Campmeeting 2021 Tuesday PM Mark Hankins

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we just love you we're so happy to be back here to get to see you and your wife and pastor privet and his darling wife and uh pastor petry and his wife and then uh robert links right there his wife yeah y'all have been here like for like a century you're like how long have y'all been here like they was on the second boat they were on the next boat but um okay well we missed camp meeting last year so we're very very happy we're glad you're here and uh the reason you missed it last year was because we didn't have it yeah and so but we're glad you're here amen take it let me go sit down get out of the way please well it's your church so i was going to suggest that but i thought i thought you're the boss around here praise the lord well everybody can sit down praise the lord we're happy to be here tonight and uh all this week and i know you've been fed the word very well from uh pastor privet pastor petry and uh the different ministers and uh so it's a great blessing to to join the crew here and i always get blessed just kind of hanging out with all these guys amen and all y'all being here and i get a fresh anointing so i'm expecting that tonight anybody expecting anything tonight amen my expector on praise the lord and we won't leave here the same in jesus name amen praise the lord so look let me give you all a few books and some cds and uh i know i know nowadays cds are or you know kind of not many cd players left i don't know if it was the virus or what it was but they see these but um uh let me let me tell y'all a joke first i have to tell you a joke see if i can get you happy smiling i love to laugh and then i love situation humor the best but some of these canned jokes kind of help people get started you know you're actually better looking when you're happy you might want to look at somebody so you might consider that so [Laughter] the other way to say that is if you're happy people forget that you're ugly so anyway [Laughter] so that's that's for other people i'm sure so the cds i'm going to tell you about cds if you still have a cd player and if you don't then all these messages can be downloaded from the website and they're all free so all you have to do is go to the website download them or you can download the mark hankins ministries app it is also free all the messages on there are free and uh so you can do it that way praise the lord all right let's see if i can give these away who's my helper i have a helper somewhere somebody that's got kind of fast you know you're pretty fast all right come on here brother i have nothing to say about that so i did have a few thoughts but anyway we take authority over those now look this one is called faith laughs at impossibilities see that lady she raised your hand up first give another right there all right this one is called joy four messages wow joy is the serious business of heaven whoa that's a quote from c.s lewis all right all right let's see and this one is called the greatest confession there's only one confession that stands between you and hell let's try that again i said there's only one confession that stands between you and hell and it's this confession that jesus is lord so there must be a lot in that confession so get out there brother all right let me see what else i got that's right no problem all right this book here is called the spirit of faith if you knew what was on the other side of your mountain you would move it give that to that lady right there spirit of faith to make you grab a cornstalk swing out over hell and spit in the devil's eye this one's called the holy spirit the genius if you listen to him he'll make you look smart we can tell who's listening to him right oh look at this lady you walked right by her all right wow man look like she she's like she might be like in the senior like foundation members of the church and you're ho wow y'all should give her a hand just for coming to church man god bless you and this other lady you stood up and you let her you donated your book to her even though it didn't really cost you anything uh but you can just go back to the table or tell one of those guys to get you one and then you'll get one free too you're very nice all right this is called revolutionary revelation i like to say this information will change a nation in other words this is the information that the devil is most afraid of and it's a revelation of what happened from the cross to the throne so you got to get this book is my favorite book you know what to give that to well he didn't know last time so don't act like you're smart anyway now you actually look very nice tonight all right this is called the secret power of joy oh man somebody just needs to set that up somewhere and this we added a chapter to this because our grandson dylan um was like over a three-year situation with him uh getting a bone marrow transplant and all the things that went with a diagnosed with leukemia and so it's a three-year process he just played on his first basketball team i'll tell you more about that later anyway this is on the the bone marrow transplant and the um the uh stem cell transplant between him and his brother and when he was getting the actual stem cell transplant the doctor told him two things number one mr dillon we're getting ready to say goodbye to you because you'll never be the same person after this how many like to see some things from your past and say we're getting ready to say goodbye to you because of the blood of jesus amen the second thing the doctor said is from this day forward you will have two birthdays two birthdays it's amazing to see that a blood covenant and the blood of christ the donor engrafted into us the two words in christ are actually blood covenant terminology well i know who i'm preaching to tonight mama you have to travel with us or something here you take that book yeah i