How I Made 100x AI Strategy using ChatGPT /w Pionex

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thank you I am live we are live now I believe let's see let me check the links we got 16 people joining in already how's everybody doing we're just gonna give it a couple more minutes you know let me check the Stream all right cool cool I'm just gonna give it one minute and wait for some people to join and then we're gonna get started how is everybody doing today I hope everyone's having a great day wherever you guys are let me know where you guys are from in the chat hi free fire how are you doing how's everybody doing today I hope everyone's doing nice it's a beautiful day over here and I hope everyone is having just a wonderful day all right I'm gonna give it one more minute till we do this hybridjorn Degen that's what I like to see all right all right okay let's get started so good morning good afternoon or good night wherever you guys are welcome to the pinex slash trade tactics live stream you know we have a very special episode for you today with my friend Trey tactics you know everybody you guys already know him if you're gonna hunt his live stream for but for those of you on the pinex live stream who don't know him he is a YouTuber with 50 000 subscribers and an algo Trader that focuses on trading view strategies on cryptocurrencies and he helps he uses chat gbt to optimize them as well and today we're gonna be going over a strategy he he did that was able to return 100x or ten thousand percent those are some eye-popping results so I hope you are as excited as I am and before we all jump before we jump in and I welcome him on let's just take a moment I just want to take a moment to thank you everybody for joining and be sure to like And subscribe the uh for the video just for the YouTube algorithm so we get this out to more people so without further Ado let me add liquid here to the Stream hey liquid how are you doing hey nice to be here thanks for the invite okay uh of course of course you want to do a little quick introduction about yourself as well I'm sure everybody already knows you but for the people that don't yep uh so I'm I run the trade tactics Channel and have a fairly large Discord where we do community building of Open Source strategies so it's a collective of traders who are looking to get into algo Trading and to with a goal of preparing for the next bull market and taking advantage of the uh everything we can do going into the future so there's a lot of consolidating now and Community Building yeah yeah and how long have you been I guess how long have you been doing uh more developing strategies for algo trading or you know trading trading crypto in general I've been trading crypto since around 2018 and I I was in manual trading uh and quite quickly I I learned the the hard way as most people do how much skill is involved and if I got into crypto in 2017 you know I'm sure I would have just gotten lucky with it with with the pumps that happened there and so after that there a lot of people who get into crypto like that try to find different ways to manage their profits after they after they have some success but oftentimes it's it's a lot of luck so it's about minimizing the luck and finding reliable strategies that can carry forward long term that are more sustainable so I started looking into algo trading because I wanted to take the emotions out of trading and I I like minimizing screen screen time so being at the charts and having four different screens open is really cool but I prefer to to minimize that and watch the trades from my phone or whatever what whatever the bot's doing so the bot should be able to execute in theory the exact same strategy that I was trading with in real time and all I have to do is kind of babysit it so I take a I I kind of Step take a step back and let the bot do the work for me yeah I mean that's that's amazing because I I am a manual Trader too it's definitely sexy to have four screens and all those like numbers and all those candles going up and down right it's like a serotonin hit to your brain just watching the charts but I totally agree yeah yeah but it's not an efficient way of trading and that's why you know we have been focused on algo trading Bots or just like regular trading bots in general and I think that's the that's really the future for people who understand it and for those people who don't they might be a little bit left behind unless they have some type of edge right yeah exactly so I mean I guess I guess the interesting part is you're using like Chad gbt and AI to help you like create or optimize these you know strategies I guess a quick question before we go into your strategy and things like that how what do you think is the importance of AI and crypto Trading Okay so AI has when chat GPT came out I immediately knew what I wanted to use it for so there's people who were using to construct grocery lists for them and and all kinds of you know like just I guess writing your your essays people writing essays at home out of school yeah and I immediately thought okay it can code so I wonder if it can code in python or pine script so I I looked into it and it did and there was of course there's a way to go with it because there's some some issues with it was coding in older language of pine script but I'm assuming that that's all actually right now Chachi BD can connect to the internet if you have a Pro Plan so now it can look at the pine script manual for you and then resolve any compilation errors things like that which is really awesome so I think the uses for it are there are so many possible possible combinations of trading rules that you could have and it's able to catalog all those for you and then input them all one by one or like just list them for you and so it takes the heavy lifting out of having to manually think of all the possible long and short rules that you could have with a given strategy so it really it really just helps you kind of optimize the process as well right kind of thing yeah rule building is the number one hardest thing I think in in building a strategy so it like if if you're using a trading tool like any indicator so RSI or macd there are so many things you could do with an RSI or macd there's so many different settings you could use and then different rules you could smoothen it out or you could make it more finding short-term trades or more long-term smooth trades and then from there there are there's like a signal line you could put it there are so many different ways you could utilize RSI so chat GPT helps break all that down and so while the early like the early versions of Chad gbt weren't able to completely code a strategy from scratch so if you just went in there generically not knowing the right questions to ask then you might not have had the same amount of success like for example if you just said build me a trading strategy that's too generic but if you go in there and you already have kind of a backbone of that you have an RSI that you already trade with and if you paste the code the source code from that RSI that you're already training with and you ask it hey what kind of rules could you suggest for trading with this or if you already have a trading strategy and you just say hey I want to enter when RSI is above this level right when it or I wanted to take profit once we're in the oversold level then it can do that for you so and you don't need to necessarily know how to code to do that and even though I knew how to code it would it would still help me so it could it could help people who already do know how to code but it can help people who don't know how to code at all which that's kind of the that's to me the most revolutionary thing that we we've seen in a very long time right so I guess that that just a quick follow-up to that question how like yeah what is your experience in coding like do we have to know the code to be able to use your strategies right or to be able to understand it or like even make it so I guess that's like two separate questions um you don't necessarily so I share a lot of my strategies as open source uh versions so people can take it out of the box and then use it just as is and I kind of have the recommended time frame that I that I've been using on and those are just prototypes but there are traders who wants to build off those so they want to add different layers to it to reduce the false entries because they're they're very simple prototypes that I've shared just to show like hey this really simple concept can be worked on and can be refined to make even to have an even more successful strategy and sharing those backbones it's it's kind of the the original building blocks of a strategy so I was I'm kind of like the first person to go to to share all of that around on YouTube and I've seen some some of the creators taking that initiative too so I think I'm changing the way that people are gatekeeping it and just by by sharing it openly but also yeah you don't need to to code like of course on on pinex I share most of the signals there all you got to do is click the button to to subscribe to the signals and then it'll trade for you so you don't necessarily need to understand how it all works but the the trading mentality that I want to Foster is where people do understand so you don't you don't need to but I always appreciate people who come in to the trade tactics Discord and actually ask those good questions and who are really trying yeah no for sure for sure that's no that's definitely very good um so so I mean okay just a quick just a quick thing if you guys have questions