The 12 Survivors of Subnautica - Full Story Explained!

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again this is Aurora come in this is Keen Life podcast the computer to regroup the crew there understood but they are your responsibility now don't let them down Captain you need to evacuate negative you'll need to ship in one piece if you're going to contact HQ on the long range I'm attempting a controlled descent captain [Applause] [Music] [Music] this is life pod 2 coordinates attached we're way past our safe depth and bleeding O2 we'll have to swim for the surface but it's 500 meters straight up we'll make for the Rendezvous and keep you posted out to complications after playing a fall life pod 2 begins taking on water and sinking to the bottom of the ocean CTO use Quick to reconfigure the oxygen system and the life pod stops flooding while this offers a temporary reprieve you and Berkeley are still trapped half a kilometer down with limited resources and a dwindling Air Supply realizing that imminent help is unlikely the pair began pooling their resources together to craft diving gear tools and anything else that might help them Reach the Rendezvous point eventually their oxygen supplies are exhausted and the pair began to make their Journey up towards the surface this goes less than smoothly and the two are constantly harassed by crab squids ampules and warpers to make matters worse you and Berkeley almost certainly encountered the adult ghost Leviathan located in this region with no terrain or vehicles of any kind to Shield them the two would have been relentlessly pursued by the Beast before Berkeley would lose his life eventually you was able to make it to the surface and with the ghost Leviathan no longer a threat she was able to begin the long swim to the Rendezvous point [Music] you really think it'll carry two of us your regular sea Glide tows a mass of 80 kilograms are over 30 kilometers an hour the power seller rig to this one should double that you think there's something out there that's faster I'm sure and that's assuming it doesn't overload three meters from the light pod you're calm about this I'm seeing the engineering problem if I stop seeing the maths I'll be terrified after Splashdown the two unnamed crew of Life pod 2 find themselves in a rather fortunate location within the northeastern kelp forest their biggest threat would have been nothing more than an occasional stalker or two this gave the crew some initial relief however the pair would soon become plagued with technical problems the emergency sea Glide was damaged in the crash and their distress signal coordinates were corrupted making navigation even more difficult undeterred the pair began making emergency repairs to their sea Glide and Gathering supplies for their trip to the Rendezvous point they were eventually able to start their Journey to the Rendezvous but the extensive delays from having to fix their sea Glide would become problematic later on [Music] we've landed close to the Aurora flotation device is active but we've got some big old fish in the water with us and I don't know how long we're going to last we're close to the crash site so bring radiation protection four out lifepod 4 lands near the midsection of the Aurora and while the pot has remained afloat the crewman inside isn't arguably the worst position of any of the survivors the life pod's location within the Western sections of the crash Zone causes it to attract the attention of multiple Reaper leviathans the Survivor sends out a distress call and even manages to scan one of the Reapers but his life pod starts getting attacked shortly thereafter life pod 4 gets flipped over and receives extensive damage after a particularly aggressive Reaper attempts to swallow the pothole with time running out the Survivor realizes that reaching the Rendezvous point would be almost impossible and instead Ops to try and get to the Aurora crash site which is much closer in a stroke of luck he is able to craft a couple of creature decoys although he knows the decoys will likely run out before he makes it to the ship there isn't really a better option with everything prepared the Survivor activates the decoys and begins frantically swimming for the Aurora unbe notes to him however Escape is impossible the Aurora was completely inaccessible until the detonation of the drive Court which would not occur for several more hours even if he managed to survive until then the survivor's proximity to the Aurora would have caused him to die from the explosion eventually the creature decoys ran out and the Survivor was killed as he desperately tried to find a way inside the ship [Music] this is life pod 6. I have a passenger on board coordinates attached we've landed a kilometer from the crash site but there's radiation in between us and the Rendezvous request immediate assistance six out [Music] roughly in between life pods three and four life pod 6 splashes down in the center of the northeastern grassy plateaus biome within the Pod is the head of human resources and one of the Aurora's few passengers the pair request immediate assistance but soon realized that the rescue teams are dead putting their survival in their own hands [Music] being two of the more inexperienced people to have survived the crash the pair are heavily reliant on the guidance of their PDA while an immediate rush towards the Rendezvous point is tempting the crew member realizes that part of their route lies within the Aurora's radioactive fallout Zone the pair are informed by their PDA that they will need to acquire some lead for radiation suits in order to survive the journey but the passengers refusal to leave the light Pod without proper protection leaves the crew member to venture out alone in search of lead her search goes well she's able to make it back to the Pod with enough lead for two radiation suits during this time the passenger starts to grow impatient and pulls out a flare in an attempt to attract the attention of a would-be rescuer but it is when the crew member arrives back the disaster strikes as the passenger