don't know your name but we're gonna sign you up man praise the lord i like that man praise the lord she scared me and i'm fearless so my wife is laughing you know we just celebrated 45 years of being married happily married man some men would never make you without a good wife i'm one of them i'm telling you i never would have survived without my wife she is amazing woman of god she gets more beautiful every year she is a wonderful mother right and she has eight granny awards not grammy granny we have eight grandkids so i thought your thoughts at eight grand somebody thought boy she is popular no she she is with her grandkids but eight grandkids and so she's an amazing wife and i said all that because of later anyway so that's how we stayed married 45 years right all right i love you baby you are amazing he's amazing praise the lord we go all over the world together and she never complains well maybe a couple of times [Laughter] we were singing the song from instead of glory to glory it was like hotel to hotel to hotels um how about table to table restaurant restaurant well i've done some of that too but you know the t-shirt says i might be fat but you're ugly and i can lose weight [Laughter] so like my my dad pastored for over 50 years so my dad people would say to my dad periodically they'd say pastor hankins it looks like you have gained weight and he said well i have gained weight because i only weighed eight pounds when i was born anyway so if i could at least get a holler from that side of the auditorium i mean i might preach over there a little bit more anyway up to now it's just like me and the orange pants right there me and this lady right there put them on his pants on praise the lord is that university of texas or tennessee oh okay anyway so let me what are you laughing about all right so let me tell you my joke for tonight my joke for tonight is did you are you leaving okay do you have to sing up there okay just warm up a little bit are you going to help her up there well you have to move faster than that i'm telling you let me help you out all right train and training always training so um did you hear about the two rednecks that they went fishing two rednecks went fishing it's two rednecks went fishing and um one of them says to the other one been sitting there fishing a while and he says he says bubba he said i think i'm going to divorce the wife so his friend said why are you going to divorce the wife and he said well she ain't spoke to me in two months fished a while his friend said well i don't know i'd think about that if i were you a woman like that's hard to find but think about that bubble it's hard to find a woman like i ain't spoke to you in two months all right all right one more just one more one more one more two rednecks that went fishing right they went fishing and they didn't have much money so they had to rent a boat go wet out in the lake man they caught so many fish out in the lake so many just an amazing catch of fish so they headed back to the shore so one of them says to the other one i sure hope you mark the spot where we caught all those fish and the other one said well i actually did he said well how did you mark it he said i put x in the bottom of the boat and the other one said you idiot how do you know we're gonna get the same boat next time all right that's enough for y'all all right you idiot all right we're gonna we're gonna let trena try to get y'all back spiritual again all right so go ahead trina i don't know one time he was preaching in well i think he was preaching something whatever he was doing now actually that's when my children were little babies you know and you have to take them out the whole service just about right so i'm out in a different room there's no babysitter there's no children's helpers or anything so it's me and the kids and i'm peeking through the windows and thinking when is he ever gonna get done and then he starts being funny and i thought man he knows so much revelation he knows the word he knows more than anybody else in this room why didn't it get serious that was my thought i was just like i won't get serious and get this done you know and uh this is not this is for real i had a little mini vision like brother hagin says m-i-n-i but it wasn't all that spiritual as his but it did help me at the moment because i saw jesus it was like the lord just pulled back a curtain and jesus was laughing too so i just apologized to the lord and said okay okay and i waited but i you know we all like to laugh don't we and god likes to laugh he sits in the heavens and he laughs and we're made in his image and he likes joy hallelujah in the presence of the lord there is pleasures joy forevermore amen and faith laughs at impossibilities i just came up with that statement not really that's marx but faith does laugh at impossibilities praise the lord and i'm so glad that jesus and all mean and ugly and got a sad face but he's got joy and his joy is our strength amen in hebrews the first chapter says because he loved righteousness and hated iniquity how many love righteousness yeah look at your neighbor say i love righteousness and i hate inequity now say it like really you hate it all right okay because jesus love righteousness hated iniquity therefore god anointed him with the oil of joy more than anyone hallelujah he is the head we are his body whatever is in the head is in the body come on hallelujah and that anointing is the joy the joy is a fresh anointing i believe tonight hallelujah god is just pouring out oil hallelujah strange healing inspiration revelation hallelujah praise god and he gives us some joy and we just take it's like a spoonful of medicine makes a menace uh makes a medicine spoonful of sugar [Music] i almost had it praise god lift your hand say god i just want more of you give me more wisdom and more revelation and the knowledge of jesus i want to know i want to be filled with the fullness of