just put in the chat we're going to be answering some questions uh at the end so if you guys have any questions just leave it in the chat and uh we will be answering after we go over the strategies or along the way whenever we uh whenever we can get to them so be sure to leave some questions there okay so that is definitely very cool what so let's get into like the meat of it do you want to share like your strategy and uh you know provide a little overview and kind of like what goes into the strategy I've made sure yeah yeah I so I've been refining this the this Bollinger band strategy and I'll I'll just you want to share really great yeah you can yeah let me let me put it on the screen yeah we're gonna trade tactics is gonna give you guys some Alpha and just and just so you guys know if you guys want you guys don't have to develop these Bots for yourself right uh liquid has already done the work for you you guys can copy his bot by uh signing up through his referral link which is in the description so just sign up and through his uh Link in the description and you guys are able to copy some of his spots for free only if you guys uh sign up through his link so you guys should definitely do that um to be able to access the bot that we're going to be talking about and there you go boom it's on the screen yeah so this this is one of the blowing your Bots that's on pinex and I I'll just make it make I make it free for anyone who uses the trade tactics referral so I think Jay's gonna link that it's also in the video it should be in the video description but I'm what I want to do is add a lot to this too and keep improving it so it's easier to trade generally speaking as just to get into this it's easier to trade on the higher time frames because a lot of the money moves on like three four hour chart even at 12 hour or daily chart and then there's a lot more Randomness on these smaller time frames so you can see this all correctly right yeah I see it can we can we get can you guys see this in the chat just type A yes in the chat if you can see this I think there's like a five second to delay so we gotta wait a little bit sure on the Stream let us know if you can see this because uh we don't want to be like just kind of like streaming to ourselves yes okay we got a yes cool cool all right cool cool so this strategy works with the Bollinger Bands so it's it's one of my favorite ones because it the Ballinger bands when they squeeze like this can often find the the big moves and so when when we break below this lower Bollinger band it'll enter a short assuming that the Market's going to keep trending and likewise when we when there's a break above the upper Bollinger band right here then the bot enters a long position and so this strategy going back this is 20 000 candles of data and I know this strategy also can work on the 24 minute chart or the 30 minute chart but to get it to this point where it works on the 30 minute chart to go any lower than that like a lot of people want to have about that just scalps on the one minute and kind of can take a 0.1 profit point one here and it just Waits until it takes over in a profit then it takes it and keeps going in and those kind of strategies can work this one is the the win rate is lower so it's only like a one in three win rate but the wins that you have if I go to the performance summary the wins that you're getting are your average win is almost triple your average loss and uh sorry to interrupt can you zoom in a little bit I think it's harder to see if you like make the make the letters bigger I don't know on this one I think you can just if you're on a Mac you can I don't know if you're on a Mac or PC I could I could stream my Chrome tab this is the trading view app so I could go to the yeah the Chrome training view website and then stream from there it is a little pixelated yeah I can one second just let me switch my screen really quick yep hold on guys give it yeah give it one second it's uh we're gonna change Zoom it in for you so yeah if you guys have questions in the chat uh definitely leave it in someone asked what the trading fees are on pinex it's really low it's 0.05 so not even close to one percent it's not even it's literally 0.05 of one percent it is a tiny amount let's say one moment so I could yeah I can zoom if I'm on the browser so yeah I'll just change it really quick sounds good and Eddie asked which strategy does liquid find that has the best win rate so every strategy that liquid makes has been back tested that's how we know basically on the based on the back test results if it's made you know 100x or 50x or 1X right so the win rates I mean they could cover it but you know the win rates it's based on the pinex app if you sign in you can see uh the results the back tested results and usually on liquid's Channel all the win rate is published as well so you can see like oh this strategy might have a really high uh percent percentage return but the win rate is lower or it could be very high win rate but the percentage return is lower so it's definitely a it's definitely a kind of a balancing act you have to you have to see which one is more important to you and every strategy is obviously back tested right there's no way uh anyone can list it just like without back testing it's just like oh this random strategy he's gonna make 100x like no we're not gonna do that that that's just that's uh that's very not professional and Barry said for those of us who can't use pinex can the script be ported to trading view uh yes the script uh I think I think liquid provides the scripts but most people just wants to copy the bot and everyone actually should be able to use pinex just um you just have to sign up for pinex Global and um it should everyone should have access to it if you guys do not you guys can message me on uh Discord or Twitter my Twitter is I'll link my Twitter in the chat or you can message uh you can message um Us in the pinex Discord channel on liquids on liquids Discord here is my Twitter in the chat if you guys have questions as well okay I see you guys do you have an invite to the trade tactics Discord you could probably put that I can't yeah let me put that I'll go get that right now let me just send it right now and uh I think I think it looks better oh wait I mean this this so I'm I'm zoomed in now is that enough oh yeah that's how does that look that looks really good to me yeah okay so uh yeah just I can link you the Discord link if you want or I got it okay sweet so the yeah the this strategy 35 it's it's around 36 profitable meaning the win rate is one in just just over one in three but the average winning trade compared to the average losing trade is far less so when you lose you only lose around on average one percent and when you're winning like the largest winning trade is very big and the largest losing trade is around half so nine almost ten percent largest winning trade largest losing trade is only almost five percent so in that in that sense based on back testing that's what's giving this this curve now one of the things so this this strategy is the the premium Bollinger band strategy and all of the source code here let me let me open up this source code so that this source code here I've I've shared all of this in the the it's 25 to join the VIP I have a basic more basic version just for free so anyone can go in and grab the the free version and tune it as well for pretty much any coin or Equity that this strategy though I'll say works in the breakouts like markets that break out a lot so ethereum a lot of cryptocurrencies break out now if a Market's trending sideways this is going to have a hard time and you can tell where it has a hard time because there's these big Peaks and then and then fall off so recently the strategy looks like it we're currently in a period of drawdown now the max drawdown on on this configuration is 19 percent so this little Peak from the top coming all the way down would be 19 so if you started the bot at the very top you would you would be in lost now until there's a recovery and then it continues to go up so it's important to keep that in mind when running these strategies if you started the strategy at this peak you would have taken some loss and then it would have continued upwards so you got to keep in mind where you are like contextually when you start the strategy so if if I showcase this you can actually see exactly you can see exactly what I mean here so I'll just if I click this line on the chart here it's gonna it's gonna time travel me on trading view one one second I'll minimize this a little bit more so you can see that work where's the price down here okay so at at this level around here if I click that this area Wednesday March 8th 2023 that's highlighted and that's right before this Equity starts going up so why did why did it do well well there's a huge short that we that was caught by the bot right as soon as the dump came in perfect short on this one yeah so that's a perfect trade execution shorts from the very beginning of The Dump closes at the very bottom of the dump yeah and so that's where the bot Scoops up the profit there's then there's a little bit of draw down here this this mountain starts coming down a little bit so there's winning trade here some good winning Traders some good trades and then I'm assuming it at some point there's going to be a little bit of drawdown like this this chop here this is yeah this is the chop and the lower time frame you go the more drop that you have yeah so a lot of Traders get faked out by this and washed out so the the trick is to to not get compromised