100 Days, But It Gets More Realistic Every Day...

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this version of Minecraft looks terrible but every time a new day Dawns Minecraft gets more and more realistic and by day 100 it's gonna look amazing and not only will the textures improve but I'll add realistic mods they're just so so cool so this is the world this is what I'm working with and I'm I'm falling in powdered snow so I think these are trees I I'm getting this boost I don't think Minecraft does ever looked this bad can't even see the crafting menu okay I've got planks got my crafting table and my sticks and I've got a wooden pickaxe so now I'm going to attempt to find Stone I think there's some down there what is this is that a mushroom and a dog I haven't got a face at least I've got a face I think I can safely say the system no I think it's it's dirt ah okay stone is slightly lighter right yes I'm mining some up and I can make a better pickaxe and all the other tools this really is hard work my only goal for this day is to get a bed if I can sleep the night away things will get more realistic and I might be able to tell what I'm doing a bit better even water looks weird completely great I'll get some extra wood at least I can tell if something is a tree or not what is that is that a me it's strange whatever it is anyway all I'm interested in is she and that looks like a biome where there's grass so there's more chance of finding one and I'll get there as long as I can survive this powdered snow great a creeper well it's nice to meet you it's got some cold from that yeah it's going dark this is bad news surviving this night is gonna be very very tricky sheep okay that's one that's two and there's another one here there we go we get out of the way I didn't realize I'm in water here you can't even tell can you until you go like that let's make this bed then I can get to sleep and things are looking slightly better today yes everything does look very pixelated and very blurry but I can at least tell what things are a bit better and I can begin collecting some food food that I can cook in a furnace and there's more cows over here too so now that I've got food things are looking a little healthier and I'm gonna make sure I keep collecting it don't worry pigs you're safe today I'm only going for beef I reckon down there is a pretty good cake but drips don't want to be exact finding games probably not gonna be easy this is either iron or oh dear I just realized I don't have that much health can I forget that it's just mobs everywhere don't you thankfully if I keep dodging and weaving I okay well I'm still gonna get hit there we go copper Orion ladies and gentlemen I think yeah he's coming what is this okay some sort of dirt is this iron nope it's cold that this is a rubbish cave I'll be glad when the textures improve a bit but for now I'm just gonna grab coal because I know what that is is that iron I think it is you know it is just a shame that it was only one piece nope eight it was two and apparently I'm mining lapis right how am I supposed to know this definitely worth getting this melted and I'm gonna try and work out where I put the crafting table it's not a crafting table okay it's easy to lose things in this pack from there I am making a shield and theoretically I should be able to defend myself against mobs much better now despite that I am still getting it out of here looks like it's nighttime it's an Enderman over there I've got to go for it at least I would do if I could make a boat but I can't oh yeah I can I've got 24 Spruce locks okay I'm just blind although you can't exactly blame me for being blind when the world looks like this you've got to let me off guys let's get you in there fantastic and I deal with The Spider and the two creepers and hopefully he'll drop me an ender pearl did he I don't think he did oh wait hang in a minute I've got one there okay it doesn't look like one but I've got it with that I think I can happily go to sleep and things today are looking good it's it's just normal Minecraft in black and white I think so oh no it's on fire I feel like I'm playing Minecraft in the 1950s guys and whoa I nearly just jumped in there because and then I realized it's fire so it's lava it's not water good to know about that though for when I want to go to the nether just in case and I found a much better cave plus I can see what the odds are much better now although having said that it's not like we struggled for coal I think yeah pretty we've already got 30 29 coal now we're gonna have 30 31 and 32. but the thing I care about the most is iron can we find more iron and the answer is yes yes we can so that'll be just what the doctor ordered it allowed me to get iron tools a bucket you know all those useful kind of things and it makes me glad that I mined up so much coal a little bit more iron here might as well make another furnace whilst I'm here because I am nearly well I'm getting low on state but we've got loads of raw beef and this is great I'm making the iron duels fantastic that is all the steak cooked as well as the iron smelt it and look at it down here it looks insane resign on the way although there is also mobs on the way I should be careful and probably get rid of them first well now that I've got these tools I don't know what I'm gonna use the iron for because I'd rather just save them and then use diamonds from don't trust yourself to MLG in this so I'm gonna slowly go down and grab whatever I can find down here is that a diamond well well don't tell you something one heart I just realized this is very dangerous okay just or half a heart now these drips don't have very you can't drop onto them from any height so you've got to be so careful I think that's a diamond though right have I got enough space to eat I think so without the red hearts it's really hard to tell how much healthier but I think I'm now safe to go back for those diamonds that well I think the diamonds anyway let's see okay it is fantastic all right creepers blow up and get them there you go and I don't know is there any more diamonds under here yep another one they're definitely not easy to find so I think I've done well to find two wonder what this was it's Redstone okay I'm not interested in any Redstone and the core is back it must be the next day honestly guys it looks so saturated and so bright after playing in black and white man I've really been taking Minecraft colors for granted all this time and it really does make finding diamonds much much easier so simple Jing is a bit more straightforward too that's another Diamond there and I just walk right over one so I'll grab that as soon as I okay this is bad now I'm getting surround on all sides seriously this cave is awful well I suppose it does have its good quality too though without diamonds you just gotta make a chest platon yeah it's gotta be done also wouldn't mind dealing with this Enderman who didn't give me an Ender pull and then I'm gonna attempt to get out of here in one piece which is gonna involve staircating my way out mission accomplished I'm convenient I can sleep to see what gets updated next and the trees the trees look so much better everything else is normal isn't it yeah it's just just normal textures but then the trees just make Minecraft look more realistic in general it's really weird so day by day Minecraft is going to get more and more realistic and that's through the textures but also through the behavior as well so there's mobs that change the behavior to make it more realistic too which should be very very cool indeed I also think it's about time that I mine up for look at it look at the detail on that but yeah I should mind all four of these and then I can make myself a smoker just to cook food much much faster now my next goal I think has to be to find a village looks like the sun is sitting so I can go to sleep and for day six if you break a tree the whole thing breaks because that's way more realistic also makes getting wood so so much easier and now as I jump in my realistic boat I can continue the search for a village there are acacia trees I've had so I'm hoping that there's a village in the savannah not what I was looking for but a ruined portal and what goodies are in the chest a bit of obsidian and a bit of Flint is good enough for me and a few gold nuggets that can be turned into ingots as well another lava lake and another massive cave but most importantly up ahead there's a village just in the nick of time too because it is time to get dark and it means I can steal one of their beds because you know I prefer a yellow one they're a bit more interesting look at these doors how cool do they look oh no oh oh dear oh dear well you build your house over a lava leg what'd you expect mate mate I don't want to panic yet okay I mean how can you sleep through this your mouth is on fire that is literally the definition of that this is fine meme well I'm just gonna walk away and go to sleep and now my weapons tools and armor look way more realistic doesn't this building look cool oh you look very very normal I suppose I suppose I can look normal part of my armor but the inside I love the wood now where's that burning house is the village still okay all right it's time for a rescue mission he doesn't look Abel is just shaking his head you see good sir you should have built the floor out of cobblestone then you would have been much safer allow me to remove all the lava and put out the remaining fire you know what I think you can count yourself looking that he's still alive we have a blacksmith here and inside the blacksmith oh look at that diamonds and iron that's that's one of the best chests you could get I feel like and I'm gonna use this to make a diamond pickaxe and it also like to steal the grain Stone hope you don't mind no you probably see why I wanted to visit a village I'm not going to do anything else here now but I will remember where it is I can trade with them the next thing I want to do is try and get a few more diamonds which means trying to find a half decent cave something I was unsuccessful at don't you worry though I'll block up the water grab this iron and begin digging down looks like I've dug into a mine shaft and I reckon mine shafts are always good places to find diamonds especially ones that are this Lowdown underneath just another massive water cave with a diamond let's grab it and even better it's two I don't have the space for these quick we don't want to lose that although I also don't want to drown let's let's just do to get some blocking is there any more here indeed that is and so the search can continue the very successful search this is Diamond number seven and there's more fantastic in fact this is like a it's like a vein of nine it's crazy or even more is it two veins to get how did I get that did I just get 11 Diamond no I got 12. never have I ever found that many in a single place okay I can make the full diamond Hammer already I look pretty cool don't I don't know what's going on with my eyes but what is this helmet let's not question it all right it's just more realistic and speaking of more realistic am I able to sleep and update things even more I can and now the entire cave looks so much more realistic I mean look at the point in a drip Stone it looks really really cool and look at that and look at the oh the Deep Slate's fantastic I love it plus I've got a mines can't get oh I can't stop finding diamonds at the moment apparently tough sadly didn't get the treatment but everything else it also oars didn't either okay interesting looks like mobs yeah is still not realistic let's go down did I just what did I even I don't know I haven't I think I landed on drip Stone but still I'm all cheated it's weird that one thing I do know though is I'm a bit injured from it thankfully I have fantastic diamond armor also need to be collecting gold when I see it if I have space for it since it will be quite useful when I eventually go to the nether the cave looks so weird when it has the all's not been realistic but everything else is quite looking forward to when all of the other stuff is also spruced up this is spawn up ahead okay I don't like you guys one bit come on we could we cannot get hit by him I can do this ice too okay well we got poison there we go might as well embrace it although I've gotta be careful now half a heart um yeah maybe take these guys on was not the best idea I think mine shafts are one of the worst places right we got rid of him come on just get rid of the spawn if anyone can do it it's USB 737 and mission accomplished that now unlocks new areas and allows me to explore more aha Diamond not far off having every single one that I need at this point I think but since there's more to explore I'll search that a little bit extra and it's also always cool to find a nice little Lava Lakes like this they're nice and light no mobs can spawn and you just never know what you might find also my biggest goal is just to get another right helmet because it has to look better than what I've got on right now that's another day done and this has been a pretty good day it's updated yours okay things are looking much nicer it makes me what on Earth well they always look better until you do that what why is it like that oh they look cool very strange I better break it yeah once you start breaking you've got to fully commit is it the same for like gold and stuff no Gold's fine but Redstone all the actual things themselves are up there all the ingots as well look at that and the Diamonds oh nice but Redstone Redstone is just really weird that's a straight draw that's about oh we've got are they are they diamonds is that what a diamond door looks like let's say it is oh it's very satisfying to mine when it's like that makes me want to just find more diamonds I want to find all those now look at that fantastic what the heck how is there a chicken down here okay well nice whoa no oh this is this is very very sad I'm gonna take my helmet off for this one like equals one rip for the chicken I think I've seen everything that there is to see in this game so I'm just gonna dig my way out and if I find another cave on my way out well as I say I'll continue exploding looks like I got my answer and what is this is this iron no way oh that looks so cool it's completely different from vanilla Minecraft and in my opinion it looks way better I've also already been here it just connects to the mine shaft I was in before so I shall continue my escape from this place copper looks quite nice as well I mean I don't actually want the copper but the actual look of it oh why is that why is the actual or not like the other ones better cool cool stuff feels so weird having realistic Stone but then the dirt is not okay very much out of place okay we've made a successful Escape anyway and it's dark so I'll find a safe spot away from that creeper to get some sleep and just as I was complaining about the dirt and the grass it now looks way way better look at that it fits in nicely with the stone the trees look real I love it I think this is this is great and since I have so many diamonds you know what these are both going and I'm crafting some nice brand new ones can't say no to extra beef I wonder when the mobs will become realistic because these there's they're nowhere near at the moment are they and there's a village now is that the same yes it is it's got the same burnt down house I was just curious so I reckon it's in my best interest to go searching for sugarcane which still looks terrible by the way then I can make paper turn them into books I put case and a like to turn now there's like turns okay they look very normal I put simply the plan with that is to try and get prop 4. and the