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inji it's an amazing game I've played it over and over and over and you probably have as well but did you ever wonder what does this button do well these are the advanced settings and you can fidget with them to customize your experience even more making the game harder or easier as you see fit for example you can decrease the damage to make fights longer and more cinematic or increase it to make the fights even more deadly and high stakes well today we're gonna crank up these sliders to the Max and see what happens so join me with gear brills a kinshi survival expert who is adamant that he can survive and thrive in this world the goal to prove that he can is to save up enough for a crew and to open up a business even though we will be starting from scratch but first it is harvesting season do you like cool heroes do you enjoy intense PVE in PvP gameplay and do you by any chance like to delve into dangerous dungeons facing badass bosses well gotcha because you just admitted to liking today's sponsor hooray Shadow Legends Reid's one of my favorite Hero Collection Games and the same must be true for others as well since it has over 400 million players from 190 countries there's just something so enjoyable about Hero Collection watching The Warriors you have Acquired and worked on upgrading and training going into battle and taking down a terrifying boss raid is great in this aspect with its huge roster of characters with a pool of over 700 Champions to collect from 15 awesome factions with a roster of characters this big you will definitely find something that you like the Samurai and elf at dwarf a Templar and the list goes on and between artifacts accessories masteries and more there's practically infinite ways to customize your team to be able to take on the Ferocious bosses afraid the game is available on both mobile and PC and receives a ton of regular updates that adds new content introduces new events tournaments challenges so there's always something to do in the game they just added a fearsome new boss akomori the Phantom Shogun who is guarding everything you need for a new gear related mechanic called accessory Ascension also make sure to check out their animated limited series raid call of the Orbiter on the official raid YouTube channel that stuff is pretty cool so if you like what you see and want to check out raid for yourself let me throw in a free star drip bag for you to get all this cool in-game loot all you have to do is scan the QR code visible on screen or click the link in the description below enjoy the game and thank you raid for supporting the channel Hello friends Gabriel's here and today I'll be showing you how to survive in the world of kenshi on the hottest difficult day now when you're in the deserts of kenshi time is of the essence because hunger is burning really fast I'm not gonna do the accent for the rest of the video but we do need to move fast because we have hunger set to the highest like depreciation rate or whatever so we are getting hungry time is money now here's what we're gonna need to do in this episode we're gonna need 20K to uh buy a shop and start like a business and just retire from this dangerous stuff but we're also going to need some gear and we're gonna need some money to hire some employees so let's get to it now ideally since we have the damage modifier times four most stuff in the game will one shot unless the enemy has like crazy armor or something like that so if we can land ourselves arranged weapon that will negate a lot of the danger in fighting Rumble who's this wow wow it is almost as if it is fated there's a there's a character who's wanted and he has a ranged weapons let's see his name's elves uh it stands for all the else that he's about to take from Gabriel's Hello friends Gabriel's here and I'm gonna end this man's life I'm hungry got any food uh not for you get a job you're a rude man I hate you Hello friends Gabriel's here and that man has the mental capabilities of a three-year-old all right let's see here uh there's a bounty on your head and I want it he's gonna try to shoot We're not gonna let him boom okay let's just dodge easily easy Dodges all day long boom take that right to the Head and another one also can you see it with the damage multiplier how much how crazy damage we're outputting right now boom and down he goes he got some gear for me and the ranged weapon don't mind if I do and he's got some rum okay here you can take my previous drags while I snatch that armor from you thank you very much and now we turn him in we need to hurry because Chance of death is also raised all the way to the maximum Hello friends Gabriel's here and that was the AGS 1000 cats I've ever made in my life alright now that we have a ranged weapon we're just gonna venture out into the desert and uh look out for opportunities to make money the desert in the united cities is filled with opportunities to make money there's traveling Merchants there's Caravans they're slavers who fight other people and you can just clean up after them it's just such a great and lovely Place who's that a Wandering monk now even though this person on normally would end my life if I try try to mess with them with a ranged weapon there's a high chance I could just one shot them but I'm gonna not gonna do it near the the city we're gonna oh what's going on here oh wait these are slaver slave a