in in these scenarios because the bot will be in the correct direction once the market moves this this long on uh on the third or the fourth right caught that long and I'll just show you like how big of a move that was that was just a six percent gain so you had to take a little bit of chew here so these were lost trades so that's why the strategy wins one in around one and three right but it but it balances out it like this clearly balances out and because the strategy has a there's there's this other filter here can you see this other line that changes color that's uh that's just an EMA so it's a it's a filter to make sure that it doesn't short when it's above just to be safe because the crypto markets it's kind of it's a little bit psycho so that's just a little bit of safety but then when when we're close to the EMA line there's a little bit of weakness here so that that could be optimized a little bit better but and a way you could do that for example would be like adding a a no trade rule meaning it won't trade here but you have to figure out how to do that so if the market is consistently flat then there are ways to detect when it is flat there's a lot of different ways you can do that you would just add a flat filter rule to that and to try to minimize those now you're not you're never going to have a perfect string there's no like 100 win rate if you see a strategy that that claims 100 win rate now I might do it for like clickbait but when I get into the video I'll explain that it's not it's not truly like 100 but and so so yeah every strategy has drawdown every every single one so you have to keep keep that in mind that there's going to be periods where the money is exchanging hands near the bottom you know there are big firms closing their shorts in that area and opening alongs and they want to drive price down and yeah if you're if you're trading manually and you understand that you then you can take advantage of that area right most Traders get wiped out in these areas though so the bot won't but if you turn off the bot because it's losing trades in this area and then you'll you might miss it on these big moves so it's about you know it's about not blowing your accounts but to do that just one don't over leverage and two if you want to put in a lot of money into a bot that's not really tested you know the bot might not work in every Market ethereum might go flat for several days like here there was just no trade but could you imagine if just based on how the rules work if this price was crossing above and below this EMA line or if the Bollinger band was slightly tighter maybe it would have been opening and closing some more trades but it luckily this was really good it took took some profit and then didn't trade that's what the goal is so so you know what it looks like to me is like what I have noticed as well is just kind of um if someone new starts a bot and then it's in a period of consolidation you might just have a period of drawdown and then they get discouraged but then if you if but the thing is you have to look for the long term right because like you know this is tested in the long term it returns a profit and uh as I see on the you know percentage profitable it's only 35 percentage profitable but the strategy overall is profitable it's actually up 412 so you know you're gonna have a lot of small drawdowns it seems like and sometimes like you just mentioned if you bought it at the top right if you started the bot at the top and it goes down 20 you're going to draw down 20 and people might get scared but the thing is if you look at this overall Equity this Equity curve it is positive and it's up for X right so you know a lot of people just don't understand that you have to hold for the long term or you have to actually understand when a big move is coming and try to time that they try to time opening the bot is that oh yeah yeah yeah and and again this 412 percent is 20 000 candles only so well that's a lot of candles because everyone's 30 minutes but if I did a deep back test I could go back to let's say the earliest date oh this is only like a two yeah this is only like a that was only like a two year back test yeah yeah so if I go let's see what it is that this configuration right I could optimize it for the long term but drawdown goes up now now we're above 2 500 gain and look at that that's crazy two thousand yeah but exactly what you're you're saying like there is periods of draw down here where like you wouldn't be making any any Capital during this period this is a huge area of the bot would kind of be going back and forth where it would make some and then lose some but then as soon as it hits this trade which is the around the 20 172 mark That's 2172 trades now there's 2800 total close trades around this Mark though in back testing which I don't know if I can click it if I'll if I'll have enough candle data but that's probably that's probably when the market started really really trending so the goal is to just have the bot like watching the market and not destroying the account by over trading in during during these periods so a little bit of drawdown's okay as long as you are active during this period what is the blue line is that the price that is the or is that holding let me see if that might be the now I'm on wait I'm let me just check on the app because on on the desktop version It's freezing sure sure yeah but I mean basically this is just one strategy like uh liquid has a lot of different strategies this is like a shorter term one I I know he I know liquid he has even like better performance strategies and we can we can kind of like show you the performance of that as well yeah I could yeah there's the let me just reset the chart so I have the one of my favorite tries to trade it has been the fxs chart and so this this is another strategy that I have been running and if I do a deep pack test of every every month um so this one is 60 profitable meaning like basically it'll win approximately 6 out of ten times or almost two and three now I'll show you why that is but it it takes it takes its profit and then we'll re-enter during trending markets like this where it doesn't know exactly where the reversal is going to to be in this big area but these are really good trades and then it'll just open on the next candle so it it wants to secure profit and that's statistically just based on back testing what the most secure level is to take the profit at and then it opens again took its profit opened again took his profit and at some point it's going to top out and it'll take one loss like right here there was a long at the top took the loss but that's the fee that you pay to ride the whole wave up now there are other ways you could do it right I don't have to have the the stop loss take profit on I could just ride the wave up and it would collect the the whole wave and there's a short here it won one short and then lost one towards the bottom so it will keep going until the market reverses and it will ride the whole wave down so these are all shorts short short short short and that's why it's getting the the 60 win rate and the the fee that you have to pay for these kinds of gains like 749. that's that's crazy that's even higher than what we were talking about that what that's even higher gains than what we said in the video title that's four 749 X we were only talking about 100x that how that is a crazy strategy how were you able to come up with this well this so this is based off just like I said at the beginning of the stream I'll share the backbone for free like the open source version the backbone for this is just the ichimoku strategy so if you go to the uh if if you go to where which which channel is it in I have like forms where people can share their working scripts so if you're in the trade tactics Discord go to working scripts and then the first post is it's pinned to the very top it's the full strips the open source strategies now there's there's a bunch here so this one's a version of the ichimoku cloud and there there are traders who have come up with different take profit and stop-loss settings for the the bass level one and this this is just I just built off it so I just added a couple extra layers and then dialed them in for the for this so it it's a pretty stand it's pretty standard that that's really why I hope people do I really hope people are doing these kind of strategies there's another one one of my moderators in the Discord is has an M algo strategy that's really good and that's that's in the working scripts tab as well I think it's it's been bumped to the very top there's even people typing it right now because they're they're modifying it so that that strategies doing really well as as well mm-hmm yeah keep in mind though the the total close trades matters that's a huge like 1 308 is a huge statistical I could do a deep back test too down to the first available day so the total close trades matters for the sample size that's over a million percent now if this strategy were running with these settings all the way back when this coin was first dropped back in 2021 this is these are the percent games that you would have seen now the the back testing is only one component of all of this because for testing is the next component and our goal as algo Traders is to map on the back testing into future possibilities because there's no guarantee that this will work in the future because let's say that a bunch of different investors come in and they trade with different indicators or different money or they want to fake people out now the trends of the market could completely