70% Win Rate ChatGPT Trading Robot on Pionex (copy this strategy)

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in terms of trading Bots the number one question that I get asked in every single video is are these Bots actually going to work in real time or are the kinds of numbers in back test are these numbers replicatable or are they fake results are these strategies curve fitted do they repaint are they giving inaccurate results I'm going to show you some impressive results in this video and I'm also going to show you how to set this all up for yourself and so on this channel I get all into trading Bots that's all I do here if that's what you're interested in then click the like And subscribe button right now turn on the Bell notifications get notified as soon as I post new videos and I upload regularly so you're definitely going to want to get notified as soon as I upload the back testing results that you're looking at on the screen right now this is from the ichimoku bot that I have created and I released this in another video you could go back and watch exactly how I developed that one I shared exactly how the techniques that I used to do it I was using chat GPT to make this strategy and you could do that exactly that just go back and watch that video and if you want access to the script I have two versions of the script one of them is free it works it's profitable and in the last month in the Discord server there were users reporting that they were making already 30 plus 30 on their accounts and that's completely hands-free 100 automated built and developed using chat gbt there's also a premium version of this strategy that's the one I'm showing on my screen right here the max drawdown is significantly less that's the theoretical loss the win rate is almost 70 on this strategy the sample size of total closed trades we had a fairly good idea of what's going on is over 1 400 and the net profit is 28 000 that's going all the way back to 2021 when this coin was first launched if you know exactly what you're looking at I'll show you the full results table here this is the sharp ratio that's above one which is extremely good the sortino ratio is insanely high and there's a factoring in commission the drawdown is insanely low as well so this is everything that you'll need to see here so if you want access to this any patreon tier above 25 you're gonna get full access to this there's also other strategies that have put up there that are improved from the various free versions that I've released already but if you're okay with the free versions and launching these for yourself and getting yourself your own bot Army I've got everything you need in the trade tactics Discord there's a link down in the description for this as well as to the patreon once you join the space it's completely free to join all of these are open source head down to the working scripts tab in my server and click on the open source strategies these are pins to the very front of the Forum now you can see all of these scripts all you got to do is Click download on each of these and you can load them into tradingview for yourself and while you hear this is a great place to hang out and make money there are tons of active users professionals investors and also crypto bot enthusiasts and currently as if this video were about at 32 000 members come hang out it's free to join this group The Link's down in the description so just for some further confirmation of how this bot is forming I've put this on a real account with real money and these results are real 2.72 percent this here is 10 trades and total close trades and there's two losses so this is an 80 percent success rate and what this bot does as soon as there's a trend it's going to extract value from the market it also won five trades in a row yesterday and all these trades that I executed were just One X leverage but it was over two percent so I just want to show you how these trades look like on the chart it's going to long as soon as the market is going up there was a period here where the market was relatively sideways and there was no trade that's exactly what I look for in a bot it's not going to burn itself out and over trade and going back a little bit further backwards as soon as the market was turning downwards there's all of these shorts and every single one of these shorts was making bang here's another sideways market and I can actually put on the visuals so you could actually see what's happening here where the stop loss and take profit is that's the ichimoku cloud and I could turn on and off the take profit level here this is exactly what the take profit level is set at so there was a short that was placed right here at this red line here there's this red arrow the stop loss was safely Above This trade and it held for this entire time and then boom and take profit at the very bottom there's a brief recovery and retest in the market here and then boom the market collapsed and I was collecting profit all day on this plot and I like to protect my investments and one of the ways that I reduce the drawdown on this bot I'm just going to show you I'm going to pull up this panel here 26 drawdown for a strategy that has compounding interest is extremely good one of the ways that I was able to achieve that is to have this EMA line here and you can notice that it's only shorting if it's below that line and look what happens as soon as we cross up above that line switches and pivots to long and I was able to capitalize on this all day yesterday this was an amazing day and all these Longs the five in a row was in this area here so back to my results this was in this area where there was five trades right in a row now if you're still watching this video I'm gonna give it away to subscribe to this bot and all of the signals so that it's completely automated for you with one click you don't need to mess around with any of the code you don't need to go to trading View and Link all of this stuff up for yourself I have put this bot up for free on pinex pinex trading is an exchange that's up and coming for cryptobot they've received 2 audits that I wanted to verify for myself I'm comfortable treading on pinex because they have proof of reserves to make sure that nothing like FTX could ever happen to them now if you want to gain access to this bot for free you got to sign up for pinex using the link that I put down in the description you can see it in the search bar up here when you sign up for pinex if that's in your search bar you're going to gain access to this strategy and many others on this platform for completely free you can see they have an app so you can monitor all your trades and how your Bots are performing I'm really excited to share this with you I'm going to show you how to set up in three clicks or less and remember you must use the link down in the description to subscribe for free access so once you're signed up you can check your wallet here this is funds that you have to trade there's deposit right here and for copying signals they've recommended that you deposit more than 55 usdt then once you're registered all you got to do is navigate to the ichimoku cloud strategy I've linked this down below in the description just click on subscribe it's one penny to subscribe to this bot for three years so virtually free and after you subscribe all you need to do is input the investment amount that you want to allocate to this specific strategy and then click Start that's all you need to do it's three clicks to subscribe to this so what you're going to get for that is access to years of my testing years of my experience in that bot for completely free and I just want to point out that all of the profit that I was able to make this week trading the strategy was while everyone else was freaking out that the markets were going to collapse there was a lot of fun this week and people freaking out that usdc was going to collapse and while that was going on my bot was capitulating profit and I think that's one of my most favorite things about using trading Bots they take the emotion out of it bots of course don't have fear or emotions I would have probably stayed out of the market during that flood had I not been using a trading bot so I'm going to leave everything that you're going to need to set this up for yourself down in the description below I'm also going to pin it to the top of the comments if you end up subscribing to the patreon not only are you getting access to the improved strategies but you're also getting access to a wealth of knowledge and experience that I've developed over several years of doing this day in and day out studying reading books and practicing this for myself learning how to code and implementing Ai and blending it all into the perfect mix of knowledge if you somehow landed on this channel don't forget to subscribe to this because the value that I'm trying to offer is aimed at helping all of you guys level up and gain some knowledge so I demand that you tap that subscribe button now that's all for this video guys see you in the next one
Channel: Trade Tactics
Views: 23,789
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chatgpt, chatbot, chamath, ai chatbot, chatgpt ai, openai chat, gpt 3 ai chat, gptchat demo, hack chatgpt, openai chatbot, openai chat gtp, openai chatgpt, chatgpt writing, michael batnick, advanced chatbot, jaibreak chatgpt, chatbot technology, jailbreaking chatgpt, ntroduction to chatgpt, gptchat demonstration, conversation with an ai, what does ai say about our future, hack, hacking, automated trading, algotrading, chatgpt trading, crypto news today, crypto banter, crypto
Id: oKyOnmFbBAo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 19sec (439 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 13 2023
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