villagers stuck in this house is the one that's gonna do it you think you can get to that job site blocked here well you're an idiot now you can never leave I'll tell you what this is a cool place by the way cool house what are you trying to do where are you going you're going nowhere no instead we're gonna get you in here we're gonna get the leg turned down and you are going to all the emeralds look amazing speaking of emeralds I don't actually have any so I should I should probably work on that I'm not gonna work on that you may be wondering quite simply I'll make an iron hole mine up all these hay bales that someone just left lying around and eventually sun to a villager when they actually come to the job site block maybe it's too late in the day whilst that way I'll just continue stealing their eye Bales and apparently the Redstone isn't the only texture that's broken in this video oh well the checkable pattern looks kind of cool if you ask me and the grass path look at it you can tell it's like not a proper Square I like that a lot absolutely ingenious and I wonder what will update when I go to sleep this time torches torches are on fire why is that not burning okay well that's that's interesting but wow they look nicer these two yes I'm impressed it's also good there's a deflection table there I could use that to sell sticks but Thelma's back but is he buying wheat he finally is let's go and turn okay I didn't have enough space don't you no no no I just stole loads of quit ah well yeah we'll just wanna lose some again let's just uh keep giving it to him definitely it wasn't part of the plan that but I got exactly definition about it maybe setting up a chest so I have a little bit more inventory space would be a good idea there you go villager more wheat for you and more emeralds for me you know what you can have these you you want them they're all yours and the thing I need right now is more sugar cane since I am gonna need one more book and I also reckon I'm gonna need more emeralds thankfully yes it was realistic Minecraft so trees if you break the bottom the whole thing collapses we could get a lot of wood very very fast don't know why I'm sticking to Birchwood I guess come on 18 would be proud that I am running the world of birch trees but to be quite honest there's way more Oak so I I should probably start going for that today is a great day for you sir and hopefully it'll be a good day for you pretty soon as well oh my goodness I literally just got that so far 52 emeralds though are you kidding me there's no way I get that again so fast though I've just got to buy the ball so we desperately need to not lose that trade I don't need very many emeralds I can get the wood really fast and I'm definitely mining every oak tree I've got to where does the Fletcher sleep is it are you the Fletcher nope the farmers in here another farmer where is it just remembered I trapped him in so he couldn't escape yeah now it's all coming back to me no wonder I couldn't find you anywhere right I just need three emeralds mate all right no nothing too crazy one two three then I can lock in this trade and go to sleep without worrying and oh my goodness you guys do not love this what this looks so cursed oh my God what is that face whose face is that what oh you've got different this is oh my goodness this is I did not expect that you just got such a baby effect yeah all right it well um that was an interesting uh an interesting upgrade for today and the cows look um cows look kind of crazy although it's very cool that there are different colored cows like different variants the Sheep they have real wool look at it oh the faces as well and they've got different types of faces okay well very good anyway can I get the sidetracked I have got to get 156 emeralds and whilst are these 10 stacks of wood something that sounds very very difficult I don't think it'll take me that long with this trusty ax progress isn't too bad so far over seven Stacks but it is getting dark so I'm gonna quickly do some trading and then after this I'll be able to sleep and it'll mean it'll restock his trades a little fast I still can't get over how weird you look by the way so whoever's not real faces I feel bad but you know it just doesn't look right on a villager the squid on the other hand that looks kind of amazing doesn't it on this day flowers have had a makeover now they're real you know have you ever seen a real more real looking flower than that everything looks weird when I zoom in the Toads however look always look amazing that's more animals for you and more deforestation for me oh I never thought of this the massive jungle trees I wonder what will happen if I break one of them does the whole thing come tumbling oh it does that's got to be the fastest way to get the wood I could just do it instantly look at I can't even fit it on the inventory I don't know why I didn't do this sooner the only something is it still uses the full durability of what would take to bind the whole tree so I'm not going to break this one I think I've probably got all the wood I need and I'd like to save this actually I just feel like I can't be taken seriously as I'm saying I like to save me Ax where possible so let's let's get back and do some trading all right may you take these and in my opinion one Fletcher is just not enough no I'm crafting a second Fletching table and this guy here you yes wait so if I were to trade with you never mind not you how about the guy whose life I say you didn't like that last time yeah you could be uh you could be my other Fletcher which means your Brewing stands getting broken and stolen I think I could always use that right I'm gonna get some sleep and this has made disguise fancy and my disguise fancy it's made the sun look different is that all fixed it had to run extra mode and now it looks way away but now the skies do look fancy and I can continue trading for all the emeralds that I need the prices have gone a bit extortionate but I now have every single Emerald that I need which means I just need to find more sugar cane so that I can get more books also things like crafting tables and furnaces now look way more realistic and if I can find one Hostile Mobs also have the new treatment as well said the sugarcane looks well better now and all of these should do for what I need wouldn't mind a little extra leather it's sometimes hard to tell what a cow is but I guess they're all just a few different bearings oh my goodness the smoker looks amazing it's got an Open Door on it that is so cool and then the blast furnace just looks really really out of place oh wow it actually goes on fire inside I love it very very impressive now let me buy three of these and I'll craft an anvil which also has a very nice realistic fit well apart from whatever that is I know my armor is gonna get the treatment I'm looking very very shiny but I'd really now like to get to the nether because I'm just not happy with this helmet I want to see if a netherrite helmet looks better so that is my priority also look how the night sky looks it looks very cause of sunsets it's amazing I mean the sky should just be like this all the time I think yeah look at him very cool well it doesn't matter because I'm gonna sleep through them anyway so I won't use this lava lake to make a portal because that poor Village has been through enough drama as it is but there's another one here which will be perfect the lava looks very bad at the moment it feels weird to see normal things that aren't realistic now and it's interesting to see exactly how the nether looks because I don't think I've updated the blocks I also don't think I have any way to light the portal so finding gravel is a necessity and then mining there we go we've got the Flint now to light it up and through I go oh my goodness straight into a fortress okay very well I said I don't ever want to be in a Ford so it's going to be helpful and right now the nether just looks normal there's nothing interesting here at all but I didn't come to find stuff that was interesting I came to find ancient debris and so find ancient debris is what I'll do I feel like this pickaxe is going to need to be upgraded to having a chance here interesting Blackstone appears to be is this Blackstone oh it's Bedrock I was like oh this is Black Stone is it and then when I realized I couldn't mind it what my mistake had been it makes sense that Bedrock would be realistic here and realistically it's going to take me about 70 000 years to mine like this isn't it I've got to come up with a better plan and here's what that better plan is gonna be first of all I want efficiency on my pickaxe so to get that I can mine up a little bit of obsidian craft an extra book and then I can make one of these looks good also if you're wondering day 17 made lime and green colors more realistic but I definitely lime wall or anything green to show you really update Cactus for that not gonna worry about it instead I'm gonna get some sleep and day 18 has changed this look at it oh my goodness look at the dip I love the dip like it's 3D I think it looks really cool like wow fantastic my only issue now I don't have enough books and I could murder More Cows get loads and loads of leather get loads loads of paper craft them you know I need 45 leather to do that and 135 paper but I'm not gonna do that or I could go to the stronghold there's loads of bookcases there but I don't know if I can be able to get the Enderman in the Blazers that's effort as well but there's one other plan that I have and I used to grab two pieces of paper craft a cartography table and give this fella right here a brand new job oh wow I love your hat good sir fantastic right you want emeralds or you want paper I'll just give you emeralds it's gonna be quicker I have to just go and do a bit of deforestation again this jungle really isn't safe is it I'm now armed with all these millions of looks and so I can get millions and millions of emeralds and now I need to collect up a bunch of sand to make glass panes looks like at this point in the sand is also not realistic it looks kind of strange next to the good dirt and day 19 has made the blue colored things realistic but again I don't have any blue I could make some hold on I'll make blue dye oh that's that is that what blue dye looks like it looks really strange but then I could take this bed now does it make the bed okay that's my crafting table I'll just use this does it make a bed realistic no okay it doesn't but wool on the other hand now looks like that very cool don't think it was worth murdering a sheep fall but but still cold nonetheless anyway most of this glass should have smelted by now I find it interesting that some of them are 3D but these the furnaces aren't I think the 3D furnaces would look a lot better I like the way the smoker is anyway here's a load of glass panes is it gonna be enough that is the next question no it's not well thankfully plenty more is being smelted and to get the Woodland Explorer map a compass is necessary unfortunately whilst I do have the iron for it Redstone of age men oh I could go mining for it like a peasant would no no no no no no I've got a much better idea instead I'm gonna take the brewing stand and support the economy that's it why is it like the clarity clothes are just so unrealistic compared to everyone else anyway there we go let's grab that I think I only need one then Compass can be made more glass traded and the map bought okay where is it sending me a long long way Northwest and Northwest is in this direction so that is where I will be heading to get books from a woodland Mansion not just books I'll also be able to get totems which will be very very useful and for day 20 look what we've got now yes realistic physics very very cool indeed just look at it look at the way the tree collapses look at the way the debris goes everywhere one of the best mods ever just makes destroying anything look way better just the way it all collapses I love it and as you saw from the creeper the explosions are very very cool as well wow look at the walls they look very very cool and he looks angry whoa I don't like you when you're angry look at your teeth poor sheep wow you're rich wow look at those you need to see a dentist mate Gary I just prefer it when they just have red eyes anyway I've not got any bones so oh look at that beat I'm gonna get sidetracked by everything the bees look creepy they look cute normally but they're not not a fan the rose bushes look amazing you know you're just kind of exploring the world seeing new things and it's really cool just to see things discovered like a realistic baby ship oh my goodness you are ugly okay never mind that way cute in Minecraft's normal textures day 21 adds realistic water and realistic lava which I'm looking forward to seeing because before the lava just looked terrible and I'm sure now it'll be so so much better it's nice to find a new area from sailing look at the podzol looks very very nice indeed and I'm just gonna jump on Shore for a little sleep and day 22 has made the sound more realistic so now it it fits in much better with the surroundings wow wasn't a few things like mushrooms everything in this biome is pretty much perfect I love the ferns they look like actual micro other phones or at least they might be just grass actually oh the creeper I tell you the face looks terrible oh here we go I love the explosions by the way I I you know every time I see a creeper we're gonna make it blow up just so I can oh it was just stuck in the tree hello sheep oh dear oh dear the forest is on fire I kind of want to see it though yeah I'm not gonna help I'm just gonna look at the lava very cool can I can I do something about this maybe I could put out the fire what do you reckon no no it's a lost cause you know what lava looks uh I guess that's what real lava looks like hence the fact that the Minecraft's getting more realistic anyway I took it against this Woodland mansion and I'm still quite a bit away by the looks of things and we're coming into a snowy area so the snow at the moment looks absolutely terrible it just it just doesn't fit the Aesthetics well at all and I think it's gonna be quite a long way down the line before snow gets more realistic so we're we're just gonna have to get used to these these weird covered leaves look at the obsidian as well I like that a lot look at that look at the detail on it very ingrained anything good in here not really well okay the gold weighted pressure plate oh it's got a cool little pattern on it okay I like that a lot more gels of Interest here might as well grab that block and continue searching well what do we have here a Pillager Outpost and the pillages what are them faces look at you you do not look happy my goodness gracious me I've never seen someone so angry and you look really happy in the uh the pumpkins wow okay what I should just like on the ground um I I guess it's good to know where this is I don't know whether it's worth maybe on my way back I come here and and then I can do a raid because there's a village just there so not far away at all obviously my priority right now is to find the Mansion so I've made sure to note down the coordinates for day 23 glass has now become realistic I don't know if this Village actually has glass so I guess it's too cold in a snowy black hello it's a bit too cold in the snow place or is it is this glass right here oh so that's how glass looks now it looks um looks very clean very nice just like a real window and it looks like in the North direction we're getting close to where we need to be so I mainly need to turn and go this way now it's like it's awesome for this tree it's uh it's got brown leaves you'll love to see it guys don't you loads