Hands Free Winning AI Trading Strategy (with results)

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I'm going to show you how I built a simple strategy that profited over 7406 and back testing I'm going to show you some live results as well and then I'm going to show you how I completely automated it this ichimoku strategy that you probably remember from my previous videos is tuned for the three hour chart on bitcoin but I'm going to show you how it performs on the 15 minute chart we're going to turn it into a 15 minute scalper sniper strategy and if you like learning about trading Bots and getting information that you can't get anywhere else for free this is the right channel for you because this is all we do here I try to upload at least once or twice per week and I share all of my strategies in my Discord server the link is down in the description below at the end of the video this strategy is also going to be in my Discord server it's free you can join it access it grab the script and try it out for yourself so hit subscribe and turn all notifications on if you want to be first to watch my content sometimes I do giveaways for my first viewers so if you want to be in on those giveaways be sure to click subscribe with notifications turned on sometimes I give away patreon benefits or premium indicators for free so this is the ichimoku cloud strategy right now we're still above the cloud so we're still in the long on this chart the open profit and loss currently is 39 so this strategy is still in the trade the way that this strategy works is that there's three layers to the ichimoku cloud if you're above all three it'll enter along I added one more filter a 200 EMA so it's only going to be looking to long if we're above this so if we cross below these three lines we're going to take profit on our long and if in the future we dump below this 200 moving average it's going to only select for shorts now it's possible to make a strategy that would snipe every single one of these entries every single back and forth in my experience if you try to get greedy like that and squeeze every single penny out of the market you either end up curve fitting your strategy which means it only is fitted for historical bars and it doesn't respond well to new data because it's not flexible or you end up over trading and running your Bot into the ground so this is a very simple strategy and that's the logic of how it works there's a Trader discord's shout out to Hidden who hooked the strategy up to the 50 minute chart and was fortunate enough to share his four testing results with me so just in this morning he was able to snipe several long and short entries you can see p l here 2.34 1.4.64 and all of these small little entries add up so this strategy works on trading view if you're not registered yet I'll drop a link down in the description it's the charting platform that I use to also build my strategies once you register sign in and then click on chart plus it'll take you right to the Chart so you can enter all of your strategies you can draw trend lines support and resistance code any strategy that you can conceive of and then hook it up to a real live bot that'll trade for you so you could set alerts for if any stock is crossing over or under a certain line you can also set alerts for any strategy and it'll ping you within the app now you can also send the alerts outside of the app to an automation service that automatically links to your exchange the one that I'm using is called Wick Hunter and it's completely free it's really simple you just connect your exchange create your Bot and then you can start trading on autopilot so for all my four testing results in the future I'm going to be using Wick Hunter so because Wick Hunter secure the encrypt your apis it's simple and easy to use and it's also completely free if you sign up for buy bit using the link in the description down below once you register for buy bit using the link down in the description and connect your exchange to WIC Hunter it'll automatically detect that you're from my community and it'll give you this basic plan that's normally 19.99 a month for completely free and you could hook up multiple Bots and hook them up for free and for those who don't know this is why but it's a really great exchange if you click the link down in the description you should see the referral code in the search bar when you're registering make sure it's there when you register so Wick Hunter can automatically detect that you're from my community now once you deposit assets into buy bit you want to move them from your spot into your derivatives accounts this is where you can use leverage although I don't recommend it when you're in Wick Hunter you could just select One X leverage and you won't have to worry about getting liquidated and if you hover over your little profile picture you can find your API right here on that's what you're going to plug into Wick Hunter if you want to find the full tutorial video it's the last video I posted it's the training bot ultimate guide and I also did a full text tutorial in my Discord server so you can follow along in text if you like that you can pick either or and today I'm going to show you exactly how to customize this for any strategy as well so you could pick any strategy on trading view that you want and hook up the strategy in less than five minutes and have those signals fully automated for you and it'll trade completely automated free so it'll set your orders stop loss and take profit all automatically and also just a quick shout out to Wolfpack Pro this is my website tradetacts.io if you want to grab a subscription to a manual trading indicator this is the website for you you can grab a free trial for this premium indicator if you click on the free trial Tab and in my opinion it's one of the best indicators out there on the market today so you can try it out for yourself completely free no strings attached head over to tradetacts.io if you end up trying Wolfpack Pro and loving it you can earn 50 Commission on every sale that you make no strings attached I'll transfer that myself into your pay people account there's an affiliate portal really easy to register and log in you can track all of your sales the website is tradetacts.io you can find the link in the description below and I wanted to give a quick shout out to the artist who did this amazing artwork for my website his name is Osaka Don you can find him in my Discord server shout out to Asaka and without further Ado back to the ichimoku cloud strategy so we're on the three hour chart if we shift down to the two hour chart you're going to see some different results the four hour chart also we're still