Can I Beat Elden Ring With Only Merchants?

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there are merchants all over elden rings open world and they sell a wide array of items including weapons smithing stones and consumables the issue is none of them are very strong the weapon choices are very limiting the smithing stones only allow one weapon to get upgraded to plus five and the consumables are often not the best so i challenge myself to beat the whole game while only using items that i can buy from merchants this means no torrents no healing flasks and only one plus five regular smithing stone weapon so what are the rules one i can only use what i buy i can't pick up a bell bearing or use a remembrance as i didn't buy those items two the only thing i'm allowed to gather is runes from defeating enemies i can't use things like dragon hearts or starlight shards as currency only runes and three summons are not allowed this might be the second or third video of mine that you're watching and if that's the case hit that subscribe button that way you don't miss any runs going into the future um okay and we're going for a dex situation so warrior doesn't look like a bad option vigor endurance and dex is the things that we care about i believe i mean this doesn't even like necessarily look fat can i make his head smaller is that going to make him look fatter [Music] what a [ __ ] abomination donald trump that's a good one so first things first uh i have to delete all this [ __ ] i hope i can drop it can i discard i don't want it i don't need it i need my small loan of a million runes and you know these limb grave clothes they only make the worst clothes in limb grave so i didn't buy the horse whistle so i'm unfortunately not allowed to use it you need only to the foot it do be what it is oh yeah baby that's easy game right there that's an easy game all right now that alone is actually enough to go by the scimitar and the spinning slash which is really all that i need all right hello purchase uh scimitar yeah that is what we decided on being able to heal is pretty key let's just do urgent heal all right so let's see let's see if i can actually enable healing uh level up bing bing you bastard rat absolute rat well it is what it is let's enable healing by going here okay spinning slash there it is that's what we need ashes of war go here give it the keen scaling we lose okay currently we're losing 11 but gaining eight so currently it's not worth it but changing that scaling will be worth it whenever i start leveling decks a little bit more so this is the west limb grave merchant what do you need let's talk to him right quick buy these while you please i'm angry okay we need those from you is the hand axe a terrible option i'm not sure i maybe like it um [Music] 132 is better than [Music] handx might be the strat actually let's let's buy it and see how fast it swings let's compare him yo i think this is the strat oh [ __ ] yeah it's good that we found it okay give me those [Music] oh jesus oh my why why does this [ __ ] thing hit me now i have never seen this crossbow actually hit things all right i need those uh am i buying this i don't think i'm buying this i mean i i do eventually need the twos but i need to visit the same amount of people i am buying this however okay so now i get a talisman that's beautiful let's gather this [Music] give me those okay we need those and now i can upgrade the weapon excellent so we are committing we are officially committing to the hand axe okay that's the max we can upgrade a weapon to for the entire run all right look at that that's not bad damage well i went for two it's got some pretty slow charged heavies pretty zoomy r1's though i like the r1's kind of short range and it's not bad show me the emails mortgage show me the emails i still have quick step on dude i thought i had spinning slack god damn it i meant to two-hand there not swing there we go there we go nice try nerd nice that's some chunky boy damage oh jesus there it is baby excellence just chopping him up [ __ ] jesus hold on hold on hey can i let me heal stop the count margaret is colluding i want my health back ah god i hate that move leave me alone leave me alone okay we're good we're chilling yeah i'm just not gonna [ __ ] with that move i don't want to [ __ ] it up that's right justice has been served all right can i discard talisman pouches it's not possible but not that it matters i'm just not allowed to use the second talisman pouch if you enjoy these challenge runs and want to gain early access to all of my future videos including the all melania challenge that i will be releasing soon head down below hit that join button and you'll be able to gain access to all of these videos before anybody else am i gonna get a better healing spell i don't think i can buy a better healing spell so probably not let's back our happy ass up okay no more charged heavies for me [Music] there we go nice love to see it okay [Music] very good love this years can i do two yeah looks like it i'll take it