of ice you can go so so fast across it's very very satisfying it just keeps going as well look at this that has certainly saved me a heck of a lot of time and there it is the Great Mansion I could just see a Slither of the roof and also day 24 added pink purple and magenta realistic textures not really that relevant when you're about to enter a woodland Mansion first things first I'm crafting a brand new shield and I probably should have got a bow could have got one from a Fletcher but I haven't I'm sure I'll be fine all right the first enemies you look so angry by the way you know like you know oh he's lost his suit oh your head's upside down man that's not a good day for you and you also hear a ladies now last time I saw a laser I don't think they were realistic other in here oh you the the big bad guard hello are you just normal no no realism whatsoever nope just the normal bug standing away well be free I don't want to forget the main reason I actually came here not to get totems or to to ruin your day also look at the real estate wallet it really comes to life anyway I've come to find bookcases downstairs does not seem to have any so hopefully one of the rooms up here well I've just realized if you throw an item it just lands on the ground like that now it doesn't like hover like they used to okay oh no with the evokers and the vexes well look at you uh you don't like the greatest thing anyway we've got a totem fairly easily I don't want to stay in there and I've just spotted bookcases which is fantastic I'm gonna put that there got an iron ax that's nice yeah let's let's start grabbing books first this little bedside one then I'm sneaking through giving them the old run around if I could actually get through that I didn't think this through today at all actually there we go now to begin mining these up there you go back see you later that'll teach you and then I can pop back downstairs and nip out here oh it's quite a long wheel further than I expected to be anyway from here we'll do something like that and mine up the bottom of this tree fantastic loads of wood instantly then I can turn it to Planks and craft all the bookshelves I need and I could just go home I've got the bookcases I've got a totem but I get the feeling like there's gonna be more evokers in there so first I'll deal with this spider oh you're way too realistic I could like see the hairs on you I don't like that one but no way but yeah I'm gonna go to sleep then I'm gonna get my way back in all right evokers where are you hiding there's just creepers everywhere okay this is um it's a little hairy let's get rid of you and then I can't let the rest blow come on guys move out the way but yeah vocals are a little scarce up here anything good in the chest oh oh that's very good that's worth going for and Redstone looks so fancy it makes me want to take it cause it looks like a ruby or something but it's it's not don't be deceived ah the magenta I told you a bit of date also day 25 added updated fire which I'm gonna be put into the test you all soon see how but before that there is a third level I bet this is where the evokes are is there usually a chest behind it and uh no maybe not just you guys that's definitely my mistake going there let's block that up and then see if we can find it I don't think we can you know I think it's been a massive scam what a valkyrie in the entire build well you know what that means alrighty I'm taking my flint and steel oh now that looks great I think it would look great to see the entire place look like that too I got way too much enjoyment out of this look at it all going up in flames and I've set the forest on fire okay yeah I didn't mean that I just wanted to get the house not everything else well we put the realistic fire to good use didn't we and I did get a totem and some bookcases so my work here is done and my new priority is to get back to that Outpost for Day 26 we've got the realistic fire spread mod which basically means if an entity gets set on fire it sets fire to things around it so I'm gonna use myself as a test subject we go like that okay well I didn't set on five for long enough let me just uh probably burn myself now do I set yeah look at that it's all it's all setting on fire I can go like that and the fire does indeed spread for me okay that's that's very cool not very helpful but you would think it's kind of realistic if somebody did get set on fire and they touched something on fire it would all go up in smoke also I was gonna say this is the worst shipwreck ever but it does have a chest when the chest eventually loads as I'm saying it does have a chest with a buried treasure map I'll take actually I don't need the Box I've got a million bucks now okay it's it's a scummed one though it's about treasure map that doesn't lead to any treasure Taco I've also just got money stick because there's a monument there that I didn't even see do I go for it I think if anybody can pull this off it's it's got to be me although having said that I could probably do with a bow and you know what I'm I'm gonna do it some other time I had no idea where my boat is I'll just make myself a new one I have to leave that crafting tables there as well I just need to find a cow now so I can get some milk and yeah I'll return to those guys when they're a bit more realistic ah the ice planes are back I do love sailing across them there's The Outpost I've only got 22 seconds left of mine fatigue so that's not gonna be a problem I would release this Golem but I can't or can I aha if I set it on fire that'll soon get him out well guys I'm just just setting burning things up oh no I've set him on fire I'm sorry this was not intentional I just punched him as well you know what I'm just moving on so have we got any uh villagers about look at these oh these look very fancy indeed I love it anyway I'm thinking if I I grab a bit of wood and then build up as high as I can that'll make more new pillages spawn in so I eventually get a captain and I can have a good night from up here too and on this day my food is looking much more real look at it it actually looks like a piece of steak and more importantly is there a captain done I don't see I think I have to build it more there we go just gotta get down before he despawns I think I'm gonna I'm not gonna MLG it because you know why I am going to MLG why not okay what's the Worst That Could Happen nothing you see I I do these mlgs all the time then to get rid of you Mr angry man literally and they're all after me okay this is not good because I'm going towards the village and I don't really want them to follow me here oh they're all following me I can't take you all I'm I do need to get some string as well so I'll just grab a bit of that there might even be some over here I need string and I need arrows because I feel like doing a raid without a bow it's gonna be possible but it's it's gonna be hard work gravel gravel is like the only thing that doesn't look realistic now so Flint is required that's what I'm currently aiming to get did I get a flip there yeah I got another one so I'll make the Fletching table and do I want to ruin that Villages day or that one I'd think I'm gonna go for this one all right guys don't panic but this is my fault as always now in here have we got have you got a job anybody want a job all right I just need to do some trading with a villager that isn't panicking come on somebody guess Fletcher and I just need to buy some arrows honestly you've just won as the wall mate okay we've got this now that's it get into a house all right they're here guys don't want to panic here but they're here just just get to safety all right you leave the stuff to me I'm really curious to see what the ravages are gonna look like I bet it's gonna be crazy well the first thing first let's close your window at least one villager needs to survive I don't think you can sneak around no no no buddy no jumps for you whereas this time oh over the hill eh well I'm ready for you yeah who's the Pillager now that's right wait if you take one out with I'm pretty sure you get an advancement for that so I'm going for it just takes about 17 million shots come on three shots there we go nice you may have The High Ground okay you know what I'm just gonna I'm just gonna do it the old safety ax way works well and there's one left that I found over here see ravager is it is he is he realistic yes what the heck is that I have never seen a face that because you know I just made me fall for Cliff what on Earth is going on with your teeth and your eyes I don't like this one bet ladies and gentlemen really I I yeah talk about curse this is not realistic at all this is just uh scary thanks for the crossbows doing the trick I don't really have anything else to use because my shield is in my inventory and I'm too lazy to get it out so instead crossbow prop four arm you know what I'm going in with the ax no I'm not that was that was the stupidest idea oh and it's going dark it's pretty weak there we go defeated and then the old Pillager is also finished off don't know where the last one is but this is probably a perfect time to catch some sleep and now crop some food are more realistic but I can't see anywhere that has those things I also can't see where the final villager is either aha the whole Bell discovered that revealed you anyway that four villager that's it stay in there guys let me block up the door no one in or out here is wave number three which was pretty easy wave number four on the other hand is a little less straightforward good thing I got another one just before well despite the difficulties that wave is done and I suspect things that will only get harder especially when there's people like you around actually it was fairly straightforward and I might be able to quickly sleep before the next wave comes just about in time run little villager I believe this is the final wave and this day has added realistic nether watch so I've got to grab the crossbow it has definitely made life easier for me I shouldn't really be doing this but okay to speed things up there we go that's another ravager down and my helmet is so close to Breaking I've just got to take it off I can't keep it which will make everything even harder Kevin if you give me another totem yes only the ravager and a voker on top of it can stop me now I'm gonna try oh he's charging now come on yes I got rid of the Avoca that's huge but basically the main vectors aren't a problem you need to go as well you're causing some serious problems for me nobody needs to be healed by it okay we're just about doing this all right I can get through that Gap maybe I build up at this point I don't know if I have any blocks to build up with them and I've used the format arrows all right well looks like it's you against me and I gotcha thank goodness you didn't have much left in you don't know where the Fletcher is are you chasing that little fella pick up some on your own size Mr angry oh no this mother above oh okay I did I didn't realize it was another evoker but there tell them to save my life so I can get one more totem still which is nice just gotta find where this fella is there we are don't spawn more vexes please there we go got it get rid of you okay it's just me V you oh you can hide in there all you want that's it oh no the vexes are still going strong and there we go fantastic yeah that's again flung far far away and I ladies and gentlemen I'm the hero of the village and the word crop says so this is what crops now look like okay don't ruin this for me guys I'm trying to just show some stuff yeah you know what I'm just leaving I'm gonna get out of here there's loads of ice here which I'm looking forward to sliding on but yeah I'm gonna get out of here and attempt to find lava so that I can use that to go to the nether then they'll let me get home way way faster or have I found something better yes sir ruined portal now it has gold which is the first thing I'd like to grab and also obsidian I could mine this up and build my own port little because not only is it the obsidian here which takes forever to mine but then there's also what I have in my inventory so now we've got four and I reckon there's plenty more where that came from I Love the Way the grass spreads onto all the blocks but yeah I'm actually starting to think that maybe there isn't plenty more where that came from because uh wait what oh is this obsidian okay well that was just I didn't even realize it I nearly got scammed by it so maybe this is Obsidian too oh there's more there and it's the 10th piece so it'll save me which way I need to get to let's get this built and check out the nether oh my goodness it's thank you very much it's taken me to a Bastion so one Paul told me to a fortress the other one took me to a Bastion I don't think I've ever had that much pot of luck in my life I just uh just ashamed there's two guys waiting for me but nothing I uh I can't handle ladies and gentlemen with a well-placed well you'd think with a well-placed thing that no there you go oh that's it get flung Far Far Away we've got a Bastion yeah things are looking more realistic it's just it looks cool to Sebastian's and the Netherrack oh the greeniness I like it although the owls there yeah slightly missing glowstone looks weird I'm sorry there's no two ways about it lava yeah the nether's looking a little different from last time I can also sleep and upgrade things even more so that's what I'll I'll quickly do also I love the night sky by the way I know I said it before but it really looks cool so what does day 30 bring well now mobs also look more realistic as you can see they they do how do the piglens look do they look more yeah they do they have a bit of a a more pig-like face what about the gas it's a gas creeper what's on Earth that just looks like you're asleep that's strange yeah so the big oh look at your Tusk you look really they look way more angry and menacing I don't start shooting me all right you've got your eyes closed no wonder you're gonna oh wait your eyes open oh that's some uh interesting thing but I don't really want to be dealing with yeah let's just them let's just go down before I do anything else I've got to get myself a helmet all right it's one thing up in the Bruce after you don't want everyone else angry though okay then we drop down here do I do I go for this you ready no no no you're right no I don't know what to do it I'm gonna it's what I'm gonna do I'm gonna jump like this is he gonna jump down after me nope he's not crazy then I'm gonna get myself some lava instead grab blocks and fill back up from there I can safely grab gold don't think anybody saw which is always nice I could grab the no no it's all that one well that was close three of you eh I can't just catch a break let's get rid of you also the mod that what are these helmets by the way I hate these helmets but the mod is gonna get added on Day 30. by the way is insane and I just nearly got shot into lava what are you doing oh it's because I took the gold helmet let's just keep that on then he's not angry um okay what is this lava not working for but yeah best mod ever the next one you guys cannot wait to see it I think next we go we go we go we take this systematically and safely so we go up here next there's a brute behind me so I've got to go like that five oh I made it so much for doing it systematically that was the riskiest thing I've ever done you know what I like about this realism is it's not the top it's not crazy but it looks real and it works nicely but it's also not making your eyes hurt well it's not making my eyes hurt anyway I don't know about yours some of my armor just broke on my boots oh that's annoying okay um yeah I've just got these guys after me so I