Campmeeting 2019: Tommy Bates Wednesday Night

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] everything [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] look at your vegetable with me a blessed award [Music] the [Music] the Lord would be with us exalt his name thus exalts his name Oh the salty [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] like soldiers fantastic salties my calling Oh No worst of my life the rest of my love worst of all [Music] [Music] just as good [Music] my [Music] someone to come rescue me immerse you you call me from the grave thank you Jesus you wash my sins you [Music] me [Music] my guilty stains today by screams [Music] [Music] okay that's easy [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] see that's what your mercy that's what [Music] [Music] well can we just tell him how good thank you for the neighbor cheese for that wonderful day [Music] blow me [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh what Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] what a powerful name [Music] [Music] what a clown [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you Oh [Music] hallelujah hallelujah come on a blessing praise it repeated a LIF give up glorify that name above all names Jesus we praise you Oh hallelujah glory to the Lord turn to somebody and just tell them the God that we serve always saves the best for last just tell him [Music] I gotta set the tone right the atmosphere is good but it's just not that good yet and we've got to set the tone right some people still haven't got their miracle they ought to get it tonight some people haven't got their healing they ought to get it tonight so people haven't got their breakthrough and they ought to get it tonight and it's up to us to make certain that the atmosphere is right so that the Spirit of God can work among us do you know that doesn't work in the run if it's the wrong kind of atmosphere he is greed by it and he's absent he only comes where he is welcome he's only come where people hunger for him he only shows up where people desire him and I don't know about you tonight but I came with a desire in my heart to see the greater glory of the Lord do I have a witness in the house what I'm trying to tell you tonight is this has been no ordinary meeting and this is no ordinary service because we don't serve an ordinary God he is awesome he is powerful he is almighty he's still able to do exceedingly abundantly if we ask or think according to his power that works in us is there anybody here tonight people let the power cookin you the body's working you working [Music] blessed Jesus praise the Lord glory to God you know what I think that we have just about succeeded in getting a demon free zone here tonight remind it close to it and we got to go all the way you remember the wedding of Cana when the Lord came and he it wasn't really his beginning of the ministry yet his time had not yet come but there was a need there was a need Mary succeeded in persuading the Lord and the disciples to come to the wedding at Cana they were there and they ran out of grape juice said let us say grape juice it was not mogen David stuff that they were using it was the juice of the grape they ran out of it they ran out of it and Mary goes to the Lord and tells him the need and then she goes to the servants and says whatever he tells you do it whatever he tells you do it and they took those six jars six jars of Britta was dish water it was selected it was just designated for that purpose and the Lord took dirty dishwater and he turned it into the best tasting wine the best tasting grape juice and when they gave it to the governor of the feast he said you're supposed to use the best at the first but you saved the best for last that's the way the Lord always works it's the former rain and it's the latter rain and then you might say well that's already done that's already finished there was the former rain and the day of Pentecost there was the latter rain to come at the turn of the twentieth century and now we're just living on the leftovers but you better read that scripture again because before we leave here he said that he was going to send the former and the latter rain in the first month there's a double portion coming there's a double portion that ought to happened right here right now in the name of Jesus I don't want you to leave here if you're over 50 years old I don't want you to leave here unless you have been super energized by the power of the Holy Ghost and you can run through a troop and weep over a wall I still believe that God new our youth is the Eagles and satisfy our mouth with good things hallelujah our best days are ahead of us ahead of us witness in the house I don't care what the devil said I don't care what the people have done God still has a purpose he so has a plan he's still the beginning he's still the ending he's still the part he's still the last he just looked at for some funny that but I'll pay him god blessed be the name of the Lord but I know I know that you folks over here you folks over here can't do much about the people over there and these people over here can't do much about the people that are there and and with all the different sections in the room but you can do something about the Pew that you're standing in you can do something about the spot where you're standing right now and I want you to sanctify that spot and say this is where the door is gonna fall this is where the miracle is gonna move this is where the child is gonna pause this is right there knocking it's gonna die [Music] qualified now just unless you think just some less that you have been absolutely wrong in your thinking this is not height this is not emotionalism because there are desperate needs here that only God can meet and they're people that have come to this service tonight that need divine intervention they shouldn't leave disappointed [Applause] somebody's here in the word of the Lord tonight they shouldn't leave disappointed nobody on the leaf disappointed you preach that the right atmosphere [Music] Oh well Rita there's a young lad here there's a young lad here he's got liver failure he's on his way to Oklahoma City but they stopped by tonight and the Lord's gonna do something for that child God's gonna do something in that child raise little prilae where's he at it's just right there okay Ryder when the anointing of the Lord just gets at that point and that is when it's so intense that we know healings gonna happen that babies we lay hands on that child there's other people in the room right now you need a miracle and you need a healer God's not gonna coax you into healing any more than he would core course she went to get him saved people get saved when they want to get saved people get healed when they want to get he seems to me that I've remembered Jesus walking by somebody and said how long you been in this condition how long you been sitting here by the Pool of Bethesda how long have you been watching other folks get their breakthrough and other folks get their healing will you be made whole it was a matter of his will it wasn't if the Lord's ready God's always ready it's you that's got to get him step with his will and I'm looking for somebody right now that would just get there give me a good strong wave of your hand and say preacher I am willing I am willing for my miracle to happen I'm willing for my breakthrough to take place I'm willing forgot to touch me right now I'm willing for things to change in my life I'm willing for the transformation to take place not by might nor by power but by my spirit we're serious hallelujah we want heaven to know we're serious about this mighty manifestation of the Holy Ghost tonight Oh right now right now take your neighbor by the hand take both hands in your hand and you pray for that brother you pray for that sister you believe talk with them right now for a breakthrough to happen this service to be mightily pro-wrestling ordained of God but a miraculous for healings to happen for deliverance to take place somebody needs to be set free from drugs here tonight somebody needs to be set free from addictions here tonight somebody needs to be set free from habits here tonight it's gonna take place the waters are troubled in their pals haha every couple of aha [Music] amen okay pastor Bates coming come up here if you would brother Larry well the mark stop come up here this little fella should not go through life with a damaged liver and if you know anything about liver you know how serious it is this is a serious staining and I'll feel the anointing of the Lord I just looking for somebody that believes God can heal right now is there anybody in the house how many people you put now I mean your faith is active you just stirred up your faith right her to shut up head of a horse up enema come on pray in the Holy Ghost right now before we just eat under dubaku's shut that I'm a hisself a telomere crudité hasta ma honey we're praying building up our hope most holy faith we're praying in the Holy Ghost even of a horse of a hustle and become hostile okay brother here's the anointing oil in the name of Jesus [Music] in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus everybody stretch your hand toward this child lay your hands on him brother somebody put your hands right there on his stomach put it put your hands right there where you think his liver is located and in the name of Jesus we're gonna see a release of heavens power we're gonna rest we're gonna be hearing about a miracle happening we're gonna hear a good report for this boy in the name of Jesus we command that the Spirit of God shall descend upon this boy right now confirm the promises of healing to him Jesus and thread that the innovation he totally defeated his hands shall be taken off this child and this liver shell function as God created it to function in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus and the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus hallelujah hallelujah come on let's run down right out of the room right now let's run disease right out of the room right now come on put your hands together Saints lift up your voice glory to God let's paralyze the devil with our praise tonight in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus glory to the Lord everybody bless the name of the Lord with me tonight your holy people since our data table for the voice of trial shouted to God for the voice of Tyre child to God with the voice of Tyre how the tech talk to the boss of fire [Music] the voice of triumph with the voice of triumph with the voice of triumph with the voice of fire I don't know what the Lord stood in your spot but brought there were a home stand I can fit the power the anointing of the Holy Ghost he's here to destroy every yoke upon you sometimes sometimes as a pastor that is preached and ministered and in in this pulpit for over for something like 45 years going on 46 years