ball oh my God oh my God they just destroyed that man's head you see that yeah these are anti-slavers in United City's territory that's not very base that's not cash money all right well this is the best opportunity to go get ourselves some gear actually let's just pretend like yeah we're just we're just onlookers yeah now that no one notices we can go in and take some gear I'm keeping my ranged weapon so no big weapons for me ideally we could find the katana at some point if the armor just so kind of weapons do these people have oh wow oh that's a samurai gate guard yeah no I'm not I'm not disrespecting the law respect to the Troops yeah they just woke up in time to recognize that I'm I'm saluting the troops oh my god dude oh my God I almost disrespect the log and my bad my bad my bad all right let's keep looting these guys hopefully we can find that helmet is cool let me take that real quick reception bonus there's it does nothing in kenshi perception does nothing in kenshi man this ROM that we stole from elves is not that great so let's not even hold on to it I'm gonna pick this person up to turn them in although they're pretty much dead so it's not it's not like they're gonna be worth too much but hey it's money hello special delivery one uh abolitionist dead though okay so kind of cold here we go hey Elsa how are you doing you enjoying your time here he's getting a weapon he just stole that sword all right good on you man I'm not gonna hate on you imagine if he actually makes a comeback story leaves jail and hunts me down through the desert trying to get revenge that would actually be a sick idea for a mod like uh your past ex Bounty Hunter and you're being hunted down by all your uh the the criminals that you put in jail dude that would be such a cool mod here we go Money Talks nine thousand very cool now let's go to the a bar and you know what I think it wouldn't hurt to start recruiting our um our employees right now because there will be good mules that will help us carry stuff around and make money more exponentially you know who's this Izumi who's this hey there and I need employment I can fix you up but I re really I need someone to sponsor my research I can appreciate a good brain need some funds first 2500 oh that's that's actually cheaper than usual and she comes with some pretty good stats very nice not combat oriented but not bad by any means who's this Alan what's up Alan looking to get out of town you need a Merc what's your price 3 000 ah whatever get in Alan The Shack welcome aboard all right now we need some food and then we're gonna move out of here there's some food and now let's get out of here if the bodies are still outside we'll get Alan some some weapons hopefully we'll put these guys on the Block and we'll give Alan the dawn thing so he can get a lot of defense and hopefully tank for us but yeah let's drop this guy Hello friends I'm Bros do not try this at home he just casually walked away he's just hey break it up he's not even oh my God he survived that see here 6 000 right off the bat love to see it oh my God look at that armor time for an upgrade that's a really good one hold on mercenary Club don't mind if I do I'll take that backpack it's a thief backpack juice which is actually pretty good here you go if you survive the jacket I want you to keep it shush look at the drip all right that was actually pretty uh I was pretty profitable well isn't all kinds of theory profitable technically do you see the rate at which checks lose hunger oh my God that's like one every second oh my god dude all right we're at stoat we'll get in refill on food sell some stuff do we even have anything to sell yeah we can at least sell the skeleton repair kit where's the bar all right we sell this let's skeleton repair kit and that puts us above ten thousand beautiful looking at my scar it's rude to stare you know but since I'm in a cheery mood buy me a drink and I'll tell you how I got it how honestly I could open the can again with a sword slip and nearly took my eye out usually though I tell people I fought a ninja Lord or something I mean I do Twilight as a Hitman and all you still fight not professionally but I freelance so to speak and uh well for six thousand I'll cut down who you want when you want I like your stall all in for six thousand I mean beeps don't eat a lot and if this guy is actually good let's do it speed welcome aboard is he actually good did I just get scammed not bad not bad he's not like a complete beginner at least alright Spade will we are on a mission to get rich or die trying so please join us and Alan here is gonna bankrupt us with all the food that he consumes alright let's move to heft see what we'll encounter on the road there's some Rebel Farmers over there but let's not run into them big groups like that almost always have oh my God a great rich man never mind please drop that whatever you were listening to right now whatever I was just explaining forget it we're going to Riskin Hello friends I'm gay Gabriel's and I'm really bad at Survival Let's just stalk them for a while okay we just want that great rich man Rebel Farmers seem to be moving on very nice usually their leaders have a really good bounty on them and leaders are the ones who are like dressed like a samurai like this guy uh but he doesn't have a bounty on him so I'm wrong I know nothing these guys do oh wow three thousand nice but we're no bounty hunters we are just