I Became Immortal in Survival Minecraft

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I'm gonna become a hundred percent Immortal in Survival Minecraft earning the ability to survive the deadliest explosions the strongest mobs and even the literal void because when I was killed four different times within only one week my image was shattered so to redeem myself I'm gonna obtain every possible Immortal advantage and prove to my enemies I can no longer be killed starting with equipped a Max Enchanted armor boom that's one step closer with Max enchants and armor I now have the ability to withstand most combat situations but this isn't nowhere near enough to become immortal because on the lows SMP XP equals hard meaning another step to becoming Immortal will be to attain the max Health limit of 20 hard so once a former enemy with 20 Hearts logged onto the server my friend and I immediately took the opportunity to steal his levels oh he probably sees this coming oh he's chasing me get him get him get him get him but he says VC he's saying VC all right I want my levels back give me give them all right now or I'm killing you withdraw 100 I did it give it all right it was nice doing business with you no bye guys that looks good as 100 Levels now we're another step closer all right now I had to attained the max Health limit of 20 hard getting me closer to becoming Immortal but the death of this player later caused the return of a formal legal business known as DIN and with my many offenses to their company one of them's Founders known as heroducky sex stated plus dims challenges you claim facts to a 1v3 battle in seven days meaning if I didn't become immune to every possible attack from dims I will be killed again so to become immune to dim's every attack I begin to farm important resources at an undisclosed page the reason why we're here is because we're currently farming things right and now we're currently getting honey honey bottles are an essential item necessary to becoming immune to every attack from dim a key combat strategy on This Server typically uses poison potion which can be extremely deadly if combined with critical hits from players meaning I would need to avoid this attack to become immune luckily if drunken honey completely cures the poison effect from players so I decided to AFK a full shorter box of Honey bottles to strengthen my chances of becoming Immortal I've been watching countless videos and we only got this much honey bro we're not this here for a while more bro okay it's been a full-blown hour and now we have all of the honey we pretty much need in the sugar box it may not be full to the brim but this is enough honey to last me a bunch of fights meaning we moved another step closer with all the honey bottles obtained I'm now permanently immune to poison moving me closer to becoming Immortal but I realize something just material items won't really make me Immortal it's the fear mentality that players used to view me with that causes them to hesitate battling me in the first place so to regain that mentality from players I knew how to restore something my enemies feared the most and this is a Fallen Nation named corvia that mean KJ owned but we have to fix it poorvy is a Fallen Nation that originated as a way to still levels from players and keep my team constantly at max hard but after I was temporarily banned Corby was completely destroyed left with nobody to protect it rebuilding corvia could possibly convince themes into lowering their level count to avoid being targeted allowing Health in our battle to be in my favor making me more immortal but I noticed the entire enemy team dims was logged onto the server meaning there's a high chance of a secret Ambush so I grouped out with other corvia members and we began to fix our Fallen Nation yay we gotta get rid of dozens of bamboo hip hip hooray hey we actually didn't do a bad job of getting rid of the bamboo but I feel like dims is up to something Heroes and heroes and sponsoring AGS VC they're doing something why are they all in an ashcracy though they're on asbc we watch them make a stasis we watch them all group up there they're here they're here they're here they're here they're here no way on this side on this side on this side they're here they put the stasis they pulled the faces they put the stasis go to spawn just kill him I'm here on them they're running [Music] who's trying to find me I have my shield I can take it oh I don't want to waste a problem yeah no chance we catch them they're gone it seemed like my instincts were true that dims really wanted to Ambush me if I'm not Immortal by the time of our battle my dreams of immortality could be crushed so annoying my enemies knew my exact location I decided to put a pause on restoring corvia and ran to an active public base it's still with the roses for my next step to becoming Immortal but since the base owners are very wealthy it was a surprise when they don't have a single wither robe my next step in becoming Immortal was to obtain regeneration potion because in combat I would have been able to naturally heal savoring a lot of Health items while dims would eventually run out the issue is the item is required for Brewing regeneration potions are very scarce so I would need a gas farm that requires 300 wither roses to build luckily when a Wither is summoned all nearby mobs are transformed into withered roses but I only had enough materials for summoning one wither to transform 300 mobs in a single blast so I began breeding 300 mobs in hopes of getting all the weather roses okay this is according to the The Entity counter about 440 chickens so this better give me enough weather roses because if it doesn't I'm going to