sometimes we take for granted we think that people know certain things because we've we they ought to have known it they've been in church and we think that they know they think that they know about the importance of praise we take it for granted that it's just something that people will catch on to but then there has to be certain times where you teach folk stuff and in just in case you don't know what the voice of triumph sounds like I'm just gonna help you but you're gonna have to cooperate so just raise your good hand to faith now the voice of triumph sounds like this devil you didn't win devil you're not going to win you have been defeated you're gonna stay defeated Jesus crossed your head he stripped you of your authority you are a liar and the father of it no weapon formed against me will prosper by the stripes on the back of my savior I am healed I am well I am hope I am strong I'm going from victory to victory I'm going from glory to go right no Devils gonna stop me no situations gonna stop me no mountains gonna remain in my path I'm going onward I'm going forward forgetting the things to the behind and a pressing forward to the mark of the prize Jesus prays and with the voice of cry just way back me if you're catching on if you're catching on to this just wave at me hey I feel the anointing of the woman listen listen I'm not gonna preach I know I'm not preaching I'm just talking we loved we loved to rejoice Pentecost to Holy Ghost filled people's spirit-filled people we love to rejoice we know about dancing before the Lord we can take a victory lap around the auditorium but none of that moves the devil none of that makes him retreat what he responds to is that voice of triumph when you start to use your voice to magnify the Lord when you start using your voice to release the power of the written word the written word has got to become the spoken word if the enemy is gonna retreat so one more time I'm giving you 10 seconds let's shout with the voice of triumph tonight we're going to see the innovation it's victory over over over disease over anxiety all the depression bring the offering pan okay everybody bar your standard I don't want you to sit down I don't want you to sit down unless you can't write a check sitting down if you can writers if you can write a check standing up then stand up but I want you to stand up so you can get to your pocket so you get in your purse we're gonna bless the man of God tonight brother Tommy Bates I thank the Lord that he came by Eufaula he's blessed to so many years being our camp meeting speaker he preached listen if you weren't here last night if you were not here last night you must get the CD you must get the CD he preached something that he hadn't even planned to preach he stood here in the Spirit of God just used him as an Oracle of the Lord it was more than a good sermon he had a ride onward and he's gonna have something special for us tonight and we want to bless him the scripture gives us this principle of somebody ministers to us spiritually we are under obligation to minister back to them financially and that's what we're gonna do this evening so we're going to bring our offering to the Lord and and we've got some join on my daughter's gonna be singing while the offering is being received but don't don't do something that's beyond tradition okay tradition is just put a dollar in the plate that's traditional but that is not really an offering that's not even a good tip a man so I want you to get the folding money get the checks out if you ride it to a check write it out to the lighthouse Christian Center it's going to go to the speaker tonight we're gonna bless the man of God and we thank the Lord for him I want you to show the man of God how much you appreciate him show the Lord how much you appreciate this ministry gift by a liberal offering this evening father in the name of Jesus we thank you that you showed up for us and Lord God we know that the expenses are going to be met and we know that the need of our brother is going to be met we want to see him continue we need such a man of God for such a time as this and I pray in Jesus name that the people as they invest their dollars in the kingdom tonight shall be abundantly blessed and you get back to them good measure pressed down shaken together and running over will men keep unto them show them more that that's not just a phrase or a poetic expression or just something that is in the Word of God to him to try to give us an incentive to give but it is a promise that you're going to fulfill with signs and wonders following especially in the next 52 days and I give you praise Lord for all that you accomplished tonight in Jesus name everybody bring your offering to the Lord what Joanna save [Music] man thank the Lord for everything he's done to this week oh my goodness the anointing has been so powerful the power of the Holy Ghost I'm just so excited that the power of the Holy Ghost is still raining down in this generation so we're just gonna praise the Lord and thank him and I [Music] my soul [Applause] and me bless me Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] my son [Music] has done great ease but no he's done great things for you has done [Music] he has done great come on let's sing that together yes he has [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] power [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] everybody said amen [Music] [Music] there's a trio that's gonna come in they're gonna sing right now just a few things that I want to say so just hold it all down just hold it all down because want everybody to hear me I want to thank God for all the volunteers that have worked so fiercely so hard during this camp meeting they've been behind the scenes and if you were here Monday if you were Tuesday in the morning sessions and the noon sessions and you were a part of the dinners and we had we had an overflow crowd in the dinners and we appreciate all of the effort that went into that it was it was delicious food can you say amen to that Jim and Jane Johnson Charlie and brooke-taylor Mel and Doug Hansen I don't know what I would have done without those folks out the parking lot there was Steve Ward and Ken Kearns and Jerry Payne and we'll farhat and Larry Bush and then in the back the table Shelly and Matt and a lot of on and all these people have done such a wonderful job trying to make you comfortable while you've been here so I just want you to put your hands together and thank the Lord for their efforts hallelujah and everybody that's worked we have had so many that have done just wonderful this week it's been everything just gone perfect just no glitches anywhere Jonathan just asked me to read off all the places that people are watching on the internet and we pray that this spirit is in your house in your car in your motel room wherever you are from Ohio North Carolina Tennessee Kentucky Texas Oklahoma California West Virginia and New York that's so far how many have acknowledged where they were from so everybody turn around to that camera and welcome them and you just have Church with us all the way through amen I just want to caution the people that watch it on the internet brother Bates and I were talking this afternoon and he said there was 9,000 so far 9,500 people that watched the service last night the people the people on the internet I want to give you a warrant word of warning the anointing that is coming through the airwaves tonight will be so powerful you better watch your phone because that anointing will be so great I think it perhaps may melt the phone before the service is over so just want a word of warning of that it's the fire of the Holy Ghost is here tied amen now the Lord bless bless this wonderful trio as they come to minister thank you Pastor John we're so excited to be a part of this camp meeting you know I'm I gotta tell you I am a miracle of the Lord you know five years ago I had cancer in my body and the the the the Lord healed me but you know there's a lot of side effects people don't talk about that come along with cancer and for the past couple of years and particularly last year really struggled in my body and I would come to camp-meeting and I could barely move and everybody around me was shouting and praising God and I felt like laying down and from January to I guess last month it was a real struggle for me I would be singing or preaching somewhere because we travel and we gen and I evangelizing we travel all over the country and preach and sing and I would have to sit down sometimes in the middle of my sermons I get so weak at the end of the service i pastor Bates I couldn't pray for anybody because I needed prayer brother Doug and sister Mel Henson here sitting on the front row came as in the series for this church and they brought back the news to Pastor John and passed a reel that I was struggling lighthouse Christian Center has always been our home since 1981 it's been our home and we consider this our home church even now Pastor John is my spiritual father my spiritual mentor and no matter where I go I I see him as my covering we need a covering in Hebrew that word is COFF it's the palm of the hand that's why we have to have elders that lay hands on us and pray the prayer of faith and the Lord still raise them up and because it's undercovering there it's when even somebody has sinned they're brought back into fellowship under the covering of the laying on of hands and we're healed and if they've committed sins the covering goes a step further and brings us back into salvation [Music] they took a prayer called at the behest of Pastor John and prayed over that from my healing helper company his Sunday Becket all about 30 and brother Doug and sister mail brought it to me in the service the last night service of the revival we were holding in Missouri and I put that in my pocket before service began when I got to the preaching the prayer cloth became activated it turned on at the right time at the right moment for the presentation of the word because souls were in desperate need to hear the gospel of Jesus Christ and that light because of the preaching of the gospel through the strength and the power of prayer lives were changed somebody shout hallelujah in this house lives were changed and since that day God has strengthened and increased my energy and my power have you been here it kept meeting you seen me see do some shouting with you this time that's a praising with you this time hallelujah because God has raised me [Music] you know I thought when I can I take this moment please hey I know that when the preachers were preaching everybody else he'd be shouting they probably thought I was as dull [Music] but it was everything I could do to sit there my wife had hit me every once in a while to say setup you look like an old man [Music] and I try to send straighter but I wanted to just fall over oh my god hear me but the power prayer worked I don't know who I'm