profitable on long and short there's different volatility and different markers on different time frames so they gradually shift down as you go down different time frames on the one hour chart this is still profitable but if we go to the 15 minute chart where our Target is with these settings there definitely needs to be some modification to this strategy so we can open up the settings Cog wheel right here and we have our four different modifiers for the strategy you can also change the back testing range if you want to look back further this is currently set to 2016 and the start time is 2016 on this for the look back period so it's looking back all the way to 2016 as long as you have enough back testing data if you're on a free trading Viewpoint that allows you 5 000 candles to look back and what that means is every candle on the chart represents one unit of time we're on the 15 minute chart so each candle on this chart is 15 minutes of time sort of free Pond 50 minutes times 5 000 candles that's how much data that you have to work with if you're on a pro plan on trading view you get 10 000 candles of look back and if you're on a premium trading view plan you get 20 000 candles of luck back on a Premium plan you also get access to this deep back testing feature where you can go back as far as you want and generates you a full report that you can review yourself so if you're serious about getting into trading Bots you definitely want to have access to these features as well if you're just dabbling this to figure out whether it's worth your while then you might want to stay on the free plan so once you have your settings open we can start modifying these four settings here the conversion line the Baseline the leading and leggings span as well I already went into these trade filters so these are units of time if you want to test a particular Market dump you can just select out for that one here you would just put in the period before in and after that dump maybe it's a month-long dump and you just want to look at that one month to see how your strategy held up to that challenge you can also show take profit and stop loss here it's going to show up on your chart and you can modify these right here once you activate these in your code you're going to get completely different results here so this would be a stop loss of one percent and a take profit of two percent that is a two to one risk ratio and as you can see already without any tuning this is already somewhat profitable so you definitely want to modify these variables you want to give your trades enough breathing room so you definitely want to play around with these variables as you can see here I'm increasing the stop loss giving my trade more breathing room and it seems to be already performing twice as good and you won't be setting your take profit at an arbitrary line you're going to actually have some data to justify where you put your stop loss and your take profit order so you can toggle these on the strategy as well I'm going to turn it off for now just for Simplicity while we're tuning this and since we're coming down on the time frame I'm going to guess that we're going to have to come down on our variables as well so that they're less broad the strategy than using to fine tune this is just going one by one to test and fine tune these variables one by one to check how the strategy responds to these variables if I find that a strategy is too finicky and on one setting it's very profitable and on the next setting it's extremely unprofitable the chances that that strategy are overtuned is actually fairly likely this is just a simple strategy that's just using a few modifiers and it looks like the results are fairly gradual if I change one variable it drops a little bit a little bit more a little bit more so the chances that it's overfitted are fairly unlikely before I forget to the number one thing that you don't want to do on your back testing is using hiking she candles that's going to change your back testing results and it actually ends up miscalculating as well you can see the profit here is 18.5 percent if I change to hiking a Chic handles look what happens boom one thousand percent profit now that looks fairly appealing you can see that all of the results are very very profitable that is a big No-No in the bot trading Community if you're using hiking issue candles it just messes with the calculation the reason why is bar replay mode just does not work for non-traditional chart types like hiking a she line break range PNF Etc so be sure that you're not using hikingashi when you post results it's actually banned from my Discord server if anyone posts misleading results on their strategies that's going to get deleted so make sure that you're using just the normal candlesticks you can see I can go back in time play this forward and it'll happen exactly like it did when we looked at the results initially that means that it's not repainting and the chance that this will perform in real time actually increases if you're not repainted of course there's a few more things to watch out for I'll cover those in various other videos and the strategy works on multiple coins one of the most profitable configurations that I could find for myself was the fxc USD T coin these are the strategy results the max drawdown is also only 23 on this configuration which is fairly reasonable here's the overview of this strategy over 20 000 candles average bars and trade is 19 it's profitable 40 of the time there's 900 total closed trades here it's profitable 40 of the time and when it wins it wins larger than it loses I'm gonna put a screenshot of this exact configuration in the Discord server if you're in the trade tactics Discord is free to join I don't know why you wouldn't head over to working scripts and then click on this ichimoku Cloud strategy that's where you can find the code for this I'm going to paste the exact configuration right here and pin the message so that you can look it up later you can click on the pinned messages in the top right corner and you can see that I updated this configuration to be compatible with Wick Hunter and I also gave the exact settings right here so you can add those in as well and of course you cannot forget to factor in commission this is 0.05 commission and once factoring commission I would have 1243 profit and if I were to do a deep back test on this configuration this is going all the way back to 2021 when this chart started this is the first available date this strategy factoring in commission has 8 331 profit the drawdown the drawdown has slightly the drawdown has slightly increased but it hasn't past that 40 threshold and have the Deep back test result displayed