Can ChatGPT Turn a $1000 Account Into +$600,000 Using AI Trading?

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chat gbt built me a strategy using the ichimoku cloud and it's already returned over five thousand percent profit there's a lot of potential here it's catching a lot of the major moves and in today's video I'm going to show you exactly how I got Chachi BT to do that for me that way you can use strategypt to build you any strategy that you can imagine and you're not gonna have to hire coders to do the complicated work on the back end there is a lot of good information throughout this video so I'm going to ask you to try to refrain from your impulse to skip throughout the video try to watch the entire thing all of the information builds upon itself in case you want to follow along I've shared the entire strategy code in my Discord server so click the link down in the description below and take a look at it if you want to follow along the strategy is not perfect and it needs a couple adaptations but it should get you one step closer to making passive income using trading Bots and speaking of passive income if you head over to you can grab yourself one of the best premium indicators out there today it's called wolf pack professional there's a lot of testimonials and if you head over to the 50 commission tab you can sign up to get 50 Commission on every cell you make on this indicator become a 50 50 partner with me today and sign up to become an affiliate there are lots of tutorials you can get a free trial the indicator pretty much sells itself when people see the results I'm going to show you some of the results right now using the indicator on the screen the green emerald and the Golden Cross right over here are some of the strongest buy signals that you can get both of these predicted a really really great trade the Golden Cross sometimes appears after green diamond if the trend confirms if there's a setup pattern it doesn't always print but when it does usually that is a great setup for a trade the pink RSI prints as an overbought warning it doesn't always print but when it does you're usually near a top it plots on this top bar right here you can see that there's two strips up top there's two pink signals there and then there's a full Trend reversal there's a blood diamond followed by a Red Cross and I'll just show you right here where those mean the Red Cross is a very strong bear signal leading to a market correction there are also Auto drawing treadlines on this indicator I'll just show one right here this is what the indicator Drew automatically and it lined up perfectly there is a trendline break which is the second from the top bar you can see this Red Cross right here this little red square that indicates that the momentum fell below the trendline support and that's momentum support and resistance as soon as that happened there was a major correction of about 32 on this strategy right here you can see a couple more golden crosses playing out right here leading to a winning trade followed by a couple red diamonds and x's and a fomo peak fomo stands for fear of missing out usually there are a bunch of novice Traders trading into these they're trading against the market conditions and often they're buying up liquidity and filling orders for the major whales I'm gonna jump to the three-day chart on ethereum and just show you the fomo peak that played out exactly at the peak of ethereum it was almost 5 000 US Dollars and this is the three day candle right here at the very top there was a fomo peak this flame and that was the absolute start of the bear Market it's one of the best signals the indicator has ATR to calculate your stop loss when to get in and out of the trades right here it turned green right after Golden Cross and we had this major bolt pump that we just had coming in confirming the golden cross that appeared right here at the very bottom right before the pump this was the candle that the Golden Cross printed on and that's just a nice little doji candle right there at the bottom so if you want to pick yourself up a subscription or become a reseller yourself head over grab a free trial sign up for the 50 commission I'm paying out every month just make sure you include your trading view username when you fill out the form back to the topic of today's video the ichimoku cloud strategy the ichimoku cloud is a type of technical analysis tool it's represented as a cloud on your chart the red and the blue line are similar to moving averages and when they both cross above the cloud it's represented as a bull market when they both are below the cloud it's represented as a bear Market if they're in the middle it's represented as a horizontal Market but don't worry if you don't know how to calculate these on your own because we can utilize the public database and Supply that to train chat gbt to build us a strategy based off that indicator the first thing you got to do is head over to open Ai and sign in to chat GPT the first prompt that I asked to initiate this chat session was what are some good long and short entries and exits for the ichimoku cloud and I automatically got some web search results using this add-on there are three bullet points that chat gbt referenced in the section and in its answers here if you want to grab this add-on it's an add-on for Chrome I'm going to link it down in the description below it's really cool how it's just automatic you can toggle it on or off whether you want to get web results in your prompt it even gives you the source of where this information is coming from so that you can verify it so chatgpt was able to supply me with a very simple strategy using this prompt and all this is natural language but we can get chat gbt going with us to build us a full strategy and this is exactly how we're going to do it the next thing you got to do is head back to tradingview and