change so no guarantee that like the the big money that's trading this coin right now is going to continue but while it is working I'm going to be taking advantage of this trend but the total close trades doesn't matter because that's that's a fairly large sample size and if if you have a strategy and it only has 20 total close trades if you look at the stats that's not a large enough sample size to know whether it's the strategy is just winning by period of luck is that is that a one one million percent yeah yeah what it is that's I've never seen a percentage return that high that's one even in a back test that's one million 170 912 returns yeah so you gotta you gotta watch out for there's things to watch out with I'll go trading like reap like repenting for example so if I use non-standard candles I'm using standard candles right now right if I were to switch to hiking a she or renko or any of these there's a treading view page that they wrote up specifically warning that it's unacceptable to use hikingashi candles because look at that like look at the it looks great on back testing uh I'm what is that in the uh that's in the billions now yeah but this this will repaint that this is repainting meaning the trades you see on the chart will not appear in real time these are I can I can show you so the way that just for a quick tutorial if you are there's bar replay mode that you can use on trading View and oh I got a like it won't even actually let me use bar replay mode for hikingashi because it's it just it just it just won't let me use our replay mode with hiking no it's just like the wrong prices right like the prices aren't yeah it it won't it won't work in real time unfortunately now I even have a rule in the Discord no posting hiking a sheet charts because of this yeah now it looks really smooth and and everything like when you there's there's no Dr like there's no draw down you know how I was showing you the mountains in The Valleys before there's there's nothing here now okay there's something there should be something alarming when you see something just yeah like like this for example sometimes there will be like scammers who come into the Discord and just post post something like this yeah and then they'll they'll like you know they'll DM you and and they'll try to try to get get you to deposit some fun somewhere to like take advantage of this opportunity it's not it's not an opportunity I promise yeah okay okay thanks for the thanks for the warning that's definitely very crazy so yeah standard standard kennels only is the the rule for for if you're if you're going to be an algo Trader that's that's the one rule to minimize the the risk there's a there's a page you can look up if you I think if you just Google repainting trading view it'll take you to a to a web page on it how how do you how do you think okay so someone asked what about Pepe well you have a algo strategy on Pepe oh I did I didn't well I did the what did I do on Pepe I use some different settings on on this actually what's interesting is this this isn't half bad by the way the the Bollinger strategy on on fxs I'm on the Bollinger strategy with this is the this is the premium one these are the settings length 49 I could I could optimize this probably I'll just change it by one and see what it what happens it's going down so I'll go I'll try to go back to 49 and then I'll go to 50. so maybe it'll top out but yeah it does top up so around around in this area here you're okay there's a 200 length EMA filter as well so yeah this that's actually not bad by the way it's like pretty good now this is this compounding this is percent of equity so this mean these numbers you'll get if you reinvest your profits back into the bot so it'll it'll reinvest 100 of the account back into the bot this way if you were just to do it with a flat order these strategy this will be less far less yeah so what do you think about using percentage of equity like you leave your whole position in the trade over and over versus I guess um like uh like a certain amount of coins or a certain amount of equity it's one of my favorite things to do I mean like if you had a let's say you had a 50 account and you you just like well if I lose this fifty dollars then I lose the fifty dollars but if you make two thousand percent on fifty dollars that's pretty good so the re when you when you look at it that way it's like okay well you've accepted the risk the risk is fifty dollars and if I make two thousand percent then I make two thousand you know assuming that that history repeats or the strategy holds up no Abdullah just said I have 50 can I start trading you know if you have 50 uh this would I guess that would be a perfect strategy just kind of like you know if you're ready to lose a 50 if it if it works out you will gain 2 000 or 20x or 50 if it doesn't then you're going to lose fifty dollars so it's kind of the the the the profit and the goal is way larger than what you're risking at the moment they don't you don't necessarily have to lose all of the fifty dollars you just have to keep in mind like what the what the max drawdown should be right so if if the drawdown is far higher than this then there could be something going on and that so riding these mountains all the way down that's a normal that's a normal drawdown so if you put 50 in maybe you're down here and you're at 40 but you should you should be going back up and and if if this mountain crap like were to crash in the future I don't know what this chart will look like in the future I can't predict that but I can cut like try my best to to tune a strategy and for test it and with a small account of fifty dollars that's a risk I'm I'm willing to take but every Trader has to assume their own risk and understand risk management yeah yeah that's a very good way of looking at it so but Jordan asked what about longer time frames in sideways market like six hours or 10 hours yeah so it's higher time frames will you will avoid most or like exponentially more of the the chop that that sideways chop so if the market goes flat for an extended period of time like on the lower time frames this would be very very bad period for the bot and you want to be in when the when the Market's really moving so yeah hard time frames way way way easier now this to me this counts as sideways if I went up to the Daily then it would be even you would avoid a lot more of it of that so you want to you want to be in during these during these really big moves but not necessarily during like like these moves here like these this is just like a few candles on the daily chart but on on the lower time frames there was those would would destroy the bot not not necessarily destroyed but it would be a challenge challenge more challenging Market because the trend is not clear yet so so do you so I mean I guess for this coin specifically you would say the shorter time frame works better because the longer frame there's a lot of sideways action like how does the back test how does the results look on the like longer time maybe like six hour or four hour or something like that oh well I'd have to retune it for the the far larger time frame uh but like the like this for example this chop would be really really difficult for the the lower time frame now on the hard time frame it's just it's just one false traitor two false trades mm-hmm so when you when you're in on these big big moves then you're you should that's that's where you want to be in but this yeah I'd have to retune this for a larger time frame because the length of the Bollinger band the volume the volatility is all it's all it's a lot different so understood understood under so do you want to show do you before or do you want to perform more questions do you want to show them your strategies posted on on pinex or do you want me to do show them where they can see it oh yeah you could show them yeah if you want to start streaming cool sure cool let me just show you like you guys seen liquid strategy I'm just going to show you where you can see it on let me see on the website all right I think I see my own screen so if you guys want to test out or even see the some of the back testing the basic back testing results for liquid strategies just go to the website on the home page go under more and then go to pinex gbt we're going to be updating this to have a Marketplace up at the top but right now you have to go through this so under more and go to pinex gbt and then go to the gbt marketplace and then you can see the trade tactics so all the strategies are under trade tactics for example this is a ichirumi cloud strategy right if you sign up through his referral link you guys can get this for free and uh you guys can see like this is on if you subscribe to it oh I'm not signed in oh wow okay I should probably sign in but if you if you guys see this and you guys see a description plus the YouTube link and as well as the back test for example in the past year this returned 5x and when you put it on max this has returned how much is that uh ten thousand percent so around 100 x right so this is his this is this is the one that you guys are able to copy for free and um if you guys in the yeah of course uh liquid also has more premium uh strategies as well for example the premium ichumi Cloud I think that's just more optimized right yep yeah it's they're it's more optimized for like more more of a a broad market now I I might add a couple more filters to that but the one that I'm really excited about adding is the Smart money concept spot that I'm working on right now so I've got some good there's going to be a lot of coins