god hallelujah he heard you lift up your hands a little bit more and say thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you hallelujah god we're so thirsty we're so hungry thank you father for opening the word to us tonight thank you for opening heaven to us tonight thank you for opening our hearts to receive a special word from you we thank you lord in jesus name amen amen now father i just thank you for the cowans and i thank you lord that your light and your face is shining on them i just see that hallelujah shining on you praise god that means blessing and reward and increase hallelujah hallelujah hebrews 11 and verse 6 says that without faith it's impossible to please god an amplified bible says it's impossible to draw near to him hallelujah you got to believe that he is he's a rewarder those who diligently seek him your pastors are really diligent seekers of god amen hallelujah hallelujah how many believe that god is how many draw near to him let's just draw near to him right now praise god chapter before 11 is 10 and it says having therefore brethren boldness to enter the holiest by the blood of jesus by a new and living way which he consecrated for us through the veil that is to say his flesh he put you in himself having a high priest over the high over the house of god let us draw near with a true heart in full assurance of faith why because he's faithful that promised the only way we can do this is because of the precious blood of jesus hallelujah how many glad your lives have been changed hallelujah i'm gonna sing this song y'all gonna help me sing first line says i was a wretch sometimes we say oh don't call yourself a rich but without god we're rich or wretched but with christ with his blood hallelujah made [Music] reach was far too [Music] you made a way across left behind [Music] for the first time for the lord thank you jesus thank you jesus you have saved my life [Music] you took my were place for three days but then you walked right out again with me [Music] thank you jesus [Music] is nothing stronger than the wanderers we are [Music] [Applause] [Music] is we are thank you jesus thank you [Music] into glorious hallelujah [Music] the old song says glory to his name you know that glory [Music] [Applause] [Music] i sing glory come on let's give him glory hallelujah where would i be where would i be oh thank you lord i [Music] am what has washed [Music] is [Music] [Music] this is [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] is soul [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] hallelujah [Music] receive his joy received [Applause] [Music] [Music] find hallelujah yeah [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] a [Music] for there is a turning and a change even this night a turning towards the things that you've been called and the things concerning that you have been destined for the things that the enemy has meant for evil even now i'm turning and turning and turning those things for your good so there has been a challenge on this side and a challenge on that side and yet now saith the lord the anointing of the hand of the lord shall come upon you in a fresh way and even in a greater measure and a greater anointing for you to enter into the days that are ahead which will bring things that are beyond what you ever asked for or you've even thought about for this is the work of the holy spirit as you yield to him a fresh anointing shall come upon you and it shall destroy every yoke the things that have hindered and held you back those things shall fall to the side and you'll go forward with great freedom great liberty and great joy and you'll rejoice in the goodness of god as you come out into a larger place than you've ever been before a larger place in the presence of the lord and a larger place in productivity and the blessing of the lord so do not draw back but yield to the holy ghost yield to the spirit of god for he'll rise up on the inside of you like a river and let that river flow let that let the joy flow and revelation shall come and direction and resources and there shall be a supply of the spirit that shall come right on time that will cause you to laugh in the face of the enemy and say look what the lord has done and i'll make you a sign and a wonder of my goodness and my mercy saith the lord and the blessing of the lord shall rest upon you and i'll i'll work in you so that you'll open your mouth wide wide and be filled full fulfilled with joy filled with the holy ghost and enabled by my spirit to go beyond where you could go naturally so yield to the holy ghost for he'll break you out into new territory hallelujah open your mouth wide let him do that hallelujah come on let him fill you up right now the blessing of the law the goodness of god darkness into marvelous and glorious light is so there's an issuing a sherwood is for you have come out of darkness and been delivered from the power of darkness and been translated into the kingdom of the son of god in that light and in that kingdom marvelous light and fresh and new light and new revelation shall be given to you and it shall fuel your faith for your faith that overcomes the world shall be fueled now with fresh revelation and i'll bring to your remembrance the things that i've told you in years gone by and now your faith shall rise up in a new dimension and to receive all that i have for you for you've been called and anointed to live in that light in the light of all that the blood has done for you in the light of all that the blood does in you live in that light and there shall be no darkness that shall overcome you or that could stay so in the light of redemption in the light of the love of god in the light of the blood that that cleanses you from all sin walk and live in that light come out into the light and the enemy shall flee away and darkness shall be dispelled and you'll go forward rejoicing for i've called you into this victory anointed