have to be a little careful I realized I messed up something down here yeah there's meant to be a block on there so well at the moment they could just walk straight up that's that's where I went wrong that's lava you there'll be no Escape now and I got pills I got thrown pills I don't know where he threw them too because I think oh don't remember true fantastic you know I've got a diamond I've got an anvil why did I just do a little bit of repairing then at least I would be able to wear the helmet alongside gold boots that's it don't be angry at me guys I've looted this side as much as I'd like to and it is the next day which means I can show you the very cool mod that is added on this that makes Minecraft more realistic and it makes Minecraft way more cool as well to show it I've just got a head up here and now we go over to the portal looks like a pretty normal portal to me but I'm gonna break this piece of obsidian then replace it get myself some Flint and look what happens so far nothing just give it a second and now look what we have is it not insane is it not the coolest thing ever it's a bridge between dimensions and you can look so it's absolutely it's the best mod ever I love it I love it so so much I don't know why I didn't connect to that portal over there that I'd already built maybe it couldn't exist to make a new one for this but yeah I love it I am gonna I'm gonna break it though um just for the reason being that I need the obsidian so there's no point having it here and then and then not using it and I'm not gonna use this portal again but yeah I think it's absolutely epic isn't it and they also have more important things to do like Splash myself with this move out the way oh get finessed Gusty just just walk backwards audio right then we're heading down we're going big here ladies and gentlemen we're voting no messing about here we go jump out run okay up we're all right though as you can see we're complete well I'd say we're all right you guys are crazy jumping in after me like that now I need to get rid of that spawner am I going to like float on the lava that's that's crazy okay well you guys were a little stupid good enough to be like that okay we got diamonds I guess I could maybe take that I don't need that just but another writing got let's go there's basically only one reason that nether writing got is useful and it is so that I can eventually change the helmet to not be a strange Diamond what what's got away with so much gold which is fantastic I think my work here is done I'll get my boat back and then if I head out here in this direction I think I'm safe from them yeah if I head out in this direction I'm pretty certain that I will come to where the Fortress Is So what I'm not certain about that my fire resistance is gonna last me until I get to the the shore of this okay I've got 10 seconds yeah okay well that's this is um this is a spear distinct situation don't you worry that's what ended possible and now where is this Fortress and the mission has been successful I've I've found it it's the same as the lava light between being where I need to go thankfully I think I can get to land over there and then just safely walk all the way around since I'm in the vicinity and there's a lot of Enderman here I've I've got to I've just got to go and get these ender pearls haven't I there's like six here man and they've all got a different colored eyes I don't know why what is going on with you you need to get some sleep mate your eyes aren't going to look like that they're gonna look like look like I can't look at him though foreign pigment went in the boat so the other guy wouldn't fit anyway we're all safe again I got a few extra pulls day 32 has made beehives and honey more realistic not very useful in another but we'll soon see it more importantly I'm splashing myself with fire resistance and collecting up blaze rods oh my goodness you look kind of terrified oh what is your eyes you look like you're on fire well I guess you're technically are on fire I also think I might have run out of stake at this point fortunately I did get quite a few golden carrots from the Bastion so you know we're not gonna go hungry completely but it's also worth remembering that a food Top-Up is going to be needed pretty soon would you look at this it's a double spawner I don't know if I can have both of them activated at the same time if they're quite close enough for that but if they are then things are going to be very very speedy and there's also a blaze rod down there I'll I'll get it later right now the priorities get the blaze rods whilst I've got fire resistance because once that runs out you know things are going to get a little trickier look at that standing in they're both act today okay that is that is great the fire resistance has run out and I think the mission has been accomplished so I'm digging down and also dropping down grabbing that final blaze rod and this final Blaze then destroying this portal and making a brand new immersive one I just want to see the whole thing happen it just it has to load everything oh look at it it's the village and I'm gonna see the same on the other side oh wow hello cow wait can I shoot things at them there's no way this works okay it stops and then and then you kind of ah and now I'm there wow I love it seriously the best mod ever seriously it has to be go down as one of my favorites anyway I can't keep going on about that whole video I'd better get to sleep day 33 has made all white colored stuff look realistic and I am going to spend this time it's amazing I am going to spend the time getting more underbells and hopefully this time not getting in a battle with an Enderman that I can't win I send the Pearl number eight and the ninth one the 10th 11th 12th 13th and the 14th I don't think I need more than that but if I see another Enderman of course I'm gonna go for it and of course it drops me another pill all right very nice straight through the immersive bottle I go it never gets old and now I can finally set up these bookshelves yes it's been some time in the making and I feel like I've been halfway around the world for them but it's job done hopefully I can get something good on the pickaxe efficiency but I'll take it I'll take that every day of the week if I can just get a little bit more XP to get back to level 30 then I'll be able to level up something else as well of course there's gonna be the perfect answer get your XP very very fast I don't know why it's not realistic like everything else I'm sure it will be soon but you would have thought that it would have been upgraded with all of the nether stuff also that's that's so fast I don't have to wait to get through the bottle which is nice and apparently they can follow me through okay although they look a little bit confused so that's good now I could do Max but I'm actually thinking make another pickaxe do that see if I can get silk touch because then I'll have an Ender Chest I'll tell you what that's insane so insane that it makes me feel like this one here is useless I could put them together that's the choice put them together in efficiency five or I can't say no to efficiency five 17 levels is a lot but I'll tell you what it's a very very fast pickaxe now and I feel like to make any further progress now I need to get mending so if you cannot be traded with but you Mr Farmer at the top of this hill well I'm sure you can it's gonna take you a nice little fear to living oh my goodness first try I got mending I was about to say what have you given me okay well um I'm not actually ready for that mate because I ain't got any emeralds fire just hold that thought I'll have to go on a very quick tree dropping spree also if you're wondering by the way day 34 updated all the black colors like black wool concrete all that stuff so that's that's where that is are you still the same trade yep 30 is a little steep for mending but it's got to be worth it because you never know when you're gonna get mending again these are all for you and I still need more so these trees will have to do here you go villager okay do what you want with that and please please please can this other one not have restocked I've got can they not have changed this trade don't let me down you didn't fantastic so that means mending can be put on these leggings which are so close to being broken let's get it done and I also need to get two more for these before they break because they're on the edge but before that it's going dark and and what's going to get more realistic next well something that desperately needs it is put it that way yes the water now the water is clear it's beautiful it's so much more like what real water would be compared to what it was before very very nice indeed it'll look even better later on because Minecraft is still getting way more realistic but this is yeah this is just a good stepping stone I'm really glad it is so so fast to get all the wood it's so easy thank you very much and thank you very very much I've sorted what I desperately needed to and now to properly repair them I need XP so I'm going to go back to the Nether and what will I do in the nether well I will of course mine for quartz and take out some place while I'm here too and it's pretty much done I think those are as repaired as they're gonna be I'm happy with it I'm also going to cover you guys up because well I don't know why you're in there but man to be lost then we can sleep and that is meant all the underwater stuff like prismarine and you know anything with the monument seagrass the tall sea grass was already realistic but now the small ones are the sea pickles will be just all of that kelp wherever that is we haven't got any around here it is all now looking much much better so what isn't looking much much better though my food okay I have got none left so that's what I'm doing now going on a bit of a rampage to take out a load of mops and I've decided let's go for cows or pigs or both so we'll just we'll just see how I feel and see what I find the most off too at the moment I am doing both though because if I don't have a good amount of food yeah everything else will just go wrong the food's cooking away nicely and it's getting dark so I think it's tapman made things more realistic and you know how in real life you have to drink water to stay alive well now I've got a water bath so I also need to keep topped up with water otherwise I'll get too thirsty whilst this continues cooking I want to show you something that I found and apparently I can just drink directly from water yep I'm drinking up it works but it does it does give you the chance to get in The Thirst effect if you drink dirty water like that but anyway look what I naturally found a pink sheep do you know how rare they are they are very very rare to spawning so yeah just came across this naturally there's no proof that I came across this naturally I could have dyed it and told you guys but trust me guys I did I wouldn't lie to you now the best way to carry water is gonna be for me to make a flask this is a leather one you can upgrade it by putting iron around it like that then upgrade it even more with gold and they can algerating more with diamonds another out but we're not gonna do that because I don't have the diamonds at the moment I'm gonna just test this out so oh okay have I got have I got bad water there I can't tell it's like oh it's like it's flashing green is it filled to the top okay so I can drink that oh it's pretty good for me okay and I've Got The Thirst effect now because I filled it with dirty water I guess that makes sense don't worry I've got a way to get clean water having drink this it keeps giving me thirst right first I need I need copper this is this is actually gonna be quite a tricky challenge now I'm taking damage because I've got no water I can't Sprint getting dark I need to sleep I don't have time for this Stage 38 has made all the red items look better by the way but yeah I've got a somewhere fine copper it's good because this actually makes copper useful normally I've just never bothered with it thank goodness I've found some let's get as much of it as we can and coal as well I've got Fortune three I just remembered so that's perfect so anything of mine we're getting loads of it that's gonna be great for the furnaces I may be um dying of dehydration I was trying to think of what the word is but I'm going down swinging ladies and gentlemen and what a nurse that we got here spot alarm is a bit stuck why is there wandering Trader on the roof what are you selling oh some very um useless things thanks right plus furnace down which now has cool textures then coal raw copper whilst I wait for that I'm going to need to craft the campfire that goes here then a chain by now yeah we've got all that we need so we can make ourselves a copper cauldron we can put that there with the chain above it three six around and we have the campfire cauldron so the campfire cauldron just goes on there put your water in and it's purifying as we speak I don't know how long it takes to purify to be quite honest but I I just got to believe in it apparently only takes five six to purify Watts that's good so as it as it filled up take it all as much as we can that's it get it all I'll get drinking SB that's it drink the good stuff should probably make a nice little infinite water source next to it I'll tell you what it's great to be able to Sprint again you forget what you had when you lose it and my next priority has got to be to find diamonds because I want to upgrade this flask I want it to be the best level it can be yes that might even mean using my netherriting got for it I've realized now just how important water is in fact whilst I've got all these resources near me I should probably make a second one just first need two more leather to craft it and I think we've got it straight away job done filled with water and now the caving Journey can begin also found a very promising cave or maybe not a promising cave yeah it just goes nowhere my main goal is to find diamonds probably about eight of them although I wouldn't mind repairing my ax as well and making a new boot they also need to be made so yeah I need I need 13 at least oh my goodness the water goes down so so fast stressing me out day 39 has made it so all animal drops now look way more realistic and I'd show you what they look like if there are any in the area but apparently I've got rid of every mob that exists here candidates although I've said that pigs drop pork chops which already have been upgraded try and find something that wasn't like leather or something that rhymes with leather a feather oh so that look at that looked pretty nice and they've led me right to a cave a drip Stone cave again oh it's not a drip Stone cave it's just Granite it's kind of getting sick of drifting Stone case that's iron or which I'm gonna leave and hopefully down here there's diamonds hidden somewhere the good thing is when I find the diamonds I've got four two and three so I'll get a lot more than whatever am I drowning by the way I thought I was on the uh the magma evidently not but yeah once I find those diamonds I'm gonna get multiple ones per hour so it'll really speed things up but it doesn't matter how much you can speed them up I mean not in a good position here so we're going underneath I'd better just block that above before I drown I don't know if underwater when underwater you're dehydrate at all I'm guessing not really I'm wearing now then this this prime location for diamonds and prime location for life is worth grubbing because lapis is um is useful every now and again aha first one first two found all right don't ruin this for me finding these diamonds should be a special moment and I got five from