here you can see this really really beautiful gradual curve here this is exactly what I like to see really strong curve all the way up still maintaining close to that 40 percent profitability there's currently open profit and loss it's at half a percent profit the total close traced on this back test are 2285 and most importantly the average winning trade is more than double the average losing trade so there's a two to one risk ratio so I'm going to turn off deep back testing so you can see the net profit here on 20 000 candles again you might not have these exact results if you only have a free trading view plan but here are the exact configurations as you can see they're all on the chart you can see exactly when it long and short if you're still watching the video I can show you how I hooked up this strategy to my WIC Hunter account for free but first you're going to have to drop a like down below alright so the first thing you're gonna have to do is select the alert box up here in the top bar head over to notifications and this is the web hook URL for Wick Hunter now if you cancel select this box it means that you don't have a paid plan for trading view unfortunately there's no way around this you're gonna have to register for pro you can get a 30-day trial for free this is when you want to have set up you can also play sound or send an email to your SMS you can show a pop-up or send an email as soon as it enters a trade and you're going to want to select this first drop down menu and select the ichimoku cloud we're going to send our alerts from the strategy right here okay I'm going to close out of this right now and head over to Wick Hunter all right so I'm on Wick Hunter and I'm on my exchange page I have buy bit linked up here and if you're not registered for Bible yet simply scroll down below I'm going to pin the comment to the top of the comment section with all the links and once you registered for by bit using that link and you've hooked up your exchange to Wick Hunter Wick Hunter is automatically going to give you a Premium plan for free forever so once your exchange is hooked up to Wick Hunter and you've deposited some usdt in your derivatives account of buy bit you can create a bot simply by clicking the create bot function the entry size type there's two here one is percent and one is dollars so if you want a fixed amount if you just want to put in 20 dollars twenty dollars twenty dollars and never compound that you just want to click the dollar if you want to compound your interest and devote a specific amount of your account into this specific bot then you're going to want to click percentage the entry size I'm just going to click 20 of my total accounts and the order account can be any of these three options here Market limit or post only now typically in my experience the lower time frame that you go you're going to have a harder time filling your limit orders so you might have to click Market order but for now I'm just going to use a limit order just for this example and if you don't understand the leverage type you can just hover your mouse over this icon here and I'm just going to click isolated and The Leverage I'm just going to pick 1X now I don't need any dollar cost averaging orders although if you wanted to play around with it you would head back to training View and click on settings here in the left hand corner and you'd want to play around with this pyramiding function so what pyramiding does is if a second long order condition is met and you're already in a long it'll enter again so I can select pyramiding two here and you can see that the net profit went dramatically up as you can see the max drawdown also went up so you're increasing senior potential gain and also increasing your potential loss now one quick thing to note to make sure that these calculations are as accurate as they can be is it's not possible for me to Pyramid in 200 of my account because I only have a 100 of my account so if I have pyramiding two the order size has to be 50 of my account here so I'm decreasing the order size by half here and this is giving me more reliable results so when I actually send these signals through WIC Hunter through percent of equity in my account I'll actually have the funds in my account so I can't have 500 of my account if I had pyramiding 10 I can't all in 10 times so I can change this to three four five and then I would simply reduce this down so if I have pyramiding five that's going to be twenty percent of my account for each order 20 times 5 is 100 and here is the net profit you can see that the max drawdown changed the net profit changed and if you want to add DCA orders dollar cost averaging orders through Wick Hunter you would just play around with that I'm just gonna leave that off for now because my net profit is actually more here I like these results better without pyramiding anyway so the take profit order here is already built into the strategy so you don't technically need it but if you want to stay extra safe you can set it as well so the take profit was 2.75 so if we reach our take profit level we can take profit on 100 of that order or we can set this lower you can take a partial percent of take profit and you would just set this at 2.75 so that's going to be a take profit limit order set 2.75 percent away from my entry now if you want multiple take profits trailing stop loss or if you want to set a flat take profit price yourself you can do that here the stop loss works exactly the same we have back tested and dialed in the exact settings that we want this is a stop loss percent of 1.25 so we're going to set a stop loss 100 of that position size the stop loss percent is 1.25 the order type is a market order so that's going to guarantee that we get of our position no matter what and if you're using ladder mode it allows you to move your stop loss if one or more of your take profits have already been hit it so I'm almost done with this configuration here I'm just going to fill out the first line I'm going to select usdt because I'm going to hold my funds in usdt if I select this other one here just the buy bit not the buy bit usdt this would mean that if I'm trading the coin pair BTC usdt I would hold my profits in Bitcoin but I would also trade in Bitcoin so because I want my profits to stay in stablecoin I'm going to hold it in usdt the side that I'm trading is both long and short and the symbol that I'm trading is fxs now I can categorize this into any risk profile that I want if I've traded this a lot and I'm really confident in the strategy that I would select very low since I have not traded this I can select medium high or very high just for example I'm going to put medium now