5 things I NEVER want to see in Total War again!

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here's five things in Warhammer 3 that I never want to see in any future Total War Games number one timed campaigns we had it in Warhammer 2 with the vortex campaign and I think the vast majority of people didn't enjoy that timed campaign of having to do something by a certain time I did this Poll for Warhammer 2 ages ago asking people whether they prefer Vortex or Mortal Empires nearly 80% of people play mostly mortal Empires so then we had to ask why the hell in Warhammer 3 did we get another timed campaign for the only Campa cign we could play at release the Realms of chaos campaign I did a poll just now seeing if it was the same issue as the vortex campaign and yep most people prefer Immortal Empires rather than the timed Realms of chaos campaign and well it's not that these campaigns are necessarily bad The Vortex campaign is a decent campaign but maybe only the once and then you kind of don't want to bother doing it all again and the same with Realms of chaos it's fun the once or twice through after that you can't really be bothered to go through all the chaos Realms again and get lost in the Z realm for 19 turns and do another five survival battles and all because you have to do it quicker than all the other major factions who might win the campaign before you at this point it should be fairly obvious to ca that we don't really like this kind of being forced to do things by a certain time sort of mechanic it might be fun the once through but after that it just kind of gets monotonous and I think they are probably picking up on this as the legendary Lords they put into the Realms of chaos campaign now don't have this timed mechanic like elth recently went in and I do think it's a little bit of a shame that some of this stuff like the chaos Realms mechanic is locked behind the Realms of chaos campaign because being able to go to the chaos Realms and actually take on the demons and the Lords and everything that's really cool why can't we do that in IM mortal Empire as an optional thing you can choose to go to a chaos realm take on some maybe like a chain of quest battles to make it quite tough and then you get some big crazy reward at the end potentially so yeah it's just a bit of a shame that these cool things are locked behind a campaign that we don't really want to play but yeah anyway I hope we don't see this kind of timed camp pain in the future in any other Total Wars because it's just not really a fun way to play Total War you want to play it your way you want to play at your pace that's where everyone loves Immortal Empires right so hopefully they'll code us up some better stuff in the future and hey speaking of coding why not check out boot Dev the sponsor of today's video if you've ever thought about trying your hand at coding and you don't know where to start boot Dev can be a great place to learn with courses to take you from absolute coding Noob to ultra super mega nerd in no time it'll teach you back-end web development with 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25% off your first payment as well whether that's monthly or annual so if you want to try out some coding check out bootd thanks to them for sponsoring this video the next thing I don't wish to see in any future Total War is laboratory crap now what do I mean by that well you know this mode the mirrors of Madness in Warhammer 3 or the laboratory as it was called in Warhammer 2 or even the dynasty mode in Three Kingdoms now that was a little bit different it was just kind of a survival game but it's these things that we don't really ask for we don't really care about nobody plays it for more than 5 minutes and then they never touch it again I'm going to guess that the only reason these keep appearing in Total War Games is because it's some kind of product placement with Intel so they're forced to put them in the game because money is nice I guess but what really irks me about these modes is not that they exist it's that they exist in the wrong place in a pointless mode that nobody cares about when you could instead put all of these sliders into campaigns let us mess about with them and experiment and sandbox in our goddamn campaigns for example let me have a leadership slider for the enemy that lets me move it down less than normal so that everything isn't unbreakable let me adjust the impact Force so that everything doesn't go flying and is more realistic if that's what I like or let me adjust the damage that everything does so that battles last longer or shorter whatever I prefer we have been given a few of these kind of things in Warhammer 3 which is nice but why not just integrate all that laboratory crap into here let us actually do something fun with it because you know while this is fun for 5 minutes it's just kind of silly and over the top and nobody would want to play an entire campaign of this so it's not like we need all the sliders we don't really want zero gravity we don't really want massive oversized characters but some things to tailor the campaign to how we personally each like them would be really nice and a much better use than the these dumbass laboratory modes so hopefully we won't see any more of these in future Total Wars maybe it was just some kind of deal with Intel with all the total war warhammers that they all had to have it in I don't know but things are looking good in this respect with Total War Pharaoh which does have a lot of adjustable stuff before the start of your campaign so hopefully that carries over to Future Total Wars and we don't get this stuff anymore and maybe some more sliders for campaign that would be lovely onto number three that I don't want to see bad Maps Now by this I'm referring to the thing that's been bothering Warhammer 3 since it's released because they've never gone back and fixed it I am of course referring to tree acne as I dubbed it I made a video about this near release pointing out how all of the Warhammer 3 map trees were just spotted all over the faces of the map seemingly randomly without any thought to where is actually a good place to put trees and thus like half of the Warhammer 3 maps just have these trees randomly in the middle of the battlefield where you would want to do your fighting where the two armies will meet and it's just really horrible and awkward to have to fight amongst because fighting in trees is pretty horrible in Total War anyway now this is obviously the product of a game that was rushed out for release and somebody didn't have time to really think about this so they just spattered trees all over the place and it just ruined a lot of the maps to be honest and 3 years on and we're still in the same position we've got some nice Maps like this one there's a little rock face in the middle okay you fight around that but then there's all these spots of trees well if you just removed like these three or four lots of central trees the map would probably be pretty nice so it's just a real shame that a lot of what could be nice maps are wasted because they've got trees randomly plunked in the middle of them that being said the maps that have come alongside some of the DLCs and updates for Warhammer 3 have been pretty nice this one stinking geers a badlands green skins kind of map does have these little spots of trees around but they're out the way and