jesus you [ __ ] off there godric okay now stick on his ass oh jesus that turnaround move is so hard oh my god oh jesus oh boy all right there we go okay let's go there and then probably start pumping decks a little bit nice the best outfits ever all right let's go let's go finish out the night set and then i don't know it's it's not great armor but whatever right better than no armor it will take you and you just medium load baby excellent look at me go god damn beautiful take off the pants please okay maybe maybe we take off the helmet the greatest greatest hair of all time so i also can't pick up the academy key so it's actually impossible for me to gain access to rayo lucaria fortunately we can go kill her dog well the reason we're killing this guy is because i can't pick up the deck this medallion oh jesus what the [ __ ] okay what's going on i need a heal what that [ __ ] damn it well that's all the healing that i get so better stop [ __ ] sucking can you stop with this move please all right he is standing now excellent okay all right okay oh boy all right oh baby i don't know how much i can get away with there hello okay you are immune i see dude i hate that i can't [ __ ] see anything with that move dude i [ __ ] crazed okay that hit me dude that big overhead slam you just can't [ __ ] see anything oh my god [ __ ] there it is okay so i could level for more damage or for more health more damage be like damage don't yeah baby holy [ __ ] it's the most clutch thing i've done in my life that's pretty good you're doing good ah baby that's 200 points or stance damage that's pretty good jump thank you that's pretty big bang bang excellent i can't imagine that's gonna make a difference but [ __ ] it no boy here we go that was too early how am i alive i [ __ ] know baby one try that's pretty good this is going well oh jesus that was [ __ ] fast my god i i need you to come out i i can't [ __ ] with you over there okay oh baby that's [ __ ] nasty ah ah okay we're good okay let's not go for the double whoopty wappy you know yeah you know bang i i wasn't supposed to go for three oh god stamina nice very nice yeah i should not do that should definitely just do a charged heavy i feel like i knew that already but whatever oh you [ __ ] rat ass dragon [ __ ] okay i can actually repost him so i'll take advantage nice love to see it all right look at that pretty saucy there brother okay so he gets really aggressive after this first phase so if i'm gonna use urgent heal i need to do it before he does the swords oh god i really got caught huh dammit very nice because the hammer slam leaves a stinky piss fountain oh god dude [ __ ] man if you aren't already sprinting away you just get caught okay oh [ __ ] oh god dude that move really really dude oh my god oh that was some risky business what i didn't dodge you gotta be sitting on my chest brother what do you mean what do you mean oh no dude oh dodge to the left holy [ __ ] is that how you're supposed to avoid it oh my god come on [ __ ] bang bang bang what i waited specifically to not get the rolling r1 very nice oh boy hey no no don't bring that foot up just quite yet i got unfinished business with it gotta be getting close to phase two now hey where you rolling off dude no don't get on the rock you get stupid when you get on the rock that's nice ew i didn't really want to hit the eyeball because i was worried about getting an accidental repast so i mean that's not the worst oh jesus dude you're trying to [ __ ] me i don't like that okay oh god i i did a spin i wasn't supposed to do a spin i deserve it yeah i shouldn't have gone the [ __ ] man so i think the hand axe is better but i suppose you getting a couple bleed procs in phase two is probably gonna be helpful okay so let's buy these okay okay please just give me the [ __ ] bleed proc dude please thank you um so what we're going to do is buy enough throwing knives fan daggers kukri and poisoned stones to hopefully make god skin duo easier brother brother nice try [ __ ] okay we need to buy one of these and i will buy as many of those so we can only hold 20 of these so let's buy 20 and only hold 20 of these so let's buy 20. i can hold 40 uh poison bone darts so let's buy 40. try it again okay we can hold 30 kukri okay uh that is all i need hopefully this is good enough can hold 40 of these let's go spend the rest on decks it's not a whole lot but we'll make do all right let's go see how that goes okay so i think i sleep skinny i think that's the strat sleep skinny slap the [ __ ] out of fatty i think i'm dead not dead that's nice um so let's see poison stone that's one two three four five okay it takes five now i should use the kukri on fatty he has the bigger health pool i think although fatty actually has larger resistances than skinny doesn't he um but skinny like dodges around projectiles see like [ __ ] men [Music] what the [ __ ] dude god this stupid [ __ ] game oh my jesus okay well it's doable and that's all that matters oh come on [Music] lightning bolt that's what we're here for okay