you and it is your place so take your place in this victory redeemed by the blood of the lamb with great boldness and access and enter in and draw near and receive mercy and find grace to help you in the time of need for there is a supply of the spirit that shall enable you to be strengthened and to go forward and even laugh in the face of the enemy for the joy of the lord is your strength and even while you yield to the holy ghost in that way not only will i strengthen you but i'll work in those things that are just ahead for you praise god well open your mouth wide and thank god for that thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord thank you alone thank you lord jesus thank you lord jesus thank you lord jesus thank you lord jesus thank you lord for your goodness thank you for your mercy thank you lord even tonight we believe and receive it even tonight we believe and receive it tonight we believe and receive it tonight hallelujah glory to god glory to god glory to god i believe and receive it tonight praise the lord i believe and i receive it tonight and in the very presence of god there will be a shuna and a transaction a borrow could say and an impartation at transport uh we're in the very presence of the lord there shall be that supply of the spirit as you draw near with a true heart in full assurance of faith having your heart sprinkled from an evil or even a guilty conscience and your body washed with pure water that you'll go forward with new things springing forth and the joy of the lord from his presence shall do a new thing in your spirit and in your heart and shall strengthen you so the things that have tripped you up in the days gone by they will not stop you in the days that are ahead so you'll go leaping and jumping for joy and saying the lord has restored and redeemed and turned my captivity and filled my mouth with laughter ah so it's like a dream coming to pass in my life oh what the devil meant for evil it's turning now it's turning turning turning even turning my sorrow into dancing and turn and turn and turn in my captivity and i'll come out of bondage and out of the little place and i'll come out into a large place for he has turned my captivity it's like a dream is coming to pass i'll not go back to where i came from turned my captivity he set me free and now my mouth is filled with laughter ah my mouth is filled with laughter my mouth is filled with laughter my mouth is filled with laughter my mouth is filled with laughter my mouth is filled with laughter i laugh in the morning i laugh at noon and i laugh in the evening for the lord has turned my captivity and new things are springing forth the dream is coming to pass so my mouth is filled with laughter i laugh in the face of the enemy no no devil you know you can't do that you know you can't do that to me i'm redeemed by the blood so laugh in the face of the enemy even laugh at the limitations that have been put upon your life laugh at impossibilities and laugh in faith my father is greater than all my father is greater than all his grace is greater his mercy is greater his love is greater his power is greater my father is greater than all so i live in the light of his presence and i laugh with him ah he laughs he laughs and i laugh with him for i'm in that happy family i'm in the laughing family i'm in the triumphant family i'm in the victorious family some laughter comes out of my mouth for the lord is good and his mercy endures forever well go ahead and laugh about ha ha come on you can laugh better than that now i can understand you're looking sad if i said everybody's gonna have to give a thousand dollars right now but i know you could give the lord a laugh couldn't you just go ahead and practice i said i know you could give him a laugh couldn't you just go ha ha [Music] man i don't know about you but i'm expecting some stuff hallelujah [Laughter] [Music] ha ha going to give you a couple of scriptures so we can prove this in scripture this is all in the bible so you can sit down a minute if you want to ha ha ha thank god for the holy ghost look at uh well i'm going to give you several scriptures here romans 14 17 is a real good one romans 14 17 is a real good one paul talks about the kingdom of god the dominion of god the realm of god walking with god he mentions three things number one he says uh the kingdom of god is righteousness peace and joy in the holy ghost well a lot of great teaching on righteousness some of the best i mean i just enjoy that as much as anything the peace of god i love that amen presence of the lord but the last one is joy in the holy ghost we'll talk about that joy in the holy ghost means it's a special kind of joy it's such a special joy that on the day of pentecost they thought they were intoxicated when's the last time you staggered out of church called your designated driver joy in the holy ghost is supernatural joy amen we can look at the joy of faith supernatural joy joy in the holy ghost he said is one of the great signs of the kingdom of god you could really call it kingdom culture nobody can do what happens in a pentecostal church if you've ever caught any on youtube when a holy ghost church and they caught it on video it's like a riot when joy and the holy ghost hits that place man i mean you cannot take enough drugs to make you that happy tell you i feel sorry for people that never been in a holy ghost meet where such joy hit the place you couldn't you couldn't stop laughing and you end up getting yourself up off the floor hallelujah come in late at night brother hagin said to come in late at night with with uh after you stayed at church so long come in late at night with milkshake on your breath in other words you didn't need no jack daniels come on you just had joy in the holy ghost and you just can't have joy in the holy ghost and keep quiet about it you can't be still i mean on the day of pentecost they had fire on their head and you cannot