climbs back down into the Pod to meet the crew member the flare catches the life pod's main fuel line resulting in an explosion so violent it killed both occupants and caused enough damage for the life pod to rapidly sink to the ocean floor [Music] this is Life part seven coordinates attached pod is structurally sound but the Fabricators bust requesting assistance seven out moving to the South life pod 7 lands within the crack field and begins sinking to the seabed fortunately the crewman inside is in no immediate danger but problems begin to arise as he starts trying to fabricate food and supplies while the Pod itself is undamaged complications from planetfall have damaged the electrical systems and fried the Fabricators analysis circuits with this damage the fabricator becomes almost unusable turning precious resources into random objects or even just outright vaporizing them with this one technical error the survivor's situation becomes almost hopeless by now the life pod is 180 meters underwater and he has no way of creating the necessary diving equipment to reach the surface with no other options the Survivor is forced to use his time and remaining resources in a fruitless attempt to make anything useful unfortunately the cragfield is also home to numerous bone sharks who become attracted to the lifepod's lights bone sharks are highly aggressive in hunting groups and it is not long before life pod 7 falls under attack normally bone sharks are easy enough to distract with a flare or creature decoy but with no useful items to speak of and no way to escape the crewmen of Life pod 7 is forced to remain inside until the bone sharks tear their way through the halt [Music] I've been cheated the medical exams what does a doctor these days need to know about manually resetting bones when was the last time a top surgeon actually cut someone open that's what the robots are for doctors these days read diagnoses off of computer readouts for that I'm perfectly qualified but what good is it when I'm not connected to the main Network I'm bleeding I've got glowing green pustules growing on my hands I run a self scan and it tells me I've got skin irritation the only thing I studied in medical school was how to lie convincingly what the hell do I know about how to treat an alien disease I think I'm actually going to die down here the medical officer Dan be on board life POD 12 lands in the southern end of the bulb Zone unfortunately like several of the other life pods life pod 12's flotation devices are ineffective and the Pod quickly sinks to 270 meters down to the ocean bed like many of his comrades Danby is now stuck deep underwater with only a slim chance of survival with nothing else to do Danby opens the life pods hatch and begins looking for resources if you can get enough material for an oxygen tank then a push to the water's surface becomes entirely possible before Danby can make much progress however something terrible happens a bone shark comes out of the darkness and attacks stanby while he's searching for resources Danby sustains moderate injuries and is forced to retreat back to the life pod or else risk further injury once back inside the life pod Danby realizes that he is woefully unprepared to treat his injuries Danby is a medical officer but modern medicine's heavy Reliance on the assistance of robots and computer readouts meant that he was able to cheat his way through medical school with very little actual medical knowledge to make matters worse while outside Danby unknowingly became infected with the carobacterium and his symptoms are rapidly progressing Danby spends the remainder of his time within life pod 12. before eventually passing away due to a combination of blood loss and the corrupt [Music] what the hell guys they didn't want us this might happen our pod was almost crushed by the seamoth bay on the way down now we're hanging on the edge of a cave system and this Grim looking snake thing is trying to eat through the hull come get us already after launching from the Aurora lifepod 17 begins making its descent towards the surface while falling a large piece of the Aurora's seamoth Bay begins falling away from the Aurora nearly crushing the life pod in the process after around 30 seconds life pod 17 splashes down in the grassy plateaus biome with Aussie and one other unknown crew member inside [Music] initially all is well the life pod remains on the surface and there is no immediate danger posed by hostile fauna the two of them however are afraid to leave the life pod and don't realize they are among only a handful of people who are still alive because of this the two opt to have Aussie begin logging the event as they wait for help to arrive all is going well until the two notice water beginning to cover the life pod's top hatch while the life pod was spared from the worst of the debris field while ejecting smaller pieces of debris from the Aurora's seamoff Bay damaged the flotation devices causing them to begin taking on water upon Landing to make matters worse the rate of the life pod sinking begins to accelerate as the remaining air in the buoyancy system is forced out after a few minutes the life pod comes to rest next to a jelly shroom cave entrance around 100 meters down almost immediately the paraffin themselves getting attacked by one of the highly territorial crab snakes that inhabit the caves with no way to defend themselves and no diving equipment to attempt an escape Ozzie and the other crew member are trapped inside of the life pod until the crab snake eventually tears its way through the life pods Hull killing both of them in the process this is Officer Keenan's iPod 19. the captain is gone I have assumed command the last thing the captain did was give me coordinates for dry land we regroup one and a half kilometers Southwest of the crash site stay together and good luck this message will now repeat [Music] life pod 19 lands in the waters above the sparse Reef with Second Officer Keen aboard being second in command Keane's initial priorities are very different to the rest of the survivors after Captain