that I've filled out all of this the save button lights up as pink and I'm going to hit save now this at this point this green prompt at the bottom of your screen will fill up it'll tell you to head over to the view Bots category and enable the bot so it actually trades live so I've headed over to the view Bots category and this is the fxs USD t-bot that I just created and I'm going to enable it right here now last thing I need to do is head over to the signal Wizard and this is where all the magic happens this is where we generate our payloads and these go into trading view to tell our bot exactly what to do so in order to show the payload it's grayed out right now I can't select show payload so I have to fill out everything in this first line so I'm going to select the buy bit usdt account because that's what we're trading in usdt and there are two kinds of orders that we're interested in open or Market close so I'm going to select open and now we have all of this other profile show up the symbol again was fxs and if you're not hedging your orders and you want to close your previous position so if you're in a short you would flip it along and you want to ensure that that previous position is closed and we can either trade in the buy or sell so that's long or short so there's going to be four payloads one is for long or short to open a trade and one is for long or short to close our trade so once I select buy the show button appears and I can actually generate this payload so I'm going to hit copy on this make a note that this URL is our web hook URL so we're going to set that into our alert so if copy that I've headed over to our ichimoku Cloud strategy on training view this this is the time frame that I want to execute the alerts from when you set the alert it's going to set an imprint into trading View and it will always remember what was on the chart what were the settings at that specific time so this is the configuration that I want to go with when I set it up live so I'm going to hit settings and these are the four alert boxes that you paste your payloads into so I've got the long entry message so I'm going to hit paste on that and I'm going to grab the three remaining ones here so I've got the code to tell the strategy to open a long through Wick Hunter and now I'm going to do that for short so there's the second messages and now I've got to get the exit messages for the exit long and exit short to do that this is going to be a market close that's going to get us out of our position and now I can click two sides buy or sell here and show that payload right here and the payload will update once you click show I've got all four in I'm happy with these results so I can hit OK and this will save so I'm ready to go and set up these alerts so this strategy will automate for me through buy bit so hit alert up in the top corner and we want to select our ichimoku Cloud strategy and make sure that then you have the correct webhook URL make sure that this entire URL is correct once you've got that you can head over to the settings the next thing we want to do is give this alert a name and delete all of this text from this text box in the message box down below and then you're going to want to paste in this exact message here this is the exact message you need every single character character for character otherwise it won't work if you need this exact message head over to my Discord server and it's right here in the setup your trading bot tutorial and yes you need the exact squiggly brackets the period the underscore you need all of this here strategy order alert message all just like that if you don't have it just like that it won't sense to Wick Hunter correctly also as another note if you haven't linked your exchange to buy bit using the link that I linked down in the description you're going to get this error message so you're going to have to buy the subscription but if it's linked you should be fully active and good to go on Wick Hunter immediately it's going to automatically detect for you so this alert is good to go I can click create and now it's created it's fully active it's never going to expire since I have a premium account on training view if you don't have a premium account going to have to update that message as soon as it expires and on your WIC under account if you want to see if these logs are coming in you can head over to the logs panel here so if you want to check if these alerts are firing live there's a troubleshooting guide in the Discord server simply head over to start here and there's a wick Hunter startup guide here there is a basic troubleshooting guide that the creator of Wick Hunter put together but the simple way to go about this is to check your alerts log so once an alert has fired live there hasn't been one yet it's going to show up the alerts log is going to display that alert after it fires and if it's in your alerts log in your trading view then you can track it to see if Wick Hunter detected it so head over to Wick Hunter and check your alerts log to see if you could find it there after that if it's in your alert logs but it hasn't opened a buy bit order you can check it right here you can check your order history under your derivatives account in buy bit once that executes you're going to see your stop loss take profit all that's going to appear on your chart here it's going to be live it's going to operate whether you're at your computer or if you're out driving it should be fully automated so if you enjoyed this video guys be sure to comment down below if you want me to do any other strategies I can fact check other strategies for you if you see one that you like you want me to test it out comment it down below I'm going to try my best to reply to as many comments and as many questions as you guys have I'm on YouTube Tech talk you can join the Discord server for completely free I'm going to be updating you on how this strategy goes for now guys thanks for watching see
Channel: Trade Tactics
Views: 27,627
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chatgpt, chatbot, chamath, ai chatbot, chatgpt ai, openai chat, gpt 3 ai chat, gptchat demo, hack chatgpt, openai chatbot, openai chat gtp, openai chatgpt, chatgpt writing, michael batnick, advanced chatbot, jaibreak chatgpt, chatbot technology, jailbreaking chatgpt, ntroduction to chatgpt, gptchat demonstration, conversation with an ai, what is anti intellectualism, what does ai say about our future, what is pseduo intellectualism, hack, hacking, haunted
Id: 5z--_8WQQAk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 21sec (1281 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 05 2023
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