purchase 99 of these okay i can two-hand it right i should be able to i don't even know how much damage that did it does not look like a whole lot does it that's the downside of using weapons i mean if we if we got something that could build up status effects like bleed or rot or poison [Music] or anything like that it would be a little bit more useful how many do i need uh 21. okay dude how is he still not poisoned this is the downside of doing one status effect i'm rolling man okay yeah never mind the fact that that literally [ __ ] missed me hello man really really i mean skinny is without a doubt being more aggressive right am i going crazy i don't think so [Music] and now i do want to get a bleed proc off on him but that's gonna take another roll so oh wait i suppose what am i [ __ ] shooting at just nice and calm there rubber ducky hey shooting that way i guess oh my god okay there we go got him poisoned again now don't phase transition skinny that would be very unfortunate although skinny is somehow managing to to tank quite a few throwing daggers an ideal what am i throwing [ __ ] at don't transition skinny that was a stupid idea all right first attempt of the day i [ __ ] who approaches distant death that's me the destin death approacher man i really don't like this rolling light attack what about a rolling heavy what i was not supposed to attack there [ __ ] myself up so does the rolling heavy actually work i don't know it's a bit slow it obviously does more damage though that doesn't seem like it doesn't work you know okay it doesn't work oh baby uh i hope that doesn't glitch it might spawn up that attack even in the phase transition okay we're good no oh my god was i out of stamina is that what happened there who nee who needs health anyway am i right or am i right no oh my i accidentally [ __ ] pressed r1 dude now can i get away with going for an urgent heal i mean i'm gonna try this can maybe buy me an extra hit well that was weird so i know if i'm positioned where i can't get to his side i know i have to just not dodge the first one and then dodge the second one but it's so [ __ ] scary dude it's so scary love this hits oh [ __ ] oh oh boy all right we're good no choking all right there we go not the fastest animations it's the [ __ ] phalanx dude the phalanx is just so much faster this [ __ ] guy ah ah jesus [ __ ] you thought well until now [ __ ] i if you can't stun lock him this fight just sucks this fight is so [ __ ] bad well okay oh okay we actually got poison applied to him what do you want me to [ __ ] do oh come on man i know dude what was that what was dude why is he [ __ ] teleporting or what is what are you [ __ ] doing do what the hell why is horolu lagging he's [ __ ] lagging what is this how in the hell is a and offline boss lagging how is he lagging [ __ ] range huh it is quite nice to be fighting an actual boss this is this is fun i'm enjoying my time so do i need to dodge to the left on that one oh god i i still don't know what to do on that move i i think i maybe need to dodge to the left all right very nice dodge to the left that didn't oh horribly oh my god he's doing weird [ __ ] man he's doing really weird [ __ ] all right very nice all right let's go beat final boss oh shitty [ __ ] rolling attack man oh baby okay i guess i can get that one too that's nice [Music] god damn it kinda seems like i can pretty universally go for el doble which is pretty nice no i missed that roll are you serious really okay bang bang that's nice all right you guys think we're gonna be able to do okay i'll answer that question shortly no we're not gonna be able to do elden beast with that amount of health wow i didn't have stamina i just strafed it what am i [ __ ] doing don't ask me i don't know excuse me don't [ __ ] body block me that's rude ah yeah yeah oh goddamn getting frisky what the hell i dodge all that and then just get hit by a normal [ __ ] swing oh baby okay i don't actually want to kill him with the riposte because then this down time is shorter and i want more downtime oh what the [ __ ] i don't know how my timing was off we got one hp probably like literally four we got four hp i'm ready all right i love the siege where you going too big fella wow that was very unlucky chunks of 678 damage on the gargantuan 22 000 health pool he's getting close to elden stars i need to stay in front of him oh god that's not good okay we're fine very nice dude i can't see a damn [ __ ] thing holy [ __ ] please don't thank you looking pretty good boys looking pretty [ __ ] good there rubber ducky let's go literally nobody has ever done a better challenge run that's me on me that was fun 18 hours six minutes there's a great time on everything except gideon and godskin duo but you what can you do am i right
Channel: Bushy
Views: 1,405,328
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 4xMZFqFi3i4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 9sec (2469 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 10 2022
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