saying this for but the power of prayer worked and it raised me up and when I asked the Lord why he spoke to me and said because I have a work yet for you to do and that is the spreading of the gospel of Jesus Christ because Paul said this gospel is not in word only but in demonstration also see a lot of people think that having Pentecost in their life is just so they can shout just so they can praise God just so you can feel good just so they can have blessings just so they can feel you know receive prosperity but when the early church got Pentecost it was for the polis to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ to do the work of the Living God to tell somebody he's alive he's alive he is alive he sits on the throne he can't heal you deliver you chill free [Music] so you can tell when somebody's really got pentecost they become pursuers of souls when you start pursuing souls you stop worrying about yourself nobody has to talk you into going to church you can't get offended you can't get messed up because you're after souls nothing can stop you and you don't come to the house of God for what's in it for you you come to the house of God for what's in it for those that are lost for those that need a breakthrough for those that need that's why we've got preachers here tonight they're not just trying to inspire you they're trying to get your soul ready they're trying to get you to the place where you can stand on your own two feet become soldiers mighty warriors in the kingdom of God and stop being whipped [Music] so we're gonna sing an old Henson song that goes right along with it now we run over this a couple of song times and if it's a train wreck well then you just enjoy the ride but we're gonna sing this old classic Henson song faster bark Graham's going to take the lead and we're gonna sing till the land can you give the Lord a praise offering in the house in this place tonight come on [Music] can I guess [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] get sky [Music] is still the gone it's growing is [Music] Oh to know there's no time to borrow [Music] me [Music] for while God still searching for someone cetera so many times never know why [Applause] save your cane light fall and gray but we're all to blame yet in his nails car hands there is the t2 alive of a bar you'll have a fix for you to join the few to my there's no time to borrow sir reach out hi while God still searching for someone cetera yes God still searching for someone to just [Music] [Music] hallelujah thank you Jesus Laurie to the Lord well you heard of the Henson's you heard of the new hint since this is the new new new Henson's it was great and we thank the Lord for it are you ready for the preaching of the word tonight such a privilege to have brother Tommy Bates he he is actually this is no hype this is no exaggeration he goes all over the world and he has one of the busiest schedules of anyone that I know of I don't know how that he has the stamina to do what he does other than the fact that the Spirit of God gives him just extra strength real could not put enough vitamins down me to do what this man does in his schedule three times on Sunday morning he's preaching then on Sunday night he's preaching Monday he's going somewhere to preach Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday then he comes back and takes care of his own service and then his own church goes to those for for services on Sunday 3 under more than one on Sunday night and then he's back doing the same thing over and over and over again and I believe that when it's all over in the top of the Lord sounds when we stand before God the Lord's gonna look at him and say well done but he has a word for us tonight and we're so grateful for this ministry gift and I want you to put your hands together and just show him how much we appreciate him being in the house of the Lord with us tonight happy praise the Lord you'll be seated tonight well I do slow down in July and August and I don't go anywhere in December or January January I seek the Lord the whole month a star of most of it that is the truth I'll shell off about 21 to 25 pounds fasting and praying and seeking the Lord and I'm not fasting now so I guess it's all right to tell you what you did not talk about what I you know I'm not I don't tell people I'm fast but after after a while sort of shows you know but it shows outwardly by the works of God not just praise God for them somebody was asking they said all those bluegrass I don't know where they found it maybe we had some stashed here brother what's your name son I would call you brother huh Chandler I thought stick with brother that brother Chandler brother Chandler finds somebody likes bluegrass and give it to him and this is our I haven't done a CD in a while but that's the last one we did it's got one more river to cross one more mountain to climb I'll be a friend of Jesus it's got that hey I tell you to give it to here Chandler you give that one somebody else brother Danny and triva Hudson we all grew up together in the same realms and circles and I'm so glad to have them with us take it back there and gave it to them whether they want it or not [Music] that way on your way home driving the Tulsa just put it in there and keeping it as long as you want you don't feel obligated and this one here all of my CDs were recorded especially these older ones they were all in a worship service down in the mountains of Eastern Kentucky and this one's got songs on it like nothing between my Lord and my Savior it's got weary pilgrim ring the bell blow the horn shout hallelujah it's got a lot of good ones on here Chandler brother Chandler if you find somebody needs that one gives it to them tonight it's also the night of the super duper hallelujah Tuesday Wednesday Wednesday nights sale everything's five bucks should get three you get the fourth one free and if you don't have any money at all just say I'm flat dog broke and they'll give you one amen praise God for that we'd like to some of you ask about when pastor parish was at our church the message is the whole revival was incredible I'm not very much into technology but I do have an app you go to if you I know how it works on Apple phone and I don't know how it works on other phones but if you go to your App Store and put in if you can't do it get your grandchildren they'll do it real easy that's who does mine my young kids at church just go to and we're in the Apple Store and put in Tommy Bates ministries and this this little configuration will come up and you put that app on there you could go all the way back to Eastern it'll have the date of every map of every service Women's Conference no not the women sitting on there but the youth cup you know I don't know what's on there go back look for but you can do that that's the easiest way but you will get every message that has been recorded from the church and John parishes on there and it's worth listening to over and over and over over because the messages are so powerful we want to thank all of our partners I got partners from the Carolinas that drew over drove all the way over here out west you know it's hard for us to cross that Mississippi River but we're so glad that they came and they got to hear pastor parish in our spring revival and we're so glad that they came we have two of the sisters in the church that work hard in a church their mother was sister Bethy Bessie's in glory and thank God her children are carrying on that heritage and we're glad to have Kim and Krista with us they flew flew out here just to be in service because people have such appreciation for Pastor John parish and we're so thankful for that I want to thank God for being with Pastor Sun chest I also want to thank God for all of the kind things the food has been incredible the hospitality the fruit bats not fruit baskets the gift baskets matter of fact they give me so much I'm going to load them back up and give it back to them because I can't take it on the airplane but there's no way I'm going to lose any weight here so I'm not trying to lose weight I weigh every morning see how much I can eat listen let me tell you pay you pay money for suits you can't be switching suits all the time I do have three suits on reserved when I'm where I don't need to be and when when I have to hold my breath to put these on I've got three unreserve and they help me till I kick back to where I can get back in the others hallelujah let's all stand together hallelujah I love you Jesus let's go to Psalms chapter 23 we're gonna read all six verses Psalms chapter 23 if you know what to read it with me say it with me memorize however you want to say it the Lord is my shepherd I shall not want he makes me to lie down in green pastures he leads me beside the still waters he restores my soul he leads me in the paths of righteousness for his name's sake yea though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I will fear no evil for thou art with me thy rod and thy staff they comfort me now prepares the table before me in the presence of my enemies thou anointest my head with oil my cup runneth over surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever just for a few moments tonight we're dealing with the subject he makes me lie down in green pastures let's pray father we come to you in the name of Jesus I thank you God for the inspirational singing from the Hinson family I thank you God because as a teenager and in my 20s those songs pulled me out songs that when I was walking through a storm as a young person the anointing of God upon that family pulled me through and I thank you for it I thank you forever minister that was here last night and tonight they've gone back to sow in the field to reap in the harvest and now tonight let your word go forth and love mercy truth demonstration and power and we'll never fail to give you all the praise and the glory and the mighty wonderful name of Jesus let the church say Amen you may be seated just for a few moments tonight we're dealing with the subject he makes me to lie down in green pastures our text is found in Psalms chapter 23 you see so many times we talk about the names of Jehovah Moses stood in the Midian desert in front of a burning bush that was not consumed the voice of the Lord spoke out of that bush and said Moses my people know me by El Shaddai the Almighty God they know me by Elohim God creator but by the name of Jehovah the self-existing God they don't know who I am they don't know that I'm the I am that I am they don't know that I'm God and I've got all by myself and I want you to reveal the name Jehovah to them so from Genesis all the way through to the book of Malachi we see the name Jehovah over and over Jehovah said Kenya he is my righteousness Jehovah Mak Kadesh he is my Sanctifier Jehovah Shalom he is my peace in the time of a trouble and in the time of a storm jehova shamma he's the ever-present God he's not gonna you don't have to call him to