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yo what's going on guys rapid plays here and today we are going to be looking at some galatian legionaries so this unit is a very very interesting unit in itself it is a well armored one-handed sword decently large shielded um infantry and today they are going to be going against a formidable Foe and this cardly axeman these guys are no pushover by any means this is a very middle tier infantry unit these guys can put down some pain they have Javelin capabilities along with their one-handed axes so as we get into this fight guys make sure if you guys are excited for this make sure you guys go down below hit that like And subscribe button it means a lot to me and here we go the first exchanges are going to be Javelin volleys from both sides so first things first we're going to be getting javelins from the galatian legionaries not really going to be picking up much kills on these axemen because they have massive Shields never mind they actually kind of just got trounced by those javelins and here we go the turn fire now the one really good thing about these galatian legionaries is they weren't looking head-on so that's why it's all a couple casualties get taken but with the size of their Shields most projectiles will get eaten up by their Shields so you're going to see a lot of times out of most of these Javelin throws a lot of these javelins are going to be hitting straight into their Shields and not to be doing a ton of damage some more return fire javelins hitting that guy in the back yikes but yeah um engagement has pretty much started completely across the line here um you're looking at these massive Shields um massive Shields one-handed swords versus massive Shields with axes so again these guys are very well trained decently armored so they're going to be one heck of a fight here um again no pushover by any means uh we're going to watch some one-on ones like this guy here oh well never mind seeing some guys get flipped over Shields and stuff another guy going down there but yeah glacian legionaries um they're about 850 gold I believe and the um axemen here are 780 if I remember right so they're actually pretty close to each other um when it comes to cost which is really really good for the battle now one thing that you can do with these units which I'm about to Showcase to you is their flanking um ability with javelins so they have Javelin capabilities right I mean you've seen me do it in battles before where I flank around the enemy and I use their javelins now these guys their Javelin capability is arguably in my opinion one of the best in the game I don't know why but their javelins to me feel like they do way more damage than most other normal units maybe it's just because um the amount that they throw all at once that it just appears like it is just butchering the enemy but I feel like with these guys their javelins just melt the enemy way faster than anyone else's like way faster than the Roman Pila way faster than pretty much anything I have a feeling that these javelins do more damage again could just be me could just be because um I don't know it's just how I view them but I feel like that these javelins are probably some of the best projectiles that can be thrown by infantry in the game and which is quite High Praise because I I'm usually pretty critical when it comes to throwing weapons like this um I do love having my throwing weapon capabilities but at the same time I usually view them as like yes they can be extremely effective from like throwing from behind like these guys are right now but they don't always put them down like this here so the fact that these guys can just drop the the enemy like that is really really good is really really big really really good and now you're starting to see just more engagements across the line um one thing that I would say about these glacian legionaries is okay so they can hold their own but if you come across something like oath swarm petoran guard you're going to need two or three units of these guys to take down one unit of them these guys are someone that can deal with middle tier infantry pretty decently um I'm not going to say that they are going to come out of a fight with middle middle tier infantry with no casualties cuz these guys are going to be suffering some casualties in those kinds of fights but at the same time they won't be taking like a stupid amount of casualties either they're going to definitely be taking some casualties don't get me wrong like you're going to have casualties just like in any other battle uh you could be fighting a mob unit with petoran guard and you might lose one petoran guard which actually I don't know if that's true uh you don't quote me on that that don't quote me on that mob petorian guard thing but that' actually be kind of cool to see if one unit of petorian guard could kill like an entire Army of mob huh you guys might get that video soon I just thought about that but uh yeah anyways um like I was saying you guys are going to have casualties being taken some of these units are starting to get a little depleted like this one here no never mind this one um they've gotten 29 kills but they've lost 28 men so it's like kind of a um exchange ratio I guess would be a good way to put it I mean like obviously that um they're not going to be as good as the high tier infantry I mean that just makes complete and utter sense um in the matter of they're going to be taking a little bit more casualties than the high tier infantry but um they're also not going to be like getting slaughtered if that makes sense like and and like I was saying before the only time that you're truly going to see them getting slaughtered is if they're going against like pretorians or something like that so yeah as the enemy tries to reform here they're kind of running through the galatian legionaries and they're just kind of all getting cut down and doing so and uh yeah so that's kind of going to be this video here um the glacian legionaries are extremely good I mean I think it's one of the higher tier infantries for galatia uh I'm not for sure if they have Oath sworn or not I don't think they do I think the glacian legionaries might actually be their highest tier of infantry um which by all means is not bad uh these guys are very formidable uh definitely would use them given the chance to use them in battles uh yeah no these guys are very viable very very viable um especially if you guys have Archer and calf support yeah no it's it's pretty much wraps for the enemy as you can see here by them absolutely routing this massive Army um yeah so wow there's we just missed another javelin throw there but yeah um as we're coming along these last couple seconds of this battle guys again I'd like to thank you guys all so much for watching if you guys did enjoy make sure to go down below hit that like And subscribe button and I will be back and live streaming on Monday the second I shouldn't be home so um yeah we should be live streaming I don't want to stay on that day but we should be live streaming sometime that week so make sure you guys also stop by and uh join into those live streams I always love seeing you guys in the live streams seeing your reactions and stuff like that so yeah thank you guys all so much for watching and of course I will see you all next time peace
Channel: RapidPlays
Views: 135
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 6JlAyb8Id1Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 46sec (466 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 02 2024
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