers and really it kind of It kind of takes Redstone and says let's take what's already difficult and make it a billion times harder there's so many things you can do so I'm going to show you guys the mechanical drill because it's something that I think I can figure out relatively simply what does it say hold W to ponder oh my god look how sick this is oh my god dude the inner nerd in me is just fueled with some sort of I don't know what I'm feeling right now I think I think I'm falling in love okay so now it's a little bit more complicated now that I realize what's going on here I'm gonna see if I can figure this out I feel like when I placed that it showed me where to place another whoa look how cool this is dude it's even giving me arrows there's so many weird details in this like it shows you which direction it's going that alone should be in vanilla Minecraft this is actually mind-blowing at this moment I don't know if I'm gonna make this though oh my God look at the door it's a train door you can build full-on train doors this is so cool wand of symmetry why is there no wand of symmetry in regular Minecraft bro what bro I'm actually like almost speechless on how sick this thing is an extendo grip look at this first one I'm gonna say every feature should be in the game because Minecraft is very specific about wanting to let people be more creative this does not take away from creativity it only adds potential creativity that is why I love it that is why it fits into Minecraft perfect mod 10 out of 10. you see Minecraft mine shafts I'm gonna be honest with you they suck they're not good so what if Minecraft came in it updated them with this absolutely stunning beautiful new redesign where every single biome has a custom one these mine shafts are just a slight tweak to the original but they just feel a little better a little more like a 10 year old girl didn't design it in her free time maybe a more like a billion dollar company made it that's kind of like the vibe I'm getting here you know what I mean you can tell I hate mine shops do you like reading well that's perfect because today's video is sponsored just kidding there's no audible sponsorship um unfortunately we don't we don't get those too often but this mod is all related to library stuff which is actually kind of cool because well let me explain this it's cooler than it sounds you can put down bookshelves and actually put books in the shelves but all of this stuff that you can place down is actually usable you can put stuff in all of it the sword pedestal if I grab a sword I can put it in the pedestal look at how sick that is look how cool that is like you actually put your books in and it gives it a new way to display it I think it's cool this is something I would want to be using now that typewriter maybe is a little bit too detailed honestly looks like something out of like a weird horror movie don't think that's the right move screw gun optimal placement I mean there's so many cool things in this mod it's crazy but don't get me wrong there's also some dumb stuff like a printing press like I don't know that you need a full-on printing press in this game maybe maybe you could find some use for it there's even a saw which helps frame items I mean there's just so many crazy things in here but take a look at the lighting oh it's ugly I get the lighting a zero out of 10. I'll give them models here like a four but the actual idea is kind of sick also is this like an entire book oh my god oh you know what actually I'll give you this one this is an update we could use a better book update Minecraft like why not it's not like it changes the game take a look at how many items our next mod adds it is absolutely insane not only do you get a ton of armor weapons and items you also get insane amounts of custom orange blocks this is the fire and ice dragon mod which literally lets you get maybe dragon eggs oh actual giant dragons you can even get armor on these bad boys if you tame them not to mention all kinds of other cool mobs like this little pixie look at this guy now what's cool about this guys is I feel like the dragons look like they belong in the game like this thing I don't know maybe it's from RL craft but it just feels right you can get hieroglyphic eggs which actually uh hippogriff that's a hippogriff so guys I picked the most unique blocks from this entire mod and I put them in my hot bar I'm gonna show them to you and I want you guys to guess before I place them which one's the coolest so pick a number one through nine number one is this jar if you pick this one you suck number two though is this thing which is kind of cool it's just a nice little decorative item a spruce pixie hovel now this one is called uh fire dragon steel personally I hate it because it just looks like an unfinished texture does not feel like fire it doesn't feel like Dragon steel obviously if you pick this you probably won we're gonna go through that portal in a second and I'll show you what's inside here's a mob spawner for dread Stones you got a cursed chest very interesting that's kind of cool I really think that that should be in the game I don't know to me it's either the cursed chest which is freaking sick or this portal which takes us two nothing it's actually fake yeah I mean I have no idea how to get to the portal there's like no instructions but you can see little like dancing skeletons down there I'll take the cursed chest and I'll take the dragon so my players literally have begged Mojang to add alligators into the game and for some reason they never did and mojing went on to say something that sounded kind of stupid Mojang said that hostile creatures like alligators and sharks should be fantasy creations and that's really weird because polar bears are pretty hostile when they added them to the game so I don't understand why they never added this