those two so that's that's fantastic I also need to drink water because I can't Sprint right now it's an important thing I reckon having four or five of those pouches is gonna be the end goal maybe even have a shulker box just full of them that can keep switching out is that no glow icon because yeah I'm running out of water will just make everything way way too difficult and day 40 upgrade something that I really wanted to be fixed snow you can't see it down here imposter but yes snow has now been sorted and I cannot wait to see it completely missed this time and I walked underneath it and didn't even notice it so I'm very glad that I found it on the way back oh look at this right that's not the same mine shaft I was up before is it I don't think I went in a cave round here but there could just be that it's a cave that looks similar oh I've been it I put that I'm in a cave I've already been it are you kidding me well it's interesting that I found diamonds in there and here's my staircase well at least it's an easy way to get out and an easy way to get more water once this is a diamond one it'll have an extra slot and you know what I'm upgraded to netherrite it then has six spots I've gotta use my netherride please I did not expect that but it just goes to show how important water now is in the game now this time I'm going to make sure I go far far away from where I was so that I do not go in the same cave and you know what down there looks amazing I'm going for it I'm swimming down it goes so so deep so so fast there could even be diamonds down here definitely worth having a little look but it's it's definitely not worth I can't believe gravel is still not realistic about it look at how terrible it looks next to everything but yeah it was worth another look nothing doing by the looks of things so I'll continue digging downwards and apparently end up in another water cave but it's not just a water cave it's a normal one as well in fact even better it looks like it's a lush game I haven't seen those yet you know the old uh flowers the musk looks they look lovely they've got mobs there as well I'm just gonna leave them behind and I think I might dig down further because I'm still fairly high up and I can see if there's any caves below me although apparently not so I'm gonna try strip mining instead ah we found some fantastic and it's not just one not just loads all the diamonds I need 13 of them fantastic since I haven't been down here very long even though I don't need more I think I'm gonna look for them anyway here mobs above me so I'm probably near a cape well I'm near lava that's for sure and is it lava that connects to a cave yes sir it is and is it a cave that'll have time when On Earth Is Love a gravel gonna sort itself out I don't know when it gets upgraded but I tell you what it desperately needs it nice little geode the amethyst as well looks it just so weird to come and find places like this that aren't upgraded they're just completely out of place looks to me like this cave has been a letdown so I'm just going to continue strip mining although I said I can still hear mobs and they were in that direction maybe there is another kit just before I move on I'm gonna try and track down oh is this it oh hello I found you and this is a cave and a half maybe this could just be what has the damage it might just have saved myself a lot of strip mining or maybe it hasn't I can't actually see any diamonds down here it's a load of hairy spiders which uh which create me wait is that a spider what are you doing oh man it's like a statue that I do not like that's it get out of it anyway I should search the offshoots ah we've got them it was all worth it after all that's one two another two we're on 19. fantastic I'll just check underneath might have been an extra one there I I was kind of mining so fast I couldn't I think I did get a little extra so yeah 22 now and there's some in the room did I just walk underneath this I came that way I didn't even see the ones right I can't see when I'm underneath them and everything opens up this way way I reckon they still quite a few more mobs oh no something broke and then my gold boots are broke I think so they will be my diamond stuff anyway yeah I reckon there's still quite a bit more to be found down here there's plenty more to explore I'm glad I didn't just continue strip mining it drops down here and look at that more diamonds also day 42 has made quartz look better you can't see it right now but trust me when we do see it it'll look a lot better in the nether it's got Point Blank poisoned as well that's the last thing I wanted well I guess I'll just have to accept that um well I'm gonna be going down to half a heart and this is where I have to be careful there's a mob that way there's a mob this way just run past the creeper block it up okay we're good poison is gone I need to drink water I always remember in real life and in the game to drink water and we've got a dungeon how cool does the spawner look wow it's like a glass box or something well that could be mine though just look pretty normal okay that fire I'm not gonna use that okay what are you doing trying to grab the goal enough I said no Chapel I think they couldn't even tell the difference it looks realistic and it looks worse when it's realistic I didn't I didn't even expect that well talk about a fantastic little find I think I can definitely leave here proud of what I've accomplished mission to get out has been successful and I believe I need to go this way to sail back home I'm starting to think I took a wrong turn in because that does not look like home and if you're wondering day 43 made books and bookshelves more realistic I can't actually see them because I've not got any wait ever got a book on me no no I haven't so yeah we'll see that when I get well when I hopefully one day get back to my base but these mountains there's there's gotta be a deep dark below them and whilst I have so far managed to get one Notch Apple I say why not try and get two I also want to see how the snow looks the the more realistic snow looks pretty normal to me I need to do it looks like on a tree oh it's powdered snow oh okay that's caught me out I haven't seen this since the start of the video how about this I just come over here work my way down as far as I can go not into lava though come on SP be careful and hopefully I see skulk at the bottom that wasn't very good was it um I do see school okay fantastic I've also got a crazy creeper after me bro you don't wanna you don't want the world to appear all right none of us want that but yeah then the next question is do I have an ancient city down here I swear if you set off that Shaker I don't think you can you're setting up everything I don't think you can serve the streak I think it's only me of course it's a bit of a challenge not to when he's here anyway there's nothing much doing there's the amethyst as well it seems like this section unless it's a bit below it which I definitely could be if I'm gonna find out oh okay well I set off might as well just commit to it now is there anything below me it looks like the answer don't jump down at you all right I see you up there somewhere yeah looks as though yeah nothing below me I'm gonna try and dig around a little bit see if there's anything about it because you just never know I think it's also going to be night time so yep I can get to sleep and day 44 has made all remaining mob drops look realistic so anyway let's see if I can find an ancient city down here and I found one okay I've been digging for it guys you have no idea I dug this massive long tunnel right here at the top of that Associated that direction I searched in that direction this is this is the third way that I looked and now that I'm sprinting down here I seem for losing water if you just walk in mine you don't use up that much water but as soon as you start sprinting it it all goes down in fact speaking of water I should probably sort myself some more since I'm pretty sure I brought all of the resources needed to do it just in case stick it on there put some water in fill the pouch and drink up also for day 45 added the sound physics remastered so now there's like Echoes and stuff so listen to this so it's basically added like a Reverb like by mine you can kind of hear it and it'll be interesting to see just how scary this place becomes with the Echoes of the wardens I'd love to find some water there's some over there as long as I stick to wool I should be fine avoid those Coke sensors here we go mission to reach the water has been successful it is just one but I did see oh look at this a spawner man the echo effect is so cool I love it let's have a look in here anything with Acura finish you know what that's worth taking and yeah it's the first time to show that yeah the rest of the mob drops are now realistic gonna jump down I missed that don't try an energy on the stairs that's where I'm headed and am I able to sleep I am and this has made School realistic look how crazy it looks now it's completely different I love it wow the whole place just looks amazing although I do kind of dread to think oh my it is this is really really weird I dread to think what the warden's gonna look like I also got so many damage 52 from doing all of that mining it was a very good all having fortune 3 helped so much there is also more I did see them yeah look there so I'm going in whilst I'm down here I think it's very smart to make some shears to grab wool because then I can sneak around this place and be much much safer two stacks should be enough I can use that to get around without having to slow down and I can also use it to block the shriekers anything good it's hard to tell whatever it is is it just cold that's what it looks like I think that's gonna set off that Shaker isn't it I'm gonna have three block it up okay I just accidentally set one up anyway because I wouldn't crouching oh well just got to embrace it now and I was trying to get back to my water where my tunnel was just realized was going in completely the wrong direction you know I'm just I'm just running you know I'm not I'm not even caring about the world anymore I'm just running around it might get set off yep whatever okay can I find one Notch Apple I'm Gonna Leave when the one spawns I think one more or two more things and it'll it'll spawn and I say bring it on I'm not afraid of him this really does look cool doesn't it like the skulk all around the lava and I'll get myself a nice little water source put these in and day 48 has made gray blocks look more realistic that's not a gray block is it that's a gray block that's not that's gray wall though so things like that look more realistic I've got my water let's get that in there so I can get busy drinking up and I can also upgrade this gold pouch to now be a diamond one because we have loads of it's good to be back on good terms with water there's a chest over there I'm not leaving until I get a nut Chapel what's up do I never not even have any boobs might as well sort that out please yourself a Shrieker yes we got one fantastic I feel like I can set the warden off now and I don't care okay well actually I take it back you know what you know what maybe I do care a little bit I wouldn't mind Swiss need three that's fantastic um I don't know what to get rid of I'll get rid of some of that I'll write it the annoying thing is you're like right by where I want to be you can wall block it can I get this chest in him whoa whoa you also don't look very realistic right now buddy you look a little out of place here I mean hardcore that many notchable so I probably would die if I got into a battle with him but I want to know what's in this chest more than anything what was it worth it nope it was not worth it I'd love to get those but I feel like I can't or can I I can throw that I can throw that be a drink now look mine up I've got my water I'll grab a crafting table and then I'm off see you later Warden I don't need to be here better brought this up I don't know if you can fit through that Gap as you can see I'm still using wool right now because there's there's a few shriekers knocking about did accidentally activate a one down there but there's no need to panic from him he can't get me I can see the sky I can see the outside oh how I have missed the sunshine I feel like you guys can't take me seriously with it but anyway it's great to be out here I'm gonna craft a load of campfires I can make seven so that's that's good as long as I have those two things and water I can always get more and since it's dark I should probably get some sleep day 49 has improved yellow and orange blocks but apparently that that does not include beds and there is home sweet home I am back at the oh careful but I'm back at the Village back at the village where I can grab more water and with enough emeralds I can buy a fancy power two boat good thing chopping trees is a very easy way to get them day 50 has improved ice there just isn't any around here to show you there you go mate sticks for you and a very nice bow for me and I think at this point with everything that I've got I am ready to take take on the Ender Dragon so I'm making my eyes a vendor and beginning the search alrighty it's that way which is kind of perfect because I could also get a load of wood from the jungle and then I can use that wood for when I need to explore the end and find the electric because such a task does require you to have quite a lot of blocks did get a little bit carried away that four and a half stacks the only other thing I want to keep an eye out for is paper which I can of course get from things like sugarcane and then I'll use it to craft firework Rockets which are another very useful commodity oh okay I've gone past it but before I go back in that direction I just want to grab six more sugar cane and then every single bit of gunpowder will be crafted day 51 has modified effects so I guess if I have something like fire resistance water breathing whatever it would then show the effects slightly differently sometimes get haste from drinking water I'm just I'm just working out that is very very strange indeed anyway I can't do all that I need to just make sure what is this dirty water as well why have I got this anyway can't look into that too much I've just got to drink up and then and not be thirsty now according to my calculator yeah it's right down here is this gravel has gravel now updated no way this is gravel oh it's Clay oh clay looks completely different to what I expect it to be and apparently digging down here just led me to water hopefully it carries on I guess it probably does yep we are in the stronghold what have we got over here just apples and iron boots not that good I'm with this Geo yeah amateur still looks kind of terrible that doesn't though that's all my water gone Golden Apple nice I think I'll just eat it and here it is the porter room I'll get rid of the spawner already one eye in which is nice means they only need six more that can be placed like so the emperor looks kind of terrible by the way doesn't it but how cool is that end wow okay wow I love it the obsidian is real but they end yeah okay wow and the dragon's not yet spawned in this is so cool can I sleep before I go okay I can sleep and conveniently day 52 has added end blocks yes the end port looks way better and look at this end Stone now looks so so cool this is this is crazy so the question is if I jump through do I just fall through or do I go to the end portal where do I go I don't know what's going to happen here here we go I'm in I'm floating down what's going on okay I don't think I need to MLG I think it did but that is such a cool way to enter alrighty Ender Dragon it's you and me