get fire on your head and act normal i mean fire get on your head and there's only 120 people there but i guarantee you that 120 people changed the world it don't take a lot of people to change the world 120 and since you know it's not a spectator sport god didn't say well we're going to light about 20 of them and let the rest of them watch in case you came to watch tonight god didn't say i'm on a light about 20 30 and let the rest of them just kind of watch go well isn't that cute so well jesus actually called it drinking. so i don't know if they got a t-shirt or not but these were the original drinkers on the day of pentecost they're original drinkers because jesus said if anybody is thirsty he didn't say you have to be cute he didn't say you have to be smart he's just got to say you just got to say i need something from god that only the spirit of god can do in my life anybody's thirsty let me go preach to my friend right here see anybody thirsty [Laughter] i said well lord why did you say if anybody's thirsty he said because i ain't talking to anybody else except the thirsty people so so if you plan on hearing from the lord you better go ahead and say lord i came to receive something from you i'm thirsty i'm thirsty come on i was blessed last year and last week and even yesterday but i'm ready to drink again i want to receive from your presence i want to yield to the holy ghost i want to be filled whoo [Laughter] so whatever they started with it was so good that acts 13 52 said the disciples were filled with joy and with the holy ghost the disciples were filled with joy and with the holy ghost to me that means you can't get a sad holy ghost ain't no such thing as a sad holy ghost because he's the same spirit that raised christ from the dead and that kind of triumph come on now it's on the inside of you come on he lives in you so i go to a lot of services and i believe you know you can almost hear the holy ghost inside of them you can almost hear me inside of him and he's going help let me out come on they got him tied up and gagged in there somewhere i let me out you say no i can't let you uh wait till the next camp meeting i might let you out one night only one night the next camp meeting the last time i let you out you got me so happy i was laughing and rejoicing and come on i've been in meetings dad hagen means where his board members got down on the floor and rolled across the floor they roll these guys were you know not not young guys i'm not gonna say oh they were but and one of the board members did 150 million dollars that year 150 million in his business all of them were multi-millionaires so i was watching and laughing as these men were rolling on the floor we don't have no scripture for it but we don't have none against it so while they were scripture says we have seen strange things today right so it's like i didn't even know we're in old testament man so so while they were rolling on the floor i was watching and the lord said what you looking at he said why don't you get your broke behind down there and roll with a millionaire i said i'm on the way right now lord so i looked at a pastor friend i said if you'll roll i'll roll with you hallelujah when david danced before the lord he danced with all of his might we know it wasn't pretty a lot of people would have more faith if they could just stay pretty all the time it wasn't pretty even his wife said you look like a fool and when david danced before the lord you know one thing he said i will humble myself before the lord it's a very humbling thing come on you get in the glory and the presence of god and dave is dancing with all of his might he said i humble myself before the lord come on the south we say you've got to dance with who brought you because if you don't dance with who brought you you ain't going to have no ride home so so when david danced when david danced here's what he said he said it was the lord let's try this out over here it was the lord that brought me out of the sheepfold and made me the king it was the lord that did that for me come on he said it wasn't my connections and my great talent and my great ability it was the lord that did that for me and he just started dancing like a wow man [Applause] come on after you kill a giant and you know it was the lord that did that for you no more intimidation by the devil or any situation and david danced before the lord with all his might he set me free hallelujah i said he set me free ha ha with my grandson dylan when he's about what three four five you know going through all the the treatments and stuff for uh [Laughter] well he's going through all the treatments me and trina we rented the house right next door to uh our daughter and her husband so that we could be there had to help a lot we got a three year ordeal and then he's taking treatments and so we rent the house next door to them and i bought a big old bean bag put it right in the the the the living room area got me a big speaker real loud speaker and while dylan was getting the treatments i put this song on by eddie james i don't know i don't know if you ever heard this song or not but i might just need to share that with you right now eddie changed he was just at my son's church yesterday or sunday eddie james oh man eddie [Laughter] and it's called let's see if we can find it's the same spirit that raised jesus from the dead dwells in me come on he quickens my mortal body i pray for you after church anyway so the same spirit y'all give me a microphone after church and don't y'all leave till y'all hear this song the same spirit we just had eddie at the church and he went through all the same great great songs great great singer and he brings a group with him and so eddie i said eddie sing that same spirit song before you finish your set here and he said uh well the group i have with me they don't know the song now i said well you're going to sing it before you get paid just let