you can choose too for it so now so even more strategies coming up yeah yeah I'm doing this like I'm doing this with all of my free time I'm really passionate just about I'll go trading in general so if and I'm really responsive in the Discord so if anyone is like really wants to learn if this is for them then just come come through the Discord ask ask questions I'm fairly responsive yeah I posted the link in the chat yeah see for example the ichirumi investor system you guys can it's all it's based off the FXX and it's 30 minutes right and you guys can use leverage as well and all you have to do is type in the amount you want to copy so for example if you want to use the fifty dollars I'll do one X leverage could be you when you do back test it's all on One X leverage right yep yeah that's one x uh if I should if I showed you the the 2.5 x leverage then it the results are actually quite insane yeah yeah yeah but the risk the risk of course the risk goes up so I have some there's some logic that you just input into the code and I and then it calculates your your risk and then adds extra leverage so it increases your your margin and uh it could it could pump out different massively the results go massively up but then you have to calculate your risk as well so it does that right yeah and that that's why I do like if people want to use Leverage especially with algo trading you should be back testing your leverage like you you could find that the exact amount of Leverage that you want to be using and not going above that to so that you're minimizing your your risk minimizing the the risk that you will have the drawdown on your account so I'm conservative I'm going to use the 1X leverager so I'm okay with losing 50 or 500 but I'm just gonna do 50 because we're talking about 50. so all you got to do is press start copying and that's it I guess there's advanced settings now where you can put in take profit but I don't recommend using it because um for his for liquid strategy he has his own views and own setup obviously and if I look at the testing in the past year this returns 7x with a 16 drawdown so that's perfectly okay with me so yeah so the the stop loss there is a stop loss in the strategy and take profit but it comes through at the candle close so that that goes in that works in both directions meaning if there's if you're in a long trade and there's a really big bullish candle and it goes above the take profit and it closes you'll you'll take that extra amount whatever the additional is above the take profit and it so that kind of balances out though with if there's a if if there's a reverse candle and you hit your stop loss it'll go below the stop loss potentially so there if you want to use the stop losses live then you you can do that like pinex can set your your order if you don't wanna negotiate that Randomness but the reason I'm that I use it is because it's backtested in anyway so using the live orders make me feel more secure but it might make you feel more secure but the back testing makes me feel the most secure even if there's a trade that's going bad I I really just brush it off it's statistics yeah I will trust the system too so that's why I'm not putting in a stop loss so all you guys got to do press copy press OK and it starts the bot and that's it right here boom super easy super simple anyone can do it no coding knowledge required and let me just check out some of the other Bots as well and uh so before what I'm doing this CN asked when you bought based on this strategy [Music] um I'm not sure exactly what your question is and then you bought that you were developing oh the the smart money Concepts yeah yeah so I've got it working on a bunch of different coins right now but I'm just adding I'm just trying to see if I can add any additional layers to it so right now it's a very simple system but and it gives me a lot of security knowing that it works in multiple markets but uh should be out fairly soon I'm also going to add those as signals to the VIP section of the Discord so I'll there'll be a bot there'll be manual training if you want to use those for guidance in your trades and it'll be listed on pinex yeah sounds good yeah so so when that comes out you guys can come over and copy it we're gonna have it listed so okay so I copied that one and also the this is the premium ichumi Cloud what what do you recommend using this on fxs or BTC the Bitcoin works on the higher time frame so again we talk like it's a little bit more stable using the higher time frames and but it'll be a little bit slower moving so if you're if you're a little bit more patient or if you want higher liquidity then Bitcoin is a just higher liquidity coin but then also it's because it works on the four hour you're you're also not going to run into well it's it's resilient it's more resilient to okay overloading can can I see the back can you share the back testing results for that one I I don't know if I have those available right now I didn't prepare them but I can I can always post them in the Discord server yeah that's cool so next yeah no that's okay that's okay so you don't use the leverage for that one on your testing right not on my well I haven't I haven't tested I could I could test it so for BTC you know I'm more comfortable with BTC annualizes so is this more of a trend following one also is this like a higher uh higher percent profit or higher higher like higher hit rate or less hit rate but higher profit that one is it's a trend following system and it will it I think it's over 50 win rate it wasn't as high as 60 now if I if I turn the take profit all the way down like to like point five percent the the win rate could be really really high but your win ratio like the amount that you're gaining is less when you do that so there's a trade-off and so this one is fairly balanced where it's you're you have a fairly okay win rate and that the net profit is is fairly okay too I like that I like the more balanced approach I don't because I don't like I don't like seeing trades lose all the time so like a 50 win rate is good enough for me so yeah and if you guys look right this strategy is actually higher than what our video title says annualized this returned 217x over the period of two years on bitcoin and this is during the bear Market too which is crazy right yep so this is a this is a very crazy back tested result so I'm going to copy with with 500 because like this is more of a safer strategy so I'm going to be copying this one as well so I saw I did see one the the EMA the Dem a strategy that I don't think performed as well as the other two you can't yeah they didn't perform as well as the other two like what are some of the I guess down uh uh negative sometimes so long yeah long term you can look at that Equity curve just on the graph there it it's still up on net on on the max chart but more locally it's it's I just have to reoptimize it for the more local markets but it looks like it's starting it's starting to turn up a little bit more now but the more recent markets it's not favoring it so not every strategy is going to work in every Market but I am adjust I'm adjusting that that demo one and one of the one of the ways that someone in the server has adjusted it is the m algo version so in the in the working scripts section in the Discord the ml goes based off the double EMA strategy or the demo strategy mm-hmm and okay very cool very cool yeah and if for those of you watching who are kind of more technically Advanced and you know want to do your own algo strategies definitely be sure to join uh liquids uh Discord the link is in the chat and I think it's in your description as well I can post a link again but if you guys want to help him work on his strategies we cannot if it's a good strategy we can't help you list it on our platform in our Marketplace as well and you guys can receive a profit share or you guys can receive a subscription cost if you guys want to do a subscription cause if it's a really good strategy so for those of you who want to make your own strategies definitely join the Discord and uh and we can you know work with liquid I know he would definitely love more more eyes on his strategies as well cool and uh yeah do you guys have any more questions if you guys have questions leave it in the chat we can go over some questions now and if you don't I will ask some more questions myself so one of the one of the um one of the things with the ichimoku yeah if people want to to use that I think that one's based off one of the patron strategies but when I'm when I want to do with most of the strategies is list them for free if people are using the the referral link and then just wait I just want to waive the subscription cost and and just and just release a lot more strategies so I was actually going to ask you Jay about that question about putting the marketplace at the very top no we're we're gonna do that right we just have to revamp this idea definitely going to put this at the top 100 awesome I'm excited for that it's hard to find it's hard to find right now but we we kind of we kind of released this super quick you know what I mean so we were just like all right we're just gonna get this out so now it's not organized on the website but we're definitely going to rework that okay so questions from pie would you do some profit sharing instead of monthly fee you can oh I think that's a question for you right I might yeah I might I might consider doing doing that I I'd have to think about what the amount would be a lot of the strategies that I've seen on the marketplace are around like 20 like 20 I don't know if