show up in your car wreck he was there why he's going down the hill he's Ahava Shama he is Jehovah Rapha the God that heals me spirit soul and body he is Jehovah Nissi he is my banner he fights my battles and he causes me to win he is Jehovah Jireh he is my provider and he supplies all of my needs according to his riches and glory but there's one we want to zoom on tonight it's called Jehovah we the Lord is my shepherd the Lord is my shepherd you see the book of the Song of Solomon is an end time prophetic book it is written to show us the reciprocal love between Christ and the church the church in Christ Solomon had a thousand women they all had his name but none of them had his heart he left his royal crown his royal robe in the scepter in his hand and he went out the escape tunnel to a little place called shoot'em the agricultural land of the day 50 miles away from the palace while he was there he was looking for someone that would have his heart he dressed up as a shepherd laid off all of that royalty and put on the clothes of a shepherd and when he found that one who said I found him whom my soul loves when he found her he introduced himself as the shepherd the shepherd you see we got this thing backwards we're all the time reintroduced in Solomon Solomon but he said my sheep know my voice and another they will not follow because when you find the Shepherd II or soul then he reveals himself as Solomon and you know what he can do we want what he can do before we know who he is we want the benefits of Solomon but not the love relationship of the shepherd Jesus came and the whole purpose for the Song of Solomon is the endtime bride and he calls us a bride because of a covenant relationship because he wants a personal intimate relationship with us he does not want twenty twenty twenty twenty minutes of a motivational speech 20 minutes of inspirational singing 20 minutes of fellowship and announcements and somebody came up to me last night and said well where I'm living they've changed it to the best 45 minutes of your week it's called the 45 minutes Sunday the Sunday variants well Jesus never came just to give you a 45 minute or a 20-20-20 Sunday experience I'll repeat it again he wants to be in your literature wants to be in your music he wants to be in your book selection he wants to be on your Facebook he wants to be on your internet he wants to be on your computer he wants to be on your text messages he even wants to be in your wardrobe whether you believe that or not he wants to be in every area of your life he wants to walk with you he wants to talk with you he wants to live in you and walk through you and be in you he wants to be your god if you'll be his people he will be your god and in the last days not coming after of a religious machine he is coming after an intimate bride we are his body because we expressed the life of God we are his building because we express the glory of God but when it gets time to marry he's not marrying a building and he's not marrying a body he's gonna marry a bride he wants a personal intimate relationship and that's exactly what he's looking for and the people he's coming after there are Jesus lovers Jesus praises Jesus indoors they walk in his footsteps they hear his voice they love him they found him as the shepherd of their soul and where he leads them they will follow they know who he is they know his voice they love him you know the world don't understand us because we know who he is we know he's Alpha Omega the beginning and the end the first and the last we know that he is the King of Kings the Lord of lords the great Almighty God we know who he is but we found him as the Shepherd of our soul and he says my sheep know my voice and the Bible said in Psalms 23 that the Lord is my shepherd he is Jehovah Rowi he makes me to lie down in green pastures that word green pastures is representing the abundance now to us it just looks like a sheep just going out some pasture but if you a sheep you'd be happy kicking up your heels because you're saying oh look where the Shepherd has taken me he's taking me to the place of abundance everything I need is in this pasture everything I need is here that's why the Bible send Ephesians chapter 3 and verse 20 he can do exceedingly abundantly above all we can ask or think according to the power that works within us he is the God of abundance there's more healing than we have sickness there's more salvation than we have souls that are lost there's more deliverance than there is captivity there is more power than there is unfruitful Nessa there's more joy than there is sorrow he's a God of abundance he can do exceedingly abundantly above all we can ask or think according to the power that works within us you get to the Book of Isaiah chapter 12 and he says we we draw water out of the wells of salvation he said joy is how you're gonna draw it out of the well of salvation the word salvation means deliverance it means healing it means any kind of thing that sets you free from captivity everything you need is in the wealth well where oh where is that well Jesus met the woman of Samaria and he said if you believe on me out of your innermost being is gonna be a fountain up it's gonna be springing up any son Oh hallelujah he stood on that great day of the feast penny said outside of your belly shall flow rivers of living water so where is the Well of salvation it is in me everything I need is in me everything I desire is in me it's only inside how am I going to get it out of me out here where I need it how am I gonna get healing out of here up here where it affects my my party how am I gonna get the money I need out of here to where I can build something for God how am I gonna get the joy I need out of here to where I can express it he said with joy joy is expressed with praise I know I've said this before but when we speak English we say let's all just praise the Lord but if you're a Hebrew you don't say let's praise the Lord you say let's say Mara let's praise him with music let's praise him with stringed instruments and cymbals and tambourines not just the music you play but the music you listen to you cannot believe God to put your home back together or deliver you from lust if you got that jacked up f-150 you're riding in and all you listen to on 40 minutes on your way to work is wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle and you can't expect for your home to get put back together if the number one older you listen to is div o our CEO and you're never going to get anywhere you can't get rid of the Blues waking up on Monday morning and sing and hanging around nothing to do but frown DUP coz rainy days and Monday's always catch you down he said if you're gonna draw water how did that well us how they shut up you're gonna have to get on your music and change it [Applause] you're gonna have to change your music that edifies God you're gonna have to chain listen you can talk about miracles you can speak about them all you want you can even say you but your miracle is in you because there's one God and this one God is the God above us James said ever could give every perfect gift comes down it comes down from above from the Father of lights in whom is no variableness nor shadow of turning but the God oh yeah above us became the God with us and he walked with us he wore human shoes and slept in a human bed he ate human food he lived in a human house any time to show us the father he came to this earth to show us the father but jesus said it's for your benefit that I go away because when I go away the God above you who was the god with you it's gonna be the God in you you don't have three gods you've got one God it is God in the Father yeah he's God the Son he's God in the Holy Ghost he's got all three in one he is one God he's not three gods son he is one God and the God that is above is the God that walked on this earth and he's also the God in me we gotta get God out of heaven and put him right back where he is he lives in there he walks in me he talks in me he rides in me here God little children and have overcome them because greater is He that's within you then he that is in the world give him a shout of praise go ahead give him a shout of praise sure say joy joy joy joy is expressed through praise SEM are praised him with music mmm oh praise him with Barack in humility on bended knees and when you get old your knees don't bend too good but praise him in humility oh yeah he said praise him with told her that's with uplifted hands he said praise him with yata that's with uplifted hands saying hallelujah do you want to get it out of the well then you better get your bucket and get your dipper ready your tipper is praise you got a praise in wisdom ah praise him with Baraka to praise him with told us praised him with yada praise him with tehila that is a song appraised that tells what the goodness of God and what he's done for us and then there is Chewbacca that's a loud glorifying tone can I hear a shabak in the house I'm a director senator chief red bird over in the Appalachian Mountains the Cherokee chief hallelujah and whenever the Native Americans would be in war against those that was trying to take their freedom they never went to battle with a little whisper when they come riding that horse and they came looking at the enemy they came with a Chewbacca they came with a loud noise I said they came with the loud noise they even tell me that if a grizzly bear comes I'm not gonna try and tap them but if you don't run and just look at him a scream real loud he'll look and say what are you doing who do you think you are and he may walk away but he may not hallelujah you're gonna get it one way or the other all I'm trying to tell you is this there is a praise called Chewbacca and that Shabak is what brought the walls of Jericho down that's Ibaka is what calls kid Ian to take over the Midianites with just 300 men there is the real shoe Baca there is the real shouter it's not orchestrated it's not choreographed it comes by the power of the Holy Ghost its wins something on the inside of you bumps up to the point that you begin to shout with the voice of triumph ax and you say look what the Lord has done can I hear is from Mark in the house yeah number seven is the well Hallel is called a foolish praise it's the foolish praise sometimes it shakes its shoulders sometimes that head bangs sometimes it stops its feet sometimes it reuses hands sometimes its twirls and jumps but now when you help when you give a Hallel praise make sure you don't knock anybody down all right hallelujah I said hallelujah I told him at church I said you give all the you give God all the praise you want to but if it takes 15 men to hold you down you're gonna have to work on your presentation hallelujah you don't need to be such a hog when you're eating at the table of the Lord you don't need to be such a hog knocking people out of the way trying to get something from God you hear why you