I mean kind of to have so I think emojing did add alligators it might look a little bit like this they'd be swarming in the swamps which is pretty sick we have crocodile scoots as well all right this was a little item they would drop if you kill them I think it'd be pretty sick if you could craft some crocodile armor which looks like this the crocodile chest plate obviously would be pretty strong and it would mean you're a warrior of killing crocodiles they could drop crocodile eggs and uh crocodile eggs would actually hatch into baby Crocs let's go ahead and place down a handful of these and just see how long it takes for these bad boys see what they look like so when the eggs come closed matching they actually start cracking so that you know they're close so that one actually got a little closer I want to go test it though and see if these suckers are as dangerous as they should be what's up boys maybe oh there we go I gotta say I like it I got it I gotta be honest with you this is an incredibly strong start because these alligators need to be in the game Minecraft pillagers have a bunch of their own mobs already like the illusioner the vexes the ravenger right they have a lot of them the one thing they don't have which I think is missing and Mojang almost added was an illager Golem it is called the black Iron Golem so we're gonna spawn this in the middle of the illeger village and see what it looks like oh my God I I feel like boys that's a little bit excessive to be honest God dang if they get this thing never be able to kill it look at the back of it now he looks intimidating he obviously is much larger than a regular Golem we'll go in survival mode no armor and see what happens instantly starts to tackle what the crap is that oh he shoots out Fireballs this is a pretty sick looking mob here this little spin move oh my gosh he has like multiple attacks all right this is gonna blow your mind we have an entire hot bar of mobs then Minecraft almost added and didn't these are all related to the illagers I literally am so mad they're not in the game but check this out the first one we have here is the Necromancer and he literally spawns custom mobs that attack you which is unbelievable now we're gonna rapid spam the rest to show you how insane this could have been it was your king the Villager Miner the Berserker the Archer the enchanter and the frost Manser each one of these unique illagers is a unique way to face new bad guys fight new enemies unlock new spawns and territories to me this is like a no-brainer this absolutely should be added to the game let's see what the frost guy does I'm really curious oh he shoots ice spikes at you and he slows you oh that's like actually the sickest one ever bro now you guys might know what this is based on my inventory but this is something that Notch said he actually removed from the game there's some patch notes not released that said he actually added Herobrine to the game and we actually have a way to spawn him right now see Herobrine can be spawned by just using a couple of unique items in game you can put down some gold just like this oops not like that and then if you surround it with lava in each of the four corners like this put a redstone torch on all of these and then finally put your cursed diamond in the center it does that and then apparently Herobrine spawns I'm not really sure where the problem is I have no idea where Herobrine is now and now he's gonna haunt us throughout the video I feel like there's a couple ways Herobrine could look like and I don't know where he is right now so I'm just going to spawn in all the different variants there could be if Mojang added it there's a Herobrine stalker this one would just stare at you the Mage would attack with Mage there's a builder a spy and a warrior and each one of these would have different ways to attack or annoy you so this one just Sprints away these come at you and try to clobber you to death with swords and stuff it's a dramatic thing and it's honestly really creepy I'm freaking out why they gotta do that sound effect God why is the cow's eyes white why are these having white eyes what all right oh that Herobrine takes over bodies of animals in him and gets you that's actually a little bit of a bonus feature so do I think Herobrine should be added absolutely man so if you know anything about Minecraft you know that jockeys are when mobs ride other mops right you can have like a zombie on a skeleton like this but there's nothing in the ocean that's a jockey Minecraft actually added this one into the game there's a Code already here and this was the ocean version of a jockey that was meant to be added but we're gonna try this again you can see for a split second this command allows a drown to ride a dolphin that was the original design but then they changed it so the dolphin swims out instantly and they can't stay together which is kind of annoying oh there it is there it is on land you can definitely see that there's clearly riding now Mojang was also close to not only upgrading the pillagers but the villagers as well which I think would have been awesome because one of their ideas was to add a bunch of different classes to The Villages that actually helped protect them the classes include things like Knight archers swords and these new classes made it a lot easier to defend against what would have been even stronger mods unfortunately though these guys were never added to the game because Mojang said that villagers were pacifists they don't fight they don't do any damage no matter what do I think they should be added yes is there anything that I don't think should be added so far no this one you probably know about is a Minecraft killer bunny but you probably don't know why they were actually not added so Minecraft killer bunnies are extremely rare I do believe they actually are in the