me explain it to you where you can understand it he said i'm fixing to get it up right now he said matter of fact come on are you conscious are you aware do you live in the reality of who's living on the inside of you the same spirit that raised jesus from the dead lives on the inside of you and he take care of business for you come on now he's in there you just got to let him loose i said you just got to let him loose say i'm letting you lose tonight i'm letting you loose tonight come on he'll hit your body hit your mind hits your blood hits your heart hits your kidneys every part of your body from the top of your head to the soles of your feet i'm gonna get that song for you now sit down just a minute so let me out unhappy miserable worried people come on got the same spirit that raised christ from the dead living in you come on you ought to let him out so i'm gonna let you out right now i'll let you out go ahead and laugh for a minute and say ha-ha come on even though he's in you he can't help you if you don't let him out recognize him yield to him respond to him joy in the holy ghost glory to god go ahead and take a laughing break say ha-ha-ha ha-ha-ha-ha come on say devil you know you can't do that to me you know you can't put that on me you know you can't do it because the same spirit that raised christ from the dead lives in me come on i've got triumph and victory in life by the power of the holy ghost i got joy in the holy ghost i said i got joy in the holy ghost [Music] ha ha whoo [Laughter] i don't have to finish this sermon i mean thank god that you don't have to finish all your sermons you're like please don't finish that sermon in other words you go ahead and yield to the holy ghost right now so i get mine at 8 25 baby i don't have to wait till 9 30. come on ain't gonna take me long i'll get mine right now [Music] [Laughter] somebody say why are you acting that way you don't know where i come from you don't know what i've been through you don't know what i'm expecting come on you know what i'm believing for come on [Applause] come on baby i've been to the pit and back i've been to hell and back and jesus raised me up he made me alive come on now he forgave my sin he washed me in the blood come on i got this joy that comes from jesus whew [Laughter] come on there's a laugh of faith i said there's a laugh of faith come on there's a mountain moving laughs coming out of your mouth that's a laugh of faith [Applause] ha ha hallelujah what you laughing about what are you laughing about daddy said the devil said you ain't gonna get it this time he said that's why i'm laughing i don't have to get it jesus got it for me two thousand years ago and i believe i have received it jesus already paid for it with his blood my redemption my healing my blessing my victory he's already done everything he's going to do about it i'm telling you he watched me he redeemed me he moved on the inside of me he set me free he broke the chains of slavery by his blood come on some of you if you just knew what the lord's gonna do for you in the next 12 months you couldn't be still you couldn't be quiet just what he's planned i receive it i receive it ha ha whoo ha ha come on let him loose let the holy ghost lose i'm letting you loose right now come on he'll rise up on the inside of him make you laugh at impossibility i sit back down one minute one minute i'm just about finished here ha ha he ain't gonna get it this time you ain't gonna get it gone too far went too far down ain't coming back up again you ha ha i don't have to get it jesus got it for me 2 000 years ago and i believe i receive it i'm washed in the blood redeemed by the blood i overcome by the blood of the lamb and the word of my testimony come on a voice of victory i said a voice of victory don't make me come back there i will come back to it i will stop this car and come back there all the way to the back row so you better run if you see me coming so we get testimonies all the time you know and they'll say i had no idea he was going to make it all the way to the back row i kept praying lord he's coming at me right now lord they said when your hand hit my head the power of god went from the top of my head to the souls of my feet come on there's power come on power in the holy ghost power whoo i'm just looking for the drinking section jesus said if anybody come and drink i'm looking for the drinking section come on you can tell the thinking section they're like but if you ever get in the drinking section [Music] jesus didn't say come unto me and think he said come to me and drink if you drink better you'll think better [Laughter] come on the holy ghost to make you lose your mind and get the mind of christ ah the anointing come on your mind come on you shout and laugh say ain't worried about nothing i cast all my cares on the lord he's taking care of me in grand style i'm going to sleep good tonight somebody already overdosed hallelujah now so listen me and me and dylan in the middle of this process three-year process i put that speaker up there put that song on and i said dylan let's rejoice man and so he's skinny little guy you know didn't have no hair in his head bald you know getting all the people poking you all those kind of things you know going on and so we get in the house i should put on eddie james same spirit raise jesus and so i get to move him with dylan i said come on dylan and they said come on man and so then we run around the back run around the bean bag run around i said let's dance we start dancing hi he start laughing then i throw him on the beanbag he said let's do it again all right three times so after the whole thing was over and the bone marrow transplant stem cell all that we went to pick him up from the hospital and all the nurses lined up because he kind of ran the place he'd been there so long so he's coming out he's coming out the front doors of the hospital and trina and my daughter there to pick