don't you got like I don't know what I'm talking about shop you can be you can be used of God I've never blacked anybody's eye or knocked their head off yet because when I feel that thing coming on hold my eyes and I get away from everybody because I know it's coming now and I know our else getting ready to kick on me and I want to get some Moroccan care and I don't knock somebody's like Sal time I want to get somewhere I can slow down now and not break my neck huh it hits have the church to pray for healing up then I come back to the life I quit being afraid of the little elves for real praise there's the real shouts huh there's the real shake there's the real head behind God there's the real twirl in the spirit oh hey Chakraborty kya let's give God a shout of praise [Applause] [Music] hallelujah I said hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah so you can praise the Muslim are you can praise him with Barack you can praise him with toda you can praise him with yatta you can praise him with Tayla you can praise him with Shabak you can praise him with Hallel God's giving you a choice of seven one two three four five six seven but when I think about his goodness and I think that he's put food on my table and a shelter over my head and clothes on my back and shoes on my feet I know God's been good to me I can't settle with just one to praise him with huh I just can't sit back and listen to good music huh I can't just sit there and put up a little a little flag ever and how in the hell now I can't just praise him with one brother he's been too good to me and I know everything honey he died he said the well and I've gotta praise me with everything our God hop so you got seven words to choose from you pick one of them or pickles seven of them up but let's give God a shout of praise in this house everybody say yeah oh yeah oh yes Psalm 23 says he must make me lie down he's got to make me lie down hallelujah you know why because little sheepies are no see I said little sheep is there no see there all the time looking where the grass looks greener on the other side I wonder what they're doing in that seminar that cinema I know it says rated R restricted but I just go in there anyway I wonder what they're doing over there I wonder what they're doing in that Club over there oh yeah sheep you sir nosey they're all the time trying to figure out how to manipulate and how to get things to be done on their own and God said I'm gonna tell you a little sheep yeah you don't need to be looking out there for anything that club don't have anything for you hootenanny don't have anything for you that shindig don't have anything for you you might say well I don't do any of that well that other stuff don't have anything for you either because the little sheep says if I sing it off the wall I'm gonna get revival if I sit on a barstool and put a hat on backwards I'm gonna get a crowd if I come in with flip-flops and a pair of shorts on and I just say hey broad everybody give it to 20/20 h18 and the little sheep says I'm gonna get me a crowd that way and the little sheep says you know if I do it this way I'm gonna get more money if I do it this way I'm gonna get more stuff and God has to take little sheeps and say let me tell you what to do you little furry thing I'm gonna grab you I'm gonna put you in green pastures I want you to roll in that grass I want you to walk in that grass I want you to know there's nothing out there huh there is nothing out there that you need you don't need some spectacular somebody coming in here everything you need is in the pasture everything you need to see you everything you need us on the inside Wow I said ever saying everything everything I've got to make you I got to make you you see we see all of this going on and we sit around with say oh I got to do it this way I got to do it this way I gotta change this and I'm I'm not outdated I am old-fashioned but I'm not out of style I said I'm old-fashioned but I'm not out of style what's old-fashioned mean I've rolled around in these green pastures too long and I know when I was pastoring the church 1981 oh I'm gonna need some seminar on this mm-hmm and a visiting evangelist had come and stayed for three weeks I was the acting pastor my mom's first cousin my cousin who passed her for 16 years he went to Florida to take care of his parents he's older than my parents and I've done all the funerals now everybody gone everybody's in heaven hallelujah to God I'm not saying hallelujah there in heaven I'm just saying that piece of history is over yeah yeah and I take a church the Evangelist splits it down the middle I'm a schoolteacher with a bachelor's and master's degree and I what I didn't feel like I was ready as only 25 years old I didn't think I was ready to Pastor that big church seated a thousand people eleven hundred and twenty five to be accurate according to the Pew company I didn't think that it was it was right but it was fell my lot God said it was time he said it was time I was growing up Tyler Hill to teach school in the month of January and when I got halfway up that big hill I started weeping and crying and in that car my way to teach the sixth grade the Spirit of God came into that car and he said yay my son you've known success since the time you sold out and gave me everything I bless you abundantly you've went beyond you've had great success everything you put your hand to that I have blessed it everywhere you Kanha I have blessed it but he said now you must suffer and he said you're gonna think I left you you're gonna think that you're all by yourself but he said when this happens just remember that the sorrow that you experience is going to be multiplied into joy oh let me tell you brothers and sisters you know what trouble does trouble will turn you into a sheep that knows where its source is do you hear me when your backs up against the wall and your debt is five times larger than your annual income and the church has split right down the middle nobody going anywhere they're all Appalachian descendants their heads harder than rocks their stubbornness they can be but thank God for the prayer warriors that were there and thank God for the Holy Ghost that was there you find yourself coming to the house of God at midnight you find yourself by yourself calling on the name of God you find yourself and their sickness in your body up I don't know where this little boy is he's are they still here they have to leave they're already gone all I can tell you is this I don't know who's that family that is but here's the thing to do if it ever comes knocking at your door if cancer ever comes knocking on your door hallelu you can run around to every crusade you want to you can get blowed on spit on up and let somebody throw their coat on you you can stand in line and wait on a crusade to come by you can wait a year for Benny Hinn to show up and you made time before he gets there but there is the place you can go there is a green pasture I said there is a green pasture he's gotta make you lie down in that green pasture he wants you to know who those flesh can do this no money can do this no doctor can do this and once you get a taste of that green pasture you go back again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and you wake up one day up and you say listen I there's nothing nothing that God can't - I've tried him I know we could do it he'll see it through give God a shout of praise [Music] so at 25 years old you stand before a church that she was born and raised in started in your Grandpa's living room as the prayer meeting Oh God grandpa wasn't saved people said well have something how your grandpa started this church says he'd never started anything he was accustomed drinking backslider his mama from the Clay County Kentucky the Appalachian Mountains and his grandmother received the Holy Ghost 1906 and when a woman in the Appalachian Mountains had a dream of Route 16 where our Church sets on hold highway 16 there was nothing out there it was barren land a beautiful land but no people it was in no place nowhere God called a woman from the mountains will bless his name and she said go to route 16 she drove for hours said I want you to go to a house and have a prayer meeting because there's a harvest as far as the eye can see she saw green beans we call him half runner beans she saw half runner beans as far as the eye could see and the Holy Ghost said the Holy Ghost her name was pan see Holy Ghost said pans they go to Northern Kentucky there's the great harvest she come pulling in got on route 16 the Holy Ghost Pooler riding my grandpa's driveway she pulled in he had married my grandmother was raised Methodist but both of most nothing you hear me they weren't doing anything what they was raised he was raised holiness she was raised Methodist whole sister pansy came had a record e'en ready and she came with a little hair pulled back in a bun or Shirtwaist dress her little cotton dress at 1952 and she said the Holy Ghost led me up here to have a prayer meeting can I have a prayer meeting in your house my grandma went like that and she said well what affiliation are you she said I'm holiness she said well my I'm a Methodist and my husband's mother is the holiness I'll have to go ask do it just see what do he's gonna let you to that she went back there she said gee that's how she'd say it J there's a walnut in here huh and she said that God sent her here to have a prayer meeting uh and she said she's a hole in this whole crypto grip the C time oh my goodness my grandma my mom has put the Sikkim on me he said let her come in don't you stop that woman don't you stop that woman she came into that house that night she played that thud played that accordion up my mother a backslider knelt at a chair and prayed through my aunt Bonnie my aunt Joyce my aunt darlene bye uncle Jerry my little old Methodist Graham all signs for they all nail trim pulp outside smoking cigarettes as fast as he could smoke him up he wasn't ready to give up the card playing in the drinking and the cigarette smoking yet he was the pacing back and forth but they all got saved up I said they all got Sade oh the old time from my head down to my feet I got saved [Music] care who saw me or what they might say well I got saved in the all time way anybody had that experience standing in front of that church that it went from a tent from a prayer meeting to a tent from a tent to a chicken house from a chicken house to a barn and it was in the barn for my dad he hadn't prayed yet and his my mother's a beautiful woman oh yeah and daddy's family were all died to hold babe to say it they're the ones that gave the property that good old oak bridge Baptists big beautiful church and they said Tommy what's happened to Janice she lost her mind she down there in that chicken house so that kids heart singing fire fire fire shut up in her bones she's taking off her earrings she quit cutting her hair she's dressed like