in places that make sense there's these Little Rock faces there's a nice open field in the middle to actually battle this is a really nice map all this bretonian map is another newer one it's got a lot of trees on both sides but there is a big open place to fight there's a nice River just to look at some castles in the background it's a really nice map and the trees make sense it's not that I hate trees it's just I want them to be in a place that makes sense and to have them look natural in the environment not dotted randomly in circles all over the place I do wish though that CA would go back and fix those crappy Warhammer 3 release Maps because well we're still getting new maps with DLCs but a lot of them are kind of mediocre I would rather that they fix the old ones and make them good rather than just give us new ones that are kind of mediocre as well so ultimately I want to see quality over quantity with maps I don't necessarily need 100 Maps just give me 50 really damn good ones number four it's one I've been banging on about for a while Victory conditions these could just be so much better in Warhammer 3 than they are and they're quite inconsistent across the board for example old Luen short Victory here is just to take out muon who are right next to him who he can take out by like turn 20 and Sack a bunch of settlements nice and easy right compare that to Tyrion of the High Elves who's supposed to be one of the easy starting campaigns and he's got to take out nagon nagon a faction that pretty much always gets huge and by the time you get over there he's probably going to have 30 or 40 settlements so good luck with that for your short objective let alone taking out the cult of pleasure as well so it's just really inconsistent in the objectives and then there's the issue with the long objectives that are quite frankly just too unnecessarily long I find myself in this situation very often where I've done everything for the long Victory to hit that Victory screen and officially end my campaign but I've still got 30 or 40 settlements that I'm supposed to occupy raise or sack and well I just can't be bothered I'm steamrolling everything I'm really powerful now the game's not really that fun I'm ready for it to end but it can't until I've done some more pointless arbitrary steamrolling and it seems that no one can be bothered because looking at the global achievements on Steam you can see that barely anybody has the achievements for actually finishing campaigns you can see here beastmen campaigns elves tomb Kings nobody's finishing those scaven one of the most popular factions in the game only 1.4% of players have actually finished one of their camp campaigns and hit that Victory screen it seems like ca are hellbent on making it difficult for anyone to get their achievements they either need to make long objective shorter so the victory screen is easier to reach or just apply that achievement to the short Victory campaigns so people can stop their campaign there if they want to what would be really nice for future Total Wars though is if there was more ways to actually win the campaign and not just destroy a bunch of other factions and take as much land as possible why not give us the option of an economic Victory where we have to make a million gold or something or construct a certain amount of buildings or convert a certain amount of things to our religion I don't know there's a million different options you could go for though Total War Pharaoh had a good system in this regard it had a bar that you fill up and that bar fills up with victory points that you get from doing little objectives for little tasks and when you fill that up you get the minor Victory and you can fill it up however you like with military kind of objectives or economic kind of objectives and you have some freedom in how you actually win your campaign so yeah I think CA could do a much better job with Victory condition and actually encourage people to go for them and to try and finish their campaigns and to hit Victory screens to get that sense of finality in finishing a campaign rather than just abandoning it because you're bored and then moving on to another one I no longer want to see these inconsistent incredibly long Victory objectives in future Total Wars and the last thing I never want to see in a total war game again it's elves of course they are the worst most detestable beings you've ever what oh I was only joking actually it's number five it's ass ladders Assad is sieges in Total War This Magnificent spectacle the classic attack and defend where the Defenders try their hardest to keep the filthy attackers off their walls and out of their home well noted since Total War Warhammer came around where every man in a unit was given a piece of ladder to store in his rectum to pull out to make a full ladder that they could use on the walls at any given moment like it's fortnite if there's any single mechanic in sieges that has ruined sieges in Total War Warhammer I think it is this one they simply devalue the value of the walls being there in the first place they also make other Siege equipment less useful like towers and battering rams although these have become a little more useful since they made the gate stronger with Siege updates and they have been making some improvements to sieges here and there and in seven years of playing this game I just realized that I've never actually seen the vampires battering rams and that it has a big batad on the front what do you know but as I say the as laders have always just undermind the value of a wall because if there's no unit there to stop an enemy they can climb up the ladders get over the wall and be on the the side in like less than a minute and do whatever the hell they want in your settlement whatever happened to the good old Rome one approach of actually carrying ladders well I guess that's a little much for Total War Warhammer given the size difference between the races from humans to Orcs to dwarfs to scaven but the Rome 2 approach would work fine where there is a pushable ladder that basically works exactly the same as a Siege Tower just without the protection it's also much more fragile and can be more easily destroyed than a Siege Tower thus it gives it some balance so this is what I would preferably like to have in Total War Warhammer even if when you besiege a place maybe you've got one or two of these just off the get-go or you can take a few turns to build the proper Siege equipment that would be much better than this kind of thing where there's literally ladders all across the entire walls of a settlement it's just utterly stupid now we can hope that maybe one day this will be fixed and changed in Total War Warhammer who knows but if not I just hope we don't see this approach to walls and ladders in future Total Wars godamn it it ruined sieges but then there we go there's my five things what are your five things let me know I hope you've enjoyed this thanks for watching thanks to all the patrons who support this channel I'll see you in the future
Channel: Zerkovich
Views: 91,271
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: warhammer 3, total war, guide, tutorial, how to, tips and tricks, pro, top 5, never again
Id: LCF8z7Jo-8Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 37sec (757 seconds)
Published: Thu May 30 2024
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