Can I Escape Subnautica's HARDEST Biome???

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life form readings in this region oh radiation I forgot about that actually yeah we can't go too close to the ship oh no oh oh oh oh go go go go go go go go go go go if you've played subnautica for a bit you know the player was pretty fortunate to have landed in the safe shallows but what if that wasn't the case welcome to the back of the Aurora whose murky Waters and local fauna have been the source of many jump scare compilations for this challenge we'll be starting out smack dab in the middle of this place and have to gather materials to escape the challenge ends once we are able to establish a powered base with a fabricator outside of the crash Zone it's going to be a fun one so without further Ado let's get into it so I think the first step is let's take a look this is this is where we are oh wow you never really see it from this angle and you hear that I don't know if you can hear that oh boy that's that's our friends so why don't we just take a little pop down oh dear oh no where are they okay um I guess we'll just try a straight shot what could go wrong oh my goodness this is I don't know oh boy oh boy oh I don't like this oh I do not like this are they what's that lose focus oh oh oh dear uh oh it's right there oh no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no oh no no no oh oh where'd you get them oh we're juking them oh well that went well you died you don't say clearly that was going to work so I came up with a new idea um so where was he maybe if we go this way okay let's try something let's head this way but let's make a left kind of when we get to where we were before and we can maybe not die immediately oh this is gonna be I don't wanna so I kind of want to go this way okay just go just go go go go go um yeah we're gonna need a c Glide to like properly Juke these guys come on just give I know there's one this way I have no idea what's over here oh my gosh she's right there oh dear um okay okay it's right here come on come on come on come on come on come on come on okay okay we made it I think yeah we've escaped oh if only it were that easy surprisingly I managed to get out of the crash Zone on my second attempt of course this was only half of the battle see the thing is that wasn't so bad the the problem is we have to get back any materials that we don't have when we get back are going to be lost putting that out of my mind I began to collect the resources I would need for a scanner as well as some fish to make food and water um a fish fish I'm gonna need these come here Bieber get back here I want to put you inside of my stomach get back here thank you can I get air ooh bladder fish oh we're gonna need those couple of these like six of them oh we're gonna need a knife I just realized I thought we might not need a knife for this challenge but we're gonna need table Coral okay Limestone let's we need to start breaking limestone uh what do we need to rank first okay first we need a scanner what is that scanner is gonna be a battery and titanium okay so we need copper I believe one copper so defined copper I also don't want to oh that's really good that is really good the caves oh don't drown Don't Drown don't drown don't get killed by a crash fish either to the surface okay okay that wasn't so bad please give me copper yes okay we we have enough stuff to theoretically make let's get one more of those we have enough stuff to theoretically craft a scanner now okay we got two copper and two titanium now we need to make it back without oh dying okay oh boy oh boy oh I don't like this at all but I will Press On kind of need to go around this way I think this should be far enough well now it's dark oh oh no this is horrible this is horrible okay I have the medical kit right yes um oh I dude I hate this and I'm not even under okay we're going we're going we're going just go for it don't look back let's go oh dear you just don't get ambushed don't get ambushed don't get ambushed no one see me there's no one's seen me Oh no just go just go just go just go oh oh oh dear oh no oh no oh I can't even see him just go go go go go go go go go oh this is really bad okay how has he not hit me yet oh boy it's only 120 meters away oh where is he where is he where is he oh my gosh how did I not get attacked come on come on come on come on come on come on almost there almost there almost there almost there let's do it okay oh my oh now that I had the scanner I could begin searching for sea Glide fragments eventually I would also need a habitat Builder and a knife to get table Coral it was time to head back out maybe if I hugged it maybe I should try hugging the ship I'm gonna try that life form readings in this region oh radiation I forgot about that actually yeah we can't go too close to the ship oh no oh oh oh go go go go go go go go go oh go go get back inside get back inside oh oh no oh I didn't think there were that any that close oh boy oh boy um okay note to self don't go that way oh I hate this look at this water oh he's just right there don't come near me dude okay oh yeah that's reassuring why is he all the way over there man's on a mission but I don't know what it is I just hope that doesn't involve me oh boy oh boy oh boy I hate this let's go stay away away stay away stay away um okay he's over there oh my goodness come on just just go for it okay we made it out there's some scrap metal here I kind of want heart attack and juicing jump scares aside I began searching for sea Glide fragments as well as collecting materials for the knife and habitat Builder okay let's see Glide fragments please please see light fragments nothing uh nope Beacon fragment