game they're added right they could spawn they have red eyes they attack you and they're called killer bunny and they're aggressive that's pretty much the idea they were added because of the Monty Python movie and then Jeb removed it and said that they shouldn't be in the game or something you said that they were dumb he really just said it's just another death message I don't know why it was removed I feel like it's kind of a sick feature to have one of these items was actually added to the game I'm gonna actually give you guys a quiz and see if you can figure out which one it is before I tell you our first one is the infected chicken it's a Herobrine basically it's it is you've got this one which is a fancy chicken basically there's just a lot of them all right here they all are midnight Amber blah blah blah the only different types of eggs which is really cool I need you guys to guess in the comments which one you think was actually in the game the answer is this one the diamond chicken this was added literally to the game this is not made up and it laid diamonds instead of eggs so these bad boys are diamond layers absolutely stunning looking and I don't really like the design but yeah when you kill it they drop diamonds so these were only added on April 1st they were there for one day and then removed from the game now this mob has a name just called the hovering Inferno and it lost the Minecraft mob vote if it passed it would have been added and this is what it looks like tell me this isn't like one of the coolest looking mobs ever now we're gonna show you what it does in a second but the particles coming out of it the design I'm not gonna lie to you it looks really cool but let's go into survival and see what it actually does okay you know what I can see why I wasn't added actually never mind this is terrible now we're going to the opposite biome now to test this next one out this is the Minecraft Kraken which was actually almost added as well the idea was they wanted to make the ocean more dangerous and so they actually put up a vote because between the Kraken and the Phantom and somehow y'all chose the Phantom God dang that's the dumbest mom I've ever seen the way the Kraken was designed though is that it would scour the ocean floor in order to find food but if it located you in a boat it would actually soak your boat up and then eat you as well so here we are in survival mode there's the Kraken we'll see what it does it's locking on to us now I mean I feel like the Kraken looked like this I understand why y'all didn't want it added this is underwhelming what if I go in the water is it cooler it doesn't even suck you in his mouth I just feel like that's the most underwhelming mob we've seen today it should be like Dragon size it should be like an actual boss that lives in the water this ain't it now earlier we talked about the crazy Minecraft Golem they almost added for illagers there's two more they almost brought in one of them is the Minecraft furnace Golem which you've seen already on my shorts page it's kind of like an upgraded Iron Golem but this one you've never seen before mojic never gave us an official reason why they didn't add this it was actually a melon Golem and it looks like this look I don't know why this thing exists if I put down like a generic zombie I'm pretty sure the melon Golem shoots seeds at it let's see here look at that that is the weirdest thing ever like I just I don't know man I feel like honestly if you had like a lot of zombies but a lot of these two okay I was gonna say they'd be like machine guns but they're like one hit and they die oh they kill each other oh they're really stupid so there's obviously Herobrines different types of mushrooms but those aren't what we're here to look at today we're here to look at the Minecraft clutch room again Minecraft played with the idea of adding it if you sheared it they would actually drop mushrooms this one doesn't though because we broke it because we didn't know how to make it right okay this is one of my favorite because I've never even heard of this one before I don't think any of you have easier either this one is a red spawn egg and it had a one percent chance of spawning whenever you were placing Redstone Dust we're gonna see if we can get one to naturally spawn here right now unfortunately we didn't get any so I spawned one in this is a redstone bug spawn egg they don't really do anything they literally just spawn when you're making Redstone it's really strange I don't know the idea maybe is that they would like destroy your Redstone but they don't actually do anything oh you know what I lied they actually damage you maybe uh maybe this would be annoying actually now there's a handful of other basic Mobs Minecraft almost added but didn't for example this is called a cookie cow and uh I don't know if it actually drops cookies or not no it doesn't there's also rainbow sheep they were almost added into the game but were never added these sheep are cool because it's not the normal rainbow it's just got the full entire Gambit of colors all at once and when you sheared these bad boys they would actually drop rainbow wool which is a totally different kind of wool and you can make some pretty cool bases out of this I don't know I feel like there needs to be some sort of rainbow block the first one here is the alligator snapping turtle these things are really cool because they hide in the water and if you are unlucky enough to step on top of them their jaw crushes down and absolutely destroys you I think it's kind of sick I'd give this one a five all right our next one is the mosquito this one's a little bit intense I'm gonna be honest with you I don't know if it has a place in the game two out of ten for me this is the enderophage it would be a new end mob that would spawn in the end and do some damage to you