an old woman she got those old cotton shirt waist dress on that comes about 18 inches below her knees and she got five and a half inch high heel shoes on up and she's playing a flat-top guitar and they say she walks across that platform shaking her head and singing fire [Music] and I've made my bones my great-grandma we called her Big Mama because she wore size 12 nin sandal that's all new her feet her foot she's great big tall woman we called a big momma and Big Momma said Tommy to my dad you stay away from her you know what those holiness people they got spooked us and I've watched it if they put that spook dust on you you'll never be the same again Tommy stay away from it dad wouldn't we'll take his eye off Ellie Mae my mom's name's Janice but I just won't you know how pretty she was he wasn't about to take his eye off of his pretty mountain woman now and he was come to church sit in the back and he got some mad he was gonna whoop the preacher that night but he said the preachers too old and he got ready to walk out that barn and he took his foot to kick the door but the spook dust hit him up he said I spin around and around and around and around and around and around and around [Applause] he said I rolled in the sawdust but when I got up I shouted I got it I got it I got it I got it I got it from a chicken house to a barn from a barn to a leaky basement from a leaky basement 1973 a 13-week revival that totally transformed our entire church 14 pastors came out of that revival the church that we built we could set the old church on the platform now here I am 25 years old a church that had been through persecution a church they wouldn't sell property to they didn't want those trashy Mountain holy rollers anywhere they wouldn't sell us property the first property we owned was a ditch that's all we could afford it was the ditch and that's the only people would sell to us it was on a hillside you don't put up the door of your car and you'd fall in to get there and you'd open up the door to everybody fall outside that's just way it was oh but it was the church that knew where the green pasture was it was the church that didn't have an education but they had a green pasture it was a church that had no money but they had a green pasture it was a sure shot that had no prestige but they had a green pasture nobody knew what it meant to go to a doctor and they never had any money to go to one if they did but they knew bad the green pasture there's the place of healing there's a place of deliverance [Music] Wow [Music] troubles I've seen trouble all around my toe that's a green pasture song welco leave me old man trouble don't want any trouble anymore can't stand up all by myself sure can't stand alone what kind of your song is that that's when you don't have any money that's when the people in the town when you finally got enough money to in that little old country church to put three stained-glass windows countrymen came with the ball bats busted the windows out because nobody wanted those trashy illiterate uneducated holy rowers in the community now some of you don't understand spells TBN has taken it another swing but you know what they did they went to the green pasture they took the broom begin to sweep up the glass and begin to show that's why you got to give people a spiritual respirator now you got a prop for a harm set you got to pull them up like a bunch of zombies hats and I'm not talking much to my sick you we ought to have no power to get you out of that sickness you hear me the church ought to have enough power that's a Bible said it's a strong bear the infirmities still weak that means when somebody's sick somebody's well oughta have enough power to begin to set an atmosphere that somebody sick can get a touch of heaven [Applause] [Music] Hebrews 4 9 and 10 said there remains a rest to the people of God he's going to make you everything you go in life when you get to this celestial city you're not going to take your faith with you it's gonna turn into sight oh you're not gonna take prayer with you your prayers are all going to be answered you're certainly not going to take your money with you there's nobody that goes to the cemetery that has a hitch on the back of the on the back of the hearse pulling all your money and if you think your kids are going to just cry over that all this where daddy set got another thought coming it'll be on the it'll be a Craig system you won't you won't be gone three days oh you can sit there and act like old granny all you want you I'm gonna leave this with my dress and I'm gonna give a little Sally my shoes and I'm gonna give that Nestle thank you grandma and grandma when you're gone the shoes are going to the Craigslist that's just the way it is this generation don't hold on to that kind of stuff there's nobody sits in a chair said grandma all said here there's nobody that does that they don't even appreciate what goes on in the house of God you think they're gonna appreciate your stuff you're not going to take it with you you're not going to take anything with you there's only one thing you are developing and you are developing a praise and a praise is that you've learned that everything you need is in that green pasture you don't need a you don't need this you don't need that all the things we think we have to have we say what can I do to get my church to grow up do I'm your machine do I need to paint the walls black do I need to do this do I need to put a bowl cap on imperil pair of shorts and flip-flops do I need to do the 20 20 20 what do I need to do people say how can I get the church to grow how can I get the youth group to grow well for one thing get your eyes out of there and get your eyes in the pasture and if the church will come back to the resource of the pasture that God has everything we need Wow [Applause] we want to do everything but getting the pasture he said there remaineth a rest for the people of God there remaineth arrest yeah because he'll over to God come here Chandler he makes me lie down he gets me and said how long you gonna wear yourself yeah how long you gonna wear yourself I want you to lay down and who I am I want you to rest I'm gonna make you you can lay on your side if you want you look sort of Corp see that way there we go I'm gonna give you a rest I want you to lay down in green pastures I want you to be fully confident then I got everything you need I don't want you talking me down I don't want you talking me weaker I don't want you talking me like I don't know what I'm doing now I don't want you talking about me like everything's going to pot it's not going to pop I want to give it to you you're laying in it it's right there you need it's around two all you gotta do is rest rest Wow he said Oh Oh Chandler when you enter into this rest you sit down if you want when you enter into this rest you cease from your labor [Music] when you're working God's not and when you're arrested I'm talking about in green pastures God is working he still wants to fight your battle he still wants to get in the fiery furnace with you he still wants to get in the lion's den with you he's not gonna keep the front flood from coming he's not gonna keep the fire from coming but what he is gonna do if you'll get in the green pastures and find a place of rest he said while you're there I'm gonna make you you see before you can have any of the other benefits before you can learn how to drink of still waters before you can walk through the valley of the shadows they come nighttime [Music] before you can walk through the valley of the shadow of death you gotta be in those green pastures first before he'll ever anoint your head with oil everybody wants the anointing you'd better get the green pastures first before he ever sets a table before you in the presence of your enemies you're gonna have to get in the green pastures first up before hallelujah before your cup runs over your cup runs over you gotta get in the green pastures [Music] he makes me lie down he makes me lie down I said he makes me that's a powerful word when God has to make you do something second Kings chapter 4 the woman has unum she said I perceive that this man Elijah Titan a shed of the Holy Ghost I perceive that this is my hotline to heaven I proceed that he's a man that God's going to use to bring me blessings so I want you to build an apartment and I want you to stick it on the house I know baby we got enough land out there we could put him a big shot chateau out there I know we got all kinds of land he can live I could put him a big beautiful home down there on the creek without a warning down there on the creek I want to hook try it on to my kitchen well I'm doing dishes I want to see that chamber while I'm making beds Wow I want to see the chamber hallelujah when I'm ironing my clothes see that chamber I want the door open close in that chamber I'm the first thing I'm gonna put before I put the tool of the throne chair before I put the table of power and before I put the candlestick of direction the first thing I see in that bedchamber the first thing I see in that prayer room is the bed and I want to look at it every day I want to find myself in a place to rest I want to rest in the spirit ah I wonder the Bible set in and I say a 28 and 11 I stammering lips and another tongue I shall ice because of my people we're with the weary shall find rest and this shall be the refreshing I'm talking about a supernatural spiritual utter answer that comes out of your soul that you enter into a contact with the Most High God the Shepherd of your soul and when you lie and those green pastures Oh bless His name everybody say make me make you champion make me oh maybe make me Oh make me make me make me I've got enough sense I don't have enough sense let's change that I've got enough experience by the way the end of the snuff the end of the story but the next chapters we're no longer the illiterate bunch of white trash as what they called us mountain trash hillbillies we're a multicultural multiracial a hallelujah group that's got community Christian Academy which is at the top 25 in the tri-state we built the - we we went past in academics the 200 year old Villa Madonna and Bishop Brossart and all of the big rich but Roman Catholic the German Catholics those hillbilly's have scored higher on their tests we had over four hundred and something thousand dollars in scholarships alone last year we were put in the Cincinnati magazine that's the top 25 in the whole tri-state of Ohio Indiana and Kentucky but I'm gonna tell you something we yes we were in the chicken house yes we were in the barn ah yes we were in the tent yes we were persecuted yes we were poor yes we were uneducated but we knew where the green pasture was and 60-something 67 years passed by we've got beautiful buildings we've got multi-million dollar as accommodations everything you can imagine up it's all paid for bless the name of God except for the one we're finishing