that doesn't help me giant Coral tubes nope that's another Beacon yes sea Glide that's really good okay just one more of those I don't think we're gonna find it here though oh that's unfortunate oh air Don't Drown Don't Drown don't drown where was this okay wreck wreck that's really good I feel like I should probably know where these are but oh well okay please have a sea Glide fragment if I have a sea light fragment there's a chance we can make this work um she Glide please yes yes that's really good sea Glide what does it cost My Hope was that the sea Glide would make me agile enough to stand a chance at outmaneuvering a Reaper of course I still had to make it back to the lifebot in one piece lubricant copper wire titanium okay I think we can make all those so we need to get back home now which means doing this again but if we can get the sea Glide that that will be huge that'll be huge it'll make traveling back and forth so much easier because we can actually maneuver you should not be out here also that is very reassuring that that is right in my path um I'm gonna try to go this way a little bit oh boy and it's starting to get dark again soon okay just get back before it gets night okay let's go go go okay I don't know where it is I don't know where it is oh I feel really exposed right now I think I did this from a bad place all right we're 300 meters away I think we just need to swim for it come on come on come on why do I keep bobbing underwater no want to stay on the surface just go oh boy oh that is it's terrifying where are they where are they oh boy come on get back home is right there we can make a sea Glide we'll be in a really good spot oh boy I hate this oh oxygen yes okay and we got another medical kit that is awesome and with that oh that that makes this so much easier I know how to see Clyde but unbeknotes to me my theory was about to be put to the test well I guess let's go for it foreign oh my goodness it's too deep for us to use the map yeah let's let's use the light that's going to help us out a lot okay I'm heading it's really dark I can't quite see oh where where is he where is he where is he where is he where is he oh oh no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no get away from me stop swimming in the same direction oh oh that is terrifying where is he where is he where is he where is he where is he where is he he's coming for me I know it I know he's coming for me okay okay oh we made it I think yes creep Vine oh that's really good as the sun was Rising I made a rather Pleasant find okay the sun's coming up I just need some actually this might not be a bad place I can get it from this thermal then oh don't I okay silver we're gonna wait here for it to go back up again okay we're gonna go down here grab this and then go there we go okay we got let's see another silver that's enough for the wiring kit enough is that everything we need for the habitat Builder oh we need table Coral inventory is full wow I'm gonna drop one of these hopefully I don't regret that okay four should definitely be enough for everything okay let's head back to the life pod I now had all the materials I needed but it was far from over a death now would set me back a lot I was playing with my fate the problem is it's so murky can't see a thing oh oh you stay over there we're all good he's not staying over there is he sir I'm gonna need you to not do that oh oh shoot awesome there he is okay let's just go stop messing around well I know there's more around here okay come on come on get back to the life pod I am freaking out where is that there there okay my dance with death had paid off all that was left was one final trip outside the crash Zone and I would be able to make the base okay we this might be the last time we ever have to be here let's see let's go for it all right time to head back if we can just get out wait oh oh dear oh dear you're right on top of me stop doing that that isn't nice freaking me out like that also I forgot to craft the metal salvage into titanium oh boy I hope he doesn't show back up come on get back get back um um yeah how about no let's let's go yeah I want to do this before it gets dark otherwise we're going to be in a really rough spot it's just get we've just got to get past this one Reaper okay we get past him I think we can finish the challenge because we have enough stuff for uh oh there he is oh I'm about to die I think we're gonna get past them yeah let's just go oh um oh no oh no oh she's going for something else and he is now on the ground let's just go okay now we just have to build a base let's go over here want some detonation we don't want that but I don't think it will matter because we get over here I think we have enough stuff now to build a base see eye compartment hatch and solar pan I need one more quartz oh dear okay this isn't gonna be quite as easy as I thought you've got to find quartz maybe there's some in this cave down here where it squirts quartz oh don't drown right now that'll be really bad okay okay we got the quartz now if we pop a solar panel on this thing there the base is powered power restored all primary systems and with that we did it from now we could complete the rest of the game as usual while those Reapers sure gave me a good scare the challenge was definitely easier than I first thought but don't worry the next one won't be so simple
Channel: Breathtaker
Views: 11,326
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #Subnautica, #Reaper Leviathan, #Subnautica Below Zero, #Challenge
Id: HUJbO5Ux65c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 0sec (1440 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 08 2023
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