absolutely sick look how cool that thing is Man 9 out of ten tarantula hawk y'all have seen this one before super dangerous nine out of ten I think that should be added we got the void work I'll be honest with you I like it our picture this you're a new Minecraft player it's your first time in the world you want to go out and make a base but you don't know how to place you dig a hole and you just live inside of this little dirt hole and that's it what if there was a more fun way that didn't involve you hiding at all for 20 minutes until it was safe to go outside well there was almost a way to do that you see a long time ago Minecraft added the campfire and that made a lot of players Wonder could mojing be adding more camping equipment this incredible mod called Comforts adds what players were hoping Mojang would bring in and the reason they didn't add this is actually kind of wild we'll find some good trees that's part of hammock hunting you gotta find the best trees and then it's worth it here we go this is a good one there's not enough space how much space do you need there we go you need three blocks in between so that is what the hammock could look like and to me it really looks kind of vanilla it looks like it could fit in the game you can actually go on to and even sleep in the hammock which is really cool because Minecraft's never added a different area of a bed I think it's I think it's sick people make hammocks all the time but they also added sleeping bags you could carry these with you when you go out for an adventure before you do something dangerous pop asleep and it would not ruin your other respawn Point once you break the bed then your other respawn Point takes over I think it's a really cool feature it would be kind of game changing but mojing ended up saying they think beds are enough so what do you guys think I think it's cool Honestly though hammocks seem legit to me I really wanna this is kind of fun come on hammocks are cool look at the size of this tornado now a long time ago Mojang actually teased different weather types because right now in the game you have like one weather type you have rain but we now have hurricanes and tornadoes and all kinds of sick stuff in this version they never really gave us a reason they said they were going to they kind of teased it but they never added it so I think there's still hope they could add something like this right there's hope that you could have like crazy weather now now it was amazing idea Jang was first but take a look at all the cool variations you can have like it literally has every single wood scale you could possibly think of I really like this design all right to me this is cool but what makes it even sicker is that you can actually craft out of this wood so if I get like a full stack of the red because I feel like this one's the coolest now the reason Mojang said they never added it was similar to other features which honestly is like kind of stupid they said players will be less creative if we give them too much though like it kind of came out and kept using that as an excuse and it doesn't make sense our next Minecraft feature is something so stunning so powerful and beautiful that it would change the way the game is played forever but Mojang decided not to add what would probably be the greatest feature we've seen today my friends the vert slab that's right folks vertical slabs one of the coolest items Minecraft should add this doesn't take away from the game and only adds to creativity like all the other reasons they gave us why they didn't add stuff was because it wasn't creative right this is like a suggestion players won't stop bringing up first off so like Mojang is sick of people saying please give us vertical slabs please do it do it do it they said they didn't want to add too many blocks to the game they didn't want to make it like too confusing or too overwhelming but tell me in the comments right now if you would be overwhelmed if you had slabs I don't understand it I genuinely know this one makes no sense to me this is a cool feature it would really add a lot to the game in my opinion this one feature would like revolutionize the way people play Minecraft because you could bring an entire new element you know my only guess though as to why they never brought it is that maybe they didn't want these weird gaps right when you build out of regular blocks if you build out of like say a full solid oak plank there's no Gap right you can put it right there or the Gap is like perfectly one block if they start bringing slabs in my guess is that maybe it starts making things weird and too uneven and maybe they don't like that I don't don't think it looks bad personally but at the end of the day guys they are never going to add it they literally went so far as to say stop suggesting it they told people to stop suggesting it because people brought it up so much how crazy is that if you go to Minecraft foods and start looking at them you got a cake you got a cookie and that's about it the other food's really pretty Savory there's not any sweet Foods there's like no candy there's no like just anything with sugar but what if Minecraft really expanded the crop World Imagine harvesting a peach tree and getting peaches like it's giving stardew Valley Vibes it's giving Terraria Vibes it's very cool you can have a pair of sapling a pecan sapling there's so many other types of saplings and there's also different types of seeds you could grow now we're gonna look at five of them and we're gonna vote on one of the five that we wish was added I got seven seeds because I wanted to see multiple so we're gonna do seven we're gonna see which one's best first up we have blueberry eggplant hops kiwi oats and zucchini we're gonna bone meal all of these to me it's cool it's a no-brainer this should be added to the game I don't understand