that's high or not because I've never really considered doing it but I I know a lot of Traders would prefer just doing that rather than the flat fee cool cool cool and Nam asked do you have any suggestions or tips for Pine script beginners yeah so the way that I learned I it's it's really dry to think about and boring to think about reading the whole Pine script version 5 manual now you could if you did that you would learn that's that's that's the best way just to just to read so if you if you just Google Pine script version five manual it'll come up and it's a lot to to get through but the way that I learned that was more engaging was I would find a strategy that I liked and then I would kind of like I would open up the source code and then I'd figured out how it was working by working backwards through it because I really wanted to understand the inner workings of it so if there's a long rule or if there's like a color that's plotting on the chart I would look at that color and I would say okay look at that variable okay then I would look at where that variable comes from and then I would work backwards through it all the way back to the very beginning and that's kind of how I learned that like and then I I supplemented it with reading but I was I just started out really wanting to understand how there's some of my favorite Pine coders my favorite strategies out there that I I just wanted to understand how these guys work and I think on tradingview they give you a role now if you if you're a really big contributor they give you a wizard roll so it's it's like above it's above the top top VIP role so they handle the wizard yeah so so so basically you would do just like look at some of the open script stuff I'll open source stuff and kind of like work backwards and see how how they did it yeah okay that's very interesting you have to like there has to be the value in it for you so if you're if you have a goal with what you're doing so let's say you have a strategy that you that you've made a lot of money trading manually and you want to start applying that to automated Trading so you could you could keep doing it manually and winning but at a certain point maybe you want to take a step back and then maybe put five percent of your to your trading account into a bot and then if that does well then increase it from there like to ten percent see how it does but you have to have the the goal first I think to have the motivation otherwise you either there's not really a reason you have to give yourself a reason to do it so if there's something you really like a strategy that you really like that you see other people using successfully then you can that should be enough of a reason to want to decode someone else's work and not not steal from them but learn from them I think that's that's at least how I did it yeah yeah understood that's very that's very no that's a very good way thanks for sharing that aspect asked when are you going to make the premium strategy open sourced um it it is it is open source I have a a WAP account it's trade tactics and it works just like patreon so if you sign up for the 25 tier you get access to a bunch of the open source premium ones nice nice nice and I don't know how to pronounce this deep SAR what spread is considered in back testing um I what do you well it depends what you mean by spread right um what do you think he means Jay actually I think I think he me I think it's based off of closing price right uh yes you I think it's closing price yeah yeah okay so so I think the spread is not as important because it's it's like literally this uh closing price of the candle so in the back testing it's literally the prices that are in that are traded on so especially if you're doing Bitcoins the spread should not be a big deal at all because we're not we're not going for pennies here um uh let's see aspect asks can you share the link to your to your thing okay that link should go through sounds good sounds good do you guys have any more questions or do you actually I have a question I guess how do you do you want to kind of I don't know if you want to can you like share a quick process of how you you use chat gbt or pinex gb2 to kind of optimize some uh just just like maybe how do you optimize your code I know we talked about it a little bit yep I do have a video on this and I think I I'm gonna need to do a more detailed version of it but the overview of it was that currently at least at the making of that video chatubity couldn't connect to the internet now what's really cool so bingx Bing has their own um Microsoft has their own version of chat GPT and I tried that out and it could connect to the Internet so it would go in like take some code from the public database similar to what you described and then it would start modifying from there which is really cool because it's working off a backbone and what I had initially used chat gpd4 was I'd Supply it with a template code that I was already working with so if there's an indicator you really like and you want to convert that into a working strategy then it can really work with it but it can't build from scratch really it just it just doesn't know how to do that yet so I'm assuming over you know in the next models that they're releasing that it will get better significantly better so for now it can't do everything that we hope and dream but it's really effective already and I think that just by learning how to how to make a strategy with it that doesn't have compilation errors or is really a useful tool to even just know how to do especially for the future it's a skill that I think working with AI is going to become a really important skill so pasting into your chat GPD prompt that's typically where I'll start I'll ask it hey this is the code and these are the rules that I want so can you build rules based off my natural language for this strategy or for this indicator so okay so I think after watching your after there's also a couple more there's also a couple more uh questions but I think um what's it called I think in your video I watched that video it's um you would you would post the code for the indicator you don't you wouldn't want like tragedy BT or pi gbt to recreate the indicator you would kind of post the code for the indicator and tell it to optimize it or how to add it in right yeah so I would ask you you have to specifically tell it use this code do not use external code and then it'll start modifying from there I see I see yeah so that's very important that's very interesting part you can't apparently you cannot let chai gbt or you can use pine xgbt or whatever to code the whole thing for you it's going to get confused and there's going to be a lot of bugs you would rather just put in the code that already works right yep so uh the AI is extremely good at micro tasks but very bad at those macro tasks so what would you ask me to do like would you ask it to kind of like find different ways to optimize a strategy like once they already have has the basic Bare Bones of the strategy yep so if yeah if you have a if you have like an ichimoku indicator and I I built this in the in one of my videos I I took the ichimoku indicator and Astra GPT I worked with it I converted it into a strategy and then it it suggested the rules to use for the long and short conditions so I didn't have to do any of that and that that to me was the most useful part hmm that's interesting that's interesting okay because it knows it generally knows how ichimoku cloud is supposed to work yeah because based on the data that it already does know about what hmoker cloud is it knows that there's you know there's several different lines the cloud and when you break above the cloud then you can enter along and or short so it it already knew that and it knew what variables the shared the indicator was referring to so it just did that for me so in that in that sense I didn't necessarily even need to know how to code which I was my I was that was the most mind-blowing part for me that I was able to do that yeah that's more of the micro task but not not I wouldn't know how to code the whole HMO strategy yet so it's good to suggest these like these hey what rules should I be testing and then just go copy it over and back test it right yep yeah okay that's very cool so if you guys look at pinextory BT this is made for a pine script even though it is it still has like errors sometimes but you know if you want to play around with it there's some prompts you're like all right please write me a ichu muku cloud strategy and then you can see it go right with all this code and stuff without you doing anything I can't write this this is crazy it is writes all this for you and then you know once you have it maybe you could maybe you could um optimize it be like hey add a I don't know what would you do what would you do you put in let's say you want to add an RSI condition you would put in the code for the RSI first right yep well the best thing going into this at I'll quickly answer this question Chad someone's asking you could use this for other stocks not just crypto yes you can so like Blue Chip stocks or other yes these strategies work on on on many different assets you just have to retune that strategy find a time frame that is that is not too difficult for the specific algo [Music] but not every algo will work on every every single one for example like if a typically if like if there's a 200 EMA in the like an asset really respects the 200 you may then you're gonna have if you're strategy incorporates 200 EMA you're gonna do really well but that like not every Market works that same