it's the Ender Dragon actually looking realistic it doesn't look like it look at the effects on that by the way that beam it looks so good I love the explosion effect by the way look at it you can kind of see the particles of iron bars going everywhere getting rid of the towers is proving to be fairly straightforward I've made an Enderman angry though so all of a sudden it's not so straightforward good job back and easily defeat them maybe that's what I meant by realistic effects look at the uh look at the effects there something worked out why some of the Endermen have orange eyes and some don't dragon is perching a little prematurely I've got a quite a tall tower to get to I might even build up this is where things will go wrong I'm gonna keep an ender pearl hunting because you just never know I'm gonna Place loads of blocks down just because I want the cool effect am I gonna get oh gotta be careful that but yeah I just want to see it but then if we go yeah shoot this look at him look at the blocks go everywhere really cool let's just get rid of these quickly whilst I'm up here I don't want any trouble Perfect all towers are gone and I can MLG off here that's it oh I did that oh okay I got some Enderman on the way down completely messed up the MLG I've got another totem so we don't have to panic man it's nothing you see us be missing MLG though don't charge after me please oh no I'm okay I'm okay I'm okay why are there so many of them angry at me just thanks for everything doesn't it but anyway straightforward enough and as a model water I don't want it to become a problem so mid battle I'm going to get myself some more green eyes okay they're after him but I didn't know they had to dig green eyes Enderman as well I can stick that in there and fill this up to drink it I'll also be able to do some damage onto this Dragon so let's uh do that while we can at least I thought I could apparently I can't reach that's um it's annoying I've got to be careful if I need to MLG I need to be ready for it why can't I reach you this isn't really I'm not too small Emma there we go go on angle why can't I what what the the dragon is yeah you see that's what I didn't want to happen because it's weird and now I've got an Enderman after me look I'm in the middle of something here okay that's it Fly Away just don't touch my my water and I don't mind looks like I'm gonna have to improvise or at the very least for now go with the boat it's very very helpful that that villager gave me a power too one otherwise I'd be in trouble 38 arrows hopefully gonna be enough another Purge I'll see if this one goes any better I've also got to purify some more water I don't have time for this all right Dragon we're going like that this is how it's gonna be okay one way or another I can't hear you what is this is this is this realistic Minecraft you could hit me I can't hit you that's not fair okay and I'm just getting hit by you know this is very bizarre I almost missed that emoji I almost land on the side of the block but it seems that using the boat is gonna be the only way and what did I do with my netherite pouch why can't I sit where is it just review the footage I put it in a chest in the stronghold and swapped it for a golden apple why would I do that this just basically confirmed I'm an idiot I can't afford to miss all these Shots by the way every shot needs to land because I don't have that many arrows left okay stop shooting SP 30 arrows in a bed to defeat the Ender Dragon why haven't got all these jokes and I decided to put my netherite pouch out there it's just annoying okay I can get it a little bit here I'm just I'm making sure obviously I never can get the head then it does more damage as well okay I've got that Arrow back I love that why punching you doesn't work I have no idea okay don't move away from the bed all right I'll put it there so that it would get you probably still fine yep that's that's decent damage man this is certainly not what I expected I'm gonna try reloading my game maybe that will help okay dude fantastic okay it must have been some immersive portals glitch or something right that gets us back on track ladies and gentlemen and once the next day starts all end mobs are going to be realistic so I'm just going to wait for that to happen for the next day it can't be long I've been in the end for quite some time now and there we go it's now updated and look it looks completely different look at the cool headies got and everything the Enderman have stayed the same I guess it's just anyone with different colored eyes that uh is all we're gonna get oh yeah pretty cool indeed this is all we get to see events seal okay what happened there it just disappeared I don't think that's meant to happen but it has been defeated and I'm getting loads and loads of XP shame the immersive portals doesn't really work for this bit but I guess it'll be too complicated look at the end of dragon egg very cool now you can see where we're going although before I go there I should probably gather up my fancy little water system because if I get too thirsty I'll be in big trouble through this I go and welcome to the outer Island and already I've found an end City it doesn't look like a good one but it's a good start and now you'll be able to see why I got all that wood because I can make slabs and Bridge anywhere that I need to and day 54 makes end cities more realistic so you can see the End Stone and the purple looks very cool kind of got that grainy effect okay the shulkers are they realistic though oh look at you guys you look really cool look at that very cool Stony effect now can I can I get rid of them there we go I did did we get any oh is that a sugar shell I don't think it is is it or is it I did okay look at it looks it looks really weird to be honest with you no idea if it's meant to look like that or if it's a bit of a glitch but anyway let's head on up and it's so Echo wheel that I can hear the show because like the Reverb makes it really weird listen to it The Sound Mod is a very very cool one that is a pretty nice looking shovel I think I will swap it and it just play with mending worth taking and a nice sword looting too it's excellent especially when you think I can use it to get more Joker shells and then I can use that to make a shulker box this also helped a lot because it means I'll have way more infantry space and with that the search can continue now this looks like a much better entity I'm better sleep revived as bonuses to sleep in and you get debuffs if you don't sleep so it's kind of like real life you have to sleep to uh to be fine this is felt like one of the longest bridges ever look at it miles longer taking Stacks and stacks of slabs that's why I brought so many though so let's now loot the entire place I'm actually gonna begin with the show because they look kind of angry don't they look at those eyes they don't look happy at all to see me in reality it probably makes most sense to go for that first then looting the rest will be easy because I'll be able to fly here we are being a very successful Mission look at that perfect amount to get to the top not the word of run out I have loads there I've nearly run out of water I think is that is that a lot of Havoc that's not good oh my goodness how cool do the elytra lock connect did I get another shelf I did look at them in the item frame wow I can't wait to put these on and we've got a few nice things here beetroot seeds maybe not included in that but I love it wow okay let's let's go ahead and give them a try give them a whirl oh yes look at me I've got some very fancy elytra and they they kind of open up as you fly wow look at that even the bridge stands look cool look at the way that they change color as it does it wow it Bubbles as well it's animated okay I love it and now that I can fly blue and all this is very very easy wow what a chest plate that is that is that's almost maxed out just needs another Thorns too I can get a silk touch pickaxe I could start Gathering under chests I probably won't say that and at this point I think I've lured every bit that needs to be I've got those extra two short shells I can make a second shulker box so I'm going home my next project is to try and find an End Gateway is it always a way before you find that end Gateway you always end up finding an entity first and I suppose it's always worth grabbing a few extra bits of loot even if most of it isn't that great and by the way day 56 made it so that music this is a more realistic which isn't too groundbreaking and I haven't got any two words to show you how they look kind of glad to find another end ship because these elytra are nearly broken there we go and I can fly home through that thank goodness I found one plus whilst I'm here I'll get some more purified water home sweet home we go actually let me get the egg as well where did it go there it is always worth grabbing isn't it and now I could go home and now I'm back on this mountain it's snowing it looks completely different from the start how very very cool indeed anyway I need to go back to that Village There Goes My yep okay well didn't expect that to happen should have been a way of it though yeah my lights are broke and so I used up my last totem I also can't use my bed because I blew it up to get the dragon so my priority right now is to get to that Village then I can happily steal someone's bed day 58 has updated Brown blocks but that's not my protein right now I'm gonna grab that I'm breaking three oh the Swift sneak as well nice that is then going to be added to the elytra although blow me down added it to the wrong pair only I would do something that stupid anyway how are you doing buddy I need to now get mending a mending book a villager that will sell me it making the lectern is pretty straightforward but finding a villager that I haven't yet traded with that's not so easy in fact I'm starting to question if such a villager even exists good news it does let's go and make a nice little hole that can go there and you you're gonna go and get a new job and I've just realized something haven't I already got mending yeah days you kind of forget how much you're doing that you don't actually need that because underneath this wood there he is 30 emeralds from ending I'll be back to buy some that llama has apparently lost the plot now it has gone crazy I I should just go and put it out of its misery at this point shouldn't I look yeah that one's hanging from a lead it's not been a good day for the wandering Trader family well Emerald's here okey-dokey no problem we can get more because we have absolutely loads and loads of jungle wood which shall be given to you and also you from there I can buy this put it on the elytra mine more wood and use the XP that trading gives me to mend these elytra then I can upgrade my ax and also get a better sword and begin we're getting alluding two or looting three book from this villager at least I will tomorrow tonight I want to go to sleep and day 59 is great because finally finally chests have been upgraded now they look more like a real chest just look at that in my opinion such a change it was very very necessary anyway this is our life now good sir trying to get looting too and finally I've got it looting three okay I do I have a book on me um yes I do so let's buy that I even did one better than looting too the reason I only wanted looting two was because I already have looting I need to go down but yeah my sword already has looting two on it so looting three would have been enough uh two would have been enough but blue in three same job and since it's day 62 now three more things have got more realistic that is terracotta Redstone stuff and paintings and now that I have looting three I wouldn't mind getting the items so I can defeat the Wither but before that I feel like I need to stop wait what is this that's leather oh but the leather wait takes the form of the mob you take out no way let me say this is this gonna be gray leather no okay there's just all this Leathers just the same problem nothing but a coincidence anyway if you're wondering why I'm taking oh I forgot I have the big things fire to the stuff around it if it's if it's on fire okay that's kind of annoying actually all of a sudden fire aspect isn't quite so good but yeah the reason I'm getting leather is because I need to get loads and loads more water because I'm sick of running out and I can't keep doing that and if I'm in the nether there's going to be no way for me to purify the water so I need to be very well stocked so leather is what I'm after as a byproduct I am going to be getting cooked steak which is nice because extra food is always good and the Looting three is gonna mean that I get the leather very very fast day 63 under the visuality mod which I can't really show you now but with stuff like when it rains it'll look really good because you'll see the water droplets it also looks nicer in the nether because there's more particle effects a very subtle but satisfying mod and because I have the fire thing on yeah I've just burnt out you know what I'm just gonna walk away the donkeys drop leather why do I not notice well that one didn't anyway right all of that is definitely enough now to craft the pouches turn as many as possible to iron which just so happens to be all of them then to gold and diamond then I'll plunk down the shulker box fill up every single one and fill this to the Top This Might I take a little bit of time and I've done it every single flask has successfully been filled as you can see day 64 has updated Maps now I actually have a map but I could buy one all it requires is emeralds and a compass let's do that also look at this is that a jukebox or something I saw I I don't know I I saw some cool item and now I've run out of redstone so I can't show it to you oh well never mind it's an ocean Explorer map and I reckon going there could be quite good I'm gonna just do a few little things to my arm so I'm gonna put Aqua Affinity onto this helmet and I'm also going to put Swift sneak on these leggings and then let's go and find it oh look at them yeah the map does look more realistic okay it looks very like it's an old map you know like a rustic treasure map right we're going to find this monument and according to the map it's somewhere in this direction and day65 made a pretty significant change look at this the GUI now is uh looking very very cool I have to say and I don't think I'm far from this Monument according to the map it is directly east and things are loading in I move oh look at the Crosshair thing of where my character is all right here we are at the monument let's do this then do I have any way to get air not really I just have a uh let me put them I don't even have a chest plate with it oh well that was smart wasn't SB does this connects to a mine shot it's insane right I should just get in before anything bad happened everything's really weird and echo in here there are Guardians about and yeah as you can see I didn't even bring a bow I feel like this is the most unprepared I could possibly be for such a challenge that's why I'm making a few okay I've Amanda Crew table but I'm making some dolls and there's the Elder oh my goodness your eyes you look like you've got massive bags you guys need to get some sleep seriously literally look like you've been playing Minecraft for 24 hours okay I should um I should definitely do something like this then I will do my best to defeated in hard hardcore so I have got to be all very very very very very very careful or just put yourself in Sp all right that was way way too close for my comfort tell me if I've got something as simple as a chest plate I really did mess up the basics this made this entire fight way harder