why it's not which woman am I picking uh I think blueberries I think those look pretty cool most Survival Games Ark survival evolved rust literally almost any game you can think of have a few common elements building eating and drinking all these games allow you to drink water you have a water bar you have to satisfy your thirst Minecraft though never made you do that it only makes you get food it just doesn't make sense to me I think there's a lot of reasons to add it but it would make the game harder so if you guys disagree let me know in the comments if anybody disagrees with what I'm about to say you're crazy don't even act like you don't want it it is Mega chests guys take a look at how cool this would be a glass chest imagine you have to build these little upgraders and you have to upgrade the chest all the way to the end gold chest Diamond chest glass chest it's just amazing and then if I put all these in here the fact that you can see them is even cooler look how cool that is man now currently Minecraft has over 30 different biomes but a lot of them are very similar a lot of them are also very old so what if Minecraft came and added a bunch of new biomes like the mods do in a mega update and I think the biomes could be just very subtle like this example here which is a dark Forest but the trees are just super tall or maybe some different colored trees like this something subtle I think it would be cool to take the existing biomes and just add a little more diversity to them like you see here it's not unrealistic to imagine a biome that looks like this and it's certainly well I don't know about purple trees but it's cool man it's cool do you know how unbelievably beautiful and peaceful it would be to walk through this some Minecraft music in the background a little wind blowing in your face because you got the window open drinking on a nice lavender tea That's what I'm getting from this area all right I'm getting my life is perfect I'm getting jungle leaves that are purple how this now uh um okay okay let's say you're playing Minecraft and you want to tweak some settings but you wanna you wanna get really technical about it what if you want to like change particles or change some crazy details or change the clouds or the fog or the sky or anything could be done and all it takes is a mod called OptiFine you can go into this mod and change everything from the shaders you're using to the Quality the performance potion particles terrain animated firework particles let's turn lava off and see what it looks like look at that lava animations are turned off now you see this this mod allows you to perfectly perfectly manage Minecraft in a way that is unbelievable but what what what why is this not the game well let me tell you guys this one actually comes a little bit of tea and by T I mean drama Mojang came out and they said we want to add this to the game we want to add all these cool settings to the game we want to buy OptiFine and OptiFine said no and I really don't know how Mojang can't force them to sell it or just basically acquire it but they haven't and so that's what's going on Minecraft has all these different breeds of casts some are from other YouTubers who had cats some are from like actual real death casts right it's pretty cool and then for dogs despite dogs actually really having briefs and cats just being called a cat like you don't go to someone's house and go oh here this is my purebred cat it's a rare thing to happen but but those they're all different breeds and for some reason all we have in this game is white dog so what if Minecraft changed it and what if we added something like this better dog's resource pack and they added multiple variants of our doggy boys look at this how cool would it be to have oh look how friendly they look they look so friendly now look at them emerald armor hello Mojang it's right here in front of you guys why didn't you add emerald armor to the game I think we've all wondered this honestly for a long time like why is emerald armor not in the game why can I not whip out Emerald bow or Emerald pickaxe it even looks cool man I use it all the time I feel like this is the coolest looking weapon in the game you even got an emerald Paxil which is a pickaxe I I I don't know what is a pickaxe ax and shovel like that's a cool item but I think Mojang didn't have them because they wanted emeralds to remain as like a trading currency they wanted to introduce it as like what you trade with and I guess it makes sense but I mean honestly we all trade with diamonds anyway and we still craft out of those so it doesn't really hold up I feel like this is a feature that would make Minecraft better which is why I would like to be the new CEO of Minecraft but I gotta show you guys the fireflies first because we found a mob that recreates it in a pretty realistic way not sure where to find these things they could be in the mangroves oh look at this can you believe something is Tiny and insignificant as this was never added to the game look at this it looks like a little experience orb now this one I actually like because it just adds like a little Ambiance to the game but you guys know like actually while they didn't add these like there's like a legit reason why this little teeny tiny pixel where are you this little pixel is not added to the game it's because apparently they're toxic to frogs like are you kidding me y'all literally have a poison potion in the game what explain this Mojang are you kidding we can do this look at the end of the day I feel like Mojang's got too much of a connection to frogs and it's crazy all right now here is one of of the coolest features Minecraft almost added to 1.19 it was Mangrove Villages and when I show you how sick this looks you're gonna be pretty disappointed as well because look at this they added everything you could have needed