way right right so right back to this yeah you could you could ask it to explain the code if you want to click just explain the code now network error okay so I think this lag refresh you have to do it quick yeah so boom please write me a YouTube Cloud strategy writes me something a lot explain the code so yeah I guess it also explains the coaching English you know readable language so oh and it says this script uses an exponential moving average of 200 period as additional filter so yeah yeah it's pretty it's pretty you know this this explains it to you if you don't know how it works but let me say let add an RSI condition is that how you would put it at an RSI yep the more specific you get the the better so the way RSI works is it goes from zero to a hundred so if it's below 50 then on that you might be bearish you would also so you could consider you know if the RSI must be increasing or the RSI must be decreasing to enter a short or you could have the RSI must be over 50 or under 50 or the RSI cannot be overbought when you're entering along because maybe you're entering near a peak there are a lot of ways to do that and what you would want to you can actually ask chubby for all those right it would give you those if you don't know what the range of things you could ask it to do for but you could ask it to do and you should ask it to do every single one of those and then go and test every single one of those okay okay yeah so that's very cool you can ask Chad GPT what you can do with the RSI for entry and exit conditions and then maybe pay and then just test out so right now I kind of know where the RSI does I'm going to say add in RSI condition for entry when it goes above the 30 line from Below oh my God it timed out again it time's up very quick we have to change that but you know that's basically how it works you know write me a YouTube go Cloud strategy please add an entry condition when the RSI goes above the 30 line and then it just modifies the code for you so I I would say I would say um you don't want it to rewrite the whole code because very slow you'll just you would just be like hey give me this specific I think you actually put this in your video you'd be like give me this specific line of code so it doesn't take hours to write out the new code yeah so it so in this one it's the variables there are inside you can read yeah it's like the long underscore entry equals so I would have to add in an RSI and now if if you tested this and it was unsuccessful the workaround would be because it's adding in an RSI for you right right here now it looks okay that looks okay the RSI that you're adding in so far at least it's in it's in pontoon version five I can tell so that's okay but if it wasn't then you would have to paste in your own RSI so you'd go to tradingview public database copy like your favorite RSI paste that into below your prompt so like add in this code and then add in this rule to the longest short entries yeah so definitely do the method that uh liquid is talking about because it's easier and there's less errors if you give it the code to add and then just let it be like hey do an entry it's easier and way better that way so basically this is you know how how the Chad gbt works but of course definitely watch the liquids video for more in-depth explanation but so I hope everybody kind of understands how um he uses strategy B2 to help him um you know modify strategies yeah there's a lot of info covered uh yes the live is going to be saved so you can view it after the live ends it should should take a little bit of processing time but then it'll be out yeah and um while this is generating and it doesn't really matter what this generator is we're just showing you how it works uh someone asked a question Cass copy trading in general say on banex uh that the combination of fees and profit shares putting me in the negative even with the best Traders how is this playing out with your Bots um there it depends on how long you've been in it so copy copy Trading is historically very lucrative so depends who you're copying really there are Traders you could copy there that are profitable or not so it depends one on how you're choosing them and two like everyone has drawdown so there's going to be a natural drawdown period so if if you think you're beyond that that natural window of like a gray spirit so for example if someone wanted to get funded as a Trader they could be given granted an account and then you're allowed like eight percent drawdown so if someone's above that but you should be able to look at all their stats and stuff yeah so I would say I would say um our fees are very low and um there is no profit share well I mean for some of the Bots there is a profit share for some of them they're free right uh like liquid has some free Bots but so so in combination with if you're copying a free bot right if you're copying the free bot then we're not taking profit share and it's just fees but you know when you trade there are fees everywhere it doesn't matter where you are there's always going to be commission fees so that's just a part of trading um so with that I would just say it's like we talked about this earlier in the live there's gonna be drawdowns like if you copy at a wrong time it might draw down 20 but overall in the history right in the history that this bot has worked it has gradually went up right went up whatever 4X 5x 1X but it's over the period of time it's in profit there's no guarantee that it's going to stay profitable forever because nobody can see the future but if you trust the history is going to repeat itself then this bot should perform well over a period of one or two years right so if you draw down 20 in the last month then it kind of that that's kind of uh you just kind of have to sit through that right because yeah there's also there's also things you could do to be resilient to to draw down one of them is diversification so if you're noticing like a particular week is really bad or it's like a string of weeks then reduce that investment size and then allocate funds to different coins so if a coin is really if you're using a breakup strategy which is my favorite kind of strategy like the each mocha Cloud bowling around strategy those function based off when the money was really moving so it's taking advantage of that big big big window of price action where a human Trader might not want to go in they might think it's too risky but the bot doesn't have those emotions so yeah one is diversification to reduce the the drawdown you want to be trading coins that are moving and so like let's say you're trading Bitcoin and bitcoin's going flat well there are other coins that are moving during that time window so if you have Bots that are working on bitcoin and other obviously like good back-tested uh coins then you should ultimately balance out and then when it's not altcoin in season for example like if you're keeping an eye out on what the Bitcoin dominance is historically if more money's in Bitcoin then Bitcoin is going to be going up if less money is in Bitcoin then all coins are like it's it's flowing into all coins so you can always take keeping keep an eye on the Bitcoin dominance chart on trading view I think that's just BTC dot DTC dot d yeah yeah BTC dot d I think if you go to all yeah there so right now it's it's really really really strong so bitcoin's thriving right now but typically when this chart's going down it means one is pulling out of Bitcoin and that typically goes to one of two places either investors are putting into their private wallets profiting taking out a Bitcoin or they're transferring it into all coins so when when this charts go like plummeting or if it drops below a certain amount usually that 30 40 amount is like really really low so fifty percent of all funds that are in crypto right now are it's around 47 are in Bitcoin which is really strong right so there are other there are other ways you could take a look like you can keep tabs on which Bots to have active which coin to pick right like if you there's also the ethereum dominance chart you can look at which ones are ex you could also Place trend lines and then turn on a bot on a particular coin once it breaks a certain trend line those are the kinds of things to look look out for especially like on this on this Bitcoin dominance chart you could see that like there's some really strong downtrends that you could have Drawn downtrend Lines on and done your ta and as soon as it breaks above that then it's like okay I'm turning on my Bitcoin bot and it would have worked out so the the bot would just it wouldn't necessarily just enter along as soon as you turn it on but it would start to look for those long entries or start to look for big trades so okay okay under so I just really did it yeah it just depends so it's a little bit of knowing the market as well you can just you can't just um expect it to do everything for you yep uh someone's asking is pinex compatible with proprietary trading uh I'm not really sure what that means but we can you can do manual trading on here you can do Futures Trading you can do for example you know this thing's telling me I signed out which is not true it goes to Futures you can you guys can like do prop I guess like yourself or if you have strategies you guys can hook it up directly uh into pinex like we said if you guys have strategies you guys can list it here or just like or you don't have to listen you can connect it and trade it yourself on your own account so in that way yeah I guess it is compatible with prop but yeah we have a Futures Market you know we got Pepe people