interested in this guy right here actually Gabriel's and over the armor Spade just in case because he's oh what is that what is that get away from this what the heck hell that's an alpha dude I am wow dude I'm surprised it didn't come for new the desert is such a terrifying place I'm telling you these sandstorms you don't know what's inside of them don't mind us in a great rich man or just uh we're just tagging along you know all right we're pretty isolated here so if we're gonna Rob this person let's do it right here okay okay let's spread out like that how's the weather working in darkness okay then uh we'll wait for a little bit ideally we get this person in one shot don't go into the sandstorm again please that kills my my crossbow skill even more you guys run away tight kite okay okay okay please please please please please oh let's go one shot oh my god let's go only four cats all of that let's get that armor oh my God actually we'll give it to Spade I don't mind I don't mind the jumping a Drifter let's see what do you have on here what the hell those are that's some good equipment that Katana is probably really nice if we get give that to Spade probably carry us through some some fights as always do not try this at home okay I'm getting good at this Gabriel is getting good at General generally bad stuff he's getting evil is what I'm getting at all right here you go I know it's not bad I'll take it myself actually actually this is better so another Drifter emerges on the sandstorm really sorry about this but I gotta find my blacksmith business somehow does he not notice nice let's go oh we could sell that for a bit thank you Johnny oh hey Johnny do we tag along to the next town with you man thank you oh let's go 1700 Don't Mind If I Do all right please don't do a search please please please please please I beg you please do not do a search thank goodness oh look at all these cool armors all right let's sell everything boom boom and that puts us at 25 000. you love to see it ladies and gentlemen let me see do you have any uh uh Katana blueprints because we're gonna need those we're gonna need some of those let's get some more food we're kind of running out let's see here sometimes you can actually find some blacksmiths in bars uh no thank you no all right you know what let's actually go back to shoba Thai I think in shobatai you can find some blacksmiths just roaming around the streets all right just one last trip hopefully hope it goes well I hope we don't [ __ ] die oh wow look at these guys oh man that's how I'm trying to be they're so oh my God they're so cool they're so cool all right here we go let's see if we can find that blacksmith I was talking about I was always told I'd never make it if I couldn't handle myself with a sword well I'm still alive aren't I melting the hearts of my enemies with my cooking one rice bowl at a time I like you man but this is not the Walter White episode we don't want to cook eat somebody some weapons to train with they worked on me oh yeah he saw those please give me a blacksmith please he's still on my own bar in the outlands called the The Punchy gar until she barbarians took over but hey I think myself lucky that I escaped in one piece even if I did lose my beloved bar I just damn Miss Brewing up my another cook man Hello friends I'm Gabriel's and I can't find a goddamn blacksmith so I guess we're just gonna let's just at least buy the place all right this is the place that I've had my eyes on so let's do this real quick boom we are now a proud homeowner which uh 99 of Millennials cannot think some dark humor for you right there now I just need to fix this place up we need to find ourselves a blacksmith acquire some Blueprints and we can get going but that's all the time we have for today I hope you enjoyed seeing kenshi a bit more harsher than uh than normal but honestly a ranged weapon just kind of trivializes it I mean I'm saying that but if you run into an actual enemy that wants you dead they'll just close the distance and if you're outnumbered like you can't shoot them down all but yeah that gives you an idea you should really play with those Advanced options in the menu because some of them do have some really cool stuff I need to try I need to do like an episode where I go with the 0.25 damage that makes weapon that makes fights like pretty cinematic and like they take a while and stuff like that it's pretty cool but yeah if you're interested in that let me know down in the comments and if you want to see gear brills open up his own weapon shop just let me know by leaving a like and a comment on this video to help make it reach more people and I'll see you guys in another one much love bye-bye
Channel: Simo
Views: 45,452
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kenshi impossible start, playthrough part 1, playthrough, kenshi guide, kenshi review, impossible start, kenshi torso run, kenshi torso only, kenshi rock bottom, ambiguousamphibian kenshi, kenshi tips, kenshi beep, kenshi ep 1, kenshi torso, kenshi desert, kenshi skeleton, 100 days kenshi, lets play kenshi, let's play kenshi, kenshi torso solo, kenshi skeleton only, kenshi hardest start, kenshi skeleton torso, kenshi gameplay part 1, kenshi, kenshi gameplay
Id: PDqW_bcwVAM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 13sec (973 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 22 2023
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