if you don't have a trading view account that's the platform I'm using I really recommend using it it's better than anything else that I've tried and if you want a 30 bonus on sign up just use my link down in the description below once you're all signed up head over to the indicator and strategies Tab and find the ichimoku cloud now there are a lot of versions here and we could technically pick anyone as long as it has these little squiggly brackets here that means that it's open source code if the code is locked we're not going to be able to access it like on this one this is a private account for the sake of for the sake of Simplicity I'm going to use the built-in ichimoku Cloud we're going to build the entire strategy here combining the public database with chat gbt to build us our own strategy so open up the source code it's in the top left if you click these little squiggly brackets and and here's our indicator right here it's logged so we gotta click the three little dots on the right hand corner here make a script copy and we can name it anything we want once you've picked out a name hit save and the whole indicator will unlock and we can begin using this now the first thing that you need to check is make sure it's version 5 at the very top there are two backslashes at the very beginning you need those in order for this to work properly and then we and then on line two we have indicator ichimoku Cloud since we're not going to be using this as an indicator we need to make one refinement and change that from indicator to strategy so there I've done it it's strategy ichimoku cloud and then we have our overlay equals true we want it on the chart of course and I've set the strategy up to have initial capital a thousand the default quantity type is percent of equity that means that there's going to be compounding interest and it's going to all in the account every single time now that could be good or bad depending on how risky the strategy wants to be now there's no longer short rules here so we have to build those out using chat GPT so I'm going to copy all this heading back to chat gbt and I pasted the code in in its entirety and I asked chatgbt Implement these rules into the following strategy code so what it's taking is this logic from above and it's applying it into strategy entries and exits using the code that I've supplied it already now you could do this in various ways there are also ways that you can merge multiple indicators into one using this all you would have to do is combine multiple Source codes into one and ask chatgbt once you have the natural language for all the logic for the entries that you want it to build for you set out for you ask it to combine those into a strategy code and this is what I got here in simple language what this is saying is if all of these lines there's three different ones that we talked about in the ichimoku cloud if the price closes above all of them then it's going to enter going long and the reverse is true if it closes below all three if that's true at any time then it's going to go short so I can click quick Copy in the top right hand corner here and head back to training View and paste it into the bottom of our strategy to see what kind of results that we get so this is our strategy line 21 I'm going to add another line and paste it in once I hit save I'm going to see if we get any errors and we have one here it's saying that it's an error in the strategy exit line a quick solution to this one is to replace strategy exit with strategy close I'm going to hit save and apply it to the chart and this is the performance result of that first iteration the Longs are profitable but the shorts aren't quite yet so we're gonna have to do some refinement here just a little bit more we can always click on the settings Cog there's one button up here on the top left or down here in our strategy panel and we can open up the settings and tune any of these variables and see if the profit increases or decreases before we do that though I want to give this strategy a little bit of safety so I'm also going to add in an EMA combine it with the ichimoku indicator generally what the logic that I want to add as an additional rule is that it's only going to look for Longs if you're above the 200 EMA and only look for shorts if you're below the 200 EMA and that should and I'm hoping that should help out the shorts and the shorts are in the negative now so I'm hoping that that helps us out so I'm going to open up the indicators metrics and strategies tab one more time and type in EMA I'm just looking for a basic one so I'm just going to pick this one right here and these are 4 amas so one of these should be the 200 moving average I'm just going to look at which color that one is it looks like the dark blue is the longest one that's usually going to be the one so I'm going to open up the source code and figure out if that's true on line number six it looks like that is the 200 dma and that is the dark blue line so I'm going to copy both of these lines here the one on line six and the one on line 11. so that's the plot that matches with that one here you can see that longest is listed right here in the plot and it's referenced right here and that's the 200 EMA close so I'm going to copy that and head back to chat gbt and ask it to combine that into the strategy in natural language I wrote out the rules only long when it's above the AMA and only look for shorts when it's below I've added the EMA code right here as you see it's already working and it's going to add this in in the correct place and add the rules from my natural language into the code and this is what I got here the reason that I'm doing this method is that chat gbt isn't currently able to code completely from scratch sometimes it combines Pine script version 4 or earlier into Pine script version 5 and it gets really jumbled and and sometimes