like to trade meme coins we got Lido optimism sui meme all that kind of stuff we got Pepe so yeah we definitely have a lot of coins except for trading Bots as well um and I think someone else asked is Victor asked um what is the strategy for someone who cannot afford losing more than 50 USD um well it depends what your investment amount is then I mean if you only have 50 USD then that would be 100 loss so any strategy that doesn't have 100 drawdown but if you're if you're putting in 500 then that would be your your total your your shutoff line so it depends how much you're investing I'm not yeah it really depends yeah so if you have fifty dollars you put fifty dollars in a strategy it's probably not going to lose 100 of that fifty dollars unless you yeah so that's that's basically just if you don't want to lose more than 50 just put 50 in to one strategy but the returns are always also going to be small but at least you kind of learn right if you have if you don't want to lose 50 dollars um but the general rule of thumb is to not really well every investment is at risk you're exposing yourself to the market so and yeah in general yeah only trade with money you really can't afford to lose yeah yeah yeah exactly an aspect where Alice asked how can I use some of your boss for free I already signed up with pinex for two years uh so he's gonna be posting liquid is going to be posting new like more uh different strategies that should be free or for profit share and we already have there are there is already a free one on the marketplace so you can you can access that aspect and uh let's see abduelo Abdullah asked uh what if I copy a Trader and he leaves the exchange so let's say if you copy a bot and the bot leaves an exchange nobody no one's gonna take your money because that money is stored in your account you're just take you're just making the trades so there's no risk of you losing your money at all uh let's just do one more question Victor asked again in the Box can you adjust the take profit and loss like a risk of two to one ratio yes you you can and the two to one ratios typically what that's what I learned when I was learning to trade is you you wanna risk you know only one and two percent your account preferably one percent and then you want to have a two to one risk ratio so you only want to enter trades where there's a significant enough upside now with with with Bots the two to one risk ratio is gold if you can find one that good then then definitely continue using it I'm I try to just tip the needle above the 50 because on net it's going to be it'll have win loss win loss but then it'll have like win-win eventually so you're collecting and scraping money from the market so I don't like the two to one risk ratio you could do your own back testing and calculate this on your own but yes you could uh change or take profit and stop loss to to a two to one risk ratio it's just the the stats are gonna change based on that based on what the strategy is doing and then it's pretty easy to uncover the reason why it it might change so if you have a two to one risk ratio like stop loss one percent take profit two percent maybe the trade needs more breathing room so you adjust it wider so you have two to four and and so if you lose you only lose two percent if you win you win four percent so that that would still work but the back testing is going to tell you whether that actually works or not which is pretty cool so you I don't recommend just accepting the the two to one risk ratio at face value without understanding why they're why it would be that number or if that's realistically achievable so yeah yeah that's the benefit of using back testing yeah so you can directly set a two to one risk and reward if you want directly on your Bot that's like up to you but you know liquid he probably has his own like whatever kind of you know setting set in to see oh maybe it wouldn't even be a two to one and I would take a loss and maybe it's a four to one so it just depends if you want to do that but it might mess with the strategy and um let's do one more question aspect can pinex add more personal adjustments on copying uh what what do you what do you mean more adjustments can you tell us some more adjustments like right now we have the take profit and stop loss um I'm not sure like we have leverage you can change the leverage but you know that's definitely based on like if that's definitely based on if um you know it is a good thing to add to leverage because you know the strategy might not built to be adding 5x leverage and you can blow your account if you do 5x leverage but you know that's just the type uh aspect ask like I can take my own choose my own take profit and stop loss you can already do that I believe so if you go to the market if you go to the market find xgbt Marketplace let's say I want to copy the free one that trade tactics has which is right here right so I subscribe to it why is it telling me to sign in again this is so weird all right right here tray tactics trade X right here so okay great let me just sign in again I don't know why it's telling me to sign in I just signed in all right cool you can choose your own uh take profit and stop us though yeah yeah so for example right for this one you can choose your own leverage right you can choose the coin which is only this one because it's meant to do this one and then if you go to advanced settings right here you expand it it has take profit ratio per trade and stop loss ratio per trade so you already you already have that you can already have set that yourself so I guess uh personal adjustment is already added aspect but yeah I think we yeah no problem and this live stream will be recorded yes uh I think we're gonna end it there guys I just want to say like thank you guys for the questions that was really good interaction from you guys and uh we really appreciate it thank you guys for joining the live stream and I want to thank liquid for co-hosting it with me and just coming on and you know teaching Traders about your strategy and how you you know you code it as a kind of like a pro algo Trader and how we can get similar results as you and yourself yeah awesome and I'll just add one more question because it seems like people are wondering about the the take profit stop loss these are things yeah those are things you could and should be back testing so there there are the open source codes you can you can input and then you could play around with the take profit in trading View and then that can help you make a more informed decision about what advanced settings to choose Within pinex so so the 50 take profit 21 loss would not be good that would definitely not be good because then you're risking 25 of your account each time right is that that's how it works right that's too it's too wide like there's not always going to be a 50 Palm like like just because you said that that is the take profit doesn't mean it'll necessarily hit it you might miss it right right it can be too narrow meaning you gotta have room for the trade to breathe but it can't be too wide either right back testing helps you figure out what that window is yeah Victor you have to test it yourself it might be a little more be more complex but if you don't have money to lose I would definitely go into testing because that's kind of like You're basically trading for free right you're getting the results from the past of how the strategy would have worked without risking your money also this is the first time I've gone live on the trade taxes channel so I hope to do more if you guys liked it then hit the thumbs up button and I'll know that you guys you guys all liked it and I'll do more of them yes sir hit the thumbs up we got yeah we got a lot of thumbs up you got and uh that we really like to see that I think they would like to see you doing more live you know a lot of people join on our Channel as well so it was definitely great to see and I'm open to suggestions too I might just run Bots live and show what the Bots doing live that might be really cool and then I can go back and forth to see what the different Bots are doing on different days I might do things like that as well but let me know guys yeah comment comment add comments make suggestions I'm open to doing what you guys want to see yeah I'm gonna post the links to Discord our YouTube if you guys want to subscribe and follow me as well and then yeah thank you guys for joining let me post all the links in the chat and I hope you guys got something valuable off this and I hope to do I hope to have a liquid on more in the future let me add your Discord in the chat as well and yeah let us know if you guys enjoyed that let me see just wait around for the links now yeah and of course be sure to sign be sure to sign up through liquids link if you guys like that and you guys want to use his uh check out his Bots for free let's see Discord that's the Discord server so Twitter Twitter and then I'll post your link again in the chat that's your Twitter oh oh my Twitter yeah I'm gonna go I'm gonna give you a follow yeah I'll follow you back and uh here is the referral Link in the chat all right cool guys well thank you guys for joining hope you guys enjoyed it and I hope you guys have a nice rest of your day thank you so much thanks for inviting me Andre of course of course peace out peace out guys
Channel: Trade Tactics
Views: 9,039
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: uDntw4H0xbQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 92min 32sec (5552 seconds)
Published: Fri May 19 2023
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