off right now it's all there it's been paid off for years and let me tell you something that if you come on a Sunday morning or a Sunday night you're still gonna find the sheep I run it in the green pasture they're running in the green pasture do you know why cause I go to the green pasture if a preacher won't go there how did you expect the she'd never get there if the song leader don't go how did you expect anybody else to go if the worship team won't go how can you expect anybody else to go you kind of make up your mind up everything I need he's been the green pasture [Music] [Music] now sister Rhea you told me you want me to pray for you and so all day long I kept on calling your name out I said Lord I'll just pray for she wants to be pray for her she wants a blessing a blessing on her seed but at 2006 in the hotel he did say something he never talked all day long but at 2006 he talked he said tell RIA I'm gonna your see said as she has experience in the kitchen she can smell something and say needs to cook a little longer it's about done oh it's scorching something that frigerator don't smell good and we'll find it here's what God said he said just as you have used the gift of smell in the culinary kitchen of your home he said I'm gonna give you a supernatural gift to help your husband to smell something before he gets here [Applause] now let me tell you how something works when you smell you don't create smells you don't create a smell I can walk past something go Oh or I can go mmm I cooked to myself I can smell some cooking and tell you about almost all the ingredients in it if I'm familiar with them when I go to Israel I can cook that when I get home they said how you know what's in it I smell it I know what's in it the experience has cost me and sister what he told me about you today he said we're coming into such a day an hour in the realm of the spirit and your husband pastor it's going to be so busy occupied that you're gonna smell it before he sees it it'll be a weird thing but you're gonna wake up in the night st. John I think there's something wrong with this person John I really feel like God's getting ready to use somebody in this over here hallelujah he said he's gonna bring your spiritual sensitivity to a point radically I shot a lot about ah it's gonna be a level of discernment I don't know how you've operated in the past but you're getting ready to operate on another level of discernment and you won't have to say anything but you'll know when the smell comes by who it is and what they got up their sleeve and God's gonna reveal it you don't have to announce it you don't have to have a building I mean a business meeting all you have to do is go to him and say I smell this thing keep an eye on it right now because there's something brewing over there there's something getting ready to happen this is more than a woman's intuition this is more than intuitive Sixth Sense of a woman women have that I know they do because they're mothers they make it they wake up before kids wake up I know I'm married to on there the women do that they know things before things happen they can wake up in the middle of the night and say Oh where's Josh and I said well he's somewhere no he's not and I said oh how do you know that women have that because there's another spirit but when a woman as you have become the first lady of this house and God's called you and anointed you and your voice is to speak the words of God hada labo takács Atalaya and you're to lead these sisters and these women into a place inside inside the prayer chamber inside the green pastures but God says to you tonight sister Rhea he says tonight in Jesus name he's gonna raise your level of discernment let's all stand together and let's give God praise for the John I want you to pastor parish how much you stand next to the first lady put your turn y'all's arms together in the name of Jesus up in the name of Jesus they've given in this camp meeting up they have they have produced an atmosphere to where hundreds of pastors have left their homes that come to this place now in the name of Jesus your word says give and it shall be given press down shaken together and running over I know that summertime is not the time of church growth but I'm asking you Lord for a supernatural change I'm asking you Lord that when this meeting is over I'm asking you Lord to let the discernment be increased that's going to happen in the first lady and let the anointing increase and Pastor John and let it be multiply that let there be a sound of harvest let there be the in fluctuation up of souls coming into the kingdom of God I speak multiplication in the name of Jesus come on church give God a shout of praise satella each tokaiya here lovable Shania [Music] hallelujah increase increase increase in wealth increase in health increase in anointing increase increase shaaka increase in wealth increase in health increase in the anointing in the name of Jesus let it be done caution on Amara Harbor aquella my son doable behind a durable rakaia hallelujah I said hallelujah o durable shake hora bother aya hallelu Barba Honda did a little koruba hyah Oh glory I'm not sure what you do but God's going to turn your hands and your fingers loose in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus increase increase increase increase increase but the church give God a shout of praise come on praise Him praise praise haleluya table I'm a satire [Music] I don't know if it's a pastor or youth pastor or something but you say I'm in Lodi bar I'm in a trying a desert place and I can't I haven't seen what I need to see it's not you is it hallelujah is somebody here I'm in a trying a desert place a Shabbat a higher God Lord in the name of Jesus when a well be took and call it bare Sheba the well of the Covenant let it be the well of the Covenant let bare Shiva that that well go beyond in the name of Jesus let her strike refreshing water and then take her to the green pasture and show her everything she needs is it ha ha hyah it's in the green pasture [Music] I want all the young people that's under 30 years old if you're 31 32 or feel like to come on up here I said under 30 come on all your young people come I don't care what church you're from we're gonna believe that God is gonna do something for the next generation hallelujah I said hallelujah come on get close hallelujah hallelujah this generation the fathers had been knocked out of the saddle you hear me I wrote a song for Mother's Day and all the kids came I was incredible all the little children you don't know how many kids you got to get them all together they kept on coming out the doors people kept on clapping I didn't know there was that many hey cuz she kept on coming our platform is seventy by thirteen I filled the whole thing up that was just at the 10:45 service well they're going to do the same thing for father stakes we had record-breaking attendance on Mother's Day and so I said la I pray and ask God to give me a song for Father's Day Wow you talk about difficult I started writing and they were beautiful songs but they never applied to any one of the children only about 10% because the fathers don't even exist it's sad because the father's been removed we have unloved girls and uh nifer Moi's that man from Arkansas I got his phone number he's helping me out when I preach there oh I was shutting it true true it is his name true and touring touring Johnson [Music] he was talking to me and I think his sons 22 or something like that his son walked in the room went immediately to his dad and put his hands on his shoulders so working his shoulders you know what that is that's how a male identifies who he belongs to it's male gesture talk I know who that boy was that's that man son that's where he gets his affirmation from so we got a generation that are unoffending any of this stuff here but brother I looked it up I preached it on a Sunday morning it's the most horrible thing you ever heard the test that the government already has prepared they're already there I can tell you the names of them to diagnose your child whether they're 20% male or 80% female in their sexuality [Music] these young people are under such an attack because I'm 63 I'm young to some people to other people I'm very old the devil looks at me and says old baits I'm not worried about him he'll be out of here soon they don't ask people come and preach when they're in their 80s I know that I know there's a shift gonna come one day I know it's coming I'm gonna still work for the Lord I'll preach but I probably won't be preaching four times on Sunday there'll be a shift so Satan really don't care too much about me right now he says he's an old gray-haired man shouts and kicks and the new old he hates you see and I'm in our part of the country in Northern Kentucky we had a blight that came through that killed all the ash trees big ash trees you couldn't you couldn't put three people together these big huge ash trees is horrible but the scene from the ash tree when I went down to the creek it's covered with ash trees and in my in my shrubs underneath all my mulch here comes ash trees down by the barn where I got concrete her sash trees coming out the corners Satan really don't care about Tommy Bates right now as much as he did but one thing he hates what am I gonna put in the seed is he gonna leave any seed that's you I'm gonna tell you something if you ever learn anything you need to learn to get in that green pasture your strength is not anything else but in Jesus Jesus Jesus and more Jesus you don't have to look out there girls to be satisfied by another male or a woman you don't have to you don't have to be confused you don't need to be confused I want every parent and preacher and teacher come on let's get behind these kids we're not gonna stay long here tonight everybody's wore out that's fine but we are gonna ask God to do something in this altar service for these young people I was 16 years old when God got ahold of me I went through my junior year in my senior year I went through four years of college I taught three and a half years of college I've went through my teens my 20s my 30s my 40s my 50s and now I'm 63 and my sixties somebody said how'd you make it I've lived in that green pasture when I get home from school at 16 years old I'd go the refrigerator and make me a big sandwich like old boys do as five eleven and a half over a hundred and thirty-eight pounds I wore 2833 britches I get me a big glass of sweet tea and squeeze the lemon in it I'd eat my sandwich drink my tea that was before supper that was just a snack then I'd walk out the back yard I climb over that fence there's a big old wide creek oh is why does one of these sections I'd start walking in that Creek no cell phone no text message no FaceTime no computer just me and a creek creek bed I see red-tail Hawks flying through the trees would start hovering over that Creek and get dark when I got way back in the woods