Hollister's death Keane assumed command and was tasked with relaying the Rendezvous coordinates and regrouping the rest of the crew on the floating island thinking quickly Keane utilizes the life pod's emergency distress system to inform the other survivors of the captain's plan as well as the coordinates for the Rendezvous point at this point life pod 19 begins sinking due to problems with the flotation devices not wanting to get stuck 300 meters down on the sea floor and with the floating island Rendezvous Point close by Keane opts to make the swim with minimal equipment before evacuating Kian leaves behind a PDA with the Rendezvous coordinates urging any would-be Rescuers to disregard his own safety and attempt to reach the assigned coordinates instead with nothing else to do Keane exits his life pod and begins making his swim toward the floating island [Music] this is Life part 3 uploading our coordinates we're plugging some holes in our emergency C Glide so if we're late for the Rendezvous don't panic also don't go home without us seriously three out of the four people who survived long enough to begin making their way towards the rendezvous the two unnamed crew members were by far the last to leave their life pods unfortunately their progress would only be delayed further by continuous problems with their emergency sea Glide these problems would eventually become so bad that the crew were forced to give up and ditch their sea Glide altogether nevertheless the pair pressed on and began slowly but surely closing the gap between themselves and the Rendezvous point they exited the kelp forest passed through the safe shallows without incident and remained high above the potentially Troublesome sand sharks in the grassy plateaus once over the sparse Reef waning adrenaline and the sheer distance that they had to swim caused exhaustion to rapidly set in with every minute they remained in the water staying on the surface became more and more difficult eventually the last remaining strength of one of the crew was exhausted and they began sinking rapidly attempting to save their comrade the second Survivor Dove down to help them but the effort was in vain even at full strength pulling someone up dozens of meters with gear weighing them down is no easy feat and it wasn't long before the second survivor's strength also began to fail with nothing to grab onto the pair sank deeper and deeper after a couple of minutes their oxygen began to run out and the two drowned or suffocated shortly thereafter [Music] being so close to the Rendezvous Point Keane's Journey to the floating island was relatively straightforward Keane reaches the island and works his way around its sheer Cliffs before diving under the island and resurfacing at a small Lagoon Keane is the first person to reach the Rendezvous coordinates and he makes his way ashore to begin waiting for the other survivors [Music] after escaping from the ghost Leviathan making it to the surface you begins making her way to the floating island although life part 4 was the farthest surviving life pod from the rendezvous the fact that you see Glide and O2 tanks were working properly made the journey much easier after swimming over two kilometers U reaches the island and takes the same route along the Eastern side as Keen after diving briefly she surfaces in the middle of the Lagoon and meets up with Second Officer Keen [Music] we have to board the Aurora repair the long-range comms make contact with the other survivors we can't be the only two that made it those are not the orders the captain gave me and they are not the orders I'm giving you this isn't chain of command it's survival my obligations as acting Commander don't turn on their convenience get out of the water if I get into trouble I'll send you my coordinates I can't let you go alone then come with me you don't leave me my choice [Music] the pair began conversing as they tried to make sense of what might have happened to the other survivors however they quickly disagree on how to proceed regarding Captain Hollister's orders [Music] wishes to strictly adhere to the captain's orders and remain on the floating island until all of the survivors can reconvene on the other hand you believes that the other survivors might be trapped and in need of assistance and she intends to board the Aurora in order to repair the main communication systems doing so she figures will allow them to better coordinate with the other survivors and even contact Altera HQ directly the two argue briefly before you announces that she will be going regardless of Keane's input not wanting her to go alone Keane chooses to accompany her to the ship their pair began their swim but it still takes them another two hours to get close to the ship sadly before they can reach the Aurora you and Keane are attacked by a Reaper Leviathan the Beast grabs you almost immediately and Keane is forced to back off [Music] realizing that the Aurora is inaccessible and the floating island is too far away Keene sends an emergency signal to his PDA on the floating island attempting to warn any other survivors who make it to the rendezvous received emergency transmission from Second Officer Keen two hours after last activity decepted a transmission from Altera HQ seems they sent a data back in class Predator before we could reach the ship consider the CTO and I lost at sea be safe Keen out at this point Keane has been on the planet for almost eight hours and has become infected with Kara this drew the attention of a warper from the grand Reef which started following him and you when they left the floating island with its Target now alone in the middle of the ocean the warper finally catches up with Keane and kills him [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Breathtaker
Views: 191,864
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #Subnautica, #Aurora, #Subnautica Below Zero
Id: M0yeYlZy8NA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 3sec (1503 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 07 2023
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