him up he got in the back seat right in front from the hospital and they're fixing to pull away and dylan said wait wait wait what dylan he opened the back door right in front of the hospital and he went [Applause] right from the hospital come on now come on right in front of the hospital come on the devil and the doctor and everybody else said don't look like you're gonna make it but i'm gonna dance right in front of the hospital jesus redeemed my life jesus healed my body come on how would you act if you already had the thing how would you act if you say lord i believe [Applause] glory [Applause] come on open your mouth wide huh come on i came to drink i came to drink from his presence ha ha all right one more one more scripture and then psalms 126. are you ready write that down psalms 126. can you find that when the lord turned again the captivity of zion we were like those who dream what's that mean dream means one translation says it will seem too good to be true you get ready for the dream coming to pass for you to say wow look what the lord has done seemed too good to be true ha ha that means he turned it once now he's turning it again you need this you need to get over and sit there remember that lady over there i know people think laughing is not very spiritual but the bible says god sits into heaven and he laughed you just cannot get more spiritual than god i know you've been trying but i'm telling you will not get more spiritual than god in his presence his fullness of joy come on he's the original laugher he sits in the heavens and he laughs ha-ha come on there ain't no fear there there ain't no worry there ain't no doubt there there ain't no sickness there here pastor charles so i just have to do one pastor charles so just come on now i'm expecting a breakthrough that comes from heaven that makes everybody start talking about me [Applause] come on he brought me out of a horrible pit he put my feet on a rock he put a new song in my mouth many shall hear him whoa ha ha joy in the holy ghost [Applause] peace [Applause] [Music] come on if naaman had to dip seven times you better go ahead and get down baby [Laughter] so in all of those meets and dad hagin's holy ghost means we went for like 10 or 15 years because we learned faith and redemption but as the lord said there's a move of the holy ghost that we lost this generation unless we were taught by precept and by example so he'll just do the holy ghost means well i went to as many as i could and you just never knew when the mind the glory come rolling in presence of the law come on we would laugh all the way back to the room after the meeting and be in the media afterwards with all the preachers back there still laughing and rolling on the floor god will give you a joy you have a hard time finding the off button ha ha so he said sometimes you made dance i tell some people you can't dance you can scoot just scoot a little bit to the left and to the right whatever you can do wiggle whatever you can come up with get in the wiggle department come on that section but we saw him dancing all the way to when he was in his 80s dance a little bit slower but he still danced when he's in his ages anytime he did that i just danced with him ha ha then sometimes he'd just laugh and laugh and laugh and laugh come on then sometimes we'd all take off and run around the church listen if you can't run around the whole church just pick a section some of y'all just pick like a row or two like guys kind of get like you say i got these two rows you go find you someplace else i'm gonna run around these how come if i hear the sound of an abundance of rain that means the next three and a half years gonna bring some outstanding things that never happened before in my life never happened before in your life the outpouring of the holy ghost elijah took off running he took a run in [Music] let me explain something to you real quick here so those meetings we laugh and boy just have a wonderful time and the lord every time i'd get home something supernatural would happen so the lord said to me this way he said while you're rejoicing here something is happening back at your house that's what he said to me i said well i'm rejoicing here something is something happening back in my house but i'm rejoicing here something happening well it happened every time [Applause] hallelujah while you're rejoicing here [Applause] something's happening in your future are you rejoicing here [Laughter] and i'm gonna throw this in real quickly here sit back down just one more minute one more minute i haven't been here for a couple of years but a couple of years ago the lord blessed us with the most beautiful piece of property on the highway between my house and the church 30 acres you say why i was really only looking for three maybe five and if my faith could make it to maybe ten acres the lord hit us with 30 acres man already had the building built building a new building right now let me show you something that happened here because when we walked on that property we got the property here's what the lord said he said and all those meets really talking about dad hagin's meetings primarily but he said in all those meetings when you were rejoicing and laughing [Music] all right let's start over again and all those means while you were laughing and rejoice he said you really were laughing about something you didn't know what you were laughing about he said and when you were laughing and rejoicing i knew i had this property planned for you and i hid it for you and while you were rejoicing you were going from believing to receiving while you were rejoicing while you were laughing whoa i don't know what you're shouting about tonight but i guarantee you god's got some things planned for you glory to god like a dream coming to pass glory [Laughter] glory whoa open your mouth wide and laugh for a few minutes ah come on let the dream come to pass come on let god do things