than it needs to be I feel I can play a different game if this was in normal textures I feel like I would have done it no problem but instead I'm like oh this is crazy anyway that is one successfully down and I'm kind of dreading battling the Hilda II that's where all the gold is good to know dark prison Marine looks kind of Epic as well doesn't it oh look at the way the particles move on the water I love it anyway I should probably focus on not drowning instead of um well what on Earth is hit me up there instead of sightseeing it as I said here it is Guardian number two also defeated which means there's just one left to defeat and apparently the old hidden duck thing seems to work well when I'm not drowning anyway yeah it just can't keep up with me when I keep doing that there we go job done better make sure I don't drown I've got about a minute left of money fatigue not too bad and whilst I'm here I might as well sleep at least I would if there wasn't stuff nearby and I can't buy my bed up I've got to wait 27 seconds there we go now I just want to find a place I could use it and something tells me this room will not be that place but the Gold's gonna be great that's all I need to be here for I'm leaving and considering I did not bring the best gear at all that was a pretty successful Mission interestingly very little thirst was used up whilst I was on the water which would make sense you don't really dehydrate when you're swimming and this New Day Has upgraded even more of the GUI so now the rest of people the actual book itself looks cool and uh yeah the recipe book area where your craft house too even parrots look very nice look at that oh my God okay maybe your eyes look a little bit crazy can I have a look at your eyes please not really a lot of it there we go oh my goodness yeah um creepy if anything or we've made it home took quite a bit of traveling I've been trying to conserve the firework Rockets I should probably keep this shulker box with me at all times it might be a little bit safer and then I want to go and get another right well I will anyway once I've gone to sleep since it's dark again still can't get over how cool it is to go through it was this upgraded last time I was here I don't think so I think nether brick has had a nice little upgrade too another quartz or definitely fits in much better do I need anything to be mended don't think so I think everything's looking good although before I go digging down it might be a good idea to put mending on my pickaxe because then whilst I'm mining down there I can mine up nether quartz off to get XP and repair it fortunately don't have enough emeralds but I've got a lot of wood and this guy will give me everything I need this New Day by the way upgraded rails so we won't see it at the moment because we're not in a mine shaft area have I got enough for what I need and one Emerald shot are you kidding me you couldn't do me a nice little discount not to worry though because it literally takes me two seconds to get the one that I need there you go bugs have indeed had a nice little upgrade look at this they look uh they look good I'm sure this guy will like them too I really need to dye these so this is yeah so that's for that tell you what that can be red and then this choker box is full of all the water so what color would you can make a shorter box full of water well of course you'd make it blue it just makes perfect sense now I know which sugar box is which I'll have one more drink top up the flask and the hunt for netherite can begin I don't even know what it looks like in this texture pack so uh it'll be very interesting but it would be if I could remember to actually put mending on the pickaxe not just turn up with it in fact I've got enough no I haven't got enough iron do more pieces that could have just done it myself but it was it was not to be there we go that's much better before I go down let's get this quote so we actually get the XP and repair the pickaxe and it'll certainly make the entire process much much easier and gravel still isn't realistic what did Paul gravel do to deserve this why why when will gravel ever get its special day I'm sure at some point it will but it must be feeling a little bit left out well according to the person who helped me set all this up gravel was meant to be updated on day eight so it looks like gravel is is forever cursed in this video oh well that I'll just have to do and this must be what ancient debris looks like okay is it yes it is doesn't take me that long to find it you know I'll I'll take that that kind of speed not my faster speeds ever but but a decent one nonetheless and with that I'll just continue searching also thought I forgot to bring a chest plate but I didn't there's plenty in here we'll go with that one that'll protect me better from the lava than an elytra would and that's my third piece beautiful and also the fourth and fifth sadly not the sixth and the seventh one okay good can we get one more here we can size eight I miscarried it was the sixth and seventh one there not an eighth one so I can't yet make an extra piece of ancient debris I should say an extra piece of nether right I'm gonna a little mixed up here on it and finally I've got the eighth piece it has taken ages to get it I should probably update you in these last few days what has actually updated so first of all the big one is we now have seasoned a mod where yeah seasons are uh are part of Minecraft lasting 28 Minecraft days fireworks and Fire charges have an upgrade gravel you see it still looks the same amethyst hasn't has had an upgrade transport like minecartes I should probably drink some water as well stuff like a bed which is a big one as you can see the beds are now properly upgraded I don't want to uh leave my bed behind though and then finally change is the other one I don't have any chains on me so you'll just have to take my word for it also managed to get another two there which is good I'm kind of just gonna try this out I sometimes do this one strip mining I think sometimes two wide it helps maybe even three white no we're not gonna go that far oh look maybe you should I'll tell you what it's the law of averages about ages where I didn't find any now I'm finding quite a lot in a short space of time I'm so glad I got mendings it's just basically meant my pickaxe has lasted very easily the 12th piece is huge and it's the 13th as well three more bits and I'll be able to have full netherite armor beacons are also now more realistic so I would like to get one of them at some point to see how they look but I'm not taking on the Wither until all the netherride has been found I'm hoping there's two here then I've got full netherite armor is it just one Ah that's a shame I know it's not one it's two I'm just it's hard to see with all the particles everywhere you've got to wait for them to kind of clear and then you know what you've got so I've got 16 and I want to keep going to like at the very least get 24 because I'd like another at pickaxe I'd like a netherite sword if I get action shovel as well that'd be great but that's gonna require whoa what tourist destinations oh no but yeah require 32 to upgrade every single tool which might take a while I mean on a bit of a good streak at the moment but even that might be a little out of my region I've got all the things that I want to get on with is that there's a few here 22 22 and there's 24 okay I probably have enough part of me wants to carry on I you know what we'll carrying on we'll Carry I've come this far I'll tell you what I'll kind of mind my way back towards where my portal is and hopefully find ancient debris on the way and whilst I'm mining I did find someone okay that's good we've also got new textures for the clock compass and respawn anchor there's one more here will it be two okay right whether or not well if I don't find any when I get back to where my portal is I'm gonna carry on dig until I do find one and I got one not that long after I've got another one you know what's gonna happen if there's like three here I'm gonna end up wanting to search even more to get to 32 yeah you just never know dear there's still a good 600 blocks left for me to get back to my portal so I wouldn't rule out the question for me to get to 30 well there you go isn't that just beautiful all of the ancient debris needed has been obtained just can't stop finding it all I want to do is go home I don't want to keep discovering ancient debris although suppose it's always a nice bonus to have now I'm Gonna Be One Piece away Anna from uh I'm gonna have to get it so I get to 36 pieces my inflation debris you'll always want to leave on a multiple I said that I am back at my staircase so I shouldn't really carry them I'm going to I've got to I'm sure I'll discover something that's fairly nearby and I did in fact I found two I didn't really want to find two but I don't know why I have this thing where I have to get a perfectly more before I'm just gonna leave I think I already told you guys about the respawn anchor being upgraded but now there's more as TNT is also upgraded I don't actually have the means to make TNT unfortunately and then I've also got the immersive weathering mod and how that makes things more realistic is it affects things that are near stuff so for example if you had dirt that is near fire it would get covered in soot or Cobblestone becomes Mossy when it's exposed to water because that's what would happen in real life iron will Rust when exposed to the elements so all sorts of different things happen that's realistic so I'm sure we'll see them as time goes on because you know it takes time to go on for us to see them hey I can fill this up in here as well I shouldn't be drinking water right now I should be filling this up so is this a blast furnace I think so I put three quarters of it in here just trying to be real efficient and then the other quarter in this furnace and in theory they should all finish at the same time I do still have loads of gold available as well so I don't need that much I'll just make as much as I require didn't realize I have gunpowder you know what I'm gonna take five of these and I'm gonna take four sand The Craft I just want to see what it looks like okay this is TNT and I want to see what an explosion looks like since with realistic physics it typically looks quite amazing also is this due to a season that we've got this kind of interesting effect I need something to light it conveniently it's fun to still right there which looks terrible by the way why have we still got unrealistic things in it anyway Light It Up and let's and sorry chicken I didn't mean this but look at that look at the red particles I think it looks great and the chicken survived oh it's a win-win anyway enough messing around I need to use all this netherite scrap to create netherite water pouches don't leather flasks yeah no we definitely wouldn't do that I've uh I've done it once I'm not doing that again start with the nining got sweat it's netherright not upgraded no way no way I mean I've got full netherite armor are you telling me that netherrite is just normal well this isn't this is unexpected is that the case for all tools no for the the Netherrack tools are upgraded but I haven't got realism on the armor oh well at least you can see my face when I look at it without that stupid diamond helmet and I'm usually sparing got to make a netherrite classic again I need to go and retrieve the other one actually at some point but let's just fill this one up drink up and refill it again the 18 makes scaffolding more realistic yeah really excited but I'm not worried about that also look at this this bucket is still normal as well thank goodness we need everything to get realistic of this right but yeah my priority is to try and spawn the wither but to do that I think I'm gonna need a better Fortress and I'm not confident I have enough firework Rockets to get to new Fortress so I'll grab the remaining egg gun powder I wish I'd made that thing of TNT now it's um it's gonna kind of be important for me oh yeah I've got the gunpowder I need I just have to try and track down more sugarcane would have really been smart for me to build a sugar game for me wouldn't it that would have stayed a lot of trouble that's all that I need more firework Rockets the pirate Rockets they look um like dynamite don't they I guess that's probably what a real firework looks like anyway I've got everything that's going to be needed to do this and so I'll start searching for a better Fortress because no mobs really seem to spawn here which is mainly due to the fact that it's in another waste file unfortunately this one is also not in the greatest place so there's a few mobs I can get so you just never well I didn't just get it first time done no way out of this game is too easy or looting three is is way too powerful and there's quite a few extra Bobs I would expect to get into more at this point so I think I'll be searching for another place and I just remember that my sword has Smite 5 on it so I can literally one tap them for the weather heads which which does make life a little bit easier and now this is more like it this is the kind of old Shadow okay maybe there's just too many mobs there but I reckon it'll mean I can get everything I need very very fast I could if there wasn't a million blades everywhere you know what I've got an idea since fire resistance is low but hey I took the trouble of finding a Notch Apple why don't I just crack that open when the time is right the time is right now because I'm on fire there we go alrighty now you guys are useless against me nice to get the second one and the third seriously in this biome is so so fast this is my collecting four of these and I can quickly fly my way back home I've made it back to my portal you'll notice it's sadly no longer an immersive one allow me to explain couldn't really show this in another but day 81 added realistic water physics which also applies to the oceans this is not an ocean which is why it's not here but if I go ahead and place down water okay well it doesn't apply to this either really I I think it applies to something else it's mainly in the ocean that it's uh it'll be noticed and we are on day 82 so the other thing which you may or may not notice is we've got Dynamic lights now this have probably been best seen in the dark which is which is why it's going now which is good I'll also be better noticed if I turn my brightness downloads okay we're in Moody territory now yeah can you see how things light up as I walk around so that's Dynamic lights for you um I don't like this Darkness though so I'm turning the brightness back up I certainly make the game so bright for you guys because it's really hard to watch somebody who's playing a dart game so you know so it's more enjoyable for you and you can see what's going on I always brighten up more than than it needs to be anyway realistic ocean you can't really see it at the moment with this water that's that's just kind of sail though if you see if I'm in a boat and once I go a bit further out to see that there's waves yeah look at that you see we've got we've got more realistic waves and stuff before the 100 days are up there will be shaders and then you'll be able to see the water so much better it'll be completely different but until that point you can you can kind of see me right in the waves day 83 makes banners more realistic not that I'm too bothered about that my priority right now is to grab Bo grab arrows I actually want a few more arrows on what I grabbed seven more that's not gonna cut it I'm clean this Fletcher will give me everything that I need then I'll eat up drink up and spawn in the Wither ready for a battle okay well the weather