there are a lot of errors that you can get Now by training it using strategies that already work or indicators and asking it to combine them make revisions as long as you're supplying it a good Baseline that's going to be the backbone it works off you're training it off of real data and strategies that already exist in and asking it to improve off of those so as long as you know exactly what to ask for like I did up here with the emails and asking it to combine them you can actually get some pretty cool strategies coming out of this if you liked the video so far be sure to hit the like And subscribe button it really helps the channel grow and I would really appreciate if you took just a quick moment to do that so let's add this strategy code into our code that we already have we're going to have to overwrite some of the code that we have the strategy entries and these were the results that we had on the old version let's see if we couldn't get any improvements on the updated version so this is the part that I have to paste on top of it's just the strategy entries I'm gonna hit paste we've added this email and it's included as a rule right here if the price closes above our EMA it's going to only look for Longs and if it's below vice versa it's only looking for shorts so let's hit save and see if we get any errors now let's hit add to chart one more time and see what happened there we go we have some improved results the shorts came up into profit and the Longs also are doing fairly well as well Max drawdown with the compounding effect is around 40 ideally we'd want that to be a little bit lower but it's just a prototype that we built just now live take a look at other time frames the four hour is also profitable four thousand five hundred percent we got five thousand six hundred percent on the three hour the shorts are also profitable the two hour it's profitable as well and what I like here is that the strategy looks like it's profitable on multiple time frames that means that while we might need to tune and make fine tune adjustments on each time frame to make sure that the EMAs are lining up with the market on that time frame or on that Equity the chances that our strategy is overtuned diminish if it works on multiple time frames what over too many is that it's just curve fitted to the historical data and it's not valid moving forward from back testing so if you hooked this strategy up which I will be doing a video on so be sure to subscribe if you want to see that how to set up this bot on paper trading or even on a live account I will be doing that you want the paper trading the four testing results when you get new data as new candles print you really want your Bot to perform and act appropriately when it receives that new data so if I drop down to the one hour chart let's see how it's doing still profitable 30 minutes pushing it a little bit actually it's still profitable and the price that you should be truly comparing these numbers to is the Buy and Hold return if you're just hodling Bitcoin you would be down 31 if you're running this strategy you'd be up 180 with all of this stuff historically holding true so what I'm seeing so far I like let's head over to the ethereum chart and see if it's still profitable on these higher time frames if you drop down to the one minute the five minute the 50 minute these are harder time frames I don't think it's going to be profitable the strategy is over a thousand percent profitable on the ethereum 30 minute chart it even like it's working on the 15 minute chart this is 81 profitable on the 15 minute chart that's kind of interesting let's see if I can push it down anymore let's see the five minute chart oh it's it's less profitable but at least we're not negative 99 and this is a brand new strategy we can tune this and maybe make some adjustments to it to make it work better on these lower time frames as for now I'm just going to show you some more results the net profit on the three hour is seven thousand percent the four hour is also profitable the eight hour it's still hovering around six thousand percent go grab this code in my Discord and you can play around with it for yourself so overall there's a huge W for our strategy prototypes you can apply this to any strategy that you can conceive of utilize chat gbt to do that all of this strategy as is on your screen is free I've dropped it in my trading Discord so click the link down in the description if you want to come through this Discord is all about learning to build your own trading bot and there are a lot of useful resources here as well if you're looking to find it head down to working scripts and I've posted it as the the first Forum post and if you have any working strips feel free to post them as well if you have any questions you can also post them in script help there are a lot of coders helping you out here there's a lot of discussion about brand new ideas in this trading Discord the link is down in the description or in my profile don't forget to sign up for a subscription of Wolfpack pro at tradetactics dot IO smash the like button if you got value of this content See ya
Channel: Trade Tactics
Views: 93,573
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Keywords: chatgpt, chatbot, chamath, ai chatbot, chatgpt ai, openai chat, gpt 3 ai chat, gptchat demo, hack chatgpt, openai chatbot, openai chat gtp, openai chatgpt, chatgpt writing, michael batnick, advanced chatbot, jaibreak chatgpt, chatbot technology, jailbreaking chatgpt, ntroduction to chatgpt, gptchat demonstration, conversation with an ai, what is anti intellectualism, what does ai say about our future, what is pseduo intellectualism, hack, hacking, haunted
Id: WQSoCyv9uos
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 30sec (870 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 17 2023
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