to create a successful Mangrove Village including Mangrove villagers like these are already in the game Mojang so why didn't you go all the way and just design this oh this mod here is using moss blocks Oakwood and surprisingly not a lot of mud now why didn't Mojang add a mangrove Village I have no idea there's no answers on Google that I can find it's the same as the jungle like they literally created the villagers as if they were prepared to do it and then someone at Mojang said you know what no the players don't want this the players want just the villages they have don't give them more than they deserve I want to know in the comments right now what types of things do you think the mangrove Village would do speaking of things Minecraft almost added and didn't they literally teased a drawing of this completed biome like it was completely done and they released it and said yo we're gonna add this crazy cool Birch biome it would be a birch forest and look really similar to this which first off is very beautiful to me like this would probably be one of my new favorite biomes to live in and finally replace my spruce wood bases I always make but second off is it really that hard to make promoting an iPhone website that goes in detail on why Birch forest was canceled this is the concept art they made like it's a actually beautiful looking biome it might be one of the prettiest biomes I've seen and then Mojang literally came out and said concept art is not a commitment are you kidding me all I'm saying guys we just take this mod we move it all the way over to Minecraft and we say hey use it the next thing that Mojang was teasing they were going to add was repurposed witch's Huts because like let's be honest they're boring so the theory was that maybe they were gonna add a bunch of new witch's Huts in different biomes like this one and the more I look at this the more I love it yo look how cool this one looks like adding witch's Huts to more locations makes sense to me because they're literally riches bro you think witches wouldn't just live everywhere trying to get their potions look how cool this one could look a tiger witch's Hut biome and it looks like it's in a Magic Forest which makes it even cooler uh I think I'm just disappointed it's not in the game I feel it could be sick all right now there's no mod for this one so I'm literally gonna build it to show you what this could have looked like but they could have added swamp caves this sounds kind of cool to me now not every biome really has an underground area so this one's kind of weird like there's no like grassland caves but I feel like the swamp specifically would work and if it did it certainly wouldn't look like this but it might look like okay so this is a very simple rendering that I just built but let me show you what I'm talking about if you look at a Minecraft world so much of the world is the exact same cave they're literally all made of stone that's it there's no death to them what if the caves had more depth what if that you went into different biomes and you saw different blocks and as you traveled in the caves you could see things like this underground areas full of slime because it's like a slime cave Mangrove type swamp biome I think that would be really cool because as you fly through and realize the limiting number of underground biomes you realize you could travel forever it is the same no matter what you do and to me it's kind of boring some people theorize that since there's now mud in the game Minecraft pigs could roll in the mud and get muddy which would make sense because if you've seen a pig they do roll in mud and get muddy so this is a custom made Muddy Pig texture pack to be honest would this be the greatest Minecraft edition ever come on tell me this wouldn't be great it would have no value to the game I don't think and I think if you got them wet it should wash them off but this is just a little mock-up but people know that they were like retexturing boats like the way that they now have like custom colored oars to match which took them a long time to do and then I'll have boats with uh chests in them the theory was they were going to add a four-seater boat so they you and your four closest friends could move around together they didn't add it you also can't lead them together so this isn't a feature and uh to be honest with you I would not get your hopes up I don't think any four seater mechanics are coming to the game anytime soon here is one of my favorite features that somehow was just forgotten about we haven't even gotten an update on where this stands but you guys remember when they teased archeology which seemed like a really really cool mechanic they just said hey hopefully they'll forget about it well we didn't and this is the archeology mod that shows what it could have looked like in game it's gonna take me a really long time to find it because this exists on a very old Minecraft version there's no command to find so I will literally fly in a straight line until I find this let's see how long it takes did I find one yo I found one wow that's not as long as I expected actually okay so this is the archeology station that almost was added and uh we got the archaeologist who trades that for biofossils or skull blocks for emeralds wow this is kind of cool all right let's see what's inside the tent obviously a broken door I don't think you should have built here but uh he has the archaeology's workbench and the sifter that is cool now I'm not 100 sure how we're supposed to dig in this and is that bouncing bro I'm not even sure what we're about to fight here some sort of like oil monster tartar sauce it's tartar sauce okay well let's dig down here you can't even break the tartar I don't know how you break it you have to cover it up oh you do okay so first we're gonna cover up the tartar sauce and then I