doesn't look very realistic does it alrighty well I just didn't know what to expect there um I'm gonna put my chest plate on it I think it'll make it easier for me to take on because it's not that reality where's my boat is it my first slot I'm just blind okay we've got a boat no need to panic although I I have already been with it which maybe is a cause for panic let's just get in with these arrows on the power two Bowl I can already feel my Health's going down I better better it up this is not gonna be playing sailing it's only a because it's only Power two rather than like a good power five one it will take up quite a lot of arrows and since I'm getting Pepper with shots that's also not helping I reckon I should do the old shoot and arrow and move kind of thing it's um it's a little bit safer isn't it all right have we got the health oh now we've got Smite now it doesn't stand a chance that we're on phase two but also I'm looking like I don't stand a chance I've got to remember I don't have a totem so I can't do anything stupid that was close and I have to try regen but the problem is the withers regening two oh man this is really hard work this is this is not easy at all just gotta keep going though I'm slowly but surely getting higher in High Health but it's taking so long I can do with a gold napple right maybe that's a good thing maybe it's easier when it's there oh you're stuck in the tree do I have time to pull out my secret weapon it seems to be going quiet it's is it stuck quick SP go in there that's it pull out a Notch Apple and now I think I think I'm in the driving seat here I managed to apprehend it with a tree you wouldn't have thought it possible that's it come on in now you don't stand a chance against me with a Smite five I don't know Chapel I am victorious and I've got another stylist and blow up this time which is good kind of ruin the area but hey I'm not coming back here anytime soon so it should be fine and I think all that battling it calls for a drink and now to craft a bacon I need five glass which means grabbing five sand I'm putting them in a whoa I've already got glass well that's a turnip I forgot about that I had to trade it early didn't I so now just take my three I'm sitting I've got everything I need oh it's so satisfying that means we make a big oh look at the Beacon as well the realism in it let's just see it wow the nether star looks insane in the middle at least this one looks like it's made from another style the other ones never do I don't have an insane amount of blocks but we've got loads of gold so I can make a a one-tier beacon which doesn't really make sense you know what I mean a tier one bacon that's what I meant I don't know why I was placing as if I was gonna do a massive one that's the name down that I was gonna do Let Me Mine The Beacon and put it down and activate it well that's excellent work we've defeated the weather we've got a beacon the water buckets have also upgraded I didn't even notice that I think that happened when the oceans got fancy as well I think that's when it all came together and I'm more or less out of food I don't think maybe I have some of the smoking no okay so that's got to be my next thing get out there and get some food and then I want to build a house I'm kind of sick of just sleeping outside every night and and you know these Village isn't looking the greatest so I'd like to have my own house just somewhere over there with that 84's improved cobwebs but as it also changed the area is it like the seasons changed I think so you know like the growth is a different color it's a bit like another yeah the grass is a different shade of green the seasons are really really cool because it never looks the same around you anyway as I was saying I need food so picture on it what did they just drop Tallow I don't even know what a Tallow is well we got it can we eat it I should always be the first reaction shouldn't it is it edible uh nope right well I don't know what it's father apparently in real life cello is a food ingredient but can also be used to make things like soap candles that kind of thing so yeah that explains that I mean will I eat it I'll I'll at least give it a go when I get hungry because I'm sure there'll be plenty more pigs to find and what oh look at the what I didn't touch that that was a mate that an icicle fall off the trees it must be getting cold over it must be winter it's amazing okay there's a baby picture you are the most ugly baby pick I've ever seen sorry I don't want to be horrible but you are don't worry cows I'm no longer on a beef diet no I'm strictly on pork now I've decided also now that I've said I'm not eating cows all I've done is find nothing but cows there we go pigs just what the doctor ordered all right Tello edible no it's not edible it must be some some ingredient used but I'm not gonna keep it that should be enough also this day's added 3D swords which to be honest they look kind of maybe 3D compared to what they were but not that much so yeah there you go and now that I have plenty of food the house building project can be did I set this on fire but oh no it's lava like I'm innocent of this case usually I set the voice on fire because of my fire aspect sword nowadays so I I get a little worried but yeah no I'm back I'm beginning the new operation now the main material I'm going to use for my house is going to be white concrete could use quartz it could use white wool but I feel like white concrete is gonna be the easiest thing for me to get a lot of but there is an issue to get all the concrete I'm gonna need gravel and this shovel when I tried to get gravel drops Flint every single time as you can see that is because it is Fortune three so before I can make any progress whatsoever I need to use my final Diamond to make a new shovel and I haven't got 30 levels so we're gonna be able to get the perfect one but if it has like efficiency that's not the perfect one yes I do have a grindstone but it's not ideal that I keep using that because what I can get is gonna get worse and worse I just need something like an insta mine all right can efficiency two do that I feel like not but we're gonna see anyway efficiency Let's test it up and the answer is no no I can't day 86 makes mycelium more realistic and I've just realized it was night time and I need more pirate Rockets so I shouldn't have really slept but anyway not to worry I'm gonna go into The Nether a minor quartz to get more levels although due to the fact that I have mending on my armor and my pickaxe I'm gonna have to first get them fully prepared and that is level 30 finally don't do it if I should build it out of quartz because I've got quite a lot of blocks but probably I don't do that but yeah probably not enough for the project still I also just went to try and fly with the pirate rocket and then realized I don't have any lunch and whilst I'm here I might as well wait oh they go down in one I was just gonna say I might as well grab some of the Warped blocks because I'm gonna need them for the build as well and it's gonna be very fast two steps quite quickly which is well enough don't need those blocks I really hope I get something good on this shovel otherwise I am going to pay a bit of trouble are you kidding me okay well thank you okay don't break it again because um I I have no way to get back if it's broken because I have no flint and steel all right just let me go I got lucky in that situation didn't I also day 88 paper as you can see now way more realistic just need some Gunpowder to go with it's been a really grindstone the wrong shovel as well my fortune three what no that wasn't very smart I mean was it anyway it's not too worrying because it's never right so it's good let's have a little look oh yes that's all we needed I'm making a new chest for the resources for this build and I'm gonna go out in search of a place that has plenty of sand plenty of gravel that isn't underwater I haven't yet found that place but it is now starting to go dark which is good because I'm going to go after some creepers and then I'll be able to fly again instead of having to walk like a pheasant paper Number One spotted and having knockback really helps in these situations okay I've got the first gunpowder got another creeper this is definitely going to blend I already made 21 more firework rockets and I've got more paper well I will have more paper there we go so I will keep making use of the Looting three tonight I think that'll be enough yeah well 50 yeah 15 good powder the 12 paper I've got 57 rockets that just set me up nicely I'm gonna get some sleep and this looks like a prime location for collecting the sun dating that has made cauldin's more realistic again we probably will see those right at this very moment I've ended up getting plenty more something actually needed I've got like 11 stacks underneath your name so I'll get these back and go out in search of gravel probably the best place for that is gonna be the nether I'll just head down to where my strip mine was I'll find lots of it oh and lava oh yeah I'll find lots of it no problem that's every bit of gravel that I need all nine sticks and day night adds the item physics mod which kind of makes items looking they just kind of roll as I took them down which I think looks pretty cool you know you just kind of go like that and you can see them all doing different things um it does a few other minor things as well but that's I don't know I thought that was the coolest of a lot now what's the final missing thing to make all my concrete bone blocks because I need loads of dye but I'm not going to worry about that right now firstly I want to get some Spruce Wood because I think roof a bit of spruce in there along with the Warped wood is going to look fantastic the only place you can think of it I definitely know those spruce trees is back at spawn because that's that's what I use at the start so that's kind of the direction I'm heading there you go this is just where I want to be and I can get all of the wood that I need so so so fast also is it just made does the snow kind of not look that realistic it looks a little crazy it's like it's Circle archive and jump up is it powdered still or you can go I don't know it's weird snow anyway that's what I know but it's um yeah it looks very uh very different indeed it's weird now that when I'm on a tree some of the leaves kind of fall but they're not really there you can walk through them I don't I don't get it anyway I've got all the wood I need and one of the final things I want quite a bit of is there right it's never easy to find where you want it is is this it here actually I think it is but I don't want to get that instead collecting it from here it's definitely the easiest that's more than enough diorite yesterday it was bells that got updated today it's bone blocks which are something that I need to track down because I need the bone meal from them here we go the bum blocks look very similar to how they normally look don't look two gas attacking me you're kidding me but they still can't get me can you look at that you both missed they're absolutely rubbish I'm too okay I gotta hit that never mind now they're going at my ballpark oh no it's another guy it's not open the gas station now that I'm pretty sure I've got everything I need I'll get busy crafting everything took a little longer than I expected but I have now got every single resource that I need also I need the visual enchantments mod which gives you like a cool little thing to show what you've what you've got I know the right shovel though looks very weird doesn't it no but it kind of yeah uh shows you what's on it with a cool is now realistic leads are name tags and something massive flint and steel where is it where is that flint and steel I can't even there it is it looks way way better now so first things first I need a flat area and to achieve that I'm getting rid of this uh this little Mound I'll be honest this this little Mound is a bit bigger than I first realized yes it's becoming a bigger job than I wanted I might just terraform it a little bit on this side because completely getting rid of the entire thing it's looking to be just too much of an ask and I'm sure I'll have enough room here actually I'm not that sure which means I've removed yet another layer of dirt look at how much time to build this house I'm running out of days I should be good enough like I say I'll remove all the stone later it looks a little bit out of place now but I've got a good flood area I can remove some grass and so now I can begin the process of building this is a general outline of the front I'm not sure I'll get time for much more than the front community and I'm just gonna build it up another layer or two like this and then up here it's a mix of concrete and the stairs next I'll build these walls up higher and higher and then I can have some nice little balcony bits up here at the top it's now day 99 and I've still got quite a bit to do and if you're wondering what's been added we've got snow will look a lot better there's just not any around here to show you with the Roses also have a texture and soda totems again I don't have any tones to show you which is a bit of a shame I think I'll just concentrate on getting this house done before the end of the video the Sun is going down it's getting dark but I'm onto the roof now I've run out of the body I think I have more in the chest and I don't think I'm gonna need to work through the night I think I can get it done in day 100 you can see how it looks now I'm gonna go to sleep and you'll see how amazing it looks when I wake up because for day 100 the shaders are on we've got that nice warm Dawn feeling at the moment as the sun rises I'm just gonna get busy continuing this did I even grab the stairs I did remember to get them that's good let's continue placing these and get at the very least the front of this build complete yeah look at if I'm stood down there just not good if I look at it from behind and that is this Tower done that Tower is complete as well I've just got the roof in the middle and I'll be done and the sun I think I've got time guys I think I have time for this and it is done and I think it looks pretty good the beaker beam looks amazing I think I should move the beacon behind I also made this cool little entrance way as you can see you go in here and then yeah there was plans for more but I kind of couldn't make it so I think I'll put the beacon here on man it's definitely going dark I kind of want to show it in the full light as well though I'm gonna put that there all right the beacon beam will go up yeah it's going dark I you didn't really get to see the front of it though probably in the light because it's kind of just been this is the dark side that we're on here there's something on the other side when it was finished so I'm gonna I'm gonna go to sleep Minecraft's not gonna get any more realistic by the way at least I will go to sleep when um when it's dark enough and then as the sun rises it's gonna come in to be look I think it's I think it's very nice I'm very impressed with this build it's just yeah it's just a shame I couldn't build the whole thing but oh we're lagging a bit but other thing I think it's good don't want to go any further over time because this video is long enough thanks for watching subscribe and I'll see you guys later
Channel: SB737
Views: 1,871,386
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, gaming, sb737, sb minecraft, sb, let's play, tags are pointless anyway lol
Id: _fC2739irTU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 101min 50sec (6110 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 25 2023
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