nest I'd walk a creaky on de raha Rakesh a low moan do cardio Prakash nickimja no Motegi a lotta no and a party chakra c'mon dilemma Brock Elam Oceania elata Swanson Anja young people call a prayer meeting and they put music so loud they can't hear anything and they rock back and forth and to the rhythm of the music they get a feeling but never eat of the green pasture you can get that feeling but when that feeling is over you'll still jump into bed with your girlfriend and if you get your back pushed up against the wall you'll still smoke a joint and you can walk out of that atmosphere and walk into a cinnamon watch people using the f-word naked bodies and sexual acts in front of you you still have people sending you text messages listen you're young you won't believe what's going on out there you still have the people sending their their naked bodies to you on their sex and you send in yours yeah doing the same thing because all you've done is turned up the music real loud and rocked back and forth to the rhythm you walked in something that looked like green pastures but you never took a bite you hear me you need to turn that cell phone off turn that FaceTime off get that computer off and if your parents don't do it don't worry about it your parents for the most part don't know how to do it in the first place because they've set on the Pew too long but you can't afford to do it hell wants to kill you wants to steal you and wants to destroy you once your body to be eaten up with AIDS wants to put you in a sexual relationship with some girl or some boy boy boy girl girl he wants to get you so mixed up you don't even know who you are till one day you find yourself in a room somewhere and you're sticking a needle in your arm or you're sticking a gun to your head because you feel so unworthy and no-good you don't know why but yet you can go to church and be bought back and forth you hear me I thank God for all the stuff we have in church but I'm telling you one thing you better get in there were green pastures now yourself I'm here I'm here tonight not because of anybody I'm here tonight because I had to learn a long time ago everything I need is in that green pasture I would spend an hour maybe two hours back in that field just walkin praying in other tongues the Spirit of God spoke to me through prophesies now father in the name of Jesus as I walk in front of these young people God these young people that hell wants to destroy he wants to mess up their minds many of them have never had a green pasture experience they have no idea what it's like to have the touch of heaven to function and operate through them they've been abandoned by men fathers that have left them mothers that have left him some of them have been sexually abused already some of them have been so sexually confused already but I announced to the kingdom of darkness I'm going home in the morning back to Kentucky but I want you to listen devil before I leave you're gonna raise up some of these young people they're gonna go into green pastures and God's gonna show them how to survive without anything but you Jesus anything but you anything but you everybody stretch your hands this way father in the name of Jesus come on you young people just close your eyes let your hands you that adults want to move around and pray begin to pray some of them don't know how to pray they don't even know what to say they only know what prayer is in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus let the good shepherd take these sheep Chandler just start moving around praying for these young people channel you you know how to pray get these young people don't know how to pray you pastors that know how to pray and people that know how to get a hold of God find somebody that don't find somebody's having a difficult time find somebody just stare and they're looking in space and don't have a slightest idea what to do and begin to say god bless open up their eyes open up their eyes in the name of Jesus proceed I might who I used to be as hi every T [Music] she said be free [Applause] [Music] come on sing it so I save on these heavy chains restrained the sauna what sir glad you're a dear tonight Caesar pretty [Applause] please heavy shave call please have the Train slow Oh I don't have to be the whole man inside of me oh but these kids they've got a new the same Oh pretty she said [Applause] so I'll shake all these heavy chains away [Music] sake all these heavy Tait wipe away everything testimony [Applause] who seems like all I could see was a struggle oh the curse is lifting your past [Music] tonight you might be powder gonna recycle of home your failures you may be looking up saying I want your South Caucasus total ass oh but I like this variety lord I hear you whisper sound live chopping or head kisara man turn to me every team say God please let me change per se call please have a treat by the way [Music] you gotta shake it up tonight shake all these levitate ever say shake it off shake all these heavy chains wipe away same Oh [Music] set me free [Music] please [Music] every [Music] three [Applause] [Music] [Music] this generation is the very dramatic demonstrative generation now he's singing a song I'm old but I'm gonna join in with you I want you to shake off those whatever he's saying shake all of those heavy chains shake off those heavy chains away every stone but I'm gonna get in on it you're young you're demonstrative you are a people of passion put your passion in it come on before we leave here let's let let let's let the realm of the spirit know we're free tonight singing shake all these heavy these days everything these days wipe away [Music] me three shake off these heavy chains proper way to get changed by the shake all these heavy chains away every straight hallelujah I'm free [Music] free are you free yes how do you know that you're free I'm free to lift my hand free to shout its leg free to walk in the spirit freeze to walk for God free to work for God free nothing can hold me back nothing can stop me now I'm free [Music] let the people of the Lord clap your hands come on clap your hands [Music] and the church set [Music] had the church set [Music] pots all set [Music] [Music] yeah [Music] Phaistos thank you yeah [Music] put your hands together and bless the name of the law [Music] a little talk with Jesus makes it now let us have a little talk with Jesus let us tell about the trouble he were here [Music] all right just a little talk with Jesus makes your eyes you will note that the power is burning you will find a little talk with Jesus all right just a little talk with Jesus makes it right and just a little aqua cheetah makes me whoa [Music] Jesus did not ready for that Jesus kicked us ready for that day Jesus Kipnis will be just Jesus did not really for that cried what Jesus get not ready for that prayer tell me [Music] we'll be seen all bad will be seen on that crash [Music] [Music] for that pray Jesus give not ready for that I'll be human for to say all the lame will be walking on that crate [Applause] we'll be walking on that grave we'll be walking on that gravity well [Music] before [Music] Oh oh the blind will be seeing on that pretty the lame will be running all my prey Jesus getting us ready for that great I'll be ready [Music] Jesus tell me you to say [Music] we'll be running on that gray we'll be seen on that baby is a Jesus getting us ready for that a sign Jesus getting us ready for that great Jesus Jesus getting us ready for pray would treat us kidding us ready testifies your time to Tessa I'm Barnaby right wanna be scared not Jesus getting us ready for that [Music] for that tell me [Music] there is power power wonder-working power there is power power in the blood power power wonder-working power in the precious you gotta move you gotta move you gotta move you gotta move kids ready you gotta move you gotta move you gotta move you gotta move you gotta move [Music] you gotta move you gotta move you gotta move get ready you gotta move Paula Silas they were thrown in jail they had nobody to go there but with the Lord God ready they had to move you gotta move you gotta move you gotta move you gotta move the Lord gets ready you gotta move you gotta you gotta move you may be rich you may be part [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Wow [Music] jeez all that forget what you've done for me forget how do you set me free she forgets how you forgot glory glory glory somebody call me call me call me somebody love me call me glory somebody touch me while I was clapping somebody that's why I was clapping somebody touched me happy somebody it was somebody [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] somebody no it was a head [Music] was me somebody touched me while I was her mean somebody touched me while I was her me touch me [Music] the I was pretty touched me [Music] somebody but sharpie [Music] because for me [Music] holy cows fire move on me [Music] if you want some miracle getting what you want if you are to marry color you want a miracle watch your world Jesus all amazed why don't you call him up call him up tell me what you want call quality not tell me what you [Music] Jesus Jesus on the main line tell me what your were Jesus on the main line Jesus Alma may not get it but you go Jesus called me call them up tell me what you saw [Music] Wow [Music] come on just stick your hands in here I want you to say Jesus save us old song whoa it is Jesus can they change key precious masters to get my soul Kimmo pissed on and precious blood can we sing it's a which is Jesus sweet Jesus precious master [Music] in my soul [Music] and his [Music] and whoa it is Jesus everybody sing it this jeez I feel this glorious God [Music] oh it is Jesus I feel his glory holy his keys his powerful hand extended [Music] he's gone is [Music] oh geez now [Music] give him a ten-second sustain way hello I'm gonna give him hush taboc not gonna give him a towel down you can't play [Music] praise and hello the name of the law well I think we've had church do I have a witness two witnesses three witnesses four witnesses five witnesses six seven I think I think we've had camp meeting [Music] I really believe were rebuilding Pentecost I believe the best is yet to come so when you leave here tonight you just tell somebody somebody needs to hear that the last word they need to hear from this meeting is this the best is yet to come tell four or five people that before you leave here and we'll see you real soon there's going to be a meeting in the air soon and very soon we're gonna go see the king hallelujah and soon and very soon we are going to see the king soon very soon [Music] [Music] we are going to see the key no time
Channel: LCC Services
Views: 3,575
Rating: 4.8620691 out of 5
Id: s977yioU6fY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 178min 46sec (10726 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 30 2019
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