guess we start digging and see what we find I'm not really sure there must be fossils in the ground I'll then go deep in the ground and see if we find the fossils oh there they are so you literally go into the mines collect fossils from down in the mines then you bring them up sift through them collect the fossils and you can create cool items some of the items that could be in fossils are included here now there's a lot of them to be honest with you it might be a little bit much like I don't know if we need like full-on dinosaur materials and like whatever this uh that looks like some kind of weird curse monster a bubble blower I don't know how that got into this one but that's pretty cool but there's a lot of other features like really cool swords that tie into it actual fossils fossil armor Amber stone tablets a whip I don't know about that one wooden Javelin there's so many cool items that could be related to fossils but unfortunately Mojang said no in all of our dreams burned up in lava so there's a lot of things in swamps and mangroves that people really were expecting for this one they didn't look like the swamps in Mangrove would have extreme fogginess like a real swamp it'd be creepy kind of like a more horror for the game the best I could do is lower my render distance down to three but imagine that it was literally in my face like imagine that fog is how the game normally was in the swamp biome like you're walking through it it's way closer everyone watching this right now who plays on like a computer with a very bad processor is like yo this is already how I play Zach there I already have this feature but it'd be kind of cool to have more of a creepy swamp like where you don't really know what to expect where it's just dark it's it's dangerous I thought it would be added I thought they would do some minor biome overhauls like this they didn't and I think they said they said that no plants so this one ain't coming another swamp Mangrove feature we thought we would see which you might have seen previously is an alligator we thought they might add it but Mojang confirmed once again they're not adding any dangerous mobs into the game despite adding polar bears swords toys and Potions dragons fire shooting demons Withers and the warden along all the other dangerous mobs now mangrove swamps actually are known to have a lot of other animals in it and so it'd be kind of cool if they added some of these other ones as well into the swap with our low render distance mangroves actually have a lot of shrimp now I don't know if they're meant to shrimp but this would be one of the coolest additions but they also sometimes have jellyfish so I think it'd be kind of cool if you were swimming through the swamp and you had something like this to see it below you might make it a little more dangerous a little more fun maybe something you can even collect in a bucket although I don't know if you want to be eating jellyfish it'd be a really cool feature if they added it last year this item was leaked this is an official leak from Minecraft on Reddit it was a Mossy log which we were expected to get we never did by the way if you eat the jellyfish this is what could happen to you I just feel like this is kind of cool and I wanted to show it because I didn't know what I was seeing in my inventory come on that is absolutely amazing swamp biome should have added something like this it's pride month two would have been perfect all right but anyway there's a couple more things they almost added besides Mossy logs we don't have any examples of these now it turns out these are actually a fake leak and someone just tricked the entire world into believing they were coming but uh we can assume it would look similar to this which still would have been kind of cool but whatever there was also an old tweet from a Minecraft developer that said Birds would be coming to the game like more than just parrots and so players thought you might be seeing things like these hummingbirds or maybe things like the Sunbirds those won't be a little bit extreme but any type of bird was expected and then the Minecraft developer deleted his tweet so it doesn't exist anymore and none of that was ever added sounds like my guy went off the deep end and uh maybe even got fired for it not really sure but one of the most interesting theories as to what was almost added to Minecraft has to do with this portal shaped structure in deep dark cities because according to this post mojing added a new dimension into the game but never officially released it it was mysteriously removed because the early on name for this item was the portal and so players assumed it would come to life or will come to life at some point in fact the official name is small portal statue and you can see there's a couple of different variants of this the smaller and the larger variants what's even more interesting about this theory is that King B dogs the guy's username who created most of the deep dark and Ward and stuff for Mojang was the original creator for the aether mod in Minecraft he made arguably the most famous Minecraft dimension mod ever and was working on a project that had an item called portal that is very weird and could potentially mean that at some point this might be ignited and lead us to the Minecraft's fourth dimension they said I'm not going to add any New Dimensions until they update every biome in Minecraft which means the end update will probably happen before we see whatever this leads to guys thanks for watching click here to watch more bye
Channel: LoverFella
Views: 739,902
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: loverfella, loverfella server
Id: C27RAeaRyK4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 21sec (2181 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 17 2022
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