cry I really don't know what to do boom boom okay nice bro around pine all right please kill all the chickens please I hope this doesn't crash or nothing okay I have to pick it all up okay looks like a lot to me looks like a lot to me looks like a lot to me but we have so many freaking withered roses I can finally start getting regeneration bro let's freaking go foreign this took two whole days to build oh my gosh but now we have an entire choker box full of regeneration so uh that's another step closer with the gas Farm finally completed I was able to attain enough resources to brew unlimited amounts of regeneration potion really increasing my immortality level by a ton but as I was on my way to continue this momentum I was shown an image revealing that corvia members were attacked by Den after hearing the news I realized that dims was deadlier than I thought and time was also running out before our final battle so I immediately ran into the Wilderness to continue my momentum what there's no way this guy spawned here bro I actually needed this okay now that I have bad Omen I'm looking for a village so I can start a raid so you know I could get some totems holding a totem of undying allows players to be safe from Death meaning if I'm being attacked by my enemies I could hold a total to survive making me literally Immortal totems are obtained during raids after killing an evoker but unfortunately not only do a vocers rarely appear in raids to start a raid you need a village which after long periods of time I have been unable to locate and just as I started to almost give up on becoming Immortal I found this the wheels on the bus go round no way no way bro oh my gosh finally we could get some totems bro oh my gosh bro yes oh my gosh just drop a totem just drop a totem okay we have our totem now we just have to place a hopper please okay boom yes I have a totem I have a totem oh my gosh these are banned from the server with a totem of undying finally in my possession I can literally avoid death making my immortality level increase by a great amount and knowing those were no longer online I decided to start construction builds that corvia that will further establish the nation and make my enemies avoid me once again making my immortality level increase boom easy but I spent so much time doing this I had time for only one more immortal tactic that could possibly help me against my battle against them I began to think about all my strategies in realizing combat Vince has the ability to hit me three times before I even hit them one meaning even with 20 Hearts my health will be useless so I knew there's only one last option that could help me secure this win we're at ancient city looking for 32 golden apples to be able to break my home county using the legal stacking exploit enchanting going apples are literally the most broken item in the game allowing your home to instantly regen and provide you with even more extra heart and combined with the glitch in our plugin that allows you to illegally stack extra hard I can literally have 250 hearts at once when my enemies have the max of 20. before I can do this exploit I need to find at least half a stack could go to Naboo and with the introduction of ancient cities they're very common to find so if 18 hours left an attack that thou literally made me Immortal I began to hunt for a chance to go to Naples started with my first goal to napolata 32. uh this is going to take a while boom jackpot bro what there's no way there's two of them again Brown's stacking up bro oh shoot on shoot oh my gosh you're going Apple let's go what's another two in the tens bro what okay after like 10 hours of work combusted to like five seconds I have like 36 golden apples bro I'm like super tired though but when I wake up it's gonna be time to fight so huh let's go before this battle both sides agreed that we must have a legal inventory and we must stay in the walls of corvia meaning I can't use my totem of undying since it's illegal this didn't seem that bad until the expert that allowed me to get 250 Hearts wasn't working I could have been doing it wrong or the x-way might have been patched already this means my most trusted tactic was useless but even worse then started corvie into a hotel that when it gets everything the nation stood for meaning I was now battling for not only proving my immortality but the entire nation that has been the only thing important to me for months are you are you going to leave is that is that where you're going to agree to leave corvia and we'll break down the hotel right yeah all right all right are you guys ready or you got anything else I think that are we ready all right I guess three two one go what [Music] I'm your friend don't leave him we're supposed to be doing screaming go go go go oh my god he has to be low he has to be low oh my God [Music] you have got apples right before I died I didn't even know why he had got apples I don't think you're paying attender you can't leave oh my God oh my God [Music] yes no Heroes is me you know of course right when we feel like we have a chance we have to fight God [Applause] [Music] you're bad from Korea bye don't come back again or I'll kill you [Music]
Channel: FlameFrags
Views: 477,879
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, flamefrags, flame frags, levelssmp, levels smp, flamefrags minecraft, lifesteal smp, lifesteal, hardcore, smp, minecraft smp, flamefrags levels smp, i became immortal in minecraft, immortal minecraft, becoming immortal in minecraft
Id: x_MO1BqTVbE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 22sec (682 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 04 2023
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