beyond what you can ask us say by his power he alone gets the glory he alone gets the praise he's my father god [Music] shout glory [Applause] ha ha sit down for a minute ha ha just what time is oh 8 45 i'm quitting pastor prep said he wanted to be eaten by 8 30. so y'all better go get him a sandwich i said you better put one in your pocket i don't know if i can guarantee you 8 30. my father is greater than all it's his grace i said it's his grace ha-ha-ha it's his goodness ha ha and so he said when this anointing [Laughter] when this anointing come he laid hands on us about a hundred times finally in st louis he said i want you to carry it come on he went to heaven he said i want you to carry that anointing so when he laid hands on us in saint louis carry the fire carry the glory bam hit you in the head [Laughter] so there are times like this camp meeting times times of refreshing that come from the presence of the lord times of a fresh anointing that comes from the holy ghost come on there's some assembly required i said there's some assembly required come on you say i ain't standing at the house baby i'm getting out there where everybody's out there hear the word receive from god come on there's different kinds of services we know that but this is a this is a holy ghost me a drink in me [Music] come on some things you might get by thinking but there's a lot of things you only get by drinking ha ha where's trent at come over here and help me ha-ha-ha ha-ha-ha-ha fresh anointing of the holy ghost dad hagin said when this anointing is present he said i may tap you on the head he tapped me on the head many times he said he said i might tap you on the head he said he said and he said sometimes he'd say be blessed and i received the anointing and he just tapped me on the head like that but i knew things were turning hallelujah i said i knew things were turning i said i knew things were turning by the anointing of the holy ghost fresh anointing of the holy ghost oh glory to god glory glory glory fresh anointing of the holy ghost fresh anointing full of joy full of joy full of the holy ghost the lord turn my captivity and fill my mouth with left like a dream coming to pass [Laughter] glory glory fresh anointing stick your head over here fresh anointing of the holy ghost glory glory [Laughter] [Music] take a drink of that fresh anointing of the holy ghost [Laughter] glory glory [Music] he said he said if you receive it i don't even have to touch it well he said it's like a dream coming to pass glory hold on to him or hold on to yourself glory glory glory [Laughter] [Music] whew [Laughter] the blessing of the lord glory glory look what the lord has done bless bless bless bless bless bless bless bless glory glory glory [Laughter] you better watch out for her i think she already overdosed ha-ha ha-ha i'd rather have the holy ghost i said i'd rather have the holy ghost i'd just rather have the holy ghost [Laughter] fresh anointing of the holy ghost glory glory glory glory [Music] [Laughter] so i'd rather have the holy ghost blessed blessed ha-ha take your head over here glory glory ha ha ha ha [Laughter] we were like those that dream ha ha we were like those that dream the mouth is filled with laughter ha ha [Laughter] oh [Laughter] glory glory [Laughter] glory [Laughter] bless ha-ha we were [Laughter] our mouth filled with laughter our mouth is filled with laughter glory glory glory glory glory hallelujah [Laughter] oh the blessing of the lord [Laughter] i'd rather have the holy ghost i'd rather have the holy ghost i'd rather have the anointing i'd rather have the anointing of the holy ghost blessed the anointing of the holy ghost full of joy [Laughter] my mouth is filled with left ha ha glory my mouth is filled with laughter bless yeah i'm blessed glory glory [Laughter] glory glory [Laughter] glory take another note the holy ghost hold on to that lady there glory [Laughter] my mouth was filled with laughter in the name of jesus in the name of jesus the anointing of the holy ghost y'all want some of that hold on to her [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] whew laughed all the way home woke up in the morning laughing we were like those that dream our mouth is filled with left [Laughter] ha ha come on you really were laughing about something people thought you were just being cute no i really was laughing about something well i was laughing god was taking care of business for me [Music] well i was laughing and rejoicing god was taking care of business for me it was the blessing of the lord the hand of the lord filled full of joyful full of joy and full of holy ghosts glory oh glory [Laughter] ah ah [Laughter] glory the anointing of the holy ghost [Laughter] oh [Laughter] ha ha [Music] the dream came to pass looked too big for you but the lord turned it for me ha-ha-ha-ha fill my mouth with laughter come on laugh in the face of the enemy laugh in the face of impossibility come on you're redeemed by the blood of jesus washed in his blood more than a conqueror ha ha [Laughter] laughs [Applause] i got it in my feed i got it in my feet i got it in my legs [Laughter] oh thank god for the holy ghost i said thank god for the holy ghost ha-ha-ha come on stand up give the lord a shout right now thank god for the holy ghost [Applause] thank you lord for the holy ghost come on he's my helper my strengthener he's the greater one [Applause] [Laughter] come on let him loose in the morning come on when you get up in the morning let him loose come on pray in the holy ghost in the morning rejoice in the morning you better come over faster whoo come on pastor give the lord a shout ha ha
Channel: Faith is the Victory Church
Views: 1,413
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 5w-0uaNAZjc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 97min 29sec (5849 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 17 2021
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